irclog2html for #brlcad on 20061226

03:07.52 Twingy s/humans/carbon based life forms?
06:19.31 *** join/#brlcad Twingy (n=justin@ [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
14:02.43 ``Erik heh
16:09.35 *** join/#brlcad SWPadnos (
17:27.16 Twingy Robotic Deer to Fight Illegal Hunting
17:27.24 Twingy ...
17:32.56 ``Erik does it shoot back?
17:33.19 ``Erik cuz that'd be kinda gnarly
17:33.31 ``Erik heh, milton would come into work all bandaged up :D
17:34.02 Maloeran Also disturbing :
17:35.22 ``Erik heh
17:37.50 Maloeran I'm trying to understand how the thing can be that slow, getting there slowly
17:37.53 ``Erik hahahahaha
17:38.12 ``Erik starting to understand the stupid at the lab? :D
17:38.31 Maloeran I guess you could put it that way :)
17:38.35 ``Erik call stacks so deep, they might as well be bottomless, repacking of data for shits and giggles, ...
17:38.50 Maloeran And constant memory allocation/freeing... to shoot a single ray!
17:39.09 Maloeran Memory allocation and free()ing just for _one_ ray!
17:39.22 ``Erik uh huh
17:39.29 ``Erik memory pools? what are those?
17:39.43 ``Erik oh, but hell project is ALL about resource pools, the opposite extreme
17:39.50 Maloeran Ahah
17:40.06 ``Erik want to send data? don't keep your own socket... get one from the pool! oh, and when you've sent your FUCKING FOUR BYTES, put it back in the pool!
17:40.44 Maloeran Ah, cool
17:41.24 ``Erik I'll be, uh, very not here for the next week
17:41.25 ``Erik :)
17:41.42 Maloeran Girlfriend?
17:41.47 ``Erik mmhmm
17:42.18 brlcad erm
17:42.25 brlcad librt doesn't repack data
17:42.44 ``Erik heh
17:42.45 ``Erik s2 sure does
17:42.46 brlcad maybe some specific app foo does
17:42.53 brlcad s2 does
17:43.26 brlcad comparing what s2 does to an optimized ray-tracer isn't even apples to oranges
17:43.38 ``Erik if it were built as a 'shader' and ran inside of a brlcad app, it'd be pretty damn fast, evne on librt
17:43.58 ``Erik rf has to feed s2 :( that's how we got wendy to sign off on it, iirc
17:44.10 Maloeran What is s2?
17:44.29 ``Erik the old important app, the one the hell project is supposed to replace
17:44.37 brlcad sure it'll eventually feed it, so yeah most of the performance benefit is going to get slaughtered
17:44.48 brlcad but it'll still be an improvement for many cases
17:45.04 Maloeran Any hope of just fixing/rewriting that s2 thing?
17:45.37 ``Erik not really... twingy rewrote the build system to be MUCH better, and they didn't understand it, so they didn't accept it
17:45.42 brlcad Maloeran: it's really not that simple -- there are a couple decades of feature-packing in there that has to be replicated
17:46.00 brlcad any rewrite, even the one being attempted, can't replace that functionality in any time reasonbly soon
17:46.15 brlcad akin to rewriting any major code base
17:46.24 ``Erik they also fought plugging adrt into it tooth and nail... like, they compiled adrt with floats, librt with doubles, and refused to acceptt adrt because the output numbers weren't bit identical... durrrr
17:46.26 brlcad it's rather naive to think it just takes a simple rewrite
17:47.09 ``Erik dude, I think 90% of that project is unnecessary fluff, crap left over from dirty hacks that just dont' get used... based on mrb output and talking to analysts, it might really be a 'simple rewrite' :(
17:47.10 Maloeran I see, I just have no idea what s2 or the hell project exist for
17:48.10 brlcad ``Erik: in all fairness, though, all of the differences WEREN'T just float/double fuzz -- the behavior hadn't been verified and a couple real issues were found (i.e. honest differences in behavior)
17:48.25 ``Erik ok, the float vs double one really REALLY got under my skin
17:48.29 brlcad that kind of stuff just can't happen for that code
17:48.39 Maloeran You will find serious differences in behavior and results with rayforce too
17:48.41 ``Erik because she (km) said that the problem 'disappeared' when she compiled adrt with double
17:49.01 brlcad that was one case, there were other issues
17:49.07 ``Erik but she HAD to to hunt down the cause for the difference! it was a whole .001 mm!
