irclog2html for #brlcad on 20070110

02:15.55 *** join/#brlcad b0ef (
03:21.04 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ (include/on_nurb.h src/librt/g_on_nurb.c): standard header and footer, M-x indent region
03:21.46 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ (include/ src/librt/ add new opennurbs primitive files to the source distribution tarball.
04:19.41 *** join/#brlcad IriX64 (
04:40.50 *** join/#brlcad Maloeran (
08:10.25 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
08:40.19 clock_ I am trying to reverseengineer what the "rot" command does
08:41.15 clock_ I already found out the three numbers refer to rotations around axes in a way that positive number rotates the object anticlockwise if you sit where the axes cross and look at the axis label letter.
08:41.54 clock_ However I thought it's rotating around the axes themselves but then I tried it on an arb6 and it didn't rotate around the X axis, but around the side of the arb6.
08:42.13 clock_ The arb6 was defined that the X axis was going through the middle, not throught the side.
08:42.28 clock_ So it cannot rotate neither around the combination axis nor around the object axis
08:42.35 clock_ What is it actually rotating around?
08:43.40 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/sh/ add support for emacs lisp files
08:45.07 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/sh/ add support for emacs lisp files
08:50.09 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/sh/
08:50.10 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: change the indent script so that it requires a path/to/directory argument for
08:50.10 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: some hierarchy for the script to update. additionally, add support for a
08:50.10 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: plethora of other file types including c++, objc, shell script, and emacs lisp
08:50.10 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: files.
08:51.58 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/libpkg/ (tcl.c tpkg.c): M-x indent-region
08:53.23 tofu clock_: by deafult, through the local coordinate axis defined for that primitive, which for the arbs is one of the corners (turn on the model axis on the menu and it might become more clear)
08:54.09 tofu even if you model with the global axis going through the middle, the local coordinate system for that primitive is unchanged (it can't change by definition)
08:54.36 tofu you can also specify which coordinate system you mean via the settings menu (Rotate about option)
08:55.57 clock_ What should I specify to rotate about the lines in the "Coordinates - model" cross?
08:56.21 clock_ How can I make the model coordinates cross stay permanently even if I quit the program and restart again?
08:57.58 clock_ I would like to change the help entry for "rot" to reflect all this information. If I do it will you accept the patch? I found out the help entry is identically in 2 files - src/tcscripts/helplib.tcl and src/tclscripts/lib/View.tcl. Is one of them automatically generated from the other or do I have to change it in both?
08:57.58 tofu they are permanent except for one (the view) -- there are just at least three different cooridinates that you might be rotating about (and there are different command-line commands for those too)
08:58.11 clock_ They are not permanent - when I turn the coordinates on and then quit the program and restart, they are gone and I have to turn them on again.
08:58.22 tofu oh, you mean their display
08:58.34 clock_ Yes the cross with 3 crossing lines and letters X Y Z
08:58.35 tofu because they're still *there* .. just not shown
08:58.46 clock_ I want them to be shown permanently
08:58.58 clock_ Is there something like "Save settings"?
08:59.26 tofu yeah, you can enable that.. turn them on and then (assuming you haven't already customized your .mgedrc) you can select "Update/create .mgedrc" on the file menu and it should save that setting
08:59.27 clock_ Because I need them to keep sense from the model and I often quit the program and edit again
08:59.36 clock_ aha cool :)
08:59.52 clock_ And then they will be visible for every .g file I edit?
08:59.57 tofu should be
09:00.01 clock_ cool
09:00.21 tofu if not for whatever reason, it should just be a line to add to your .mgedrc
09:01.03 tofu you may want to back up your .mgedrc if you have edited it manually before hitting the update
09:01.22 tofu as it can blow away changes if they're in the wrong part of the file
09:02.44 clock_ But I realized these axes can be turned separately for each of the four panes in the multipane
09:02.53 clock_ But in the .mgedrc I found only one place
09:02.59 clock_ How does that correspond together?
09:03.14 tofu ah, you use multipane
09:03.36 tofu there are different variables for the other panes.. which I can't remember off the top of my head
09:03.42 clock_ And I want these axes to be in all 4 they are useful
09:03.54 clock_ So I set them in all panes and then save
09:03.55 tofu but you will probably have to add the other three by hand, or let it auto-enable all four
09:04.32 clock_ I also asked a question about helplib.tcl etc.
09:04.37 tofu i don't think bob ever added multipane storage
09:04.37 clock_ Do you know the answer?
09:04.55 clock_ What is auto-enable?
