irclog2html for #brlcad on 20070126

00:08.57 ``Erik stupid fucking snow
00:13.15 Maloeran So you bought your bicycle already! I know how you feel
00:16.20 ``Erik heh
00:16.21 ``Erik no
00:16.27 ``Erik it went blizzard style while I was driving
00:17.21 ``Erik so I was trying to navigate twisty hilly backroads with an inch of fresh powder (unsalted roads), a jackass tailgating me, and summer tires on 1.75 tons of grossly overpowered steel
00:17.40 ``Erik oh, and visibility of ~10m at some points
00:18.29 ``Erik took me over an hour to get home :/ and the first half our of it was ok, full speed... (usual travel time of 35-40 minutes)
00:18.36 ``Erik so that last 5-10 minutes took half an hour or so
00:19.36 Maloeran Eheh. That's a long way from work, spending 10% of one's conscious life in a car driving
00:20.03 ``Erik yeah... it is
00:20.37 ``Erik however; it's pleasantly relaxing, it gives my brain something fairly simple to focus on so it can change gears from the bs of work
00:20.44 Maloeran Can you work from home some/most days?
00:20.53 ``Erik not unless I filled at forms and got approved
00:21.09 Maloeran It could be worth the time investment
00:21.16 ``Erik twinky was approved for 3 days a week, I just havne't gotten to the paperwork
00:26.13 Maloeran I'm a bit annoyed by how buying 3 dual-dual-opterons is about the same price as one octo-opteron
00:27.42 Maloeran The extra circuitry in 8 ways Opterons sure is costly, the motherboards too
00:27.42 dtidrow_work octo-opteron meaning eight actual chips, or four dual-core Opterons?
00:27.42 Maloeran Four dual-core
00:29.28 dtidrow_work depending on the type of workload, having a single quad dual-core system might still be the best way to go
00:29.50 Maloeran Yes, clearly. Gigabit will saturate with distributed raytracing on 3 boxes of 4 cores
00:30.12 dtidrow_work heh
00:30.51 dtidrow_work are there any eight socekt Opteron mobo's out there?
00:31.43 Maloeran Yes, haven't really looked into these
00:32.11 dtidrow_work - drool....
00:34.31 Maloeran To scale properly on such boxes, we will have to store a copy of the graph in the memory bank of each processor die
00:35.04 Maloeran Graph & geometry, of course
00:35.50 Maloeran Any recommendation, Erik, (2or3)*dual-dual or quad-dual?
00:36.09 Twingy numaPIC
00:36.35 Maloeran Yes! Highly scalable processing for PIC
00:38.07 Maloeran Perhaps a motherboard with multiple gigabit ports would almost scale, one per processing node
00:39.57 Maloeran Infiniband cards are somewhat expensive, but that would be fun to play with
00:47.55 Twingy you should see if mellanox has a hardware implementation of tcp/ip to allow for > 1.1Gb on their infiniband
00:48.29 Twingy they mentioned they might be working on a next gen card in 2004
00:49.00 Twingy Maloeran, you can always buy a 10Gb PCI Express NIC for alot less
00:49.32 Maloeran Can't get a price on these without contacting them, tsk
00:49.54 Maloeran That generally means "out of my budget" :)
00:51.00 Twingy $750 a card
00:51.11 Twingy $3k for an 8 port switch
00:51.19 Maloeran That's about what I saw elsewhere
00:52.08 Twingy a PCI Express to PCI Express card would be useful
00:52.15 Twingy with a ribbon cable
00:52.40 Twingy writing a driver for that would be a snap
00:53.19 dtidrow_work interesting idea
00:53.53 Twingy I could probably make one on my CNC mill
00:54.08 Twingy just a double sided PCB really
00:54.50 Twingy won't get much faster than that
00:55.12 Maloeran I think I'll just start slowly with two dual-dual-opterons on gigabit, I'll grow my home cluster over the months
00:55.48 Twingy you should take one class at a university
00:56.00 Twingy then you will get university account and access to infinite computing resources
00:56.29 Twingy I have a bazillion computers at my finger tips at njit
00:57.16 Maloeran I see :)
00:57.33 Twingy
00:59.03 Twingy every time I eat macaroni and cheese I get gas, hrmph
01:00.39 dtidrow_work Twingy: - for future reference ;-)
01:01.37 Twingy what's a matter your web browser 8-bit or something?