17:49.15 ``Erik <-- strusfrated with some of their bs :)
17:49.18 brlcad some were issues just being masked that were different behaviors
17:49.56 brlcad Maloeran: to be expected to various degrees -- but they have to be explainable other than hand waving
17:50.05 ``Erik obviously, the values wont' be the exact same, they cope with things differently... I'm just irked because in the grand scheme of things, it doesn't matter...
17:50.14 brlcad at least if the differences are significant
17:50.36 ``Erik I mean, it's all grotesque punting, the just cling to regression numbers because they don't understand the algorithms or reasoning
17:50.41 ``Erik grar.
17:50.50 Maloeran brlcad: Right, but a part of that is based on the ray cutting into segments, and the different intersection code with triangles ; you lose a bit of precision on the way
17:51.03 brlcad he was done with adrt, at that time it really was a lot of hand waving going on, and they were understandably not satisfied imho
17:51.08 Maloeran The differences should just be properly handled for them not to matter
17:51.13 ``Erik and ch seems like the only one with his feet under him... km a tiny bit, but *sigh*... and they gave them that poor java coder hehehe
17:51.48 ``Erik <-- not impressed with that crew :/
17:51.59 ``Erik also, I'm a strusfrated bitter person for anything up that alley :)
17:52.22 brlcad there's plenty to complain about with respect to s2, but their demands of having to validate any change are a good one in general -- even if they do or don't understand what's going on
17:52.47 ``Erik their stance of not ACCEPTING any change, whether or not it's valid or makes sense, isn't excusable
17:53.07 brlcad Maloeran: most of the "significant" differences aren't just precision in itself, though perhaps provoked by precision
17:53.12 brlcad edge conditions
17:53.18 brlcad do you go left or right
17:53.34 Maloeran Indeed, brlcad
17:53.35 brlcad you might arbitrarily (albeit consistently "go right", per se)
17:53.43 ``Erik like the air overlap swapping from the change jra made in the scenegraph
17:54.16 ``Erik they refused a code improvement due to a 'broken' model... :) irritating
17:54.26 brlcad ``Erik: true but then they never were shown a validation that could be accepted in that instance
17:54.46 ``Erik the breakage in their test was pointed out
17:55.11 ``Erik <-- likes regression testing and consistancy in results... but consistantly wrong results are still wrong :(
17:55.32 brlcad dude, you're pulling out one instance.. there were like a half dozen different issues
17:55.57 ``Erik *shrug* what can I say? I'm bitter and irate and on a tyrade :)
17:56.16 brlcad a couple were breakage in their code, or at least bad assumptions, others were fuzz, a couple others were logic differences
17:56.16 ``Erik or tirade
17:56.18 ``Erik your choihce
17:56.38 ``Erik <-- thinks they're too anal and lb is too lenient o.O
17:57.06 brlcad the latter were the ones that mattered that would have otherwise gone unnoticed, even if they did amount to like a couple lines of code
17:57.50 ``Erik (also, I have a low opinion of the theory and information that program is built on... stinky of hackiness to me)
17:58.13 brlcad Maloeran: the overall "concept" isn't hard at all, especially from a code perspective -- it's an approximated physics simulation
17:58.46 brlcad the code is also probably the least significant aspect of the purpose for it's existance
17:59.00 ``Erik mal:
17:59.17 Maloeran For vulnerability analysis?
