irclog2html for #brlcad on 20070313

02:10.21 *** join/#brlcad dli (
03:13.33 louipc ew
06:14.04 CIA-7 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/BUGS:
06:14.04 CIA-7 BRL-CAD: add at least three (rather minor, all with workarounds) bugs noticed relating to
06:14.04 CIA-7 BRL-CAD: libfb/ray-tracer file redirection. libfb cannot utilize standard output/error
06:14.04 CIA-7 BRL-CAD: 'device' files (e.g. /dev/stdout) without path trickery, using such a device
06:14.04 CIA-7 BRL-CAD: fails if used with a pipe or redirect, and the ray-tracers output corrupted
06:14.07 CIA-7 BRL-CAD: imagery if using -o to a non-seekable file (like /dev/stdout).
07:00.14 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
08:43.48 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
09:31.55 *** join/#brlcad b0ef (
13:53.25 ``Erik *yawn*
14:54.02 Maloeran Grah, I'm really bad sometimes. Struggling a moment with merely solving boolean operations on 2d polygons
15:29.15 *** join/#brlcad IriX64 (
15:39.21 IriX64 brlcad: I've abandoned that convertor thing you asked me to do, don't know enough about the various formats, and lack test facilities for those, easiest way for you ppl though is convert one way then convert back to where you started from, should get an exact copy of what you started with.
16:24.38 IriX64 now to learn how to interact with adrt/rise.
17:31.17 *** join/#brlcad elzair (
17:44.39 ``Erik heh
17:47.33 ``Erik g-dxf -o moss.dxf moss.g all.g && dxf-g moss.dxf moss-new.g && mged moss-new.g .... then e up the top level and see if it looks right...
17:47.40 ``Erik don't really need to know much about the formats
18:05.13 CIA-7 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/bench/ pixcmp now reports non-zero code for off-by-one results. handle the new/expected return values.
19:51.04 IriX64 ``Erik, i don't speak nix cmd lin :)
20:19.20 brlcad wicked
20:19.46 brlcad turning off debugging symbols actually decreased performance by a solid amount
20:20.55 brlcad 25%!
20:21.27 brlcad that's gotta be some massive alignment/coherency penalty going on
20:22.00 dtidrow_work talk about bizarre
20:24.20 brlcad yeah, both O3, exact same options .. just one with -g and one without
20:24.49 brlcad adding alignment flags to see
20:28.32 ``Erik brlcad, what am I doing wrong or stupidly? error: cannot find interface declaration for 'NSObject', superclass of 'NSAppleMenuController
20:29.15 brlcad #include <CoreFoundation/CoreFoundation.h>
20:29.55 ``Erik still get it :/
20:30.29 brlcad er, one of those
20:30.30 ``Erik even added "-framework CoreFoundation" to the compile line to see if it fixes something, but *shrug* no joy
20:30.34 brlcad try Foundation/Foundation
20:31.14 *** join/#brlcad docelic (n=docelic@
20:33.13 ``Erik hm, Foundation seems to be fixing some of it
20:38.20 ``Erik yeah, heh
20:38.34 ``Erik this .m file is... not... healthy...
20:38.48 ``Erik at least, not for the twisted way I'm trying to abuse it O:-)
20:38.51 ``Erik thanks :D
20:39.18 brlcad SDLMain.m?
20:39.34 ``Erik yeah
20:39.36 ``Erik ahhhhhh
20:39.43 ``Erik #import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h> made it all happy
20:40.08 brlcad heh, including the kitchen sink usually does
20:41.14 brlcad you do realize that there's an SDLMain.h too?
20:41.34 brlcad that includes SDL.h, Cocoa.h, and declares the interface correctly
20:43.45 ``Erik ah, heh, didn't notice it... the .m didn't import it :/
21:12.53 brlcad ahh, function/jump/loop alignment alone restored performance back to within about 95% .. i bet it'd be all back if I added a few more related flags
21:13.52 brlcad do we have any popular systems that aren't aligned on 16 other than hpc?
21:14.40 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
21:24.14 *** join/#brlcad Elperion (
21:35.19 Maloeran Very often, chunks of memory from malloc() are only aligned on 8 bytes
22:05.50 *** join/#brlcad louipc (
23:54.50 ``Erik .. that depends on OS

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