irclog2html for #brlcad on 20070131

00:51.47 *** join/#brlcad docelic (n=docelic@
01:26.59 *** join/#brlcad digitalfredy_ (n=digitalf@
02:15.18 *** join/#brlcad Twingy (n=justin@
05:54.44 *** join/#brlcad bjorkBSD (
05:56.34 bjorkBSD so i've drawn a few boxes and toruses and one or two other things so far.
05:56.42 bjorkBSD applaud me! :D
06:32.33 bjorkBSD ... or not :|
06:32.35 *** part/#brlcad bjorkBSD (
06:56.18 brlcad heh
08:09.32 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/sh/ remove the abort if the first line isn't detected. instead just warn and apply the header. also, add prefix to case for portability and empty argument matching.
08:10.58 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/BUGS: tessellation of some pipe in toyjeep.g fails (rather reliably) on a bend
08:11.35 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/TODO: add c-indentation-style to emacs variable block, setting to k&r or something more appropriate than the gnu default (see c-set-style).
15:20.07 *** join/#brlcad docelic (n=docelic@
17:30.02 ``Erik $ cvs commit -m 'linux is for retards'
17:30.04 ``Erik O:-)
17:32.11 ``Erik I think I may have librt working in the framework today... that'd be nifty.. adrt shortly after. and since I removed the offending source, I can just give it to you when it's done, instead of going through the public release procedure
17:47.10 Maloeran cvs commit -m 'OSX threading and memory management are abominable'
17:48.23 Maloeran I'll add single-ray non-threaded tracing functions when I get that source, since there's no other way
18:02.02 ``Erik I'm under the impression that some osX syscalls are ugly performers due to mach microkernel message passing...
18:05.17 ``Erik (also; osX uses phkmalloc(), not dl-malloc)
18:30.00 Maloeran I think the fact that the routing system and codes are completely different is being understood
18:33.07 Maloeran I find myself pondering about Intel's latest Xeons, the Core2 architecture ; though it's limited to 2 sockets per motherboard
18:46.22 ``Erik are mark and/or tony informed of the difficulties?
18:48.27 ``Erik (librt results being curried back and performance monitoring is in place... nifty.. oddly enough, single threaded, fbsd/amd64 2.0ghz is 120krps and linux/ia32 2.0ghz is 34.7krps)
18:56.49 Maloeran Are you comparing an Opteron with a Pentium 4?
18:57.08 ``Erik opteron and xeon
18:57.22 ``Erik p4-xeon
18:57.23 Maloeran They aren't informed, but I think they'll make this work eventually. I'm just amused from the fact they never knew canadian banks worked differently
18:57.43 Maloeran Well sure, that's a crappy chip in comparison to an Opteron
18:57.45 ``Erik they're not an international company... :D
19:00.11 Maloeran Oh well, it's just impatient for I'll order some nice hardware as soon as it's received
19:10.50 Maloeran I'm* just
19:15.55 ``Erik heh, stupid canucks, doing everything bass ackwards ;)
19:18.00 Maloeran Tsk, how could you ever buy a Pentium 4 ; the old Athlons were already better back then
19:19.14 Maloeran Unless it was forced on you by management, I had assumed you had a word to say on the hardware you receive
19:19.37 ``Erik it was here when I got here
19:19.45 ``Erik and it had "dell" stamped on the case (it's a rack mount thingy)
19:30.28 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
19:46.18 dtidrow_work brlcad: you around?
19:47.04 brlcad nope
19:47.09 dtidrow_work heh
20:39.30 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/conv/comgeom/cvt.c: should be using bu_getopt and friends
20:57.33 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/include/bu.h: update comment, USE_PROTOTYPES is set in configure, not machine.h
21:01.46 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/canon/canonize.1: consistency on BRL-CAD where not technically problematic, s/BRLCAD/BRL-CAD/
21:39.22 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/conv/iges/iges.c: more BRL-CAD name consistency. allow BRLCAD or BRL-CAD in the attribute string.
