irclog2html for #brlcad on 20070118

01:02.47 brlcad what exactly was the breakage?
01:03.07 ``Erik width differences on 64b fbsd
01:03.28 ``Erik mostly just -Wall -W -Werror -ansi -pedantic hunting *shrug*
01:03.43 ``Erik admin -o 'em if you want *shrug*
01:04.07 brlcad cvs admin is the devil
01:04.18 ``Erik (everyone else who read that cmd, forget it now. seriously. flush it out of your brain. it's a nuclear command.)
01:04.38 brlcad no kidding
01:05.06 brlcad if I have to restore a cvs backup, i'd be removing commit access at the same time
01:05.14 brlcad admin is baaad
01:05.25 brlcad anyways, the actual error though?
01:05.53 brlcad was it on the cast on the malloc() link in bu_malloc()?
01:05.54 ``Erik meh, I don't remember off the top of my head, I actually modified my checkout in december...
01:06.09 brlcad or on a caller to bu_malloc()
01:06.22 ``Erik the bu_malloc<->malloc relationship
01:06.35 brlcad heh, well that's true with either
01:08.00 ``Erik <-- got a hair up his arse to do the anal flags thing, got that far and got busy with other things *shrug*
01:18.03 brlcad hmm, I'll have to let it simmer a bit .. the biggest impact is adding another dep to the bu interface (even though there are a few others that sprinkle in size_t too)
01:18.49 brlcad given the move to allow anything that is strict ansi 89 complaint, I think most of the old reasons vanish
01:19.23 brlcad not sure if size_t is 89, but it's at least 99 so it just adds a header dep on stddefs.h
01:31.20 Maloeran size_t is C89
01:38.51 ``Erik when we merge rayforce in, it'll induce c99 as a requirement (for that part)
01:39.33 Maloeran Ah yes, it's all pretty much C99
01:41.39 ``Erik what, c89 vs c99 vs, uh, vax k&r?
01:41.58 ``Erik emacs vs vim vs alltheothercrap?
01:42.06 Maloeran Oh, no :). Old good religious debates, you know... Reason versus absurd theories
01:42.12 ``Erik hum
01:42.21 ``Erik reason vs absurity... so... vim vs emacs...
01:42.22 ``Erik O:-)
02:01.49 brlcad out of curiosity, what c99isms?
02:03.18 brlcad i recall seeing a lot of GNUisms, but not so much c99isms
02:04.55 brlcad nothing wrong with making c99 allowable too, it was on the plate for next year -- just strict c89 was the "next step" and a lot of cleanup in itself
02:14.31 Maloeran C99 data types, restrict keyword, variable-length arrays... I think the rest is gnu99
02:15.43 ``Erik scoped functions? (function definitions inside of functions)
02:16.07 Maloeran No nested functions, that was in the old code
02:16.07 ``Erik or didja not go that route?
02:16.13 ``Erik aight
02:18.18 brlcad why do I get the feeling the code has never been compiled with anything but gcc? :)
02:19.17 Maloeran Ahaha. I'm not sure, can you answer that Erik? :)
02:20.25 brlcad heh
02:31.41 Maloeran It should be reasonably portable ; 32, 64 or X bits, IEEE or non-IEEE floats, GNU'isms with alternative paths... It still needs testing in other environments
02:36.04 ``Erik I'm sure mipspro or sunpro would puke
02:36.33 Maloeran They are C99, right?
02:36.41 ``Erik don't think so...
02:36.52 ``Erik d'no if tendra is
02:37.27 brlcad they both support c99 .. it's more what exact headers are allowed and what mode you tell the compile in by default
02:37.27 ``Erik huh, cool
02:37.47 brlcad default behavior (akin to gcc's gnu99 mixed default) is a hybrid that might turn off some c99 stuff
02:38.13 brlcad my faith in sunpro's capacity to compile c99 strict is weak
02:38.48 brlcad last time I was working on sunpro, if you told the compiler to go strict, it would puke on its own system headers being non-compliant and abort
02:38.57 ``Erik hehehe, sweet
02:41.44 brlcad yeah, i was amused
08:21.19 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
08:36.20 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
11:48.15 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
13:54.36 *** join/#brlcad rossberg (
14:02.27 rossberg question from yesterday: what's the problem with vers.c on Windows?
