irclog2html for #brlcad on 20070219

00:24.01 louipc hm build failed
01:08.46 Maloeran brlcad might be at least a half-god of the software, but I still suspect he'll need more information
01:14.05 ``Erik mal, just for you...
01:16.56 Maloeran Eheh, I saw it already, quite nice
03:08.47 *** join/#brlcad IriX64 (
03:49.57 Maloeran Linux threads really execute in very constant, predictable patterns
03:50.20 Maloeran It's good for the cache of processors, but I wish I could easily insert some randomness to test things out
03:53.24 louipc aarg I don't think I'm getting the latest versions of everything
03:59.07 brlcad louipc: que?
04:00.06 louipc I think it has something to do with the way cvs packages are prepared on my distro
04:00.30 louipc because doing it manually works
04:37.33 louipc yep
05:25.47 IriX64 nytol :)
06:03.41 Maloeran Ouch. Looks like a nice theater
08:23.16 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
08:23.59 *** join/#brlcad cad10 (
14:29.00 louipc yar I got that same make install error as IriX64. making the directory just makes it give Error 126 instead
15:38.49 brlcad the farther ports gets from 5.4, the more fault-prone it seems to get
15:39.56 brlcad I usually run: cvsup -g -L2 /etc/su
15:40.03 brlcad /etc/supfile
15:41.18 brlcad along with, portsdb -Uu, pkgdb -F, portupgrade -arR -l logfile
15:43.28 brlcad curious to know if the scan comes up with anything
15:46.17 ``Erik <-- not upgrading anything, but installed a couple things
15:46.44 ``Erik everything php5 has buffer overflow vulnerabilities it'd seem
15:46.58 ``Erik I threw on 'portsnap' and 'portaudit'
15:47.27 ``Erik and ports are supposed to work fine on RELENG_5, which is now 5.5... you're running 5.2.1 :)
15:47.41 brlcad yep
15:47.55 ``Erik single proc machine?
15:48.13 ``Erik <-- keeps thinking it's a dual for some reason
15:48.26 brlcad i was inclined to upgrade the kernel, but frankly it freaks me a bit to mess with a stable config
15:48.29 brlcad it's a single
15:48.38 brlcad duals are way too overpriced
15:49.04 brlcad heck even their singles are overpriced now or I would have just bought new hardware and migrated
15:50.04 ``Erik you're leasing their hw, right? would it be easier to put together a machien and coloc it?
15:50.34 brlcad yep, and not really
15:50.49 brlcad the hardware lease is one of the cheapest parts
15:51.11 brlcad bandwidth is the killer, and I got a sweet deal
15:54.17 brlcad kerash
15:59.05 ``Erik heh, yeah
15:59.14 ``Erik there was some initialization command that I forgot or something
15:59.24 ``Erik and it's seeing damaged ports before it gets there
16:02.27 brlcad
16:02.59 brlcad fun with stats, they hooked us up
16:03.06 brlcad
16:05.08 ``Erik I'll assume one of those big jumps in the line count graph was tcl/tk ?
16:05.26 ``Erik not sure what the other was
16:11.23 brlcad no, tcl doesn't cause that much
16:12.02 brlcad i'm asking them what the second spike is.. we're not at 4.5 million lines
16:12.39 brlcad the first is the open sourcing, licenses, headers, footers, ws, reorg
16:13.29 brlcad thought it might have been some branch activity, but they show that on HEAD too
16:13.49 ``Erik hrmmm
16:13.54 ``Erik I wonder if they count the attic
16:14.15 ``Erik mv lib* src/ could account for that, if they do?
16:16.10 brlcad i doubt it, otherwise it would have been much more than double
16:17.28 brlcad i vaguely recall accounting for a second spike in the statcvs report, maybe a ws thing, but then their report should account for that as it looks like its supposed to be tracking + and - lines
16:19.01 brlcad ./topic BRL-CAD Open Source Solid Modeling || || || || 7.10 release preparations coming soon to a tarball near you...
16:19.05 *** topic/#brlcad by brlcad -> BRL-CAD Open Source Solid Modeling || || || || 7.10 release preparations coming soon to a tarball near you...
16:19.19 brlcad chmod 775 topic
16:19.25 louipc woohoo
16:25.18 brlcad ``Erik: ew, that didn't exist for a reason :P (but I don't really care either)
16:26.16 ``Erik what didn't? the pkg shtuff?
