irclog2html for #brlcad on 20070203

00:02.39 Maloeran Eh, it will come handy to test and improve scalability, play with global illumination, SURVICE's fire simulations, AI
00:03.45 ``Erik heh, the 2048 machien is useless
00:04.01 Maloeran How so?
00:04.01 bjorkBSD Maloeran, do you work for SURVICE?
00:04.03 ``Erik the 16 core machine is useless, the best I have that's useful is 12
00:04.16 Maloeran As a consultant, bjorkBSD
00:04.34 bjorkBSD cool! is their version of brl-cad different?
00:04.35 Maloeran How are they useless, it requires paperwork to get to use them?
00:05.00 ``Erik the 2048 machine has a cummulative load of more than 2000
00:05.08 ``Erik the 16 core machine has a load of more than 20.
00:05.18 ``Erik the 12 core machine has a load of like .2
00:05.19 Maloeran They are developing software built on top of BRL-CAD, such as Archer, I wouldn't know if their "version" is "different"..
00:05.26 brlcad their version is not different, they just print up everything onto CD and create hard-copy user manuals as if you'd bought a boxed copy
00:06.09 Maloeran Nice Erik, that's what you get for using shared hardware
00:06.11 brlcad they also provide pre-compiled binaries and perform their own testing (including for windows, for example)
00:06.18 bjorkBSD oh.
00:06.39 Maloeran I'll get some AMD's Barcelone chips when they come out too, if you want an account on my home mini-cluster :)
00:06.44 ``Erik (many uneducated users look at a machines ability as a simple number of cpu's... they dont' subtract load from that... they don't understand the real difference between arch, os, clocks, etc)
00:07.08 bjorkBSD that's non-marketing speak, erik!
00:07.09 ``Erik obviously; the 8 cpu irix box is faster than the 1 processor linux box. because 8>1
00:07.29 ``Erik n/m that the irix box has 150mhz r10k's and the linux box has a 3.6ghz
00:07.47 bjorkBSD how much is the 8cpu irix box?
00:07.58 ``Erik oh, and the irix box has a load of 15, and the linux box has 0.00
00:08.02 bjorkBSD $98,000.00 without a keyboard, monitor, or mouse.
00:08.23 ``Erik keyboards, monitors, and mice are not for machines that do real work.
00:08.28 bjorkBSD <PROTECTED>
00:08.44 ``Erik you sit at a pretty graphical machine, maybe it can play videos and look at web pages
00:08.52 ``Erik but crunch happens on machines in another room, mebbe another building
00:09.59 bjorkBSD so how much does the 8 thing cost?
00:10.37 Maloeran It's 3k$ for a nice Xeon Clovertown 8 cores, if you would prefer that
00:11.07 ``Erik clovertown is a dual core die?
00:11.13 ``Erik 4x2 ?
00:11.31 Maloeran 4 cores on a die, the latest Intel chip
00:11.36 ``Erik ah, 2x4
00:11.44 Maloeran They don't produce motherboards with 4 sockets unfortunately
00:12.05 Maloeran But their memory bus wouldn't support that anyway, I think it's already going to be saturated with 8 cores
00:12.16 dtidrow_work when is the quad-core Opterons coming out?
00:12.21 ``Erik I think the opteron machien I'm working on these days is 4 seperate sockets... might be 2x2... twingy spec'd it, monarch built it, I just do os shit
00:12.29 Maloeran Second quarter of 2007, they said
00:12.57 dtidrow_work and I know they have quad-socket opteron mobos....
