irclog2html for #brlcad on 20070301

00:22.18 Maloeran Please cvs commit when done hax0ring the c0dez, Erik :)
00:43.52 deltazap alright, i think it's about time that i came out of idling and introduced myself you you all :P
00:45.11 brlcad howdy deltazap
00:45.23 brlcad feel free to lurk as long as you like ;)
00:45.26 deltazap hah
00:45.54 brlcad kudos on the name ;)
00:46.06 brlcad even if you do spell it wrong :D
00:46.13 deltazap my normal name was taken
00:46.57 deltazap :O
00:47.05 deltazap it's phonetically correct :P
00:47.12 *** join/#brlcad digitalfredy (n=digitalf@
00:47.13 brlcad heh
00:47.49 deltazap i'm an MechE at the University of South Florida
00:48.06 brlcad ahh, fun
00:48.13 brlcad party school, eh? :)
00:48.25 deltazap i started working with a robotics group about 2 weeks ago and, surprise!, they don't have anything for cad software
00:48.34 deltazap more like farm school :P
00:48.44 brlcad ahh
00:48.54 deltazap you must have us confused with FSU or UF
00:48.57 brlcad i just associate all things florida with a party
00:49.02 deltazap haha
00:49.42 brlcad probably because i'm usually in miami or panama city or eglin .. good stuff
00:50.14 deltazap i'm originally from the melbourne area, just south of Cape Canaveral
00:50.51 deltazap the panhandle isn't as nice as central florida from what i hear
00:51.30 brlcad yeah, it's not
00:52.15 deltazap so, i was on a quest for (useable) cad software for the mac when i came across brl cad
00:52.51 brlcad well you should be forewarned that depending on your (pre)conceptions of CAD, this may or may not be what you're looking for
00:53.32 deltazap yeah, i've inched into it a bit, backed off, looked at it a bit more
00:53.40 brlcad we're by far the best/only open source solid modeling CAD software in production use, decades of development invested, but we don't do it all by a long shot
00:54.14 brlcad we're specifically short on capable developers if you know of any ;)
00:54.15 deltazap it's interesting how brl cad approaches the problem
00:54.56 brlcad I presume you've read the Overview and the Industry Diagram, perhaps the Intro to MGED as well?
00:55.14 deltazap heh, don't get to stick my head outside of our engineering labs long enough to talk to many people
00:55.17 deltazap yeah, i have
00:57.22 brlcad the industry diagram in particular should give a sense for how we currently fit into the big picture -- e.g. AutoCAD is CADD software and our overlap with them is rather limited, similarly BRL-CAD has limited CAM facilities other than basic modeling, representation, and conversion support
00:58.34 brlcad but if solid modeling is your need, performing analyses, computing metrics like weight and volumes, or programmatic purposes, geometry engine representations, data manipulations, CSG implicity geometry .. then you're golden ;)
00:59.03 brlcad what are you looking to do?
01:01.11 deltazap right now, just modeling so that i can show people my designs
01:01.47 deltazap something just to record designs since the lab has nothing at all
01:01.56 brlcad got it
01:02.08 brlcad for that, the mged tutorials are going to be essential
01:02.45 brlcad mged has a lot of good aspects like a powerful command line, but user-friendly it is not, nor is it a discoverable interface
01:03.35 brlcad a known limitation that is being worked on, but a limitation regardless that requires lots of experience and expert knowledge to utilize effectively
01:04.28 brlcad once you do master it, our best modelers can generally be just as proficient at most tasks as they are in other CAD systems, even faster at doing some things, but it takes a while to get to that point
01:05.59 brlcad but once you do, things like do become possible
01:07.07 deltazap holy smokes!
01:13.01 deltazap i'm used to command line interfaces
01:13.33 deltazap unlike most mech e's, i have quite a bit of computer experience :P
01:14.58 Maloeran Very nice brlcad, how come I don't have access to these models ;)
01:15.13 brlcad Maloeran: :)
01:15.40 brlcad Maloeran: you have access to some of those, and some considerably better
01:16.53 Maloeran I do? The only real engineering model I have around is truck_bots, though I didn't look very far
01:17.06 brlcad you just don't know who to ask, or what exactly to ask for ..
01:17.24 brlcad none of the best models are public releasable
01:17.44 brlcad even that model isn't, but a picture of it is ;)
01:19.33 ``Erik mal: I commited as I was doing it. that's the way to do it
01:20.39 ``Erik *look* oh yeah, the model brlcad pasted ain't public release, that the image is public release has caused issues recently
01:21.23 ``Erik mal: I fixed the log2 check issue and made the rays per second a little more readable...
01:21.24 Maloeran Yes, one could perhaps guess where the fuel tanks are, and the ammo
01:21.45 Maloeran I didn't receive email notification about these changes, strange
01:22.05 ``Erik heh, one could look at public release photographs of the vehicle and figure that out... but some people are stupid
01:22.57 ``Erik I got loads of python errors when I commited
01:23.07 ``Erik which I assume is the mail agent
01:23.15 Maloeran cool.
