irclog2html for #brlcad on 20061103

00:07.36 *** join/#brlcad PrezKennedy (
00:44.02 brlcad ed++, sounds like vi
00:44.17 ``Erik heh
00:44.31 ``Erik big ed
00:44.33 ``Erik :)
00:44.35 ``Erik the math guru
00:44.59 brlcad so he's what vi looks like
00:45.06 ``Erik key highway... rough fucking road, horribly rough, I was wincing the whole drive for my poor baby... but far far far faster than 395
00:45.24 ``Erik but in ed's cars, it's probably stomachable
00:45.39 brlcad heh, i'm on that road just about every day to the boathouse
00:45.49 ``Erik which, key, or 395
00:45.52 brlcad you drove by when you passed over the bridge
00:45.54 brlcad key
00:46.03 ``Erik I drove from hyatt to 95
00:46.18 brlcad yep
00:46.22 ``Erik and my stupid nav system wigged and tried claiming I was many miles away and facing a different direction, heh
00:46.25 brlcad that'd be the road
00:46.37 ``Erik so you're not doing the conference, I guess
00:46.42 ``Erik cuz, u, ain't really shit tomorrow
00:46.45 ``Erik it's a half day
00:46.54 brlcad yeah, not going
00:47.03 ``Erik well, if you want ot see the materials, lemme know
00:47.13 brlcad yup
00:48.25 ``Erik a LITTLE bit of good material, mal seems to think the later sessions have been getting more beneficial
00:48.44 ``Erik seing dudes I recognize from siggraph and rt
00:49.51 ``Erik there was a german dude at siggraph05 with a bigassed nosering and I THINK blue hair... he has green hair now
00:50.25 brlcad heh
00:50.35 brlcad the one that works for nvidia?
00:50.41 ``Erik ummmm, not sure
00:51.28 dtidrow_work heh - if so, they probably made him change the hair color to green ;-)
00:51.34 ``Erik hahahaha
00:51.41 ``Erik but he was wearing black, not white...
00:51.52 ``Erik stupid fucking nvidia *shakes fist*
00:51.59 dtidrow_work ???
00:52.05 dtidrow_work better than ati
00:52.26 dtidrow_work at least for non-Windows users
00:52.29 ``Erik (they flew me down for an interview, I was nervous so I didn't eat or sleep for over 24 housr before the interview start... and I blew it, and they didn't hire me... :D so I'm shakin' my fist)
00:52.45 ``Erik in '01
00:52.45 dtidrow_work ah
00:53.02 dtidrow_work they seem to be rather hard up for people now, so try again ;-)
00:53.36 ``Erik most of them were asking how much experience I had in smp driver writing, and all my machines were sp, not mp... I mean, all I had was theory and some userland on a dual fbsd
00:54.02 dtidrow_work ah
00:54.56 dtidrow_work yeah, haven't bothered to try with nvidia, don't have enough raw OpenGL or driver experience for them to be interested
00:55.05 ``Erik <-- was porting their linux driver to fbsd, ran into a wall with ioctl issues (nvidia exploited a 'weirdness' in linux)
00:55.16 ``Erik not a d3d guy, dti? :D
00:55.34 ``Erik they've been cooking in general mb's and audio stuff, too
00:55.54 ``Erik I wouldn't be surprised if they don't start pushing cpu's of some breed soon
00:56.10 ``Erik especially given the recent ati/amd "fusion" chip announcement
00:56.16 dtidrow_work d3d? yeecch
00:56.47 dtidrow_work doesn't do anything useful that OpenGL doesn't also do
00:57.06 ``Erik intel can't get in bed with nvidia like that, though, the 'corporate desktop' is an intel cpu and ati video
00:57.39 dtidrow_work no, it's an intel cpu and integrated video on the intel chipset
00:58.02 ``Erik <-- hardcore fbsd/mac guy, with strong ties to solaris and aix... won't argue with ya on d3d...
00:58.21 ``Erik hum, the corporate desktops I've almost always seen... always had... were dells with intel cpu's and ati video
00:58.34 dtidrow_work not anymore
00:58.49 dtidrow_work at least not integrated on mobo
00:58.55 ``Erik I've been workin' gov't for the last 3 and some change years...
00:59.00 ``Erik so I'm not on the cutting edge anymore
00:59.11 ``Erik we're able to sneak macs in, so I'm happy
00:59.28 ``Erik and so far with the dulls, i've been able to wipe winderz and install some variant of bsd...
00:59.46 dtidrow_work heh, neither am I - this Dell is over four years old now
01:00.02 dtidrow_work though it does only have FC4 on it :-)
01:00.23 ``Erik my impression was taht the i810's and i815's were for lamer home users, and low end radeons were corporate
01:00.36 ``Erik ew, not just linux, but a redhat breed, my condolances
01:00.56 ``Erik if you *HAVE* to use linux, why not debian? or mebe gentoo... haven't tried gentoo...
