irclog2html for #brlcad on 20070116

02:21.49 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03johnranderson * 10brlcad/src/conv/dxf-g.c: 2D drawing entities are now converted to sketch objects rather than NMG wire edges.
02:34.42 brlcad woo hoo!
02:35.44 brlcad john continues to rock
02:50.41 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/NEWS: woot, john modified dxf-g to turn 2D wireframe entities specified in the dxf in as sketch objects instead of nmg wireframe objects
04:22.20 *** join/#brlcad IriX64 (
07:18.28 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
08:28.24 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
12:17.28 *** join/#brlcad rossberg (
12:26.40 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03d_rossberg * 10brlcad/ (5 files in 2 dirs): prepare openNURBS for win32-msvc runtime libraries branch
12:33.34 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03d_rossberg * 10brlcad/src/librt/ (g_brep.cpp rename to g_brep.cpp for compatibility reasons with MS Visual Studio
12:37.41 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03d_rossberg * 10brlcad/src/other/libz/ (.cvsignore libz.dsp): prepare libz for win32-msvc runtime libraries branch
12:41.09 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03d_rossberg * 10brlcad/src/librt/g_brep.cpp: undef the former for WIN32 defined read and write
12:43.20 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03d_rossberg * 10brlcad/include/brep.h: MS Visual C doesn't like empty structs (known bug)
12:46.09 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03d_rossberg * 10brlcad/ (3 files in 3 dirs): openNURBS and libz integration into win32-msvc runtime libraries branch
14:18.06 *** join/#brlcad b0ef (
15:27.45 *** join/#brlcad docelic (n=docelic@
15:28.40 brlcad rossberg: pretty cool :)
15:36.22 rossberg brlcad: is it already operational? (it looks like it isn't)
15:36.42 brlcad no, not yet -- but it's actively being worked on
15:37.05 brlcad one of the other devs is learning the openNURBS api -- looks like it might solve a lot of problems
15:37.30 brlcad though it doesn't seem to have ray intersection evaluation, so we will still have to implement that on our own
15:37.39 brlcad we == he of course :)
15:42.27 rossberg we are working here with rhino too, so we are looking forward to the new possibilities :-)
15:42.49 brlcad yeah, it makes for a trivial 3dm converter too, which was part of the motivation
15:44.41 brlcad one of the current plans is to make the serialized representation of the brep objects just be a 3dm bytestream so files could be fully preseved on conversion in or out
15:46.15 brlcad the bigger goal, though, is that IF their tessellation support works fast/robust enough and boolean evaluation can be easily added, this might also help solve our overall tessellation-of-implicits problem too
15:46.44 rossberg but it would still be possible to reference single objects in the stream?
15:47.09 brlcad yeah it would
15:47.41 brlcad more just as the serialization format itself, instead of something custom
15:48.16 brlcad it's just now being looked at, so it's not clear that is the way it's going to be done in the least yet
15:49.19 brlcad the specs indicate a per-object overhead would be very minimal (and make processing code a lot simpler)
15:55.09 rossberg i've some doubts about the "easy" in adding boolean operations, but it would at least push the free form surfaces(?) in BRL-CAD
18:06.20 brlcad stop staring
18:06.22 brlcad start writing
18:43.13 ``Erik um, I'm plannificatin' and strategificatin'
18:43.20 ``Erik I don't lay code when I don't know what's going on.
18:46.10 archivist you dont edit add bug , ohhhhh thats what it does! method
19:32.49 brlcad heh
19:43.45 Maloeran Eh well, seems that immigration visa won't work after all
20:27.59 ``Erik yuh oh
20:28.18 ``Erik should I raise alarm bells over here?
20:34.42 Maloeran Well, I guess Lee might want to know that
20:37.33 brlcad what does "won't work" mean?