01:23.53 ``Erik and I ran around showing the current rfdemo to anyone who might give half a flying fuck heheheh :D
01:23.59 ``Erik that thing is just smokin', dude
01:24.18 Maloeran Thanks :)
01:24.41 ``Erik on the quad opteron running fbsd, a steady 30fps at 1024x768
01:25.02 ``Erik on the octo-opteron running linux, it bounced between 25 and 40 fps erratically, mostly staying around 35fps
01:25.27 Maloeran With or without transparency?
01:25.48 Maloeran I never remember what I leave as default for rfdemo when I commit, toggling a lot
01:25.51 ``Erik without
01:26.04 ``Erik 10fps on the 12 core itanium running linux
01:26.05 Maloeran Ah. It's 80fps in 1024x78 on my 8 cores
01:26.11 ``Erik 5fps on a dual core g5 running osX.4
01:26.31 brlcad ``Erik: fortunately, even that particular image is getting published in a book, and was recently re-approved for release via my jmum presentation
01:26.31 Maloeran Ah well, no SSE there
01:26.34 ``Erik <-- probably experiencing network issues, was running it remote X over 100baseT
01:27.10 brlcad along with a slew of other nifty pictures...
01:27.10 Maloeran Is Lee pleased enough, overall?
01:27.17 ``Erik heh, brlcad, sab bc refused to sign off on a pub with that pic... once the pic was removed, she signed...
01:27.34 brlcad Maloeran: he was yelling your name along with various profanities.. dunno...
01:27.58 ``Erik hehehe
01:28.33 ``Erik when I stopped by his office at 5pm and told him to log into that machine and run it, once he got over the foibles of remote X and his fucked up workstation, he was extremely happy, it made his day
01:29.29 ``Erik of course, his day wasn't exactly a shining beacon of awesomeness, I mean, chock full of meetings involving nontechnical people maching technical decisions that impact him, heh
01:29.41 ``Erik which is par for the course these days :/
01:30.20 Maloeran :/ It still makes my day as well to hear that some people far away appreciate the software
01:30.34 ``Erik tell ya what
01:30.46 ``Erik it impressed me enough to run around and show lee and brlcad...
01:30.46 Maloeran - Transparency walkthrough of the terribly heavy galleon model, 60mb, if anyone is interested
01:30.48 ``Erik :)
01:30.53 Maloeran :D
01:31.08 ``Erik and brlcad was getting 40fps from the quad opteron, opposed to my 30
01:31.13 ``Erik better networking, I guess :/
01:31.28 Maloeran Or for flat shading demo, if you want to have a look
01:32.28 deltazap well, thanks guys :)
01:32.38 deltazap i'm sure i'll have many more questions in the future
01:33.03 brlcad Maloeran: can't you encode an mpeg2 or mpeg4 somewhere? :)
01:33.25 brlcad and dear ghod.. that's a damn big video file :)
01:33.58 ``Erik those're mpeg-4, brlcad
01:34.06 ``Erik he just named 'em... "funny"
01:34.22 ``Erik (avi is the uncompressed layout, mpeg4 is the compression algo... vid compression is weird like that)
01:34.36 ``Erik be like if he named an mp3 blah.pcm
01:34.41 Maloeran Yes, it's all msmpeg4-v2 so it even runs on windows out of the box
01:35.07 Maloeran Sorry about the huge files, any loss of quality is really visible, so this is almost loseless
01:35.25 Maloeran ( I have loseless versions too if you prefer :) )
01:35.32 ``Erik 2.4 gigs a pop? D:
01:35.33 ``Erik :D
01:37.07 Maloeran Eheh, I still have that, but also x264 loseless compressed videos ; but I don't know how that runs on most players
01:37.24 deltazap so, are most pepole in here developers for brl cad?
01:37.25 ``Erik <-- uses vlc, it does everything
01:37.32 ``Erik only a couple of us, delta
01:38.02 deltazap ``Erik: and everyone else is an enthusiast? ;)
01:38.20 louipc hobbist
01:39.14 ``Erik brlcad and myself are brl-cad developers, maloeran is developing a piece that will be integrated into BRL-CAD in about a month
01:39.17 ``Erik *look* others are former devs, enthusiests, interested parties, etc
01:39.23 ``Erik and bots, can't forget the bots :)
01:39.36 deltazap of course not :)
01:39.50 louipc oh so that's who's publishing this channel eh
01:39.51 deltazap they're a staple of any irc room
01:40.01 ``Erik channel, not room
01:40.04 ``Erik quit talking like an aoler
01:40.05 ``Erik :D
01:40.08 deltazap hah
01:40.13 louipc omg lol
01:40.24 deltazap hai2u
01:40.29 ``Erik A/S/L!!!!~??!
01:40.40 Maloeran lololol!!1
01:41.15 deltazap brlcad mentioned being able to do analysis with models that you build with brl cad, what sort of analysis is (publically) available?
01:41.15 ``Erik (heh, hai2u as in goatse/lemonparty/tubgirl grade shock image site?)
01:41.57 deltazap ``Erik: not as much, just aoler mentality
01:42.02 ``Erik volume/weight analysis, exposed area, ...