17:59.23 Maloeran Ah, right
17:59.28 brlcad for a variety of analysis purposes
18:00.20 Maloeran Quote : "MUVES employs the latest software technologies both in design and implementation to optimize useability, [...]" Mmhmm :)
18:00.31 ``Erik it's old code
18:01.10 brlcad
18:02.08 brlcad Maloeran: quoted from probably before you were born
18:02.11 ``Erik huh, with a few authors I recognize, go figure
18:02.14 brlcad when it was very much probably true
18:02.46 brlcad it's a software implementation of a simulation that was actually carried out by hand for decades before it
18:03.08 brlcad where it fails isn't really in terms of performance
18:03.22 brlcad or utility -- it certainly does the job it was designed to do
18:03.26 ``Erik a step int eh right direction... but the stepping stopped, and they got stuck :(
18:03.46 ``Erik imho
18:03.53 Maloeran Well, it's C and Unix, they got that right
18:04.02 brlcad it fails in terms of usability and production polish/use -- the 80% of code in a project that has nothing to do with performance
18:04.24 ``Erik ok, I'm done ranting and being a little bitch :) imma go slap my shoes on and head to bwi... catch ya'll later :)
18:04.44 Maloeran Have fun!
18:04.48 brlcad cheers
18:05.49 brlcad much in the same way mged fails to provide an useful interface to new users -- yet most of the "geometry kernel" logic that is required by any solid modeling system is there underneath
18:06.19 brlcad s2 users scream for a new interface, the usability is painful
18:07.21 Maloeran I see, interesting. So performance isn't quite the main issue at this point
18:07.52 brlcad it's one of many issues, but only the biggest from a production standpoint -- not from the "big picture"
18:09.24 brlcad it's like saying I need to get from here to montreal, and I have my bike .. and even though I have a really good bike, it can still only go so fast
18:09.36 brlcad so you're working on a fancy jet engine to propel the bike faster
18:10.15 brlcad when in the big picture.. there are other problems (like others that need to get to montreal that don't know how to ride a bicycle, or are disabled, etc)
18:10.55 Maloeran Good metaphor :). There's just the problem of focusing so much on the raytracer performance, if 95% of the processing time is spent in the "shaders"
18:11.33 brlcad most problems can be simplified down to bicycles and cars :)
18:12.42 brlcad 95% isn't representative
18:13.45 brlcad it's very model and analysis dependent -- some are really highly ray-trace bound, others are stuck in shader-land
18:15.08 Maloeran I guess so. Simple flat rendering "shaders" consume 40% of the processing time here, the actual ray-tracing is... cheap
18:15.34 brlcad on average, I think it's pretty conservative estimate to say more than 50% .. more close to 80-90 probably on average
18:16.25 brlcad yeah, that is one thing that rayforce definitely has over librt -- librt hooks into liboptical for shading, and that isn't nearly as optimized
18:17.43 brlcad it was written to be run-time flexible, pluggable instead, which greatly impacts the design and performance
18:18.32 Maloeran Not that much if rays are processed into large batches, but... yes, flexibility and processing of one ray at a time is just awful
18:19.14 brlcad it would be interesting to see what rayforce's single-ray cost is post-prep
18:19.31 Maloeran Horrible. It's not designed for that
18:19.32 brlcad since that will be more in line with what would be expected from s2
18:19.48 brlcad horrible to you.. but still perhaps a vast boost overal
18:20.03 brlcad perhaps not, just would be interesting
18:20.06 Maloeran You have to set up a buffer, set the buffer environment variables to it builds the proper pipeline optimized for the settings, queue the job, have a thread acquire and run it... for a single ray?
18:20.33 Maloeran It could be made faster, but it isn't really designed for that
18:20.43 brlcad post-prep -- some of that could be construed as part of the prep
18:22.04 Maloeran Really, it's like a C++ graphical library making a overly complex class "pixel", you don't want to process one ray at a time :)
18:22.51 brlcad sounds like you're describing X ;)
18:23.29 Maloeran Eheh, close enough yes
18:25.01 brlcad it might be too much overhead, but it also might still be quite an improvement .. and is in line with how an analysis currently progresses
18:25.41 brlcad i mean there are other considerations that become possible -- shooting in packets, faster optical/pictures, finer resolution at no additional expense
18:26.14 Maloeran Do you really need to trace individual rays?
