irclog2html for #brlcad on 20070308

00:07.07 IriX64 < heres last weeks effort :)
00:09.53 Maloeran So you decided to start coding then! Nice, C language?
00:10.00 IriX64 am i going to have to go through hoops to find the thread limit on this thing? in os2 you could set your limit up to the max 4095 in config.sys.
00:10.10 IriX64 yes C
00:11.21 Maloeran There might be no limit but the available system memory
00:12.15 IriX64 true, would be nice to know for sure though ie instead of program bombing out.
00:12.32 Maloeran You never want to get anywhere near that limit
00:12.53 Maloeran Normally, you should have one thread per processor core, perhaps up to a few per core if doing intense socket I/O
00:13.04 IriX64 should still know though so you can avoid getting near it.
00:15.05 *** join/#brlcad DarkMaster (
00:15.06 IriX64 would be nice if the system had a threshold detewctor, saying something like goof, threads near saturation. :)
00:16.03 Maloeran Not quite.. Get count of processors and launch the same count of threads, any piece of software with hundreds of threads is broken
00:16.19 Maloeran ( Unless running on some Altix machine, etc. )
00:16.58 IriX64 100's i opened up 1024 threads on a single core pentium 100 and it ran fine and system still responded beautifulluy.
00:18.01 Maloeran Yes, and it's wrong
00:18.10 Maloeran You lose performance for no reason
00:18.54 IriX64 this was an app that was designed to use threads, there was no great system impact most of the threads were sitting in a wait for something loop.
00:21.10 IriX64 can use semaphores to signal, here's your something if you prefer.
00:47.29 ``Erik actually, setting the # of threads to be equal to the number of cores can seriously degredate performance on many kinds of apps.. having one more or less is often better... personally, I'm kinda down with 2n-1 for most shtuff
00:47.52 ``Erik and there're plenty of good reasons to super-saturate a system with processes or threads... hundres of thousands, millions, even...
00:48.09 ``Erik great way to stress the OS if you're working on improving the kernels scheduling or IPC facilities :D
00:48.43 DarkMaster i have millions of threads in my shirt :-D
00:53.48 ``Erik speaking of straining OS's, time to download haiku, yo
00:54.21 brlcad muahaha.. and the fun begins
00:56.11 Maloeran Erik, it trashes the cache of the processors, but it's of course a different business when threads are waiting for I/O
00:56.30 Maloeran May it be disk I/O for compilation or network I/O for server software
00:56.49 Maloeran For pure number crunching, it's really preferable to have exactly one thread per processor core
00:58.49 Maloeran Speaking of which... If you were ever wondering, the only reason why the model graph prep isn't scaling with threads is due to the abuse of a global memory mutex for all alloc/free ; I really need to revise my memory manager to work properly with threads and NUMA
00:59.48 brlcad if your app is a kernel (whether a userland behemouth or an actual OS kernel), it can be perfectly expected that the threads will have nothing to do with each other, yet there may be N unrelated tasks and only M cores to run them on (where N > M, and N corresponds to at least one thread or process)
01:00.06 brlcad the same that holds true in kernel space holds for certain apps too
01:01.02 Maloeran Right, I'm assuming that other processes are fairly light in processing time
01:02.13 Maloeran Having processes migrate from one core to another seriously harms performance, and it doesn't work too well with proper management of NUMA
01:09.11 ``Erik depends on the memory usage of the process... you assume a certain hw usage pattern for that statement... happens to be one appropriate for raytracing... :D
01:10.24 Maloeran I'm assuming number crunching software, not I/O software
01:15.06 ``Erik if the working data set is very small and pushed out to sysmem fairly often, then a migration will barely hurt... *shrug*
01:17.02 Maloeran It's not negligeable, and the "sysmem" might be a memory bank specific to the core the thread was running on
01:17.42 Maloeran It's terrible to have a thread running on a different core than the set of cores associated with the memory bank where the thread's stack is
01:18.27 ``Erik that totally depends on the architecture, and is a numa specific layout... (which hypertransport is a 'mini-numa' as far as I can tell, so opterons suffer it)
01:18.59 Maloeran Linux doesn't easily migrate threads over to a different die than the one that contains the stack memory
01:19.32 Maloeran I think it may temporarily do that under bad stress patterns, but execution will tend to stick to the prefered processor die
01:21.36 ``Erik slowaris is the same way... neat thing about solaris is that you have tools to attach a thread to a core forcefully (so it CANNOT migrate it off, short of a hotswap cpu being pulled) as well as dedicating a core to a process o.O
01:22.02 Maloeran *nods* You have that on Linux as well
01:23.38 ``Erik bsd has stronger processor and memory associativity, yes.
