irclog2html for #brlcad on 20061031

08:23.00 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
11:50.03 clock_ What does the "overlap" message mean?
11:50.14 clock_ Does it indicate any harmful effect?
13:56.01 brlcad it's a modelling error that would mean something bad if you were performing an analysis
13:56.10 brlcad but is mostly harmless for ray-tracing
13:56.17 ``Erik it means two different pieces of solid geometry exist at te same point in space
13:56.31 ``Erik brlcad, you making it down this week?
13:56.43 brlcad you can use rt -R to quell the overlap reporting
13:56.52 brlcad ``Erik: probably later in the week
13:57.01 brlcad like maybe tomorrow and thurs
13:57.04 brlcad or thurs/fri
13:57.05 ``Erik ok, have you looked at the schedule?
13:57.08 brlcad have to check out the schedule
13:57.12 brlcad nope, not yet
13:57.15 ``Erik <-- off tomorrow, will be down here thurs&fri
13:57.38 ``Erik I have the dead tree and a dvd, if you want a paper, I can send you the data off the dvd and you can review it
13:57.42 ``Erik see if it's worth coming down for
13:59.38 brlcad you can upload the dvd and i'll take a peek, otherwise I was just going to check the schedule that's on-line and flip a coin
14:00.23 ``Erik from looking at the schedule, some of the best stuff seems frontloaded in the week :/
14:00.32 ``Erik when I get home, I'll dig up the dvd and see about making it available to you
14:01.08 ``Erik if I remember O:-)
14:01.43 brlcad heh aiight
14:04.49 clock_ brlcad: what is the general rule to follow to avoid overlaps?
14:05.07 clock_ And what actually is the overlap?
14:05.21 clock_ What is overlapping what?
14:07.07 brlcad clock_: as erik mentioned, it means you have two objects physically overlapping in space
14:07.43 brlcad when you make something a region, that marks it as a real physical object as opposed to just a shape
14:08.46 brlcad say you make a tire (region A) and an axel (region B) and don't line up the axel correctly in the center of the wheel such that it overlaps
14:09.07 clock_ how do I tell if something is a region or not?
14:09.08 brlcad that's an example, it's something physically inaccurate
14:09.48 brlcad the overlap message spewing out at you will report which two regions are involved
14:09.52 clock_ I have no regions in my model. Everything ist just combination
14:09.57 clock_ So there are no regions that could overlap
14:10.15 brlcad you can check if something is a region by looking at the combination and seeing if the region bit is set (combination editor, l command, db get command, other ways)
14:11.44 brlcad keeping track of regions/parts is the subtle difference between solid modeling (where it is very important for analysis) and generic modeling (where it never matters)
14:12.01 clock_ Well I just did red <the toplevel thing> and it say region:No
14:12.36 clock_
14:12.38 brlcad that would be to edit the region, l is more simple
14:13.10 ``Erik hm, maybe we need a "what is an overlap" faq type thing
14:13.59 brlcad yeah, I'd started on a diagram that attempts to explain regions/parts/assemblies/etc some of the confusion is just in the generic terminology
14:14.02 ``Erik like, make an example of having two balls, if you push them together, they stop when they collide, so if you define them so they overlap, it's physically impossible and you'd have to do a union if you want that kinda overlap with some sense of reality
14:14.10 brlcad i remember having a heck of a time getting what a region was
14:14.23 ``Erik well, yeah, but you're slow ;) *duck*
14:14.37 clock_ brlcad: can a combination contain regions?
14:14.44 clock_ And if yes, is it a correct practice?
14:14.58 clock_ Will mged segfault on combination containing regions?
14:15.32 brlcad yes it can and yes it's correct practice
14:15.45 clock_ is solidworks free software?
14:15.50 archivist no
14:16.03 brlcad a combination that contains regions is a "group" (hence the g command and family) or an "assembly" in other parlance
14:16.13 clock_ can a group contain non-regions?