20:37.40 Maloeran I'll remain a consultant working for SURVICE from Canada ( until I reach 12 years of experience, get a degree or marry an american girl ;) )
20:38.09 Maloeran The immigration lawyers said that the immigration visa demand wouldn't be accepted
20:38.10 brlcad should be trivial for you to get an indefinite work visa if anything
20:39.56 brlcad that's what I assumed you were actually trying to do -- and that much is pretty straightforward
20:40.29 Maloeran Apparently, it would have been trivial with a completed degree
20:40.38 brlcad you could come on a work permit visa, h1b visa iirc that survice would apply for as an employer
20:41.08 brlcad sounds like BS to me
20:41.12 Maloeran Right, yet that requires either 12 years of experience or a degree
20:41.41 brlcad if I remember the paperwork, the clause requires unique expertise applicable to the job, which you rather specifically have
20:41.46 brlcad that's the overarching criteria
20:42.00 brlcad everything else just helps
20:42.58 brlcad maybe the requirements have changed, but I can't imagine a degree of any sort other than basic education being a requirement
20:43.25 brlcad oooh, eww
20:43.52 brlcad there is a clause for that now.. hrmph
20:44.39 Maloeran Ah, yes there is :). I thought there were still ways from what I read, but SURVICE's lawyers said otherwise
20:45.10 brlcad "a person may obtain an educational equivalence through a combination of education, specialized training or progressively responsible work experience."
20:45.53 brlcad 12 years comes from that "progressively responsible work experience" where 3 years experience generally equates to a year in school to the legal folk
20:46.38 Maloeran I see.
20:48.42 *** join/#brlcad docelic (n=docelic@
20:49.46 *** join/#brlcad cadguy (
20:50.44 cadguy whois maloeran
20:51.41 Maloeran Hi Lee
20:51.54 cadguy Afternoon
20:52.18 Maloeran I guess Erik forwarded the news I got from SURVCE's lawyers ; there wouldn't be an immigration or work visa for me in the short term
20:52.34 *** join/#brlcad dtidrow_work (
20:52.34 Maloeran Lacking either a degree or 12 years of experience
20:52.45 cadguy I heard. Only one response: *&@^@&*%@@#$^$*&$$^@#$%$!!!!!
20:52.54 Maloeran I second that statement :)
20:54.04 cadguy ?
20:54.43 Maloeran I mean I agree with the *&@^ part. Mark recommended to get some Bachelor from the university of Phoenix quickly ; not too sure what that implies yet, it's surely months/years away
20:55.36 cadguy I don't know for sure, but that sounds like a great angle.
20:55.48 cadguy Still, it is some time away.
20:56.29 cadguy Makes one consider the diploma mill approach.
20:57.41 Maloeran Yes, I'm looking... SURVICE seems interested in keeping me around, visa or not, but it's surely not as practical
20:58.22 cadguy there are definite advantages to geographic co-location
20:58.32 ``Erik yeah, makes lunches more amusing
20:58.50 ``Erik oh, uh, and coordination and communication, too o.O
20:58.53 Maloeran It's surely more enjoyable to begin with, yes
20:59.06 cadguy coordinating lunces is good ;-)
20:59.11 cadguy lunches
20:59.19 brlcad i'm all for lunch in toronto
20:59.43 cadguy We could make it a weekly event! 8-)
20:59.49 brlcad or even in montreal too I suppose ;)
20:59.56 ``Erik heh, 'cept that's a hell of a bike ride for mal, dude... :D
21:00.11 Maloeran Eh, Montreal is far away in the snow with a bike these days :)
21:00.16 brlcad oh he'd be going too? :)
21:00.49 ``Erik <-- not affluent enough to visit strange countries (and canada is very very strange) just for lunch
21:01.25 cadguy not effluent enough? There's medication for that.
21:02.27 ``Erik this code has been infected and infested. :/ it'll take more work than I'd hoped to extract for standalone testbedding. :(
21:03.36 ``Erik (and what kinda freakin' function name is Doug2Mike() ???)
21:03.45 Maloeran Ahaha
21:03.46 brlcad hehe
21:04.38 cadguy DAG -> MJM
21:05.23 brlcad Maloeran: do you know if they considered a H2B visa instead? that would at least get you a visa for a year and is less strict
21:05.54 Maloeran I don't think they did, they mostly considered H1B and various ways to achieve immigration status
21:06.01 Maloeran I'll have a look and pass the message
21:06.54 brlcad it's entirely limited to a year, and I think non-renewable -- but it might be useful to get something else in place
21:08.15 Maloeran I see, sound good. That would give more than an year to find a bachelor degree somewhere
21:26.11 brlcad otherwise, you could become their season code gardener or something ;)
21:26.16 brlcad h2a visa
21:26.31 brlcad that'd get you another year or two
21:27.52 Maloeran Is that the visa for working in agriculture? :) Eheh, yes
21:30.08 ``Erik *sigh* a simple binary tree instead of a hash. ffs.

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