irclog2html for #brlcad on 20061214

05:48.58 Maloeran Erik, when compiling on x86 without optimisation, GCC doesn't preserve the function stack alignement on 16 bytes so stuff breaks
05:49.19 Maloeran Where should I stick -mpreferred-stack-boundary=4 ?
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14:12.56 ``Erik I'd imagine in autoconf, after checking if it makes sense
14:26.34 ``Erik heh
14:29.54 Maloeran Weird, weird...
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22:23.41 ``Erik a2/det
22:30.25 Maloeran - Impressive little things
23:30.12 dtidrow_work - some pretty vivid auroral activity right now :-)
23:33.17 Maloeran Noooo... Curse, I just found a more efficient solution for quad volume tracing, way too many improvements are piled up
23:33.27 Maloeran "The neverending to-do list"
23:35.58 ``Erik heh, mark 'em with priority and deadline to keep 'em straight, dude :)
23:36.25 ``Erik <-- working on a hardcore todolist/projectmgmt program lately o.O
23:36.27 ``Erik for shits&giggles
23:36.31 ``Erik cuz I'm sick int he head
23:36.49 Maloeran Ohh, sounds hardcore indeed
23:37.13 ``Erik heh
23:37.57 ``Erik the coding isn't hardcore, how it treats that and what the goals are (and how they differ from apparently absolutely everything else in the field) is what's interesting :)
23:38.55 ``Erik the ugly guts basically is a realtime scheduler type ting
23:38.56 ``Erik thing
23:39.11 ``Erik with a faggy gui on top for stupid humans
23:39.23 ``Erik instead of being wired into OS process mgmt...
23:39.23 ``Erik :)
23:40.21 Maloeran Ah, I have no project management skills whatsoever, always worked alone and on what I felt like
23:40.32 ``Erik you still have to manage your own time
23:40.51 Maloeran I do? I'm not doing too good at that lately
23:41.01 ``Erik and understand the dependancy graph of what you have to do, and how that feeds into deadlines, resources, etc
23:41.27 ``Erik well, *shrug* I'm not saying anyhting about the quality, but it's still done, even if it's intuitive and entirely in your head
23:41.52 ``Erik personally, I feel like I have 20 zillion little things to take care of with complicated dependancy and context terrain associated...
23:41.57 ``Erik and it depresses me, so I end up doing nothing
23:42.03 Maloeran Ahah
23:42.31 ``Erik so I want a tool to reduce the amount of information I have to cope with in my forebrain
23:43.02 Maloeran Right. I basically scrub that on pieces of paper lying around
23:43.17 ``Erik yeah, heh, I'd have a fucking book
23:43.18 ``Erik :(
23:43.41 Maloeran That bad? Ew.
23:44.43 ``Erik <- involved with dozens of 'projects' at work and dozens away
23:46.53 ``Erik seriously, dude, we need to get some X's in the "done" column so satiate the pointy hairs and purse string holders :)
23:48.32 ``Erik mmmmm, vodka o.O
23:51.28 Maloeran All right, I hope no one is going to complain about performance before I had a chance to go through my neverending to-do list
23:52.00 Maloeran Any clue if Lee expects better performance soon, or he was "satisfied"?
23:54.16 ``Erik um, I'm under the impression that he was amazed at the performance on my desktop
23:54.46 ``Erik well, write it down real quick, like in your todo file
23:55.01 ``Erik see if you can bang out enough to mark off the milestones until now
23:55.10 ``Erik then do the new solution
23:55.42 ``Erik if we both agree that a milestone is "done", then it's done, it doesn't have to be 100% perfect, there's always polish at the end
23:56.15 ``Erik and when it's "all done", we're gonna slap it into some "real" applications, and if it's nifty, more work on it may be requested :)
23:56.42 Maloeran Understood :)
23:57.57 Maloeran Hrm, just to clarify a point, did you mean Lee was amazed at the non-sse transparency?
23:58.10 ``Erik ummmm
23:58.19 ``Erik I think I was running it on the quad opteron fbsd box
23:58.27 Maloeran SSE path was commited today, but it's still lacking optimisation
23:58.34 ``Erik and remote-X to my mac
23:58.55 ``Erik ok, I showed him yesterday or day before
23:59.17 ``Erik I need to get adrt/isst up and running
23:59.34 ``Erik and we need to figure out an appropriate "benchmark" comparison between the two

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.