irclog2html for #brlcad on 20070307

00:26.25 IriX64 i'll simply pastebin the symptoms, and if anybody has time, can you comment?
01:07.26 IriX64 is opengl support new tobrlcad as of 7.8.4? or has it always been there and im missing it?
02:02.07 IriX64 do these tools such as rtedge have a help screen i tried both --help and -h.
03:49.12 *** join/#brlcad IriX64 (
05:36.08 brlcad IriX64: yes, please report the bug in here first .. you should generally only submit formal bug reports for non-custom configurations problems, and preferably issues that are perfectly repeatable
05:36.33 brlcad mention the issue in here first.. I'll let you know when/if you should submit a more formal report
05:37.55 brlcad that will generally only be something that I'm fairly confident is a prevalent problem .. like mged crashing on certain inputs .. but NOT build problems -- build problems are rarely bug-report-worthy as they're usually configuration issues or temporary
05:39.57 brlcad opengl support has been there for over a decade, whether it's compiled in or not depends on how we feel come release-time (I usually try to disable opengl if I can remember to due to a bug on some platforms) .. again.. it provides no NEW functionality -- it's just a different low-level implementation, one of many that all do the same thing -- don't get caught up on the familiar name
05:40.52 brlcad help is provided via manual pages, rarely ever -h --help options .. try "brlman rtedge"
06:01.02 IriX64 ty understood.
06:01.40 IriX64 found help after i opened the database... manual.
06:06.34 IriX64 louipc: Did you ever use OS/2, I quite liked it when I ran it many years ago.
06:07.08 IriX64 cept for the runaway swap file thing :)
06:09.30 IriX64 visit there a picture of it running there.
06:19.53 IriX64 That virtual disk is formmated hpfs.
08:19.45 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
08:53.39 clock_ brlcad: is it OK to define a region as (combination - region)?
08:53.56 clock_ For example I have a wall and bolts so I define wall as bricks.c - bolts.r
08:54.08 clock_ I mean define wall.r as bricks.c - bolts.r
08:54.13 clock_ like there are holes drilled for the bolts
11:12.09 louipc IriX64: nope never used it
13:07.12 *** join/#brlcad rossberg (
13:11.00 CIA-7 BRL-CAD: 03d_rossberg * 10brlcad/ (6 files in 6 dirs): TCL was moved to src/other/tcl: include path modified
13:18.46 CIA-7 BRL-CAD: 03d_rossberg * 10brlcad/src/libbu/brlcad_path.c: bu_basename returns a const: variable type fixed (compiler warning)
14:23.18 brlcad hello rossberg
14:23.50 brlcad clock_: it can be frowned upon, but no -- it's fine to use a region negatively
14:24.06 brlcad it'd be an error to use it positiviely below another region
14:25.52 *** join/#brlcad Elperion (
14:33.11 brlcad rossberg: interesting inclusion of strlcpy() .. without a doubt wasn't an old System V routine (but as good a place as any to put it), but a curious routine in itself
14:33.35 rossberg brlcad: can you compile the current librt/g_brep.cpp?
14:34.15 rossberg brlcad: strlcpy can be removed, right?
14:34.33 brlcad hm, removed?
14:35.13 brlcad rossberg: I can, depends on the platform -- currently know that g_brep fails on irix due to the -msse -msse2 flags but I've got a local fix for that
14:35.40 brlcad but it does compile on linux and os x as far as I know at the moment
14:35.55 brlcad i had problems compiling it under windows, but hadn't looked into the errors yet
14:37.15 brlcad it was easy enough to disable by hand at the time, which was suitable at the time as it's still evolving code
14:37.50 brlcad I don't really care if strlcpy stays or is removed.. but I thought you added it?
14:39.51 rossberg yes I add it, thats why I'm asking
14:42.09 rossberg vector.h, line 42 (the one with friend) looks strange
14:44.50 brlcad rossberg: oh, I didn't comment implying to remove strlcpy -- it's fine .. it's just an 'interesting' function is all .. I hadn't seen it in a while
14:45.35 rossberg brlcad: however, strlcpy isn't in use any more
14:45.56 brlcad which would explain why I haven't seen it in a while :)
14:46.20 brlcad iirc, openbsd folks wrote it as a strncpy replacement or somesuch
14:46.34 ``Erik brlcad: the dmg of qemu I was talking about yesterday,
14:55.12 brlcad impressive
14:55.18 brlcad iconic hell, but impressive
14:55.48 ``Erik apple+, and fix the top display
14:56.13 brlcad Be still fails to detect the cdrom to install.. but I see I have other hardware options to test too
15:02.28 brlcad drat, the other PPC hardwares won't even boot from the CD
15:04.32 brlcad pretty painless to use though, I like (aside from iconage)
15:05.43 ``Erik I haven't figured out clean ways to interface its disk image format, though, I'm not sure if it's a raw disk image or if there's a header or what :/
15:06.23 ``Erik but I only looked for a second *shrug* :)
15:07.30 brlcad i don't really care what they do so long as it's easy to get data in/out somehow
15:07.48 brlcad the import from virtual pc is interesting
15:08.04 brlcad i could use that to import my old images ..
