irclog2html for #brlcad on 20070315

00:13.05 IriX64 now instead of e-mailing them to people, I just post them on my blog :)
00:16.01 brlcad that actually works much better.. don't have to wade
00:16.13 brlcad i like a few of the shots
00:16.41 brlcad would be cool if you started actually building something
00:18.00 IriX64 the zeus mobile
00:18.13 IriX64 gotta plan it first
00:18.36 CIA-7 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/other/libtermlib/ version is no longer relevant/known again
00:19.17 IriX64 brlcads clay is bits and bytes
00:21.53 CIA-7 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/other/libtermlib/termcap.c:
00:21.54 CIA-7 BRL-CAD: make it look for our installed termcap file before it uses the one in etc, since
00:21.54 CIA-7 BRL-CAD: enabling termlib compilation implies functioning independent. if they want
00:21.54 CIA-7 BRL-CAD: their termcap file, they can still set TERMCAP or link against their system
00:21.54 CIA-7 BRL-CAD: terminfo/termcap/curses
00:34.56 louipc <PROTECTED>
00:35.12 brlcad true
00:35.16 louipc jove?
00:35.23 brlcad yes?
00:35.25 brlcad f'ing jove
00:35.34 brlcad ~jove
00:35.35 ibot jove is, like, njs's preferred little editor -- like emacs, but small.
00:35.47 brlcad heh, didn't know that
00:35.58 Twingy ~nano
00:35.59 ibot methinks nano is at, or a DFSG-free alternative to pico, or 10^-9
00:36.14 Twingy ~gcam
00:36.16 ibot hmm... gcam is the open source GNU Computer-Aided Machining project, developed by Justin Shumaker, for supporting basic CNC mills by directly exporting g-code to your favorite CNC driver application. See for details.
00:36.16 brlcad ~jove is also "Jonathan's Own Version of Emacs"
00:36.17 ibot brlcad: okay
00:36.24 Twingy hah
00:37.18 IriX64 for which horse :) (duck)
00:37.30 Twingy your mom, oh snap!
00:38.11 IriX64 youd prefer your sisyer my moms a crel ride.
00:39.03 Maloeran ~universe
00:39.05 ibot Space Strategy game. URL:
00:39.29 Twingy ~42
00:39.31 ibot from memory, 42 is the answer to life the universe and everything, see also,_the_universe,_and_everything
00:39.35 IriX64 42's only half the answer 84 is the full answer :)
00:40.54 Maloeran Especially since the universe is 404 Not found
00:41.12 IriX64 an http universe interesting equation :)
00:42.15 Twingy Maloeran, how long does it take you to raytrace the universe
00:42.47 IriX64 e=mc2^c2
00:43.19 Maloeran Not too sure, I'm still waiting for some rays to come out of a black hole
00:46.26 IriX64 you're raytracing in reverse then :)
00:47.26 Twingy Maloeran, better put some rays on the event horizon to see what's going on with them
00:48.22 Maloeran Yes, there must be a bug in my graph prep, they seem stuck in an infinite loop
00:49.37 Twingy just rub your feet together on the carpet and touch your ram
00:49.41 Twingy that'll get it unstuck
00:59.07 IriX64 stray photons will too
01:07.44 ``Erik *pout* this sucks
01:07.49 ``Erik my laptop only has 2g ram
01:07.55 ``Erik I can't model irix64's mom :(
01:08.02 Twingy oh snap!
01:16.11 IriX64 you're using the male model thats why :)
01:16.22 IriX64 she doesn't have one of those :)
01:17.02 Twingy she has two?
01:17.19 IriX64 breasts yeah just like you :)
01:17.20 Twingy
01:17.31 Twingy don't make fun of my man bewbs
01:17.45 IriX64 mine are a c cup :)
01:17.53 Twingy ...or else I'll you on wendy's mailing list
01:18.04 Twingy (dooh dooh doooooo organ music)
01:18.08 ``Erik heh
01:18.18 IriX64 means i have to work for a living? no thanks... :)
01:18.26 ``Erik omfg, wendys mailing list, that's just fucking COLD
01:19.00 IriX64 not knowing who wendy is i have to bow out but ill let gionnii know :)
01:20.38 ``Erik irix: of the folk paid by uncle sam.. when we grouse and bitch and generally act disgruntled... that's response to our good friend miss wendy.
01:21.24 IriX64 uncle sams wife?
01:21.27 Twingy within 24 hours of my transfer taking effect I will be removed from the shackles of her mailing list
01:21.53 IriX64 shows who really runs the military
01:21.58 ``Erik heh
01:22.20 ``Erik ehhehheh
01:22.31 ``Erik y'know
01:22.42 ``Erik I was doing some computation today
01:23.03 brlcad me too!
01:23.22 ``Erik heh
01:23.59 IriX64 gotta go... kid needs a ride.
01:24.27 ``Erik if I sold my house today and moved back to missouri....
01:24.54 ``Erik I would have like a fucking mansion and a fistful of 'extra' crash
01:25.14 ``Erik it REALLY makes me think about moving back to hillbilly land and starting my own co
01:25.17 ``Erik :/
01:25.49 Twingy have to keep in mind if you decide later in life to want to move to a pricey area you'll be dirt poor
01:25.57 Twingy so that limits you to like mid west
01:27.04 Maloeran Or up in Canada
01:28.56 ``Erik parts of canuckia, I suppose
01:29.28 Maloeran Any idea on what the company will offer, Erik?
