irclog2html for #brlcad on 20070105

08:44.07 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
08:44.28 clock_ Hello
08:44.52 clock_ Do you know how to make an animation, where the model I created is rotating?
08:45.03 clock_ I want it for better clarity how it's composed.
08:45.56 clock_ There seems to be rt_simple manpage missing - is it a bug?
08:46.22 clock_ And when in the mged console and I press pageup, pagedown and then type a command, the command is inserted *before* the prompt instead of after it, and then is ignored.
08:46.27 clock_ Is this also a bug?
14:26.21 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
15:03.34 brlcad clock_: yes, regarding page up/down bug .. regarding rt_simple, not really though a manpage would be nice
15:03.47 brlcad feel free to write one.. it's a simple tool :)
15:05.47 clock_ I found some guide for animation.
15:19.50 brlcad clock_: there was a message posted to the list several months ago for how (but Butler) for doing exactly that (rotating an object, making an animation)
15:19.58 brlcad s/but/from/
15:21.10 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/other/openNURBS/ (241 files in 8 dirs): (log message trimmed)
15:21.10 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: initial import of the openNURBS initiative's nurbs toolkit. the toolkit
15:21.10 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: consists of code for reading/writing .3dm files used by Rhino as well as nurbs
15:21.10 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: evaluation and other geometry processing facilities. the library is being
15:21.10 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: evaluated for .3dm support as well as potentially gutting the existing nurbs
15:21.13 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: primitive and using openNURBS evaluation routines instead (still probably need
15:21.15 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: to implement ray shot evaluation). this is version 200612050 (aka 4.0).
15:22.12 clock_ brlcad: I have read about the keyframes I think this will be better than a simple rotation.
15:24.50 brlcad a better animation guide is really needed -- i'm not too fond of the existing, though it does go into detail
15:25.22 brlcad it's not even really a guide
15:25.28 brlcad it was a technical paper about the technique
15:28.36 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/other/openNURBS/on4-gcc4-patch: the user-provided gcc4 patch that fixes compilation was applied (basically added a lot of explicit this-> designations), no need to keep the file around though
15:32.34 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/TODO: review 'eclectic' from GSI as a tessellation approach, review and merge the other GSI modifications
15:34.00 *** join/#brlcad docelic (n=docelic@
15:39.27 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/external/ if endgame framework simulation module compilation was requested, traverse into the EndgameFramework dir
15:40.15 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/external/EndgameFramework/ stub so traversal will work
15:47.20 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ generate the endgame framework makefile
17:23.05 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ use the originator/vendor for 'compiler' instead of the name of the compiler since we may use multiple at once in some odd configurations
18:16.30 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/other/openNURBS/opennurbs_zlib.h: zlib wasn't included, so update code to reflect usage of a usual zlib.h
19:28.56 *** join/#brlcad dtidrow_work (
19:45.19 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
19:46.10 clock_ I think the user doesn't care if Animation techniques happened to be presented as an ARL technical report, presented by a user group, or are considered a principle of effective modelling.
19:46.37 clock_ I think what the user cares is to distinguish between animation, primitives, raytracing, and other technical terms.
19:47.10 clock_ Therefore I suggest the documentation on the website not to be categorized according to into which bureaucratical category this or that document happened to fall, but according to the content itself.
19:49.38 brlcad clock_: i quite agree
19:50.46 brlcad whenver the new website comes on-line, it'll be better organized like that .. not much worth futzing with the existing unless something's painfully bad
19:50.48 clock_ I also wouldn't categorize into "documentation" and "other resources"
19:50.52 brlcad unless you'd like to clean it up? :)
19:51.20 clock_ I want to find out about term/concept X. Is there a black box into which I type "X" and it says "look under other resources, not under Documentation"?
19:51.38 brlcad yeah, we need a wiki for that
19:52.01 clock_ no for that you just need to edit the headlines
19:52.48 brlcad er, what headlines?
19:53.28 clock_ also "project site" is ridiculous. Isn't the a project site by itself? Isn't BRL-CAD a project?