16:26.23 ``Erik or /usr/tmp ?
16:26.34 brlcad tmp
16:26.42 ``Erik I'll remove it when I'm done *shrug*
16:26.45 louipc it looks like MKDIR_P has no value in the Makefile which is causing the make install error
16:29.09 brlcad ``Erik: as I said, i don't really care .. it's just been entertaining/informative to see what tools presumed it existed
16:29.23 ``Erik hehe
16:29.42 ``Erik you'd be amazed what goes crazy if you have /usr/Xorg instead of /usr/X11R6 ;)
16:29.51 brlcad heh
16:30.18 brlcad louipc: hm.. that's odd -- we even provide mkdirp.m4 just in case
16:31.02 ``Erik louipc: is that straight out of a distributed tarball? or are you running aclocal and automake? or
16:31.27 louipc that's from CVS &
16:31.44 brlcad my guess is your version of automake is doing something .. different
16:31.54 brlcad what are your versions?
16:32.05 brlcad ./ --version
16:33.01 louipc Autoconf 2.61, automake 1.10, libtool 1.5.22
16:34.20 brlcad it could be a case sensitivity thing.. automake used to use mkdir_p not MKDIR_P in the Makefiles
16:34.46 brlcad louipc: try this, mv m4/mkdirp.m4 misc/
16:34.48 louipc oi
16:34.59 brlcad then redo, configure, make, etc
16:35.23 louipc ok
16:38.08 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/m4/mkdirp.m4: automake 1.10+ seems to use uppercase instead, subst both upper and lower
16:48.54 *** join/#brlcad IriX64 (
16:50.27 ``Erik uhhh, how do you mean?
16:50.50 IriX64 that on cvs is *not the full blown one.
16:52.16 ``Erik how is it not? what's missing?
16:52.45 IriX64 let me look again, i downloaded and got 485 bytes.
16:54.24 IriX64 slap me with a trout.
16:55.20 ``Erik I'm sorry, but I don't like you in that tway
16:55.30 ``Erik s/ t/ /
16:55.41 louipc I only have halibut
16:55.59 IriX64 heh
16:56.25 IriX64 man replace 105kb with 450kb (whatd you do?)
16:56.26 brlcad when you run, it generates configure from
16:56.36 IriX64 i know that.
16:56.51 brlcad noir:~ morrison$ wc brlcad/ 3954 12243 123166 brlcad/
16:57.00 brlcad it should be about 4000 lines
16:59.58 IriX64
17:00.34 IriX64 thats from browse cvs man.
17:02.07 brlcad you saved the web page
17:02.25 IriX64 man i clecked on
17:02.27 brlcad presumably you pulled that from the cvs web interface
17:02.38 IriX64 ie again?
17:02.44 brlcad nope, your error ;)
17:02.58 IriX64 heh all right, ill keep trying.
17:03.06 brlcad if you right-click the download link, it'd work
17:03.07 louipc clicking the file will give you a changelog or something
17:03.09 brlcad but only that link
17:03.24 brlcad i.e. it actually says (download)
17:03.37 IriX64 as i said slap me with a halibut. :)
17:03.40 brlcad not that it matters
17:03.46 ``Erik irix, have you looked at
17:03.47 brlcad that file is not going to work by itself
17:04.14 brlcad you can't just take and expect/hope it'll work -- it's tied to changes throughout the source tree
17:04.37 brlcad is stand-alone which is why that one can be updated by itself
17:05.16 brlcad i can pretty much guarantee that using a from CVS head will fail on a 7.8 source tree
17:05.27 IriX64 ty
17:05.44 IriX64 but still i click download and it views the bloody thing.
17:05.56 brlcad right-click, save as?
17:06.04 IriX64 saves as html.
17:06.26 brlcad not if you right click the (download) link
17:06.53 brlcad if you just hit save on the menu, sure, or right-click one of the other non-download links, perhaps
17:06.56 IriX64 ty learned something.