01:29.36 ``Erik 'the company'?
01:29.52 Maloeran Within the context of "starting my own co"
01:29.59 ``Erik heh
01:30.05 ``Erik nfc
01:30.12 Maloeran Okay :)
01:32.10 ``Erik I can lay code like a mofo, and I can do certain administrative fucntions...
01:32.10 ``Erik like finances, uh, I can be hardcore on the financial aspect...
01:32.30 ``Erik but the business/marketing/sales shit seriosuly aint' up my alley... I need a face person.
01:32.45 Twingy ah, so you are brining gillich with you
01:33.00 ``Erik heh, I d'no about gillich
01:33.15 Twingy I would be a bad choice, I'd get bored of ``Erik's company (whatever it was) in 3 years and he'd be screwed
01:33.20 ``Erik with appropiate steering, lee is capable there :/
01:33.45 Twingy seriously though
01:33.50 Twingy when they fire wendy, you can bring her along
01:33.56 Maloeran Ahah
01:34.08 ``Erik I, uh, kinda ment functional?
01:34.35 ``Erik not th ekinda person who would bury an endeavor in unnecessary beaurocrocy...
01:34.38 ``Erik sp
01:34.52 Twingy I flew the twin again tonight
01:35.01 ``Erik awesome
01:35.03 Twingy that little toy is addictive
01:35.14 ``Erik got someone with a radar gun to clokc you? :D
01:35.17 Twingy I am ready to start packing electronics into it now
01:35.28 Twingy as long as I can climb vertical that's all that matters :)
01:35.40 Twingy will full tanks of gas
01:35.51 Twingy *with
01:36.05 ``Erik heh, vertical climb is an awful lot of unf
01:37.51 Twingy figure it's got about 15 lbs of thrust
01:38.16 Twingy probly 12 actually, fully loaded the plane is about 5-6 lbs
01:38.58 Twingy doing an inverted dive with full throttle just rips it up
01:39.16 Twingy a trainer would snap its wing in a heart beat
01:40.33 Maloeran Considered a solar powered plane yet? :)
01:41.14 Twingy already been done
01:41.26 Twingy and those're no fun unless autonomous
01:41.40 Twingy and I do that at work everyday
01:41.40 Maloeran Not by amateurs flying indefinitely
01:41.47 Twingy so no real fun
01:41.59 ``Erik indefinitly sustainable solar autonmous aircraft would be... interesting
01:42.24 Twingy it'd have to be huge to weather the cross winds
01:42.42 Maloeran Then send it over the pacific to get you some pictures of Australia
01:43.09 ``Erik like that massive nasa cruiser that flexed like a mofo in the wind
01:43.22 Twingy if solar efficiency doubles you could charge up lipo's during the day while flying above clouds
01:43.26 ``Erik the one that was like a 30' wingspan of solar panels
01:44.18 Twingy heh
01:44.26 Twingy I have an 1100maH nicad in the twin
01:44.32 Twingy my hour and a half of flying tonight used up 200ma
01:44.55 Twingy easily fly that all day on one charge'
01:45.08 Twingy I need an 1100 for my xmitter
01:45.23 Twingy the hitech sucks through that 600ma in just over 90 minutes
01:45.38 Twingy though my triton can charge it up in about 60
01:46.55 Twingy I doubt that xmitter is 2W though
01:47.00 Twingy they are usualy 500mW
01:48.48 Twingy
02:23.56 CIA-7 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/misc/ gah, I thought I already committed this. traverse into enigma dir, don't just shove everything into the dist, else make distcheck thinks that it's already been configured and aborts.
02:38.27 IriX64 <PROTECTED>
03:15.55 IriX64 ill try 7.8.4 tommorrow again.
03:16.07 IriX64 quite happy with 7.6.2 tho.
03:19.12 CIA-7 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/other/tcl/generic/regex.h: tcl's regex.h header assumes that there is magic being provided by tclInt.h before it's included (for VOID and CONST among other examples) .. so just freaking include it and avoid a make dist error.
03:37.47 CIA-7 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/include/ vector headers are missing, bad distcheck, no donut for you
03:41.38 CIA-7 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/include/ ( svfb.h svfb_global.h): remove the obsolete svfb.h and svfb_global.h headers. they are part of urtoolkit and were replaced by rle_put.h and rle.h respectively.
03:41.39 *** join/#brlcad deltazap ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
03:41.40 *** join/#brlcad louipc ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
03:45.10 CIA-7 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/include/ ( XtndRunsv.h): remove XtndRunsv.h as well, obsoleted in urt by rle_code.h
03:53.31 *** join/#brlcad dtidrow_work ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
03:59.57 brlcad dtidrow_work: workin' late? :)
05:13.14 *** join/#brlcad cad41 (
05:13.25 cad41 hello all :)
05:14.14 cad41 i am in search of help on my mac with brlcad
05:14.23 cad41 i cant seem to start it
05:15.49 cad41 anyone alive in here?
05:16.37 Maloeran You have tried running mged? Do you get any error message? I'm no expert on Mac, but it's built on Unix so...