01:02.00 dtidrow_work heh
01:02.19 dtidrow_work just more convienent
01:06.59 Twingy Maloeran, you could install two gigabit cards and expand the socket buffer in the kernel
01:07.10 Twingy then plex across the two
01:07.35 Twingy that should scale almost linearly
01:08.04 Maloeran Right. I don't think the bandwidth would saturate if high-level results ( pixels or so ) are transfered
01:08.21 Twingy adrt run smooth on 100Mb
01:08.29 Twingy across 8 nodes
01:08.32 Maloeran Pixels or raw intersection results?
01:08.40 Twingy compressed pixels
01:08.52 Twingy on gigabit I don't compress
01:09.24 Maloeran Ah. 1024*768*3, 2.5mb per frame, 40 frames per second for 100mb/s. -> Gigabit is almost filled up
01:09.42 Twingy tried compression?
01:10.03 Twingy I had decent success with libz
01:10.19 Maloeran Yes I noticed
01:10.34 Maloeran I haven't used compression, I still got stuff to complete in graph state synchronisation between nodes
01:11.07 Maloeran I'm just saying that theorically, 3 boxes of 4 cores would saturate the gigabit
01:11.15 Twingy I'm so happy, my shrink tube came today
01:11.25 Maloeran Shrink tube?
01:11.28 Twingy I've been making cables galore, this triton Jr rocks my socks off
01:11.37 Twingy yes, it shrinks when you heat it
01:11.47 Twingy I have a 1500W heat gun I bought for $19.95 somewhere
01:11.59 Twingy the triton outputs banana
01:12.15 Twingy so I made a banana to j-type, banana to banana, banana to dc jack, and banana to deans is in the mail
01:12.56 Maloeran Is the final objective related to rocketry, robotics?
01:12.58 Twingy I can charge lithium polymer, lead acid, nickel metal hydrides, and nickel cadmiums
01:13.07 Twingy both actually
01:13.13 Maloeran Ah, neat
01:13.25 Twingy an aerial platform for testing my rocketry electronics
01:13.42 Twingy I just burnt $650 on getting back into r/c planes
01:13.51 Twingy I'm all tooled up
01:13.53 Maloeran Eheh, I saw the picture yes
01:14.20 Twingy I'm going to convert half the basement (the unfinished part) into my rocket and r/c workshop
01:14.36 Twingy and leave the garage for making parts and boards
01:15.05 Twingy until I build my shed out back
01:15.09 Maloeran I see, sounds good. I almost assumed you had enough room in the garage
01:15.12 Twingy either this summer or next
01:15.26 Twingy I don't have the garage temperature controlled
01:15.31 Twingy (yet)
01:15.33 Maloeran Ah yes, good point
01:15.42 Twingy soldering in sub zero temperatures is tricky
01:15.47 Maloeran ;)
01:15.51 Twingy and I'm not heating the garage while it's not insulated
01:16.30 Twingy 3 more gcam releases and it's back to rocketry
01:16.46 Twingy next one should be tonight or tomorrow
01:17.34 Maloeran I'm vaguely planning to build some kind of home cluster over the months/years, I think I'll need that when I'm ready to get back into AI
01:19.15 Twingy buying computers sucks you dry >_<
01:19.43 Twingy nice thing about the tools I'm buying is they won't be obsolete for a good 15 - 25 years
01:20.20 Twingy all I'm missing is the $2500 lathe
01:20.27 Maloeran Eheh, indeed. Unfortunately, I have no other need or interest than computer hardware
01:21.01 dtidrow_work unless you pick up used computers
01:21.18 Twingy hard to build next gen algorithms on obsolete hardware
01:21.20 Maloeran I already got my cluster of amd-k6 and Pentium 2, I need an upgrade ;)
01:21.30 dtidrow_work heh
01:21.47 Twingy especially "timing" related ones
01:22.51 dtidrow_work well, for 'home' clusers...
01:23.16 dtidrow_work you generally take what you can get :-)
01:23.31 Twingy I speant almost two hours writing this yesterday: *(int *) &_f = (t&0xff000000)>>24|(t&0x00ff0000)>>8|(t&0x00007f00)<<8|(t&0x000000ff)<<23|(t&0x00008000)<<16; }
01:23.41 Maloeran That's what I did.. but my overclocked desktop beats the other 6 boxes combined
01:23.49 dtidrow_work heh
01:24.14 Twingy converts big endian PIC floats to little endian IEEE 754 floats
01:24.15 Maloeran Twingy, a weird partial byte swapping?