18:26.31 brlcad the analysis codes, though, generally repeatedly ask the question "what objects are along this path"
18:27.28 brlcad millions of times.. and sometimes the paths coincide, sometimes they do not at all -- more like solving the ray-tracing question for secondary rays only
18:27.54 Maloeran Batches of secondary, incoherent rays are fine too
18:28.16 Maloeran If single rays really are required, I guess I should add an "immediate mode" or so, without job/thread management, where the calling thread blocks and receives raw results
18:30.34 brlcad this same issue came up with adrt, and of course it's even more significant for rayforce .. but what really makes sense as a first step is to drop it in as the implementation behind librt's ray api
18:31.08 brlcad which means basically two function calls -- a scene prep routine, and a ray shooter routine
18:31.18 brlcad the latter being called over and over
18:31.58 Maloeran Would such calls be made from numerous threads?
18:32.04 brlcad adrt is going to be tested in this fashion now that an initial integration is up and running
18:32.45 brlcad yes, numerous threads and/or procs depending on the platform
18:33.53 Maloeran I don't like the idea design-wise, but I guess it's the easiest first step
18:34.26 brlcad for librt, those two actual calls are rt_prep_parallel() and rt_shootray() for most applications, including for s2
18:34.59 Maloeran Yes I saw, the rayforce API is a bit more complex
18:35.40 brlcad the idea would be to detect in rt_prep_parallel if the model being prep'd is triangles, to prep using adrt and/or later using rayforce.. then during rt_shootray() calls, to invoke the other engine instead of librt for those rays
18:35.47 brlcad at least as an initial pass
18:36.53 brlcad that way, there are dozens of projects and applications that could get any performance benefits "for free" without requiring a rewrite (or even a recompile in some instances)
18:37.01 Maloeran Does rt_shootray() block or it queues a callback?
18:37.07 brlcad heh
18:37.25 brlcad blocks
18:37.42 Maloeran So there's no way to just fill up buffers to process rays properly
18:38.05 brlcad thought about adding a non-blocking callback version, but that gets back to the same problem of rewriting all the user codes
18:38.20 brlcad and if/when they're willing to go that far.. there may be better options
18:38.54 Maloeran Using the rayforce native interface? :) It's generic, flexible, meant to be scalable
18:39.31 Maloeran It was written with the possibility in mind that any other raytracer could easily plug itself behind the API
18:39.34 brlcad apparently not flexible enough to have a single prep and single shotline inquiry interface? :)
18:39.57 Maloeran Correct, that's just gross and inefficient :)
18:40.18 brlcad and an excuse -- it's about as simple an interface as possible
18:40.20 Maloeran It could be made, it just removes much of the acceleration potential that could go on behind the API
18:40.44 Maloeran May it be efficient packet processing, SIMD processing, a hardware solution
18:41.22 Maloeran The rayforce API can accomodate about any kind of underlying raytracing engine, hardware of FPGA included
18:41.26 Maloeran or* FPGA
18:41.30 *** join/#brlcad docelic (n=docelic@
18:42.31 brlcad yeah, and those are certainly taking off like hotcakes.. :)
18:42.54 Maloeran One day, perhaps, and that implies that the API will still be usable at that point :)
18:42.58 brlcad that's great, but for the more immediate.. it really will probably boil down to just two or three levels of integration
18:43.37 Maloeran I realize that but I must say I prefer properly designed APIs, seeing farther than the immediate needs
18:43.53 brlcad first mimicking the api and seeing what boosts can be gained, then looking at what user-app changes would be required to get the biggest boost whether it be queuing rays or callbacks or what have you
18:44.25 brlcad "immediate" in this context is the next two years or so
18:45.24 Maloeran There's no way to do any decent SSE with single rays by the way, performance would be cut by a factor of 2-10 by design
18:46.02 brlcad "properly designed APIs" can all mean drasticly different things -- librt's API is entirely proper given the purpose
18:46.40 Maloeran It definitely wasn't designed to adopt different raytracing engines, interfaces or solutions
18:46.41 brlcad depends on the user, the hardware, the purpose, etc
18:47.05 Maloeran There's no way to use raytracing hardware with a blocking rt_shootray() for example
18:47.38 brlcad sure, that was never a purpose of the library -- it was specifically written to be hardware agnostic
18:48.13 brlcad hardware has changed a half dozen times since it was started... had the best "fad" of that day been used, librt would have been obsolete a decade ago
18:48.56 brlcad and by obsolete, i mean written in a manner where it *could not* function on current hardware
18:49.34 brlcad as it is, it still runs on just about anything, whether it's got acceleration hardware or not, special computation units etc
18:49.37 Maloeran I don't mean it should be tailored to any specific hardware, I mean it should be both flexible and efficient, not minimalistic
18:49.51 Maloeran OpenGL was designed in a flexible and decent manner, and it remained flexible and efficient for decades
18:50.20 brlcad heh, you keep forgetting/ignoring the purpose though?
