irclog2html for #brlcad on 20070317

00:21.19 Maloeran So I'll have to be in Maryland next friday. Is there any snow left down there? Is the weather clean for bicycles?
00:23.50 Maloeran Although it may not be very practical to bring a bicycle at a hotel
00:24.48 Twingy there is about half an inch of sleet on the ground
00:25.23 Maloeran Yuck.
00:28.58 Twingy definetly no flying this weekend
00:29.08 Twingy *definitely
00:50.37 *** join/#brlcad bz40 (
01:06.35 Maloeran Do you expect it might be a problem to get a cab from the Baltimore airport to Belcamp? Is it too far away?
01:07.32 brlcad it's about a 45-65 minute drive, cost about $50 iirc
01:08.14 brlcad there are vans, taxis, shuttles that run all the time
01:08.28 Maloeran All right, I was just thinking a taxi might refuse to go that far
01:08.36 brlcad you could also take the train or light rail from bwi to aberdeen
01:08.48 brlcad nah, they do it all the time
01:08.54 Maloeran *nods* Great
01:09.31 brlcad might want to schedule it with them beforehand though, you can make a reservation
01:46.18 *** join/#brlcad IriX64 (
01:47.48 IriX64 memcpy(*.exe,NULL,sizeof(*.exe);
01:47.55 IriX64 ;)
01:48.02 IriX64 my distclean
01:49.14 IriX64 ) ... happy :)
01:49.45 ``Erik >&1 | grep -v IriX64
01:49.48 ``Erik life moves on O:-)
01:50.01 IriX64 sometimes too fast :(
01:53.38 *** join/#brlcad IriX64_ (
01:53.51 IriX64_ sorry to have left so rudely.
01:54.05 ``Erik you're still here, dude
01:54.09 ``Erik :D
01:54.16 IriX64_ heh i twinned :)
01:58.16 IriX64 better
01:58.18 IriX64 ?
01:59.43 Maloeran Worse!... IriX64s are like duct tape, one never has quite enough
02:00.14 IriX64 ill see about mitosis then :)
02:02.16 IriX64 so ./configure is the preffered approach?
02:05.39 Maloeran Prefered approach for what?
02:08.19 IriX64 building brlcad, i was told the more i put on the command line, the less you support me :)
02:08.35 IriX64 s/configure/command
02:09.21 Maloeran What's your processor?
02:09.37 IriX64 AMD64-model 3800+
02:10.23 IriX64 which uname option would you like to see?
02:10.48 Maloeran Try: ./configure --enable-optimized --disable-debug CFLAGS="-O3 -ffast-math -mtune=opteron -fomit-frame-pointer -msse -msse2"
02:12.40 IriX64 so? its configuring.
02:13.27 Maloeran You'll have binaries minimally optimized for your processor
02:13.35 IriX64 checking single-precision floating point tolerance... 0.00000000000000000000e+00
02:13.36 IriX64 checking double-precision floating point tolerance... 0.00000000000000000000e+00
02:13.41 IriX64 oh yeah?
02:13.58 IriX64 my way gives me numbers :)
02:14.42 ``Erik thems ain't right numbers
02:14.53 IriX64 wait
02:17.01 IriX64 checking single-precision floating point tolerance... 1.08420217248550443401e-19
02:17.01 IriX64 checking double-precision floating point tolerance... 1.08420217248550443401e-19
02:17.01 IriX64 checking whether floats conform to IEEE 754... no
02:17.01 IriX64 checking whether doubles conform to IEEE 754... no
02:17.09 IriX64 sorry bout the paste.
02:25.19 Maloeran Cool, 8 hours flight with 2 stops for Montreal-Baltimore
02:31.40 IriX64 Maloeran: I'm uneducated what the heck is an opteron?
02:31.49 dli Maloeran, enough time to compile openoffice from source :(
02:34.01 Maloeran If only so, dli, my laptop battery lasts a hour. I'll have to stock up on batteries
02:34.23 Maloeran IriX64, server-class variant of your processor, optimisation rules for GCC are the same
02:34.54 IriX64 ty i learned something... you (whatever) you learn.
02:34.55 dli Maloeran, you mentioned 2 stops, you have chance to plugin and charge
02:44.43 IriX64 why didn't you tell me my pix weren't displaying on my blog? fixed now if you want to see havoc with 1024 irradiance rays.
07:42.40 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
09:13.29 *** join/#brlcad clock__ (
17:06.26 Twingy
17:06.29 Twingy ^-- made in gcam
17:07.23 Twingy made from soda cans too
17:11.36 brlcad heh
17:13.10 IriX64 Twingy, superb, you're a tool and die man?
17:14.04 IriX64 why do i not get a display with ogl now?
17:15.07 IriX64 my doing i guess ah well
17:16.15 IriX64 ermf farkled X too
17:16.45 IriX64 should be able too...