01:01.18 dtidrow_work because it does what I need it to do, and I'm not an elitist
01:01.21 dtidrow_work :-p
01:01.30 ``Erik ehhehehe
01:01.56 ``Erik ok, I do to much kernel shit, and I come from a security style background... so, uh, no linux... does... what I want...
01:02.57 ``Erik :)
01:18.51 PrezKennedy security is why windows rocks
01:19.01 PrezKennedy sorry... cant say that with a straight face
01:32.25 dtidrow_work rofl
01:33.05 dtidrow_work (just got back to my desk) - PrezKennedy, you owe me a new keyboard ;-)
01:33.30 dtidrow_work unless I can clean the Mt. Dew out of this one...
02:25.17 *** join/#brlcad DarkMaster (
02:48.21 DarkMaster watch out, mountain dew is dangerous
03:40.31 *** join/#brlcad PKMOBILE (
03:50.22 *** join/#brlcad DarkMaster (
06:22.34 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
08:05.42 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
12:52.33 *** join/#brlcad ibot (i=ibot@pdpc/supporter/active/TimRiker/bot/apt)
12:52.33 *** topic/#brlcad is (mirror of, down for 'maintenance') || BRL-CAD is an open source solid modeling software suite || Developers needed! Read the HACKING file for details on getting involved || Release 7.8.4 is posted, next release will be 7.10.0
13:23.58 ``Erik alexis
13:24.01 ``Erik we are here
13:24.17 ``Erik I'm at the round table in the upper lobby
13:25.29 ``Erik lee is looking for you
13:54.50 clock_ brlcad: I sent another hefty segfault into the bug database
13:55.09 clock_ brlcad: did you look into my second report from yesterday where objects were improperly mirrored during editation?
13:58.46 brlcad clock_: yes, I saw them both -- thanks
14:00.39 brlcad it'll take a while to investigate both of them fully, but you did a good bit of the leg worth providing the stack trace
15:01.45 *** join/#brlcad ibot (i=ibot@pdpc/supporter/active/TimRiker/bot/apt)
15:01.45 *** topic/#brlcad is (mirror of, down for 'maintenance') || BRL-CAD is an open source solid modeling software suite || Developers needed! Read the HACKING file for details on getting involved || Release 7.8.4 is posted, next release will be 7.10.0
16:10.38 clock_ brlcad: is there a way when I have a cylinder that was subject to manual extension, rotation and translation, to figure out how tall it is?
16:11.10 clock_ brlcad: I built a truss from 10mm cylinders and now I want to know how long the key pieces are to be able to start welding in the right proportion
17:26.41 brlcad clock_: yes, do an l on the object -- you can get the height by looking at the H magnitude value or computing the distance between V and Top
17:30.37 *** join/#brlcad ibot (
17:30.37 *** topic/#brlcad is (mirror of, down for 'maintenance') || BRL-CAD is an open source solid modeling software suite || Developers needed! Read the HACKING file for details on getting involved || Release 7.8.4 is posted, next release will be 7.10.0
17:31.33 *** join/#brlcad ibot (i=ibot@pdpc/supporter/active/TimRiker/bot/apt)
17:31.34 *** topic/#brlcad is (mirror of, down for 'maintenance') || BRL-CAD is an open source solid modeling software suite || Developers needed! Read the HACKING file for details on getting involved || Release 7.8.4 is posted, next release will be 7.10.0
17:41.08 *** join/#brlcad ibot (
17:41.08 *** topic/#brlcad is (mirror of, down for 'maintenance') || BRL-CAD is an open source solid modeling software suite || Developers needed! Read the HACKING file for details on getting involved || Release 7.8.4 is posted, next release will be 7.10.0
17:49.37 *** join/#brlcad ibot (
17:49.37 *** topic/#brlcad is (mirror of, down for 'maintenance') || BRL-CAD is an open source solid modeling software suite || Developers needed! Read the HACKING file for details on getting involved || Release 7.8.4 is posted, next release will be 7.10.0
18:59.24 *** join/#brlcad ibot (i=ibot@pdpc/supporter/active/TimRiker/bot/apt)
18:59.24 *** topic/#brlcad is (mirror of, down for 'maintenance') || BRL-CAD is an open source solid modeling software suite || Developers needed! Read the HACKING file for details on getting involved || Release 7.8.4 is posted, next release will be 7.10.0
20:19.38 *** join/#brlcad ibot (i=ibot@pdpc/supporter/active/TimRiker/bot/apt)
20:19.39 *** topic/#brlcad is (mirror of, down for 'maintenance') || BRL-CAD is an open source solid modeling software suite || Developers needed! Read the HACKING file for details on getting involved || Release 7.8.4 is posted, next release will be 7.10.0

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.