00:12.57 brlcad where altix shines is that you can go up to 512 processors in a single image.. that is .. very cool
00:13.08 dtidrow_work yep
00:13.11 Maloeran They have 8 sockets opteron motherboards actually
00:13.12 brlcad no matter what the price, that's the top of the line
00:13.31 dtidrow_work well, I've seen the four-socket ones
00:13.36 brlcad with the price, it's quite expensive compared to a cluster based solution
00:13.49 Maloeran brlcad, I really wonder how that single huge memory bank can cope with the ever growing number of cores
00:13.59 Maloeran AMD's NUMA is a simple and elegant solution
00:14.10 brlcad licensed from sgi :)
00:14.12 dtidrow_work Altix is NUMA
00:14.20 Maloeran Altix is NUMA as well? Oh.
00:14.22 ``Erik is it numa?
00:14.26 ``Erik altix is numa, yes
00:14.27 brlcad it came from them
00:14.29 dtidrow_work SGI has had NUMA systems for a decade now
00:14.32 ``Erik with big honkin' cables out the butt
00:14.36 Maloeran Neat
00:14.43 ``Erik almost as big as my forearm (I have narrow bones)
00:14.47 brlcad which in turn came from an earlier craylink variant when sgi acquired cray
00:14.54 dtidrow_work the Onyx2's were NUMA
00:16.15 brlcad they've got it scaling nearly linearly up towards 512 processors.. but then I've read they've not been able to scale linearly much past that
00:16.39 dtidrow_work I wonder why
00:16.39 brlcad course that in itself is a major feat.. something nobody else can do still
00:17.02 dtidrow_work indeed - a Linux-based kernel running on 512 CPU's :-)
00:17.07 brlcad IBM is probably closest.. but they peak out way before 512 with P5
00:18.11 dtidrow_work is S_I (they dropped the 'G' last year) still circling the drain, or have they stabilized?
00:18.34 Maloeran You'll have to sacrifice a few processors to "manage" others as it grows, but it should still scale very well if they got the memory architecture right
00:19.47 brlcad dropped the G? I know they dropped the markey, but not a name change
00:19.52 brlcad s/markey/market/
00:20.23 dtidrow_work well, that's my name for them now
00:20.26 brlcad ah, heh
00:20.52 dtidrow_work read, "S-blank-I" ;-)
00:21.32 Maloeran Cool, the Gambian President announced that he can cure AIDS in 3 days
00:21.42 brlcad Maloeran: aside from the OS needing to be custom tailored, that's what's particularly cool about what the altix does .. there's no special processing nodes or otherwise limitation on the architecture .. it acts like one massive 512-core machine
00:22.24 Maloeran It sounds quite neat, brlcad. I read briefly about the arch but it wasn't technical enough ; I even thought it was one main memory bank and not NUMA
00:23.14 dtidrow_work heh
00:23.41 Twingy 2 cpus dual core
00:27.40 Maloeran Dual-core is so 2006. :)
00:30.01 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/other/libz/ (172 files in 32 dirs):
00:30.01 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: update of the bundled zlib from version 1.2.2 to 1.2.3; per the zlib website,
00:30.02 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: this eliminates a potential security vulnerability when decoding invalid
00:30.02 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: compressed data (VU#238678 / SA11129) as well as eliminates a potential security
00:30.02 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: vulnerability when decoding specially crafted compressed data (VU#680620 /
00:30.04 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: SA15949). other updates included, see the zlib release notes for details.
00:31.07 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/NEWS:
00:31.07 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: update of the bundled zlib from version 1.2.2 to 1.2.3; per the zlib website,
00:31.07 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: this eliminates a potential security vulnerability when decoding invalid
00:31.07 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: compressed data (VU#238678 / SA11129) as well as eliminates a potential security
00:31.08 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: vulnerability when decoding specially crafted compressed data (VU#680620 /
00:31.10 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: SA15949). other updates included, see the zlib release notes for details.
00:39.00 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/other/libz/ follow zlib's makefile and generate example and minigzip binaries (test compilation/linking if anything). make them noinst.
00:39.31 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/other/libz/.cvsignore: add example and minigzip
00:44.33 louipc Maloeran: so what's the new trend for 2007?
