irclog2html for #brlcad on 20070107

03:05.29 *** join/#brlcad Twingy (n=justin@
13:38.14 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
14:36.06 clock_ brlcad: you might be interested in my autogenerated BRL-CAD videos
14:41.10 brlcad clock_: howdy
14:41.13 brlcad i probably would
14:42.09 clock_ There was a problem with pixhalve that it is usable only with gamma=1
14:42.17 clock_ but gamma=1 degrades the pixel depth so it's unusable
14:42.31 clock_ gamma=2.2 is correct for rendering video, but without pixhalve the videos are jagged
14:42.57 clock_ So I wrote my own tool that supports arbitrary spatial resampling (up/down), and temporary downsampling given by an integer
14:43.05 clock_ and outputs into YUV4MPEG2 and PPM stream
14:43.43 clock_ I put it into my Ronja makefiles so now I get a 576x576x50Hz video with a sound loop background (7.2 sec) and an animated gif @10Hz which is temporary subsampled
14:43.44 brlcad your pix-y4m tool?
14:43.57 clock_ everything is calculated correctly, gamma correctly handled, calculations done in 16 bits
14:44.03 clock_ yes it's an upgrade of the pix-y4m
14:44.11 clock_ I took the resampler from Links :)
14:44.43 clock_ it generates Ogg Theora, DivX and WMV
14:44.47 clock_ and also bzipped YUV4MPEG2
14:44.51 clock_ and an animated GIF
14:45.05 brlcad that tool would make a nice addition, though there are a few hopefully minor changes/additions that would be needed and one other somewhat signficant change
14:45.35 brlcad generates ogg/divx/wmv manually? or links to eternal libs?
14:45.53 clock_ from the YUV4MPEG2 it's generated by transcode and libtheora encoder example
14:46.04 clock_ the pix-y4m produces YUV4MPEG2
14:46.09 brlcad ah
14:46.24 brlcad i was going to say.. damn
14:47.23 clock_ See at the bottom - tetrax
14:48.30 brlcad that's freaking awesome :)
14:49.02 clock_ Now I just add names like "holder" or "tetrax" into one place of my makefiles and add couple of hours and I can get other videos :)
14:49.05 clock_ thanks
14:49.18 brlcad at least on the ogg :)
14:49.34 clock_ that's not porno music that's CC-BY-SA Xcyril: Hip Hop
14:49.42 brlcad uh huh ;)
14:49.55 clock_ can you play in a loop?
14:50.36 clock_ I could replace the loop with amiga-style chiptune from the Supertux game
14:50.46 clock_ it has a period of 7 seconds that's very close to 7.2
14:51.12 brlcad yeah, I can loop it in quicktime
14:51.21 clock_ does it loop seamlessly?
14:51.48 brlcad the animation is seamless
14:52.03 brlcad the audio on theora is a little disjoint
14:52.54 clock_ and divx and wmv?
14:54.36 brlcad ahh, somehow i missed the audio on the divx .. it's identical
14:54.49 clock_ is there a notch in the audio?
14:55.15 brlcad it's not so much a notch as just a nit-pick on the blend
14:55.30 clock_ maybe the driver has to flush the audio buffer or so
14:55.40 clock_ I calculated the length in audacity exactly to 7.2 sec
14:55.48 clock_ When I blend the audios in audacity, it's perfectly seamless
14:55.55 clock_ so it must be the encoding process or your player
14:56.12 clock_ my player (mplayer, vlc) produces absolutely horrible stutter at the seam
14:56.17 brlcad or different expectations
14:56.21 brlcad it does loop nicely
14:58.03 brlcad but going from the fluttering at the end to the beat at the start just isn't what I'd personally call "seamless"
14:58.37 brlcad it could very well be what you intended -- you'd have to hear it for yourself :)
14:59.17 clock_ it's like this in the original music
14:59.51 clock_ xcyril: hip hop you can download for free on jamendo
15:02.56 clock_ Now Ronja compiles several hours :)
15:03.16 clock_ But still I consider the raytracer to be fast - when it calculates all the shadows etc.