15:09.59 ``Erik <-- has script fu to generate raw disk images for his os, not terribly keen on rewriting all that
16:14.47 CIA-7 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/conv/fast4-g.c: (log message trimmed)
16:14.47 CIA-7 BRL-CAD: massive restructuring of the code. functions are defined in visibility order so
16:14.47 CIA-7 BRL-CAD: declarations are unnecessary, functions are made static so they don't collide
16:14.47 CIA-7 BRL-CAD: with librt's similar (but not identical) importFg4Section.c symbols
16:14.47 CIA-7 BRL-CAD: (Add_bot_face, do_trid, do_quad, and do_tri functions; grid_pts variable),
16:14.50 CIA-7 BRL-CAD: rename aforementioned and others with an f4_ prefix just to entirely avoid the
16:14.52 CIA-7 BRL-CAD: naming confusion, reorder macros, defines, static vars, and functions into
16:19.08 brlcad er always attempt to build g_brep.c
16:57.07 CIA-7 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ have configure check for the -msee and -msse2 gcc options, provide them together as SSE to the makefiles
17:37.28 brlcad IriX64: that was fixed in cvs .. and you should probably message me in here if you want me to notice
17:37.35 brlcad unless it's a private matter
17:39.11 IriX64 where in cvs brlcad?
17:39.41 brlcad
17:39.45 IriX64 im in rise observer i dont see it.
17:39.48 brlcad select the 'code' tab
17:40.11 brlcad yep, that's a known problem with the source release
17:40.19 brlcad was fixed about six months ago
17:40.32 IriX64 ty ill get it from rise slave.
17:41.20 brlcad there isn't a splash.h in rise slave
17:41.30 IriX64 then where?
17:41.36 brlcad ...
17:41.38 brlcad it's in cvs
17:41.51 brlcad it's ONLY in cvs at the moment at least until the next release
17:42.11 brlcad don't fear the cvs .. it's not that hard to work with
17:42.15 IriX64 hah goof that i am im in the wrong place :)
17:45.53 IriX64 btw any guesstimate as to how soon you'll release 7-10?
17:50.22 brlcad hopefully within a few days
17:51.57 brlcad when someone keeps asking questions about a header and posts urls to frivolous pastebins, that slows things down :P
17:52.17 IriX64 heh ``Erik stop doing that ;)
17:53.43 IriX64 wouldn't it be nice if this worked -- CFLAGS='-Wl,-Ai386,-OS=freebsd' ./configure ;)
17:55.27 IriX64 it would produce messages such ass gcc -Ai386 linker file not used because linking not done.
17:57.16 IriX64 err input file.
17:58.04 brlcad yes, such ass
18:02.07 IriX64 the whole project:)
18:02.54 brlcad smells like teen spirit
18:04.08 IriX64 rosewate and honey :)
18:04.13 IriX64 rosewater too
18:10.00 IriX64 <--- im a slow typist but i envision something like this.
18:10.30 brlcad I really don't see what the point of that is?
18:10.41 IriX64 cross compiling.
18:10.43 brlcad those are just error messages
18:10.57 IriX64 warnings.
18:11.31 brlcad right .. but still a "mistake" nonethelss
18:11.34 IriX64 on the link pass there would be no such warning.
18:11.43 brlcad you're specifying linker flags to the compiler
18:11.51 brlcad when they should just be specified to the linker
18:11.56 IriX64 passing them on to the linker.
18:12.09 brlcad make them LDFLAGS instead
18:12.18 IriX64 can use either.
18:12.40 brlcad you "can", but one is erroneous.. hence all the 'warnings'
18:12.50 IriX64 errr true.
18:13.02 IriX64 but the point is gcc doen't crash.
18:13.15 IriX64 have to support -Wl
18:14.48 brlcad a lot of things don't crash gcc .. that was the point?
18:15.04 IriX64 compatibility.
18:15.20 IriX64 so you can take anybodys project and go.
18:15.39 brlcad go where?
18:16.16 IriX64 hopefully what you're trying to compile and link for :)
18:16.46 brlcad why not just compile and link there?
18:17.31 IriX64 its fraught ;)
19:13.43 IriX64 fraught with danger... there's just no arguing with a word like fraught... go see the movie. :)
19:14.05 IriX64 pooh's heffalump movie.
19:17.11 IriX64 issues remain sigh.