00:46.56 bjorkBSD more screen time :)
00:47.38 louipc hahaha
01:04.13 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/other/libz/ example.c doesn't belong in the library
01:54.58 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ (15 files in 13 dirs): remove duplication of zlib's public headers from our include/ dir; have configure provide a LIBZ_CPPFLAGS that points to src/other/zlib instead.
02:01.09 Maloeran Sean, how many people get an email every time you commit? :)
02:02.33 brlcad heh, dunno exactly
02:03.10 brlcad not a massive list, some join all the lists and then shortly after unsubscribe to commits .. :)
02:04.06 Maloeran I wonder why! :)
02:07.58 Twingy hooray grapes
02:14.13 Twingy I love this charger
02:15.01 Twingy backlit blue lcd, programmable to charge/discharge user selectable cycles, current, battery type, figures out how many cells in the battery, doesn't get any better
02:20.19 Twingy I hate how opengl display lists store the modelview matrix and use that in glGetDoublev instead of the current one
02:23.42 Twingy <Raven> I tried setting my hotmail password to penis. <Raven> It said my password wasn't long enough. :(
02:28.39 louipc high tech
02:29.31 Twingy yep
02:29.35 Twingy back in the day
02:29.44 Twingy I'd have to wait 15 hours for both batteries to recharge
02:29.52 Twingy cause all you had was the trickle charger
02:30.12 Twingy granted even today that ensures the longest possible battery life
02:30.31 Twingy but I don't mind losing 10% of my battery cycles if I can go from 15 hours to 15 minutes
02:30.59 Twingy battery died at the field, time to go home
02:31.10 Twingy now if it dies at the field, wait 20 minutes and you are up in the air again
02:31.57 bjorkBSD Twingy have you ever read any of gingery's books?
02:32.25 louipc I'd like nuclear power in a battery
02:32.59 Twingy I don't have time to read books
02:33.08 Twingy I'm always building something or writing code
02:33.19 Twingy and when I'm not doing that I'm passed out on my bed
02:34.06 Twingy the last book I read and enjoyed was NURBS - a Monograph in visual communications
02:35.34 bjorkBSD he wrote a series on building a machine shop from scrap.
02:36.07 Twingy okay...
02:36.30 louipc nice
02:36.57 bjorkBSD <PROTECTED>
02:37.01 louipc I still wonder how the first straightedge was created
02:37.22 bjorkBSD with a spirit level :-j
02:37.33 louipc or how they go the first lathes to run perfectly true
02:37.59 bjorkBSD it was trial after trial after trial.
02:38.12 bjorkBSD then they looked at the horizon and it matched.
02:38.17 Twingy louipc, a piece of string and a rock, let gravity do the work?
02:38.35 bjorkBSD or they used a string.
02:38.55 Twingy that's how I'dve done it *shrug*
02:39.44 louipc I'm just imagining to make accurate machines you need machines, but you need them to be very accurate as well
02:40.24 Twingy that was true until laser measurement came around
02:40.37 louipc but I guess you could make a precise machine from a not-as-precise machine but it would be very tough
02:40.45 louipc hehe they didn't have lasers back in the day
02:40.46 Twingy now you just use the phase angle and you've got perfect measurement
03:33.04 Maloeran What the... Gentoo dropped xmms, for some reason, it's out of the package tree entirely
03:34.09 Twingy spyware!
03:34.32 bjorkBSD Twingy, what kinda projects do you work on?
03:34.37 bjorkBSD ... in your shop, ie.
03:37.35 Maloeran Official reason : "Gentoo can't afford to offer unmaintained packages"
03:38.49 Twingy bjorkBSD, you mean my garage?
03:39.45 bjorkBSD yeah.