19:54.01 clock_ I suggest "Project site" to be renamed to "sourceforge page"
19:54.39 clock_ Also "introduction into MGED" into "tutorial for beginners"
19:54.44 brlcad clock_: yes and no, but the suggest is noted
19:55.18 clock_ Really, when a beginner comes, he has an idea "I want to learn the basics", and he has no idea that "learn basics" translates into "introduction to mged"
19:55.21 brlcad it's not really a tutorial for beginners, it's a lot of tutorials
19:55.29 brlcad unless you want to call it one massive tutorial
19:55.37 brlcad which doesn't seem right given it's length
19:56.05 brlcad mind you, I quite agree for the need .. again, I ask -- you willing to make the changes? :)
19:56.34 clock_ "principles of effective modelling" sounds like a textbook. I would name the link "how to model effectively with BRL-CAD"
19:57.01 brlcad that's what I mentioned about it just not being much worth the effort without the rest of the site infrastructure in place
19:57.18 clock_ I mean a beginner will think "this sounds like a title of some general abstract textbook about CSG, which is not specific to BRL-CAD, therefore I'm gonna skip this link, this link will not probably contain the information I am looking for"
19:57.22 brlcad else someone(tm) spends several days/weeks of valuable time going through customizing the site
19:57.46 brlcad clock_: you do know where those docs come from?
19:58.16 brlcad they are books .. printed books .. makes a lot more sense when someone drops 10 pounds of books in your lap, all related to brl-cad
19:58.39 brlcad they were literally just "tossed up" onto the website in the fastest way possible just so they were accessible
19:59.03 clock_ You are thinking the 60's style, when people had to work only with one computer software.
19:59.04 brlcad there never is/was a claim that more work isn't needed, that they can't be better organized, that more effort "should" go towards them
19:59.12 brlcad bullshit
19:59.21 brlcad i'm saying you're not listening :)
19:59.25 clock_ Today they have to work with hundreds of different softwares. The documentation must be simplified and accessible as much as possible.
19:59.44 clock_ It's not possible anymore to conceive everything like a book that is supposed to be read on long winter evenings.
19:59.47 brlcad AND I AGREE
19:59.52 brlcad are YOU going to do it?
19:59.56 clock_ no
20:00.03 brlcad then stop preaching
20:00.09 clock_ Why?
20:00.19 brlcad because it's counterproductive
20:00.23 clock_ I am just telling my suggestions
20:00.56 brlcad well, you diverged from a suggestion a while ago
20:01.48 clock_ Do you have a new version of the website being prepared somewhere?
20:03.06 brlcad the ideas are fine, and welcome in themselves -- especially for the website, a lot is very much needed -- what is up there now is utterly the *bare minimum* effort that was possible, becuase there wasn't available effort for anything more really
20:04.05 brlcad the basic design and layout are done, there was a couple people testing out various content management systems as well and that was narrowed down to what is needed
20:04.56 brlcad but yes, there is a new version that has been under development since the first files were thrown up -- it's just the website has priority under most everything else usually (for better or worse)
20:05.21 clock_ Sorry I don't have time to help you with the website now I am trying to make an animated raytrace of a coloured Ronja part
20:05.29 brlcad there's not enough community involvement, so the bare minimum stays up there
20:05.45 brlcad and I'm trying to integrate the new foundation for improved NURBS support :)
20:05.56 clock_ I had a wiki on Ronja but I abandoned it after some time because
20:06.01 clock_ - it got hacked
20:06.06 clock_ - it got filled with spam
20:06.07 brlcad heh
20:06.21 clock_ - the content people posted was sometimes inaccurate and misleading
20:06.29 clock_ - it required frequent security updates
20:06.36 clock_ - it was hard to upgrade
20:06.44 brlcad doesn't have to be an open wiki, that would be pretty crazy
20:07.05 clock_ I stayed back with manually-edited PHP HTML and I am happy with it
20:07.16 brlcad and several of those issues are specific to the wiki you chose
20:09.22 brlcad it's really just been a matter of priorities .. the website is probably the #3 biggest problem are right now
20:09.30 clock_ I tried first twiki, later when it got hacked I switched to Mediawiki
20:09.51 clock_ Well your website isn't the worst
20:10.08 clock_ the worst website in my opinion is of the linux kernel,
20:10.30 brlcad #2 supporting existing users sufficiently
20:11.02 brlcad #1 modeling interface, usability
20:15.56 brlcad brl-cad's old website was manually-edited php html .. it was a pain in the arse to maintain
20:16.13 brlcad and to add major features was unthinkable
20:16.54 brlcad there's a lot of good effort going into CMS that make them appealing, even if they have limitations or a learning curve
20:17.58 brlcad anyhow we're pretty much past that learning curve -- it's down to just actually installing and setting it up. the content is gathered together, the design is set, graphics created .. just need the time to set it up some weekend
20:18.27 clock_ I was surprised that I modelled a lens from glass and it really distorted the image - and caused a light from a light source to be concentrated
20:19.03 brlcad it should give you perfect refraction
20:19.26 clock_ Yes looked like a perfect refraction
20:19.27 brlcad which isn't realistic for normal glass, but useful
20:19.47 clock_ what do you mean with perfect refraction?