14:16.24 brlcad archivist: ah, good idea
14:16.31 clock_ does region and combination differ only by the region flag and material settings?
14:16.37 clock_ Can a combination have material settings?
14:16.49 brlcad clock_: run "rtcheck" and it'll highlight and report on the overlaps
14:16.53 clock_ If yes, are the material settings of a combination always ignored?
14:17.20 clock_ I think BRL-CAD needs instructions like the Ronja website is
14:17.37 clock_ The PDF is lengthy to read and I forget the beginning when I get to the end
14:17.44 clock_ with examples
14:17.46 brlcad the material settings that you're probably referring to are just optical material settings
14:18.00 clock_ You can copy my web framework to automatically generate web output for .g models
14:18.14 brlcad the optical material settings can be applied to any object and there's an override, but is irrelevant to overlaps
14:18.39 brlcad a group can contain non-regions too -- that's still an assembly
14:18.48 clock_ is group just a special case of something where all operations are union?
14:18.53 clock_ If yes, special case of what is it?
14:19.28 brlcad yes it is, a special case of a combination where all operations are a union
14:20.03 ``Erik there's a quick&dirty howto mged thingy, uh, building a birdhouse or something, have you seen that?
14:20.11 brlcad generally refers to a combination above the region level (i.e. assemblies) though it can be used even to group things below it as well
14:23.31 brlcad clock_: there's tons of help that is needed on the "learn how to model with mged" front .. it actually is quite powerful even with the unforgiving interface but is incredibly poorly documented
14:24.02 brlcad that's why I started with the command reference at least, then next is a few requisite diagrams, then perhaps a few simple tutorials
14:24.24 brlcad any help is more than welcome ;)
14:24.31 brlcad not short on ideas, just on ....
15:30.16 Maloeran So you are skipping tomorrow, ``Erik? I really don't see what I am doing here, this has very little to do with what I'm doing or will be doing in the close future
15:30.46 Maloeran So I just code and run out of laptop battery constantly. I should have bought a couple backups
15:37.56 clock_ brlcad: is group the same as combination made just from unions?
15:38.45 brlcad clock_: yes
15:39.08 brlcad merely to maintain one consistent CSG hierarchy
15:39.17 brlcad with only three operators
15:39.38 brlcad otherwise another operator would designate the same end effect of having a collection
15:39.52 clock_ brlcad: should I group primitives into combinations and then make mutually nonoverlapping regions from these combinations and then group the regions using the group command?
15:40.27 clock_ once I enter the group command there is no way how to tell if the combination was created using "g" or "c"?
15:43.51 brlcad clock_: okay, i looked at your geometry and see the problem
15:44.09 brlcad your CSG is technically fine other than you haven't specified *any* regions
15:44.10 clock_ what is the problem?
15:44.29 clock_ where it is written that you have to specify at least one region?
15:45.15 brlcad like I mentioned earlier, that gets into something completely fundamental about how to construct proper solid geometry hierarchies if you want to represent something physical
15:45.23 brlcad the distinction between a shape and a solid
15:45.41 brlcad you've described the shapes, but not "made anything" yet
15:45.48 clock_ so shape is something in the constructer's head and solid is something that is lying on the table, right?
15:45.54 brlcad it's covered in the big mged guide over many lessons
15:45.56 clock_ But why does it raytrace?
15:46.17 clock_ Yeah but I need something if I have a question then be able to find it in the guide in 3 seconds
15:46.26 clock_ and not need to read it once more again
15:46.34 brlcad right, you got the basic idea .. the shape is like a 3d blueprint
15:46.52 clock_ If I have an overlap is it going to count that iron twice?
15:46.59 brlcad it ray-traces just because what else is it going to do.. it could abort, and that'd be incredibly frustrating
15:47.09 clock_ aha OK
15:47.31 brlcad what is happening since you don't have any regions, it's just considering it a default hierarchy
15:47.38 clock_ Like the weight would show more kilograms because some parts would be made from a double-density iron?
