irclog2html for #brlcad on 20070303

00:02.36 IriX64
00:05.02 ``Erik actually, bu_free is a tiny bit more complicated, dude
00:05.19 IriX64 only looked at the first part :)
00:05.48 ``Erik src/libbu/malloc.c:357
00:06.01 IriX64 ty just a sec.
00:06.11 brlcad IriX64: you did pinpoint the error.. a couple lines off, but I see the problem
00:06.26 IriX64 glad to help.
00:09.01 ``Erik swank
00:09.23 IriX64 a full blown memory manager ``Erik nice lot of work there.
00:10.24 ``Erik heh, I surspect the person to blame is in a better place these days.
00:10.49 IriX64 heh the hand having coded moves on eh ? :)
00:12.16 IriX64 sometimes returning a null can come in handy :)
00:12.22 ``Erik happens to the best
00:12.50 ``Erik unfortunately, I never met the man :) the lore has raised him to godlike status where I work
00:13.28 IriX64 lore tends to generate legends.
00:13.43 IriX64 whether they like it or not :)
00:14.28 ``Erik so have you started pulling top level elements from files to try the conversion circuit?
00:14.38 CIA-7 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/librt/g_dsp.c:
00:14.38 CIA-7 BRL-CAD: fix a bug, or at least really bad behavior, where calling up the wireframe of a
00:14.38 CIA-7 BRL-CAD: dsp that failed to load any data would cause the app (mged) to abort. the abort
00:14.38 CIA-7 BRL-CAD: was due to a BU_CK_MAPPED_FILE that was occurring before an already existing
00:14.38 CIA-7 BRL-CAD: check for whether the data was valid. reordered correctly, and updated the
00:14.40 CIA-7 BRL-CAD: error message to say what wasn't found so the user might have an idea of what to
00:14.42 CIA-7 BRL-CAD: look for.
00:15.12 ``Erik <-- points to src/conv/Formats.csv as the map on might be able to do (lossy) round-trip
00:15.12 IriX64 man, i still have to work out a plan of attack for that.
00:15.32 IriX64 won't promise anything.
00:16.13 ``Erik well, if you start digging and run into a problem, submitting a bug report via the sourceforge interface would be hugely helpful to us poor code monkeys
00:16.21 brlcad ``Erik: the lore surrounded him even before he was gone
00:16.24 IriX64 sure.
00:17.08 ``Erik heh, perhaps because he was one of the very few tech types who told mgmt types to go fornicate themselves and survived? :D *duck*
00:17.25 brlcad not really, he didn't have anything like that sort of personality
00:17.52 brlcad he just did his own thing, that was usually something breakthrough or insightful and rarely questionable
00:18.09 ``Erik and as far as I can tell, the real instance was that he was told to do something and said "no"
00:18.16 IriX64 and he obviously did not produce null code (duck)
00:18.16 brlcad his personality was exceptionally charismatic
00:18.24 ``Erik and the thing he was probably told to do was probably excessively moronic
00:18.48 ``Erik like, say, a technical person attending a briefing on the fy07 program build
00:18.49 ``Erik *cough*
00:18.50 brlcad well, yeah, he could do that as well, he more than earned it
00:19.36 ``Erik wendy chewed me out for skipping starks briefing today, told me I have to attend the 'makeup' session... so I put an OMP71 in her box for that entire week off as accrued leave.
00:19.40 ``Erik monday might be interesting
00:20.48 ``Erik (that week is actually to accomodate a friend who wants to visit, it just happens to concide with the briefing)
00:21.03 ``Erik fucking retarded fucking bullshit
00:24.28 brlcad that you apparently care about and let get to you and fume, bitch, and moan instead of dealing with in more productive ways
00:24.55 ``Erik heh
00:25.32 ``Erik I think I've done everything I can short of finding new employment
00:25.39 brlcad seriously, you either brush it off and ignore/deal with it, or you do something else (whether it's actively discussing, or going above, or going elsewhere)
00:26.29 brlcad as it is, you're somewhere half-way in between half ignoring but with a lot of behind the scenes bitching and moaning
00:26.45 brlcad if you're really that unhappy, tell them, and tell them again, and again
00:27.13 ``Erik heh
00:27.17 ``Erik I've been to bobs office a few times
00:27.20 ``Erik and pauls a couple
00:27.26 ``Erik I'm not bitching behind the scenes, dude :D
00:27.32 brlcad yeah you do
00:27.36 brlcad most of the building does
00:28.02 brlcad only a couple people have actually confronted her on topics when they grate
00:29.32 brlcad I dunno, I'm not nearly as insulated from that sort of stuff as you might think, but I also just don't care so I ignore it or confront when it does impact me
00:30.07 brlcad I arrive for two specific reasons, and those two reasons alone
00:30.18 brlcad BRL-CAD and to work with Mike
00:30.45 brlcad can't do the latter, obviously
00:34.20 brlcad you gotta know what you want and stick to it, and for that want to actually be something beneficial .. and stay focused on that -- when you do, the rest just doesn't matter no matter how required things get
00:35.14 brlcad anyways, that's all just my thoughts on life in general .. gotta be passionate and happy, else what's the point?
