irclog2html for #brlcad on 20070204

02:01.43 *** join/#brlcad bjorkBSD (
02:06.03 louipc hey there do you know how brlcad displays the manual from mged. I get the error message 'browser not found... exec $mged_browser -display...'
02:10.28 ``Erik huh?
02:17.52 brlcad louipc: ah, yes .. it tries a set list of browsers depending on the environment and what is found in the path
02:27.26 louipc how do I point it in the right direction? -grin-
02:30.33 Maloeran Convert matrix of your arm's orientation to quaternions, SLERP towards the right direction, interpolate until t = 1.0
02:31.27 louipc hmm
02:32.56 louipc just trying to figure out how to get mged to find my browser to display the manual
02:33.33 louipc aha ok I created .mgedrc and I see it
02:33.59 *** join/#brlcad IriX64 (
02:36.10 louipc hmm didn't work
03:44.22 *** join/#brlcad louipc (
11:42.27 *** join/#brlcad cad91 (
11:42.37 cad91 Hello
11:45.17 *** join/#brlcad Nordine (n=Nordine@
11:45.38 Nordine Hello everybody
11:46.06 Nordine I just have a little question about brlcad
11:47.12 *** part/#brlcad Nordine (n=Nordine@
13:35.37 *** join/#brlcad cad78 (
15:02.11 ``Erik heh
15:53.21 louipc someone should add 'Please stand by for your questions to be answered, or send an email.'
15:53.27 louipc to the topic or something
15:54.38 bjorkBSD which questions have been asked here so far?
15:54.38 bjorkBSD besides the one i just asked :P
15:54.54 brlcad :)
15:55.01 louipc none, but people come in and seem to test if anyone is around then leave promptly
15:55.18 bjorkBSD oh you want a greet bot?
15:55.32 brlcad the nature of cgi:irc, seems to kill brain cells
15:55.43 louipc hey not a bad idea
15:55.53 louipc hehe @ brlcad
16:15.26 louipc bjorkBSD: hey that's a neat idea
17:17.19 brlcad louipc: saw .. nifty
17:57.53 louipc :D still needs a bit of tweaking I think
17:58.14 louipc kind of just a test, I should change it to use the CVS
17:59.52 louipc the 'malicious code' thing is just a paranoid warning that most user contributed packages have hah
18:05.00 brlcad louipc: would it be alright if I add the install file to cvs?
18:11.14 Twingy
18:26.05 louipc brlcad: no problem
18:26.17 louipc add the tarball
18:26.44 louipc because it contains the three files you need for the archlinux install
18:58.11 *** join/#brlcad dtidrow (
21:47.22 *** join/#brlcad iday (
23:12.56 Maloeran I have been reading technical information about Intel's Clovertown chips, rather than "official" benchmarks and propaganda, and I'm having serious doubts
23:13.23 Maloeran The 1066mhz is shared by all 8 cores, 133mhz of RAM bandwidth per core
23:13.36 Maloeran The 1066mhz bus, that is
23:14.46 Maloeran Except if the dataset fits in the 4mb caches, this is really going to crawl

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.