irclog2html for #brlcad on 20070224

00:34.30 ``Erik ../../rtirenderblend4sse.c: In function `elemcallb':
00:34.30 ``Erik ../../rtirenderblend4sse.c:251: warning: implicit declaration of function `_mm_castps_si128'
00:34.30 ``Erik ../../rtirenderblend4sse.c:251: error: incompatible type for argument 2 of `_mm_and_si128'
00:39.08 Maloeran Hum. Okay
00:39.31 Maloeran Do you have SSE2 on that box?
00:40.22 ``Erik <PROTECTED>
00:42.20 Maloeran On FreeBSD, right? Does it find emmintrin.h? Don't you have these pseudo function calls in it?
00:43.18 Maloeran Perhaps I used non-standard SSE intrinsics by mistake, I'm just a bit surprised
00:43.48 ``Erik $ ls -l /usr/include/emmintrin.h
00:43.48 ``Erik -r--r--r-- 1 root wheel 34528 Sep 16 2005 /usr/include/emmintrin.h
00:44.23 Maloeran Can you grep it for castps_si128?
00:44.44 Maloeran Must be a non-standard SSE intrinsic, it's just a cast anyway
00:45.22 ``Erik
00:47.01 Maloeran Okay. I'll fix that soon
00:47.53 *** join/#brlcad brlcad (
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00:48.50 brlcad "There was a problem with the switch that has been resolved by the IP Engineering department, your server was not rebooted but is currently online and responsive to my ping requests."
00:49.08 brlcad for anyone on or connected to .bz, that is
00:52.04 ``Erik O.o
00:56.17 ``Erik ld: .libs/job.o has external relocation entries in non-writable section (__TEXT,__text) for symbols:
00:56.17 ``Erik jobThreadWork
00:56.19 ``Erik neat
00:57.57 Maloeran What is that?
00:58.47 Maloeran Oh, some platform doesn't like my assembly hack to align the stack on 16 bytes on ia32
00:59.18 Maloeran Have a look at RF/job.c, I'm not sure what that error message means
01:03.46 Maloeran Any thoughts or further insight?
01:05.05 *** join/#brlcad IriX64 (
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01:09.13 ``Erik couldn't you do something like an alignment attribute? O.o
01:09.51 Maloeran No, it's the stack itself that is not aligned
01:10.06 Maloeran The compiler can't preserve stack alignment if the thread stack wasn't aligned to begin with
01:10.37 ``Erik hrm *shrug*
01:10.37 IriX64 what the hey does the compiler care about a users thread?
01:10.37 Maloeran So when launching a thread, first thing I do is fixing the alignment, and the compiler preserves the alignment from that point
01:10.46 IriX64 it's all code.
01:10.57 IriX64 unless you have thread optimizations.
01:10.59 ``Erik the compiler doesn't, but if you are misaligned when you try to execute an sse op, shit blows up
01:11.11 IriX64 runtime?
01:11.14 Maloeran Yes
01:11.15 ``Erik yeah
01:11.17 IriX64 obviously duh.
01:11.43 IriX64 auto assigned stack or user determined?
01:11.56 Maloeran What's the fix, Erik? Is the symbol incorrect on fbsd, does it need an underscore or something?
01:12.04 Maloeran Automatically assigned stack
01:12.23 IriX64 system *should keep track of it then.
01:12.28 IriX64 alas
01:12.37 IriX64 all systems are not created equeal.
01:12.44 Maloeran An automatic stack will be allocated in the proper memory bank for the processor, for higher performance. If I were to provide it, I would need to do some non-portable libNUMA fu and Erik would hate me
01:12.53 IriX64 ergo code generated for one system etc...
01:13.13 IriX64 heh beat eric with a noodle.
01:13.43 IriX64 btw am i breaking anything by having Mr. Muss's face on my space?
01:13.59 IriX64 I mean is it allowed i should have asked first.