20:20.22 clock_ Without chromatic aberration?
20:20.22 dtidrow_work no wavelength depedence, perhaps?
20:20.34 brlcad there's no participating media interaction .. microscopic air bubbles that might distort the image, blur, polarize, band filter, etc
20:23.08 brlcad the multispectral library could do wavelength-dependent interactions, give you polarizations, filterings, etc .. if you wrote the appropriate multispectral shader to simulate the medium (glass in this case, or a sufficient phong or cook-torrence shader perhaps)
20:26.20 clock_ I have great difficulty with that because even Firefox copies everything as one line
20:26.32 clock_ Maybe giving key-chans for download would be more convenient.
20:27.16 brlcad key-chans?
20:27.27 clock_ yes, key-chans
20:27.50 brlcad ~key-chans
20:29.53 *** join/#brlcad dli (
20:29.58 clock_ hmm, key-chans seems to work even on OpenBSD - with their chronically exotic versions of various UNIX utilities. This one is using awk as I can see
20:32.12 dli I'm learning "Learning about Boolean Expressions", the auto operation order is confusing to me, can I specify the order like ( shape1 u shape2) - ( shape3 u shape4)
20:35.30 brlcad dli: there are a couple commands that accept infix notation, but most are prefix
20:35.45 brlcad maybe see for a conversion
20:35.59 dli brlcad, thanks
20:36.23 brlcad or build it up if you want to keep it simple
20:37.03 clock_ I am sure for most people the necessity to cut-copy-paste UNIX shellscripts from a website and type a lot of typo-prone commands would be the ultimate turnoff
20:37.06 dli brlcad, you mean, I first got shape1 + shape2, etc?
20:37.06 brlcad make object outer: shape1 u shape2 .. then object inner: shape3 u shape 4 .. then final object: outer - inner
20:37.18 clock_ and that it would motivate them to stop using BRL-CAD and start using some commercial competition instead
20:38.44 brlcad clock_: and for a valuable minority, hopefully encourage them to contribute to help make the open source project better
20:39.23 clock_ brlcad: the problem is, I see these problems on majority of the tools, and I unfortunately don't have time to engage in improvement of all of them
20:39.28 brlcad there's lots of great ideas, and lots of energy going around -- just not towards the tools in a unified manner so much
20:39.35 clock_ I think it's more efficient to engage in improvement of my own crap, i. e. Ronja
20:40.09 brlcad clock_: i didn't mean you specifically this time ;)
20:40.22 clock_ When people send me ideas about Ronja ("this link should be called differently because it's confusing"), I put the into my TODO list and they get eventually done :)
20:40.44 brlcad that is the issue -- everyone has their own investment and requirements.. have to get people excited and interested in contributing, making it "worth it" for them
20:41.17 brlcad as do I, massive TODO file
20:41.24 brlcad and gets towards #2 that I was talking about
20:42.23 brlcad we simply have way more coming in than can go out
20:42.29 dtidrow_work brlcad: how many K is that TODO file? ;-)
20:42.32 brlcad given current involvement
20:43.20 brlcad dtidrow_work: not really representative by K as I'll consolidate something that might be a man-year's effort into a 1-liner
20:43.55 dtidrow_work ah
20:44.29 brlcad clock_: the animation tools are not production-ready, if I didn't say that before -- they were a hack implemented 15 years ago to make a few movies and haven't changed since
20:44.59 dtidrow_work I love those on the todo list - one innocent looking line explodes into a whole mess of work... :-\
20:45.17 clock_ 15 years ago lol :)
20:45.21 brlcad yeah .. "* add support for levels of detail"
20:45.31 dtidrow_work lol
20:45.43 brlcad "librt-based path tracer"
20:45.46 clock_ I wrote a game for ZX Spectrum 10 years ago and recently I finally published it :)
20:46.31 dtidrow_work in basic?