14:37.35 clock_ And, what's the assumed for the pix files when rendering textures?
14:37.45 clock_ assumed -> assumed gamma
15:00.07 *** join/#brlcad archivist (
15:09.23 brlcad dout!
15:10.40 brlcad clock_: i don't know if there's another language barrier coming into play, but i answered yesterday that it entirely depends on the shader(s) being used
15:11.09 brlcad there's no "gamma value" that will answer that question that covers all the various shaders
15:12.07 clock_ What are the shaders that can map pixmaps?
15:12.26 brlcad what do you mean by map pixmaps?
15:12.36 clock_ cause pixmaps to appear on objects
15:12.37 brlcad you can stack *any* shader on top of any other
15:12.54 brlcad each layer is effectively a filter
15:13.06 clock_ subtractive or multiplicative filter?
15:13.21 brlcad arbitrary, depends on the shader
15:13.30 brlcad that's the whole point
15:13.45 clock_ How do I make a cube which is painted with a pixmap?
15:13.53 clock_ plastic + bitmap shader?
15:14.05 brlcad that's one way
15:14.17 clock_ and what will be the assumed gamma of the pixmap in that case?
15:14.57 brlcad what answer will make you happy?
15:15.05 clock_ the correct one
15:15.50 clock_ Or - if you don't understand the question -
15:16.04 clock_ what happens with the pixmap when it enters the shader?
15:16.12 clock_ How is it interpreted, or for what is it used?
15:16.43 brlcad i actually just get the feeling that you're not understanding my answer
15:18.15 clock_ I want to know with what gamma I should generate the pixfiles
15:18.15 brlcad it doesn't boil down to the same gamma metric you have with the display, you have the values in the image file that are parsed directly
15:18.16 clock_ where do I figure this out or how do I figure this out?
15:18.16 brlcad i suppose you could "say" that they're linearly looked up
15:18.25 brlcad but that isn't entirely true in itself as it still depends on the light
15:19.13 clock_ linearly looked up == gamma is 1.0?
15:19.53 brlcad probably the closest corrollary, but again, that's not entirely valid mapping
15:20.08 clock_ what is a corollary and what is a valid mapping?
15:20.19 clock_ I want to know the gamma I should encode it with!
15:20.33 clock_ Or at least tell me how it's calculated inside
15:21.11 clock_ In the worst cause if I don't manage to pry the answer from you, I can try putting pixels with values of 64 and 128 and look at ratio of the resulting values ;-)
15:21.24 clock_ determine by an experiment ;-)
15:22.48 brlcad ray is fired at scene, intersection is found with an object, that object has a texture shader and a phong shader, texture value is looked up and combined with light visibility from that position in 3-space, that intensity is combined with the phong shader's intensity lookup that is similarly based on light intensity at that point, but also takes into account shadowing, specularity/diffusion parameters based on object curvature
15:23.01 brlcad that's the jist of "how it's calculated"
15:23.42 clock_ texture value is looked up that means we take a value triplet from the input pixfile, right?
15:24.45 clock_ like if there is say 0x80 0x80 0x40 in the pixfile, then we take 0x80, 0x80, 0x40...
15:24.51 brlcad and on top of all of that, the resulting image map is then mapped to a framebuffer which can apply a gamma adjustment, which is then displayed in a display manager window which can also perform a gamma adjustment
15:25.53 clock_ What I am interested in is "texture value is looked up and combined with light visibility from that position in 3-space, that intensity is
15:25.56 clock_ ..."
15:26.16 clock_ What does the "combined" exacly comprise? multiplying the pixmap triplet with the light triplex?
15:26.28 clock_ triplet
15:27.42 brlcad basically yes, through a settable weighting factor that is part of the phong shader
15:28.25 clock_ is there some exponential function applied to the pixfile before it is multiplied with the ray?
15:28.52 clock_ So if I understand it correctly, the pixmap value defines directly (with some scaling) how much the object reflects light at that point?