18:50.39 brlcad for opengl's purpose, it was flexible and "decent" as you call it, but entirely useless for other domains
18:50.49 Maloeran Well, the librt minimalistic interface causes problems today
18:52.28 brlcad technically only the rt_shootray() interface has that limitation
18:52.37 brlcad librt doesn't boil down to just those two calls
18:53.01 brlcad they are just the most prevalently used, *because* they are so simple to use
18:53.13 brlcad there are routines for shooting bundles of rays in the library
18:53.21 brlcad nobody uses them
18:53.22 Maloeran The problem isn't with librt really, but with the interface ; the interface that all the software now uses
18:53.27 Maloeran Oh :)
18:56.19 Maloeran I guess there wasn't much to gain with bundles of rays with librt
18:56.57 brlcad it gets back to what I started off by saying -- you can't just suddenly change an API out from under dozens/hundreds of projects when you have faithful users without risking loosing your users -- even if the benefits "seem" sufficient
18:57.12 brlcad actually, there was a lot to be gained -- that's why it was implemented
18:57.39 brlcad getting performance boosts by bundling data accesses together is by far nothing new -- heck cray had a monopoly on that two decades ago
18:59.16 Maloeran And people haven't updated the software to use the more efficient calls, I see
19:00.19 brlcad not in the least
19:01.00 brlcad actually writing and even using production-use software is usually not the biggest business expense
19:01.40 brlcad managing that software, training users, documenting everything, managing the workflow process -- that all takes considerably more time
19:03.13 brlcad so while there's an interface that is faster -- the investment is already complete, someone will have to take several weeks to review the new interface, integrate/code to it, validate it, test it, document the change, share that knowledge with others on the team(s)
19:04.36 Maloeran So a programmer can't just switch the code to the better interface on an evening? :) Such inefficiency
19:04.37 brlcad so the motivation to make the change, one that has NOT been validated in particular, is a risk and the benefit generally has to be distinctly clear and outweigh the other costs involved in making the change
19:05.00 brlcad of course they can't
19:05.27 brlcad well they can to the code, but not to the application that is in production use
19:05.53 brlcad someone(tm) has to make sure it actually works .. and what happens when there's a problem, when someone does make a mistake?
19:06.12 brlcad and mistakes DO happen.. they happen a damn lot, especially with programmers
19:07.06 Maloeran The coding process sounds awfully slow and restricted in such a controlled environment
19:08.41 brlcad in some instances it is, some it isn't.. depends on the impact and purpose
19:09.08 brlcad shotline analysis impacts lives, people do live and die by the results
19:10.15 brlcad that's why just saying "oh yeah, it's faster" is a useless statement when there is a difference in a given case that can't be exactly explained
19:10.17 Maloeran Right, that isn't some software you can send patches to users later on
19:10.58 brlcad the difference between a bug and floating point fuzz, for example, could be just one character .. and both giving the same result 99.99% of the time
19:11.58 brlcad due diligence requires getting down to the actual science, explaining the difference and verifying that it's not a bug for example or not a difference to worry about is paramount
19:13.01 brlcad most programmers are incredibly lazy, hand-waving excuses are usually very "bad" even if the "gut feeling" is sane
19:14.39 Maloeran Well, I can already say that you'll find major differences between rayforce and adrt results. Just between two different graph builds, results differ
19:15.07 brlcad yep, to be expected
19:16.06 brlcad whether the results are significant depends on a lot of factors, and will be part of the future integration/validation part
19:23.12 *** join/#brlcad docelic (n=docelic@
20:24.05 *** join/#brlcad docelic (n=docelic@
20:42.59 Maloeran Strange, I'm not finding any header for GCC's __builtin_bswap32 and __builtin_bswap64, to avoid implicit declarations

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