irclog2html for #brlcad on 20070304

00:39.18 *** join/#brlcad IriX64 (
00:41.08 IriX64 <---- mged no longer crashes on e all from terra.g
01:15.15 *** join/#brlcad PrezKennedy (
01:16.49 IriX64 back.
01:16.52 IriX64 :)
01:25.51 *** join/#brlcad SWPadnos (
02:41.42 *** join/#brlcad bjorkBSD (
03:01.47 *** join/#brlcad IriX64 (
04:35.24 brlcad IriX64: 7.8.4 nor cvs head use comments like you showed in the pastebin.. that brace belongs there else it's a syntax error to close it
05:22.11 IriX64 darn, thought i found something, ill keep looking.
05:23.34 IriX64 it's sorta like fishing, you know, sometimes you have to throw it back :)
05:44.16 brlcad er.. it's not missing from any of my sources
05:44.30 brlcad maybe you accidentally deleted it at some point
05:44.49 IriX64 could be, i shoot myself in the foot regularly :)
05:45.12 brlcad why you'd be messing with that particular macro is curious (and semi-dangerous)
05:45.17 IriX64 but fact remains mines fixed.
05:45.39 IriX64 told you terra crashed mged now it doesn't.
05:45.41 IriX64 ty.
05:47.18 brlcad yeah, I heard -- excellent
05:47.28 brlcad you applied the same patch, or updated your sources to cvs?
05:47.46 IriX64 i don't have cvs, i patched my code.
05:47.57 IriX64 err your code :)
05:48.03 brlcad your code
05:48.17 brlcad it's open source
05:48.20 brlcad it's your code too
05:48.26 IriX64 ty
05:49.06 IriX64 say is that tank car military property or can images of it be posted in public places?
05:50.16 brlcad heh, if it's something you have .. then it's open sourced
05:50.31 IriX64 just want to be sure.
05:50.43 brlcad I *think* all of the geometry files are BSD'd (and if not BSD'd then LGPLd)
05:50.49 brlcad as are all the images
05:50.58 IriX64 good to know.
05:51.32 brlcad which tank car anyways?
05:51.45 brlcad tank_car.g?
05:51.48 IriX64 geometric solutions its in your examples.
05:51.53 IriX64 thats the one.
05:51.54 brlcad ahh, yes
05:54.16 brlcad COPYING says most of the geometry models are BSD licensed, so you can probably go with that unless the geometry file has data that says otherwise (which none do)
05:55.11 IriX64 thanks for clarifying, im not gonna distribute them, just put them up for friends to see whats possible with BRL-CAD.
05:55.51 IriX64 should have looked in copying duh. :)
05:55.51 brlcad alas the best cool stuff can't be put into db/
05:56.21 IriX64 like stryker? :)
05:56.26 brlcad damn national security interests and classification mumbo jumbo ;)
05:56.33 IriX64 heh
06:11.09 brlcad IriX64: you'll need this next update
06:11.41 CIA-7 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/librt/g_dsp.c: whoa that's a big typo. dsp_name is a struct bu_vls.. have to get the address to check/print it.
07:03.22 ``Erik heh
08:53.31 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
09:24.25 *** join/#brlcad cad17 (
11:44.12 *** join/#brlcad docelic (n=docelic@
13:38.24 *** join/#brlcad docelic (n=docelic@
16:12.55 *** join/#brlcad cad54 (
17:21.52 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
19:40.49 *** join/#brlcad IriX64 (
19:43.29 IriX64 <==== I photon mapped a tank car :)
19:54.29 brlcad that actually looks better than I would have expected
19:55.08 IriX64 not too shaby is all i have to say, 20 minutes to complete.
19:55.55 IriX64 running benchmark right now, out of curiosity.
19:58.19 IriX64 not bad, 100% cpu usage user time, glitches to 20% kernal time.
20:03.55 IriX64 <--- if you're interested in a make benchmark here.
20:13.01 ``Erik but, uh
20:13.01 ``Erik whoa
20:13.05 ``Erik 3 vgr's???
20:13.27 ``Erik wait, no, heh, 1234 vgr's
20:13.42 IriX64 wonky eh ? :)
20:13.51 ``Erik still awfully slow
20:14.03 IriX64 ahh well tis a home puter after all.
20:14.19 IriX64 helps develop patience.:)
20:17.18 IriX64 heh maybe the numbers wrapped.
20:17.47 ``Erik unlikely
20:17.53 IriX64 true.