05:16.37 cad41 i did,and it did not do anything
05:16.48 Maloeran If you start it from a terminal, does it print anything?
05:16.57 cad41 i am no expert,but can do some basic linux/unix stuff
05:17.09 cad41 i cant get it to start at all
05:17.49 cad41 mike-campbells-computer:~ scottcampbell$ MGED
05:18.03 brlcad cad41: type "/usr/brlcad/bin/mged"
05:18.03 cad41 then i get nothing
05:18.07 brlcad without the quotes
05:18.24 brlcad with X11 running
05:19.34 cad41 thank you
05:19.36 cad41 :)
05:19.55 cad41 ooops
05:20.34 cad41 didnt work
05:20.55 brlcad you're running X11?
05:21.00 cad41 yes
05:21.03 cad41 made sure of that
05:21.15 Maloeran Try to give more information on what isn't working, it's a bit vague
05:21.25 Maloeran Does it print anything in your terminal?
05:21.36 brlcad you typed /usr/brlcad/bin/mged into the xterm window that popped open?
05:21.46 cad41 it sayd no display name and no $display envoronment variable
05:22.11 brlcad ah, type it into the xterm window instead of Terminal
05:22.30 brlcad or run this in Terminal: export DISPLAY=:0
05:22.34 cad41 Initializing and backgrounding, please display name and no $DISPLAY environment variable
05:23.08 brlcad type the export line, then retry
05:24.13 cad41 Initializing and backgrounding, please wait...couldn't connect to display ":0"
05:27.33 Maloeran As an unix but non-mac guy, I would say X doesn't seem to be running
05:29.10 cad41 ok.i shall double check.thank you for the help
05:32.26 brlcad if X11 is running (it's in your /Applications/Utilities folder), there will be a small white window open up in the top left corner entitled "xterm"
05:34.36 cad41 Initializing and backgrounding, please wait...X Error of failed request: BadRequest (invalid request code or no such operation)
05:34.48 cad41 X is on
05:35.15 brlcad ahh, Intel Mac
05:35.15 cad41 <PROTECTED>
05:35.23 cad41 hahhaha
05:35.23 brlcad there's a bug in apple's X11
05:35.59 brlcad cad41: there's a release going up this weekend that will have a fix for that, 7.10
05:36.14 cad41 from X?
05:36.24 cad41 or apple?
05:36.30 brlcad of BRL-CAD
05:36.35 cad41 oh LOL
05:36.36 cad41 i see
05:36.40 brlcad we can work around the problem
05:37.22 cad41 ahh to be a curious age 40!
05:37.27 brlcad X11 fails to talk to Rosetta correctly, so you get that opcode error
05:37.55 brlcad a quick recompile for Intel fixes it up, or a universal binary
05:38.15 brlcad the other command-line apps still work, but not the gui to mged
05:56.20 *** join/#brlcad tofu (n=sean@
06:45.38 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
08:27.24 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
08:27.59 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
11:20.45 *** join/#brlcad brlcad (
12:34.41 *** join/#brlcad Twingy (n=justin@ [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
12:53.47 *** join/#brlcad tofu (
13:17.55 Maloeran *nods* Sure, that was just to say that I could perhaps help with the Unix part, not anything specific to OSX
13:21.48 tofu ``Erik: so looks like it's a no go, off the hook
13:22.25 ``Erik um, what, the gsoc?
13:26.26 brlcad yeah
13:26.53 ``Erik ah well *shrug* so we don't get to spend someone elses money for grunt-work development
13:27.06 brlcad pretty much
13:27.49 ``Erik I think the notion of a 'junior hacker' list is good to have around anyways, so I don't believe generating the document was wasteful *shrug*
13:28.46 ``Erik even if no one else picks up on it, I might chew on something during one of my 'brain dead' days, which seem awfully common these last couple of years :/
13:29.39 brlcad actually, I thought that the list of rfp was a great page to put together regardless
13:32.24 ``Erik others have done it before :D
13:32.24 ``Erik the bsd one actually grew out of phk's "jr kernel hacker todo" list
14:09.17 brlcad yep, nothing new, I meant more just clearing out thoughts on actual attainable projects that would make a big impact
14:10.50 brlcad the rfp page is actually fairly well ordered towards what is most important at the moment too
14:18.04 *** mode/#brlcad [+o brlcad] by ChanServ
15:40.14 CIA-7 BRL-CAD: 03erikgreenwald * 10rtcmp/adrt/adrt.c: handle failed region in nmg conversion
15:48.12 CIA-7 BRL-CAD: 03erikgreenwald * 10rtcmp/ cvs BRL-CAD changed to (on fbsd/linux... on obsd and others)
15:49.28 CIA-7 BRL-CAD: 03erikgreenwald * 10rtcmp/rtcmp.h: we cope with normals now, so don't have them marked as unused
15:59.02 *** join/#brlcad Elperion (
15:59.36 *** join/#brlcad Elperion (
16:03.07 CIA-7 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/bwish/main.c: reorder
16:29.50 Maloeran From BBC's history, the world's oldest person died at 114 on 29 Jan 07. On 15 March 2007, the world's oldest person turns 116. Find the error
16:31.21 clock_ Died and then raised from the grave, a bit older (from decomposition)
16:31.34 clock_ happens all the time, see Romeros movies
16:33.32 archivist jurnalists are notorious for errors
16:34.04 archivist if you want some fun email them about it see if you get it updated
16:34.06 clock_ maybe the world's oldest person is the journalist
16:34.25 clock_ and the brain doesn't serve as good as when he was young ;-)
16:49.45 ``Erik clock: bug 1657171 (rtedge renders bullshit), the png file seems to be truncated? 24709 bytes, MD5 (bullshit.png) = 3ce18b1b378dd81e25c20d1a44f3f3c9
16:49.59 ``Erik (unless my browser is being retarded, which may very well be)
16:50.43 clock_ ``Erik: URL?