03:40.10 Twingy well, my big project I'm gearing up for is my next generation rocket motors
03:40.18 Twingy getting away from the monopropellant stuff
03:40.31 Twingy and to do that I needed a cnc mill and software for it
03:40.35 louipc yep gentoo annoyed the heck out of me so I switched to archlinux
03:40.39 louipc I love it
03:40.42 Twingy and I wasn't about to spend $$$ on cnc software
03:40.52 Twingy so I hit source forge
03:40.56 Twingy and didn't find crap
03:40.57 bjorkBSD heheheh
03:41.02 bjorkBSD and now you have to write your own.
03:41.06 Twingy right
03:41.09 Twingy and 1 year later
03:41.09 louipc making packages is easy too I'm making one for BRLCAD
03:41.14 Twingy I have cnc software
03:41.19 bjorkBSD wonderful!
03:41.24 Twingy and now I can make my rocket motors
03:41.35 Twingy I still need to be able to make pcb's
03:41.41 bjorkBSD i don't have space for a foundry.
03:41.41 louipc Twingy: you do 3D work on the CNC?
03:41.46 Twingy which requires spending 2-3 weeks parsing gerber files
03:41.54 bjorkBSD or i'd be sandcasting the parts for a lathe right now.
03:41.57 Twingy louipc, 2.5D planar and soon radial
03:42.13 Twingy stop calling it a foundry
03:42.17 louipc hehehe
03:42.19 Twingy it's a pile of bricks and a $100 torch
03:42.23 bjorkBSD hahaha
03:42.38 bjorkBSD i'll turn off my gas and call it a space heater.
03:42.44 bjorkBSD yours melts everything right?
03:42.47 louipc 2.5 = not all 3 Axis at once?
03:42.55 louipc *moving at once
03:43.04 Twingy it'll sustain 1kg object at 1700F no problem
03:43.21 Twingy louipc, 2.5 means it can't do concave
03:43.28 bjorkBSD will i win a darwin award if i had it in my kitchen?
03:43.37 Twingy you have to build a jig and reposition or use 4th axis radial
03:43.45 Twingy no
03:43.53 Twingy friend of mine has a taig in his dorm
03:43.54 louipc well depends on your cutter
03:43.58 Twingy he built a box around it
03:44.04 Twingy so swarf doesn't fly everywhere
03:44.13 bjorkBSD i can see having a lathe or a mill ...
03:44.14 louipc yeah good idea
03:44.24 bjorkBSD but the expensive torch is another story.
03:44.26 louipc put in some coolant too ;)
03:44.37 Twingy you don't need coolant for aluminum
03:45.01 Twingy you just run it at 2.0 ipm @ 0.01" layers
03:45.11 louipc you can increase your speeds and get better finish
03:45.16 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ test opennurbs regardless of setting. ws, indent to 4 and tab at 8 like everything else for the entire functionality section.
03:45.27 Twingy louipc, you can also do a final pass @ 0.001" and get same result
03:45.43 Twingy I also polish my stuff
03:45.47 Twingy I have a floor drill press
03:45.51 Twingy I put in my buffer
03:45.55 Twingy hit it with some rouge
03:46.00 louipc too many operations!
03:46.00 Twingy and spend 30 seconds polishing
03:46.05 louipc oh ok hah
03:46.25 Twingy depends on if you want it shiney or not
03:46.46 Twingy
03:46.48 bjorkBSD Twingy, do you have a url for your thingIamNotGonnaCallAFurnaceButBurnsRealHot ?
03:46.49 Twingy that was polished
03:46.49 louipc do you know if there are any addons to emacs or vim for NC editing?
03:47.06 Twingy bjorkBSD,
03:47.12 bjorkBSD the plans for building one?
03:47.20 Twingy louipc, download gcam
03:47.24 Twingy you won't need to edit
03:47.32 Twingy bjorkBSD, plans?
03:47.38 louipc I do a lot of manual programming
03:47.38 Twingy goto home depot and spend $10 on bricks
03:47.57 bjorkBSD and the torch?
03:47.57 Twingy they won't last as long as fire bricks
03:48.03 Twingy
03:48.07 Twingy "Shorty"
03:48.24 louipc gnucam eh?