20:46.52 clock_ no in Z80 assembler
20:47.06 dtidrow_work gosh, even ten years ago the ZX was old
20:48.32 brlcad hmm.. looks like there's currently 77 items in the todo file, 46 in the bugs file, 23 in the feature tracker, 48 in the bug tracker, and about two dozen outstanding support requests via e-mail (that will each take about a half a day of time to respond to)
20:49.16 dtidrow_work heh
20:49.36 dtidrow_work so how many man-decades does that mean? ;-)
20:50.04 brlcad compiled a list of pressing modeler needs here locally after getting together with several of them .. the list they generated of the most pressing needs accummulated to about 8 man-years of work iirc
20:50.51 Maloeran But that's 6 months of brlcad and ``Erik work, right? :)
20:50.56 brlcad i dunno for the whole list.. it's probably on the order or 15-150 years .. depends on the polish :)
20:51.25 brlcad Maloeran: heh..
20:51.48 dtidrow_work brlcad: do you even remember what 'sleep' is? ;-)
20:52.09 Maloeran A glibc wrapper around the syscall, of course
20:52.29 dtidrow_work ha ha ha
20:52.32 brlcad plenty of time to sleep when I'm dead
20:53.03 brlcad which might not be too long after a few more years like this
20:53.14 dli how do I adjust a parameter of a defined shape (prim)?
20:53.21 brlcad but then rowing, lifting, and biking keep me young ;)
20:53.41 brlcad dli: you want the command-line method, or the gui method?
20:54.02 brlcad command-line: sed object .. then a variety of commands depending on the edit
20:54.10 dli brlcad, I prefer cli, the GUI prim editor is confusing also
20:54.12 brlcad gui: go to the edit menu
20:54.23 brlcad prim selection
20:54.37 Maloeran SURVICE is working on an immigration visa and they put June 1st as date to begin as an employee, there's no way I can get a driving license before then... Seems I'll do a whole lot of biking too :)
20:54.39 brlcad enter primitive name, hit enter.. should show parameters that can be adjusted
20:55.09 dli brlcad, rror: Unable to do <keyboard solid edit start> from SOL EDIT state.
20:55.09 dli Expecting VIEWING state
20:55.10 brlcad er, can't get a license in six months??
20:55.23 brlcad dli: ah, you're already editing "something"
20:55.27 Maloeran Not in Canada, takes 12 months to get a "real" license allowing one to drive without supervision
20:55.31 brlcad type: reject or accept
20:55.51 brlcad ahh, provisional timeframe
20:56.04 Maloeran Or should I look for some obscure state that delivers driving licenses by mail within 5 days?
20:56.06 dli brlcad, must be the GUI editor, I couldn't figure out the prim editor :(
20:56.33 brlcad dli: :) .. there should also be accept and reject menu items on the edit menu
20:57.00 clock_ If this is my last words, then it's cause by a salad dressing which is already 3 months beyond it's horizon
20:57.41 brlcad nasty
20:57.43 Maloeran If you managed to overcome the natural vomiting reflex, it can't have been that bad
20:57.49 clock_ smells good, tastes good...
20:58.07 clock_ Now Saddam can come with his Anthrax - I am resistant to biological weapons
20:58.23 clock_ Actually - he can't. 1) he doesn't have biological weapons, 2) he suffered clinical death
20:58.24 dtidrow_work lol
20:59.30 dtidrow_work rope neckties generally lead to 2 :-)
20:59.37 dli brlcad, can I just remake the prim? it's unioned, sed just gives me a warning
21:03.37 clock_ lol viewsize eye_pt orientation - is the script going to ask me about my sexual orientation?
21:04.55 dli brlcad, yes, kill && in works better
21:08.10 brlcad dli: yes you can
21:08.35 brlcad that's actually expected use, even if it's being referenced by another object
21:08.41 Maloeran What is that animation you are trying to record, clock_?