15:29.08 brlcad not that comes to mind
15:29.32 brlcad no, it doesn't determine how much is actually reflected -- phong does that
15:29.56 clock_ OK lemme express more precisely
15:30.06 clock_ if you have some pixel value in the pix file say 10
15:30.18 clock_ and the pixel happens to reflect 10% light
15:30.35 brlcad ok
15:30.39 clock_ and you increase the value in the pix file to 20, now the pixel will reflect 20% of light?
15:31.25 brlcad you mean 20% of that 20 intensity?
15:31.39 clock_ no I mean that the number of photons will double
15:31.49 clock_ if you imagine the scene like a pinball with photons
15:31.57 clock_ a photon == a pingpong ball
15:32.34 brlcad if the pix file has 10 and phong determines reflectance of 10%, the pixel will be intensity 1 -- increase the pix file to 20 and with that same reflectance of 10% will result in a pixel intensity of 2
15:33.00 clock_ yes that makes sense
15:33.04 clock_ this is what I wanted to know
15:33.12 clock_ in other word, the gamma of the input pixfile is 1.0
15:33.49 brlcad that is where we diverge
15:34.31 brlcad maybe to say that "when combined with phong paraameters that give a gamma of 1.0", yes the gamma of the input pixfile is 1.0
15:34.40 clock_ For me, "double the value in the pixfile and the pixel intensity doubles" is enough for me
15:35.14 archivist reflection is linear
15:36.01 brlcad that it is
15:36.13 clock_ The other possible meaningful implementation would be that someone would realize that the 8-bit values in the input pix file cause a banding near 0 because of insufficient colour depth
15:36.29 clock_ and would insert a power-to-2.2 function between loading the pixfile and sending it into the shader
15:37.08 clock_ but according to what you are saying, it's not this way
15:37.17 brlcad you could leave the pix file unmodified and make a non-linear light too, or a non-linear shader, or in the display manager too
15:38.02 clock_ no that would produce corrupted image
15:38.06 brlcad banding is a visual artifact of the end result -- the math occurs in floating point
15:38.19 clock_ the pixfile isn't in floating point
15:38.39 brlcad i didn't say it is
15:46.32 clock_ can I imagine the bitmap shader like there is an image printed on the object and the pixfile gives reflectivities in the individual places?
15:47.25 brlcad like a bump map?
15:47.30 brlcad there is a bump map shader
15:47.39 clock_ no
15:47.58 clock_ bump map is something where the shape of the surface is supposed to be distorted, isn't it?
15:48.09 brlcad only visually distorted
15:48.25 brlcad by changing reflectivities at various places based on the image
15:48.48 dtidrow a displacement map would actually distort the surface
15:48.49 clock_ I always saw the bump map for something that modulates the normal vector
15:48.55 clock_ like embossed relief
15:49.08 dtidrow basically, yes
15:49.16 clock_ no I don't mean bummap
15:49.48 clock_ I mean like if I want to render say a soda can
15:49.58 brlcad clock_: yes, and if you look at the edge of something that has a bump map, it's got a nice non-bumpy smooth edge
15:50.00 clock_ the soda can is cylinder and they printed something on that using offset print
15:50.11 clock_ the soda can is not wrinkled in any way
15:50.49 clock_ or I want to render a room that has a mural (painting) on a wall
15:51.00 clock_ then I want pixmap and not bumpmap, right?
15:51.24 brlcad you'd generally want both for the visual effect
15:51.51 brlcad or actually model the paint if you're going to do it "right" in a solid modeling realm
15:52.12 clock_ you mean like simulating the fact that the paint adds thickness to the object?
15:53.08 clock_ That's how I modeled a smoke flue that is painted black inside and white outside
15:53.09 brlcad shaders are just visual effects, mostly "fake" per-se .. if you care about the actual material properties of even something like paint, you'd give it a physical representation and model it
15:53.15 clock_ 0.5mm thin and 0.1mm paint inside
15:53.19 clock_ thin -> tin
15:54.05 clock_ but that's a bit tedious process when it's not just a whole surface painted but I want a Ronja logo on it
15:54.13 clock_ then I could use the pixmap instead, couldn't I?
