irclog2html for #brlcad on 20070221

00:00.20 Maloeran I think I'm surprised there doesn't seem to be any patch to replace the usual fp math with higher precision calculations. It might mess up file and network I/O, but that can be more easily solved than rewriting code to use GMP
00:23.08 brlcad hem, i actually think rewriting the code to use gmp would be easier :)
00:23.26 brlcad and gmp already uses fpu to accelerate where it can
00:35.31 ``Erik neat
00:37.40 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/other/tkimg/pngtcl/ pngtcl needs the zlib cppflags too
00:38.29 *** join/#brlcad tofu_ (
00:38.59 *** join/#brlcad tofu_ (
00:39.38 brlcad funky
00:40.14 ``Erik peer kicked the shit outta you, yo!
00:40.50 tofu_ apparently
00:40.53 brlcad indeed
00:41.19 brlcad i think a router reset at ze lab
00:41.38 ``Erik screen is mighty
00:41.40 brlcad or at least along the path to my isp
00:41.53 brlcad screen r0xers by b0xers
00:42.10 *** part/#brlcad tofu_ (
00:42.38 brlcad hm
00:43.15 ``Erik and the rc config for it is so trivial, I mean, check out how simple and obvious this is...
00:43.16 ``Erik hardstatus alwayslastline "%{b}[ %{B}%H %{b}][ %{w}%?%-Lw%?%{b}(%{W}%n*%f %t%?(%u)%?%{b})%{w}%?%+Lw%?%?%= %{b}][%{B} %d/%m %{W}%C%a %{b}]"
00:43.23 ``Erik O:-)
00:44.01 Maloeran That's worse than Itanium assembly
00:44.05 ``Erik hehehe
00:44.13 brlcad pass that to your brainfuck compiler, see what happens
00:44.40 ``Erik heh
00:44.45 ``Erik *look*
00:44.47 brlcad looks like apache log syntax actually
00:44.52 ``Erik there're no i/o commands
00:45.01 ``Erik the loops are closed, so it'd be legit
00:45.20 ``Erik I think it'd reduce to [][-][]
00:45.57 ``Erik which'd be something like {char n=0; while(--n);}
00:47.21 Maloeran And you won't even optimize that to avoid waiting for 'n' to loop over its numerical range? Tsk
00:47.27 ``Erik (the optimization pass in my compiler is very very trivial right now...)
00:47.46 ``Erik now the generic partial evaluation engine I want to put in there would actually reduce it to an empty program, I THINK
00:48.49 ``Erik right now it compiles down to
00:48.50 ``Erik while(*ptr){}while(*ptr){--*ptr;++*ptr;}while(*ptr){}
00:49.01 Maloeran Ahah
00:49.34 ``Erik at least the asm is readable O:-)
00:49.52 Maloeran I think you should tackle structured knowledge systems for AI with me instead, it's fun too
00:50.17 ``Erik but it sounds like you're trying to reinvent 50's style ai, dude :D
00:50.26 ``Erik take an AI course at the local uni or something O.o
00:51.32 Maloeran I think you might have missed an aspect when I tried to explain... It doesn't seek rational solutions and output errors when conflicts occur
00:51.50 ``Erik ok, so it's a fuzzy expert system
00:52.07 Maloeran It's all probability based, the network of relation between entities evolve as to try to resolve any conflicting information, somehow
00:52.27 ``Erik so 60's ai
00:52.49 ``Erik ed was working out some probability algebra that was interesting looking a bit ago o.O
00:52.49 Maloeran It learns by itself from any logical statements being fed to it, it isn't an "expert system"
00:53.46 Maloeran And that's just the interface, it grows new "entities" ( nodes ) which aren't mapped to units it's being fed, as part of the pseudo-reasonning network
00:54.02 ``Erik so just like the 70's game "animal"
00:54.22 ``Erik 'game'... *cough*... virus... :)
00:55.24 ``Erik it was a program that spread itself to new systems and played a game of 20 questions
00:55.39 Maloeran I think humans think by previously assimilated relations between entities, with many fuzzy pseudo-entities emerging during the learning process
00:55.40 ``Erik and new information was put into the program when it was stumped, which also spread
00:55.52 Maloeran And errors, erroneous reasoning leads to creativity
00:56.31 Maloeran Oh well, you aren't interested, I got it :)
00:57.01 ``Erik seriously, take a good ai class, see how you feel about it after that :)
00:57.15 Maloeran I read everything you pasted to me about AI so far
00:57.33 ``Erik hm, I pasted very very old articles focused on a very specific problem
00:58.00 ``Erik a class will go over a broad range of approaches and applications quickly
00:58.03 Maloeran Yes, apparently thinking that I was rewriting that, but I'm not
00:59.10 ``Erik <-- still thinks you're taking a pretty classic and well known approach... mebbe is not understanding you very well *shrug*
00:59.54 Maloeran Perhaps I am, I have no idea, just not the classic approachs you pasted so far
01:00.14 ``Erik
01:02.28 Maloeran Okay, I don't think I'll be reading that assembly... :) but surely it has nothing in common with the approach above
01:02.54 Maloeran It's designed to "understand" relations between entities to be able to put any information, statement or question within its known context
01:03.56 Maloeran And it doesn't do that like these "expert systems", its knowledge base grows as an abitrary network of nodes, which are traversed accordingly to probabilities
01:04.44 Maloeran Statements are assimilated trying to minimize conflicts, and questions are answered by the paths guided by probabilities ( answers may vary if re-asked )
01:05.45 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/BUGS:
01:05.45 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: leave a note that it's known that running any of the various mged commands (e.g.
