irclog2html for #brlcad on 20061205

00:01.02 ``Erik hmmm, 2fps, prep time of 248s
00:01.52 Maloeran Eh okay, that is old
00:02.43 ``Erik 850mhz athlon
00:02.44 ``Erik :)
00:09.10 Maloeran Perhaps you weren't able to notice due to the crashs, but memory consumption can rise by 7% or so when prep'ing multi-threaded, for the same quality
00:09.36 Maloeran Slicing the problem into pieces degrades quality a bit
00:27.52 Maloeran Perhaps I should have. The reason why I haven't bought one myself is simple : 30 days work periods, + 35 days delay to get check, + 30 days period to release U.S check funds With such a 3.5 months delay, I'm just beginning to be paid ;)
00:29.05 brlcad heh, fun .. sounds like my first months of getting paid as a student
00:29.14 brlcad that had about a 3 month delay
00:29.28 brlcad summer job was almost over by the time the paychecks started arriving
00:30.01 Maloeran Eh, exactly. The worst part is that I had paid thousands in lawyers, then came the conference fees
00:30.47 Maloeran So briefly, I'm not quite ready to buy more computer hardware than the laptop yet
00:31.59 brlcad I didn't mean you buy one even
00:32.43 brlcad company equipment, they have the ability to give you one to use if they really want to
00:33.37 brlcad and overall, that's usually the best option -- the liability is on their dime, you can get the best hardware, you don't take the new-machine depreciation hit,e tc.
00:34.07 Maloeran I think it's actually illegal to give equipment to consultants in Canada, or I could risk being defined as an employee
00:34.18 Maloeran In which case they would have breached the law
00:34.20 ``Erik heh
00:41.03 brlcad ahh, mebbie
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10:00.21 archivist heh stellas arthritis
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18:12.33 brlcad heh
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