00:35.50 brlcad IriX64: and thanks again.. that actually was rather helpful for once ;-)
00:38.09 CIA-7 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/NEWS: prevent mged shutdown on DSP objects with no data, thanks to IriX64 for pinpointing the general locality of code that was causing the shutdown.
00:42.49 brlcad tis a noble and good goal, a bit vague/abstract, but something
00:45.11 brlcad but it also doesn't quantify exactly what you want to be doing..
00:46.03 brlcad it's saying what you want the impact of whatever you do to be .. which a lot of people won't jive with or understand or care
00:46.21 brlcad but putting it in terms of what you actually want to do, makes a big difference
00:47.13 ``Erik <-- heavy in the classic thought in CS... looks back to the 60's and 70's and can't understand what the flying fuck happened
00:47.14 brlcad I want to have brl-cad be the best open source solid modeling system, handling 2d and 3d, and with dozens of devs and massive community activity
00:47.35 ``Erik working on brl-cad is an awfully nice angle and provides the framework to address serious problems
00:47.37 brlcad but from a "doing" perspective, I simply want to work on the code, make improvements, etc
00:47.48 brlcad sure
00:48.04 brlcad this particular project can be spun to so many angles and interests.. :)
00:48.08 ``Erik being chewed out for working on brl-cad instead of attending a useless meeting is... yet one more burr to frustrate and anger.
00:49.03 brlcad that's where I think you're letting a distraction get to ya .. and understandably, but you have grounds to just not care if you keep the focus
00:49.36 ``Erik I'm already biased in a degree... last time I let her go unchecked, I spent 60% of my work life in meetings.
00:50.04 ``Erik so when she pushes the meeting thing AT ALL, i'm immediately in an extreme defensive posture
00:51.06 ``Erik (unfortunately, I think the lead pipe I beat her with to get out of the 60% meeting time issue was the catalyst for the TSP report)
00:51.19 ``Erik TPS report
00:51.22 ``Erik rather
00:51.41 brlcad see, my angle on that would have just been "look, i'm here to work on brl-cad -- that is my job and interest, listening to starks doesn't help me do my job any better so I didn't attend -- I have to manage my time effectively or I'd be in meetings all day every day."
00:52.02 brlcad and if that position can't be defended on the technical reasons alone, then maybe they do have a point
00:52.03 ``Erik yeah, uh... didn't work for me.
00:52.25 ``Erik but I didn't push it too awfully far *shrug*
00:54.15 brlcad well, was it an actual mandated requirement?
00:54.20 ``Erik I'd imagine she has a delusion that all gov't employees want to be a bc some day
00:54.27 brlcad if it was, then there's higher ups that you should complain to
00:54.28 ``Erik no, it was noted that it was happening via email
00:54.36 ``Erik that was it
00:54.52 ``Erik nothing said it was mandatory, or even expected... just that if you were interested, it was happening
00:55.05 ``Erik the NEXT one is mandatory to gov't employees now, via her decree
00:55.30 brlcad so it's not mandatory, you can safely stick to your morals/passion/whatever and manage your time how you see appropriate
00:55.59 brlcad that just makes you subversive
00:56.02 ``Erik if she denies it cuz I'd miss that meeting, I might talk to bob
00:56.05 ``Erik well
00:56.17 ``Erik the opm71 is because a friend is going to be in the area that week
00:56.19 ``Erik from missouri
00:56.28 ``Erik so, y'know, I wanna hang with her, not go to work
00:56.35 brlcad yeah yeah, it's also an excuse and you know it else it would be irrelevant :)
00:57.01 ``Erik heh, actually, I'd already submitted and put it on my calendar, then I found out she was going to try to come out...