01:42.25 ``Erik a disturbing amount is "publically available", but saying the extent is not :/
01:42.41 deltazap heh
01:42.43 louipc ballistics
01:42.46 louipc non?
01:42.59 brlcad ``Erik: er, I meant an mpeg4 not using the divx encoding
01:43.02 ``Erik <-- been kinda interested in doing things like optic analysis and mechanical stress/strain analysis as public type activities
01:43.23 deltazap mechanical stress/strain analysis would be awesome
01:43.45 louipc that would be neat
01:43.45 deltazap that would be the one that i'm most interested in since that's related to my field
01:43.48 ``Erik BRL-CAD's primary funding comes from ballistic type analysis, yes, but that actual work is done in another program... brlcad just provides the geometry information
01:44.04 louipc deltazap: you're doing robots? that's awesome
01:44.05 deltazap had to work with ansys today for one of my classes
01:44.08 louipc ah ok
01:44.16 deltazap what a pain
01:44.24 brlcad deltazap: the other devs drop in from time to time, or live on the mailing lists
01:44.31 deltazap interesting
01:44.32 brlcad or just commit and cause problems when they can ;)
01:44.37 ``Erik heh
01:44.38 louipc hah
01:44.43 deltazap louipc: yes :) unmanned systems
01:44.45 ``Erik you mean bob? :D *duck*
01:44.48 deltazap haha
01:45.00 brlcad i think bob tried to join the channel twice
01:45.10 brlcad never got it to work
01:45.27 ``Erik I mean the causing problems part... ain't his fault, though, he was working the windows port and not focused on portability
01:45.28 deltazap our group is actually sponsored by ARL for some of our projects
01:45.31 Maloeran Bob from Survice?
01:45.38 louipc deltazap: well as I see it, that's what a robot is. It bugs me when they call those RC doodads robots like on Robot Wars
01:45.40 brlcad is there any other bob? :)
01:45.42 ``Erik mal: ja, the dude we had lunch with at the golf course
01:45.50 brlcad bob's pretty cool guy, *real* easy going
01:46.03 deltazap louipc: is our group's site
01:46.09 ``Erik he used to be arl civvy, same office as john
01:46.25 brlcad very much a least-resistance path coder though, whatever gets the job done fastest no matter how maintainable, clean, fastest running it is
01:46.29 Maloeran I'm surprised Bob couldn't manage to come on IRC
01:46.47 brlcad he just didn't try really hard.. and might have had firewall issues
01:46.48 Maloeran Yes, I saw some of his Fastgen code, it isn't that bad
01:47.20 brlcad Maloeran: heh, he wrote most of the gui code in mged .. still think that? :)
01:47.30 Maloeran Ouch! :)
01:47.32 brlcad that said, he also wrote archer which is worlds cleaner/improved ;)
01:47.53 brlcad he was using tcl before it was really stabilized
01:48.17 brlcad plus he's colorblind (so lets make him a gui coder! woot)
01:48.17 Maloeran I think I just have a high esteem for Bob as Mark told me he also first submitted progress reports and invoices as a .txt file, as I initially did
01:48.43 brlcad he's a very simple down to earth guy
01:49.05 brlcad really easy going, makes awesome guitars
01:49.06 ``Erik bob's colorblind, too?
01:49.16 louipc deltazap: nice, I'd really like to do stuff like that
01:49.18 brlcad yeah, ironic, no?
01:49.37 louipc solid body guitars?
01:49.41 ``Erik akoostics
01:49.48 deltazap louipc: this job was just kinda dropped into my lap
01:49.52 brlcad i almost bought one off him before he left, but then I was burning cash on other toys at the time
01:49.52 *** join/#brlcad digitalfredy (n=digitalf@
01:50.33 *** part/#brlcad digitalfredy (n=digitalf@
01:50.36 louipc neato
01:50.39 deltazap louipc: problem is that is a bunch of CS PhD students and noone wanted to work with the hardware when it broke. makes it hard to show off their systems :P
01:50.46 brlcad you so wouldn't think he makes classic guitars, with his military background, potty mouth, and laid back coder attitude
01:50.59 Maloeran He's apparently much into fishing too
01:51.02 deltazap *its
01:51.09 louipc deltazap: yeah definitely. software isn't everything :/
01:51.29 brlcad it isn't??