15:04.43 brlcad how many fps are you rendering?
15:04.50 brlcad for the animation
15:05.18 clock_ 0.3fps
15:05.23 clock_ 1152x1152
15:05.32 clock_ depends on scene comoplexity too
16:09.25 clock_ Why does material=0 cause ridiculously high mass like 10^289kg?
16:11.05 brlcad probably getting a division by zero because there's no density set
16:11.18 brlcad s/zero/near zero/ of course
16:11.48 brlcad or there's an indexing issue there -- supposed to index from 1 up
16:13.03 clock_ Maybe it's a bug?
16:13.38 clock_ If I set the density in the density file to 0 (material=256, density 0) then it calculates correctly
16:13.45 clock_ Can I put a line with 0 into the density file?
16:14.10 brlcad i'm frankly not sure that's been tried
16:14.16 brlcad again, not the design :)
16:14.21 brlcad but go ahead and try ..
16:14.40 clock_ Why is it called "GIFT_MATERIAL"?
16:14.58 brlcad that's ancient heritage
16:15.34 brlcad gift material codes are what the DoD uses/used to define material properties
16:15.47 clock_ So it's retro
16:16.38 brlcad GIFT was the "Geometric Information from Targets"
16:16.57 brlcad basically the precursor to 'rt' in a way
16:17.42 brlcad evolved from the magi ray-tracer iirc
16:19.05 brlcad ahh, here we go..
16:19.20 brlcad a 1987 paper on the topic:
16:21.00 clock_ Yes it calculates correctly even with index 0
16:24.08 brlcad good to know
16:37.37 clock_ whast is REGION_CODE? Can it be all 1000 for all parts?
16:38.06 clock_ no sorry REGION_ID
16:47.43 clock_ Now the 0'th index doesn't work
16:49.04 clock_ printf("%s",NULL) isn't something a program should do:
16:49.08 clock_ <PROTECTED>
16:49.09 clock_ <PROTECTED>
16:49.09 clock_ <PROTECTED>
16:49.09 clock_ <PROTECTED>
16:49.09 clock_ <PROTECTED>
16:49.11 clock_ <PROTECTED>
16:49.14 clock_ 11142320660329766197282404428822493103453219925682332085413596211029096794472640917136021704128167472701500262605140476594536144399399667268753079654421883418581083831198838033283297124246427098575741106021024097346550934083463016754241736963503981200105259980151084013000927862654594585192530136845516800.000 0 100 (null) 0.0000 /chimney/chimney.r
16:53.40 clock_ When it worked it was caused by chance
16:54.08 ``Erik hum
17:20.36 clock_ the rtweight produces random numbers even when I use 256 for the part that doesn't count
17:21.39 clock_ It produces random numbers even when I make the numbers in the .density file continuous
17:21.50 clock_ <PROTECTED>
17:21.50 clock_ <PROTECTED>
17:21.50 clock_ <PROTECTED>
17:21.50 clock_ <PROTECTED>
17:21.50 clock_ <PROTECTED>
17:21.53 clock_ <PROTECTED>
17:21.55 clock_ 5471996131684330201384988641922329570258652293616177422983661606387605959185699572608651675799621548161907052971545040885199431982865401592260667493913974039383458518276186681799389570084070369563361732356774012177516296118005292214198201381758086484754586844743669147989428832905491120128.000 6 100 Doesnt_count 0.0000 /chimney/chimney.r
17:22.00 clock_ <PROTECTED>
17:22.03 clock_ Sometimes it happens, sometimes not
17:22.05 clock_ run from run
17:23.08 clock_ The problem seems to be the 0 weight of the material
17:23.14 clock_ when I replace with 0.00000001 it's OK
17:24.02 clock_ Where is the source for rtweight?