16:50.59 ``Erik
16:54.38 CIA-7 BRL-CAD: 03erikgreenwald * 10rtcmp/ ( rtcmp.c dry/dry.c dry/dry.h): Add a 'dry run' engine to measure overhead and "warm up" the partition manager. Should abate worries about function call overhead.
16:55.56 CIA-7 BRL-CAD: 03erikgreenwald * 10rtcmp/rt/rt.c: silence overlap reporting
16:57.32 clock_ ``Erik: It's even broken on my disk. I don't know why
16:58.35 clock_ ``Erik: But look at
16:58.37 clock_ seach for chimney
16:58.51 ``Erik always pimpin' your site ;)
16:59.18 clock_ And then look at the lower left picture of the five
16:59.36 clock_ The rtedge picture is just downscaled with image magick, and when you click you see the rt picture
17:00.00 ``Erik the original rtedge image isn't available?
17:00.04 clock_ ``Erik: you can see the notches on the downscaled one too
17:00.12 clock_ I would have to generate it manually
17:00.36 ``Erik ok, I'll just follow your instructions in the pr and see if it looks mucked up to me :)
17:02.47 clock_ yeah try how long does it take?
17:02.52 clock_ I'm curious :)
17:03.01 ``Erik huh? to render on my machine? or?
17:03.14 clock_ yes to set up the given version and download and render
17:03.42 clock_ This is why it's good to have technology completely open
17:03.58 ``Erik well, it's tracing now
17:04.14 clock_ Can you imagine "Hi we are Samsung we are using BRL-CAD to model mobile phone shell but no sorry we can't give you the .g file it's strictly confidential"
17:04.19 ``Erik 1.4 seconds
17:05.07 clock_ proprietary == Debugging Mission Impossible
17:08.38 clock_ ``Erik: are you getting those notches too?
17:09.29 ``Erik no
17:09.38 clock_ ``Erik: send me your picture
17:09.42 clock_ what's your BRL-CAD version?
17:10.07 clock_ 7.8.4?
17:10.17 clock_ ``Erik: clock at twibright dot com
17:10.17 ``Erik 7.9.0
17:10.27 clock_ ``Erik: can you try with 7.8.4?
17:10.40 ``Erik lemme find a box runnign it, heh
17:10.44 clock_ To see if it's a bug that was fixed or a bug which doesn't reproduce in your situation?
17:11.11 clock_ Can I already download 7.9.0?
17:11.18 clock_ The notches look ugly on the website :)
17:12.24 ``Erik 7.9.0 is the working name for cvs HEAD
17:12.31 ``Erik 7.10.0 should be out 'very soon now'
17:12.59 ``Erik 7.8.0 didn't show the notches
17:13.00 clock_ they should put the money spent on SDI into BRL-CAD ;-)
17:13.09 clock_ yes I remember they weren't there before
17:13.15 clock_ but I wasn't sure
17:13.38 clock_ BRL-CAD - where the U.S. Army rulez ;-)
17:14.10 *** join/#brlcad Maloeran (
17:14.39 *** join/#brlcad IriX64 (
17:15.02 ``Erik hrmmmm
17:22.46 IriX64 masochist :)
17:23.15 clock_ ``Erik: My machine is LSB first
17:23.48 ``Erik the machines I was testing on are mostly wrong endian... opterons
17:24.05 clock_ opterons are big endians?
17:24.13 ``Erik no, small endian
17:25.38 clock_ If you have a big endian machine and 32 bit number x stored in memory addresses 0,1,2,3, how much is (unsigned long)(void *)&x?
17:26.22 clock_ Is it 0, 3, or 4?
17:27.04 ``Erik huh?
17:27.23 ``Erik big endian will store 0x11223344 as { 0x11, 0x22, 0x33, 0x44 }
17:27.37 clock_ that's not exactly an answer to my question
17:28.28 clock_ ``Erik: do you understand C?
17:29.18 ``Erik yes, sorry, distracted at the moment
17:29.29 clock_ ``Erik: then you should understand my question
17:33.38 Maloeran clock_, 0x01020304 on big endian
17:33.38 clock_ Maloeran: no I didn't say stored as values 0,1,2,3, but in memory addresses 0,1,2,3
17:33.38 clock_ memory address 0 is when all address bus wires are low. Memory address 1 is one byte higher etc.
