irclog2html for #brlcad on 20061123

08:21.12 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
09:55.05 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
11:05.47 *** join/#brlcad jpjacobs (
11:06.41 jpjacobs Hi, i made a debian package for brlcad. I have to say, i don't know anything about making packages, the dependancies are not set since i don't know how.
11:07.47 jpjacobs but if anyone is interested anyway, i can upload it. (btw i also made a terminal-wrapper thing that sets the path's right, and should also modify ls-outputhiglighting (but that doesn't really work))
11:08.17 brlcad to the debian package tracker or elsewhere?
11:08.27 brlcad i believe there is a rfp in for one
11:09.09 brlcad otherwise, you can upload it to our anon ftp and I can post it to
11:09.27 brlcad
11:10.12 jpjacobs so it's ok that it's lacking dependancy info, and the brlterm thing isn't 10O% functional?
11:10.40 clock_ tell me why when I stream there is no reply
11:11.51 jpjacobs or anybody knows how i add the dependancies , and anyone want to look at the script?
11:12.18 brlcad brlterm thing?
11:12.33 brlcad clock_: when you stream where/to what?
11:12.46 clock_ I am making jokes out of Roxette
11:12.55 clock_ tell me why when I scream there is no reply
11:13.03 brlcad jpjacobs: alas, I'm only passively familiar with the debian packages.. enough to put them together when I have to but not enough to properly review one
11:13.20 brlcad clock_: ahh
11:13.33 clock_ brlcad: I am thinking about making a complete model of Ronja in BRL-CAD
11:13.34 jpjacobs Well, that's what i called the wrapper-script. It basically sets the right paths, and modifys LSCOLORS to contain entries for *.g and *.pix
11:13.37 clock_ including the lens, heel, etc.
11:13.54 brlcad jpjacobs: ah, okay
11:13.56 clock_ I tried a lens in brl-cad and it really behaves like a lens. It even focuses the light of the light sources
11:14.11 brlcad clock_: that would be awesome
11:14.31 brlcad inclusion-worthy even with the right polish
11:14.34 clock_ brlcad: can I put a point light source into the place of LED and it would make a circle of light on a wall?
11:15.45 brlcad there's a way to add directional lights, and you can always direct an omnidirectional light by modeling the light bulb itself (e.g. putting a lightsource into a hollowed out cylinder)
11:17.16 clock_ brlcad: I welded a truss holder and realized it can play spooky melodies
11:17.26 clock_
11:18.18 brlcad heh
11:18.18 clock_ and even made a Ronja ringtone out of it
11:18.22 clock_
11:18.25 clock_
11:24.22 brlcad nice, pleasant even
11:27.08 clock_ sounds to me like the background from the nightmare in elm street
11:27.10 jpjacobs the .deb is uploading
11:27.29 clock_ brlcad: but BRL-CAD cannot calculate how it's gonna sound, right?
11:27.47 clock_ only how it's gonna look
11:29.20 brlcad you'd have to write a sound simulation
11:29.44 brlcad it can do the wave propagation using the multispectral library
11:29.58 jpjacobs it's there
11:30.05 brlcad but it would still require a lot of good simulation code to properly drive an acoustic simulation
11:30.10 brlcad jpjacobs: okay
11:30.36 clock_ what is wave propagation and multispectral library?
11:30.37 brlcad jpjacobs: thanks! .. it'll be a couple days before it can be processed given the holiday
11:31.25 jpjacobs np... if anyone has any tips on how to make it better, please contact me
11:31.28 brlcad clock_: to calculate "how it's gonna sound" requires simulating sound waves, which is not unlike a light simulation that the ray-tracers perform where light waves are propagated
11:31.51 clock_ brlcad: interesting
11:32.20 brlcad jpjacobs: can I get a real name to properly credit the contribution?
11:33.09 brlcad clock_: there's a multispectral simulation library in brl-cad for simulating different ranges of energies other than the visible light spectrum that liboptical simulates .. sound would qualify as a different spectrum ;)
11:33.25 jpjacobs Jan-Pieter Jacobs.
11:33.45 brlcad thx
11:34.01 jpjacobs np
11:34.13 clock_ brlcad: can it simulate microwave signature of F117?