17:24.32 clock_ There is only rtweight_vers.c and it's almost empty
17:27.04 clock_ if (density<0) something else if (density>0) something else
17:27.55 clock_ OK let's try to recompile and make some spaghetti
17:34.04 brlcad source is in src/rt/view_weight.c
17:34.10 clock_ now it seems to work
17:34.33 brlcad a density of 0 would be invalid
17:34.43 clock_ Invalid is <0
17:34.53 clock_ <0 prints a message "no density specified"
17:34.56 clock_ >0 calculates the density
17:34.59 clock_ 0 throws dice
17:35.06 clock_ And I need density of 0.
17:35.45 brlcad a density of zero would be a pure vaccuum in space
17:36.05 brlcad even air has a non-zero density
17:36.08 clock_ or an object whose weight is not to be taken into account
17:36.52 clock_ Do you want to keep the current throw-dice-at-zero behaviour?
17:37.05 brlcad well, of course not -- that's just bad behavior
17:37.22 clock_ At least you are not like the Linux kernel or Ekiga developers
17:37.29 clock_ who are always right no matter how crappy it behaves
17:38.22 brlcad nah, i'm not defending it -- from a design standpoint it is behaving as garbage-in->garbage-out .. but it should still behave sensibly
17:38.31 clock_ that's also why I am not wasting time with projects like that and poke at BRL-CAD instead
17:38.58 brlcad and whether it should support zero is another question -- i can see a use there, so good to mod to support it
17:38.59 clock_ Negative is good too
17:39.05 clock_ if you model a body submerged in water
17:39.34 brlcad hmm, interesting
17:39.54 clock_ just subtract the density of water
17:40.03 brlcad though the density of the object itself wouldn't be changed
17:40.17 brlcad that might be better managed at a higher level where you can do the physics better
17:40.27 clock_ this does the physics perfectly
17:40.50 brlcad which is probably where you could also deal with objects whose weight you didn't want to take into account too
17:41.12 clock_ That would make the makefiles too complicated
17:41.19 brlcad it just does a simple density/mass calculation for you ;)
17:41.23 clock_ and now it works even when the zero entry is at index 0 ;-)
17:42.15 clock_ Are you going to include pix-y4m?
17:42.42 brlcad i'd like to, but there are a few things that would need to be addressed
17:43.20 clock_ And you would like me to re-program it?
17:43.57 brlcad no no, the code does what it does and is useful
17:44.08 brlcad the things to be addressed are more inclusion issues
17:44.23 brlcad docs, integration
17:44.48 brlcad aside from a manpage would be nice, presently contributions request assignment of copyright to be included
17:46.04 brlcad you can still retain authorship, and get full credit for the work -- but for licensing purposes, there's only one copyright for the non-public-domain portions
17:47.08 brlcad this makes it easier to relicense the code as needed down the road, since you don't have to hunt down every contributor (and understandably, some don't like that, but presently it's the project position)
17:48.34 brlcad it's particularly relevant for what you wrote even as there are design plans to turn the image processing tools into a "universal converter" library
17:49.26 brlcad in support of that kind of design change, all of BRL-CAD's GPL code (which is presently all the front-end applications) is going to change to LGPL
17:53.27 clock_ In Czech Republic there is nothing like copyright therefore it's not possible to assign it
17:53.39 clock_ There is only authorship and that's given by definition and cannot be changed
17:53.45 clock_ How it's in Switzerland I don't know
17:54.47 brlcad if there's nothing like copyright, then why does the code have a copyright clause?
17:55.16 brlcad most licenses are based in copyright law, especially GPL/LGPL/BSD, etc -- even internationally
17:55.45 clock_ I write (c) <year> <author> everywhere - this is the copyright clause?
