irclog2html for #brlcad on 20061201

01:36.12 *** join/#brlcad Twingy (n=justin@
06:31.01 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
08:12.46 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
11:11.29 *** join/#brlcad docelic (
12:35.37 *** join/#brlcad docelic (
13:15.52 *** join/#brlcad SWPadnos_ (
13:40.02 Maloeran Erik, there's a pass of the model prep I have no idea how to efficiently parallelize, your input could be nice if you got some time today
13:43.27 Maloeran Briefly. unlike other passes, I can't just "lock" a finite volume of space as I can't easily know in advance how far it will search through the neighbourhood ; the processing required to safely parallelize doubles the amount of work of the pass
14:37.28 ``Erik O.o
14:54.45 Maloeran Any thoughts? Tell me if you would like to know details, or me to shut up and solve that myself :)
15:00.45 ``Erik what exactly is the pass?
15:01.11 ``Erik there's not enough info there to say anything...
15:01.31 ``Erik (this can be done via dcc or phone if you don't wanna say in 'public')
15:01.55 ``Erik or I suppose you could describe the problem in a file in the cvs repo
15:03.30 ``Erik hum
15:04.51 Maloeran Eh thanks, will privmsg here do?
15:05.13 ``Erik <-- trying to get his thingie ok with privmsg... freenode suck
15:05.14 ``Erik s
15:05.50 ``Erik bah
15:05.57 Maloeran Efnet then
15:06.03 ``Erik yeah, much better
15:44.32 *** join/#brlcad docelic (
17:49.38 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/doc/README.Windows: details on building under Windows
18:20.56 Maloeran Commited, ``Erik
18:21.22 Maloeran Feel free to report how much it dead-locks, segfaults or bursts in flames :)
18:23.07 Maloeran Otherwise, some figure on how much it scales with the number of processors would be nice. There's a #define for that in rfdemo.c
18:24.02 ``Erik heh
18:24.36 ``Erik I just ran the truck on a 4 core 2.0 ghz amd64 running fbsd62 and an 8 core 1.8ghz amd64 running linux26
18:24.41 ``Erik they get about the same speed...
18:24.43 ``Erik lemme update
18:27.29 ``Erik now I get seggies
18:27.44 ``Erik the fbsd one first whined about RF/job.c 101, then the next time went sig11
18:27.51 ``Erik the linux one went sig11 after drawing a frame or 2
18:28.11 Maloeran Ahah, okaayy
18:29.17 Maloeran Line 101 is a failed sanity check, I'll look into that. Thanks
18:29.53 ``Erik on linux
18:29.54 ``Erik #0 linkListAddPair (listhead0=0x2a95c1cbc0, listhead1=0x2a959740b0, step0=0x2a95c1cb88, step1=0x2a95974080, memblock=0x513bf0) at ../../../RF/prepmodel.c:717
18:29.54 ``Erik 717 if( ( linklist1->used == LINKS_PER_LIST ) ) {
18:30.10 ``Erik (gdb) bt
18:30.10 ``Erik #0 linkListAddPair (listhead0=0x2a95c1cbc0, listhead1=0x2a959740b0, step0=0x2a95c1cb88, step1=0x2a95974080, memblock=0x513bf0) at ../../../RF/prepmodel.c:717
18:30.10 ``Erik #1 0x0000002a9585bcef in jobModelPrepStep (engine=0x50aa20, job=Variable "job" is not available.
18:30.10 ``Erik ) at ../../../RF/prepmodel.c:1721
18:30.10 ``Erik #2 0x0000002a95852f03 in jobThreadWork (thread=0x50ac28) at ../../../RF/job.c:188
18:30.47 Maloeran Thanks.
18:31.15 ``Erik fbsd is consistantly giving the job.c 101 error now
18:31.33 Maloeran If you could output a graph cache with a single thread, you could at least test the raytracing itself
18:34.35 ``Erik rebuilding...
18:36.27 ``Erik got caches... rebuilding to be threaded...