01:23.52 ``Erik I've said that before :) one of these days, I'll fix fbsd...
01:24.12 DarkMaster i was tempted to try PC BSD
01:24.28 ``Erik (and it's fbsd, I d'no netbsd or openbsd's guts.... I do know that dragonfly was forked because matt said fbsd was being insanely retarded wrt multiprocessor shtuff
01:24.29 ``Erik )
01:31.09 *** join/#brlcad IriX64 (
01:46.57 ``Erik huh, vim is in the haiku source
01:51.13 ``Erik hum, the dude from 'make magazine' is on colbert report
01:57.39 ``Erik no, heh
01:58.05 ``Erik
01:58.49 ``Erik hah
02:01.35 Maloeran I think I have some cultural knowledge gaps preventing me to appreciate this
02:24.42 IriX64 nice cat
02:25.25 ``Erik neato, on my hackintop, everything seems to build but asc2g craps itself in the db/ dir, nifty
02:26.21 IriX64 btw thanks for reminding me, dxf-g works, i got a hold of a shuttle dxf (not the acad one) and it converted and rt'ed
02:27.12 Twingy I got more r/c shit than I know what to do with now
02:27.55 Twingy I've been spending money like it's going out of style
02:34.46 ``Erik DEY TUK R JRBS!
02:34.54 ``Erik the 'gooback' episode is on o.O
02:34.57 ``Erik new episode after it
02:37.43 Twingy good episode
02:37.53 Twingy I have the firewall on the demon plane
02:38.00 Twingy and the t-nuts for the wing bolts
02:38.22 Twingy all it needs is some towerkote applied and an engine mounted plus servos installed
02:38.39 Twingy and I just happened to have a pair of OS 0.46 LA's not in use
02:39.18 Twingy I think I'm going out saturday or sunday weather permitting and flying both planes
02:40.10 DarkMaster hey Twingy
02:40.59 IriX64 cd ../
02:41.07 Twingy directory not found
02:41.26 PrezKennedy C:\WINDOWS>
02:41.28 IriX64 heh
02:41.37 IriX64 c:\os1/2
02:42.07 PrezKennedy i love windows
02:42.24 PrezKennedy keeps the paycheck coming in
02:42.28 PrezKennedy only reason
02:42.29 PrezKennedy :-)
02:43.05 IriX64 mmmmm signature on the check is Bill Gates?
02:43.36 Twingy no.. just some tard that thinks windows is awesome
02:43.56 IriX64 heh its common, just like mud :P
02:44.04 PrezKennedy more of a necessity :(
02:44.20 PrezKennedy construction company software BARELY runs on it
02:44.40 IriX64 hello world barely runs on it :)
02:45.10 PrezKennedy im apathetic long as it works when im using it
02:45.43 IriX64 they blew it when they split with IBM.
02:51.40 IriX64 gotta go, life calls
04:57.00 brlcad PrezKennedy: interesting.. what kind of software?
04:57.38 brlcad you could implement the features they need in brl-cad then get them to use that instead, then platform could be anything
04:58.11 PrezKennedy haha i saw that coming ;-)
04:58.35 PrezKennedy its not the CAD program thats the problem... its the accounting programs and bidding software
04:59.15 brlcad hey, "we are borg" .. they could be assimilated too
04:59.48 PrezKennedy sounds like emacs
04:59.59 brlcad measily accounting programs and bidding software could be directly tied to the construction workflow in the same interface
05:00.20 brlcad i bet they pay a pretty penny for that software too
05:00.45 PrezKennedy youd win that bet
05:01.24 PrezKennedy NOT cheap
05:01.25 PrezKennedy :-)
05:01.35 brlcad so you reinvent their workflow, save them them 100's of k's per year in overhead and process efficiency (by custom tailoring the interface to the workflow)
05:01.46 brlcad before you know it, you'll be VP in charge of IT
05:02.18 PrezKennedy i dont wanna be in charge of IT... WAY too stressful a job
05:02.47 brlcad so then just be a highly-paid consultant forever ;)
05:02.56 PrezKennedy haha
06:13.02 CIA-7 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/proc-db/brep_cube.cpp: allow the procedural example to compile with or without OBJ_BREP, just provide a stubbed run-time error message.
