irclog2html for #brlcad on 20061128

00:53.39 Twingy yay, phone battery arrived
00:53.43 Twingy phone_life += 2
00:54.11 ``Erik +=, not *= ?
00:54.13 brlcad twingy wears a +2 ring of regeneration you say?
00:56.46 Twingy in this case += == *=
00:57.37 ``Erik heh
01:09.35 ``Erik heh
01:52.52 *** join/#brlcad IriX64 (
02:38.58 Maloeran That immigration visa questionaire is amusing, with questions asking for example if I have ordered or organized genocide, or practiced polygamy
02:39.21 Maloeran Or if I was part of the Nazi german government between 1933 and 1945, nice one!
02:39.32 ``Erik well, bear in mind
02:39.37 ``Erik if you aren't moving to utah
02:39.54 ``Erik than polygamy is worse than genocide
02:40.06 ``Erik and premarital sex is absolutely horrible
02:40.36 Maloeran Eheh, absolutely
02:40.47 Maloeran Another nice one : "Have you ever, in or outside of the U.S. knowingly committed a crime for which you have not been arrested ?"
02:41.12 Maloeran I would be curious to know what percentage of people really answers Yes to that one
02:50.22 Twingy none that I'm willing to admit :)
03:05.39 ``Erik download of whats?
03:05.43 ``Erik O:-)
03:09.26 Twingy uh oh, bad internet connection or feds are after me
03:12.43 ``Erik hah
06:41.28 *** join/#brlcad SWPadnos (n=Me@emc/developer/SWPadnos) [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
06:41.28 *** join/#brlcad Maloeran (n=maloeran@ [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
06:41.28 *** join/#brlcad CIA-5 (
08:26.38 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
11:18.36 *** join/#brlcad tofu (
11:20.29 *** mode/#brlcad [+o brlcad] by ChanServ
11:22.47 *** join/#brlcad docelic (
12:55.07 *** join/#brlcad docelic (
13:37.47 *** join/#brlcad docelic (
14:51.39 Maloeran Masters of automake, Erik or brlcad, what do you recommend for a way to compile and link in a .s file if and only if on ia32?
14:51.55 Maloeran I need a assembly hack to align the stack of threads on 16 bytes
15:59.26 Maloeran Ah nevermind, I'll just do the thing in inline assembly
16:14.46 brlcad add an AM_CONDITIONAL into that defines some symbol true when on ia32, you then use that in your to add the source
19:36.31 *** join/#brlcad SWPadnos (
19:53.51 *** join/#brlcad SWPadnos (
21:44.51 brlcad hmm.. i reckon you're probably not even still around
21:49.43 ``Erik hrm? what, the, uh, thingie I just sent an email for?
21:49.47 ``Erik I'm just doing fbsd
21:49.56 brlcad got a sourceball somewhere?
21:50.19 ``Erik yeah, in the fbsd ports distfiles dir on the fileserver
21:50.29 ``Erik or /usr/ports/distfiles/ on any fbsd box
21:51.29 brlcad heh, thx (cept not on ???1) ;)
21:51.38 brlcad no matter, they have svn..
21:51.59 ``Erik huh? yeah, uh
21:52.00 ``Erik erm
21:52.03 ``Erik it should be on 1
21:52.18 ``Erik the name
21:52.19 ``Erik um
21:52.22 brlcad ah, yeah
21:52.23 brlcad i see it
21:52.27 ``Erik s/[^-]*-//
22:09.15 *** join/#brlcad SWPadnos (
22:09.57 *** join/#brlcad docelic (
22:42.32 *** join/#brlcad Twingy (n=justin@

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.