09:04.58 tofu yeah, the patch would be accepted, of course -- assuming it actually makes sense :)
09:05.03 tofu as for the two files
09:05.17 clock_ What happens if I patch the two files differently?
09:05.28 tofu they are identical, and have to both be updated separately unfortunately (one is used by mged, the other by archer)
09:05.37 clock_ What is archer?
09:06.01 tofu something you haven't seen yet and probably need not worry about yet either :)
09:06.13 clock_ some old predecessor of mged?
09:06.22 tofu but it's basically a rewrite of mged in progress with an improved user interface
09:06.30 tofu postdecessor
09:07.16 tofu it was only integrated a few iterations ago, and not even fully intergrated into the build yet (so there's only a Windows binary at the moment, and a few linux ones somewhere)
09:07.31 clock_ Is it better than mged?
09:07.50 tofu depends what your considerations are
09:08.17 tofu it's not done in the least, so as a production tool to replace mged -- no, it's not "better"
09:08.22 clock_ I think I need to learn more about the LGPL
09:08.28 tofu but it is in a "better" direction, and better designed
09:08.33 clock_ To really be sure I don't want to release my code under LGPL
09:08.43 clock_ Maybe I will realize it's not so bad :)
09:11.05 tofu if you're familiar with creative commons, LGPL is sort of like the attribution, share-alike CC license version
09:11.21 clock_ So it's like BSD?
09:11.49 tofu somewhere between bsd and gpl
09:11.49 clock_ The obvious advantage of LGPL and BSD is that you don't run into the following problem
09:12.05 clock_ I wanted to make a video and use a soundtrack, but the video used GFDL image and the soundtrack was CC-BY-SA
09:12.19 clock_ The licences mean the same but are mutually incompatible so it would be illegal to do it
09:12.28 clock_ I had to write to the author and wait for the answer
09:12.40 tofu the difference basically being that if you make a mod to the lgpl code that you used, and publish software that uses that lgpl code, then you have to make those modifications available (bsd does not require this)
09:13.23 clock_ So that if I link with a LGPL library and sell a proprietary program, I don't have to disclose. But if I mod that library I have to disclose, right?
09:13.41 tofu only any mods to the library
09:13.48 tofu your code is your code, their code is theirs
09:14.18 tofu it's not "infectious", but does require disclosure of changes made
09:14.44 clock_ And what do you need?
09:14.53 tofu what do you mean?
09:14.58 clock_ Can I keep the *.c file on the web GPL and just tell you you can use it under LGPL?
09:15.06 clock_ Or do you need me to publish that file under LGPL?
09:16.47 tofu hmm, it would have to be lgpl'd proper. I cannot update/modify exiting clauses that aren't under my domain
09:17.09 clock_ So if I release that under LGPL it's OK?
09:17.56 tofu technically, not necessarily
09:18.11 tofu there's still the issue of copyright, which is separate from the license
09:18.45 tofu and as you mentioned, that can't be changed without you "giving away all rights", which you don't like (and I agree/understand why you wouldn't)
09:19.09 clock_ I can't give away these rights
09:20.20 clock_ I don't understand why you cannot take LGPL
09:20.44 clock_ If you are a LGPL project you can completely legally collect any LGPL pieces of code around the Web and just insert them into your work
09:20.48 tofu did you read the copyright assignment link I posted? that went into considerable detail
09:21.01 clock_ No
09:22.02 tofu there are two main camps on this issue -- those that require assignment (which we are in) and those that do not
09:22.28 tofu you might be surprised to find out, but there are vast numbers in both camps, and benefits and negatives to both positions
09:22.33 clock_ And FSF also requires assignment, right?