06:21.13 CIA-7 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/proc-db/ restructure the proc-db compilations since they all pretty much need the same libraries. also, minimize all the conditionality around brep_cube so it only toggles whether OBJ_BREP is set or not.
06:54.54 CIA-7 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/librt/g_brep.cpp:
06:54.54 CIA-7 BRL-CAD: use []'s instead of .at() for portability.. and with that minor edit, g_brep
06:54.54 CIA-7 BRL-CAD: actually compiles under irix (gcc) now. the header b0rkage from a couple weeks
06:54.54 CIA-7 BRL-CAD: ago is apparently /dev/null'd through all the rewrites and changes
07:06.03 CIA-7 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/ (33 files in 33 dirs): (log message trimmed)
07:06.03 CIA-7 BRL-CAD: whoosh! push BU, BN, and RT (and maybe one or two others) out of library LIBADD
07:06.04 CIA-7 BRL-CAD: declarations down to application LDADD linkage. this means that there might be
07:06.04 CIA-7 BRL-CAD: issues to solve again towards being able to generate fully contained/resolved
07:06.04 CIA-7 BRL-CAD: libraries (e.g. frameworks), but solves the current problem of linking against
07:06.06 CIA-7 BRL-CAD: static tcl/tk libraries portably. duplicate symbols become a problem at link
07:06.08 CIA-7 BRL-CAD: time (bu, bn, and rt all use tcl). pushing the link specification all the way
09:29.53 CIA-7 BRL-CAD: 03d_rossberg * 10brlcad/ (5 files in 3 dirs): since basename was removed from libsysv we do not need strlcpy any more
11:02.54 *** join/#brlcad docelic (n=docelic@
13:44.11 CIA-7 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/conv/g-xxx.c: c89 support, declare functions first
13:48.09 CIA-7 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/canon/ need PKG for FB
14:40.55 ``Erik wtf
15:13.51 CIA-7 BRL-CAD: 03erikgreenwald * 10brlcad/src/ (5 files in 5 dirs): missing libs from the "whoosh"
15:26.26 CIA-7 BRL-CAD: 03erikgreenwald * 10brlcad/src/proc-db/ Missing CFLAGS (tcl/generic). Missing libs. Whoosh.
15:26.41 CIA-7 BRL-CAD: 03erikgreenwald * 10brlcad/src/ (rttherm/ util/ missing libs from the "whoosh"
15:35.57 *** join/#brlcad Twingy (n=justin@ [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
15:51.05 brlcad you realize that you added pkg twice to most of the bin's in util/
15:54.35 CIA-7 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/TODO: tcl/tk have been updated now
15:55.41 CIA-7 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/TODO: mged now finds its resources more reliably at run-time with the auto_path updates in tclcadAutoPath.c
16:03.01 *** join/#brlcad Elperion (
16:04.06 ``Erik woops, I did?
16:04.45 brlcad likes like a global replace on /{FB}/{FB} ${PKG}/
16:05.04 brlcad where most already had PKG
16:05.38 brlcad actually, i think binfo was the only one that didn't and probably needed it
16:06.07 ``Erik several broke, I think maybe it was ordering?
16:06.58 CIA-7 BRL-CAD: 03erikgreenwald * 10brlcad/src/util/ remove dup ${PKG} entries, keeping "friendly" link order
16:08.38 ``Erik bw-png, bw-a, that's probable where I did a s/re/rs/
16:10.07 brlcad mebbie, though FB is the only one that comes to mind as using PKG
16:10.41 ``Erik libfb is the one that bitches *shrug
16:10.42 brlcad oh yeah, and fyi .. it will link and run against a system tcl/tk now .. but there's a problem with incrTcl if the versions don't match
16:11.06 brlcad i ran a test last night and it'll even fire up mged console (while bitching about incr)
16:11.08 ``Erik hm, so any old tcl8.5 is groovy?