01:51.35 deltazap hah
01:51.42 brlcad Maloeran: and guns
01:51.51 brlcad shooting with him is fun, if you get the chance
01:51.56 deltazap that and they don't have anyone to design and build custom hardware
01:51.57 brlcad pretty experienced
01:52.07 brlcad assuming you're not gunphobic or something
01:52.12 Maloeran I think I'll pass that :), not my kind of activity
01:52.35 Maloeran I think I'm not very fond of these particular... tools, never saw a gun though
01:52.51 Maloeran ( They are fairly rare in Canada )
01:52.54 brlcad if you hung around him long enough, you probably would be enticed.. it's hard not to be ;)
01:52.56 louipc yea
01:53.34 brlcad not hunting, target practice shooting clay pigeons .. though bob hunts too iirc
01:53.51 louipc I went to a flea market in georgia and I was pretty freaked out by all the weapons
01:54.07 Maloeran I'll settle for bicycle rides with Lee instead ;)
01:54.20 brlcad Maloeran: i'm not sure it's a "rare in Canada" as it is a "rare in and around cities"
01:54.44 brlcad it's not like I could easily go shooting down in baltimore (at least outdoors), without getting shot at
01:54.50 ``Erik heh, reading on laws and stuff, it's actually easier to buy a gun in canada than in the US
01:55.11 ``Erik less wait period, less background check... but they're all hunting grade weapons, not "self defense" weapons
01:55.18 louipc should be even easier soon too
01:56.11 brlcad yeah, i'm referring more to the shotgun and rifle sort, not a handgun or uzi .. though those can be fun too I hear :)
01:56.35 ``Erik of course, the biggest news item gun crimes in the us are with hunting rifles... the wv sniper, etc
01:57.42 brlcad deltazap: hmm.. I notice that ARL is one of your groups funding sponsors..
01:57.52 deltazap yes :)
01:58.06 brlcad that's probably a great lead towards securing a job ;)
01:58.25 brlcad do you know what part of ARL?
01:58.50 brlcad that sounds like the sort of stuff Twingy is working on now
01:59.10 deltazap hang on, i have a card from one of the guys that came a week ago to look at everything
01:59.35 deltazap weapons technology analysis branch
02:00.58 deltazap when he came, i basically got a job offer. i've only been with the group for three weeks :P
02:02.38 brlcad yeah, there are positions open all over the lab, a hard need for bodies and talent
02:03.17 Maloeran They aren't too fond of canadians apparently, though
02:04.33 louipc :P
02:04.33 brlcad hmm.. that branch is probably part of WTD
02:04.34 ``Erik does it have an office symbol?
02:04.34 brlcad pearson and company
02:04.34 ``Erik like AMSRD-ARL-WM-WB ?
02:04.42 deltazap ``Erik: amsrd-arl-wm-bf
02:04.47 brlcad eep
02:04.50 ``Erik hah, it IS wm, bitch!
02:04.53 brlcad heh
02:05.17 ``Erik <-- in AMSRD-ARL-SL-BS
02:05.24 ``Erik yes, you read that right. BS.
02:05.26 ``Erik :(
02:05.37 brlcad better that BF
02:05.43 ``Erik best friends?
02:05.43 ``Erik :D
02:05.45 brlcad s/that/than/
02:05.51 deltazap lol
02:05.58 ``Erik that's what you meant, right, you pillowbiter?
02:06.03 ``Erik O:-)
02:06.08 brlcad uh huh
02:06.30 louipc !
02:06.51 brlcad oh yeah.. and libapr somehow got updated again
02:07.07 brlcad but I was able to trace down the crashes to mod_security and mod_rewrite
02:07.09 ``Erik this is the part of the day where you eat some food, have a nice relaxing adult beverage and prepare to watch southpark, buddy
02:07.14 brlcad so I'm upgrading everything now
02:07.24 ``Erik onyour machine in belize?
02:07.28 brlcad yeah
02:08.16 ``Erik unfortunate that we don't have friendly boots on the ground in that region.
02:08.24 deltazap i'm not sure what most of the acronyms mean :P
02:08.27 louipc hah I've never heard the term 'adult beverage' before
02:08.43 brlcad my schedule is almost exactly 6 hours off right now, 9pm feels like 3pm, which means break time .. and a second burst of energy in about two hours until about 5am
02:09.29 Maloeran Sounds great brlcad, I thought one had to be a consultant working remotely to do that
02:09.31 ``Erik got insane amounts of stuff done in that period of my life, too
02:09.33 brlcad i've tried syncing back 6 hours three times now, but can't hold it for more than a day
02:09.56 brlcad Maloeran: seniority ;)
02:10.28 ``Erik heh, d'no if it's seniority as much as contractor insulation combined with a perception of being irreplacable :)
02:10.47 brlcad but it's good stuff (most of the time), great toys, great code and potential for ideas if you know how to work it
02:11.00 Maloeran Eheh. From what I see, brlcad is indeed irreplacable, no one knows the software nearly as well
02:11.28 ``Erik I d'no, there may be a couple that do, but they're married to other projects O.o
02:11.31 ``Erik :D
02:11.39 ``Erik (don't inflate the boys ego, mal)
02:11.41 ``Erik :>
02:11.43 brlcad nah, not even lee at this point
02:11.53 brlcad and he has years on everyone
02:11.59 ``Erik um, lee wasn't on my list
02:12.02 ``Erik jra is, though
02:12.03 ``Erik :)
02:12.05 brlcad interesting
02:12.12 brlcad jra is close
02:12.25 brlcad from the whole project perspective though, he has lots of gaps
02:12.38 brlcad he knows more detail in the areas he worked on though, that's for sure
02:12.46 ``Erik lee is typically grossly outdated in his knowledge base :/
02:12.56 ``Erik he's been doing the pointy hair routine too long
02:13.06 brlcad depends where in the code and the topic
02:14.52 ``Erik <-- ammended the tactical plan's verse on documentation to hopefully help in that regard
02:14.53 ``Erik *shrug*
02:14.58 brlcad jra is up there followed by lee then maybe bob then maybe you or chris
02:15.17 ``Erik the two in my head were john and bob
02:15.34 brlcad lee knows more than you give him credit for, there's a lot of scope
02:15.36 ``Erik chris... our one competent friend in the "primary" customer software maintenance team?