01:05.45 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: clicking the raytrace button many times quickly, or running rtarea on a large
01:05.45 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: model) that output a lot of data will hang mged (idle cpu utilization)
01:07.16 *** mode/#brlcad [+o brlcad] by ChanServ
01:14.30 *** join/#brlcad docelic (n=docelic@
01:19.20 Maloeran Nice page Erik, amusing to read about these mainframes able to access one 36 bits word every 8 microseconds
01:23.42 Maloeran Ah, or the "Fire" indicator on their massive printer, next to a "Extinguish" button!
01:24.30 ``Erik computers are cool like that
01:25.30 *** join/#brlcad IriX64 (
01:28.00 IriX64 <=== we were comparing numbers ``Erik.
01:28.34 IriX64 drugs do that to you :)
01:30.03 IriX64 it's beautifull. (the picture I mean)
01:30.52 ``Erik heh
01:30.52 Maloeran Ahaha, the FASTRAND had one massive drum for storage which caused it to crawl around the room during use
01:31.07 IriX64 Gary has a nice world right? :)
01:34.15 IriX64 should have waited and posted the whole run, you interested?
01:34.27 IriX64 its still on the screen.
01:36.21 IriX64 <====if anyones interested in the actual numbers.
01:37.09 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/other/tkimg/zlibtcl/zlibtclDecls.h: don't use voidpc as it's a rather new addition to libz that likely might not be available if we're linking against a system zlib.
01:43.05 *** join/#brlcad handsome_evil (n=knoppix@
01:43.32 handsome_evil hello all
01:43.47 handsome_evil i just found brl cad a minute ago
01:43.57 brlcad hello mr evil
01:44.03 handsome_evil i want to ask how relevant brlcad with autocad?
01:44.28 brlcad autocad is a drafting CADD package, brl-cad is a solid modeling CAD package
01:44.53 brlcad predominantly different domains, some functionality overlap, but highly likely not what you're hoping
01:45.17 brlcad decent foundation to be that though, if you're a developer
01:45.36 brlcad screenshot of the modeler in action,
01:46.36 handsome_evil umm.. if just for solid modeling i'v allready using blender
01:46.56 handsome_evil i just wana get a 2d drafting for my presentation
01:47.02 brlcad heh, blender is horrible for solid modeling, but a great modeler
01:47.24 handsome_evil what is mean solid modeling is horrible??
01:47.29 handsome_evil the resolution??
01:48.04 brlcad solid modeling is an entire engineering-based approach
01:48.25 brlcad guarantees of topology, connectivity, engineering-specific constraints and requirements
01:48.39 brlcad blender provides no such featureset
01:48.56 brlcad it's more in line with modeling systems like maya and softimage
01:49.20 handsome_evil umm.. that nice, but i am not an engeneering, so i think don't need brlcad if like that
01:49.23 brlcad whereas solid modeling system examples would be packages like unigraphics/nx, solidworks, pro/engineer, etc
01:50.01 brlcad brl-cad will render hidden-line images ala drafting diagrams, example
01:50.35 brlcad but the package is inherintly not a drafting modeler, that would be something like qcad (there's not many open source options)
01:51.50 handsome_evil btw i hate qcad..
01:51.58 brlcad hehe, don't we all
02:03.57 brlcad handsome_evil: some more perspective..
02:04.10 brlcad autocad is a CADD package (big oval on the left)
02:04.23 brlcad we overlap a little in various areas
02:06.28 handsome_evil >> that very nice, may be i will try brlcad
02:06.28 handsome_evil after download the big software i think :-D
02:07.17 brlcad handsome_evil: for what it's worth, the tutorials on the website are *required* if you want to learn how to be productive with it
02:07.31 brlcad and they're just an introduction
02:07.53 brlcad in particular the
02:08.36 handsome_evil ok thank you very much brlcad
02:09.56 brlcad no problem, feel free to stay and hang out or come back if you have any questions
02:11.10 ``Erik irritating, I seem to be missing files
02:12.53 ``Erik <-- scratches his chin
02:13.01 ``Erik we should put those rt06 posters on teh website or something
02:13.10 IriX64 didn't mean you itchy :)
02:13.11 brlcad yup
02:13.22 brlcad they give you back pdfs?
02:13.29 ``Erik um, psd's
02:13.29 brlcad or word docs or whatever
02:13.33 brlcad ahh, nifty
02:13.36 ``Erik but preview can convert to pdf
02:13.38 ``Erik iirc
02:13.48 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/other/tkimg/zlibtcl/zlibtclDecls.h: irritating.. zlib only seems to provide voidpc with the latest versions of zlib, and is incompatible with the voidp type found in the older headers. conditionally declare using the new zlib's ZLIB_VERNUM.