17:08.02 IriX64 saves as
17:08.59 IriX64 my fault the old one was there to system renamed it automagically :)
17:09.05 brlcad that's IE for you
17:09.11 IriX64 heh
17:09.14 brlcad really should just use 'cvs'
17:09.29 brlcad either wincvs or cvs in cygwin
17:10.29 Maloeran IriX64, you should consider installing Firefox
17:10.40 brlcad or tortoise cvs, another free windows gui cvs
17:10.48 louipc or linux :P
17:10.50 Maloeran Or just Linux, that'll solve many other problems too
17:10.53 IriX64 had it before the great crash of 2006
17:10.59 ``Erik or freebsd, to solve the problems linux creates
17:11.05 ``Erik or openbsd, or ... :D
17:11.05 louipc hahaha
17:11.14 IriX64 or bsd to solve those ones erik :P
17:11.37 ``Erik heh
17:11.40 ``Erik on a vax?
17:11.44 ``Erik or a pdp? :D
17:11.49 IriX64 actually vms blows them all away.
17:12.01 brlcad or just buy a Mac when you get tired of configuring and/or fighting your OS? :)
17:12.19 IriX64 its the apps, the os is fine :)
17:12.31 ``Erik except after configuring/fighting osX to get macports all groovy and applisms extracted, ... *cough* :D
17:13.50 IriX64 5'll get you ten i get this to work :P
17:14.00 brlcad so.. if you import the configuration environments from other systems.. you end up needing to configure/fight.. who would have thought!
17:14.28 IriX64 cooperative operating systems what a thought :)
17:14.35 ``Erik hehehe, but it's supposed to be unix! it's mostly fbsd under the hood! :D
17:14.40 IriX64 the unios.
17:14.59 ``Erik a twisted mutated derivative of fbsd4 with other stuff hammered on in different places, but ...
17:15.08 brlcad yes, but it's a sheep, shaven clean, wearing a leather jacket
17:15.30 IriX64 that cow is pisses :P
17:15.36 IriX64 pissed too.
17:18.43 IriX64 he found him in mombassa, in a bar room drinking Gin,...
17:23.36 IriX64 just what is this AM_PATH_SDL not found in library anyway.
17:24.40 ``Erik you need libsdl installed (with it's m4 fu) to run autogen
17:24.46 ``Erik it's used in adrt
17:25.07 IriX64 thats not in the source tarball?
17:25.31 ``Erik hm, looks like there's a copy in m4/, n/m :)
17:27.53 IriX64
17:28.18 IriX64 result of aclocal followed by automake autogen has already run.
17:28.29 ``Erik aclocal needs to have -I m4
17:28.33 ``Erik does that for you
17:28.47 IriX64 thank ill try it.
17:29.11 IriX64 ill autogen verbose if you like and pastebin the output.
17:29.25 louipc neato
17:38.52 IriX64 autoconf -f takes a while.
17:42.28 IriX64 brb
17:43.28 *** join/#brlcad IriX64 (
18:06.48 IriX64 sigh.... i like a slow hand :)
18:07.57 IriX64 honest officer, the last thing on my console is autoconf -f
18:09.54 IriX64 finally, running automake.
18:10.33 IriX64 please don't tell me you want me to repeat this with 1.10 :)
18:12.29 brlcad heh, wow
18:12.57 brlcad killall with no args on irix is apparently equivalent to shutdown
18:13.50 IriX64 just picked this name to be kewl ;)
18:14.26 brlcad ``Erik: i think i took down cad if you happen to be going by there..
18:15.13 brlcad it was failing on mounts to a particular bsd system
18:17.58 ``Erik not today
18:18.14 IriX64 missed that autoheader ran without even a warning.
18:18.16 ``Erik it's a holiday, yo
18:18.41 IriX64 same for autoconf.
18:19.39 ``Erik heh, anyone with leenewx x86 asm fu wanna help me figure somethin' out? :D
18:21.06 IriX64 x86? blame it on 18.2 ticks per second ``Erik ;)
18:21.19 ``Erik heh
18:21.33 brlcad ``Erik: it is?
18:21.51 ``Erik I got a brainfuck compiler that outputs x86 assembly in both unix and dos/linux calling conventions...
18:22.11 IriX64 heh
18:22.12 ``Erik works dandy with the unix calling convention (fbsd), and the simpler test programs work fine on linux
18:22.20 ``Erik but I have a more complicated one that fails on linux
18:22.31 brlcad holy cow, it is!