00:57.13 brlcad if you professionally don't think it's worth your time, then you should say it
00:57.30 brlcad and stick to it on those grounds, regardless of whatever other reasons you might have for also not going
01:13.06 ``Erik heh, and if I get shitcanned for that, are you gonna loan me a few grand to get back on my feet? :D
01:24.34 ``Erik I drive super slow.. in the ultrafast lane... ! D
01:24.39 ``Erik fun song
01:25.16 Twingy I think I'm gonna repair the demon plane
01:25.21 Twingy just needs a new nose
01:25.38 ``Erik ...
01:25.48 ``Erik and some anti-finger equipment.
01:25.52 Twingy heh
01:25.55 Twingy I'll mount the engine upright
01:25.59 Twingy forget the cowling
01:26.08 Twingy that plane wasn't designed for an OS46 upside down
01:26.11 ``Erik I doubt the inversion was the issue
01:26.14 Twingy I don't care what they say
01:26.19 Twingy dude
01:26.25 Twingy the thing was leaking fuel like an SR71
01:26.31 ``Erik <PROTECTED>
01:26.41 Twingy oh yours, sure
01:26.56 ``Erik yeah, it spit gas like a mofo even when in a happy place
01:26.57 Twingy but when you see the fuel dripping on the ground you got problems
01:26.59 ``Erik heh
01:27.14 Twingy so it was either cut your finger off or go up in flames
01:27.28 ``Erik flame injurs slow
01:27.32 Twingy that's why I love that plane
01:27.35 Twingy I dunno
01:27.37 Twingy nitromethane
01:27.40 Twingy a little like napalm
01:27.54 ``Erik fast propogation, but reasonably low burn temperature
01:27.57 Twingy you get that crap on you and it's like you gotta scrape it off
01:28.01 Twingy yea, low temp
01:28.16 Twingy just HIGHLY toxic fuems
01:28.20 ``Erik yeah, but hard suffocation is effective
01:28.28 ``Erik and in open air *shrug*
01:28.31 Twingy after you pass out you'll fall onto the propellar
01:28.41 ``Erik i doubt it's that fast
01:29.01 ``Erik human brains function an awfully long time without fresh exygen
01:29.04 ``Erik oxygen
01:29.10 Twingy Demon-II
01:29.36 Twingy I all I need is 2 servos
01:30.03 Twingy I bought one of the buddy cables so I can interface my r/c controller to a pic chip
01:30.10 ``Erik if it's stupid and over-reactive, y'know, I'll bear the burden. that's cool with me.
01:30.10 Twingy ...and train the occaisonal noob
01:30.40 ``Erik heh
01:30.49 ``Erik most newbs, the "passover" is good 'nuff
01:31.00 Twingy yep
01:31.25 Twingy cause I'm lazy I'll interface mine with a PIC cheap and pass serial data back out
01:31.54 Twingy hehe, I was stubborn and crashed my first plane and then knew how to fly
01:32.00 Twingy twice
01:32.30 ``Erik :D do you have software that can compenstate for trees on either side of the landing strip and figure out a cut in and glide path?
01:33.21 Twingy I stopped at hobby works in bel air today
01:33.29 Twingy they have a decent amount of stuff
01:33.41 Twingy I bet chuck would enjoy the trains
01:33.43 ``Erik <-- willing to be the 'newb' and learn from someone more knowlegeablae
01:33.45 ``Erik oh?
01:34.07 ``Erik a little google work exposed an electronics store walking distance from me
01:34.08 Twingy after you pay for shipping from tower
01:34.09 ``Erik like
01:34.14 Twingy that store is still about 5% more expensive
01:34.17 ``Erik walking distance fro ME
01:34.29 ``Erik which is hardly past the beer fridge
01:34.50 Twingy so you can grab a sam adams and 555 timer in one trip
01:35.03 ``Erik he
01:35.17 ``Erik the electronics store is closer than the nearest package store
01:35.33 Twingy after I get my rocket motor built and working I'll try to make an entire plane on my cnc mill
01:35.35 Twingy using gcam
01:36.02 ``Erik put a blade on to cut balsa?