01:24.22 Maloeran Oh I see
01:24.30 dtidrow_work PIC floats?
01:24.33 Twingy for the autopilot
01:24.39 Twingy microchip floats
01:24.45 Twingy exponential, sign, mantissa
01:24.47 dtidrow_work ah
01:24.54 Twingy where IEEE754 is mantissa, exponent, sign
01:24.55 dtidrow_work that PIC :-)
01:25.45 dtidrow_work haven't played with those in years (PICs, that is)
01:25.56 Twingy I use them religiously at work now
01:26.58 dtidrow_work IIRC, they have an 'interesting' machine architecture
01:27.10 dtidrow_work Twingy: for what?
01:28.07 Twingy all sorts of stuff
01:28.21 Twingy autopilots mainly
02:06.22 ``Erik <-- probably woulda loaned ya some of the junk ya may've needed for r/c's...
02:24.11 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/TODO:
02:24.11 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: add support for arbitrary matrix transformations to torus primitive .. while
02:24.11 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: there's certainly question on what this means to the mathematics of the implicit
02:24.11 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: form (they're no longer mathematically a torus), the underlying modeling
02:24.11 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: capacity is still needed and storing a transformation matrix or at least scaling
02:24.13 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: vectors in the primitive (or above the primitive) would go a long way to
02:24.15 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: handling this somewhat unique case.
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03:07.26 ``Erik wee, squashed and skewed torii
03:09.18 ``Erik kith style, crrrushink your torus! crrrushink your torus!
03:11.35 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/libbn/ (axis.c font.c symbol.c): simplify, use MAT_DELTAS_VEC when setting translation elements to a given vector
03:22.14 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/librt/dg_obj.c: simplify, use MAT_DELTAS_VEC_NEG when setting translation elements to negative vector values
03:30.14 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/include/vmath.h: add additional helper macros MAT_DELTAS_(ADD|SUB|MUL)(_VEC)? for modifying the translation elements (3, 7, 11) in a 4x4 transformation matrix
03:30.41 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/ (util/pl-dm.c util/plrot.c rt/do.c rt/read-rtlog.c): simplify, use MAT_DELTAS_VEC_NEG when setting translation elements to negative vector values
03:31.18 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/proc-db/ (common.c kurt.c tube.c): simplify, use MAT_DELTAS_VEC when setting translation elements to a given vector
03:31.55 brlcad mm.. pure donuts
03:34.12 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/mged/ (chgmodel.c edsol.c): simplify, use MAT_DELTAS_VEC when setting translation elements to a given vector
03:34.15 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/mged/ (rtif.c usepen.c): simplify, use MAT_DELTAS_VEC_NEG when setting translation elements to negative vector values
03:36.11 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/include/vmath.h: s/NUL/MUL/ typo
03:44.38 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/include/vmath.h: add similar MAT_SCALE sibling macros for adding, subtracting, and multiplying the scaling elements just to be consistent
03:48.55 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/include/vmath.h: elements_per_mat is a square of elements_per_plane
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05:15.17 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/tclscripts/ (14 files in 14 dirs):
05:15.17 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: since the pkgIndex.tcl and tclIndex files are now in CVS, disable the CLEANFILES
05:15.17 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: directive that deletes them. now that they're sorted.. if they're different,
05:15.17 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: the cvs update notice should be significant now that they're sorted
05:15.17 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: consistently.
05:29.20 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/librt/ (30 files): allow the import function transformation matrix argument to be NULL, use an identity matrix in that situation.
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07:50.11 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/sh/ ( sanity checking - don't care if is readable, just see if it exists
08:34.00 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
08:49.55 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/sh/ skipping
09:01.50 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/sh/ sorta support filenames with spaces (the for loop will still choke)
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14:34.05 ``Erik brlcad: lunch... japanhouse... the usual time...
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16:03.50 brlcad hm, that means I'd need to shower
16:06.35 ``Erik dot... dot... dot...
16:20.45 dtidrow heh
16:20.56 dtidrow just getting around to too, eh?
18:21.04 ``Erik seems he decided against shorting
18:21.06 ``Erik showering
18:21.17 ``Erik osake was sugoii ii desu ne
18:29.10 Maloeran Tout � fait d'accord
18:44.47 ``Erik heh, damn I'm lame, I had to babelfish that one
18:45.33 ``Erik (but... you're in agreement? I didn't think you drank? so how would you know if sake is very good?)