18:22.45 ``Erik it should almost immediately start printing output, but it immediately says "killed"
18:22.55 ``Erik and even with -gstabs to as, I can't get a debugger to do anything with it
18:23.28 brlcad i was getting dressed even
18:23.46 ``Erik <-- remembered halfway to the office, turned around in a church parking lot and left some rbber on the road
18:23.54 ``Erik at ferakin' seven something this morning
18:24.00 brlcad hah
18:24.02 brlcad sucker
18:24.31 brlcad i mean, er, nice catch there right-o lad
18:24.34 ``Erik and as I was driving, I was bitching at myself for not doing anything productive yesterday (thinking monday)...
18:25.07 ``Erik 4 day weekend, w00
18:27.44 brlcad not having to decide between heroes and work, w00
18:29.29 brlcad i think ive asked you before, but what actually generates the assembler in you compiler? is it outputting binary in scheme or C or something else?
18:29.55 ``Erik it's a C program, reads a bf file and outputs x86 asm
18:30.27 ``Erik ./bf2as > hi.s && as -o hi.o hi.s && ld -o hi hi.o && ./hi
18:30.45 brlcad ive toyed with writing a shell script compiler several times
18:31.00 brlcad ah, so you still call as
18:31.22 ``Erik yeah, I have a shell to generate straight machien code, but I haven't started filling it in
18:31.54 ``Erik and I have an interpreter that generates bytecode and executes it, as well as a version that outputs ansi C code
18:34.16 ``Erik (the mandelbrot program takes about 50 seconds in the interpreter, 12 seconds as C compiled with -O0, 6 seconds as asm, and 3.5 seconds as C gcc -O1... a hair more with O2 or O3)
18:52.33 IriX64 guys, my beautiful packard bell 3070a 17" monitor kaffed last night, lost the pincushion, whats retail for a good 17 inch in your country, i'm debating going new instead of taking it to joes tv repair shop.
19:02.12 ``Erik
19:02.20 IriX64 ``Erik, interesting project, I went the other way, take binary and decode it to pal neumonics, relativizing the addresses and index cells and all that, 72 opcodes to work with, but you can take a crash dump, run it thru this thing and invalid opcodes stick out like a sore thumb.
19:05.19 IriX64
19:05.32 IriX64 if you want a little look at how i did it.
19:05.51 IriX64 btw automake is still running :)
19:06.01 IriX64 no warnings yet.
19:06.48 ``Erik to do what now? O.o
19:07.02 IriX64 wait on automake ;)
19:08.47 IriX64 the idea is to take it and build a crash dump analyzer, problem is you must have something to produce the crash dump to be read.
19:09.16 IriX64 tempted to adapt it to windows.
19:09.17 ``Erik yeah... it won't produce any kinda dump or anyhting
19:09.34 IriX64 windows does a memory dump.
19:09.34 ``Erik it immediately dies with 'killed', even if I break _start
19:10.09 ``Erik if it crashed normal, it'd coredump... if it hit an illegal opcode, it'd die with sigill...
19:10.19 IriX64 need something to dump memory before the restart thats all.
19:13.34 IriX64 if the machine kaffs, set a flag errm no trap illegal and dump core to disk?
19:14.55 IriX64 meantime back at the cpu, automake waves and keeps on trucking:)
19:15.34 brlcad you used to run a bbs?
19:15.51 IriX64 many years ago yes.
19:16.08 IriX64 now where'd that come from?
19:16.17 IriX64 whatd i paste.
19:16.56 IriX64 The DogStar bbs, ===> finest kinnd. :)
19:17.38 brlcad just wondering, used to sysop years ago myself
19:17.45 IriX64 as?
19:18.13 IriX64 meaning bbs name?
19:19.55 IriX64 remeber Juge, he's famous :)
19:20.17 brlcad ah hell, I don't remember .. it was 20 years ago
19:20.33 IriX64 heh does Juge still have his up?
19:20.37 brlcad do remember we changed the name a couple times
19:20.55 IriX64 I toyed with that.
19:21.02 IriX64 had a lot of fun.
19:21.45 brlcad played with pcboard, but mostly used wwiv
19:22.07 brlcad at least if memory serves..
19:22.13 IriX64 both good systems, i like wildcat too.
19:22.18 brlcad yeah
19:22.33 IriX64 mine was based on adept, os2 pm app , sweet.