02:14.01 ``Erik we'd probably need to scan and post the form 1's, too
02:14.19 brlcad as long as you have them somewhere accessible
02:14.34 brlcad I have a file, or at least I used to, for old stuff
02:15.06 ``Erik if ya keep the ARL-1's with the file, you dont' have to go far to find 'em :)
02:15.45 ``Erik if it's a pdf, they can be attached as "page 2"
02:15.47 brlcad pretty useless gov't overhead garbage baggage for the project though
02:15.54 ``Erik *shrug*
02:16.16 brlcad it'd matter more if it were a gov't site too
02:16.32 ``Erik or better yet, keep copies in cvs in the web/ module
02:16.37 brlcad heh
02:16.59 brlcad poor neglected web module
02:17.44 brlcad i could see a dir with them, or just tossing them up with the uploads, but it just starts a bad precedent of something else to manage that from an open source perspective is counterproductive
02:17.59 ``Erik <-- has no problem burning sf's disk space
02:18.35 ``Erik *shrug* not that it'd ever be challenged, heh
02:18.40 brlcad if you have a few, then someone might ask .. "well what about theses over here" and then you have to either hunt them down, or determine they're okay, or prove it doesn't applyl, etc
02:18.45 brlcad exactly
02:18.48 brlcad so why bother :)
02:19.08 brlcad is that a brainslug on your head? :)
02:19.22 ``Erik #37 yo
02:21.58 *** join/#brlcad digitalfredy_ (n=digitalf@
02:23.02 ``Erik heh
02:23.23 ``Erik irix photon mapped a havoc
02:24.03 IriX64 ty.
02:24.36 ``Erik hm, a few little things... jpg is lossy, png would look better...
02:24.51 ``Erik it looks aliased, hypersampling fixes that up
02:25.08 IriX64 man ive been meaning to get a better screen capture tool, what would you recommend.
02:25.16 ``Erik rt from the command line can output a .pix file, then you can use pix2png
02:25.25 brlcad and due to the way he implemented photon mapping, if you put havoc in a box, even a big one, you can get vastly better results..
02:25.26 ``Erik uhhh, :D *duck*
02:25.30 IriX64 ty ill try that.
02:25.32 ``Erik *nod*
02:25.36 ``Erik or a sphere
02:25.43 ``Erik any enclosing geometry
02:26.10 ``Erik and, naturally, more photons means a better lookin' pic, at the cost of cpu time :)
02:26.17 brlcad can use the "inside" command to hollow out various primitives
02:26.19 IriX64 I did *NOT implement photon mapping by any stretch.
02:26.38 ``Erik when I was preparing the poster images, some of 'em ran all night
02:27.36 handsome_evil but BRL-CAD doesn't support 2d drating and not possible to make blue print isn't it??
02:27.52 handsome_evil *drafting
02:27.52 ``Erik heh, no, twingy implemented the photon mapping... he also coded up adrt and the path tracing used to generate
02:27.55 brlcad rise alone, even being a pig, make adrt worth keeping around
02:28.18 brlcad at least until someone one-ups the quality possible
02:28.27 ``Erik <-- wonders if the hummer animation can be put somewhere o.O
02:28.36 IriX64 5 *days?
02:28.43 brlcad handsome_evil: there is some 2D drafting support, but worse than qcad from a GUI perspective
02:28.44 ``Erik yes
02:28.49 ``Erik on a small cluster
02:29.30 brlcad ``Erik: it's even been form 1'd even though it's not an army model
02:30.10 ``Erik heh, irix, what kinda hw are you using?
02:30.13 brlcad ``Erik: you have access to the web root, /usr/web/
02:30.20 IriX64 cheap :)
02:30.39 brlcad there's a /tmp, images, and datafiles in there that are not synchronized up
02:30.50 brlcad does sync down though
02:31.15 brlcad (thinking of changing that soon)
02:31.24 handsome_evil any one here have try gcad???
02:31.58 brlcad heh
02:32.02 brlcad good luck with that
02:32.59 ``Erik <-- not in the brlcad or www groups
02:33.10 brlcad huh?
02:33.21 IriX64 ``Erik i just looked at your post again, you are right, needs clarity ill see what i can do about it not that i send a whole lot of oix, but still.
02:33.28 brlcad you're in brlcad group
02:33.33 IriX64 err pix too.
02:33.41 ``Erik woops, sorry
02:33.41 brlcad which gets you sudo access to www group
02:33.41 ``Erik heh
02:33.55 brlcad sudo -u www for web actions
02:35.04 louipc hey new people awesome
02:35.16 brlcad IriX64: it would be a great (and relatively straight-forward) exercise to build a big box or sphere around havoc, put a light inside and render with photon mapping
02:35.18 ``Erik irix:
02:35.59 IriX64 brlcad: you have experience on me, i'm just a tinkerer.
02:36.16 brlcad that's why I said it'd be a great exercise
02:36.33 brlcad you should be able to do that after like two tutorials in the mged intro
02:36.50 ``Erik a, a bigger one than at sf...