01:14.39 ``Erik what symbol? the job breakage was osX on an x86 core duo
01:14.58 Maloeran The jobThreadWork symbol that I'm calling from assembly
01:15.34 ``Erik that's a mac, not fbsd
01:16.04 ``Erik <-- doesn't know the fix
01:16.05 Maloeran <-- neither
01:16.06 ``Erik <-- thinks only linux has the alignment broken stuff, though
01:16.32 Maloeran Erik, test it. Disable the RF_I386_STACK_ALIGNMENT_HACK switch
01:16.35 ``Erik I'm fairly sure you can just call jobThreadWork() on fbsd and it self-aligns
01:16.47 ``Erik but your sse stuff is broken on fbsd right now *shrug*
01:17.58 ``Erik heh, I have my reasons.
01:18.25 Maloeran If you want to test Erik, just replace _mm_castps_si128(x) with (__m128i)x
01:20.02 ``Erik I deleted RF_I386_STACK_ALIGNMENT_HACK from config.h and it works fine on the mac
01:20.21 ``Erik I think RF_I386_STACK_ALIGNMENT_HACK should only be if __linux__ && __x86__
01:20.27 Maloeran Agreed
01:22.57 ``Erik hrm, ok, changing the castps let it compile... but it's not decently headed, so rfdemo won't do well
01:23.11 ``Erik what can I run to see if it executes without crashing with no head? :D
01:23.48 Maloeran rfregtest? :)
01:23.55 ``Erik failed to create context
01:24.03 ``Erik does it assume files in pwd?
01:24.10 Maloeran Yes
01:24.20 ``Erik bah
01:24.45 Maloeran Context creation failed is about rt.conf and the .so
01:30.18 ``Erik log2f issues again, heh
01:31.38 Maloeran Your last "fix" would never detect log2() in any circumstance, because it's C99 and requires -lm
01:31.49 Maloeran And the configure thing tested C89 without -lm
01:33.27 ``Erik heh, quit using c99? :D *duck*
01:35.40 ``Erik ok, hacked the log2 defs back in and it's cooking away now
01:35.42 ``Erik no crashes so far
01:36.00 Maloeran Do you think you could test a big endian platform?
01:37.05 ``Erik pretty easily
01:37.11 ``Erik but SDL gives you that for free O.o
01:37.40 Maloeran Ah well, there's the geometry group file format to test too
01:38.03 Maloeran No big deal, it should work unless I made a stupid typo somewhere
01:38.42 brlcad heh, sdl don't give jack for free
01:38.44 ``Erik ok, the hack is off and regtest is running on opteron/fbsd now
01:38.47 brlcad there's a price *somewhere*
01:38.54 ``Erik heh, yeah, you have to include it to get the macros
01:39.04 ``Erik which penalize the unpreferred format
01:39.30 Maloeran The hack is only for ia32 platforms by the way
01:39.41 brlcad providing seamless maintainability integration can be a pita with them, but doable
01:39.45 Maloeran The switch is ignored on amd64, as it's unecessary and it's ia32 assembly anyway
01:39.57 ``Erik it was on in my compile :/
01:40.08 Maloeran Sure it's on, but ignored in the code
01:40.16 ``Erik *shrug*
01:40.31 ``Erik how long does it take for results agan?
01:40.54 Maloeran It takes several minutes, just kill it ;)
01:41.03 ``Erik woops, there went a core dump
01:41.12 Maloeran Woah.
01:41.57 ``Erik #0 0x000000080144b89c in pthread_testcancel () from /lib/
01:42.35 Maloeran Can you backtrace a bit more?
01:43.05 ``Erik I bailed out of the machine and closed the screen, sorry... there were only three symbols, the first and last were pthread
01:43.38 Maloeran Actually... This was refregtest, right? I think I forgot to fix something there
01:43.53 ``Erik yeah, rfregtest
01:44.03 brlcad woot, now works from subconf dirs
01:44.13 ``Erik given the number of machines I was jumping through and the slow link, rfdemo wouldn't have worked well :)
01:47.08 CIA-7 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/
01:47.08 CIA-7 BRL-CAD: add a function to locate the configure template so that we find the right files
01:47.08 CIA-7 BRL-CAD: when running from an ac_config_subdirs directory, perhaps being
01:47.08 CIA-7 BRL-CAD: configured/compiled in isolation (without making a copy of this script). also
01:47.09 CIA-7 BRL-CAD: add a sanity check that we did indeed end up with a configure script when all
01:47.09 CIA-7 BRL-CAD: was said and done.