18:37.23 Maloeran Forcing thread count to 1 now gives you a "worker" thread and the main user thread
18:37.39 Maloeran Before today, function calls would block until the job was done
18:37.47 ``Erik now both machines now give the RF/jobs.c 101 error
18:38.01 Maloeran Okay, seems I really got something to fix there
18:38.10 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
18:38.45 ``Erik could be that you're looking for a job to execute before one is put in the queue
18:39.19 Maloeran Yes, it detects an empty task in the queue... but I'm always adding jobs to the task before queuing the task, within a mutex
18:39.32 Maloeran So I don't quite see what's going on there yet
18:40.01 clock_ I tried to make some instruction videos with mged and vnc2swf but mged doesn't run inside vnc
18:45.56 ``Erik I'm not so sure you do, mal... I see context calls jobSystemInit(), which inits the queue and throws threads... and the threads immediately lock and try to grab a job
18:46.16 Maloeran That's fine
18:46.35 ``Erik but there's no chance to put anything in the queue and the lock is not held by the originator
18:46.45 Maloeran The line 101 is : We found a queued task not yet initiated, but it has no job in it
18:47.38 ``Erik so something needs to lock the queue before the threads are thrown... and hold it until a completed task is put into the queue...
18:47.46 ``Erik completed as in fully defined
18:47.56 ``Erik no?
18:48.11 Maloeran Threads are launched, they look for work, don't find any, then wait for signals
18:48.45 Maloeran jobTrace locks mutex, allocates a job, puts it into task, queue task ( which sends signal ), unlock mutex
18:49.24 Maloeran The threads find the queued task just fine, but they don't find any job in it, which is... curious
18:51.09 ``Erik hm, *shrug*
18:58.35 ``Erik right after the lock?
18:58.37 ``Erik (can't pm here)
18:58.47 ``Erik :373 ?
18:59.26 Maloeran Fine, or in the mutex
18:59.42 archivist just register your nick to pm
19:00.16 archivist <PROTECTED>
19:01.08 ``Erik archivist: I registered it a long long time ago, forgot the password, talked to an ircop, they said they would delete it in the next hour, the next day it wasn't deleted, tried talking to teh ircop again, they said it was gone, but every time I tried to register, it said it was already registered...
19:01.25 ``Erik still job.c +101
19:05.35 archivist hehe screwed nickserv Last Seen: 1 year 7 weeks 6 days (20h 1m 30s) ag
19:05.54 archivist your not here !!!!
19:06.18 ``Erik :)
19:07.14 Maloeran So the job is detected by the thread adding the task, but not by the other thread reading the task
19:07.50 archivist you could attempt to drop the nick
19:08.07 ``Erik archivist: tried it a while back... via an ircop... :)
19:08.43 archivist I was wondering if nickserv sees you do it it may work
19:09.12 ``Erik sees me do what?
19:10.44 archivist needs the password though, /msg nickserv DROP <nickname> <password>
19:11.11 ``Erik yeah, ... I tried to get the oper to drop it cuz I forgot the password
19:11.17 Maloeran I would have thought nicknames are dropped eventually
19:11.19 ``Erik they couldn't reset the passwd or anything
19:11.26 Maloeran I mean, it should be obvious after an year
19:11.46 ``Erik the oper said they were, but was gonna drop it 'early' for me... never did, though *shrug* freenode just sucks ;>
19:18.21 Maloeran If I had access to a crashing box, I would print the pointer of the tasks queued, and the pointer of the "empty" task
19:18.52 Maloeran Okay. More than the Shark profiler, I need multi-processor without shared caches
19:24.05 ``Erik heehhe, the list of shit you need keeps growin', dude :D
19:24.13 ``Erik portable quality sw can be a bitch to write
19:24.59 Maloeran I really hate hunting for bugs without being able to reproduce the bugs myself
19:25.41 Maloeran This one is incomprehensible in its apparent simplicity
19:26.28 Maloeran Do you think you could give me a couple minutes to insert some printf()s? I fail to understand
19:28.07 ``Erik sure, tell me what file/line and what to print
19:28.21 ``Erik or if you want, make a branch in cvs, make the changes, I'll update against it, run it, and let you know the results
19:40.05 ``Erik efnet...
19:42.43 Maloeran Thanks, though it doesn't print the pointer of the funky broken task before FAIL()'ing
19:43.36 ``Erik erm, it doesn't?
19:44.18 Maloeran Doesn't seem so at least, lack of fflush perhaps?