19:26.34 brlcad zone 4 fidonet seems to ring a bell
19:31.29 Maloeran A nice gesture of sanity, it seems Maryland is going to ban capital punishment... though you guys surely know that already
19:34.52 brlcad not much of an issue for maryland, there have only been 5 total in the past 30 years
19:35.53 brlcad pretty clear-cut cases of guilt too iirc, regardless of whether you agree with the punishment
19:37.40 Maloeran I see. With 5 cases in 30 years, it has to be rather exceptional
19:39.07 brlcad pretty much
19:41.36 brlcad I think one of the first ones actually dropped his plea and requested execution
19:45.51 IriX64 this goes beyond patience tonic, but i'll have another swig.
19:48.25 IriX64 those days bitch slap ``Erik for saying that :)
19:49.38 ``Erik (heh, yeah, maryland is a little less killhappy than, say, texas....)
19:49.41 ``Erik morning, mal
19:52.19 Maloeran Hey Erik, feel free to tell me where RF crashes on big endian if you try
19:52.39 ``Erik tomorrie :) and iirc, it wasn't crashing, just showing the wrong colors
19:52.46 Maloeran And don't try little<->big endian distributed processing yet, I'm not swapping bytes for user messages
19:53.10 Maloeran *nods* I need to test the geometry group file format too
19:53.46 ``Erik care to entertain a linux/x86/asm problem, mal? I'm as lost as irix64 at a kbd :D
19:53.55 IriX64 Maloeran? You two were discussing multi-cpu clusters the other day.
19:54.16 Maloeran I read above, Erik, but... I'm not too used to syscalls, I rather call libc functions
19:54.26 ``Erik well, I d'no if that's the issue here
19:54.39 ``Erik the simple ones that use syscalls work, the complex one doesn't... it gives me this
19:54.40 ``Erik $ uname -mo ; as -o mandelbrot-as.o mandelbrot-as.s && ld -o mandelbrot-as mandelbrot-as.o && ./mandelbrot-as ; echo $?
19:54.40 ``Erik i686 GNU/Linux
19:54.40 ``Erik Killed
19:54.40 ``Erik 137
19:54.41 Maloeran IriX64, yes we were
19:55.04 Maloeran What does gdb say?
19:55.18 IriX64 if you have a 40 cpu cluster what if you make it such that there is a master cpu to dole out tasks that need running to first idle cpu and what if you had a memory pool with memory doled out on a per task guestimate basis?
19:56.03 ``Erik mal:
19:56.28 Maloeran IriX64, most such clusters use NUMA, you have multiple memory banks and you want each processor to work on its own local data
19:56.43 Maloeran Erik, what do you want me to paste there?
19:56.47 brlcad er, most commercial at least
19:56.56 IriX64 i envision a pool instead of banks maybe a little more overhead but doable.
19:57.44 Maloeran You are going to choke your memory bus if the 40 processors all go to the same memory bank
19:57.45 ``Erik oh, hah, woops
19:57.46 ``Erik sorry
19:57.51 ``Erik
19:57.57 ``Erik pasted the wrong piece
19:58.02 IriX64 a pool of banks Malorean.
19:58.37 Maloeran The banks are local to each processor for a good reason, it's faster to access them due to the reduced routing circuitry
19:59.02 Maloeran Woohoo, that's neat Erik. What's the code?
19:59.42 ``Erik
20:00.51 brlcad typo on line 562
20:00.57 brlcad *ahem* :)
20:01.03 ``Erik it's generated
20:01.05 ``Erik so it's fugly
20:01.55 ``Erik (but it's generated, so if there's a typo, it's gonna appear many places
20:01.58 brlcad sure you're not blowing the heap or something
20:02.02 Maloeran It runs for me after a quick fix, outputting nice letters
20:02.14 ``Erik what quick fix?
20:02.29 ``Erik brlcad: it works dandy on fbsd, and the C varients runs dandy with teh same sized heap
20:02.38 Maloeran Renaming _start to main and gcc foo.s -o foo
20:02.47 ``Erik hmmmmmmmm
20:03.11 ``Erik that, uh
20:03.16 ``Erik <-- scratches his chin
20:03.35 brlcad if renaming _start does the trick.. that would likely be some frame setup / heap problem ..
20:03.40 ``Erik yeahhhh
20:04.04 ``Erik maaaybe I need to actually walk the heap and set everything to 0
20:04.12 Maloeran How did you create your faulty executable?