17:56.01 brlcad also, this isn't anything new -- there are lots of major international projects that require copyright assignment
17:56.08 brlcad yes, that is exactly what the (c) means
17:56.23 clock_ I didn't know this means anything special legally
17:56.38 clock_ In CZ it definitely doesn't mean anything it's just a text string without any legal meaning
17:56.58 clock_ I saw it being used so I did the same by example ;-)
17:57.28 brlcad I'm sure cz actually does have some form of copyright protection
17:57.36 clock_ It has author right
17:57.47 clock_ if you create something, a right is implicitly created
17:58.29 brlcad same holds in most places
17:58.42 clock_ but that right is not transferrable
17:58.47 clock_ you can only give licence to use
17:59.10 clock_ and that right is created by the act of creation itself you don't have to write any (c) anywhere
17:59.26 clock_ if you write (c), it's like if you didn't write anything - you have the right regardless
18:00.14 brlcad it's the same in most places, even in the U.S., you don't *have* to write (c) -- it's automatic -- but the legal basis is weaker if you actually have to defend something in a court
18:01.08 brlcad regardless, i'm not going to believe that czech doesn't have a means to allow copyright assignment, though, without a solid reference
18:01.12 brlcad not that it's relevant for this
18:01.40 clock_ all you can do is give a non-exclusive licence or an exclusive licence
18:01.45 clock_ including a licence to sublicence
18:02.03 clock_ but you cannot get rid of that copyright (in Czech terms it's called Author's right)
18:02.18 brlcad again, i doubt that, highly doubt that as business interactions generally require authorship transfer
18:02.37 brlcad unless you have a link to share that shows otherwise
18:03.26 clock_ My GPL code is taken from Links and it's tainted by Mikulas's code
18:03.33 clock_ the overalloc() is written by Mikulas
18:03.40 clock_ so now it already involves two people ;-)
18:03.59 brlcad i'm educating myself, hold on ;)
18:04.00 clock_ I cannot change to LGPL by myself
18:06.24 brlcad looks like Article 26(1) of cz copyright will let you grant all rights use with unrestricted scope -- that would be sufficient for a purpose like this
18:06.38 brlcad though like you said, you've already got joint authorship going so you can't change it regardless
18:06.53 clock_ I wouldn't grant anyway
18:07.12 brlcad which means it really can't be included then unfortunately, unless you changed to LGPL or BSD
18:07.13 clock_ unrestricted scope? That's ridiculous
18:07.34 clock_ what if I change to BSD but don't grant unrestricted scope?
18:07.44 clock_ BSD still has some (minimal) restrictions
18:07.55 brlcad the domain of the scope is still just that contribution ;)
18:08.07 brlcad not sure what you think it means
18:08.19 clock_ but then you could take my contribution and sell it to Microsoft ;-)
18:08.58 clock_ Or you can include one program under GPL ;-)
18:09.03 brlcad technically, that's what copyright assignment means too -- changes are provided in good faith that the copyright holder wouldn't ever do that
18:09.18 clock_ Or make a public version that will include the GPL program and your contractors will get only the LGPL
18:09.45 brlcad contractors?
18:13.12 clock_ "this makes it easier to relicence the code"
18:13.40 brlcad here's a rather public project that you might be familiar with that has a decent write-up on the issues
18:13.44 brlcad
18:14.02 brlcad pretty much the same concerns and motivations here
18:14.06 clock_ Why do you want me to licence under LGPL?
18:14.38 brlcad well in particular because the code would be likely made part of a LGPL library if it is included
18:15.03 clock_ Is the whole BRL-CAD going to switch to LGPL?
18:15.12 brlcad very soon
18:15.20 brlcad the portions that are GPL, that is
18:15.34 clock_ what licence are the other portions?
18:16.14 brlcad the build infrastructure, benchmark suite, various scripts, and a few contributed tools are BSD licensed
18:16.39 clock_ Why are you switching to LGPL?
18:16.43 brlcad the documentation that isn't already public domain is dual-licensed GPL/GFDL (you choose)
18:17.20 brlcad brl-cad's libraries have to remain lgpl or bsd because of the user base
18:17.31 clock_ What does it mean because of the user base?