02:15.40 brlcad just lacking detail
02:15.45 ``Erik lee has good breadth
02:16.01 brlcad that's what i'm primarily referring to -- breadth of knowledge
02:16.04 ``Erik but when you get into details on BRL-CAD, he vocalizes the state as of '98 or so
02:16.21 ``Erik which is current on some parts
02:16.24 ``Erik not on others...
02:16.53 brlcad and no -- chris johnson
02:17.07 brlcad you haven't met i believe
02:17.12 ``Erik hm, sounds familiar, but I cannot place
02:17.14 brlcad aside from in here
02:17.14 ``Erik he, uh
02:17.21 ``Erik I've talked to him here, yes, cjohnson
02:17.38 ``Erik a couple times... enough for me to go "ah ha, NOT a newbie linux weenie"
02:17.54 brlcad pjt actually has a fair bit of breadth too, but undoubtedly all forgotten or entirely obsolete at this point
02:18.21 ``Erik I suspect any technical fu pjt had 3 years ago has gone the way of the crapper
02:18.35 ``Erik he keeps a bookcase of cs books as an opaque shrine. :(
02:19.08 Maloeran Ahaha
02:19.11 ``Erik last time I was in his new office, he seemed genuinely upset about that fact
02:19.21 ``Erik but open about it
02:19.24 ``Erik *shrug*
02:21.30 brlcad lee curiously knows very little about the build system.. was similar in the cake days too
02:21.53 ``Erik *shrug* I wouldn't expect him to, it changed in the last 5 years
02:21.55 Maloeran I wouldn't blame it for that, I'm terribly uninspired to learn this stuff too
02:22.02 ``Erik heh
02:22.05 Maloeran blame him*
02:22.07 ``Erik did you check out rtcmp, mal?
02:22.22 Maloeran Ah no, I didn't
02:22.24 deltazap how hard is it to set up the rendering system for multiple machines?
02:22.40 ``Erik the automake usage there is much different than BRL-CAD
02:23.07 ``Erik given how you lay out the directories and locations of the files, you might like how I did rtcmp a lot more than how rayfarce currently is
02:23.28 brlcad how was that? non-recursive?
02:23.40 ``Erik <PROTECTED>
02:23.43 ``Erik yeah, toplevel build
02:23.53 ``Erik reduced presense
02:24.19 ``Erik minimalistic, even :) while retaining solid portability
02:24.32 ``Erik (though most of it is by leveraging BRL-CAD's portability...)
02:25.10 brlcad i'm curious how fast the compile would be without recursive on brl-cad, but hell if I am interested in 1) breaking something that works, 2) editing 535 files, and 3) giving the gnu folks satisfaction on their rediculous ranting
02:25.13 ``Erik bear in mind, the code is crude as it's early dev
02:25.59 ``Erik I have 3 subdirs total, with the subdirs being linked into the toplevel binary... it was a no-brainer to go with non-recursive
02:26.26 ``Erik now PARTS of BRL-CAD might benefit from non-recursive... but most of it is best recursive
02:26.39 ``Erik like ADRT might benefit, since it often has 2 or 3 .c files in a subdir
02:27.13 ``Erik and the data dirs might
02:28.39 brlcad you can still have the makefiles deep with recursive
02:28.57 brlcad and just have #include's on the top level
02:37.14 ``Erik -m 'only linux is broken' :D
02:38.25 Maloeran Is their commit email notification thing broken?
02:38.48 ``Erik eys
02:38.49 ``Erik yes
02:38.57 ``Erik I got an error from this mac, as well
02:39.09 ``Erik and its' ruby, not python... I was in err earlier
02:39.24 ``Erik I emailed myself the error, I'll mail, uh, someone... tomorrow...
02:39.44 Maloeran I haven't received any cvs commit notification since the one at 5h42 this morning
02:42.11 ``Erik perhaps there's a muckup with my account, or with using a mac to commit *shrug*
02:42.17 Maloeran What exactly did you change? I'm not even sure it's commiting
02:42.24 ``Erik it committed
02:42.46 ``Erik RF/config.h
02:43.02 Maloeran Right, okay
02:43.18 ``Erik I put #ifdef __linux__ around RF_I386_STACK_ALIGNMENT_HACK
02:44.08 Maloeran The problem is glibc specific. Isn't glibc used on other platforms too?
