irclog2html for #brlcad on 20070226

00:10.40 *** join/#brlcad lg_ (n=lg_@
00:15.33 *** part/#brlcad lg_ (n=lg_@
01:16.01 *** join/#brlcad IriX64 (
02:15.45 ``Erik
02:16.08 *** join/#brlcad IriX64 (
02:18.06 IriX64
05:13.56 CIA-7 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/
05:13.56 CIA-7 BRL-CAD: major modification, now supporting projects that don't use one or more of the
05:13.56 CIA-7 BRL-CAD: various autotools (e.g. not using automake, libtool, autoheader, libtool). also
05:13.56 CIA-7 BRL-CAD: now supports projects that have recursive configures that go more than one level
05:13.56 CIA-7 BRL-CAD: deep.
05:39.54 *** join/#brlcad tofu (
08:37.18 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
09:00.19 CIA-7 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ support projects that use the older/deprecated arg-less AC_INIT and instead search for an AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE declaration hopefully instead. also fix a couple missing 'no' typos during manual processing.
09:05.19 CIA-7 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ some versions of automake report apple's dumb libtoolize problem differently, so try to be more general.
09:05.38 clock_ brlcad: does BRL-CAD work on Apple as well?
09:07.09 brlcad presume you mean non-mac os x apple?
09:07.53 brlcad there have been several ports of brl-cad to older apples running various unices, including the Apple II
09:08.18 clock_ I mean modern apple with their mac os x
09:08.27 brlcad oh, of course
09:08.34 clock_ cool portable :)
09:09.00 brlcad it's (arguably) one of the core platforms consistently tested (along with a couple other OSs)
09:09.29 brlcad happens to integrate rather well actually
09:10.31 brlcad I did the initial port to Mac OS X during the early Pre Beta days
09:12.34 brlcad it took me less than a half an hour to get just about everything up and running not including compile time (which was about an hour back then) .. circa end of 2000
09:14.15 brlcad another hour after that, I had smp and multithreading working, and this was all using the old build system -- which was considerly more painful than the one we have now to modify
09:21.21 clock_ along with couple of OSes :)
09:22.08 clock_ In Linux world it usually works the way that the core developer tests it on the single Linux distribution he happens to have on his desktop and then pronounces it portable
09:22.12 clock_ and then in fact it works only on some Linux distros.
09:22.54 clock_ Well BRL-CAD is a serious piece of software developed for 30 years by U. S. Army :)
09:23.17 CIA-7 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/libbu/stat.c: add bu_same_file() routine to determine whether two file names are indeed the same file or not. presently, the routine falls back to stat() to compare the inode numbers of the files in question
09:23.19 clock_ OK 28 years
09:23.28 clock_ Actually BRL-CAD is as old as I am :)
09:24.50 CIA-7 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/include/bu.h: add bu_same_file() declaration so we can use it in places
09:25.53 brlcad if you have the readme handy, it shows some of the portability heritage
09:28.38 brlcad brl-cad's one of a few pieces of software (mostly limited to compilers, editors, operating systems) that has been "extensively portable" .. predating things like TCP, graphical displays, coding standards (ansi and posix) yet surviving and adapting to them all
09:30.48 brlcad there actually used to be checks in the code for "is there tcp/ip networking api facilities available" .. and "does the floating point math behave like a cray 2"
09:38.17 CIA-7 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ (include/bu.h src/libbu/stat.c): add the similar routine bu_same_fd() to compare two file descriptors returned by open()
10:49.28 *** join/#brlcad Bariton (
10:51.01 Bariton hi
10:51.10 Bariton is it possible to export the framebuffer as image? for example as png?
10:56.31 Bariton anybody online?
11:19.05 Bariton hey?!?!
11:46.45 *** part/#brlcad Bariton (
12:14.06 *** join/#brlcad brlcad ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
12:14.06 *** join/#brlcad Maloeran ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
12:14.06 *** join/#brlcad Twingy (n=justin@ [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
12:14.07 *** join/#brlcad CIA-7 (
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13:58.20 *** join/#brlcad Maloeran ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
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13:58.20 *** join/#brlcad CIA-7 (
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14:00.14 *** join/#brlcad docelic (n=docelic@ [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
14:08.30 Maloeran - Almost seems fun to play
14:14.33 brlcad heh
14:15.10 archivist some sad people about
17:43.48 *** join/#brlcad lg_ (n=lg_@
17:43.54 lg_ hi...