01:51.44 brlcad IriX64: ehm.. that's pretty impossible at this point
01:51.59 brlcad the channel is publicly logged and indexed by google daily
01:52.13 IriX64 ahh well.
01:52.29 IriX64 <*>
01:54.27 brlcad search for "IriX64 BRL-CAD" and you can see a few on the first page alone
01:56.34 Maloeran Cool, logs from the channel 14 months ago
01:57.03 IriX64 really? explains something
01:58.11 ``Erik heh
01:59.06 IriX64 jack?.... Jack Shit, I know him well. ;)
01:59.30 IriX64 what are you testing?
01:59.54 IriX64 ermf for get I said that or you'll be asking me same question.
02:01.11 Maloeran IriX64, grab a C guide online, get dev-c++ and get started
02:01.18 ``Erik heh, squeak
02:01.48 IriX64 the mouse that roared?
02:02.11 ``Erik no, the smalltalk environment
02:02.22 ``Erik irix: check out
02:02.23 ``Erik it's nifty
02:02.29 IriX64 why smalltalk why not crosstalk?
02:03.06 IriX64 ermf xbox?
02:04.46 Maloeran Seriously, IriX64, learn to code ; I think it's the kind of hobby you would enjoy
02:05.31 ``Erik the exercised in structured thinking is a good growth opportunity
02:05.46 ``Erik think of it like sudoku on steroids :)
02:06.06 IriX64 problem is the environment insists on stunting my growth :)
02:06.51 ``Erik heh
02:07.01 Maloeran The environment?
02:07.32 IriX64 structured programming environment, I seriously don't think like that.
02:07.48 Maloeran No one does, it's an acquired skill
02:07.59 Maloeran Just give it a try
02:08.04 IriX64 old dog, new tricks thing.
02:08.20 ``Erik what? old john, new tricks?
02:08.24 ``Erik sorry, I'll behave O:-)
02:08.29 IriX64 heheh
02:08.54 IriX64 when you get that old the trick is in keeping her :)
02:09.18 Maloeran Are you retired or so, IriX64?
02:09.46 IriX64 disability. (does it show, mentally challenged :))
02:11.01 Maloeran Really? You seem joyful and not too knowledgeable about computers but I would not have thought that. Are you serious?
02:11.26 IriX64 just the disability part. but i'm getting well.
02:11.57 Maloeran Well, clearly you can type, therefore you can code
02:12.09 ``Erik heh
02:12.13 IriX64 used to be a DEC fse before i took work hhere at the plant (Algoma Steel Inc)
02:12.27 ``Erik plenty of hunt&peck coders out there
02:12.28 IriX64 trvth
02:13.06 Maloeran It's a disability acquired at a steel mill?..
02:13.14 IriX64 yes
02:13.29 ``Erik if you spend more time typing than thinking, I'd assert that either you're using an inappropriate language for the task, or approaching the task in a silly manner
02:13.42 Maloeran Ouch. Would you... share details, if you want to?
02:14.07 IriX64 re: coding? I tend to disagree, you could just be a hunt and pecker :)
02:14.29 IriX64 Maloeran not publicly sorry.
02:14.50 ``Erik heh, mal is a pecker :D
02:14.50 Maloeran Okay, right.
02:15.09 IriX64 ``Erik is a hunter :)
02:15.19 ``Erik spyhunter, yo
02:15.30 IriX64 wait ive got dialtone.
02:15.50 IriX64 bond james bone.
02:15.56 ``Erik bondo?
02:15.58 IriX64 :)
02:16.15 IriX64 stuff used to patch cars get with it.
02:16.16 ``Erik car repair paste of international superspies? O.o
02:16.52 IriX64 paste? as in pasting teeth? :)
02:17.36 IriX64 tell me ``Erik if it's common sense, why isn't there more of it around?