15:47.48 brlcad with the leaves/primitives being considered as regions
15:48.00 brlcad so in sym.c for example, you have primitives that "overlap"
15:48.01 brlcad and it reports them as such
15:48.06 clock_ aha
15:48.10 brlcad when they clearly are intended to be that way
15:48.24 clock_ Does it also report the hole that is considered a region that it overlaps the plate from which it is cut out?
15:48.30 brlcad it's just that sym.c should probably be a region, or create a sym.r region that just has sym.c in it
15:48.35 brlcad and the overlaps will disappear
15:48.41 clock_ or steel.r that has tetrax in it
15:48.51 clock_ and then say that steel.r has a colour and density of steel
15:49.15 brlcad a "hole" wouldn't be a region
15:49.16 clock_ is it correct to make region according to material from which they are made?
15:49.28 brlcad yes!
15:49.32 clock_ why not? The hole is a solid (rcc) and you said that by default all solids are a region
15:49.46 clock_ can you make a region which is half plastic and half steel?
15:50.10 brlcad the material type is usually a great delimination for regions.. if it's all one contiguous piece of metal (whether welded or not), then it would probably be good as a region
15:50.31 clock_ can a region be noncontiguous?
15:50.44 brlcad yes and no
15:50.48 clock_ when no?
15:50.57 brlcad inherintly, it just has one material identifier per region
15:51.10 brlcad you can tag alternates but nothing in brl-cad is going to recognize what is implied
15:51.27 brlcad for the purpose of computing weights and mass, for example, it just needs to know the density
15:51.31 clock_ I don't get it. If I make a region that is noncontiguous, is it going to screw up?
15:51.31 brlcad which is tied to that material type
15:51.49 clock_ will it say weird messages, return bullshit on weight calculations or segfault?
15:51.53 brlcad depends what you mean by "make a region that is noncontinugous"
15:52.05 clock_ I mean take two spheres with a gap in between them
15:52.05 brlcad mged won't let you technically speaking
15:52.11 clock_ and them make a region by unioning them
15:52.11 brlcad ok
15:52.17 clock_ and saying the region is made of steel
15:52.23 brlcad ok
15:52.27 clock_ is it legal?
15:52.32 brlcad so far, yes
15:52.43 clock_ can I run into problems with this approach?
15:53.24 brlcad so consider that example, sph1, sph2 .. unioned together in reg.r with reg.r having a material ID set (1 for steel)
15:53.57 brlcad you'll run into a problem if you later union that reg.r into some other reg2.r region
15:54.13 brlcad you're not supposed to do that
15:54.18 clock_ what kind of problem is it going to be?
15:54.40 brlcad mged will let you, but it's potential for overlaps and inconsistent geometry
15:54.44 clock_ is it legal to make a region from primitives and not from cobinations?
15:55.01 brlcad if you walk down the CSG hierarchy, there should always be one and only one region encountered
15:55.04 clock_ What is inconsistent geomerty?
15:55.07 brlcad along any path
15:55.12 clock_ aha
15:55.53 clock_ can I make a region and then group the region and it's mirror into a group?
15:56.01 brlcad sure
15:56.01 clock_ So I duplicate it by reference?
15:56.05 brlcad just don't make the group a region
15:56.14 clock_ How can I do this without manually editing the matrix?
15:56.41 clock_ I always do it using vi
15:56.48 clock_ 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 :)
15:56.53 brlcad heh
15:57.24 clock_ and is it legal to include copies by reference?
15:57.41 brlcad the easiest is to model in localized coordiates, in some quadrant, and then mirror about an axis
15:57.54 clock_ Is Survice going to go out of job when someone writes instructions so that's why there are no instructions?
15:58.06 clock_ What is localized coordinates?