21:08.47 brlcad so you can swap out arbitrary geometry as needed
21:11.29 Maloeran Recording an animation seems like a simple thing to do, I just dump the raw frames and mencode the resulting file to a more standard format
21:11.52 ``Erik mal: if you need, I can help ya learn to drive... provided I get my truck working, or you buy a car... you ain't learnin' on my m3 :D (my truck is manual, autos are a lot easier, but I personally don't call that driving). I THINK, for an adult, it's only like 3 or 6 mo, MAYBE less...
21:12.10 ``Erik brlcad: new website? eh?
21:12.23 brlcad ``Erik: yah, what?
21:12.38 ``Erik clock: sourceforge, put it in 'feature requests' or 'bugtracker' and stfu. Also; if you want to claim one and do it... DO IT
21:12.39 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/other/openNURBS/ (3 files): remove the z_ prefix protection so that openNURBS can be linked against an installed system zlib library (there were no namespace collisions)
21:12.39 Maloeran Eheh, thanks Erik. I think I'm going to get one of these 2 places Smart car
21:12.49 brlcad that was something I started years ago when I first started
21:13.01 ``Erik like... 8 yrs ago?
21:13.01 ``Erik hah
21:13.09 brlcad naht that long
21:13.41 ``Erik unfortunately, I have too much experience with webby type things... if it's drudge work, fuck off, but if ti's just a hurdle, mebbe I cna help :)
21:14.35 brlcad was seriously working on it about 4 years ago, and then had to shelve it to make the open sourcing happen
21:15.00 brlcad it's been worked on a bit since, I even paid someone to work on it for a while, but still was usurped by other priorities
21:15.28 ``Erik I've grown irate enough to decide that I amke my own priorities.
21:15.48 brlcad ``Erik: I feel exactly the same -- had I needed the site 10 years ago, I would have spent the weeks and would have made something kick ass
21:16.10 brlcad now it's just boring tripe that takes way too long and involves too much fruitless hacking
21:17.04 Maloeran ``Erik, seems to be 6 months in Maryland for a license. Is a license from a state valid in another?
21:17.05 brlcad getting the site itself isn't a big deal, that's part why I really want a CMS up so that after whatever goonie is gone that set it up, the site can still be maintained and improved
21:17.10 ``Erik after I build a perf testbed app to compare rayfarce and adrt
21:17.15 brlcad Maloeran: yes
21:17.21 Maloeran Because there seems to be states with far less... restrictive requirements
21:17.30 ``Erik mal: usually, MIGHT require taking a test, but no probation period
21:18.24 brlcad yeah, I knew a few friends that drove down to VA to get their license because the test was easier
21:18.24 ``Erik when I moved from washington to missouri, I had to take a written test, eye exam, and then I got a license... when I moved from 'missouri' (tn with a mo license), I just had to take an eye exam
21:18.24 brlcad but hey, the test really isn't hard -- if you're failing, there's probably a reason
21:18.47 Maloeran Eheh, nice. A car, I'm sure that drives just like a bicycle :)
21:18.58 Maloeran I think I'll get something like :
21:19.05 brlcad ahh, the driving test should be the least of your worries ;)
21:19.07 ``Erik for the most part, bicycles have to follow car rules when on the road
21:20.03 brlcad there are a couple tricks to the test (usually stop lights and proper parallel parking), but more get the written test wrong
21:20.23 ``Erik look at the retard redneck idiots who drive... it can't be THAT difficult
21:20.33 dtidrow_work heh
21:20.34 ``Erik and if you're feeling really REALLY inbred, just go to wv for the test
21:20.35 brlcad which usually just means they don't understand the laws that they're supposed to be abiding by (or the test has poorly worded questions) *ahem*
21:20.36 ``Erik *duck* :D
21:20.52 Maloeran Tests are rather difficult in Quebec I heard... Some people go get a license in the states because they can't get one here
21:20.53 brlcad don't think there's is much different from MDs
21:21.08 brlcad er, theirs
21:21.26 ``Erik most of it is undertsanding the signals being presented
21:21.37 ``Erik red light means stop, double yellow in the middle means no pass, etc
21:21.39 Maloeran Ah well, 6 months is good, I can manage biking for a month or two initially
21:22.17 ``Erik the apt complex I lived in for my first 6mo in md is right across 95 from survice
21:22.41 ``Erik when we went to that restraunt in marks mazda, we passed it
21:23.11 ``Erik the one that made me sick o>O
21:25.24 ``Erik hrm
21:25.28 ``Erik rooms or bedrooms/
21:25.36 Maloeran 5 rooms, 2 bedrooms
21:25.44 ``Erik the one I had was 9 rooms, plus a deck
21:25.49 Maloeran Oh, okay :)
21:26.17 ``Erik and a wood burning fireplace, and covered parking, and ...