18:18.06 clock_ I hate this free software / open source politics ;-)
18:18.09 brlcad there are government, educational, and commercial entities that use brl-cad for various purposes, linking to brl-cad's geometry engine and ray-trace library for functionality
18:18.25 brlcad in codes that cannot be made open source, but are distributed
18:18.30 clock_ Do they use them in proprietary software?
18:18.49 brlcad some do, yes
18:19.23 brlcad some are classified codes with security implications (and not just U.S., several nations)
18:19.38 clock_ Why should I allow proprietary software to link my code?
18:19.45 brlcad you don't have to
18:19.48 brlcad that's your right
18:19.54 clock_ with LGPL or BSD you allow
18:20.03 brlcad but to be included in brl-cad, it would be required
18:20.54 brlcad lgpl and bsd let the closed codes utilize the functionality they require, and provide a mutual benefit by promoting the software, giving credit of use, being part of the user base, etc
18:21.36 brlcad we don't exist to push a political software agenda, my main concern is the open flexibility and usability of brl-cad by anyone
18:22.24 clock_ classified codes and security implications
18:22.41 clock_ I can't see their codes, they won't be able to use my software ;-)
18:23.13 brlcad as you currently have it licensed, for a distributed code, that's true
18:23.27 brlcad if it's not distributed, even gpl doesn't prevent them from using your code, though
18:23.30 clock_ why do they need to classify anything? Good nations don't have anything to hide ;-)
18:23.56 clock_ that's right
18:24.31 clock_ but what they cannot do is that Army Subcontractor X makes an add-on nuke-calculating package and then sells it to US Army under classified code blah blah
18:25.14 clock_ and then US Army calculates up better nukes and will make grins at other nations who can't calculate their nukes so well
18:25.17 brlcad just about every subcontractor is explicitly required to assign copyright to the government, as well as all rights
18:25.32 clock_ When they are going to calculate nukes with my code, then at least everyone will have the same opportunity
18:26.01 brlcad actually, wouldn't they just be making pretty animations of the nukes with your code?
18:26.22 clock_ whatever, but it will help them save time ;-)
18:26.31 clock_ today the nukes aren't relevant anymore
18:26.39 clock_ they have been technically overcome by terrorism
18:27.06 brlcad there are biothreats considerably more dangerous than nukes
18:27.59 clock_ like old salad sauces?
18:28.18 brlcad but I digress .. so back to the point, if you do happen to relicense the code to bsd or lgpl, it can be reconsidered .. but it sounds like a non-starter on both sides for now
18:28.44 clock_ I don't really like the idea of relicensing the code
18:28.53 brlcad i understand, that's fine
18:30.18 clock_ Is it legally possible to distribute almost all files in BRL-CAD with LGPL and one source code under GPL, while the source code and the rest don't mutually link?
18:30.19 brlcad could add it as one of our "contributed" codes, but then you'd need a build file, documentation, a pressing demand, and other tidbits to be included
18:30.33 clock_ what is the pressing demand?
18:31.09 brlcad I looked into that a while back, from my reading -- you can't incorporate gpl code into a lgpl library without it becoming a gpl library
18:31.24 clock_ but my code is standalone it doesn't require any library
18:31.51 brlcad what I said earlier
18:32.05 clock_ do you want to put my code into a library?
18:32.29 brlcad there's going to be a "universal" image converter library made out of ost of the image processing tools
18:32.43 brlcad so you can have an api to go to/from any image format to another
18:32.59 brlcad similar to magick's convert tool, though we could also expand into geometry too
18:33.29 brlcad aside from just having it as a generic conversion library in itself for reading/writing dozens of formats
18:33.46 brlcad so yeah -- if it was included, I'd want to make it part of that library
18:34.00 clock_ but that's in long-termm isn't it?