02:36.54 IriX64 ``Erik beautifull but why the canary? :)
02:36.57 brlcad or even just playing with "make box arb" with some booleans :)
02:37.16 ``Erik 'canary'?
02:37.19 IriX64 Ill learn.. eventually.
02:37.26 IriX64 color yellow?
02:37.36 ``Erik uh, that's a beige, actually
02:37.43 brlcad doesn't get much more basic than making a hollow box ;)
02:37.43 ``Erik the kinda beige they paint those for desert use
02:38.01 brlcad I'd send that out to the list as a nice tutorial if you got a picture from it
02:38.27 handsome_evil >> nice cad for presentation, but seem have no material supported..... :(
02:38.44 brlcad make sph sph? :)
02:38.55 ``Erik yeah, it's hard for me
02:39.02 ``Erik :D
02:39.23 IriX64 ``Erik that last is a nice vehicle, lets pray we don't have to use it.
02:39.28 louipc how'd you get the trees and grass and such?
02:39.40 brlcad handsome_evil: I don't generally promote or follow the "free but not open source" products out there, we're an open source project looking for more involvement ;)
02:40.07 ``Erik louipc: I think he used blender scripts? each blade of grass is modeled
02:40.24 louipc ah neat
02:40.25 brlcad there's a procedural vegitation generator in brl-cad, but yeah, think he used a script found elsewhere
02:41.01 handsome_evil brlcad, you mean graphiteone-cad not opensource??
02:41.03 ``Erik (and irix, the vehicle is being usd right now)
02:42.02 handsome_evil no problem for me... just need to find a job with free software :-D
02:42.34 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/include/ add brep.h to the dist...
02:42.52 brlcad handsome_evil: where do you see it's open source?
02:43.17 handsome_evil no i am not see :-D
02:43.24 handsome_evil just chek if that free for download
02:43.57 brlcad which is my point, there are a handful that are "free" like them.. I mostly ignore them ;)
02:44.13 brlcad I'm much more interested in improving brl-cad
02:44.20 brlcad so that it can one day replace autocad ;)
02:44.29 louipc woohoo
02:44.35 ``Erik heh
02:44.58 handsome_evil umm.. you are so idealism
02:45.09 brlcad not really, more pragmatic
02:45.19 brlcad it doesn't benefit the cad industry to support them
02:45.35 brlcad we all benefit by unifying efforts towards a project/goal
02:45.40 handsome_evil a) You must use the Licensed Software only for either private, educational or research, but not for commercial usage.
02:45.48 louipc what bothers me most is proprietary formats
02:45.52 handsome_evil ohh..... god...
02:45.58 brlcad brl-cad's got the most headway of any project by a very long ways (in the CAD domain at least)
02:46.22 brlcad heh, you wanted commercial usage, didn't you ;)
02:46.32 handsome_evil that a wonderfull dream, as my dream
02:47.04 brlcad even with our 20+ year lead, there's still massive ways to go to be functionally competitive
02:47.04 handsome_evil brcad, yes i do
02:47.04 handsome_evil :(
02:47.07 handsome_evil huh... i am a dead man
02:47.32 brlcad learn brl-cad, use rtedge to generate the line drawings, annotate using gimp ;)
02:47.50 louipc I know first hand that a lot of companies just pirate software
02:48.23 handsome_evil no one can accept drafter job with no 2d drafting presentation here..
02:48.54 brlcad you said you tried qcad?
02:49.05 brlcad it's at least "functional" albeit mildly painful
02:50.24 handsome_evil i just see of qcad
02:50.24 handsome_evil not realy try
02:50.24 handsome_evil but bad interface
02:50.24 handsome_evil may be i must using qcad now
02:51.23 brlcad qcad is about "as good as it gets" for open source -- it's not pretty but it should do the job
02:51.31 handsome_evil if using the gimp for 2d drafting, people will be doubt about the scale..
02:51.31 handsome_evil how ever i still interest to learn brlcad now
02:51.34 louipc handsome_evil: it's at least as good as solidworks' dwgeditor :P
02:52.08 brlcad hmm.. maybe solidworks is just rewrapping qcad... hmmm!
02:52.39 louipc hmm
02:52.53 brlcad there was someone interested and working on integrating qcad with brl-cad, since we do talk a common format, but they wandered off since
02:53.26 IriX64 did the door hit them in the arse on the way out ;)
02:53.38 brlcad we have a (lame) sketch editor that is used for editing sketch primtives, that could easily invoke qcad instead
02:53.45 louipc oh wow, wonder what came of that
02:54.13 handsome_evil ??? brl-cad support qcad??
02:54.19 Twingy brlcad, I modified the captcha code and no more spammers,
02:54.32 brlcad Twingy: swank
02:54.36 louipc cool
02:54.47 brlcad handsome_evil: I don't really care about them, but if you're looking for drafting, they do that better than we do
02:55.18 brlcad i've got no problems being open about our weaknesses
02:55.28 handsome_evil brlcad: there was someone interested and working on integrating qcad with brl-cad, since we do talk a common format, but they wandered off since >> i confused with this sentence
02:56.03 handsome_evil what is mean integrating??