21:26.18 ``Erik :)
21:26.28 dtidrow_work ``Erik: where was this?
21:26.37 ``Erik um, belcamp
21:26.40 ``Erik behind the hotel
21:26.45 ``Erik 'aborwood' or something
21:26.59 Maloeran Requirement for MD driving license : "Two documents establishing your Maryland residency"
21:27.00 ``Erik arborwood, even
21:27.34 ``Erik mal: power bill is sufficient for one, apt pmt is probably sufficient
21:28.24 clock_ clock@kestrel:~/creat/ronja/trunk/3d$ ./moss.rt
21:28.24 clock_ ./moss.rt: line 1: 24787 Segmentation fault (core dumped) rt -M $* -o moss.pix tetrax.g tetrax 2>>moss.log <moss.rtanim
21:28.30 clock_ wohoo :)
21:28.45 ``Erik ooohhhh, you better fix that, clock
21:29.15 Maloeran ``Erik: I mean I can't just apply now and wait 6 months from this point
21:35.40 clock_ ``Erik: I can send the files
21:37.03 ``Erik mal: I think the 6mo assumes education...
21:37.10 ``Erik clock:
21:38.03 clock_ Does this help?
21:38.15 clock_ #0 0x1c008158 in do_pixel (cpu=0, pat_num=-1, pixelnum=15018) at worker.c:491
21:38.15 clock_ <PROTECTED>
21:38.15 clock_ <PROTECTED>
21:38.15 clock_ <PROTECTED>
21:38.15 clock_ <PROTECTED>
21:38.18 clock_ <PROTECTED>
21:38.20 clock_ <PROTECTED>
21:38.23 clock_ <PROTECTED>
21:38.25 clock_ <PROTECTED>
21:38.28 clock_ <PROTECTED>
21:38.30 clock_ <PROTECTED>
21:38.33 clock_ <PROTECTED>
21:38.35 clock_ <PROTECTED>
21:38.38 clock_ <PROTECTED>
21:38.40 clock_ <PROTECTED>
21:38.43 clock_ <PROTECTED>
21:38.46 clock_ <PROTECTED>
21:38.48 clock_ <PROTECTED>
21:38.51 clock_ <PROTECTED>
21:38.53 clock_ <PROTECTED>
21:38.56 clock_ <PROTECTED>
21:38.58 clock_ <PROTECTED>
21:39.01 clock_ <PROTECTED>
21:39.03 clock_ ---Type <return> to continue, or q <return> to quit---
21:39.06 clock_ <PROTECTED>
21:39.08 clock_ <PROTECTED>
21:39.11 clock_ <PROTECTED>
21:39.13 clock_ <PROTECTED>
21:39.16 clock_ <PROTECTED>
21:39.55 clock_ I crashed at moss.pix.6
21:40.04 clock_ clock@kestrel:~/creat/ronja/trunk/3d$ ls -la moss.pix.5
21:40.04 clock_ -r--r--r-- 1 clock users 120000 Jan 5 22:37 moss.pix.5
21:40.04 clock_ clock@kestrel:~/creat/ronja/trunk/3d$ ls -la moss.pix.4
21:40.04 clock_ -r--r--r-- 1 clock users 120000 Jan 5 22:36 moss.pix.4
21:40.04 clock_ clock@kestrel:~/creat/ronja/trunk/3d$ ls -la moss.pix.6
21:40.07 clock_ -rw-r--r-- 1 clock users 44400 Jan 5 22:37 moss.pix.6
21:40.28 clock_ The path is an almost-circular path around the object
21:42.46 brlcad clock_: what version is that?
21:53.55 brlcad nothing obvious in that particular stack, though the line doesn't match anything sensible in my version
21:54.10 brlcad s/stack/frame/
21:55.02 clock_ BRL-CAD Release 7.8.2
21:55.45 brlcad okay, that's better
21:56.00 clock_ Should I reinstall to 7.8.4?
21:56.25 brlcad no no
21:56.42 brlcad it's acting like you had a partial render, given the code it's in
21:56.44 clock_ Solid modelling for strong defense haha :)
21:56.56 clock_ Should I delete the pixfiles and try again?