19:44.27 ``Erik here comes another
19:44.41 ``Erik okie, I'll fflush both prints
19:45.30 Maloeran Wait, I'll just send you a job.c
19:50.44 Maloeran I think I may have a clue what's going on, finally
19:52.15 Maloeran Thanks Erik
19:52.18 ``Erik np
19:53.18 Maloeran Did you get crashes in the prep or during tracing earlier?
19:53.27 Maloeran When you tried before generating a cache
19:54.03 Maloeran Ah, during the prep too. Okay
19:57.54 Maloeran Cool, that's some neat thread race condition. I don't explain the prep crash yet though
19:58.17 ``Erik crashed during prep, ran it single threaded to generate the caches, now it crashes during the trace (it actually flashes a pic of the trck up before crashing)
19:59.37 Maloeran I don't explain the prep crash yet, but that's a complex beast with many passes, I'm less worried about being able to miss something there
20:06.34 brlcad ``Erik: tried to just identify with no password?
20:07.01 ``Erik -NickServ(NickServ@services.)- Password Incorrect
20:10.01 brlcad hmm
20:17.28 brlcad happen to know who you talked to?
20:17.40 brlcad maybe got some newb
20:36.11 ``Erik don't remember, was heh almost a year ago
20:41.37 *** join/#brlcad docelic (
20:49.01 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
21:50.23 b0ef what toolkit was chosen for the new modeler?
22:08.19 ``Erik sync
22:08.19 ``Erik ls
22:08.21 ``Erik woops
22:42.05 brlcad b0ef: it's not decided yet
22:42.39 brlcad at least not 100% though there are very strong notions once a full consideration matrix was put together to consider the features of the various options available
22:43.28 brlcad still, there is plenty of work to do on the foundation API layers and geometry management before that decision has to be made -- though if others were involved, that could easily change
22:44.12 brlcad there are some options that will flat out not be considered due to the nature of the project and purpose/vision/approach of the new modeler
22:45.19 brlcad and I merely assume you're not talking about archer, as that's mostly unrelated to the long term interface goals
22:47.35 brlcad ``Erik: got a staffer willing to fix the nickserv account problem, at least when he wanders back
22:47.52 brlcad RichiH is da man
23:09.03 *** join/#brlcad SWPadnos_ (
23:21.02 brlcad ``Erik: so do you want the password reset or the registration deleted, he's willing to do either -- just need to call it
23:21.21 brlcad says he sent you some e-mail(s)
23:21.38 Maloeran Registration deletion should do, no one else can register the nickname as long as he holds it
23:23.59 brlcad done
23:26.16 ``Erik hum?
23:26.25 ``Erik what's going on?
23:26.32 brlcad wake up
23:26.39 Maloeran Feel free to register your nickname, Erik
23:26.43 brlcad take you hand off the bottle and register
23:26.48 ``Erik heh, no bottle
23:26.52 ``Erik just got home and started dinner
23:27.13 ``Erik hum
23:27.30 ``Erik is there any way to change a password?
23:27.49 brlcad there is, but had a staffer delete your account (blame Maloeran for calling it) so it's gone
23:27.57 Maloeran /msg nickserv help
23:28.11 ``Erik aaaaalllrighty then
23:28.12 ``Erik heh
23:28.17 ``Erik did a drop and register
23:28.35 brlcad heh
23:29.02 brlcad and quick to change your password before saying that I see :)
23:29.11 ``Erik of course
23:29.13 Maloeran Eheh
23:29.16 ``Erik I'm not a 'tard
23:29.37 ``Erik buy me some tequila and I'll get like that soon 'nuff ;)
23:29.46 brlcad usually takes about a dozens ghostings before they "get it"
23:29.51 brlcad and sometimes they don't
23:30.28 Maloeran Bah. I'm going to need your help again for that prep bug, Erik, I couldn't manage to trigger it once for the last hour
23:30.50 Maloeran I guess it will wait Monday
23:31.37 brlcad Maloeran: i've been meaning to mention some "user experience" feedback I had with rfdemo while preparing for the presentation a week ago
23:31.59 Maloeran Go ahead, the demo sure is crude
23:32.09 ``Erik "man, that's one ugly assed truck"
23:32.24 brlcad mostly it has to do with the conversion and prep phase, almost undoubtedly degenerate geometry issues
23:32.43 Maloeran The CSG->Triangles leave small and big gaps everywhere, the raytracer isn't always to blame there
23:32.50 brlcad i had a bunch of various models that I converted from g to ase cleanly