02:44.15 ``Erik not to my knowledge
02:44.48 ``Erik none of the BSD family and no UNIX uses glibc
02:44.55 ``Erik um, HURD/HIRD might
02:44.56 ``Erik but, uh
02:44.58 ``Erik no one uses that
02:44.59 ``Erik :D
02:45.40 Maloeran I think you can run some patched glibc on various BSD
02:45.57 ``Erik well, yeah, there're ports to install a tweaked glibc
02:46.00 ``Erik but its' not natural
02:46.23 ``Erik <-- needs to install dragonfly and netbsd to get total coverage :/
02:46.58 Maloeran I probably broke again whatever platforms doesn't have stdint.h, but that's a standard C99 header, and I require C99 to compile
02:48.03 ``Erik stdint showed up in the bsd family a long time ago
02:48.39 Maloeran You once added some switch to check for the existence of stdint.h, so I assume it wasn't present on some of your test platforms
02:48.47 ``Erik ands ince you're c99, you exclude pretty much all the real UNIX platforms
02:49.53 ``Erik heh, too bad I don't have aix and hpux boxen
02:51.04 Maloeran The SOW said the code is to be written in C99, I'm not too concerned if some archaic Unix platforms still live in 1989. Is it really of any importance to you guys?
02:51.30 ``Erik so when're you cutting that mega-box up for different platforms, mal?
02:51.31 ``Erik um
02:51.48 ``Erik unfortunately, most of our "primary use" machines ARE that archaic.
02:51.59 Maloeran Ouch, I see
02:52.09 ``Erik running, y'know, irix 6.5 and one running solaris 8
02:52.26 ``Erik when I get my solaris 10 cd's, I might 'donate' an upgrade
02:52.41 ``Erik to both the e420 and an x86
02:53.01 ``Erik I mostly care about fbsd, obsd and osX these days
02:53.07 ``Erik a tiny little bit about windows and linux
02:53.23 ``Erik irix and solaris are nice, but mostly historical....
02:53.51 ``Erik but that's my personal profile, it doesnt' align with the common user
02:53.51 ``Erik :D
02:54.33 ``Erik <-- will keep doing what he can to keep you portable to the platforms that matter...
02:54.44 ``Erik performance wise, though, a broad install base may be a big eye opener
02:54.47 Maloeran I don't see how you can give more importance to BSD than Linux for some real software
02:55.30 ``Erik hm, linux is a limelight baby, bsd is a workhorse in teh shadows
02:55.35 Maloeran I know you are personally more fond of BSD, but I don't think that reflects what should be the real priorities...
02:55.43 ``Erik yahoo, for example... is mostly a fbsd cluster.
02:55.56 ``Erik yahoo stores used to be lisp, heh
02:55.59 ``Erik :)
02:56.07 Maloeran Some clusters actually run fbsd? I thought it was all Linux, from what I saw
02:56.22 ``Erik my baddest "real" machine for my customers is a fbsd cluster
02:56.24 ``Erik uh
02:56.30 ``Erik linux has marketting, dude
02:56.32 ``Erik fbsd don't
02:56.56 ``Erik in setting up clusters, linux was totally non-functional after a week of effort
02:57.06 ``Erik fbsd is so mature and just THERE, I have it all done in 2 hours
02:57.16 ``Erik and I'm not totally linux stupid, last I checked :)
02:57.47 Maloeran :) Surprising...
02:57.54 ``Erik from talking to both fbsd and linux people, linux is a bunch of 'kids' who are very vocal... lots of /. stuff
02:58.07 ``Erik fbsd users tend to be old professional types who "mkae it work" without fuss
02:58.14 ``Erik back in teh day was a fbsd machine
02:58.39 brlcad before they sold out
02:58.45 ``Erik heh
02:58.48 ``Erik TEH DAY!!!
02:59.05 Maloeran Well, the MSRC clusters of you guys at the ARL all run Linux
02:59.06 justin__
02:59.20 Maloeran Which I think would be an important point to care about Linux a bit
02:59.25 ``Erik no, most MSRC clusters are not linux, a couple BIGGIES are linux
02:59.49 ``Erik I think aix is better represented
03:00.25 ``Erik but bear in mind, MSRC is not about ultimate performance or maintainability, there's a lot of beaurocracy.... a lot of weight is put towards sanctioned finger pointing
03:00.33 ``Erik which is what sgi/altix and redhat enterprise buy you
03:01.12 ``Erik they aint' runnin' gentoo, dude
03:02.19 Maloeran Eh well, all right then. I'll be one of these vocal Linux kids :)
03:02.46 ``Erik if you had serious experience in a non-linux *nix, I think you'd change your tune
03:02.47 ``Erik I did
03:03.04 ``Erik twingy did once he was seriously exposed to fbsd
03:03.35 ``Erik linux is a dandy little toy os, a good stepping stone... :D
03:03.36 ``Erik *cough*
03:05.59 Maloeran Tsk :), there's so little potential and theorical gain from learning fbsd, and I'll need years to be on par with my Linux
03:16.07 Twingy you would think that with glDisable (GL_DEPTH_TEST); that each successive call to drawing an object would draw on top of anything previously existing
03:16.41 ``Erik *blink* one would think
03:17.26 Twingy given I am seeing random behavior in fbsd and winderz (both are different) I don't know what to believe
03:17.37 Twingy both are wrong
03:23.43 Twingy weird, now it works
03:24.06 Twingy display lists + depth buffer toggles do bad things