02:18.19 ``Erik heh, don't make me bust out my big books of steven wright quotes
02:18.42 ``Erik or mitch hedberg
02:18.59 IriX64 steven wright? I turn to calvin and hobbes.
02:20.29 Maloeran Hey Justin, received mail from Mark forwarding yours
02:20.51 Maloeran The voxel stuff was dropped on the way, apparently the people who thought they needed it were actually using triangles
02:21.49 Twingy we'll see about that
02:29.54 IriX64 Maloeran, I wasn't really kidding about that don't start the thread bit, if it gives you hassle incorporate the code into whatever thinks it needs to start a thread.
02:30.44 IriX64 forr what its worth :)
02:34.24 Maloeran Threads shouldn't be avoided, they are used to distribute the work over multiple processors
02:35.24 IriX64 not saying avoid them bit if one particular piece of code is giving you grief why fight it.
02:38.11 Maloeran It's fine, just OSX doing things a bit differently, no big deal
02:41.43 ``Erik heh
02:48.04 louipc what's the ideology behind that feature?
02:49.42 Maloeran That ia32's largest data type is "double", which is 8 bytes, therefore stacks only require 8 bytes alignment
02:50.51 Maloeran Then SSE arrived, which required 16 bytes. The glibc and kernel crowd kept putting the blame on the other camp, I think it got fixed at some point
02:52.25 Maloeran Compilers like Intel would align the stack of every function dynamically whenever SSE was used to work around that issue
02:59.15 louipc wowzers this processor mumbo jumbo is beyond me
02:59.57 Maloeran Oops I'm sorry, I assumed you were a programmer
03:07.59 louipc no prob, I'm just reading generally about it now. It makes programming at the processor level look like a real pain
03:09.15 louipc IriX64: you have a *nix? which one?
03:10.29 IriX64 DEC :P
03:12.04 louipc hmm
03:13.17 IriX64 pdp11/70 louipc :)
03:14.21 louipc haha no way
03:15.37 IriX64 sysV runs well on it tho.
03:17.32 IriX64 btw if anybody cares, ./m4 *seems tied to 1.9.6.
03:35.52 IriX64 louipc, recepricol question which unixen do you have?
03:38.50 IriX64 can i do it that way?
13:20.05 *** join/#brlcad docelic (n=docelic@
14:14.46 ``Erik *cookcookcook*
15:10.46 *** join/#brlcad lg_ (n=lg_@
15:10.51 lg_ hey...
15:11.22 lg_ i am here with a mged modeling question... something i would do with an extrude along path in another app...
15:12.18 lg_ i am building a segment of a domes with ribs, but everything is rounded
15:15.54 lg_ ok, thank you...
15:16.03 Maloeran If you were to idle for a while, you'll get an answer eventually, but I wouldn't count on anything in a short time
15:16.27 lg_ i think i have first to cut away the corner and than past in a part of a torus, which is awful
15:17.07 lg_ maloeran, do you know if it is possible to specify geometry by angle in mged? it is a rather basic question, but i could not find an answer yet
16:31.11 *** join/#brlcad dtidrow (
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18:28.53 CIA-7 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ be a little more liberal on the -all_load libtool script fix to avoid escaping the dollarsign
19:24.02 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
20:08.29 CIA-7 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ loop over potential locations instead of just testing for one. this helps subdir configures clean up too if added to their configure.
20:30.14 Maloeran Cool, 3 minutes to compile BRL-CAD, optimized and almost-everything
20:36.01 brlcad nifty
20:36.29 louipc I'm extremely jealous
20:36.50 brlcad Maloeran: how long for a ./configure --enable-all compile (i.e. non-optimized, almost-everything)
20:37.17 brlcad both with "make -jwhatever" and "make -jwhatever fast"
20:37.43 brlcad might be in contention for fastest compile to date
20:52.00 *** join/#brlcad IriX64 (
20:53.32 louipc IriX64: I'm running linux, archlinux specifically
20:53.36 louipc ;)
20:54.48 IriX64 louipc: great what have you photon mapped (it's such fun)
20:54.48 Maloeran brlcad, will test
20:54.48 Maloeran I'm not too sure what the optimal -jX is though, yet
20:55.41 Maloeran --enable-all is 1 minute 54 seconds
20:56.18 Maloeran Trying this "make fast" now
20:56.19 brlcad Maloeran: with or without 'fast'
20:56.23 Maloeran Without
20:56.23 brlcad ahh, k
20:56.35 brlcad cool, that would be a record regardless ;)
20:56.40 louipc IriX64: nothing worth noting
20:56.53 Maloeran Neat, I like my new toy :)
20:56.54 brlcad is this cvs head too, or somewhere thereabouts?