15:54.27 brlcad you can generate geometry from pixmaps
15:54.48 brlcad similar to how the circuitry was modeled in the principles book
15:55.24 brlcad at least I think it covered the circuitry modeling.. that was how it was done regardless
15:55.46 brlcad in general, solid modeling is tedious ;)
15:56.26 clock_ I wouldn't say
15:56.38 clock_ after I learned the meaning of the matrix
15:57.01 brlcad the tool(s) hopefully make it less tedious, but the goal of getting something that is physically accurate (instead of just visually accurate or "close enough") generally requires providing a lot of detail that you wouldn't intuitively think you'd need sometimes but you do
15:57.15 clock_ cxsx cxsy cxsz cx+= cysx cysy cysz cy+= czsx czsy czsz cz+= 0 0 0 1
15:57.45 clock_ I don't use the click-click rotations and shifts anymore, I enter the matrices directly in vi and it's fast to model
15:58.36 brlcad that's good, but is that more the efficiency of vi or the deficiency of mged? I'd say it's more the latter
15:58.59 clock_ I use mged only for rotations that are not multiple of 90deg
15:59.04 brlcad although that particular feature of using an external text editor to modify matrices is in mged too
15:59.06 clock_ which is say 1% of the model
15:59.19 clock_ I would appreciate if I didn
15:59.24 clock_ t have to type the trailing 0 0 0 1
15:59.47 clock_ I made a file /home/clock/m containing 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 and that's a highly valuable tool :)
16:00.05 clock_ in vi I type :r ~/m and I have a matrix and then I edit one number and I am happy :)
16:00.48 clock_ Is it allowed to use tabs instead of spaced in red?
16:01.35 brlcad clock_: if you have your EDITOR var set before running mged, give 'red object.r' a try
16:01.51 clock_ I am using red object.r
16:02.03 brlcad ah, okay
16:02.37 brlcad tabs should work fine, I think it's any whitespace
16:02.37 clock_ plus the green axes are also invaluable :)
16:02.50 brlcad if not that'd be stupid and would be trivial to fix
16:03.05 clock_ can I even split the line into multiple ones - using \n as whitespace?
16:03.20 brlcad that's what I mean, I believe so ..
16:03.28 clock_ wow that's cool :)
16:03.36 brlcad if it doesn't work, let me know and I'll fix it
16:03.41 brlcad but it certainly "should"
16:04.04 brlcad pretty sure it used to work that way
16:04.07 clock_ Then I put the matrix tab-separated on 4 lines
16:04.40 clock_ is it possible to easily patch the red so it puts the matrix there even if it's a unit matrix?
16:16.19 clock_ brlcad: I think with your information I will be able to generate a picture correctly where the colours of the pixmap are not deformed
16:16.41 clock_ so it would look like the assumed physical reality
16:25.29 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/mged/red.c: even if the matrix is an identity matrix, print it so that the user has a starting point. add a comment about using red with a read-only db.
16:25.55 clock_ wow :)
16:26.19 clock_ can you make the matrix to be formatted with tabs and spread over 4 lines and indented by 1 tab?
16:26.24 clock_ Then it would be even easier to edit
16:26.38 clock_ and now when can I downloaded this CVS brlcad?
16:26.45 clock_ when -> where?
16:37.26 brlcad have to make sure multiline works first
16:37.37 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/mged/red.c: massive ws cleanup, make braces consistently match hacking style
16:41.27 clock_ I have a complicated model of almost whole Ronja installation
16:41.31 clock_
16:41.47 clock_ some of the files can be termporarily incomplete/empty/absent because I am rsyncing at the moment
16:42.19 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/TODO: libbu routine to make a temp file reliably/consistently
16:42.39 clock_ look for "ronja" keyword
16:42.51 clock_ actually the manpage of rsync suggests that rsync should be pretty atomic.
16:43.07 clock_ so don't worry :)
16:53.12 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/mged/red.c: restructure file so that the function declarations can go away.
17:35.32 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/librt/
17:35.32 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: while convenient and would otherwise be usefule, you can't reliably use '+='
17:35.32 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: operator on automake variables without requiring more current versions of
17:35.32 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: automake be installed (which we don't) so instead set a var and use accordingly
17:40.08 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/TODO: add configure support for enabling/disabling framebuffers, display managers, image converters, and geometry converters
18:11.27 ``Erik "download this cvs brlcad"?