15:58.19 brlcad heh, no, survice is quite set and sound in their business
15:58.27 brlcad they don't make money on the training, it's a wash
15:58.42 clock_ Let's say I do in part1.s rpp 0 10 0 10 0 10
15:58.56 clock_ now I want parts.c to be part1.s and part.s mirrored by y axis
15:59.12 clock_ how do I do this point-and-click, without firing the text editor on the matrices?
15:59.28 brlcad mirror part1.s part.s y
15:59.41 brlcad c parts.c u part1.s u part.s
15:59.45 clock_ but that is not by reference
15:59.57 clock_ if I change part1.s I want both copies to change not just on
15:59.58 clock_ one
16:00.18 brlcad hm, true
16:00.29 clock_ how do I do this by reference without text editor?
16:00.32 brlcad need a layer in between
16:00.40 clock_ In text editor it's mentally strenuous
16:00.51 brlcad instead of working on the primitive, put the primitive into a comb, mirror the comb
16:01.27 clock_ when I change an element of the comb then, it's going to reflect even in the second copy?
16:02.20 clock_ but if I move the element by matrix edit, it will behave as copy by value and if in prim selection as copy by reference, right?
16:02.52 clock_ answer in sequence :)
16:03.56 brlcad if you have a comb that includes two mirrored objects left.c and right.c and each of those refer to the same side.c, then yes if you modify side.c, it'll update both -- if you edit left.c or right.c, however, it'll only apply to that side
16:04.35 clock_ can I align objects in mged
16:04.42 brlcad which is to say that if you edit the matrix over left.c or right.c, yes it'll only apply to them .. but if you modify a matrix in side.c, it'll change both
16:04.56 clock_ for example say this sphere should touch this cube in the middle of it's face?
16:05.06 brlcad alignment is done manually or via assistance with the ADC
16:05.23 clock_ what is ADC?
16:05.29 brlcad the angle distance cursor
16:05.45 clock_ it's some kind of 8-way cross isn't it?
16:06.01 brlcad yep, hit "a" in the graphics window
16:06.16 clock_ how do I use it to get a precise alignment?
16:06.24 brlcad explaining how it works is more easily dont with tutorials with the ADC :)
16:06.25 clock_ Does it some kind of snap capability?
16:06.54 brlcad no, it won't do the snapping for you
16:07.12 clock_ so it has some imprecision given by the visual display limitation?
16:07.19 brlcad but between that and/or using nirt/rtshot you can get the value
16:07.58 brlcad you're wanting parametrics if I'm not mistaken
16:08.07 clock_ is there a way how to make a hex head or do I need to use a script I wrote?
16:08.19 brlcad trust me that I want them too.. but I want a new modeler environment to use them in too -- mged would be cumbersome with parametrics
16:08.24 clock_ what is a parametric? I know what a parametric modeling is
16:08.43 brlcad parametric modeling uses parametrics
16:08.52 brlcad values that are reliant upon other values
16:09.03 brlcad making stuff "snap" or be automatically aligned"
16:09.04 clock_ aha no
16:09.09 brlcad tied to constraints
16:09.25 clock_ but like in qcad I have point selection where I can opt for automatic snap into line crossing
16:10.01 clock_ or make a line touching two circles
16:10.01 brlcad yep, it's the same thing -- it's just that it only uses the parametric computation to get the value
16:10.43 archivist things like a distance/angle/alignment to a face/line/point/whatever
16:11.29 clock_ what is the extrude thing? Can it extrude from vector data like dxf?
16:11.35 archivist or the spacing is controlled by the item/s in between/outside
16:12.34 clock_ or extrudes only from bitmaps?
16:12.54 brlcad clock_: yes, you provide a sketch primitive and that is extruded to a 3D solid object
16:13.11 clock_ What is a sketch primitive? A bitmap?
16:13.12 brlcad extruding bitmaps is a different primitive (the "ebm")
16:13.35 clock_ Is sketch primitive some kind of sketch I can draw in mged?
16:13.36 brlcad clock_: you have the mged quick ref on hand?