20:57.08 Maloeran The latest release, not CVS
20:57.21 brlcad ahh, okay
20:57.36 brlcad still a record, though latest will be a bit slower
20:57.41 IriX64 but have you played with the examples? They're truly works of art, I especially like castle.
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20:58.37 Maloeran Hum. brlcad, it didn't tell me the time it took for "make -j12 fast", I guess I should have clocked
21:00.08 brlcad Maloeran: ah, no matter then
21:01.39 IriX64 (*shrug*)
21:02.26 Maloeran time make -j12 fast : real 2m3s user 6m46s sys 2m57
21:02.38 Maloeran Oh well, it's adding the time of all cores
21:04.18 ``Erik huh?
21:05.12 IriX64 bwahahah I can now shut down windows from my cygwin environment. thats hysterical louipc you wondered what I'm using, I just told you ;)
21:08.38 IriX64
21:08.51 IriX64 louipc: check it.
21:14.33 IriX64 (I'll stop now :))
22:44.32 *** join/#brlcad docelic (n=docelic@
23:05.15 louipc IriX64: I wouldn't call that *nix, it's more like GNU/windows hah
23:19.00 ``Erik indeed, even less unixy than linux O.O
23:21.35 IriX64 puhleaze, I can do anything unix can do try me.
23:21.40 IriX64 :)
23:21.47 IriX64 i log in too.
23:22.29 IriX64 btw my little x works very well.
23:22.52 IriX64 has to or i would not be able to run BRL-CAD.
23:23.47 IriX64 wonders too.
23:24.33 ``Erik ok
23:24.38 ``Erik run on ppc.
23:24.43 ``Erik or rs6k.
23:24.45 ``Erik or h9k
23:24.55 ``Erik or vax or pdp11 or m68k or ...
23:25.12 IriX64 now you're speaking my langugae
23:25.27 IriX64 pdp8s best machine ever.
23:26.03 ``Erik or support hundreds of concurrent users
23:26.11 IriX64 doing a no debugging build want to see how fast havoc photon maps.
23:26.30 ``Erik or provide services to the internet with no antivirus software chewing cycles and not get infected or cracked
23:26.43 IriX64 huh?
23:27.19 IriX64 ``Erik i respect you're opinion no matter how wrong you may be ;)
23:27.34 ``Erik <-- doens't think he's all that wrong O:-)
23:27.50 IriX64 heh neither do i :)
23:28.43 ``Erik and photon mapping is a two phase operation... it raytraces as fast as it does with no lighting... and the photo map pass totally depends on how many photons you specify and a few other parameters
23:29.10 ``Erik path tracing seems a bit more interesting, though... have you managed to get adrt to build? it has something in it called "rise" which is pretty neat
23:29.16 IriX64 sure but you can get a guesstimate if you leave all the settings the same.
23:29.34 IriX64 missing sdl gotta tend to that.
23:29.40 ``Erik
23:29.44 IriX64 ty
23:33.19 IriX64 yum thanks ``Erik i'll let you know if I ever get it going btw is it fraught?
23:34.26 IriX64 you're supposed to say "there's just no arguing with a word like fraught" :)
23:35.25 IriX64 python is also needed.
23:36.38 ``Erik ... yes, sdl and python are (sorta) needed, though I think rise itself doesn't use either
23:36.58 IriX64 getting python 2.5 now.
23:37.36 ``Erik n/m, rise observer uses sdl
23:37.44 IriX64 ah

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