19:19.53 ``Erik uhhhh, yeah, uh, that'd be expected
19:20.11 ``Erik if you run "file.o", it'll tell you it's a PE file
19:20.14 ``Erik er
19:20.18 ``Erik "file pret.o"
19:20.34 ``Erik just because you ASK it to compile another format does NOT make it a cross-compiler or cross-linker
19:20.58 IriX64 man pret.o is an object file cannot run it.
19:21.08 ``Erik uh huh... but it's a PE object file
19:21.11 ``Erik not an ELF object file
19:21.25 ``Erik you have the command "file.exe", right? seriously, use it... a lot...
19:21.36 IriX64 ty
19:23.27 IriX64 the entry point of any executable examines system you're running on and says " i am an OS/2 pm app" for instance.
19:24.04 IriX64 but it will *always run on *my system.
19:24.16 IriX64 because i like to test the code too.
19:24.26 IriX64 meaning the project i compiled.
19:24.40 IriX64 _main __main.
19:24.56 IriX64 my pret.exe is 44k.
19:25.13 IriX64 and its just a hello world program.
19:25.36 ``Erik actually, the system examines the first couple of bytes of an application you ask to run (the "file magic", what file.exe shows you a human version), if it's something the kernel binfmt stuff groks, it'll extract the entry point.
19:26.06 IriX64 so its doable?
19:26.08 ``Erik "main" means nothing to PE, ELF, QMAGIC, MZ, ... it's actually a stub for libc to cope with
19:26.09 ``Erik no
19:26.33 ``Erik because the second you try to bind a library or make a system call, it'll be confused.
19:27.08 IriX64 how there are effectivly 2 exe's in there.
19:27.30 ``Erik take, for example, printing something at a kernel level... using the write(2) function (syscall)... on your machine, you'll move things into registers, then call interrupt 0x80
19:27.54 IriX64 interrupt 80?
19:27.56 ``Erik sorry, interrupt 0x21... windows/dos uses int 0x21
19:28.06 ``Erik linux will move things into registers and call interrupt 0x80
19:28.19 ``Erik x86 bsd will move things onto the stack and call interrupt 0x80
19:28.26 ``Erik they all talk very differently
19:28.27 IriX64 the linux code is part of the file ``Erik, itll be right.
19:29.03 IriX64 windows+linux you run the one for *target system unless running on mine.
19:29.19 IriX64 i screwed up and put my machine first.
19:29.33 IriX64 should have put target first but ...
19:30.20 ``Erik unless your kernel binary format reader understands the format your file is, it should just stop and say "I don't know this". If it DOES know what format it is, it can either ATTEMPT to work with it, or say it isn't doable.
19:30.37 IriX64 agreed.
19:30.39 ``Erik if I try to run a mac ELF binary on my x86 fbsd machine, it'll say "wrong ISA, go away"
19:30.52 ``Erik if I try to run my fbsd ELF binary on my windows machinee, it'll say "uh? not even gonna try"
19:30.55 ``Erik and visa versa
19:31.43 IriX64 well if you get some of my stuff, let me know if it says cannot execute binary file :)
19:31.49 *** join/#brlcad Elperion (
19:32.14 ``Erik you can see it for yourself... use the "file.exe" program to tell you what your file is
19:32.37 IriX64 but if systems play by the rules, I still maintain its doable
19:32.49 ``Erik on my 'workhorse' machine, file tells me this: mged: ELF 64-bit LSB executable, AMD x86-64, version 1 (FreeBSD), dynamically linked (uses shared libs), not stripped
19:33.12 ``Erik and my desktop says: mged: Mach-O executable ppc
19:33.33 IriX64 the object file is a MS Windows COFF intel 80386 object file.
19:35.17 ``Erik ok, so it's a COFF/PE x86 windows binary... the only systems I know of that will use those files are: windows, the "wine" abi translator, and uhhh, what's the name of it... skyos?
19:35.38 ``Erik OS/2 used a COFF variant, but was 16b only, I think :/
19:36.03 ``Erik not skyos, reactos, my bad
19:36.24 ``Erik
19:37.52 IriX64 gonna go hunt up *your file command, mine sucks... bbiab.
19:40.52 ``Erik $ file.exe /bin/ls.exe
19:40.54 ``Erik /bin/ls.exe: MS Windows PE 32-bit Intel 80386 console executable not relocatable
19:51.26 brlcad you'd think after doing this for the third or fourth time over the years, woulda scripted something better by now
19:53.12 brlcad 10 change libadd 20 change 30 compile 40 change ldadd 50 observe error 60 goto 30 400 times
19:53.44 ``Erik you'da thunk
19:53.45 ``Erik t
19:53.47 CIA-7 BRL-CAD: 03erikgreenwald * 10brlcad/src/other/ (tcl/ tk/ include makefile defs, for "depends" target
19:55.18 ``Erik all praise buckethead!!!