03:48.28 Twingy got the website from a guy that taught a ray-tracing session at siggraph
03:48.32 Twingy louipc, yes
03:49.55 bjorkBSD hah!
03:50.10 bjorkBSD they're not terribly cheap but it should be manageable :-?
03:50.41 Twingy it um, takes some trial and error
03:51.06 Twingy eventually your adhoc setup will let you cast decent size blocks of aluminum with minimal air bubbles
03:51.52 Twingy just remember that if you spill something like that on your foot it'll dissintegrate it
03:52.37 Twingy and once you get a system down, you'll cut your aluminum costs to a quarter
03:52.39 bjorkBSD damn!
03:52.48 Twingy provided you can get soda cans and scrap aluminum for free
03:53.16 bjorkBSD i'll have to fight with the homeless people around here :)
03:53.40 Twingy I have more scrap aluminum and cans than I know what to do with right now
03:53.40 Maloeran With only 2 feet, that's not too much margin for trial and error
03:53.40 Twingy I like to do 50/50 mix of 6061 and 3104 cans
03:53.40 bjorkBSD where do you get them from, the recyclers?
03:53.48 Twingy work
03:54.09 Twingy if you have a recycle day, go around the night before and pilfer them all
03:54.15 bjorkBSD hehehe
03:54.30 Twingy um, my old chair
03:54.37 Twingy had an aluminum base, cut it up on my bandsaw
03:54.42 Twingy my network rack is next to go
03:54.53 Twingy ~30lbs of aluminum there
03:55.11 Twingy just smelt it with 1% zinc
03:55.25 bjorkBSD alright.
03:55.29 Twingy
03:55.45 Twingy that's what I charge
03:56.00 bjorkBSD cool :)
03:56.07 bjorkBSD where do you get the zinc from?
03:56.23 Twingy stuff
03:56.44 Twingy the zinc fairy
03:56.58 Twingy the usual
03:57.03 bjorkBSD she must be hawt!
03:58.00 Twingy so I aim to have full in-house PCB and cnc production by summer
03:58.14 bjorkBSD to launch your satelltes with right?
03:58.17 bjorkBSD ... the rockets, ie.
03:58.35 Twingy dunno about that, because that much propellant costs alot
03:58.56 louipc I'd think you'd need more specialised aluminum for that eh
03:59.00 Twingy once I get the engineering and design down it's just a matter of scaling
03:59.16 Twingy I haven't revealed my design yet
03:59.23 bjorkBSD <PROTECTED>
03:59.33 Twingy one of those epiphanies
03:59.34 bjorkBSD everything created using open-source software right?
03:59.37 Maloeran I'm sure you'll find a couple people willing to donate for such a geeky adventure :)
03:59.39 Twingy right
03:59.45 Twingy well
03:59.49 bjorkBSD the tech undergound.
03:59.54 Twingy I'd like to patent the motor and donate to GNU patents
04:00.16 bjorkBSD alright mr galt.
04:01.08 Twingy I have a trailer for my truck
04:01.13 Maloeran "Galt" : To murder a man without knowing
04:01.16 Twingy if I scale it up I'll use that as the launch platform
04:01.52 Twingy I'll put a tarp on it and drive to ohio where I have FAA clearance
04:02.06 bjorkBSD who is john galt, malorean ;)
04:02.15 bjorkBSD which part of Ohio/
04:02.48 Maloeran Ah, definitely not someone I know
04:03.17 Twingy
04:04.02 bjorkBSD <PROTECTED>
04:04.23 Twingy if I have to drive any further I might not do it
04:04.41 bjorkBSD baltimore to ohio.
04:04.47 bjorkBSD tha'ts a good 12 hrs
04:04.50 Twingy yep
04:04.58 bjorkBSD never again!
04:05.31 bjorkBSD i drove from AR to De over the new years.