18:11.43 ``Erik read the cvs instructions at
18:12.02 ``Erik namely,
18:13.49 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/other/openNURBS/
18:13.49 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: also do not need the openNURBS wrapper functions zcalloc() and zcfree() since
18:13.49 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: we're just letting zlib do it's own thing. compiling them in results in
18:13.49 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: multiple symbol definitions (and link errors) on os x at link time. now links.
18:27.34 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ remove more previous build products, now including aclocal.m4 too
18:59.23 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
19:40.19 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03erikgreenwald * 10brlcad/ ( include/common.h): only include brlcad_config.h if actually building BRL-CAD. Prevents preprocessor redefinition warnings for things like PACKAGE. (this is the first step towards a cleaning activity).
19:55.13 ``Erik 'thoom'
19:56.22 clock_ We have a wind here in Europe
19:56.30 clock_ with an online bodycount
19:58.08 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03erikgreenwald * 10brlcad/misc/ (32 files in 32 dirs): define the BRLCADBUILD preprocessor symbol
20:27.37 Maloeran Good news, but I especially like the picture :)
20:36.39 ``Erik hm, yeah, gccisms
20:36.44 ``Erik __attribute__ is very gcc
20:37.33 ``Erik -std=c99, too
20:38.16 Maloeran If you disable SSE support, I don't think there will be many __attribute__ left
20:38.39 ``Erik heh, the notion is hardly gcc specific... gcc's implementation is just radically unlike everyone elses...
20:38.46 ``Erik very... linuxy, that way... kinda microsofty
20:39.38 ``Erik (though much cleaner than the usual #pragma mechanism)
20:41.59 Maloeran It's clean enough, it could be abstracted through some #define ALIGNED __attribute__((aligned(16))) if you want
20:43.01 ``Erik blows up good on gcc2.95 heh
20:43.20 Maloeran Really? Surprising
20:44.36 ``Erik 'const restrict' seems to confuse it
20:44.58 Maloeran Non-sense, restrict is c99 and that's perfectly valid
20:46.37 ``Erik ... gcc 4.2 probably doesn't implement c99 perfectly, and this irix box has gcc 2.95 on it...
20:46.43 ``Erik ./RF/graph.h:47: parse error before `elem'
20:47.19 Maloeran Then it doesn't understand "restrict", perhaps it just doesn't support C99
20:47.49 ``Erik oh, wait, there it is, hah
20:47.53 ``Erik cc1: unknown C standard `gnu99'
20:48.22 Maloeran Woohoo. Okay, gcc >=3.x is required
21:04.59 *** join/#brlcad iday (
21:09.42 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03lbutler * 10brlcad/src/gtools/g_qa.1: Added documentation for -t option.
21:10.19 ``Erik it's just gettin' to be that time of day
21:12.38 iday finally got the $%^& pro-e converter running under linux
21:13.15 dtidrow_work hehy
21:13.24 dtidrow_work heh, rather...
21:14.45 iday 'course now I need to remove the inappropriate debugging comments...
21:16.34 brlcad sorted out the makefile crap in src/external/ProEngineer/ ?
21:16.43 iday heh - not exactly
21:16.44 iday :-)
21:16.58 iday but I should - to make it easier to repeat ;-)
21:17.49 brlcad really needs a --with-proe flag so you can specify where ptc's junk is installed
21:18.46 iday yes - I'd like to get it automake-ified - but that's more work than I'm gonna do today...
21:19.13 iday pro/e has eaten up my supply of patience (around 0900 this morning)
21:19.38 brlcad woke up at 5am for some reason today
21:19.42 brlcad i'm starting to pay for it
21:19.46 iday ewwww
21:23.52 brlcad iday: something weird about your sf account .. it doesn't send e-mails for you when you commit
21:23.59 brlcad does it dump any errors?
21:24.30 ``Erik iday == jay-lo?
21:36.03 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
22:18.28 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03erikgreenwald * 10brlcad/src/adrt/ (24 files in 6 dirs): uppercase all #define symbols
22:50.00 *** join/#brlcad rusito (
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23:33.47 *** join/#brlcad IriX64 (

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