17:33.38 Maloeran I sure know C and the "in memory addresses 0,1,2,3" is not clear at all
17:33.38 IriX64 clock_ try sizeof(unsigned long) and sizeof(void*)
17:34.07 Maloeran clock_, there's no conversion or byte swapping between considering an integer as pointer or integer
17:34.19 Maloeran For the processor, a pointer is always just an integer anyway
17:34.39 Maloeran Well "always" on the majority of platforms, before Erik or brlcad gets pedantic on me :)
17:34.46 clock_ In other words, do pointer pointing at multi-byte objects in bug endian machines point at the beginning of the object, at the last byte of the objectt, or one byte beyond the end of the object?
17:35.09 brlcad :)
17:35.54 Maloeran References hold the address to the beginning of the chunk of memory, the first byte of your variable
17:36.12 clock_ Then on big endian machine if you do this
17:36.13 clock_ long x
17:36.20 clock_ x=37
17:36.38 clock_ printf("%d",*(unsigned char *)(void *)&x);
17:36.41 clock_ it prints 0?
17:37.57 Maloeran It will print 0, yes
17:38.35 Maloeran ((unsigned char *)&x)[3] will give you 37 if sizeof(long)==4 of course
17:38.50 clock_ On big endian machines if you want to cast a long object into shorter one (meaningfully), you have to perform a constant addition
17:39.08 clock_ On little endian, you don't have to
17:39.09 Maloeran Hum, I'm not following this statement
17:39.22 clock_ therefore little endian machines are faster and therefore better.
17:39.32 Maloeran Oh, you mean casting a 64 bits int to 32 bits or so
17:40.01 clock_ Maloeran: yes, on big endian machine you have to insert one ADD instruction for the [3], so all programs that do such kind of operation run slower
17:40.21 Maloeran Not exactly. First, all/most memory references instructions contain an "offset"
17:40.46 Maloeran Second, accessing memory in this manner after a write will trash your cache and stall, you better use instructions for conversion
17:41.20 clock_ depends on how the cache and pipeline is implemented
17:41.26 Maloeran In some cases though, this could be an advantage, yes
17:41.27 clock_ if it's implemented with this case in mind, it won't stall
17:41.45 clock_ It won't trash and stall also in case there is no cache/pipeline, like for example the Z80 processor
17:41.52 clock_ (which is a little endian machine)
17:42.01 Maloeran Eheh okay. I usually have amd64 in mind
17:42.13 clock_ Z80 is turing equivalent to AMD64
17:42.25 clock_ ;-)
17:42.37 clock_ I wanted to point out the asymmetry between big and little endian machines
17:42.51 IriX64 turing? nice language :)
17:43.00 Maloeran Big endian also has its advantages in certain cases
17:43.01 clock_ Some people say they are symmetric and therefore there is no inherent advantage and therefore all holy wars are pointless
17:43.38 clock_ I just showed that there is an advantage, the big endian is theoretically more kinky and the little one smoother
17:43.38 clock_ Maloeran: it's name being 2 bytes shorter?
17:43.38 Maloeran With a proper instruction set, they really are equivalent
17:43.39 clock_ 3 bytes
17:44.00 Maloeran clock_, you could for example search a sequence of bytes while crossing int64_t boundaries
17:44.01 clock_ To make them equivalent, one would have to define pointer to point beyond
17:44.14 Maloeran That will stall as well but will end up faster
17:44.19 clock_ Maloeran: what does it mean?
17:44.59 Maloeran If you are looking for a specific sequence of 8 chars, you can just read a single int64_t by incrementing one byte at a time, single comparison to see if your 8 chars are there
17:45.01 clock_ Maloeran: On little endian I can also seach a sequence of bytes while corssing int64_t boundaries (or any other boundaries) - in a string it really doesn't matter how it's aligned.
17:45.04 Maloeran You can't do that with little endian
17:45.29 clock_ Maloeran: you mean read each byte in memory 4 times?
17:46.04 clock_ sorry 8 times for all overlapping possibly unaligned int64_t's that contain that memory byte?
17:46.23 Maloeran Yes, the memory accesses would be very much non-aligned
17:47.31 IriX64 brlcad: i don't know *why, but the check for opengl functionality from 7.6.2 inserted into 7.8.4's works, the one supplied does *not work and i can't figure it out.
17:47.34 Maloeran Anyway, these are really details. I have far bigger complains about architectures and ISAs than the endianess :)
17:49.09 clock_ Maloeran: which?
17:49.58 Maloeran The complete bloat of a 16 bits real mode ISA designed in 1975, extended to 32 bits, to protected mode, to 64 bits, to long mode
17:50.24 Maloeran The SSE mess in comparison to Altivec or Itanium
17:51.15 ``Erik (back, btw)
17:52.06 ``Erik (and people who blindly cast/copy to smaller data sizes shouldn't be allowed to touch computers *cough*)
17:52.40 Maloeran Darn. Don't look at my optimized SSE code :)
17:53.01 clock_ Is there any version older than 7.8.4 publicly available?
17:53.13 ``Erik um, all of them?
17:53.28 IriX64 think older releases are on sf clock_
17:53.38 clock_ I could find only 7.8.4
17:53.51 ``Erik 7.8.4 64b on opteron does not exhibit the rtedge issue...
17:53.51 clock_ oh sorry I meand newer
17:53.58 IriX64 look for older releases of this project on the download page
17:54.09 ``Erik (of course, I'm using /dev/Xl instead of outputting to a file... heh)
17:54.24 clock_ ``Erik: I have OpenBSD Pentium III
17:54.29 ``Erik 7.8.4 is the most recent official release.