04:05.41 brlcad 12 hours? maybe to the far west of OH
04:06.05 brlcad I make it to detroit from here in 6-8 hours and that takes me through ohio
04:06.06 bjorkBSD 25 frigging hrs in my trusty '88 240 dl :)
04:06.47 bjorkBSD ah you must have driven through W. Va?
04:06.50 brlcad that's a lot of bathroom breaks :)
04:07.11 bjorkBSD 3 hrs of sleep and maybe 3 breaks.
04:07.15 brlcad i've gone the wva route before, but it's not really faster .. spend a lot of time winding through the mountains
04:07.44 bjorkBSD not counting the endless refueling stops.
04:07.46 brlcad across pa turnpike into ohio
04:07.47 Twingy in any case, it'll be fun
04:07.49 bjorkBSD those bricks are HEAVY!
04:08.15 Twingy ?
04:08.54 bjorkBSD a 240DL stationwagon is a brick.
04:13.19 Twingy next release of gcam after tonight will be stable
04:13.30 louipc nice!
04:13.36 Twingy only took a year right?
04:13.52 louipc that's pretty good
04:15.48 Twingy well it's a pretty simple program
04:15.54 Twingy it's just got alot of caveats
04:15.58 louipc I've only ever noticed projects here and there that are in 'planning' phase
04:16.07 Twingy heh
04:16.10 louipc never releasing any code
04:16.14 Twingy I skip right over planning and go into coding
04:16.17 louipc I mean in the CAM arena
04:16.22 louipc for open source
04:16.31 Twingy most CAM people are computer scientists
04:16.41 Twingy machinists + computer scientists are a rare breed
04:16.54 Twingy *aren't
04:16.57 Twingy meh
04:17.00 bjorkBSD <PROTECTED>
04:17.02 Twingy you get my drift
04:17.07 bjorkBSD yeah.
04:17.35 louipc aren't? so why isn't there an open source package rivaling mastercam?
04:17.47 louipc who wants to pay $30,000 in licensing fees
04:18.24 Twingy I'm not trying to rival mastercam
04:18.29 Twingy mastercam is overly complicated
04:18.29 bjorkBSD what's mastercam?
04:18.39 Twingy it's like brl-cad
04:18.42 Twingy it does everything
04:18.48 Twingy I'm not trying to do everything
04:18.52 Twingy simpler the better
04:18.58 bjorkBSD the unix way
04:19.01 louipc yeah mastercam could be a bit simpler
04:19.07 louipc hehe
04:19.12 Twingy instead of completely extracting the user from the machine
04:19.13 bjorkBSD louipc, are you a machinist too?
04:19.18 louipc yeap
04:19.22 Twingy the user thinks in terms of what their machine will be doing as they model
04:19.25 Twingy that's the gcam model
04:19.45 Twingy I don't like the idea of sitting down to a computer, making a 3d model
04:19.54 Twingy and having the computer choose the "best" tool paths
04:19.56 louipc but I'm no computer scientist.. more like a hobbist
04:20.08 Twingy I like to control what my machine is doing and in what order
04:20.16 bjorkBSD cool :)
04:20.30 Twingy as complex as gcam will get is probly contour pocketing
04:20.38 Twingy right now it does simple zig zag pocketing
04:20.57 Twingy calculating the tool offsets for multiple level hierchies was a headache
04:21.23 louipc yeah I agree with that, the computer can make really stupid unnecessary movements
04:21.29 Twingy it takes the pro-engineer philosophy of sketching something and extruding it
04:21.32 louipc that's why I like to program manually heh
04:22.09 Twingy if some one wants to go in and make gcam have pretty anisotropic globally illuminated 3d shaded models that's fine
04:22.12 Twingy but wire frame is fine
04:22.34 louipc that would be nice
04:22.44 Twingy seems overzealous to me
04:22.53 Twingy eventually I want to have assemblies
04:23.03 Twingy so I take something big "like a submarine"
04:23.10 Twingy and I break it into parts I can mill on my taig
04:23.15 louipc wire frame can numb the brain I find
04:23.20 Twingy see the whole thing and see just the part I'm going to cnc mill
04:23.40 Twingy for example
04:23.41 louipc hehe so you're taking on catia then eh?