18:46.55 Maloeran Oh :), just provided an unintelligible answer to a question with the same attribute
18:47.22 ``Erik les gallons de sak� traversent la veine
18:47.23 Maloeran Feel free to keep me informed on any interface talk
18:47.43 ``Erik lee gave a thumbs up, I told him where to snarf it
18:48.00 Maloeran What did he approve exactly?
18:49.10 ``Erik full access, and I told him the name of the person he should talk to at the place the cvs repo machine is, as well as your handle and this channel
18:49.18 ``Erik ummm, his nick was like "joevalley" or something I think?
18:49.32 Maloeran I don't remember seeing that
18:50.10 ``Erik ok, the grammar and ordering is all out of whack for sure on this, but think english order/grammar...
18:50.11 ``Erik Je vous consid�re de devoir commettre votre travail plus souvent
18:50.25 Maloeran Understood :)
18:50.43 Maloeran I don't like commiting half-way done code
18:50.48 ``Erik out of curiousity, how would the well formed sentence be structured? :D
18:51.13 ``Erik well, 'half done' is a necessicity, just try not to compile in a "broken" state
18:51.58 Maloeran But theres's nothing new to see or test if the new code isn't completed
18:52.30 Maloeran Though the bit-packed graph cache is a bit better, not a single bit wasted now
18:52.33 ``Erik nothing at the user level, of course, but I tend to read your commits and try to understand what and why
18:52.39 ``Erik and where you're going
18:53.25 ``Erik and I'd rather read a book made of sections, chapters and paragraphs than a single long stream :D
18:53.49 ``Erik so my poor feeble brain has time to grasp the meaning before moving on
18:54.03 Maloeran Okay :), give me a day or two and I'll commit
18:54.27 Maloeran One of the reasons I don't like commiting early is that there are big blocks of personal notes, comments that would make no sense to other people, right in the code
18:54.36 Maloeran Sometimes using a mix of french and english
18:54.51 ``Erik <-- works frequent commits into his development mentality, so not seeing it is alien
18:54.57 ``Erik but I'm a dork like that
18:55.49 ``Erik I don't care if it's in french while you're working on it, as long as teh end product is coherent to me... :D if nothing else, when people want to know how progress is going, I can at least say "it's progressing" if I see commit traffic
18:55.52 Maloeran It's just that I put my thinking process as raw comments in the code, so it's heratic ; and the comments take the way out when the code is done
18:56.34 Maloeran Okay, 1-2 days and I'll commit
18:56.53 ``Erik heh, if you codified your thinking process via repository history, then others can look at the history and gain some understanding into your process and why you made your decisions, no? :D
18:57.27 Maloeran That would imply taking time to write comments that could make sense to anyone else... :) I don't understand my own raw comments after a week
18:58.07 ``Erik hehehe, millions of postit notes with random sentence fragments? :D
18:58.21 Maloeran Yes, that's exactly what it is :), except that it's in the code
18:58.37 ``Erik <-- still interested in the deltas, and it does no harm to 'back up' your work frequently, no?
18:58.43 Maloeran All right though, I'll try to do more than a large monthly commit
18:59.13 ``Erik I mean, hell, you see the cia messages here, we commit stuff to brl-cad all the time...
18:59.24 ``Erik and in my case, a good portion of it is only half thought out ;)
18:59.36 Maloeran Very small commits, yes, but there are a lot of people working on it
18:59.42 Maloeran Ah :)
19:00.08 ``Erik <-- commits just as frequently on his personal projects where he's the only developer
19:00.09 Maloeran Do I also commit temporary code for personal testing purposes?
19:00.16 ``Erik often in smaller commits, heh
19:00.22 ``Erik sure, why not?
19:00.33 Maloeran *shakes head* Okay
19:00.47 ``Erik it's a way of recording history, communicating, and backing up your data
19:01.25 Maloeran Stuff will be commited for Monday when the guy looks at it
19:01.55 ``Erik maybe you'll be knee deep in something you're trying to figure out and a commit would let someone see where your head is and maybe ask golden questions that help you, or offer possible alternatives?