03:40.38 louipc gentoo is a maintenance nightmare if you ask me
03:41.24 louipc yeah I have to try fbsd
04:00.33 Maloeran I found Gentoo is fine as long as you install and update what you need, and never ever try emerge world
04:03.06 louipc Archlinux is kind of like fbsd in that respect
04:09.00 Twingy numaPICOS
04:09.54 Maloeran Erik, give to fbsd better NUMA support than Linux and its libNUMA, and I'll move over :)
04:44.40 *** join/#brlcad IriX64 (
05:03.15 deltazap Maloeran: if you do emerge world, make sure you have a nice distcc system set up :P
05:04.15 brlcad or just really nice hardware ;)
05:06.48 deltazap if distcc worked well with darwinports on osx, then i'd be really happy using my powermac to help compile things
05:08.34 louipc deltazap: Maloeran has a pretty sweet machine I don't think he needs to worry about that
05:09.14 brlcad ``Erik: got all the web services upgraded now
05:13.30 brlcad ``Erik: since I actually looked at gdb instead of just doing the fix, there are multiple crash points or at least places where mod_security, mod_rewrite, and libphp could independently (i.e. with the other two disabled) crash httpd due to various issues
05:13.57 brlcad one crashed inside a log attempt, another while lookup up httpd's running username, another while talking back through apr
05:15.53 brlcad the fix is pretty simple, have to get php and apache to both (forcibly) have -pthread added to the CFLAGS -- for php this amounts to building, cd into work, reconfigure with CFLAGS=-pthread, cd out, and reinstall .. for apache2, it's a matter of editing the ports Makefile and appending -pthread to the CFLAGS
05:16.05 brlcad once that was done, everything was a happy donkey
07:02.05 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
08:05.45 Maloeran Woah... This new release of Firefox guesses what I'm typing in its integrated google search before I'm done
08:06.11 Maloeran I type the first two words of a book title, and it fills up the rest o.O
08:11.38 Maloeran Erik, SURVICE's email troubles don't seem limited to cvs commits. Sending an email to Mark failed with "TCP active open: Failed connect() Error: Connection refused" for the last 14 hours
08:17.44 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
10:19.23 *** join/#brlcad ``Erik (
13:37.13 ``Erik stupid intarweb
13:37.37 ``Erik brlcad: might be worth tweaking /etc/make.conf to always include -pthread in the CFLAGS
14:16.44 Maloeran Erik, any objection to the use of non-public SDL function calls? The only way to get efficient N buffering
14:17.13 Maloeran Looking at the source, it should be portable, though perhaps could break with future SDL versions
14:24.26 Maloeran Darn, the functions required are declared static, no symbols
14:26.28 ``Erik the part that matters is the raytrace engine, not the demo app... right?
14:27.24 Maloeran And you guys are going to use the raytracing engine to shoot one ray at a time without using 10% of the engine's features *sigh*
14:29.20 ``Erik at first
14:29.23 ``Erik for one of the apps
14:29.27 ``Erik the "selling" app
14:29.38 ``Erik but things like CCI will not be designed so r-tarded
14:31.09 ``Erik stringing it into isst will be much more optimal than "the selling app" :/
14:31.28 Maloeran Ah, what are CCI/ISST?
14:31.58 Maloeran The video recording performs N buffering so it scales well with threads and distributed processing, but the SDL visualization clearly doesn't ( block and wait every frame )
14:32.18 ``Erik other projects... :) ISST is interactive, CCI is more of a very specialized large scale global illumination concept (not started yet)
14:32.39 Maloeran Neat
14:33.06 ``Erik isst is in the BRL-CAD cvs repo as src/adrt/isst
14:33.27 Maloeran Further development of Rayforce is likely to become closed-source though, as the ARL stops support and Survice wants to lead
14:34.47 Maloeran which I think is rather unfortunate, ah well...
14:35.21 ``Erik *shrug* the core of it will go lgpl, right?
14:35.39 ``Erik as long as whatever builds on it adheres to the license, who cares?
14:36.32 Maloeran As copyright holder, I can pick any license for future developments, and Survice clearly prefers closed source
14:37.42 Maloeran Hum, and they advocate patents too
14:40.27 Maloeran Anyhow, I just thought you guys should know that future improvements ( such as the long list of postponed optimisations ) will most likely not be LGPL
14:40.54 Maloeran Unless Wendy changes her mind within a month somehow :)
15:27.38 Maloeran Getting a pointer within the current_video struct through SDL_GetVideoInfo(), then from that pointer scanning memory around for the ->shadow surface pointer, and then modifying that pointer, works. It's also the ugliest hack I have done in a while :), I don't think I'm going to keep that
16:06.57 *** join/#brlcad Elperion (n=Elperion@
16:14.08 CIA-7 BRL-CAD: 03jlowenz * 10brlcad/include/ (vector_x86.h vector_fpu.h vector.h): more progress on dvec class: constructors, equality and addition.