17:57.34 Maloeran Hi again, brlcad should be able to answer any question you may have this time ;)
17:57.55 lg_ ;-)
17:58.21 lg_ i will try to describe
18:01.55 lg_ basically I was wondering if there is some way to "round" edges
18:02.56 lg_ the only way I could figure out so far is to cut away the corner and union a cylinder
18:07.22 lg_ in my case, as I want to round edges following rips of a dome (it is for an architectural model), I would have to cut away rings and "fill" with a torus
18:13.06 *** join/#brlcad IriX64 (
18:28.33 IriX64 << anybody know what this is about?
18:34.33 IriX64 took silent off, tells me nothing other than its trying to link against it
18:36.44 IriX64 awww cmon, I took lgl2 outta the makefile, its still erroring out on it.
18:49.16 IriX64 configure finds glenable.
18:50.28 IriX64 but opengl is not functionally available.
18:58.47 ``Erik lg: you could also build a 'cutter' by intersecting and arb and a cylinder or whatever and use that to difference on your geometry *shrug* but yeah, there is no explicit 'bevel' operation to my knowledge
18:59.32 ``Erik if you can do tcl or C, you can do something like a procdb to automate some of that for you, though *shrug*
19:17.30 lg_ sorry erik, i am back, my flatmate had been occupying the computer ;-)
19:18.43 lg_ i guess manually doing this is easier now, as i do not have that many edges to round
19:20.07 lg_ the hard work is to construct all the midpoints and intersections before
19:38.17 lg_ see you later, i need a restart now to connect my stupid bluetooth donge, I would like to be able to rotate the view so that I can read the result of labelvert... ;-)
19:39.15 *** part/#brlcad lg_ (n=lg_@
19:41.36 brlcad ahh. just missed em
19:48.51 *** join/#brlcad docelic (n=docelic@
20:13.21 ``Erik heh, why, was I wrong about something? or is there a clever trick I don't know? :D
20:17.49 ``Erik yeah, but I like to at least pretend that I'm right once in a while ;)
20:18.10 IriX64 especially if you're right *most of the time ;)
20:20.55 Maloeran Mmhm, 80 million rays per second on the very old m1a2. I still remember the first time I broke through 500k, then one million
20:22.04 ``Erik different hw, though...
20:24.20 Maloeran *nods* Of course
20:24.50 Maloeran Had any chance to quickly see if things run on big endian?
20:27.04 ``Erik oh, lemme update
20:33.42 ``Erik huh, it fails on opteron linux
20:33.45 ``Erik "list empty"
20:33.53 Maloeran Eh?
20:34.15 Maloeran Oh, context creation failed, your $DISPLAY variable again?
20:34.24 ``Erik $ uname -m -s -v
20:34.25 ``Erik Linux #1 SMP Mon Sep 25 17:24:31 EDT 2006 x86_64
20:34.37 ``Erik ahh
20:35.38 ``Erik should the rtgc be endian portable?
20:35.45 Maloeran Yes
20:36.44 ``Erik ok, with a fresh cache built, it works on g5, but is still yellow
20:37.14 Maloeran Darn :), need to look into that bit format code again
20:37.18 Maloeran *nods* Right, try that
20:37.36 Maloeran So the text printing works on big endian too? Good
20:37.47 ``Erik hm, beachballing so far...
20:37.49 ``Erik text printing?
20:38.18 Maloeran Don't you see text over the viewport? File font00.imtx?
20:38.40 ``Erik as I assume you store in something other than network order...
20:39.12 Maloeran I store everything in whatever the local machine saves as, but the loading code can read both native and flipped endian
20:39.12 ``Erik <-- runs out of dir, didn't link the font map in
20:39.24 Maloeran Try with the font file please
20:39.38 ``Erik works on the opteron/linux box
20:42.18 ``Erik big endian shows text, red and yellow...
20:42.28 Maloeran Eheh okay
20:42.42 Maloeran And the models still are yellow, neat
20:43.20 ``Erik uhhh, hrm
20:43.21 ``Erik it stopped
20:43.26 ``Erik system load went away
20:43.42 ``Erik and rfdemo is beach-balled
20:43.55 Maloeran Stopped? Deadlock?
