irclog2html for #brlcad on 20061126

06:12.01 *** join/#brlcad archivist (n=archivis@ [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
06:13.03 *** join/#brlcad SWPadnos (n=Me@ [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
06:13.04 *** join/#brlcad CIA-5 ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
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06:50.37 *** join/#brlcad ibot_ (i=ibot@pdpc/supporter/active/TimRiker/bot/apt)
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09:20.59 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
14:50.43 ``Erik
14:58.41 Maloeran Still no support from youtube for non-flash platforms and people, meh
14:59.55 brlcad heh, quite a disjoint defensive talker there
15:01.34 ``Erik it'd be rough for ya anyways, mal... norweigan with fairly literal (or poorly done) english subtitles
15:09.09 Maloeran Do you know any GCC intrinsics or pthread-level mechanisms to expose 'lock cmpxchg' or 'lock xadd' instructions? Of course that wouldn't be portable, but much faster than mutexes if appropriate and available
15:42.01 *** join/#brlcad Twingy (n=justin@
16:40.11 Maloeran Oh, cool thing. Erik, are you able to check on some non-ia32/amd64 box what you got in /usr/include/asm/atomic.h ?
16:43.47 ``Erik erikg@ti ~$ uname -p ; ls -ld /usr/include/asm
16:43.47 ``Erik powerpc
16:43.47 ``Erik ls: /usr/include/asm: No such file or directory
16:44.18 Maloeran Okay, the stuff is not portable. Thanks
16:46.31 brlcad quite.. i think that's linux-only no?
16:48.11 Maloeran Probably so, I really don't know much of OSX
16:48.48 Maloeran I was wondering if there could be some equivalent functionalities exposed there, even if different
16:49.02 brlcad os x provides similar goo in /usr/include/libkern/OSAtomic.h
16:49.08 brlcad i think bsd provides something like /usr/include/machine/atomic.h
16:49.52 Maloeran Ah I see. Thanks
16:49.53 ``Erik erik@fenris /usr/include$ uname -ps ; find . -name atomic.h
16:49.53 ``Erik FreeBSD i386
16:49.53 ``Erik ./machine/atomic.h
16:50.27 brlcad they are pretty similar -- how to perform various operations atomic, various math ops and get/set ops
16:52.20 brlcad if anything, dual boot solaris or something.. that's almost guaranteed to break something usually :)
16:52.32 brlcad oozes system V-ness
16:53.41 brlcad none of that wacky bsd 4.3 standardification crap ;)
16:53.42 ``Erik heh
16:54.00 ``Erik does solaris10 have an amd64 variant?
16:54.20 brlcad sun ships one, so I'd hope so
16:54.47 brlcad but dunno
16:56.11 Maloeran Erik, I would be pleased to replace my desktop but any other architecture than amd64 is overpriced for the processing power you get. Trying out Solaris sounds good though
16:58.30 brlcad a bsd might get you more bang for the buck as it's easier to get up and running and is at least a little bit different than linux
16:58.43 brlcad or both!
17:00.05 Maloeran Right, I played with fbsd in the past although I couldn't even manage to install it on the laptop
17:02.01 Maloeran It apparently detected the disk geometry wrong, but didn't realize that and tried copying files ( and failing ) until the installation was "complete" *cough*
17:03.25 ``Erik I d'no if solaris 10 is really lagging... 8 was a bit archaic, yeah...
17:03.41 ``Erik but 10 has a lot of stuff that many others are playing catch-up to
17:03.45 ``Erik apparently
17:04.16 ``Erik and that problem still boggles me, mal... we didn't get around to trying it when you were here for vis, tho :/
17:05.18 brlcad lagging in userland tools, not the kernel and architecture itself
17:06.27 ``Erik hrm
17:06.36 ``Erik first thing I tend to do on a sun box is start populating /usr/gnu
17:06.41 ``Erik cuz I'm lame
17:06.55 brlcad that's cheating :)
17:07.14 ``Erik yeah
17:07.15 ``Erik I suck
17:07.31 brlcad some of their tools are often a better approach.. but they just lack features overall
17:08.27 ``Erik heh, they're different
17:08.36 ``Erik I was heavy into solaris back at fedex
17:08.46 ``Erik but *shrug* before and after, I'm a bsd guy
17:10.16 brlcad bsd approach is usually simple and powerful, a little more carefully chosen than the linux kitchen sink approach (as a broad stereotyping statement of course, exeptions to both)
17:11.17 ``Erik fbsd has had fits of kluge... but there's been a heavy effort to clean house lately
17:11.29 ``Erik like a couple years ago, perl was removed from the base system (yay!)
17:17.15 brlcad nifty
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21:08.16 *** join/#brlcad docelic (
23:21.48 *** join/#brlcad Maloeran (n=maloeran@

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