01:36.20 Twingy 1/8" endmill at 10k rpm @ 15 ipm will cut like butter
01:36.32 Twingy single pass
01:36.46 ``Erik not gonna cut out die's to press? :D
01:36.55 Twingy I will probably do fiberglass instead of monokote though
01:37.04 Twingy they laser cut them at the factory
01:37.12 ``Erik if you intend to make more than a doze of a kit, making the blades to press might be worth it *shrug*
01:37.14 Twingy friend of mine build a 25W cnc laser cutter
01:37.19 Twingy then moved to canada
01:37.38 Twingy laser leaves a better finish
01:37.45 ``Erik I used to contemplate moving to canada.. but the news buzz lately isn't exactly appealing
01:38.07 Twingy he went there cause his wife needed surgery
01:38.11 ``Erik of course lasers are nice, but they might not bte 'right' for mass production
01:38.20 ``Erik <-- hopes he and his wife are doign well
01:38.26 Twingy all the hobby vendors use laser cnc now for balsa
01:38.40 ``Erik huh
01:38.54 Twingy scan through tower, they all say laser cut balsa
01:38.55 ``Erik I guess the die cut his all history now :/
01:39.04 Twingy yep
01:39.19 Twingy no need to make new dies with laser cnc
01:39.33 ``Erik heh
01:39.36 Twingy and it's not exactly like tower is selling 5,000 of every type of plane a day
01:39.42 Twingy they probly sell one or two planes a day
01:43.01 ``Erik of course, with a mill and a side cutter, no need for dies at all, just account for the material cut away as dust...
01:43.01 Twingy maybe 4 or 5 during summer
01:48.36 *** join/#brlcad ``Erik ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
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01:56.29 Twingy if they sprayed the entire wing with a fine mist of CA before coating that thing would be 3x stronger
02:03.48 Twingy Total Saved: $66.90 Net Savings: $-6133.1 Total kWh: 367 Oil Barrels: 0.74 Coal Tonnage: 0.18 Twinkies: 1584
02:07.19 brlcad almost a whole barrel, nifty
02:07.42 brlcad do you fluctuate your average against the actual price of crude oil for the day?
02:07.51 brlcad that would be sweet
02:08.06 Twingy the conversion is joules of energy, not price
02:08.17 brlcad ah
02:08.35 Twingy so it should be relatively close
02:08.51 Twingy as in slightly higher
02:09.01 brlcad quite a bit higher by the time you get to 100%
02:09.13 brlcad barrels peaked a high at $70
02:09.20 brlcad they're at something like 44 now
02:09.29 Twingy by this 1 barrel will cost like $90 and a barrel right now costs $70 something I think
02:09.35 Twingy k
02:09.53 Twingy gotta factor in bge's distribution charges and fixed rates
02:10.12 brlcad and lobbying interests, ceo fees, etc
02:10.14 Twingy costs them like 1.25 barrels in energy for every 1 barrel they deliver due to losses
02:10.37 brlcad yeah.. "losses"
02:10.52 Twingy even at 700kV over transmission lines there is still considerable loss
02:11.01 Twingy especially once it hits the 480V ground transformers
02:11.12 Twingy ah
02:12.17 Twingy I have a bunch of good ideas for anyone that wants to do a solid modeling based cam package using brlcad's libs
02:12.25 IriX64 brlcad: tcl8.5a?
02:12.57 brlcad IriX64: question?
02:13.22 IriX64 brlcad: you guys are updating to tcl 8.5a soon?
02:13.40 brlcad IriX64: that was the massive commit earlier today
02:13.56 IriX64 all ready done then thanks.
02:14.16 louipc Twingy: that would be sweet
02:14.40 Twingy I can tell you exactly how you would do it with brl-cad's architecture
02:15.18 Twingy would require a custom interface and new intersection routines for some primitives, but otherwise stock
02:17.34 brlcad what sort of new intersection routines? to support g-code?
02:17.43 IriX64 brlcad: cvs browse shows libtcl8.3 and libtcl8.4 , no 8.5
02:17.47 Twingy plane interection instead of ray intersection
02:17.59 Twingy plane-tracing
02:17.59 brlcad IriX64: you're looking in the old structure
02:18.08 IriX64 whup pardon me.
