irclog2html for #brlcad on 20061124

06:33.49 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
08:16.46 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
15:26.27 *** join/#brlcad elite01 (
15:26.59 elite01 hi - is brlcad easy to get into?
15:29.47 clock_ yes
15:30.13 elite01 and how long does it take to build? (pentium 4 at 3.4GHz)
15:30.14 clock_ there is a howto for starters
15:30.19 clock_ not much long
15:30.19 Maloeran I think that depends what you are used to
15:30.22 clock_ like ordinary program
15:30.34 elite01 nice, thanks
15:39.11 clock_ elite01: brl-cad is no problem to use. It's not like the modern bloatware with million dependencies on widget toolkits, java, xml parsers etc.
15:39.24 clock_ and if you don't have the secret magical combination of version numbers it explodes
15:39.34 clock_ you just download brl-cad, compile, install here you go
15:40.13 elite01 yes just did make install
15:40.22 elite01 (well it's *still* running)
15:48.51 elite01 can one also model/simulate lenses and other optical stuff?
15:48.59 clock_ elite01: yes
15:49.03 elite01 very nice :)
15:49.08 clock_ elite01: I tried and it worked
16:57.05 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
17:10.38 elite01 in mged - i hat b and now stuff is spinning... how do i fix that? :)
17:12.01 elite01 ah got it
17:17.43 clock_ elite01: stop smoking the weed
17:17.55 clock_ elite01: then the stuff will stop spinning
17:18.49 elite01 hehe :)
17:48.43 elite01 now, i've got a small object which i can't see even if i zoom in - but the raytracer draws it
17:50.03 clock_ elite01: try to turn off z clipping
17:52.54 elite01 still not showing up
18:04.22 clock_ try restarting BRL-CAD
18:04.34 clock_ if that doesn't help, restart your PC
18:21.13 elite01 now, soudns like a windows trick, that one :)
18:22.37 elite01 still, restarting brl-cad did the trick - well nearly... i can see half of the cube
18:52.30 ``Erik 'half'?
18:53.18 ``Erik and jerkcity is awesome :D very twisted
18:53.36 ``Erik
18:53.49 ``Erik
18:53.51 ``Erik brilliant :D
18:56.15 ``Erik damnit
18:56.42 ``Erik alias sl=ls
18:56.43 ``Erik o.O
19:02.11 Maloeran I _really_ don't get the humor, ``Erik :), I tried to understand
19:25.32 *** join/#brlcad SWPadnos (
19:26.57 Maloeran Oh, that one actually makes sense :
19:41.51 Maloeran This is horrible. Litvinenko was found to be poisoned with ingested radioactive plutonium, yet Putin claims there's no evidence his death was unnatural, and main russian medias still haven't said a word on the matter
19:43.14 Maloeran I didn't realize Russia's socio-political climate was so... sick
21:17.49 ``Erik ls
21:58.09 ``Erik heh
21:58.14 ``Erik rm -rf archivist
21:58.15 ``Erik :D
21:58.46 archivist my bot pretends to lose its data with rm -rf
21:59.30 archivist its playing with the users
22:00.17 ``Erik heh, make it roundrobin kb with the kick message "I DON'T KNOW YOU!"
22:00.18 ``Erik :D
22:00.44 ``Erik (and everyone gets to laugh when it kickbans itself, heh)
22:00.45 ``Erik :D
22:01.04 archivist kickban not implemented
22:01.24 archivist mainly used for man pages and factoids
22:01.55 archivist but with the right factoids one can fool a few users
22:04.41 ``Erik <-- prefers seeting up webpages for that to avoid channel clutter
22:04.47 ``Erik I like my bots as silent as possible
22:05.38 ``Erik is one o fthe pages I made for a chanenl (I wrote the php/sql and a program to snarf the original file, the content is mostly brink and roads)
22:07.51 archivist my fun for the mysql bot was writing the xml reader
22:13.19 ``Erik didn't use a lib?
22:16.41 archivist did it using php, the xml has display crap I have to ignore mixed in, just picking titles, paragraph headings and index terms
22:17.03 archivist it uses the xml parser that php has
23:52.43 *** join/#brlcad Twingy (n=justin@

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.