21:57.01 brlcad yeah
21:57.40 clock_ clock@kestrel:~/creat/ronja/trunk/3d$ ./moss.rt -s 200
21:57.40 clock_ ./moss.rt: line 1: 13777 Segmentation fault (core dumped) rt -M $* -o moss.pix tetrax.g tetrax 2>>moss.log <moss.rtanim
21:57.43 clock_ Anyway
21:57.58 brlcad same frame?
21:58.02 clock_ This time it created only moss.pix and moss.pix.1
21:58.14 clock_ -r--r--r-- 1 clock users 120000 Jan 5 22:57 moss.pix
21:58.14 clock_ -rw-r--r-- 1 clock users 44400 Jan 5 22:57 moss.pix.1
21:58.22 clock_ Seems to produce a runt file of the same size
21:58.38 clock_ Maybe when I run it many times I get a complete animation with ocassional bad pixels :)
21:59.16 brlcad curious, you have an smp machine?
21:59.21 clock_ no
21:59.29 clock_ Pentium M 1.5GHz notebook
22:00.18 brlcad delete the pix files again and add the -B flag to rt ... run it twice if it crashes and see if it crashes on the same image frame both times
22:00.51 clock_ I'm going to sleep now
22:00.53 clock_ good night
22:01.42 brlcad hrm k
22:01.56 brlcad if you can get a chance, I'd be interested in getting those files to test here
22:03.03 clock_ yes I can send them
22:03.42 b0ef nearly got a heart stop when I saw NURBS on the commit list;)
22:04.16 brlcad heh
22:04.41 b0ef you working on exposing the NURBS interface in brlcad?
22:07.47 b0ef for manipulating NURBS..
22:11.05 brlcad b0ef: couple different efforts
22:11.32 brlcad one being just to simply improve the geometry engine's nurbs support
22:11.47 brlcad the existing isn't exposed because it has "issues"
22:12.06 brlcad so fixing/improving it is the first step
22:12.54 brlcad that also then in turn supports geometry conversion, which is what is driving this particular effort -- being able to seamlessly bring in models from pro/e, unigraphics, rhino, etc without doing a tessellation
22:13.25 brlcad also fundamentally needed by the step converter, which will likely be the second major effort
22:14.11 b0ef just wondering; is the reverse also be part of that same effort? (mesh to NURBS)
22:14.18 brlcad THEN on to the modeling interface facilities (which could happen in parallel with the step converter work, but that depends on involvement from others)
22:14.54 brlcad yikes, generate a smoothed nurbs surface off of some mesh?
22:15.12 b0ef well, a NURBS surface doesn't have to be smooth
22:15.17 b0ef it can be anything;)
22:15.18 brlcad true
22:15.22 b0ef that's the beauty of it;)
22:15.23 dtidrow_work - wonder where he hid the JATO bottles ;-)
22:15.24 brlcad but then what'd be the point?
22:16.00 b0ef well, when using existing models; having the capability to turn them into parametric surfaces is very handy
22:16.01 Maloeran Tsk, the "beauty" of NURBS are a pain to raytrace efficiently :)
22:16.19 Maloeran are->is
22:16.39 b0ef NURBS should be even more easy than a mesh, from my understanding
22:16.58 b0ef well, yeah, efficiently is another thing, I guess
22:17.10 brlcad b0ef: ah, you mean from a modelling perspective, for deformations, etc
22:17.21 b0ef brlcad: yeah
22:18.04 brlcad i'll keep it in mind, but that's kind of obscure .. we don't have direct mesh or nurbs editing now, so talking about converting from one or the other without the editing is a bit premature ;)
22:18.12 b0ef well, the thing I'm after doesn't even require the non uniform and rational part, really
22:18.32 b0ef at first;)
22:19.05 b0ef of course, trimming and such in the future would require that
22:19.10 brlcad doing a straight up conversion would be a pretty simple tool for someone to write -- but you still wouldn't have the editing capacity yet ;)
22:19.41 b0ef I'm on my way to learn the mathematics, but some years are expected, so I can't help, yet;)
22:20.30 brlcad you're welcome to jump into the code as part of your learning ;)
22:20.37 b0ef anyways, I've found offset tool in inkscape
22:21.11 b0ef yeah, I am pursuing this, but I'm just taking linear algebra at the time
22:21.36 b0ef I've made my surfaces in inkscape
22:22.08 b0ef the problem now is stitching them together
22:22.51 b0ef well, make them compatible
22:23.03 b0ef make one surface out of them all
22:24.59 b0ef I also found out I need to look at projection
22:25.48 b0ef damn, NURBS are sexy;)
22:32.36 brlcad ever used rhino?