18:34.01 brlcad wouldn't make sense to leave it out (other than the legal problem)
18:34.13 clock_ and my code is not much universal
18:34.53 brlcad your code doesn't have to be, that's the beauty of the library
18:36.08 brlcad e.g. there's a png-pix and a pix-y4m but obviously not a png-y4m, the library would give you that functionality by tying them together for you
18:37.49 brlcad anyways, going to LGPL is only one aspect.. like mentions, there are other legal issues like defending the code in court against litigation, to be able to protect against misuse and go after violations of the copyright
18:38.10 clock_ <PROTECTED>
18:38.10 clock_ <PROTECTED>
18:38.26 clock_ Can you find it in the viewweight.c this way or do I have to make a patch?
18:38.37 clock_ the >= was originally only > and that was the problem
18:40.31 clock_ Hehe with LGPL my code could be incorporated into a proprietary package and that sold to North Korea :)
18:41.54 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/rt/viewweight.c: allow an index of 0, even if the density is going to be 0 so that objects can be treated as having no mass (thx clock)
18:42.02 clock_ good :)
18:42.21 brlcad again, that's pushing a political agenda that you have there -- I couldn't care less about the political aspect :)
18:43.08 brlcad i don't pick licenses for the politics, i pick them on it helping collaboration and allowing flexible use (by anyone for any reason)
18:43.11 clock_ I publish my code not because I don't value my work, but because I agree with the idea of GPL.
18:43.45 brlcad that's what it's there for, more power to you
18:43.49 clock_ Otherwise I could give them into public domain easily.
18:43.51 brlcad you don't happen to run debian do you?
18:43.56 clock_ no
18:43.59 clock_ OpenBSD ;-)
18:44.25 brlcad surprising
18:44.28 brlcad most BSD users aren't too fond of the GNU philosophy
18:44.31 clock_ do I talk like a debianist?
18:44.36 brlcad yep
18:44.50 brlcad debian is a gnu propaganda machine :)
18:44.55 clock_ lol :)
18:45.01 clock_ According to my experience, debian is crap
18:45.06 brlcad heh
18:45.07 clock_ I didn't get farther than the boot CD :)
18:45.37 brlcad ubuntu gets much of the same done without the bull-headed political motivations that debian has
18:45.39 clock_ I used to use linux from scratch, gentoo, and recently (like 1 year?) OpenBSD
18:45.41 brlcad and is considerably easier to use
18:46.05 clock_ I don't care about the politics I care more about whether the system works
18:46.17 clock_ Linux has half of the manpages missing, too hard to use for me
18:46.24 clock_ 10 years of Linux was enough ;-)
18:46.33 brlcad you care at least a little bit about the politics it sounds
18:46.36 brlcad at least for your own code
18:46.57 clock_ yes
18:46.58 brlcad if you have a problem with proprietary software, you care about the politics
18:47.07 clock_ I couldn't care less that I am using something that's BSD ;-)
18:47.37 clock_ I don't like the idea of proprietary software, because people sacrifice efficiency of human work for monetary gain
18:47.41 brlcad spent a LONG time weighing the impact of just making all of BRL-CAD licensed under BSD
18:48.48 brlcad anyways, I gotta run off to lift
18:48.53 brlcad cya
18:49.01 clock_ What I can do is take BRL-CAD, add it to pix-y4m and then publish as Twibright Labs Enhanced BRL-CAD, am I right?
18:49.22 clock_ cu
18:51.24 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/NEWS: Karel points out a mod that allows material ID of zero in rtweight, fixes index bug.
18:51.46 brlcad probably not, as there's a trademark on the name BRL-CAD -- but you could make the Twibright Labs CAD system (if it were BSD)
18:52.36 brlcad it just wouldn't get you much -- about as fruitful as if you forked OpenBSD
18:53.14 brlcad the project generally has to be doing something really wrong (e.g. XFree86 -> X11) to get a major code to fork successfully and rebrand with a maintained user group
18:56.12 brlcad anyways, really off now -- cheers
19:26.18 clock_ What does the LOS mean?
19:26.24 clock_ When it's 0 and not 100 it doesn't work :)
21:37.50 *** join/#brlcad docelic (n=docelic@

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