16:15.09 CIA-7 BRL-CAD: 03jlowenz * 10brlcad/src/librt/brep_test.cpp: add simple test for dvec<8> correctness
16:23.41 *** join/#brlcad cad55 (
17:45.43 CIA-7 BRL-CAD: 03jlowenz * 10brlcad/include/ (vector_x86.h vector_fpu.h vector.h): "finish" implementing dvec. added operator for debugging.
17:47.46 CIA-7 BRL-CAD: 03jlowenz * 10brlcad/src/librt/brep_test.cpp: finish testing methods of dvec<>. add simple performance test for dvec<>.
17:57.59 *** join/#brlcad IriX64 (
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18:40.53 ``Erik mal: we'll throw so much horky geometry at it that sdl blit speeds will be irrelevant :)
18:43.10 Maloeran Good good :), you'll have to be far in the millions
18:45.39 Maloeran Heard anything abou SURVICE's dead email daemon? Where's the cron job to start it back?
18:45.43 Maloeran about*
18:47.19 Maloeran Don't try sending them emails, it bounces back
19:32.45 ``Erik <-- knows nothing of their internal operations.
19:35.48 Maloeran Distributed processing with frame buffering sure saturates my 100mbit fast, I need a better router or switch. It works nicely though
19:36.35 Maloeran Any thoughts on a fast and loseless compression library that would be appropriate for these chunks of pixels?
19:36.43 CIA-7 BRL-CAD: 03erikgreenwald * 10brlcad/src/tclscripts/mged/help.tcl: wdb_smooth_bot doesn't seem to have a help entry, which causes all hlep to fail. commenting it out for now...
19:36.50 ``Erik loseless? hrm, no :/
19:39.45 Maloeran A whole lot of papers on google on fast lossless image compression
19:40.04 ``Erik hmmmm
19:40.15 ``Erik lets see, the base model I want to try is 7.2 million triangles
19:40.34 ``Erik if that's not enough, I can put a hundred or a thousand of them in a scene
19:42.42 Maloeran Neat, should be a bit slower than the 2 million triangles galleon, depends on space complexity
19:43.27 ``Erik very compact and dense
19:43.59 ``Erik with some larger 'shelling' triangles on the outside, I believe
19:44.21 ``Erik 7214956 triangles
19:44.44 Maloeran *nods* The galleon is a difficult for space partitionning techniques with these ropes and sails everywhere
20:47.14 IriX64 brlcad: has this occurred anywhere else? syntax error in config using automake 1.9.6? starting from autogen, i isolated it down to aclocal, dropped back to 1.8.5 and all is well.
20:49.18 IriX64 btw this one installs right ;)
20:50.44 IriX64 btw i'm quite willing to test any issues you're having if you need a test bed.
20:57.13 IriX64
20:57.19 IriX64 that setup succeds.
21:23.34 IriX64 hey where's louipc?
21:34.29 *** join/#brlcad docelic (n=docelic@
21:42.21 ``Erik mal, how do I convert something to rtgg?
21:43.19 Maloeran Err... Right, give me a moment on that one
21:43.35 Maloeran I converted the old rtml files but forgot to write a g->rtgg
21:43.56 ``Erik :) g-tri.c doens't do anything
21:44.12 Maloeran That's Lee's example I think
21:44.20 ``Erik yeah
21:44.24 Maloeran Hum... Perhaps I even forgot to commit the rtml converter
21:44.32 ``Erik I don't think you ever committed anything like that
22:13.28 *** join/#brlcad louipc (
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22:34.25 CIA-7 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/tclscripts/mged/help.tcl: how about fixing the problem instead, should be wdb_bot_smooth
22:43.53 CIA-7 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/include/bu.h: s/srtdup/strdup/ typo
22:59.17 louipc :O I thought archer wasn't announced. It's mentioned in wikipedia hah
23:14.01 ``Erik hehehe, my quick greps didn't show a plausible candidate, guess I just grepped wrong :)
23:17.05 brlcad that command used to be called smooth_bot
23:17.23 brlcad then was later renamed to bot_smooth to be more consistent with the other bot_* commands
23:18.07 ``Erik I vagually remember hearing that before
23:18.29 brlcad mike actually fixed the few remaining, but apparently missed the help one
23:18.30 ``Erik <-- was trying to learn facetize, 'help' was puking in mged, pulled a bob to make it work *shrug* :)
23:18.42 brlcad yep
23:18.45 brlcad shame on you :)
23:18.59 ``Erik heh, I only know a tiny fraction of the stuff in the package
23:19.00 brlcad pulling a bob is never a good thing :)
23:19.11 ``Erik and broad greps weren't helping me...
23:19.33 ``Erik grep isn't exactly a context free language
23:19.36 brlcad that whole triple table foo for help is a bit funky in itself
23:20.02 ``Erik <-- grepped a couple choice subsymbols through the whole tree before commenting it out... and just commented it, didn't delete it...
23:20.29 ``Erik I knew I was punting, so I left breadcrumbs :) I try not to BREAK things
23:43.21 *** join/#brlcad IriX64 (

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