20:44.14 ``Erik *shrug* can't tell exactly wat it's doing, but ti's not responsind
20:45.07 ``Erik didn't like sigterm, had to sigkill it
20:45.56 Maloeran Ahh, it's still yellow because SDL doesn't set the format alpha channel mask member
20:50.12 ``Erik hm, that time it didn't lock up :/
20:50.31 Maloeran So there's a lock glitch somewhere
20:56.35 ``Erik brlcad, jlo is lookin' for you
20:59.38 Maloeran If you ever manage to see that lock happen again, a backtrace would be much appreciated. I would have suggested to enable RF_THREAD_DEBUG to get a clear log, but I guess it's way too rare for that
21:09.06 CIA-7 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/mged/rtif.c: massive cleanup, ws, indentation, rewrite some of the _WIN32 sections so there are fewer duplicate code sections. add a display_error function to report the windows read error via a dialog bog
21:09.11 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
21:15.30 Maloeran Ah, OSX already has Spin Control and Thread Viewer for that kind of stuff
21:15.44 brlcad ``Erik: nah, you weren't wrong -- you do the CSG manually to round edges
21:16.17 brlcad there are a couple commands to automatically do this for you for arbs and perhaps cylinders iirc
21:23.13 brlcad ahh, here we go.. rcc-tor, rpp-arch, & rcc-cap
21:23.37 brlcad all apply a different sort of rounnding
21:57.07 ``Erik jason has a class for simd vector math he wants to shove in for nurbs, but wanted to talk to you before making directories for some reason
21:57.26 ``Erik (a c++ class... *shudder* be nice if we could de-c++ opennurbs O:-) )
22:04.13 brlcad heh, de-c++ about 200k lines of code? i think not...
22:09.44 CIA-7 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/mged/rtif.c: use bu_same_file() instead of stat() directly to compare whether the saveview script database and the current database are the same file
22:27.05 CIA-7 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/canon/canonize.1: fact that it uses stat(2) is inconsequential
22:28.06 ``Erik hm, the first c++ 'compilers' were preprocessers to generate C code... I d'not what features opennurbs uses
22:28.27 *** join/#brlcad IriX64 (
22:29.09 IriX64 <---- milestone :)
22:29.44 ``Erik
22:30.50 IriX64 hobbits? they....
22:30.58 IriX64 :)
22:32.32 IriX64 xgcc rulz ;)
22:36.31 IriX64 do you know how many scripts hardcode gcc in them?
22:38.29 IriX64 ``Erik , another angle of havoc,
22:38.50 brlcad IriX64: make LDFLAGS=--verbose
22:39.17 IriX64 Id be swamped with output :)
22:39.18 brlcad see if you can figure out why libpng/libz fail when you enable shared
22:39.41 IriX64 told you thats gotta be mine, im not worried bout it for now.
22:39.46 brlcad so just compile until it fails with that empty error without it, and then cd src/other && make LDFLAGS=...
22:40.17 IriX64 its *not brlcad does the same with apache.
22:40.26 brlcad it's not necessarily just yours -- I had some issue with using a shared (system) libz last time I compiled on cygwin
22:41.03 brlcad it wasn't the same as your issue, but similar
22:41.12 IriX64 ermf ill try it soon as i get this other build attempt out of the way, may be a couple of hours but i will do be patient.
22:45.14 brlcad no rush, but it could be informative
22:45.39 IriX64 canceled the build configuring now.
22:46.36 IriX64 building shared and static as before.
22:51.13 IriX64 this is peculiar it wants to build zlib, but i have a system zlib.
22:54.58 IriX64 just a second ../../..src/other/libz/ ??????
22:55.16 IriX64 shouldnt that be lo?
22:56.21 IriX64 erf why do i do the same with apache tho, still points to me brlcad.
22:56.41 IriX64 ill find it later
22:56.58 IriX64 right now i want to see -sharedlib test
23:02.41 IriX64 is a link that points to ../ is a link that points to
23:04.28 IriX64 ``Erik? using msvc7? I'd be curious to see how that goes.
23:04.33 ``Erik cygwin
23:04.50 IriX64 ;)
23:06.10 IriX64 remember to start with the Cygnus Solutions first and patch your way up :P
23:06.17 IriX64 archive.
23:07.30 ``Erik cygwin is installed on my xp box, it just doesn't have network connectivity to get the most recent src
23:11.41 *** join/#brlcad lg_ (n=lg_@
23:12.22 lg_ good night out there, here it is one p.m. now
23:13.16 *** part/#brlcad lg_ (n=lg_@
23:13.24 IriX64 crossgcc has a new patch.
23:13.31 IriX64 theirs not mine.
23:13.46 IriX64
23:23.48 ``Erik
23:28.38 brlcad heh
23:45.33 IriX64 heh indeed.
23:53.30 IriX64 <<==== Cassandra dancing :)
23:56.04 IriX64 when Cassandra dances, sparcs fly ;)

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