04:23.49 Twingy imagine if after you get down to the lowest region in brl-cad
04:23.52 bjorkBSD i thought brl-cad > catia :P
04:23.59 Twingy you had gcam that displayed the tool paths
04:24.04 Twingy for cutting that hmmwv
04:25.12 louipc yeah that would be great
04:25.12 brlcad catia is mostly a different market
04:25.32 brlcad and considerably more developed on the interface side of things on many levels (they've had billions invested)
04:26.12 Twingy gcam has had about $60 invested :)
04:26.29 brlcad heh, not quite :)
04:26.37 brlcad you're time is worth more than 0.02 cents :)
04:26.45 Twingy don't kid yourself! :)
04:26.47 brlcad heh
04:27.01 Twingy 0.015 cents tops
04:27.10 Twingy you act like I know how to write code or something
04:27.26 Twingy look at photon mapping!
04:27.30 Twingy nuff said
04:27.41 brlcad heh
04:29.30 brlcad where it at, where it at
04:29.31 louipc oh yea
04:29.49 Twingy where are you living now?
04:32.19 brlcad with a baseball bat?
04:32.54 Twingy you're living with a baseball bat?
04:33.22 brlcad peanut butter jelly with a baseball bat!
04:33.51 Twingy where it at where it at!
04:37.52 Twingy k
04:37.57 Twingy windows portage
04:41.47 Twingy
04:42.54 louipc they would answer questions only about hair awesome
04:51.41 louipc Twingy will you set up a CVS or SVN server for gcam eventually?
05:34.14 Twingy once I finish cleaning a few things up
05:34.46 Twingy I don't want to see things thing get bloated with goofy features
05:35.15 Twingy I think it's going to attract a bunch of people that just learned how to write c++ code and want to add buttons galore
05:44.42 louipc hehe
05:45.16 louipc what's that version of emacs that brlcad uses?
05:47.55 Twingy
05:48.15 bjorkBSD louipc, jove
05:48.26 louipc ah right
05:48.29 bjorkBSD it's scary. none of the vi commands work in it.
05:48.37 louipc jeff's own version of emacs?
05:48.49 louipc or john
05:49.01 bjorkBSD jonathan
05:49.30 louipc why should vi commands work in emacs?... but you could probably set it up to do so
05:50.18 louipc Twingy: sweeet
05:51.03 bjorkBSD <PROTECTED>
05:51.34 brlcad it's not exactly a "version of emacs", save a fork from a really long time ago when emacs was but a baby
05:51.51 brlcad there is a vi-mode for emacs
05:52.05 louipc that's what I mean 'a fork'
05:52.56 bjorkBSD i was being silly.
05:53.41 louipc nah i think it's silly that there's a vi-mode
05:53.58 bjorkBSD i think it's awesome.
05:54.06 bjorkBSD it makes emacs more useable.
05:54.11 louipc why not just use vim? hah
05:54.12 bjorkBSD <PROTECTED>
05:54.40 bjorkBSD a text editor w/o modes. that's just wrong.
05:54.59 louipc feels right to me
05:55.07 bjorkBSD mged has 6 modes! that's even better.
05:55.13 louipc I grew up with windows ahem
05:55.27 bjorkBSD i grew up with dos and as soon as i could, i abandoned it.
05:55.31 bjorkBSD *spits on it*
05:55.32 louipc but I'm only using vim now ... to educate myself
05:55.45 bjorkBSD the fastest way is to use ed :)
05:55.52 bjorkBSD you'll be forced to learn what you need to.
05:56.06 bjorkBSD ... and in no time at all.
