irclog2html for #brlcad on 20070225

00:23.39 *** join/#brlcad cad03 (
00:37.19 IriX64 sdl and python installed, adrt enabled, started a build lets see.
00:41.49 ``Erik if you want to be fast, you can cd src/adrt
00:41.51 ``Erik and make from there
00:42.01 ``Erik you can do 'make depends' if you dont' have libbu built yet
00:43.50 brlcad he's not on cvs head so likely run into other stuff
00:44.04 brlcad plus I think I removed the libbu dep
00:51.28 ``Erik oh
00:51.31 ``Erik eh?
00:51.58 ``Erik every main() makes half an attempt to use bu_getopt()
00:53.17 brlcad not any more
00:53.24 brlcad i undid that
00:54.55 ``Erik heh
00:55.17 ``Erik and here I figured it was going to become more integrated with BRL-CAD
01:01.20 brlcad eventually..
01:01.37 brlcad as soon as any of the libbu compatibility routines become a problem, it'll be a dep
01:01.47 brlcad but to just replace for the sake of replacing wasn't the intent
01:02.22 brlcad as it is, adrt should/might still compile entirely stand-alone
01:08.24 ``Erik hm, is it getopt or getopt_long in there?
01:08.45 brlcad just getopt iirc
01:09.35 ``Erik ah, all the bu_getopt stuff has been removed and the getopt_long is gaurded
01:09.36 ``Erik cool
02:19.24 IriX64 oooo, somethings missing in display.c
02:19.33 IriX64 all sorts of undefines.
02:19.40 IriX64 undefined.
02:19.48 IriX64 all _SDL stuff.
02:20.00 brlcad er, you have sdl installed?
02:20.04 IriX64 yes
02:20.24 brlcad presumably one of the first errors is something about not finding an SDL.h header I bet
02:20.37 brlcad might need to manually tweak CPPFLAGS
02:21.50 IriX64
02:21.59 ``Erik and perhaps post config.log and the affected Makefile somewhere we can get to eventually
02:21.59 IriX64 its at link time for observer.
02:22.14 ``Erik hm
02:22.29 ``Erik where is libSDL.dll ?
02:22.34 ``Erik (or .so or .lib or whatevr)
02:22.48 IriX64 in local lib i think let me check.
02:23.35 IriX64 yeah all in there.
02:23.47 IriX64 configure found it ok.
02:24.13 ``Erik hm, in /usr/local/lib ?
02:24.15 ``Erik what's the filename?
02:24.50 IriX64 libsdl.a .la .ddl.a 3 of them.
02:25.06 IriX64 err dll.a
02:26.13 IriX64 still want config.log and the makefile ``Erik?
02:26.27 ``Erik all .a or .la, huh, that means static only, and you were trying to link it dynamically, I think... I'm not sure on cygwin link semantics
02:26.29 ``Erik nah
02:26.44 IriX64 ill remove shared.
02:29.01 IriX64
02:29.15 IriX64 anything you want added/deleted from the config line?
02:31.13 ``Erik enable-adrt automatically enable sdl and python... the flags are more there for defining an unusual location
02:31.34 ``Erik disable-symbols? disable-shared? O.o
02:31.55 IriX64 --disable-configure :P
02:32.02 ``Erik disabling debugging and enabling optimizations are probably useless at this stage
02:32.05 brlcad disable shared works, but not so sure about the symbols one doing anything
02:32.32 IriX64 seem to remember seeing it somewhere.
02:32.39 ``Erik why disable shared?
02:32.45 IriX64 libraries
02:32.51 brlcad yeah, you probably should leave off --enable-optimizations and --disable-debug and --di
02:32.54 ``Erik just cuz you saw it "somewhere" doesnt' mean it works with BRL-CAD, homey
02:32.54 brlcad sable-runtime-debugging
02:33.09 ``Erik ./configure --help
02:33.17 IriX64 :D
02:33.18 brlcad disable shared works, and he actually needs it for cygwin.. some ld problem
02:33.29 ``Erik and the more flags you give it, the less 'normal' it is, so the less able we are to help... fyi... :)
02:33.35 IriX64 right want to make sure now.
02:33.50 IriX64 ty i didnt realize that.