02:56.03 brlcad there was an individual here in the channel a while ago that wanted drafting features similar to what you want
02:56.06 IriX64 Twingy... should add to that "and also any applicable laws where *you live"
02:56.17 brlcad integrating: making the two work together cleanly
02:56.29 Twingy IriX64, for what purpose?
02:56.37 handsome_evil oh.. i see
02:56.41 IriX64 cover as many bases as possible.
02:56.49 Twingy huh?
02:57.03 IriX64 whats legal here may be illegal there and vice vers.
02:57.06 brlcad so if you wanted drafting, you would get a (clean) subset of qcad .. if you wanted solid modeling, or use that drafting sketch in a solid model, you'd have brl-cad
02:57.53 brlcad IriX64: that intro is required in the US
02:58.14 IriX64 doesn't mean you can't add to it. or does it?
02:58.38 brlcad it's a website, you could do anything to it
02:58.47 brlcad put little floating penis's if you wanted
02:59.35 brlcad as the host of a public forum on the web, though, if you want to protect your arse from legal action, you have to at least ask if they're underage
02:59.52 brlcad it only matters really if they click the second link
03:00.11 IriX64 of course, we had one site here wanting photcopies of your drivers licence.
03:00.46 IriX64 little more overhead but it could pay off.
03:00.46 brlcad Twingy: what exactly did you modify? just a different pattern?
03:01.22 Twingy different noise pattern and image size
03:01.41 brlcad any modification that's "custom" is pretty sufficient to ward off the spammers presuming there's not a captcha like that elsewhere
03:01.42 Twingy to add special characters would require working knowledge of the gzip algorithm
03:03.41 brlcad after you get some users and spammer attempts, i'd be curious to know how many get through
03:04.32 brlcad some should still get through, as they are humans with that as some sort of day job from what I have seen
03:05.26 brlcad we get maybe 2-4 a month now on bz's (with hundreds of attempts per day)
03:05.38 Maloeran Humans reading and typing captcha all day long, that seems like a productive existence to benefit humanity...
03:06.03 brlcad bz's has a special additional input box that asks .. "what's the name of this game?"
03:06.37 ``Erik ehehehe kinda like's captcha? "what language is this pastebin written in?" with the answer right there? :D
03:06.41 brlcad I'd be really impressed if someone automated a response that can correctly answer that
03:06.50 ``Erik er
03:06.53 ``Erik rather
03:07.05 brlcad does wonders to stop the spam
03:07.10 Maloeran Just wait for this AI to have a larger knowledge base, to put any question into its right context... :)
03:07.20 brlcad but alas they still make it through, which leads be to believe they are people
03:07.55 brlcad i've seen some sites with things like "what is the number on [this] page?" that you have to go to and hunt for
03:08.21 ``Erik man, I remember shit like that on video games as piracy protection
03:08.23 brlcad as it is, you'd be surprised how many people actually get "what's the name of this game?" wrong... ;-)
03:08.35 Maloeran Ah yes Erik, that was horrible!
03:08.39 ``Erik battle zone! uh... flag...
03:08.59 brlcad if the answer has a bz or flag anywhere in the answer, it lets you by
03:08.59 ``Erik what's the third word of the second paragraph on page 44?
03:09.01 Maloeran It was very easy to fix generally though, just a single jcc opcode
03:09.01 ``Erik "the"
03:09.26 brlcad yet every month about two people e-mail saying they don't know what to put there (in kiddie lingo)
03:09.48 ``Erik at least with pirates, it was semi-interesting... "what month was the silver train in vera cruz in 1640?"
03:11.07 IriX64 jcc?
03:11.19 Maloeran Any conditional jump, jxx if you prefer
03:11.25 brlcad "Do girls really have cooties?"
03:11.43 IriX64 heh like jc jnc jnz etc?
03:11.45 brlcad "All politicians are: a) hard-working, b) honest, or c) on the public payroll" - the answer to which is c).
03:11.52 Maloeran Right, IriX64
03:11.59 IriX64 ty
03:13.38 IriX64 bout to try this whole pix2png thing.
03:14.15 IriX64 pix-png i mean.
03:14.35 ``Erik mal: have you seen
03:15.01 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/other/libtcl/generic/regex.h: define void if it's not so we don't bail out, even though this version of tcl will be disappearing soon
03:16.02 Maloeran Indirectly I did, Erik, yes
03:16.33 Maloeran The program is entirely stored in the data instead, which... is pretty much the same
03:17.15 Maloeran You could say that processors only execute one instruction, which is to fetch the next sequence of bytes and act upon its value. Oh well
03:23.41 Twingy brlcad, check out my captcha now, added a pattern
03:24.09 Twingy argyle type deal
03:24.30 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/other/libtcl/generic/regex.h: also define const just so we don't fail compilation
03:24.31 brlcad heh
03:25.00 brlcad confirmation code.. XXXXXXX8WWS3V
03:25.05 Twingy hehe
03:25.29 Twingy you'd have to be kinda retarded to do that :)
03:26.10 brlcad next to animate it!