02:18.09 brlcad Twingy: ahh
02:18.17 brlcad IriX64: look in the src/other dir
02:18.31 Twingy but I can tell you how to do the logistics of generating tool paths from the plane equations
02:18.53 brlcad Twingy: I was thinking that you'd use CSG and intersect each layer with a thin RPP .. the rasterize the layer with ray-tracing
02:19.18 Twingy brlcad, if you wanted to hot-wire it, same thing...
02:19.42 Twingy but in terms of generating optimal pocketing code I know how to do that
02:19.53 Twingy otherwise your part will take foreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeever to finish
02:20.02 brlcad what kind of equation result would you get intersecting a plane against something like a torus..
02:20.07 Twingy lrt vs. rayforce in terms of time
02:20.38 Twingy brlcad, you limit yourself to arb8, tgc, sphere
02:20.43 brlcad ahh, hehe
02:20.48 brlcad that's cheating
02:20.49 Twingy for starters
02:20.54 Twingy no...
02:21.03 Twingy that's supports the native g-codes
02:21.11 Twingy so you have optimal tool paths
02:21.18 Twingy with implicit definitions
02:21.27 Twingy other primitives become parametric
02:21.35 Twingy and should be avoided at all cost
02:21.41 brlcad the tgc is a good example too .. you end up with soemthing really wonky with certain tgcs
02:22.12 Twingy anyway, If some one gets a hankering to do it I got all the nitty gritty details worked out in my head
02:23.03 brlcad heh
02:23.11 Twingy afaik gcam is the most powerful open source cam package
02:23.23 brlcad I'd like that too.. but I think the optimal approach is actually to complete the dual-rep brep support
02:23.35 brlcad then you'd actually have exact curves and connectivity for any slice
02:23.40 Twingy yep
02:23.58 Twingy just like you can decompose a b-spline into beziers, and beziers into polynomials, and ultimately arcs
02:24.09 brlcad it's coming along nicely actually, for the time being
02:24.24 Twingy I want to have 3 modes
02:24.38 Twingy the first mode, the one I have now, is doing cad with tool paths
02:24.50 Twingy the second mode will be importing triangular brep geometries
02:24.53 brlcad implicit, explicit brep polygonal, explicit brep sline surface
02:25.00 Twingy the third mode will be implicit csg support
02:25.35 Twingy once I put it on subversion I hope others will take care of the csg stuff
02:25.50 Twingy since the interface and architecture are fairly mature now
02:25.58 brlcad csg brep splines is going to be a bitch
02:26.15 Twingy I don't think it will be
02:26.30 Twingy they decompose very nicely into arcs
02:26.46 Twingy and the code to do it can be optimized quite a bit
02:26.50 brlcad not in 2D, but in 3D it's not exactly trivial
02:26.58 Twingy I'm talking 3d
02:28.00 Twingy you're basically generating piecewise spherical patches
02:28.36 Twingy with C2 continuity since it's quadratic
02:29.15 Twingy alright, I need to finish repairing this wing
02:29.20 Twingy bbl
03:29.47 CIA-7 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/NEWS: updated bundled blt to blt2.4z-patch-2
04:19.30 IriX64 ``Erik, that file in incoming *should work on your cygwin setup if you use the included cygwin1.dll.
07:49.04 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
07:49.39 clock_ brlcad: I have improved the Ronja model with a lot of little screws
07:49.43 clock_ Now I think it's complete
09:19.06 clock_ brlcad: screenshot for you
10:10.49 *** join/#brlcad Elperion (
12:08.00 ``Erik irix: I want to make it work without issues on cygwin... thus the recent commits.
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15:09.05 CIA-7 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ fix leftover from previous version separation, need to extract the numbers if we want to check them directly here. fixes unary operator expected errors.
15:24.28 CIA-7 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ no longer need to replicate tcl's configure checks since we're using AC_CONFIG_SUBDIRS so remove the dead sections
15:27.41 CIA-7 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/other/ (tcl/unix/ tk/unix/ heh, tcl/tk seem to indicate they need autoconf 2.59, which is newer than our present 2.52 minimum. there don't appear to be any post-2.52 macros in use, so reduce the AC_PREREQ.
