irclog2html for #brlcad on 20061208

00:00.30 brlcad I see no reason why GNU should be dictating which flags we should and should not use by default .. as a project we can decide to make optimized or non-optimized a default or some other configuration, that's not GNUs job imho
00:01.32 brlcad we're just about stable enough to flip to having --enable-optimized default to yes instead of no, but that's again a separate decision from GNU's
00:16.28 ``Erik uhmmm, gnu's "defaults" respect environment variables
00:16.36 ``Erik and -enable-optimized doesn't do what I happen to want to do
00:16.49 ``Erik it lacks, for example, the mtune and march stuff I have in my make defaults
00:17.47 ``Erik (and I don't think you know my hardware better than I do.... :)
00:29.09 brlcad uhmmm well if you read it, the environment variables ares still respected
00:29.36 brlcad so you can still mtune to your content
00:30.39 ``Erik heh *shrug* I'm busy writing ruby code :)
00:30.45 ``Erik can't be arsed to figur eout what I'm talking about
00:30.46 ``Erik O:-)
00:30.52 brlcad all it does is change what happens when nothing is specified, which is gnu's
00:31.09 brlcad configure
03:15.28 *** join/#brlcad Twingy (n=justin@
03:18.28 ``Erik interesting airplane
03:21.19 brlcad interesting diner!
03:21.48 brlcad heh, that is cool airplane
03:24.32 dtidrow model airplane on steroids :-)
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21:20.26 *** join/#brlcad Twingy (n=justin@

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