17:54.40 clock_ ``Erik: output into a file, please
17:55.30 clock_ ``Erik: did I write into the report that the same problem occurs on Linux>
17:55.31 clock_ ?
17:56.40 ``Erik
17:56.59 ``Erik no, you didn't mention any os/arch at all
17:57.25 IriX64 wtf how do you get inside it?
17:57.29 clock_ ``Erik: contains the bug
17:57.33 ``Erik hmmmmmm, there is some warble at the top, yes
17:57.45 IriX64 sorry man..
17:58.03 clock_ ``Erik: the 1st, 2nd and 4rd edge from the top
17:58.10 ``Erik iiiinteresting
17:58.11 brlcad that image has at least two bugs
17:58.26 archivist impossible bolt head on the left of pic
17:59.46 clock_ brlcad: rtedge in 7.8.4 produces crap
17:59.53 brlcad the "hiccups" on the long rod and the lower ouside horizontal edge of the far beam
17:59.56 clock_ ``Erik: show the image from the 7.9.0
18:01.07 brlcad the bolt heads are also flawed, but that's the depth tolerance issue
18:01.08 ``Erik oh, now this is VERY interesting
18:01.52 brlcad that almost looks like corrupted framebuffer on some of those edges
18:02.27 clock_ Whistler orders U.S. Army to design their slopes and U. S. Army uses BRL-CAD to design the slopes. U. S. Army asks "and how do you want to do it?" Whistler says "we want just straight plain downhill slopes". After they prepare the slopes, Whistler gets a flood of thankful letters from snowboarders "Dear Whistler, thanks for the great snowpark!"
18:02.30 ``Erik heh
18:03.13 ``Erik check this out, if I write to a file and use the display framebuffer at the same time... (-F/dev/Xl), then I pix-fb the .pix file
18:03.16 ``Erik they're quite different
18:03.28 ``Erik the display framebuffer is correct, the saved one is not
18:03.29 brlcad ``Erik: if you're debugging that, the -Q option is gold
18:03.43 ``Erik to rt? or pix-fb? or?
18:03.49 brlcad rt*
18:04.24 ``Erik undocumented, swank :D 'query one pixel'
18:04.28 clock_ looks like the cards get a bit shuffled on the way
18:04.54 brlcad e.g. render to framebuffer using -F/dev/Xl, then right click on the bad pixel to get a coordinate .. then rerender with exact same params adding -Q x,y .. will turn on debugging and only shoot that single ray
18:04.58 clock_ cause it's not pixels zeroed out or set, but they are moved around and the number of black and white ones stays in the right proportion
18:05.10 ``Erik heh, it's all good, clock, we still have card sorters around here O.o just keep all appendages inside while moving
18:05.11 brlcad it's documented in rt's manpage
18:05.15 clock_ and the corruption is local
18:06.10 clock_ aren't two processes writing into one framebuffer at once and not getting the things quite right?
18:06.13 brlcad ahh.. so -o with -F *is* corrupting.. that's a new bug
18:06.27 ``Erik well, -o is corrupt either way
18:06.30 ``Erik -F is not
18:06.35 brlcad even by itself?
18:06.38 ``Erik yes
18:06.54 brlcad hmm
18:07.29 clock_ Does 7.9.0 do the bug too?
18:07.30 brlcad looks like random off-by-1 fseek errors
18:07.40 ``Erik yes, head still does it
18:07.48 clock_ brlcad: but it's vertically off by 1
18:08.06 ``Erik it's army code, clock, it seeks up and down, not left and right :D
18:08.12 clock_ lol :)
18:08.32 clock_ push ups up and down?
18:08.37 ``Erik in soviet america, buffer fseeks you
18:08.56 clock_ soviet america == Santa Monica?
18:09.01 clock_ Soviet Monica?
18:09.06 brlcad ideally, there should be no fseek's with -o .. that's broken inherintly
18:09.30 brlcad makes things like -o /dev/stdout | pix-png unhappy
18:09.41 clock_ Maybe the tape reels are lose?
18:10.34 clock_ I'm leaving for a gym
18:11.00 IriX64 hi i'm gym :)
18:11.02 clock_ have fun with broken pictures
18:11.10 clock_ cu later
18:19.41 ``Erik ok, uh
18:21.33 ``Erik that ... heh, yeah, more proof that the hell project will never be scalable. what was that boy smokin' when he write this?
18:51.42 ``Erik man, I got a fix, but I so don't want to commit it
18:51.43 brlcad what was it?
18:52.27 ``Erik when it writes to the FB, it uses the ap_y value to point to the right place, but the output file write doesn't check to see if things are coming in order, it locks and writes
18:52.39 ``Erik so when scanlines came out of order, the file got out of order
18:52.51 brlcad aha
18:53.26 ``Erik a "po' boy" spinlock solves the output... but it's ugly and will starve some
18:53.29 brlcad it should probably "wait" for the next line so it doesn't seek
18:54.05 brlcad or just wait until everything is done
18:55.40 CIA-7 BRL-CAD: 03erikgreenwald * 10brlcad/src/rt/viewedge.c: "po' boy" spinlock to avoid scanlines being written out of order (race condition). Fixes PR 1657171.