19:55.18 brlcad ack
19:55.28 brlcad if you include makefile defs, it'll recurse into unix dir and fail build on a make fast
19:55.49 ``Erik eck
19:55.56 brlcad that's why those stub rules are there, to halt the recursion
19:56.41 *** join/#brlcad Elperion (
19:57.22 ``Erik bett4r?
19:57.44 CIA-7 BRL-CAD: 03erikgreenwald * 10brlcad/src/other/ (tcl/ tk/ change depends to depend on all-am to avoid recursive issue
19:58.22 brlcad should do the trick
19:59.10 brlcad yay, finally on proc-db .. almost done
20:02.18 brlcad what sucks nuts is that will probably want/need to do this all over again down the road.. the whole library listing woes stem from having some platforms needing libs to decl and others not wanting .. keeping track at link time that librt implies needing RT, BN, BU, and SYSV on the ldadd for example
20:03.08 brlcad *always* .. so you either put that in the lib as a libadd (which now causes woes with static libs and tcl/tk since they're static) or you list during ldadd
20:03.57 brlcad anyhow.. this will probably work just fine for now until we hit platform that requires the libs to be decl'd (aix I think)
20:04.12 CIA-7 BRL-CAD: 03erikgreenwald * 10brlcad/src/libtclcad/ change dependancy to libfb, SHOULD snarf in tcl if necessary via libbu
20:04.17 ``Erik hrmph
20:07.00 brlcad with the new layout, that won't necessarily be true any longer -- basically condensing the libadd's down to nothing and pushing the decl's to the link line
20:08.12 brlcad e.g. in my version here, libtclcad is only got tclstub left and that would have to be pushed down if anything needed to actually use the stubs interface in app code
20:24.18 CIA-7 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/ (proc-db/apply-mdb.c lgt/apply-mdb.c): apply-mdb.c is not a procedural database, doesn't belong in proc_db. moved from src/proc_db to src/lgt/.
20:24.54 brlcad going to be broken for a couple minutes for that last commit, the makefiles contain too many other changes
20:38.37 CIA-7 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/lgt/apply-mdb.c: on second thought, just declare the code obsolete. mat_Open_Db() and friends are nowhere to be found, not worth the effort to find for this simple snippet.
21:18.26 CIA-7 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/proc-db/nmgxplode.c: all the rukus about nmgxplode not compiling .. yet the program doesn't do a damn thing. looks like the start of something that was never even fully started. delete the damn turd.
21:22.47 ``Erik heh
21:47.42 Maloeran Ahah, neat
22:02.49 brlcad cheese?
22:02.58 CIA-7 BRL-CAD: 03erikgreenwald * 10brlcad/src/librt/g_metaball.c: reorder things in the record to keep like types together (breaks binary compatability with previous metaball primitives)
22:03.17 ``Erik something like that
22:13.33 ``Erik now that's interesting
22:28.31 *** join/#brlcad PrezKennedy (
22:29.53 ``Erik heh, I've never seen programs die from x=malloc(100);x[0]=0;free(x); (while working fine everywhere else)
22:33.54 ``Erik ahhhhhh, suddenly a lot more makes sense. heh. edsol is one skeery beast
22:34.56 brlcad ``Erik: fyi, bu_malloc and friends are guaranteed to never return NULL so you never have to error check the condition
22:37.49 Maloeran ``Erik, under what circumstances?
22:38.37 Maloeran The memory returned by malloc() will always be valid. If Linux really is out of memory, it will kill processes, perhaps yours, but the memory will still be valid
22:42.40 brlcad Maloeran: that's a rather unrelated statement regarding malloc() .. and behavior specific to linux, not posix
22:43.58 Maloeran Yes, it's highly specific to Linux. I'm guessing Erik's stabbing of Tux was related to his malloc() complain
22:43.59 brlcad malloc() could just as readily return NULL (and readily will under plenty of situations) even under linux
22:44.06 brlcad ahh
22:45.18 brlcad he just makes up excuses to jab at stuff like that ;)
22:46.22 brlcad my comment was regarding to the commit he made just a little bit ago.. had a bu_malloc() return value checking null.. which it will never be in brl-cad
23:30.12 ``Erik I was grousing about an internal crash in free(), actually, int_free() I think? I believe I may've been a little loose around the boundries O:-)
23:39.24 IriX64 anybody need a stock gcc for winblows?
23:39.45 IriX64 needs cygwin1.dll tho and a couple of others.
23:40.15 Maloeran Hrm, people can just download mingw or cygwin for that?
23:40.31 IriX64 sure.
23:41.03 IriX64 4.12 neat.
23:41.27 Maloeran And due to the nature of windows "security", you'll never find anyone accepting a binary executable for that platform
23:47.09 IriX64 haha just playing around, not intented to be serious.
23:47.29 IriX64 right now it compiles but i cant find the executable, go figure.
23:56.15 IriX64 <---- have a peek :)

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