02:35.06 IriX64 --disable-bug-reports ;)
02:35.09 brlcad ./configure --enable-everything --enable-adrt --disable-shared --prefix=/usr/cygcad should be all you need
02:35.12 ``Erik like, if you were using osX.4 with no flags, brlcad would be able to help you n/p... if you were using fbsd6 with no flags, I'd probably be able to help n/p... that's where we live, yo... the less like our environments you get, the less we're in the know
02:36.05 IriX64 good to know my nect build will just be ./configure --disable-shared.
02:36.12 IriX64 next too.
02:36.26 IriX64 liar ;)
02:36.33 brlcad i regularly try a variety of flag settings, and different platforms, but it is true that os x would be one of the most familiar regardless
02:36.54 IriX64 motorola or apple?
02:37.01 ``Erik <-- does a bit on osX and linux, a tiny bit on solaris...
02:37.03 ``Erik uhhhh
02:37.09 ``Erik do you mean ibm or intel?
02:37.14 IriX64 osx
02:37.29 ``Erik <-- uses both ibm/g[45] and intel/coreduo macs
02:37.59 ``Erik most of my dev work is on a quad core opteron fbsd6.2 machine
02:38.02 IriX64 model 3800+
02:38.54 IriX64 we have 4 boxes in this house 2 laptops and 2 desktops, *I'm only "allowed" to use one.
02:39.12 IriX64 chilldren you know :)
02:44.55 ``Erik heh
02:45.19 IriX64 btw thats sposed to read "WunderBox" :)
02:45.24 ``Erik s/his h/in h/
02:49.01 IriX64 you're "state of the art" then ``Erik.
02:50.27 IriX64 oon the other hand the one i'm using has a gig of main mem and 200gig drive :)
02:52.07 IriX64 already used 44gigs.
02:52.32 ``Erik hrm, all three of my laptops have 2g ram a pop, and my fbsd box downstairs has around .5tb used
02:52.45 ``Erik so, uh, put it away, dude :D there's always someone with a bigger one
02:52.49 IriX64 whoa:)
02:53.26 IriX64 penvy hah.
02:58.24 IriX64 need some of natures wine, bbiab.
03:07.06 Twingy oh yea, my PIC chip has 768 bytes of RAM, so nya!
03:09.49 ``Erik good old 16f88's
03:10.13 Twingy the 18F4620's are quite nice
03:10.20 Twingy 32kB program, 2kB RAM, 1kB eeprom
03:13.50 IriX64 did I really say cursor.c ``Erik?
06:40.39 *** join/#brlcad PrezKennedy (
09:32.33 *** join/#brlcad docelic (n=docelic@
09:35.25 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
09:38.01 clock_ win 11
10:27.21 *** join/#brlcad cad03 (
14:27.59 *** join/#brlcad lg_ (n=lg_@
15:05.21 lg_ hi...
15:16.59 louipc hello
15:17.43 lg_ a, someone alive there ;-)
15:18.52 louipc this channel is pretty active, but only at certain times and I don't think they're regular
15:19.07 ``Erik yeah, we need to eat more fiber :/
15:20.21 louipc hah
16:57.43 brlcad hehe
17:01.42 ``Erik I'm gonna destroy the toilets at work, yo
18:07.26 IriX64
18:15.28 IriX64 <==== this is the one that gets me :)
18:17.00 IriX64 ``Erik, it produces MZ files :)
18:17.21 ``Erik uh huh?
18:17.34 ``Erik iirc, MZ is old dos executables (like .com files) and PE is windows stuff
18:18.06 ``Erik
18:18.16 Maloeran And "PE" stands for "Portable Executable" amusingly
18:18.21 Maloeran Portable to windows and windows
18:18.42 ``Erik there we go, mz is the old dos executable, then new dos is NE, then a couple os/2 ones (LE and LX), ... then PE
18:19.25 ``Erik once upon a time, windows ran on non-x86 platforms...
18:19.31 ``Erik that's where the 'portable' comes from
18:19.42 ``Erik a buddy of mine had NT on an alpha, heh
18:19.46 IriX64 ``erik my mged is a PE file.
18:20.12 ``Erik as it should be...