20:18.03 ``Erik but from the results you posted, you forgot "--enable-optimized"
20:18.23 IriX64 debug is in there too.
20:18.26 ``Erik read lines 125-127
20:18.36 ``Erik they tel you how to do it "right"
20:18.54 IriX64 just ran it out of curiousity, Im not trying to set a speed record here.
20:19.27 ``Erik that's cool, but if you want to compare the vgr number to anything, you really need to run it "the right way"
20:20.01 IriX64 as i said...
20:20.16 ``Erik but from my seat, even fi you scored a million vgr's, that's not hte part that impresses me
20:20.24 IriX64 not interested in a bigger one comparison :)
20:20.30 ``Erik there are fugly-arsed winderz2k decorations on that window....
20:20.48 ``Erik not exactly the most native of OS's :) that it ran at all is pretty impressive
20:21.16 IriX64 yeah well not all os's are created equeal.
20:21.24 ``Erik given my recent cygwin foibles, I may be begging y ou to write up a windows howto ;)
20:21.57 IriX64 hah press start->shutdown->turn computer off is your best bet ;)
20:22.22 ``Erik if you weren't talking about it, I wouldn't have even attmpted a cygwin build *shrug* but I am a frakin' portability whore, so I trek to the ugly often :)
20:23.03 IriX64 heh you need to replace gcc with one that wasn't created "specially" for cygwin.
20:23.34 ``Erik <-- has both a full cygwin and a full mingw path
20:24.10 ``Erik I made several sysV compablity commits on friday, if you didn't notice....
20:24.23 IriX64 uhh, no I didn't.
20:24.30 ``Erik and I intend to get it "working" on cygwin, then on mingw...
20:24.32 ``Erik and,y 'know
20:24.53 ``Erik my boss who would argue against the effort... can go fuck herself.
20:24.55 ``Erik *cough*
20:25.19 IriX64 heh she'll fire you ``Erik :)
20:25.59 ``Erik yea, uh
20:26.04 ``Erik these days
20:26.10 ``Erik I can find another job readily enough.
20:26.27 IriX64 she may "invite" you to.
20:26.47 IriX64 ``Erik...
20:27.27 IriX64 i've been working with Cygwin, since Cgnus Solutions first unveiled it, you want a copy of the arvive I started with?
20:27.39 IriX64 archive too.
20:28.08 IriX64 Cygnus too.
20:30.13 IriX64 for instance you use a batfile to run bash, me i simply run login.
20:30.58 IriX64 which reminds me I've gotta fix my path..
20:31.55 ``Erik hrm, no? :)
20:32.08 ``Erik I've been using cygwin since, ummmm, '98?
20:32.18 ``Erik but infrequently and with much pain
20:32.26 ``Erik I'm a *nix user by heart
20:34.15 IriX64 hah OS/2 is what I really like but alas...
20:34.50 IriX64 btw i really did get warp 4 up on vmware.
21:02.54 CIA-7 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/libtclcad/tclcadAutoPath.c: incrTcl prior to 3.3 apparently didn't provide ITK_VERSION, so accommodate. also quell warning about basename() taking non-const paths on linux.
21:10.07 CIA-7 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ check for the emmintrin.h header for g_brep's vector code; tcl needs libm on linux; bu/bn/rt are tied to tcl
21:11.37 bjorkBSD what's so great about os/2, IriX64?
21:12.09 IriX64 brlcad: theres something funny about kern.argmax in too.
21:12.39 IriX64 bjorkBSD: it runs my pm bbs :)
21:12.55 bjorkBSD pm bbs?
21:13.06 bjorkBSD surely there's no one left on the bbs-verse is there?
21:13.28 ``Erik os/2 had its advantages... back in the day...
21:13.58 bjorkBSD i thought os/2 was ms-windowslike...
21:14.28 ``Erik os/2 was a variant of MS-DOS that provided omfg real OS like facilities...
21:14.40 ``Erik I think w2k was enouhg to supercede it
21:15.07 ``Erik bear in mind, we're talkin' 1985 vs 2000...
21:15.56 ``Erik ibm and ms worked on a joint project, got pissed at eachother and went their seperate ways... it took ms 15 yrs to hit the same quality metric as ibm
21:16.43 bjorkBSD ibm is a much larger company.
21:16.59 bjorkBSD but it's remarkable that they entrusted their early efforts to a start up...