19:02.36 ``Erik it's your code and you get to decide, but I'm interested and want to keep up to speed on it :D (and if I'm being unreasonable, someone please, ffs, tell me)
19:02.37 Maloeran So you want to participate in the code? :) I hadn't assumed so, I'll change my approach then
19:03.02 Maloeran Oh, you are not being unreasonable at all. Look Erik, I have always coded alone
19:03.03 ``Erik I'm already half participating out on a fringe, but in using an old snapshot
19:03.36 ``Erik binding rayforce and adrt into a benchmark program is my current top priority non-emergency task
19:03.51 Maloeran Great
19:03.59 ``Erik (now I'm focusing very much on tie at the moment, as I know my copy of rayforce is outdated)
19:05.48 Maloeran I'll shower and eat breakfast before it closes at 15h, thanks for your guidance
19:06.10 ``Erik later, dude :D
19:12.01 ``Erik nice
19:16.02 archivist bah too many brackets
19:20.36 ``Erik func1(func2(func3())) vs (func1 (func2 (func3))), the second has too many brackets but the first is ok? :D
19:20.52 ``Erik or, say, (func1 {func2 [funk3]}) ?
19:21.32 archivist I dont expect any brackets in plain assembler
19:24.32 ``Erik (lisp or scheme style) macros would be insanely awesome in an asm type thing
19:25.38 ``Erik makes me wanna do os work that much more :D
19:26.42 archivist ew
19:27.13 ``Erik <-- wants a modern lispos
19:27.44 ``Erik perhaps because I ate too much wallcandy as a child :D
19:28.26 brlcad ~seen joevalleyfield
19:29.05 ibot joevalleyfield <> was last seen on IRC in channel #brlcad, 371d 1h 7m 36s ago, saying: 'may i buy a vowel?'.
19:31.22 brlcad frequent small commits are a "good thing"
20:19.33 Maloeran I think Lisp-style macros would be really bad in assembly
20:20.03 Maloeran Even if you would repeat the same macro twice in high level code, the assembly code should probably be different for each instance
20:38.51 ``Erik erm... yeah... uh... that's why I said lisp style instead of c style... :D
20:45.59 ``Erik qjkl
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21:55.34 brlcad curious, how do most feel about embedded tabs? e.g., int foo;[tab][tab]/* some comment */
21:58.03 brlcad at least doesn't answer the question
21:59.10 Maloeran If not for comments besides code, I don't see the point of embedded tabs :). In other words, I wouldn't be too fond of these
22:00.08 brlcad might also see them in comments for example to line something up perhaps
22:00.25 brlcad <PROTECTED>
22:00.39 brlcad <PROTECTED>
22:00.44 brlcad <PROTECTED>
22:00.47 brlcad <PROTECTED>
22:02.03 brlcad personally, I've found them to be more annoying than helpful simply because some editors are thrown off by them
22:02.34 Maloeran Yes, I'm not too fond of tabs generally. If you have seen my code, I use space everywhere
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22:05.11 brlcad it's not so much preference as it is collaborative impact that I'm concerned with .. gut feeling is that it's probably not a big deal either way and the few bytes that are saved probably don't matter much
22:06.51 brlcad Maloeran: I believe you perhaps mean to say you can't stand indentation levels of 8 .. rather different statement
22:07.27 brlcad the only portable tabwidth is 8, indentation and use of tab characters at intervals of 8 are usually the question
22:07.28 ``Erik your embedding is just indenting after the code... I might have a line that says \t\t\tint i;\t\t/* i is the index. nehe taught me commenting */\n
22:08.44 ``Erik <-- tabhappy mofo :D but ain't religious on it
22:10.09 brlcad use of tabs or not isn't really a concern, it's whether this mass update I'm about to commit that turns all embedded ones into tabs or not is what's at hand
22:10.50 brlcad whitespace at the beginning of lines is already commented on in hacking, we have standard practice on that and footers to encourage/enforce it
22:11.05 brlcad but embedded is another question
22:11.12 ``Erik as long as they linux up with the ex: command in a comment or 8 if none exists, I'm all down with it :D
22:11.18 ``Erik erm
22:11.21 ``Erik linux??? line
22:12.50 brlcad linux?