03:26.18 brlcad little bouncing gif
03:26.32 Twingy path traced objects
03:26.37 brlcad a spinning beachball
03:26.51 brlcad floating penis's
03:26.54 Twingy YMCA guys spelling out captchas
03:26.57 Maloeran Multiple overlapping transparent png pictures and each reveal a piece of character!
03:27.03 Twingy with floating penis's
03:27.08 Twingy that'd be super gay
03:27.08 Maloeran Plus, you will filter out all IE users with broken png support
03:27.12 brlcad in chaps
03:27.35 Twingy yes, don't forget the chaps
03:27.35 Twingy and indian head dress
03:27.39 Twingy and peanut' buttah' jelly time guys in the back ground
03:28.08 brlcad and hopping chocolate eggs
03:28.27 brlcad being eaten by badgers
03:28.28 Twingy with emit brown from back to the feature for good measure
03:28.36 Twingy *future
03:29.35 Twingy followed by a partial differential equation they have to solve in 3 seconds
03:30.09 Twingy but it's presented as a jumbogram
03:30.14 Twingy jumblegram rather
03:30.36 Twingy as long as it's not overly complicated it should work just fine
03:31.01 louipc hahah
03:31.06 Twingy 10:30, it's running time, bbl
03:50.06 IriX64 supposed to keel when you see that :)
03:50.12 IriX64 kneel too.
03:50.40 Maloeran And this was translated, Elizabeth II holds the copyright on french speaking pages of the Quebec government in Canada
03:51.47 IriX64 really?
03:51.56 IriX64 how far back are you going?
03:52.45 Maloeran Hum? I'm not following
03:53.01 IriX64 how old are these documents?
03:53.09 Maloeran Very recent
03:53.20 IriX64 and they still add that?
03:54.03 Maloeran I never saw this before, apparently they still do
04:06.32 louipc They're still part of Canada however much they complain.
04:07.19 Maloeran I'm fine with that, I'm less fine with the queen of England holding copyright on all government publications
04:08.02 louipc I don't know why we don't shrug her off already
04:09.11 louipc She keeps someone in charge here called the Governor General, who appoints the Prime Minister
04:09.28 louipc it's more of a useless ceremonial thing
04:11.33 IriX64 Maloeran: Tell them they have to read every line :)
04:12.42 IriX64 louipc did you get it to compile?
04:12.55 IriX64 i was away for a bit.
04:12.57 louipc yep, and install
04:13.11 IriX64 does it run well on your system?
04:13.33 louipc IriX64: haven't tested it much, but I ran into a problem with archer
04:13.43 IriX64 btw your os being?
04:13.48 louipc linux
04:14.06 IriX64 mged performs?
04:14.07 louipc I'm making packages for as much stuff in other/ as I can
04:14.39 louipc mged works enough.. the help manual doesn't come up still I have to figure that out
04:14.51 louipc something to do with $mged_browser something
04:14.56 IriX64 there are docs in share i think.
04:14.59 Maloeran louipc, is archer complaining about some BLT thing?
04:15.27 Maloeran I just wanted to confirm as I encountered what I guess is the same problem
04:15.43 louipc Maloeran: I didn't get that far it was one of the other TCL extensions though
04:16.13 louipc I think... could have been blt
04:16.34 IriX64 try it for him louipc ill do the same.
04:18.17 IriX64 < === problem here.
04:18.23 louipc nope, just can't find itcl.tcl just a path thing I think
04:18.55 IriX64 the archer window came up though but all greyed out
04:19.47 brlcad mged_browser is the problem, it doesn't search very hard for an html viewer
04:20.14 brlcad known issue, just nobody has gotten to fixing it yet
04:20.21 IriX64 Maloeran: I know little flying penis's about tcl ;)
04:20.23 brlcad only affects some platforms
04:20.30 IriX64 ty
04:20.39 louipc brlcad: that's my first target after packages ;)
04:20.59 brlcad cool :)
04:23.35 Twingy back
04:27.09 IriX64 startup script? Is there a standard name for a startup tcl script?
04:28.36 louipc that error message doesn't tell much hm
04:28.51 IriX64 gives a line number....
04:29.47 IriX64 i can't do much with it but the people who know prolly can.
04:30.10 brlcad .mgedrc?
04:30.24 IriX64 ?
04:30.37 IriX64 thats the startup script?
04:30.40 brlcad ooh, you're trying to run archer
04:30.41 brlcad never mind
04:30.51 IriX64 heh ty
04:31.18 brlcad i did say earlier that archer needs a bit of compilation tweaking to get working, it's not going to work out of the box on any system at the moment
04:31.37 brlcad it's not even been officially announced as ready to use
04:32.05 IriX64 was just trying to help Maloeran.
04:32.09 louipc oh is archer the next GUI you mentioned?