21:17.05 ``Erik depends on how you quntify it
21:17.22 ``Erik I mean, these days, msft as almost 3x the market cap
21:18.05 *** join/#brlcad iday (
21:18.17 brlcad IriX64: there is no kern.argmax in
21:20.37 bjorkBSD and who still uses BBSes?
21:23.21 CIA-7 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/include/vector_x86.h: apparently some linux systems don't have emmintrin.h
21:24.03 ``Erik expecially ones that aren't running on x86 procs
21:24.27 CIA-7 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/include/vector.h: common.h comes before all system headers. wasn't able to find an alternative (though I didn't look really hard) for emmintrin.h, so if the header doesn't exist don't do the x86 vector foo.
21:25.35 iday the weird thing is that SSE2 and GNUC must be defined - so it's likely a gcc issue
21:25.55 iday well - maybe not
21:25.58 brlcad they were both defined
21:26.11 brlcad yet not that header
21:26.12 iday trying to remember where emmintrin.h is located
21:26.23 iday thought it was in gcc dir, but maybe not
21:26.53 iday on the mac it is...
21:27.12 brlcad try a build on either of the linux server twins
21:27.47 iday "twins" ?
21:27.53 brlcad on/off
21:28.00 iday I'm not saying I don't believe you
21:28.08 iday i just looked for the file on the server twins
21:28.18 iday it's not there... but it's a gcc issue i say!
21:28.35 iday on every system that has it - it's in a gcc directory
21:28.35 brlcad looks like it might be a gcc 4 thing
21:28.40 iday no
21:28.45 iday erg has gcc 3.x
21:29.38 iday "/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-redhat-linux/3.4.3/include/emmintrin.h"
21:30.11 iday "/usr/lib/gcc/i686-apple-darwin8/4.0.1/include/emmintrin.h"
21:30.21 iday argh
21:31.25 iday but it *could* be a gcc version issue
21:32.13 iday doesn't change the check though: no emmintrin, no sse2. at least not without gcc builtins
21:32.14 IriX64 brlcad search for kern, its in the bsd stuff.
21:32.29 brlcad almost guaranteed to be a version issue.. it's not a partial gcc install
21:32.45 brlcad IriX64: I searched for kern, there is no reference to kern in
21:33.03 brlcad *configure.AC* .. maybe you're looking at configure
21:33.16 IriX64 err sorry quite right.
21:33.18 brlcad iday: there is mmintrin.h and xmmintrin.h that apparently preceeded it
21:33.27 brlcad
21:33.44 brlcad only been around since 2003, gcc 3 predates that by quite a bit iirc
21:34.54 iday xmm is sse, mm is mmx, emm is sse2
21:34.58 brlcad looks like it was added circa 3.3
21:35.24 iday that would probably be about right - pIVs were the first with sse2 i think
21:35.44 iday course - the intrinsics were most likely added later still
21:35.53 iday (everyone used asm before that)
21:35.55 brlcad on/off have gcc 3.2.3
21:36.04 iday yah
21:36.11 iday funny that on/off define SSE2
21:36.20 iday but gcc may have the builtins, but not the intrinsics
21:37.06 brlcad pretty sure the hardware supports it, probably one of the earliest impl's
21:37.17 brlcad being xeon and all
21:38.19 brlcad either way, just needed a lil extra so it doesn't fail compile.. don't really care if something that old actually uses it or not myself ;)
21:47.58 iday yeah - i don't care either - just procrastinating on my homework
21:48.52 iday sorry 'bout the bug though - what can I say - I'm a Crappy Coder ®
22:18.26 IriX64 brlcad: sorry bout that.
22:21.44 IriX64 +it.
22:24.31 IriX64 here's an idea, transparent task bar for windows xppro;)
22:25.55 IriX64 " I don't know, but I been told, if you serve you'll never grow old";)
22:35.56 IriX64 would it be so hard to put a ls command in mged?
22:46.43 *** join/#brlcad SWPadnos (
22:55.45 ``Erik mged has a ls command...
23:01.06 CIA-7 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/bwish/main.c: interesting this worked before.. need tcl.h before tclInt.h
23:03.20 CIA-7 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ linux needs libxss too for tk
23:04.10 brlcad if you want a shell ls, "exec ls" in mged, else it's a listing of geometry
23:09.04 IriX64 ty
23:10.05 IriX64 works, thanks. you could have said see the docs :)
23:21.38 ``Erik hehehehe "rtfm"? :D
23:38.27 CIA-7 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/mged/ tclcad needs to come before the others so it can resolve tk/Xss symbols

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