16:11.15 brlcad it should
16:11.43 brlcad incrTcl has a run-time check to make sure the tcl/tk loaded matches the header it finds (which is our 8.5 sources)
16:49.53 *** join/#brlcad IriX64 (
16:50.33 IriX64 <-- opening a new database and trying to create a metaball results in this, (twice)
16:51.42 IriX64 know npot what to do here.
16:51.47 IriX64 err not
16:57.16 IriX64 now mi created an ars, then tried a meta ball, same result.
17:01.25 IriX64 urf, even trying to do it in an existing database, this must be my stuff?
17:50.36 *** join/#brlcad docelic (n=docelic@
18:21.10 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
18:37.57 *** join/#brlcad Elperion (
18:39.06 ``Erik heh
18:39.38 ``Erik <-- been working on fixing the metaball crap... needs to quit doing a cvs update, cuz he ends up having to fix stuff every freakin' time O.o
18:48.46 CIA-7 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/mged/anal.c: by request from Dwayne Kregel and others, increase precision of the analyze command output from 3 or 4 points after decimal to 8.
18:49.07 IriX64 heh
18:49.35 IriX64 #define no_metaballs_allowed. ;)
18:52.44 CIA-7 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ (NEWS TODO): increased output precision on mged 'analyze' command, by request from Dwayne Kregel and friends for their modeling purposes.
18:54.03 brlcad whine whine cheese cheese .. this is all release prep -- as soon as it's green across the board, a release is going up
19:23.18 CIA-7 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/librt/ restructure brep compilation so that it uses the new SSE flags from configure, distinguish between cflags and cppflags.
19:25.26 CIA-7 BRL-CAD: 03erikgreenwald * 10brlcad/src/librt/g_metaball.c: shift segment to fix method bug
19:27.08 CIA-7 BRL-CAD: 03erikgreenwald * 10brlcad/src/mged/edsol.c: update metaball solid editing to follow pipe semantics (fixes a few crashes)
19:29.34 clock_ brlcad: I have a .g file on which g-dxf -r 0.5 pours some internal inconsistency messages and then tries to continue and segfaults
19:30.24 clock_ db_walk_subtree() FAIL on '/ronja1/head_holder1/head_assembled1.g/head1/flange1/
19:30.25 clock_ flange.s'
19:30.25 clock_ db_walk_subtree() FAIL on '/ronja1/head_holder1/head_assembled1.g/head1/flange1/
19:30.25 clock_ heel_holes_upper.c/hole_6.5.s'
19:30.25 clock_ db_walk_subtree() FAIL on '/ronja1/head_holder1/head_assembled1.g/head1/flange1/
19:30.27 clock_ heel_holes_upper.c/hole_6.5.s'
19:30.30 clock_ db_walk_subtree() FAIL on '/ronja1/head_holder1/head_assembled1.g/head1/flange1/
19:30.32 clock_ heel_holes_upper.c/hole_6.5.s'
19:30.34 clock_ db_walk_subtree() FAIL on '/ronja1/head_holder1/head_assembled1.g/head1/flange1/
19:30.38 clock_ heel_holes_upper.c/hole_6.5.s'
19:30.40 clock_ db_walk_subtree() FAIL on '/ronja1/head_holder1/head_assembled1.g/head1/flange1/
19:30.42 clock_ heel_holes_upper.c/hole_6.5.s'
19:30.45 clock_ db_walk_subtree() FAIL on '/ronja1/head_holder1/head_assembled1.g/head1/flange1/
19:30.47 clock_ flange.s'
19:30.50 clock_ db_walk_subtree() FAIL on '/ronja1/head_holder1/head_assembled1.g/head1/flange1/
19:30.52 clock_ heel_holes_upper.c/hole_6.5.s'
19:30.55 clock_ db_walk_subtree() FAIL on '/ronja1/head_holder1/head_assembled1.g/head1/flange1/
19:30.57 clock_ heel_holes_upper.c/hole_6.5.s'
19:31.00 clock_ db_walk_subtree() FAIL on '/ronja1/head_holder1/head_assembled1.g/head1/flange1/
19:31.02 clock_ heel_holes_upper.c/hole_6.5.s'
19:31.05 clock_ db_walk_subtree() FAIL on '/ronja1/head_holder1/head_assembled1.g/head1/flange1/
19:31.08 clock_ heel_holes_upper.c/hole_6.5.s'
19:31.10 clock_ db_walk_subtree() FAIL on '/ronja1/head_holder1/head_assembled1.g/head1/flange1/
19:31.13 clock_ heel_holes_upper.c/hole_6.5.s'
19:31.15 clock_ (then 2 pages of normal output)
19:31.18 clock_ and finally:
19:31.20 clock_ Segmentation fault (core dumped)
19:31.32 clock_ #0 db_free_tree (tp=0x86386ca0, resp=0x3c0039d0) at db_tree.c:1500
19:31.32 clock_ 1500 db_tree.c: No such file or directory.