04:32.24 brlcad louipc: no it's not, but it's somewhere between the two
04:32.35 louipc ah alright
04:32.44 brlcad has some really good ideas, and if anything shows what mged could be like
04:34.24 brlcad you're more than welcome to work on archer, heck I'll give anyone commit access if they're serious about working on it
04:35.14 brlcad i'm just not going to help much since it's on the todo list to fix it later already, and I'm trying to push a release out with different updates ;)
04:35.25 brlcad other than to say "good luck with that" =)
04:35.35 louipc :D
06:11.10 IriX64 gcc 4.1.1 also qualifies as lots and lots of code :)
06:11.27 IriX64 to compile I mean.
06:18.53 IriX64 you think i would have learned my lesson about the latest and greatest thing by now :)
07:09.20 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
09:04.04 *** join/#brlcad SWPadnos (n=Me@emc/developer/SWPadnos) [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
09:04.04 *** join/#brlcad dtidrow ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
09:04.04 *** join/#brlcad archivist ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
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11:00.38 *** join/#brlcad CIA-7 (
14:36.00 *** join/#brlcad docelic (n=docelic@
14:36.52 Maloeran Ah! They finally received the memory for the 8 cores box
16:21.20 *** join/#brlcad docelic (n=docelic@
17:45.25 ``Erik mrph.
17:45.57 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
18:45.26 brlcad ``Erik: did you modify any of the apache modules, or apache, or libapr or something yesterday?
18:45.48 brlcad have massive httpd woes going on atm
19:12.14 *** join/#brlcad docelic (n=docelic@
19:15.47 clock_ brlcad: do you ride snowboard?
19:17.57 ``Erik I don't think so, what woes?
19:18.13 ``Erik show me where the breakage exhibits and I'll fix o.O
19:19.21 ``Erik <-- was trying to be careful not to touch web and bzflag related stuff... was avoiding the db's until noticing they're totally unused...
19:22.04 CIA-7 BRL-CAD: 03jlowenz * 10brlcad/include/rtgeom.h: Remove ON_BREP conditional, rely on _cplusplus instead
19:32.10 brlcad clock_: never tried
19:34.54 ``Erik ah, creating an account seems to do it
19:35.18 *** part/#brlcad docelic (n=docelic@
19:54.47 brlcad ``Erik: it looks like anything via php that tries to kick off an e-mail
19:56.18 brlcad ``Erik: this will consistently crash it
19:59.07 ``Erik okie, thnx
20:04.10 brlcad I believe that same crash happens when php || httpd are compiled sans -pthread
20:04.27 brlcad some wierd interaction goes on
20:31.36 ``Erik uhhhhh
20:35.19 brlcad fyi, if you hadn't noticed already, there are scripts running that watch and talk to apache to ensure that it's running and that a botnet hasn't somehow attached -- if you kill it without a restart, it'll get restarted on it's own within a minute or two
20:35.38 brlcad which is just to say that if you need it to go down and stay down, you'll have to turn off the script
20:35.49 brlcad (i'll do it if you need that)
20:36.45 ``Erik I've been bouncing it pretty quick... butseperate versions of apache were trying to run at the same time (I think)
20:40.48 ``Erik damn this is an old fbsd, I'm forgettin' if the gotchas have changed, heh
20:40.56 Maloeran Hum, let's try a hackish manual installation
20:41.42 Maloeran new box, that is
20:44.48 ``Erik well, yeah, obviously
20:44.57 ``Erik but I forget which gotchas went away and which were introduced after 512
20:44.58 ``Erik 521
20:48.13 brlcad from ports perspective, -pthread is the one that I have to watch for and hand-tweak
20:48.43 brlcad iirc apache's configure actually ignores the flags and does it's own thing so you might have to abort and hand-tweak
20:54.13 brlcad yes, I'd love to upgrade
20:54.28 brlcad if I ever take a road trip down south, I might do it ;)
20:54.53 brlcad if I didn't have such a sweet deal on bandwidth, I'd get a second server with 6.2 and just migrate
20:56.01 brlcad but their current plans only offer a third of the bandwidth I currently get and a few bucks more expensive to boot
20:56.04 ``Erik it's not that far away, it's just down in man-asses, va, right?
20:56.10 brlcad don't care about the money, but the bandwidth is teh suck
20:56.25 brlcad heh, va?? what gave you that idea?
20:56.39 ``Erik reverse lookup?
20:56.52 brlcad out on the pan handle
20:57.07 brlcad soaking up ze rays
20:57.57 brlcad any luck with that backtrace? when I tried, it was mostly useless garbage
20:58.03 ``Erik garbage, but mentioned apr
20:58.10 ``Erik so I fixed up a new apr to shove in
20:59.33 ``Erik ah, woops, wrong #, was lookin' at my dns server, hurrrr
21:00.18 brlcad coupled with some 5.2 pthread bad behavior
21:03.38 brlcad yeah, I have a similar bug in there with the php folks
21:03.49 brlcad I think I let it close after they made "some" attempt at a fix
21:07.23 ``Erik what the holy crap did they do
21:07.34 brlcad
21:08.32 brlcad so yeah, still a php bug.. but related to pthread misbehavior on that apr subprocess
21:09.14 brlcad getting that trace was a bitch
21:09.43 brlcad what version is in ports now?