18:55.41 ``Erik I was going to wait and write in frame_end(), but that'd require an extra buffer to hold the results (if there's no FB)
18:56.06 brlcad hmm.. good point
18:56.23 brlcad that would be bad for rendering massive images, though I don't think we can do that still for other reasons
18:56.43 IriX64 ``Erik why not just a sem (block the write) to say go ahead and write.
18:57.37 IriX64 errr its not threaded forget it :)
18:57.44 ``Erik um, it does block the write
18:57.58 IriX64 sorry man ill shut up.
18:58.04 ``Erik but scanline 2 would be done and get written, then scanline 1 would finish...
18:58.05 brlcad it can work by just seeking to the right place.. but would be nice to kill both bugs at once since they're related
18:58.13 ``Erik there is no fseek in rtedge
18:58.24 brlcad hmm
18:58.28 brlcad there should be
18:58.35 brlcad it the app back-end
18:58.41 ``Erik there is in view.c, but not viewedge.c
18:58.53 ``Erik both use fairly different methods to write the output :/
18:59.44 brlcad gah
18:59.46 brlcad so they are
18:59.59 brlcad bad juju, no twinkie for you
19:00.33 brlcad and no way that'd be refactored in time for release
19:00.42 brlcad at least and be tested
19:01.15 brlcad just one issue left with btclsh, btw, looking at that now
19:01.33 brlcad otherwise we build and run clean across the board it seems
19:02.10 brlcad btclsh halts distcheck, so once that's taken care of, we should be green to go live
19:05.14 ``Erik bad juju? huh? you disapprove of my q&d hack? :D
19:06.27 brlcad no no, i meant "ffs ffs, more code to refactor"
19:06.30 brlcad not your stuff
19:06.41 brlcad all the raytracers should be using a library backend
19:06.43 ``Erik heh, I'm not terribly keen on my hack :/
19:07.01 ``Erik but *shrug* yes, they should use common code to write to fb and file
19:09.19 brlcad heh, if *you* don't like it.. how you think i'll feel? :)
19:09.50 CIA-7 BRL-CAD: 03erikgreenwald * 10brlcad/TODO: note refactor for raytracer output
19:09.53 brlcad but hey, one is outright flawed and problematic .. if it fixes something without causing another problem, maybe put it with a note, or keep at it ;)
19:10.10 ``Erik heh, I d'no, some practices get me more spun up than you... this might be one of them. *shrug* look at the diff, if you have a better approach, knock yourself out :D
19:10.46 brlcad always depends though, whatever ;)
19:11.34 ``Erik the pathalogical case is what makes me queasy about it...
19:12.53 ``Erik if you run n threads and every nth scanline takes longer than the next n-1, it'll tank down to single threaded performance...
19:13.12 ``Erik or, um, 2 threaded performance
19:13.16 ``Erik *ponder*
19:13.28 ``Erik somewhere between 1 and 2... on a 1024 core machine, that's not so good
19:13.48 ``Erik hrm
19:14.24 ``Erik are multiple frame renderings broken up so the frames are serial? or can it start on the next frame before it's done with one?
19:14.59 brlcad run it through the benchmark and see if you get a difference
19:15.30 brlcad you can feed benchmark different tracers, just will get WRONG WRONG .. results, but should still give metrics
19:15.43 ``Erik heh, I didn't see any difference with chimney, very few came in out of order :)
19:15.50 brlcad RT=rtedge benchmark
19:16.11 brlcad could try that with -P1 and -P10 on something like orthus
19:16.29 brlcad display the buffer over X.. massive out of orders
19:16.48 brlcad u* too
19:30.09 IriX64 same for the tube start at 768x1024 and go up one line at a time.
19:38.00 Maloeran The raytracer's distributed processing seems to scale reasonably well here, I saturate my home 100mbits network too fast though
19:38.50 Maloeran Although the graph prep isn't scalling at all just because of some global mutex for memory alloc() & free()
19:40.00 ``Erik I told you about my cache issues a while back, right?
19:40.33 Maloeran Hum, I don't think you did
19:42.05 ``Erik hrm, I could move cache files between machines of the same endian without issue, but to one of a different endian seemed to spin or hang or something... let a fast opteron chew on a big endian cache file overnight...
19:43.24 Maloeran Oh. Thanks, it's supposed to work, there's a glitch somewhere then
19:45.25 Maloeran Can you send me a big endian cache file?
19:48.22 ``Erik lemme pull a CYA move first, heh
19:49.55 Maloeran What's a CYA?
19:49.55 Maloeran Oh, got it, second definition of urban dictionary
19:51.26 ``Erik hm, lee's not in the office, since he's both the 'official' contract POC and security bitch, I want him to ok sending you a generated file... so'z if someone raises a stink I can point at him instead of getting in trouble :D
19:52.31 Maloeran Bah. No big deal, send one from home built from any prehistoric big endian machine
19:53.16 ``Erik heh, and see if it compiles and runs on my ancient g3 laptop? 700 mhz of ppc fury running osX.2 ? :D
19:53.27 Maloeran Sounds like a plan :)
19:53.41 ``Erik are things almost ready to move into the BRL-CAD cvs tree?
19:54.07 Maloeran The "integration within BRL-CAD" part is very vague, but...