09:22.46 tofu for many of their projects, yes
09:23.00 tofu can't speak for all of them, though -- they have hundreds
09:23.09 clock_ What you can legally do is
09:23.22 tofu but like, the gnu build tools -- autoconf, automake, etc .. those all require assignment for example
09:23.23 clock_ a) Write an empty file (c) Sean Morrison
09:23.30 clock_ b) release that under LGPL
09:24.06 clock_ c) put my changes in. Now it's your work but derived from mine. The derivation was legal because it was according to my licence terms
09:24.15 clock_ d) assign the copyright of your work to BRL-CAD
09:24.53 tofu heh
09:25.11 tofu if people could do that, gpl would have no weight behind it
09:25.34 clock_ If an empty file doesn't stand up to 'statistical uniqueness' you just do it with an existing piece of library code because you said you are going to integrate it into a library anyway
09:25.47 clock_ They can
09:25.57 tofu you chose gpl, and it's rather explicit -- even my derivative would be required to be GPL
09:26.05 clock_ The fact that a work is a derived one doesn't in any way diminish the fact it's your work
09:26.34 clock_ Actually you cannot
09:26.48 clock_ because my (c) notice has to be kept there according to LGPL
09:27.39 tofu well, you said make a derivative, so i'm giving you the benefit of the doubt -- say I did make a true derivative and didn't just copy/paste
09:27.57 tofu i'm still obligated to gpl the derivative, that's a requirement in gpl
09:28.08 clock_ Or you can look how my program works, get the idea and just write it again
09:28.27 clock_ That's a perfecrly legal way how to get the same functionality with ARL copyright
09:28.59 clock_ change couple of variable names and function names, shuffle some comments and I won't sue you over infringement :)
09:29.00 tofu that's a derivative .. I'd have to do the whole "clean room" thing where someone relays ideas from another room approach, and it's frankly not worth it for all but the most difficult drivers :)
09:30.00 clock_ Why? What happens if you just rename couple of things in my code and say you wrote it once more?
09:31.35 clock_ this is like coming to a homeless who needs food and saying "take some of my food" and he says "no that's illegal you have to stick it into my mouth" and I say "no your mouth smells I am not going to approach my fingers to your mouth"
09:32.06 clock_ So I start finding a possible loophole in the law how he can legally steal it from my shopping bag when I want to give it to him :)
09:32.49 tofu if you *really* want to have it included, you're going to have to change it on your end, not on mine -- maybe e-mail that legal team that helps with issues, they might have an idea given your country's assignment issues -- it could very well be the case that you are allowed to assign copyright under U.S. law, just not under your own
09:33.54 clock_ "nforcement of copyright is generally not possible for distributors" - isn't a copyright violation a criminal offence?
09:34.00 tofu actually, it's more like telling the homeless guy that there's free food and a warm bed in upstate new york.. but he lives downtown .. doesn't really help
09:34.17 clock_ It's like saying "if you murder someone, only the murdered can sue you - the state attorney is completely helpless against the criminal"
09:34.41 clock_ In CZ it's a criminal offence.
09:35.09 tofu in most countries it is
09:35.16 tofu but copyright is also per country
09:35.40 tofu some countries require you to register to obtain copyright, some require fees, some don't etc
09:36.07 clock_ But if I assign my copyright to you then you start owning the code and you can sue me over it's distribution
09:36.15 tofu US government, for example, cannot *claim* copyright on original works in the US, but they can in every other country on the planet
09:37.45 clock_ It's like giving a homeless a shelter and he sais "sorry I have concerns that someone could say I am burlarizing your house - I need you to assign the ownership of your house to me - but I promise I will allow you to still live there."
09:38.57 clock_ If the courts worked according to the law, it would be a different issue. But sometimes it works that they compare who has more money, or a DoS attack is mounted against a weak victim using the lawyer fees.
09:38.59 tofu not a bad analogy actually
09:39.34 clock_ ARL comes to the judge, lobbies and bye bye
09:39.46 tofu so leave it as is, you don't want to go that route, and frankly neither do I
09:39.49 clock_ And I should assign copyright to face that risk?
09:40.15 tofu heh, "ARL comes to the judge"
09:40.37 tofu you can't just sue the gov't, at least the u.s. govt -- they have to let you sue them
09:40.56 clock_ I can't sue them, but they can sue me - great :)
09:41.23 tofu seriously though
09:41.31 clock_ And when I say fuck off they kindnap me and bring to the guantanamo - I can't hold myself from assigning copyright to the US govmt
09:41.34 tofu more trouble than it's worth
09:41.40 tofu you don't even have a manpage written ;)
09:42.14 clock_ I was expecting some problems so I delayed writing a manpage after I see my code will be really useful
09:42.55 tofu we're not even to the point of determining whether it's technically beneficial to add the tool as is -- it'd need work to polish it up for production use
09:43.23 tofu stuck talking about copyrights
09:43.28 clock_ yes but now I see there is a bureaucratical problem that prevents me from contributing any code
09:43.44 clock_ Except patches, obviously
09:44.20 clock_ Better than writing a lot of code and taking care about proper manpage, commandline flags and then realizing I don't want to assign copyright to the US government
09:44.55 clock_ Like there have been cases when a cryptography expert was put into jail just because he had a lecture - completely ridiculous things are going on in the US
09:45.05 clock_ I don't want to entangle into this stuff unless absolutely necessayr
09:46.22 clock_ Or a programmer who came to US by plane was put into jail because he was Arabian
09:47.01 tofu unless you either 1) enter an agreement that requires assignment upon creation (that seems to be what gentoo is doing, so you technically never hold copyright, hence never transfer), or 2) release it public domain or 3) stick to patches perhaps
09:47.04 clock_ They just determined he was a terrorist - and then it came out he isn't. The only way to be completely safe seems to not having anythhing common with the States.