19:31.32 clock_ <PROTECTED>
19:31.32 clock_ (gdb) bt full
19:31.32 clock_ #0 db_free_tree (tp=0x86386ca0, resp=0x3c0039d0) at db_tree.c:1500
19:31.34 clock_ <PROTECTED>
19:31.37 clock_ #1 0x1c001a4b in do_region_end (tsp=0x81a4c204, pathp=0x81a4c2f8, curtree=0x86386ca0, client_data=0x0) at g-dxf.c:1004
19:31.40 clock_ <PROTECTED>
19:31.42 clock_ <PROTECTED>
19:31.45 clock_ <PROTECTED>
19:31.47 clock_ <PROTECTED>
19:31.50 clock_ <PROTECTED>
19:31.52 clock_ #2 0x021a9b7d in db_walk_dispatcher (cpu=-2119908860, arg=0xcf7f9270) at db_tree.c:2198
19:31.55 clock_ <PROTECTED>
19:31.58 clock_ <PROTECTED>
19:32.00 clock_ <PROTECTED>
19:32.03 clock_ #3 0x021aa1ec in db_walk_tree (dbip=0x89d7d000, argc=1, argv=0xcf7f9388, ncpu=1, init_state=0x3c003b80, reg_start_func=0, reg_end_func=0x7c90e060, leaf_func=0x7c90e060, client_data=0x0)
19:32.07 clock_ <PROTECTED>
19:32.10 clock_ <PROTECTED>
19:32.12 clock_ <PROTECTED>
19:32.15 clock_ <PROTECTED>
19:32.19 clock_ <PROTECTED>
19:32.23 clock_ <PROTECTED>
19:32.26 clock_ <PROTECTED>
19:32.29 clock_ <PROTECTED>
19:32.31 clock_ <PROTECTED>
19:32.34 clock_ <PROTECTED>
19:32.37 clock_ <PROTECTED>
19:32.39 clock_ <PROTECTED>
19:32.42 clock_ <PROTECTED>
19:32.44 clock_ <PROTECTED>
19:32.47 clock_ <PROTECTED>
19:32.49 clock_ <PROTECTED>
19:32.53 clock_ <PROTECTED>
19:32.56 clock_ <PROTECTED>
19:32.58 clock_ #4 0x1c0014bb in main (argc=2, argv=0x89d7d000) at g-dxf.c:517
19:33.01 clock_ <PROTECTED>
19:33.04 clock_ <PROTECTED>
19:33.06 clock_ <PROTECTED>
19:33.09 clock_ And that's BRL-CAD 7.8.4 - the latest
19:33.28 Maloeran Hrm. Post that in, it might be more usable by brlcad/Erik
19:33.59 ``Erik or or or ...
19:38.41 IriX64 clock_: whered the .g file come from? your creation or asc2g? or....?
19:39.06 clock_ My creation
19:39.32 IriX64 and you're using dxf2g?
19:40.15 IriX64 err g2dxf?
19:40.28 *** join/#brlcad cad38 (
19:42.02 IriX64 its telling you the line number, 517.
19:42.19 IriX64 in g-dxf.c
19:45.45 clock_ g-dxf or hows the program called
19:58.11 CIA-7 BRL-CAD: 03erikgreenwald * 10brlcad/src/librt/g_metaball.c: tweak the point eval formula a tiny bit to allow negative points
20:00.40 IriX64 nmg_booltree_leaf_tees, that part clock_ ?
20:00.53 IriX64 tess.
21:50.23 *** join/#brlcad docelic (n=docelic@
22:39.11 *** join/#brlcad bjorkBSD (
23:24.44 *** join/#brlcad PrezKennedy (

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