19:54.20 Maloeran I'm thinking I would rather keep a separate CVS
19:54.50 Maloeran And just push the updates there on a regular basis
19:57.39 Maloeran It seems SURVICE would still like to make the code closed-source with unlimited use rights within the DoD. From what I heard, Lee was fine with the idea for a moment... and the situation changed somehow
19:58.24 Maloeran It would allow Survice to fund, since the ARL won't pursue, so it might have been better for everyone. I really need a break from raytracing though
19:59.21 ``Erik hrm *shrug* I'm just trying to make sure everything is buttoned up and delivered in the next couple weeks :)
20:02.57 ``Erik brlcad: on a fbsd 4core opteron, it went from 15874 vgr's to 15750, so a 0.8% hit for correct #'s... there might be that much wiggle in just benchmarking alone *shrug*
20:03.44 ``Erik*vgr 25723.68 17316.87 15971.53 14880.22 21288.39 61.55 15873.70
20:03.44 ``Erik*vgr 25149.83 17474.88 16003.12 14591.12 21216.13 64.19 15749.87
20:05.06 ``Erik hrm, no, wait... heh, I had naughtiness to expose the bug better still plugged in... running again...
20:05.56 ``Erik (400 threads instead of 4)
20:13.47 CIA-7 BRL-CAD: 03jlowenz * 10brlcad/include/ (vector_x86.h vector_fpu.h vector.h): add support for folding a vector into a single value. make the default constructor assume aligned data.
20:15.47 ``Erik new VGR is 15563, so 2% hit for 'correctness'
20:16.06 CIA-7 BRL-CAD: 03jlowenz * 10brlcad/include/brep.h: implement the bounding volumes in C++, and move the definition to g_nurb.cpp
20:19.51 CIA-7 BRL-CAD: 03jlowenz * 10brlcad/src/librt/g_brep.cpp: implement the bounding volumes in C++, leaf nodes point to faces in brep model. add support for implementation of goldsmith and salmon's bvh heuristic (not completed).
21:03.44 *** join/#brlcad cad74 (
21:13.40 CIA-7 BRL-CAD: 03erikgreenwald * 10rtcmp/rt/rt.c: add "line of sight" depth
21:15.11 CIA-7 BRL-CAD: 03erikgreenwald * 10rtcmp/adrt/adrt.c: Segment building (punty). Fixed "null region" error.
21:24.56 ``Erik it commits the code or it gets the hose again
21:36.53 *** join/#brlcad IriX64 (
21:55.49 Twingy fig newtons
21:56.16 Twingy they obey the first law of physics, now to test the 2nd
22:20.14 *** join/#brlcad cad67 (
22:20.56 cad67 test, ignore.
22:26.04 IriX64 <=== anybody know whats wrong with this?
22:27.14 louipc :D
22:27.22 IriX64 :)
22:28.03 ``Erik um, yeah, I know what's wrong with that
22:28.08 ``Erik you pasted the 'submit' page, not the result page
22:28.14 ``Erik that's what's wrong :D
22:28.25 IriX64 ermf
22:29.04 IriX64
22:29.07 IriX64 try that.
22:33.06 ``Erik usually, C macros don't have semicolons
22:33.21 ``Erik but that looks legal to me *shrug*
22:33.26 IriX64 trying to redefine that to a ;
22:33.52 IriX64 haven't really exercised it.
22:33.59 ``Erik then why are you asking what's wrong with it? heh
22:34.17 IriX64 im patient enough to wait till this compile is done :)
22:34.28 IriX64 just doesn't "look" right.
22:35.30 ``Erik including semicolons looks odd
22:36.07 ``Erik but a=3;;;;;; is legal C
22:36.22 louipc just empty blocks eh?
22:37.26 IriX64 all i get is a warning that bu_debug is redefined not identically so it should work.
22:37.41 IriX64 took out the if else condition to test
22:38.46 ``Erik if you're mucking around with BRL-CAD source code, then yes, there is a problem... if you put that in your own stuff, ... *shrug*
22:38.57 IriX64 my stuff
22:39.16 ``Erik then why are you using the bu_ prefix?
22:39.35 IriX64 heh thought of you if you don't already ahve it.
22:41.15 IriX64 anyway its probably inferior to yours but it too is yours if its useful.
22:41.54 ``Erik I may be going out on a limb here, but I think everyone with commit access to the project has written that line of code before...
22:42.25 ``Erik and bu_debug is an int flag, so you can switch it on and off without recompiling everything
22:42.41 IriX64 as i said inferior to yours
22:42.45 ``Erik line 1252 of include/bu.h
22:43.06 ``Erik followed by the flag defines
22:44.31 IriX64 err 1252 points me to parse.c
22:44.56 louipc eh?
22:45.05 IriX64 bu.h?
22:45.42 IriX64 line 1252 says parse.c in a comment block
22:46.34 ``Erik hm, 1252 in cvs head...
22:46.51 IriX64 man no cvs here
22:47.09 IriX64 source tarball
22:47.10 ``Erik brlcad keeps mucking with it, heh
22:47.14 IriX64 ah
22:47.21 ``Erik it's in there, just use your editors search functionality
22:47.46 IriX64 i will ill prollly learn something from it for which i thank in advance.
23:38.24 IriX64 thats a debug system not an aid :)

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