09:47.25 clock_ Why should I give away even a tiny bit from my safety when I get nothing? I am just giving in this case
09:48.03 tofu why are you asking me?
09:48.10 tofu i'm not asking you
09:48.22 clock_ I understand BRL-CAD is giving me a huge benefit, but I am going to get that benefit even if I don't assign the copyright :)
09:49.27 tofu yes, yet the same mentality you're taking is the same fearmongering that I had to fight for almost 5 years just to get it released as open source
09:49.48 clock_ I am not fearmongering. The US are fearmongering/
09:50.26 tofu seriously, clock, I'm not going to get into politics -- it's a pointless discussion
09:50.53 clock_ Sorry I just wanted to explain that I am not acting irrationally
09:51.12 clock_ Deciding to assign to say FSF would be probably easier for me
09:51.15 tofu i don't think politics should come into play with the licensing, nor should it be a factor in the consideration of most computing issues, especially software
09:51.35 clock_ I didn't want you to have a feeling that I am doing it because I am mean or I want to impose arbitrary restrictions on you
09:51.43 tofu there's plenty to be done that menefits the software by itself, for the sake of the software and the industry without getting into the politics
09:51.48 clock_ Like write a little piece of code and then having fun dictating you the licence
09:52.16 clock_ I can update the help files
09:52.25 clock_ DO you mind if the help entry will be say 10 lines of text?
09:52.33 clock_ Is there some requirement it has to be short?
09:52.45 tofu I don't care if you're acting rationally or not -- you are making a decision motivated by your own personal politics and that's your decision, your right, your perrogative -- so be it, just don't try to get me to agree with that decision (that's my right)
09:53.21 tofu the help entry should be "succint"
09:53.49 clock_ But is there a place where more detailed description can be entered?
09:54.05 clock_ This entry was so succinct I was unable to imagine almost anything how it works
09:54.07 tofu in the mged documentation
09:54.20 clock_ But that's impractical to work
09:54.23 clock_ work with
09:54.27 tofu the command html reference
09:54.34 tofu i dont' mean the book
09:54.37 tofu i mean on the help menu
09:54.49 clock_ Where is the help menu?
09:54.54 tofu it's..
09:54.56 tofu on the help menu
09:55.03 clock_ Do you mean that if I type "help" it prints all the entries so they have to be short?
09:55.09 tofu no
09:55.16 clock_ I have File Edit Create etc. but no Help
09:55.25 tofu keep looking :)
09:56.08 tofu
09:56.12 tofu see the .. "Help" menu?
09:59.47 tofu aiight, time to z, cya later
10:20.23 clock_ Oh, the Help is to the right!
10:21.07 clock_ Wow! Help on context!
10:28.52 clock_ Does the VRML and X3D export work?
11:29.29 clock_ I saw the picture of Mike Muus in the help
11:29.39 clock_ Did he have a wife and children?
13:12.16 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03jlowenz * 10brlcad/src/other/openNURBS/ (6 files): Remove the "extra qualifications" in these files to quell the errors now spewed by g++ since 4.1+
13:17.07 clock_ <PROTECTED>
13:17.07 clock_ nmg_break_all_es_on_v() code=2, why wasn't this vertex fused?
13:17.07 clock_ <PROTECTED>
13:17.25 clock_ [...]
13:17.27 clock_ <PROTECTED>
13:17.27 clock_ find_best_vu: There is a loop to cut, lu=x7d01a400
13:17.27 clock_ find_best_vu: There is a loop to cut
13:17.27 clock_ bu_bomb(): taking longjmp up to application handler
13:17.27 clock_ conversion of /tetrax/yellow.r FAILED!!!
13:17.48 clock_ I tried to run g-vrml. Do these messages mean that the resulting VRML is broken?
13:17.54 clock_ Or that parts are mimsisng?
14:44.11 ``Erik missing parts, as described by the {()} syntax
14:45.25 clock_ Why is this happening?
14:45.40 clock_ The model displays OK, animates OK, there are no overlaps printed
20:31.27 *** join/#brlcad Maloeran (
21:32.21 *** mode/#brlcad [+o brlcad] by ChanServ

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