22:13.06 brlcad ahh
22:13.31 brlcad yeah, embedded is pretty much orthogonal to ex:
22:14.55 ``Erik wait, just -*- option -*- ? :D
22:15.34 brlcad we don't use emacs header lines
22:15.48 brlcad footer variable blocks
22:15.49 ``Erik I thought I saw 'em somewhere in the src
22:15.54 ``Erik oh
22:16.04 ``Erik <-- not an emacs guy... needs to learn
22:16.35 brlcad header lines have funky rules about having to be within the first few lines of the file (similar to vi's need to be near the end)
22:17.02 brlcad the emacs variable blocks can be anywhere, so it's more convenient to bundle them with the vi line
22:17.31 brlcad then all your formatting junk is out of sight most of the time and respected by the two main editors
22:19.50 ``Erik aaanyhoo, was just throwing out that it'd be interesting to see how many files are delinquent wrt
22:21.50 brlcad oh, most are atm
22:22.02 brlcad i've only run the indent script on a few directories
22:22.32 brlcad there's preprocessor gunk that screws things up that has to be manually/slowly fixed, otherwise I'd let it run on all files
22:29.55 louipc making the code more readable?
22:30.22 brlcad readable depends on the reader
22:30.29 brlcad but more consistent, yes ;)
22:33.51 louipc good stuff. Do you need help?
22:35.11 brlcad heh, always
22:35.25 ``Erik hey
22:35.28 ``Erik lets kill vdeck
22:35.28 louipc because that sounds like something I could do :D
22:35.41 brlcad with over a million lines of code, there's always "something" inconsistent that can be cleaned up
22:35.48 brlcad ``Erik: what for?
22:36.12 ``Erik why not? I'd hope no one uses gift anymore :D
22:36.16 brlcad if it's causing major problems sure, but if it's not.. leave it alone :)
22:36.25 ``Erik aw, c'mon, I wanna kill it
22:36.28 ``Erik hehehe
22:36.36 brlcad actually, I had someone ask for gift stuff just a few weeks ago
22:36.41 ``Erik crazy
22:36.46 brlcad it is
22:36.48 Twingy go shoot them then
22:36.56 ``Erik brl-cad is pretty big, a little pruning might be beneficial
22:37.15 Twingy ``Erik, not until it gets a flight simulator built in
22:37.26 ``Erik heh
22:37.30 ``Erik um... hmmm
22:37.33 louipc hehe
22:38.08 brlcad getting rid of existing functionality that has no/little overhead is of minimal value, and more than likely just would irritate the handful of people that would miss it
22:38.25 brlcad more benficial would be to fix the bigger problems..
22:38.40 dtidrow_work somebody would notice and whine bitterly, eh?
22:38.49 ``Erik meh *shrug*
22:39.36 brlcad just about every time
22:39.38 brlcad within six months almost guaranteed
22:40.00 brlcad and it because fuel to a fire
22:40.05 brlcad s/because/becomes/
22:41.37 louipc is there a guide to how the code should be formatted?
22:42.42 brlcad louipc: HACKING file has the details
22:44.00 brlcad pretty standard stuff, should resemble linux kernel with 4 char indents mostly
22:44.41 brlcad i.e. GNU coding standards with basic K&R indentation style
22:45.40 louipc hmm I'll have to read up on the specifics of those
22:46.00 brlcad there are examples in the hacking file, wikipedia has a simple coverage as well
22:48.25 brlcad there is a script in cvs that will actually utilize emacs to automatically format up sources for you according to the style, and it does a great job
22:48.53 brlcad but it does get confused by some preprocessor logic that changes curly brace indentation
22:49.05 brlcad e.g. #ifdef __whatever__
22:49.15 brlcad <PROTECTED>
22:49.18 brlcad #else
22:49.26 brlcad <PROTECTED>
22:49.27 louipc yeah hehe
22:49.28 brlcad #endif
22:49.36 brlcad messes up on the double indent
22:50.01 brlcad simple to accommodate, just remove the indent or remove the ifdef even better if possible
23:20.54 *** join/#brlcad ibot (i=ibot@pdpc/supporter/active/TimRiker/bot/apt)
23:32.57 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/sh/ (19 files): ws
23:38.33 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/sh/ (log message trimmed)
23:38.33 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: This script updates a given set of files (or most all files in this
23:38.33 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: project) with consistent whitespace formatting. The script can be run
23:38.33 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: on individual files or in batch mode, and is intended to be run
23:38.34 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: periodically to help ensure consistent formatting. Currently, the
23:38.34 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: following actions are performed by default (but can be selected
23:38.38 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: individually at run-time):
23:46.53 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/sh/ include

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.