16:13.41 brlcad yes
16:13.42 clock_ no
16:14.07 brlcad
16:14.15 brlcad look at the primitives diagram
16:14.22 brlcad in the middle is a sketch primitive
16:14.27 brlcad vector-based shapes
16:14.33 brlcad above it is that same shape extruded
16:14.57 brlcad if you look at the "BRL-CAD" title in the bottom right, that's an extruded bitmap
16:16.04 brlcad you create sketchs either via import (not sure if dxf fully works) or through the mged sketch editor (which is 'alphaware' and lameish, but usable for simple tasks)
16:16.26 brlcad create a sketch via the edit menu and it'll kick off the sketch editor
16:16.52 brlcad someone was working on making that kick off something like qcad instead of mged's sketch editor, but they never finished.. that would be interesting
16:18.29 clock_ would it be possible to make predefined primitives like a hex or Allen head
16:18.44 clock_ where one would just type the M-size and it would give the head?
16:18.49 clock_ I wrote a C code for that
16:19.00 clock_ I just don't have the standard sizes
16:19.19 clock_ Or also L, I, C etc. sections would be handy.
16:19.51 brlcad sounds like a great little command line tool to include
16:20.28 brlcad you saw the mk_bolt tool yes? something like that could be extensively improved
16:20.35 brlcad starting with something like your C code
16:21.44 clock_ Or a thread primitive too
16:21.54 brlcad indeed
16:22.01 brlcad that'd be a sweep
16:22.05 clock_ primitive -> tool
16:22.31 brlcad a primitive or tool would be good to have
16:22.44 clock_ can a thread be exacly simulated by existing primitives?
16:22.57 brlcad depends on the thread type
16:22.59 clock_ With the metric thread proile?
16:23.13 clock_ The profile is made from circular arcs and lines
16:23.14 brlcad and amount of effort you want, it'd use some complex operations
16:23.32 clock_ onen which could be automated
16:23.33 brlcad if it's a non tapering thread, then it's conceivably doable with the pipe primitive
16:23.56 clock_ I say "Give me Allen head bolt M8x50 with 10mm threadless" and it would do all the tapers and threading :)
16:24.04 brlcad yep
16:24.17 clock_ but is it going to be precise or only an approximation?
16:24.23 brlcad maybe you'll help write a plugin that does exactly that for the new modeler? :)
16:24.38 brlcad it should be precise
16:24.45 clock_ That's great
16:24.54 clock_ but no I am going to tweak capacitors in my Ronja RX
16:24.58 brlcad it really depends on the thread/shaft type
16:24.59 archivist but it also has to do a fusee..... hehe
16:25.06 clock_ yesterday I bent the waves into the right shape a bit
16:25.12 clock_ fusee?
16:26.14 archivist a special type of screw form in a clock
16:29.08 clock_ Hehe invented in 1525 by Jakub Zech in Prague :)
16:29.31 archivist with your nick you should know clock parts. hehe
16:29.53 clock_ no I know just clock signal
16:30.17 clock_ The most reliable thing in a computer system :)
16:30.34 clock_ Clock never makes a mistake
16:32.03 archivist ahem theres been a few "clock" errors eg the y2k and the unix one coming up in a few years
16:32.24 clock_ I mean the clock signal
16:32.38 clock_ that's a repeating square wave. There's really nothing that can go wrong there
16:32.58 archivist skew
16:34.47 clock_ is it possible to autogenerate input for mged so it would construct like from a program?
16:34.56 clock_ Or didn't .g have some text alternative?
17:47.45 brlcad clock_: sure is
17:48.22 brlcad you can script it using mged/tcl commands or in your language of preference to generate a transript that gets fed to mged
17:48.36 brlcad or via a program that creates the transcript or ..
17:48.46 brlcad a program that directly generates the geometry (best option)
17:49.07 brlcad examples in the source distribution, src/proc-db and src/mk among others
18:18.48 clock_ hehe I didn't know there are any examples in the source distribution

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