23:33.22 brlcad and must have gotten lucky with the first model as it went through perfectly, about 200k tris
23:34.13 brlcad but all four of the next ones I tried all failed horribly, as they'd prep spewing lots of output and then basically showing what looked like a polygon soup
23:34.26 Maloeran The ASE converter was written specifically to convert the the rotter-lowe and cathedral models, I won't pretend it's perfectly compliant with the specs
23:34.28 ``Erik mmm, curley brackets
23:35.16 brlcad it might have been the ase phase, but it seemed more like degenerate handling code in the reader that was throwing away a lot of triangles
23:35.17 Maloeran Right. I think the ASE converter is presently ignoring matrices, because some other ASE exporters would provide matrices... while already transfering the vertices
23:35.54 Maloeran It should only throw away triangles with colinear points, triangles that rays can't intersect
23:36.18 Maloeran ( My internal triangle representation can not handle triangles of colinear points )
23:36.30 brlcad also, rfdemo's mouse input didn't work nor did most of the key input except the cursor controls and maybe one or two others (e.g. esc didn't work nor did the reset key, etc)
23:36.45 Maloeran There's no mouse input, escape should work
23:37.29 Maloeran already transforming* the vertices
23:37.34 brlcad i glanced through the code just to try and see what the bindings even were since I couldn't get anything other than the cursor keys to do anything
23:37.56 ``Erik brlcad expects way too much of the thing
23:38.02 ``Erik there's a "case 27:" for escaping
23:38.03 brlcad pretty much only those four keys worked
23:38.09 brlcad nah, I expected very little
23:38.10 ``Erik and a few others
23:38.14 ``Erik like space, ummm
23:38.23 Maloeran Arrow keys, page up/down to zoom in/out/, escape
23:38.34 ``Erik space to stop rotation
23:38.37 brlcad that's what I mean.. ONLY the arrow keys worked
23:38.53 brlcad i hit the others testing once I found the bindings in the code
23:39.00 ``Erik odd
23:39.06 brlcad so there's maybe some issue there
23:39.26 ``Erik worked for me on my g5 and remote X to a fbsd opteron
23:39.30 Maloeran I really haven't focused too much on fancy demos... All I wanted was to make sure things were working smoothly so far
23:39.49 Maloeran SDL key bindings should work pretty much everywhere, normally
23:39.50 brlcad added a print statement, it was definitely getting the event .. just not doing what it was supposed to
23:39.50 ``Erik O:-)
23:41.20 Maloeran Transparency shouldn't be too much trouble, but I'm not too sure what model to use for that. The truck has gaps everywhere
23:42.23 ``Erik *shrug* the truck also has lots of internal geometry
23:42.47 Maloeran brlcad, I'm not entirely following when you say it was receiving the events but not doing what it was supposed to
23:43.06 Maloeran Are you talking about the escape, space bar keys? I can't think of much else. Mouse input sure would be good to add
23:44.54 brlcad yeah, space is a good example.. press escape and it'd print that an event was received right before doing into whatever the name of that routine is in the case statement
23:45.35 brlcad so it'd get there.. but the reset routine to stop the motion wasn't functional for "some" reason
23:45.35 ``Erik the interactive demo interface isn't the point, though, ... don't sacrifice too much effort to dress it up, just show off glitzy featues of the lib :)
23:45.59 Maloeran <PROTECTED>
23:46.50 Maloeran Anyhow, that can't be too serious as a problem
23:46.52 brlcad hmm, then that wasn't the one I was looking at or not the same place in the code perhaps .. but same end result
23:47.08 brlcad i.e. space wasn't stopping it, and esc wasn't quitting
23:47.20 ``Erik escape has worked since the beginning for me o.O
23:47.25 Maloeran Right, okay. OSX I assume?
23:47.28 ``Erik what A) version and B) os/arch ?
23:47.31 brlcad intel OS X
23:47.45 brlcad latest SDL binaries
23:47.59 brlcad whatever ver of rayforce I was given.. recent cvs iirc
23:48.45 Maloeran I really have no explanation, the SDL scancodes are supposed to be constant
23:48.52 ``Erik ok, I have a macbook pro here, lemme update it and give it a whack there...
23:57.18 Maloeran Status, Erik?

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