20:04.28 ``Erik hrm? I pasted the line up there a bit
20:04.53 ``Erik heh, it works with teh same sized heap in other places, dude... I bet it's an init thing
20:05.19 ``Erik perhaps fbsd sets memory in the fork or exec syscall and linux depends on the program startup code in libc to do it? *shrug*
20:05.20 Maloeran Erik, what commands did you use to assemble and link?
20:05.30 ``Erik <``Erik> $ uname -mo ; as -o mandelbrot-as.o mandelbrot-as.s && ld -o mandelbrot-as mandelbrot-as.o && ./mandelbrot-as ; echo $?
20:05.39 Maloeran Ah right, sorry
20:06.33 brlcad heh
20:06.35 brlcad "What's going to happen to the 3D market once Google licenses and further develops BRL-CAD? I can see them doing this but releasing it on one of their appliances." - Paul Bowers, USA
20:07.41 ``Erik ?
20:08.04 ``Erik hehehe
20:11.31 IriX64 wheres Mr. Tromey? why is there no progress indicator on this thing ;)
20:12.05 louipc huh? Google is taking over BRL-CAD?
20:12.40 Maloeran By the way Erik, your .s file works for me with _start too, I just had the reflex of letting gcc do the linking
20:17.51 brlcad IriX64: on what?
20:18.22 Maloeran That's quite slow, Erik ;)
20:18.41 Maloeran If you really are working on a Brainfuck optimizer that is
20:18.45 ``Erik well, ok
20:18.49 ``Erik what's a fast way to zero the heap
20:19.39 Maloeran I don't suppose you want to hear about a SSE loop with prefetches, but at least use rep movsq or rep movsd
20:21.48 ``Erik stosd looks better
20:22.01 Maloeran Oops, indeed
20:24.19 Maloeran instructions also
20:38.42 IriX64
20:38.47 IriX64 it failed.
20:44.00 IriX64 <this is what i get running them manually with no switches.
20:47.02 Maloeran Ah, aren't autoconf, automake and libtool just great
20:49.45 IriX64 <==== this is what the gebnerated configure does, no jokes about my system please.
20:50.12 IriX64 remember i have successfully built from this source and ran the product.
20:50.45 louipc I'm getting problems and I'm on linux :P
20:51.02 IriX64 ran then in this order aclocal, autoconf, autoheader and automake.
20:52.11 IriX64 running the script(when it succeeds, the syntax errors are not there)
20:53.10 IriX64 confirmed, i just ran the script, automake fails but the generated configure does its job.
20:57.21 IriX64 now it can't find x
20:58.12 IriX64 and it tries to restart using *doh* this is first time.
20:59.22 IriX64 errands to run l8r all
21:05.41 ``Erik heh, that'd put me over 20 makefiles, dude
21:06.23 ``Erik aaaand, very interesting, if the first thing I do in this program is attempt to exit, it still fails... hmmm
21:06.47 brlcad IriX64 isn't exactly the typical autoconf'ing user .. he seems to mindlessly edit files and then wonder why stuf breaks
21:07.41 ``Erik heh, or extract an old tarball, copy one very new (and incompatable) file in and try that
21:08.07 ``Erik at least he's trying :)
21:09.15 brlcad problem is he starts on faulty premises *most* of the time.. tools not setup/installed correctly, stuff missing, stuff edited incorrectly, mismatches
21:09.41 brlcad i mean, autoreconf/ failed on him and yet he still tried to run configure...
21:10.55 brlcad Maloeran: and as for his specific errors.. he is using a new against old sources that I told him outright would not work, yet he insists on trying
21:17.14 dtidrow brlcad: must need to use a bigger cluebat ;-)
21:20.56 louipc mmm mv m4/mkdirp.m4 misc/, autogen, configure, make, make install fails with same error
21:21.29 louipc how do you set that variable in the Makefiles?
21:21.43 louipc (I'm kind of a noob)
21:22.39 louipc oh no wait
21:23.05 louipc ignore me
21:24.40 ``Erik I just saved a bunch of money on my car insurance by threatening my agent with a golf club!