22:32.39 brlcad er, rhino3d
22:32.52 b0ef no
22:33.01 brlcad they are pretty much the kings of nurbs modeling
22:33.12 b0ef yeah, know, but I don't use proprietary software
22:34.18 b0ef ;)
22:36.13 brlcad b0ef: i only mentioned as a lead for perspective -- their nurbs modeling interface is pretty darn sexy, the standard most of the industry has used to live up to
22:36.38 b0ef brlcad: yeah, believe me, I know about it;)
22:36.47 brlcad some pretty tricky math behind what they have working on the user interfae side
22:36.52 b0ef I've skimmed the surface of the earth for NURBS;)
22:37.27 brlcad ah, so you've *heard* of rhino.. just not used it
22:37.58 b0ef yeah, read on it
22:38.57 b0ef I used maya, before I went fanatic, though
22:39.33 Maloeran Are you mostly a modeller, b0ef, or a programmer as well?
22:40.03 b0ef well, I'm mostly a programmer, but have this childhood dream of recreating where I grew up
22:40.18 b0ef s/where/the place where/
22:40.24 Maloeran :) Nice.
22:40.41 b0ef ;), yeah, been working on it for many many years
22:41.04 b0ef off and on, of course
22:41.15 brlcad did you happen to grow up in the Cornell box?
22:41.28 brlcad or inside a tank
22:41.35 brlcad if so, I might be able to heelp
22:42.04 b0ef
22:42.29 b0ef ;)
22:43.41 b0ef indeed
22:44.04 brlcad hmm, let's see .. there's a procedural vegetation generator in brl-cad, grass and cloud shaders, texture and wood shaders.. terrain .. that'll get you most of that picture ;)
22:44.24 *** join/#brlcad docelic (n=docelic@
22:44.26 b0ef I have actually modeled the whole place
22:44.41 b0ef many times, actually
22:44.43 Maloeran Where's the procedural vegetation generator? I thought Justin had used some weird Blender plugin
22:44.53 brlcad Maloeran: he had, but there's one in there too
22:44.54 Maloeran Which was very broken for me, as all Blender plugins I tried
22:44.58 Maloeran Neat
22:46.33 b0ef here are the current svg surfaces:
22:46.39 b0ef
22:46.44 b0ef well, nearly the current
22:47.18 b0ef hmm, only some parts of it show up in my browser, but inkscape should show it right
22:47.44 b0ef I have modeled it many times, but I need a parametric model of it
22:48.33 Maloeran May I ask why you need it made of NURBS specifically?
22:48.47 brlcad Maloeran: it's nothing fancy -- it was a quick 1-week effort to procedurally create random trees and bushes quickly .. end result was pretty decent actually, but there are a ton of parameters to feed (branching rates, branch min/maxes, radii, tapering rates, etc)
22:48.57 brlcad maybe 2 weeks, i forget
22:49.36 b0ef Maloeran: well, it doesn't work to work with surfaces and curves in mesh modeling for something like this
22:49.42 brlcad still, it has some nice aspects like no self-intersections, branches grow towards light visibility, etc
22:50.29 Maloeran Sounds good, brlcad, I had pondered about writing something like that
22:50.57 Maloeran Where is it in the source?
22:51.00 brlcad src/proc-db if you want to poke -- it's in there somewhere, vegitation iirc
22:51.08 Maloeran Thanks.
22:52.12 b0ef I have very little interest in shaders and such, really; I just want to model it and synthesise the textures
22:52.35 b0ef I'm looking into fluxus to synthesise textures
22:52.55 Maloeran Shaders? As long as it's raytraced, you should just need material properties and launch the process
22:53.48 b0ef yeah, but I don't want to use bitmaps
22:53.56 b0ef as in, static textures
22:54.24 b0ef well, that's a long way from now, anyways
23:47.11 ``Erik boner-stoppin'?

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