21:10.05 ``Erik of what, apache? 2.2.4
21:12.25 brlcad php
21:12.42 ``Erik 5.2.1 I think
21:13.08 ``Erik yeah
21:15.36 ``Erik did you hook dan up with his latest brl-cad issue?
21:16.17 brlcad i think I fixed that yesterday
21:16.33 ``Erik hm, he sent it an hour ago
21:16.34 ``Erik heh
21:17.24 brlcad i'll look again, but trying not to get distracted too far from auto_path bits as that is going to be a big change that'll impact him too
21:32.22 ``Erik hrm, apache and php5 have both been rebuild with the pthread modification...
21:32.28 ``Erik still does it...
21:33.28 ``Erik what's the watcher script?
21:36.29 ``Erik ah, ya already turned it off
21:39.59 ``Erik screw it
21:40.07 ``Erik I backed out the changes, it's not throwing sig6 anymore
21:43.42 IriX64 < === Maloeran, this is mine :)
21:45.18 ``Erik just one?
21:46.05 Maloeran The real question is how well the 1066mhz memory bus will cope with the 8 cores, they still got 4mb of L2 cache each
21:48.12 archivist 386's should be enough
21:48.46 ``Erik well, ya want the machines fast enough that the link between 'em has some penalty associated...
21:48.54 louipc what's with openNURBS wanting your email to download?
21:50.53 IriX64 this ones data because its an unrecognized operand, so we'll put it in the data cache as opposed to the instruction cache.
21:50.54 Maloeran Erik, amusingly, 1066mhz/8 is about the memory bus that early Pentium had
21:51.10 Maloeran I can only hope that each core is not going to access ram as intensively, with the 4mb cache... or performance is going to be truly pathetic
21:55.11 IriX64 <=== anybody know what this is trying to tell me, I'm not familiar with such runtime errors.
22:00.11 Maloeran That errno is Connection reset by peer
22:00.37 IriX64 Maloeran, mine?
22:01.33 IriX64 happened again.
22:01.49 IriX64 trying to map m35.
22:04.11 IriX64 started from scratch, lets see if it can do a normal view.
22:21.49 IriX64 its not me, does it everytime.
22:26.21 IriX64 worms eye view of ktank, nice :)
22:27.07 IriX64 you people should make that a standard view, worm's eye view, birds eye view,...
22:34.20 brlcad ``Erik: turned what off?
22:35.00 brlcad i'm impressed that you could actually back that far out.....
22:36.07 brlcad louipc: my guess is that, like most companies, they *really* want a bean count of how many real unique downloads there are and the numbers make managers happy
22:37.54 brlcad IriX64: does the framebuffer close, remain partially rendered, or are you closing the window?
22:46.04 IriX64 just prints that error, does not even attempt to render it and says raytrace complete.
22:46.20 IriX64 all windows remain open.
22:46.38 IriX64 but terra.g crashes mged working on that now.
22:47.02 IriX64 whats wrong with this, keeps saying expected expression before if.
22:51.28 IriX64 << this is the error message *before i started fooling around.
22:52.43 brlcad you have a typo on line 5
22:52.48 brlcad close the bu_log
22:54.06 IriX64 must be blind i dont see it.
22:54.47 IriX64 besides my compiler points me at the if....
22:55.42 brlcad look hard
22:55.45 brlcad two characters missing
22:58.14 IriX64 bu_log("BU_CK_MAPPED_FILE failed file %s, line %d\n",__FILE__,__LINE__);
22:58.18 IriX64 where?
23:01.50 IriX64 #define printx("In file %s at line%d \n",__FILE__,__LINE__);
23:01.57 IriX64 this i use too.
23:03.37 IriX64 beware __FUNCTION__ not all compilers are created equeal :)
23:04.25 IriX64 can use #ifndef __FUNCTION__ #define __FUNCTION__ __LINE__
23:05.11 brlcad that's not what you put in the pastebin
23:05.20 brlcad so perhaps just the pastebin is wrong
23:05.46 IriX64 man im looking at it
23:05.55 brlcad pastebin is missing );
23:06.25 IriX64 ahhh ic its there thouhg in the file, i must have missed with the mouse.
23:06.46 IriX64 soirry for the confusion.
23:11.22 IriX64 is BU_CK_MAPPED_FILE a function or a macro?
23:11.36 IriX64 gotta be a macro, sorry.
23:14.07 CIA-7 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/other/tkimg/zlibtcl/zlibtclDecls.h: seems other versions in the 1.2 line also have voidpc
23:33.21 IriX64 s/__FILE__ for last ocuurence of __LINE__ :( (goof)
23:37.11 CIA-7 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ updating the timestamp seems to cause an empty include/ under at least some other versions of autoconf/autoheader so disable it for now until the reason can be determined.
23:38.19 IriX64 where did you hide BU_CK_MAPPED_FILE?
23:39.37 brlcad include/bu.h
23:39.45 IriX64 ty
23:42.51 IriX64 that signature, has it ever been changed since the databases were designed?
23:51.43 IriX64 thats not whats crashing mged.
23:54.19 IriX64 mapped file open failed everytime i browse geometry, when i e something it crashes.

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.