21:49.25 brlcad louipc: hm, perhaps move mkdirp.m4 back and edit that file
21:49.42 brlcad then add:
21:49.52 brlcad MKDIR_P="$mkdir_p"
21:50.11 brlcad AC_SUBST([MKDIR_P])
21:50.23 brlcad before the last AC_SUBST at the end of the file
21:50.55 louipc you put that as the last two lines of the file yeah
21:51.22 brlcad yeah, typo'd
21:51.35 brlcad just noticed
21:51.48 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/m4/mkdirp.m4: typo
21:51.59 brlcad have to put them BEFORE the last line, else it's not inside the macro
21:52.17 louipc oooh
21:55.34 louipc I see now
22:09.58 ``Erik
22:15.03 brlcad heh
22:23.52 ``Erik I might print this one for my door...
22:53.12 *** join/#brlcad IriX64 (
23:03.25 *** join/#brlcad docelic (n=docelic@
23:13.49 Maloeran I think I'm amazed that all these common chess openings and counter-moves have a name on wikipedia, every one of them
23:14.43 ``Erik I'm amazed that there's a wikipedia page for "ray's urine"
23:14.46 ``Erik :D
23:14.53 louipc hey success
23:15.28 louipc hah hah
23:16.03 brlcad louipc: excellent
23:22.11 IriX64 dropped back to distributed, compiling now (thanks for the bleeding knuckles ;))
23:23.07 louipc ;)
23:38.49 brlcad Twingy: frederick county has legislation going in to boost the county's solar incentive from 3k to 15k
23:40.14 Twingy not too shabby
23:40.46 Twingy a bit of a drive to work though
23:41.39 brlcad :)
23:42.08 brlcad that's got to be lobbying from Solar or whatever their name is out there
23:42.22 brlcad that big solar panel company right off the interstate
23:42.22 Twingy nano solar?
23:42.29 Twingy oh, no clue
23:42.52 brlcad you can't miss them driving down I70 .. massive factory covered in panels
23:43.28 Twingy ah, haven't traveled down I70 since I went to buy my fireworks in 2003 I think
23:43.46 Twingy maybe a different interstate I'm thinking of
23:44.08 Twingy I'm not even sure if I've ever been on I70
23:44.24 brlcad I think BP Global might have bought them out a few years ago
23:44.35 brlcad but the company's name was just "Solar" iirc
23:44.58 Twingy too bad MD is only 20% still
23:45.15 Twingy 15k means you'd have to spend 75k
23:45.30 Twingy fed is 30%, but only 2k
23:45.32 brlcad ahh, yep.. "BP Solar" now
23:45.34 brlcad
23:45.59 brlcad news claimed it would cover 50%
23:46.25 Twingy I need to buy 2 more soon
23:47.05 brlcad you could have had some interesting "neighbors" ..
23:49.32 Twingy cnc'ing a jig right now
23:51.08 brlcad ahh, that picture on bp is the frederick plant, apparently the main factory (and the company they took over was called Solarex (makers of solarex panels of course))
23:51.45 Twingy hopefully more people start putting panels on their roofs
23:53.08 Twingy MRI?
23:53.14 Twingy I did that a couple of times
23:53.23 brlcad looks like it, but unspecified
23:53.28 Twingy how many teslas was the scanner you were in?
23:53.41 brlcad haven't done it yet
23:53.44 Twingy oh
23:54.10 brlcad if they're not going to give me the data, then they can go play with themselves in the scanner for all I care
23:54.12 Twingy the resolution of the stuff they do for functional MRI case studies is pretty low
23:54.31 Twingy only like 100-200 slices
23:54.48 brlcad that was going to be my follow-up, but I almost expect it .. though nih does have the equipment for better.. just depends whom
23:55.17 Twingy it depends on how long they are willing to keep you in the machine
23:55.24 brlcad :)
23:55.26 Twingy the really high detailed stuff takes several hours to collect
23:55.33 Twingy some case studies are over night
23:55.39 Twingy you just sleep in the machine
23:56.53 Twingy chris cornell left audioslave
23:57.18 brlcad so you're going to try and hire him
23:57.32 Twingy not sure what use he would be to me :)
23:57.46 brlcad a walking ipod
23:57.59 Twingy right...
23:58.15 Twingy you saw what happened to my last ipod...
23:58.21 brlcad hah
23:58.38 brlcad i can just picture it now
23:59.24 brlcad that'd be a great family guy flashback

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