18:20.45 IriX64 and is :)
18:21.28 IriX64
18:21.53 IriX64 alphas were sometimes shipped with NT ``Erik.
18:24.02 ``Erik the interesting part was that they did dynamic machine code translation, iirc
18:24.23 ``Erik so you could run an 'x86' program, and the first time you did, it'd take a long time to start up, then would run as native alpha machine code from then on
18:24.26 IriX64 alpha/nt?
18:24.41 ``Erik yeah
18:24.53 IriX64 didn't play with it overly long, just got the serial ports running.
18:25.33 IriX64 nice little box though :)
18:36.53 IriX64 <=== IriX64 laff's hysterically.
18:37.42 IriX64 winix is born :P
18:44.35 IriX64 <=== last one, won't bug you with it again.
18:54.38 IriX64 now who's going to translate all those auto* tools to .bat land ;)
19:00.32 brlcad i hear a volunteer!
19:03.44 CIA-7 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ autoconf was complaining about AM_C_PROTOTYPES being called after AC_C_INLINE and AC_C_CONST, so move it up before them
19:06.58 IriX64 tie him to the typer quick :)
19:07.52 IriX64 errr you heard that silent plea for help and you do this to me? :P
19:10.30 Maloeran I need input on a theory. This new box doesn't have a sound chip. If I were to forward a /dev/dsp socket to write to the /dev/dsp of another box, I would effectively be redirecting all audio output to the other machine's. Correct?
19:12.46 IriX64 why not throw in a cheap sound card?
19:13.04 IriX64 45$ canadian gets you a pci soundblaster.
19:30.59 *** join/#brlcad docelic (n=docelic@
19:42.50 IriX64 <== Where I want to go with this thing, at the moment she just "looks" pretty :)
19:57.17 IriX64 < now I return to ruminating just how big angels wings must be :)
19:57.56 IriX64 btw, it works in both environments, admittly I rely on cygwin but still...
19:58.22 ``Erik 'both' environment? O.o
19:58.36 IriX64 :)
20:03.35 IriX64 <=== I'll shut up now, cheers.
20:08.14 *** join/#brlcad cad18 (
20:29.38 Maloeran Just for the record, redirecting /dev/dsp worked nicely
20:37.50 ``Erik bah, fucking snow
20:42.23 ``Erik ...
20:42.44 IriX64 <=== ``Erik, recognize this one?
20:44.02 IriX64 hahahah this is an OS/2 32 bit executable.
20:49.03 IriX64
21:01.42 IriX64 TurboC high on Cygwin hehe.
21:13.35 IriX64 btw pretty.exe produced by that TC ran in the cygwin environment stand alone.
21:17.05 Maloeran Such a strange person
22:00.45 *** join/#brlcad IriX64 (
22:30.24 Maloeran I just noticed something. When the raytracing demo renders 100fps at 800x600, only ~30% of the cpus time is spent raytracing, the rest is "idle" ( according to 'top' )
22:31.16 Maloeran I'm guessing it's SDL's surface blitting being a serious bottleneck
22:32.40 Maloeran Nevermind, SDL is just a small part of it. Blocking until the frame is complete instead of pushing and buffering several frames at the same time is the problem
22:40.06 IriX64 farkles, does BRL-CAD support building share *and static libs on the same run?
22:47.07 brlcad IriX64: of course it does, and is what it does by default
22:50.59 IriX64 ty lucy :)
22:51.55 brlcad seriously, you know the issue with cygwin .. if you're not going to investigate properly, why do you ask?
22:53.41 IriX64 seperate thread for everybody? ie main launches them all and waits?
22:54.37 Maloeran The proper is at the end of a frame, only a handful of threads might still be working, the others are done and there's no work left for this frame
22:55.14 Maloeran In practice, I can't get my cpu use above 80% with 8 cores
22:55.23 brlcad you're just now running into this problem?
22:55.26 IriX64 have it wait on a universal done signale, ok got yours now i reset the flag and wait again.
22:55.48 ``Erik he just now got enough hw to find the problem...
22:55.50 Maloeran Yes brlcad, it was not much of an issue with just 2 cores
22:56.10 Maloeran It's not a problem with the engine, just the demos
22:56.27 brlcad I know, i'm just a bit surprised

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