11:35.46 brlcad yep
11:36.28 brlcad that's sort of the kinds of multispectral simulations it was designed for
11:37.58 clock_ brlcad: the problem of the lens is that it has to be done as an intersection of two huge balls
11:38.14 clock_ it's 13cm in diameter but the surface has curvature radius like 1m or so
11:38.26 clock_ this causes a lot of discarded calculations, doesn't?
11:39.03 brlcad spheres/ellipsoids are *the* fastest objects to evaluate, but yes, mildly discarded for parts
11:39.21 brlcad not something I'd worry about to say the least
11:39.31 clock_ can I speed it up to put it into a box and intersect with the box?
11:39.59 brlcad that wouldn't speed it up
11:40.06 brlcad two spheres will be way faster
11:40.12 clock_ brlcad: can I use it to simulate optical systems?
11:40.21 brlcad you can use an elliptical parabaloid, though
11:40.23 clock_ Like 2 lens and tune it in BRL-CAD and only after try in reality?
11:40.31 brlcad or a hyperboloid if that helps
11:40.48 clock_ brlcad: no the lens has spherical surface, I can't use paraboloid or hyperboloid.
11:40.51 brlcad ehy and epa on the left
11:41.23 brlcad you should be able to make a paraboloid that matches with the right parameters, no?
11:41.50 brlcad or just stick with spheres, they're still more simple
11:41.54 clock_ brlcad: can I make rotational paraboloid?
11:42.04 brlcad rotational?
11:42.15 clock_ brlcad: I mean like a parabolic mirror
11:42.27 clock_ is it a special case of epa?
11:42.42 clock_ like a mirror in flashlight
11:43.16 brlcad two epa's one subtracting from the inside of the other
11:43.33 brlcad offset is your mirror thickness
11:44.12 clock_ aha I thought epa is that it cuts into a parabolic in one axis and ellipsis in the other
11:44.42 clock_ too bad I have little time
11:44.51 clock_ it will take long until I draw the whole Ronja in BRL-CAD :(
11:45.05 clock_ and potatoid is possible too? :)
11:45.27 brlcad now with bigger chunks!
11:45.53 clock_ brlcad: the sketch does it mean I can make 2D blueprints like in Qcad?
11:46.00 clock_ with dimensions etc.?
11:49.16 brlcad it'll make the shapes, but not with dimensions like you're probably thinking
11:49.49 brlcad it's rather basic 2D editing frankly, not recommended for anything except basic shapes for extrusion
11:50.34 brlcad someone was looking into actually invoking qcad for the sketch editor and doing a transparent passthrough between the two apps but they didn't finish afaik
11:50.44 clock_ can the sketch import DXF drawing?
11:51.12 brlcad hmm
11:51.59 brlcad not easily, technically, it'd be a pretty trivial modification to make but currently the dxf importer brings drawings in as 2D wireframe objects
11:53.38 clock_ what can I do with 2D wireframe objects?
11:56.35 brlcad view them
11:57.04 brlcad support for 2D stuff in general is entirely lacking if you hadn't noticed.. we're solid modeling, not drafting
11:57.29 brlcad the fact that it even lets you bring them in is a little "insulting"
12:00.50 clock_ imagine the following task
12:01.02 clock_ you want to make a hole in a steel plate 20cm in diameter
12:01.11 clock_ but you only have 6mm drill.
12:01.31 clock_ in qcad I draw a 20cm circle and then draw 6mm circles one always in the previous intersection
12:01.38 clock_ that takes me like 2 minutes.
12:01.47 clock_ I can't imagine how to do this in BRL-CAD
12:02.57 brlcad because that's a rather 2d-centric task to start with perhaps, at least you have a 2d solution in mind
12:03.10 brlcad for solid modeling, there is no such direct translation, you work entirely in 3d
12:03.21 brlcad so you'd make cynlinders instead of circles
12:03.30 brlcad but otherwise, not much different
12:03.50 brlcad and it'd take me like 2 minutes for that particular thing too
12:04.40 clock_ but they wouldn't touch precisely, would they?
12:04.49 brlcad what wouldn't?
12:05.31 brlcad the cylinders? sure, why not? they'll be whatever you make them be numerically
12:06.01 brlcad no more or less aligned than specifying circles
12:06.19 brlcad the only difference there is 2d description vs a 3d one
13:25.02 clock_ brlcad: you would have to calculate the parameters of the cylinders externally
13:25.14 clock_ you would have to write a program for that. That's not in 2 minutes.
15:28.04 Maloeran Hiding in one's natural environment :

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