16:01.31 *** join/#brlcad lg_ (n=lg_@
16:01.37 lg_ hi
16:02.00 lg_ I have a basic brlcad modeling question again...
16:04.16 brlcad howdy
16:04.54 lg_ is there any way to do some basic geometrical analysis on cgs-made shapes, such as finding intersection points etc?
16:04.59 lg_ hi brlcad!
16:05.47 brlcad lg_: yes there are
16:06.09 lg_ at the moment i am doing everything on paper or in 2d cad and use the resulting coordinates to model in brlcad
16:06.13 brlcad for that particular one, nirt is the general tool
16:06.26 lg_ nirt?
16:06.53 brlcad nirt fires a shotline from a given point in a given direction and reports the starting/ending hitpoints as well as thicknesses
16:07.14 brlcad if you don't specify the start/dir, then it uses the viewing direction
16:07.58 brlcad other analytic tools include "rtcheck" to determine if there are any overlaps, takes a grid size -s parameter (defaults to 50x50 or 512x512 depending on version)
16:08.15 lg_ say i have to spheres that intersect and i need the points where the intersection starts and ends as coordinates
16:08.18 lg_ two spheres
16:08.21 lg_ ;-)
16:08.41 brlcad another is rtweight which when you've correctly modelled regions, and denote material properties and provide a density file, computes the weight/mass, volume, center of gravity, etc
16:09.40 brlcad lg_: for that case, I'd shoot a ray from the center of sph1 to the center of sphere2
16:09.40 brlcad that should give you exactly the start and end
16:09.56 lg_ a
16:10.25 brlcad that one is actually so common that there's a script floating around that computes it all for you when you specify the two spheres
16:10.31 brlcad but I don't have it on hand atm
16:10.59 brlcad i can look for it after the weekend more easily
16:11.53 lg_ is there any kind of howto for doing these kind of construction steps? in other cad's, one uses things like object snaps, but it makes brlcad really hard to start with when you do not know how to start
16:13.45 brlcad lg_: alas, that's a lot of the introductory polish and user friendliness that hurts brl-cad .. most of the tricks of the trade are learned by turning to the expert modeler in the office next door who has done it 50 times and knows the fastest way
16:14.01 brlcad or you find out via the two week training courses in person
16:14.32 lg_ next door there is a primary school teacher living
16:14.58 brlcad from a world-wide product perspective, we're only starting to acquire that sort of "self-help" stuff
16:15.01 brlcad hehe
16:15.37 brlcad the irc channel, forums, and lists are a good start, but I agree there needs to be more self-guided instruction
16:17.14 brlcad that's actually one of the things that's hard to convey (and even describe) that gets lots in many users first impression of the package.. you *can* do most of the things one needs (presuming it relates to solid modeling) just finding out how to do it is generally expert knowledge shared by word of mouth
16:18.16 brlcad something i'm definitely trying to address in the new interface, more self-describing tools and if anything just make it easier to discover what tools/commands/buttons do what and how to use them
16:18.18 Maloeran But fortunately, brlcad's voice can be heard throughout the universe for anyone who desires so
16:19.42 Maloeran I think your patience is impressive really, especially with IriX, but...
16:20.44 louipc how about a wiki?
16:23.36 brlcad louipc: already working on it
16:23.41 brlcad the whole website actually
16:23.55 brlcad what's up there was just splash n' dash
16:24.10 brlcad there's another layout with all the bells and whistles coming together
16:24.22 brlcad this current release is actually all that's holding it back
16:27.26 louipc awesome
16:30.30 lg_ getting curious
17:04.42 CIA-7 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/libbu/ htester needs tcl and libm
17:06.03 CIA-7 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ non-mac tcl compiles against libdl, so add it as a dep in here (since we're static)
19:53.29 *** join/#brlcad IriX64 (
19:56.19 *** part/#brlcad lg_ (n=lg_@
20:33.59 IriX64 erf there's one in the win directory, allows a compile and link, but...
20:35.11 IriX64 won't run properly.
20:51.20 *** join/#brlcad docelic (n=docelic@
23:49.25 Maloeran What does the acronym "MTB" stands for? Google isn't helping
23:50.04 Maloeran If knowledge of the context could help, it comes from Mark

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.