21:40.00 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/conv/jack/ (g-jack.c jack-g.c): use libbu getopt
21:40.48 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ (10 files in 4 dirs): consistency on BRL-CAD name use, s/BRLCAD/BRL-CAD/
22:03.07 Maloeran - Some conference in Montreal in May, do you guys want to come over here for a change? :)
22:03.39 Maloeran Perhaps not quite on topics that concern BRL-CAD though
22:04.15 ``Erik sounds like it'll be a bunch of french faggots
22:04.16 ``Erik :D
22:04.33 ``Erik <-- might be in ottawa may 18-19
22:04.39 ``Erik
22:05.50 Maloeran Tsk Ottawa, come try some of Montreal's restaurants
22:07.49 ``Erik heh
22:08.04 ``Erik the hotel+travel thing mentions hitting montreal by air, then training to ottawa
22:08.28 ``Erik unfortunately, it's after your contract is completed, so I can't use it as an excuse to "meet"
22:08.30 ``Erik :)
22:09.07 Maloeran We can use it as an excuse to... present Rayforce or something, perhaps a future piece of Blender
22:10.52 Maloeran On a related topic, Mark asked if other contracts were planned or if they could put me on their fire simulation
22:10.57 ``Erik blender isn't on the radar with the pointy hairs
22:11.21 ``Erik I don't know.. I think the current posture is "we want to use him, we don't know for what right now"
22:11.36 ``Erik send me an email at my work addy to remind me and I'll make noise about it
22:11.42 ``Erik
22:11.46 ``Erik <-- home right now ;)
22:12.04 Maloeran All right. The fire simulation looks fun to play with, but the project's team seems... weird so far
22:12.39 ``Erik heh
22:13.01 Maloeran From what I have seen so far, a bunch of engineers writing Fortran77 code, without any real programming skills
22:13.27 ``Erik <-- has no binding authority and those with it rarely notify him, is in the dark
22:13.35 ``Erik yes, actually
22:13.35 ``Erik a bit worse
22:14.49 ``Erik from what I gleaned off of mark when we were sitting there, there was a fortran coder who write it in floortrash IV, some dudes (engineer types, no cs background either by education or experience) who really don't know coding hacked it until it worked in a f77 compiler, and other people
22:15.02 ``Erik (again, engineer types) get told to "make it do something new" every once in a while
22:15.45 Maloeran Yes, that's about it. They asked 25-50 words on my ideas to rewrite the whole thing, they received about 2000 words
22:15.53 ``Erik typically, that kinda coder has a basic handle on something as complex as, say, a linked list... but not much more
22:16.16 Maloeran And I really lost on the way... I received questions like "Which is faster, equations or look-up tables?" without any background or context
22:16.26 Maloeran really lost them* on the way
22:16.36 Maloeran Ahaha
22:17.02 ``Erik (and I consider a method to be a function... that's how the machine sees it)
22:17.42 ``Erik to use java mangling, path$to$class$method() (far less horrible than, say, c++ mangling)
22:17.43 Maloeran Mark undertands code better than they do, he's the only one who was able to write meaningful feedback on the 2000 words summary
22:18.00 ``Erik there're some people at survice who know their shit
22:18.10 Maloeran I think Mark is great as a manager, really
22:18.13 ``Erik and there're some who don't... and that is everywhere
22:18.32 ``Erik yeah, tony seems like a decent guy, the switch isn't gonna really jack anyone, I don't think
22:19.20 ``Erik probably the most impressive thing about mark isn't his technical aptitude, but his ability to get the hell out of the way when the topic goes beyond him
22:19.56 ``Erik good guy, hope he likes his new position :)
22:20.26 Maloeran I'm apparently sticking to Mark as manager, I think he prefered to keep it that way
22:20.34 ``Erik his replacement seems to exhibit the same ability, as well as a very tech based candor
22:20.40 ``Erik huh
22:20.42 ``Erik aight
22:20.51 ``Erik he's moving south, though
22:20.55 Maloeran Example of feedback from the engineers, about SSE-packed data storage and processing : "In you latest epistle, you mentioned grouping the grid-cells in 'packages' of four. Since a cube has 6 sides, why not in groups of 6, one for each face? "
22:21.05 Maloeran Right, I know
22:21.15 ``Erik I spoze that really doesn't matter if you're working on non-arl stuff
22:21.35 Maloeran I can't see how could one organize the cells of a region in groups of 6 to match the faces of cubes! It can't be done!
22:21.35 ``Erik less rural down there, if/when ya move, I spoze :)
22:22.14 ``Erik ah,yes... the snow.. the ice... the car doors... pleasant living... :D *duck*
22:22.37 Maloeran Oh, especially the car doors :)
22:29.26 Maloeran I really wonder what this fortran code will look like, do you have any clue on how big it is?
22:29.46 Maloeran I just wonder if it might be possible to rewrite it all in a short time frame
22:29.55 ``Erik well
22:29.59 ``Erik if it falls int he same pattern
22:30.20 ``Erik 90-95% is superfluous
22:30.20 ``Erik if documentation exists, it's wrong
22:30.25 Maloeran I have heard there is a function with 150 parameters in it
22:30.31 ``Erik and it'll either make your eyes bleed
22:30.35 ``Erik or go insane
22:30.38 ``Erik :D
22:30.40 Maloeran Cool! :)
22:31.01 ``Erik <-- was insane before he started doing paid work, so just gets the bleeding eyes things
22:31.11 Maloeran As long as I can rewrite it all from scratch, I don't think I really mind ; but I wonder if I'll have time
22:40.25 brlcad Maloeran: seems like a rather tiny conference
22:40.42 brlcad mildly interesting, but it's on the periphery
22:43.34 Maloeran Yes, I'll probably have a look because it's 15 minutes away, but I wasn't seriously expecting you guys to come
22:45.10 brlcad feel free to pimp up brl-cad ;)
22:46.07 *** join/#brlcad Twingy (n=justin@
23:34.18 ``Erik and let us know how many people show up and how 'useful' it is :)
23:38.34 brlcad looks like about 40-60 showed up last year
23:40.48 Maloeran Ahah
23:43.53 Maloeran Where did you see that, brlcad?
23:47.51 *** join/#brlcad bjorkBSD (

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