05:56.07 louipc and it seems less needlessly huge than emacs
05:59.16 louipc ohh ed nooo
06:37.16 Maloeran
06:37.51 louipc !
06:46.49 brlcad heh, that's quite a lot of moving parts
06:47.33 brlcad apparently 256GB/drive if I count correctly, not too shabby
07:01.09 brlcad wow, I like this guy's /. comment .. can be applied to most religion wars
07:01.11 brlcad "Linux is like a religion for people who really ought to be putting their intelligence to better use than a religion. Stop wasting time thinking of ways to get your neighbours to accept Linux as their personal saviour from malware, and start teaching yourself C++ and get to work improving things."
07:07.00 Maloeran A healthy dose of advertissing is still necessary, even if such words of mouth is no match for Microsoft's marketing budget for example
07:08.23 Maloeran I don't think there's an unbalanced amount of Linux zealots in comparison to other aspects of life. Some people out here pratically live for some sportive team, their future car or next television
07:13.06 brlcad what you mean by "unbalanced" is certainly curious, but sure there are fans and beliefs in just about every aspect of life
07:13.27 brlcad the whole argument is probably a difference on whether that advertising really is necessary or not
07:14.07 brlcad proof by action, example, and advancement or by what effectively amounts to manipulation or convincing
07:14.22 brlcad merit to both sides I think
07:18.42 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/include/rle_getraw.h: remove the obsolete rle_getraw.h header .. was renamed to rle_raw.h in a prior urt update
07:20.36 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/other/libz/ reorder
07:21.00 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ (28 files in 12 dirs):
07:21.00 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: remove the libutahrle headers (utah raster toolkit) from our include/ directory,
07:21.00 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: and move them up to src/other/libutahrle/include. let configure set
07:21.00 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: RLE_CPPFLAGS and set accordingly amongst the various tools/libraries that need
07:21.00 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: to know the path.
07:50.38 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ provide CPPFLAGS for tcl, tk, itcl, itk, and termlib
08:02.22 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ (8 files in 6 dirs): move libterm.h back to termlib's own directory and make everyone use TERMLIB_CPPFLAGS to get the search path
08:44.21 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ (10 files in 4 dirs): remove the itcl/itk header files from our include/ directory, moving them back up to src/other/incrTcl. utilize the new ITCL_CPPFLAGS and ITK_CPPFLAGS accordingly.
10:34.42 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ (56 files in 50 dirs):
10:34.42 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: *yawn* remove one of the big two remaining public header sets from our include/
10:34.42 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: directory. remove tcl headers from include/ and utilize the TCL_CPPFLAGS so
10:34.42 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: compilation pulls headers from within src/other/libtcl instead. since bu.h and
10:34.42 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: raytrace.h include tcl foo, this implicates a change across almost the entire
10:34.45 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: build to add the new CPPFLAGS.
10:35.09 brlcad i suppose that's enough damage for now
10:42.56 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/adrt/ (7 files in 7 dirs): take a blind guess that since these parts of adrt have/use bu.h that they similarly need tcl_cppflags now too
13:26.40 *** join/#brlcad cad60 (
13:26.49 cad60 hello
13:26.55 cad60 hello~
13:27.00 cad60 anyone here??
13:38.33 ``Erik heh
13:44.37 archivist 2 nano seconds to answer else timeout
14:03.30 ``Erik children these days have no patience.
16:00.22 *** join/#brlcad SWPadnos_ (
18:46.40 *** join/#brlcad bobbens (n=bobbens@
19:08.38 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/conv/ group the converters with their flags, sort.
20:07.25 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ (19 files in 12 dirs): last one, remove the tk headers from our include/ directory. use the TK_CPPFLAGS automake variable instead, pointing to the headers in src/other/libtk/generic/ dir
22:55.08 *** join/#brlcad iday (
22:55.21 *** part/#brlcad iday (

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