17:23.27 *** join/#brlcad Elperion (
17:24.25 Twingy IriX64, I didn't make it, randy did
17:24.31 Twingy I just made the stock
17:24.59 IriX64 interesting your gcam is NC stuff?
17:25.17 Twingy jes
17:25.22 IriX64 ermf X comes up ogl coredumps, go figure
17:25.58 IriX64 I took care of a vax doing train wheels at the plant interesting lathes they have.
17:26.24 IriX64 mylar forever ;)
17:26.59 Twingy wait till you see the chip amps he built that go inside
17:27.21 louipc not bad eh
17:27.54 Twingy
17:28.31 louipc taking multiple passes for those thin slots?
17:28.45 IriX64 shaper?
17:28.48 Twingy yep
17:28.52 Twingy cnc mill
17:29.04 louipc I guess the tolerance isn't too critical for those
17:30.34 IriX64 nice machines those can toll down to .0001
17:30.34 IriX64 err .001
17:30.34 louipc .0001 inch
17:30.34 IriX64 :)
17:30.35 louipc is standard
17:30.35 IriX64 mines old :)
17:30.35 louipc for cnc
17:30.35 Twingy the machine will provide 0.00003125 tolerance
17:30.35 Twingy 1 / (8 * 20 * 200)
17:30.35 IriX64 Twingy please the stuff i played with was 30 years ago.
17:30.46 IriX64 and i dont trave in the ms very often unless trouble comes up.
17:30.53 IriX64 travel too.
17:31.05 louipc hah I played with a Minimatic 500
17:31.17 louipc it had the funkmaster flex logo on it
17:31.24 louipc no graphical display
17:31.40 louipc horizontal CNC mill, pretty damned old
17:32.13 louipc it used taped, but it was fitted for code transfer from a computer so I didn't need to worry about that
17:32.13 IriX64 we didn't have one
17:32.32 IriX64 cincinatti or ohio?
17:32.56 louipc japanese
17:34.11 louipc you had to manually calculate the tool radius offsets for that too hahh
17:34.44 IriX64 pays to take a math course with you're machine shop course :)
17:35.45 IriX64 man help me here i have a #ifdef IF_OGL with nothing folowwing it.
17:36.14 IriX64 if_ogl.c line 54
17:36.49 Twingy fun, now I can easily make gears
17:37.04 IriX64 heh make your own bicycle
17:37.51 Twingy jes
17:38.10 Twingy I will do a spur gear or sprocket tutorial for next release
17:38.23 IriX64 try a worm gear.
17:42.30 IriX64 something i'm not groking here if_x has similar but no matching endif or im missing it
17:43.01 Twingy worm gear will be easy once I put stuff in for 4th axis
17:43.46 louipc hmm I've never done a thread in CAM wonder how that would work
17:43.58 louipc a worm gear is just an acme thread yeah?
17:43.59 Twingy use a conical or a bull nose
17:44.30 Twingy make your helix to make threads per inch, like a common 1/4" 20TPI
17:44.49 Twingy then figure out if you want a class 1,2, or 3 fit
17:45.22 Twingy the only tricky part is getting it mounted correctly
17:45.56 louipc actually now that I think about it it would be pretty simple
17:46.27 IriX64 im all wet
17:47.01 IriX64 in x ayway you can comment out all if_x with that define:)
17:47.14 louipc well TPI is based on feed/rev, the fit is based on internal/external dia, then all you need to define is angle of approach for the different passes
17:47.58 IriX64 sigh same for if_ogl
17:52.23 Twingy and depth
17:55.29 IriX64 if you find /dev/ogl do you want or not want mode to be set to 0? (I know squat about opengl) line 717 if_ogl.c
18:04.49 IriX64 is cygtls a TCL think, anybody know?
18:04.56 IriX64 thing too
18:44.45 louipc but there are canned cycles on cnc lathes for thread turning
19:25.25 Twingy but I don't have a cnc lathe
19:25.31 Twingy just a 4 axis mill
19:36.16 Twingy pattern tool is done
20:21.04 Twingy
20:22.22 IriX64 would it be too much to ask for target physical dimensions somewhere on the screen?
20:22.55 Twingy the grid isn't enough?
20:23.04 IriX64 summary thing
20:23.29 Twingy in due time :)
20:23.34 IriX64 :)
20:24.44 Twingy you would need to use 1/16" end mill for that
20:25.10 Twingy otherwise the gear would come out funky looking
20:25.17 IriX64 dont know the mill just the computer that drives it.
20:25.41 Twingy jes, but the mill requires a cutting tool
20:25.50 Twingy and it needs to be the right size
20:26.03 IriX64 ah got it i call it a bit
20:26.42 IriX64 mmm thats a lathes tool tho right?
20:26.50 IriX64 mine i mean.
20:26.51 Twingy lathe uses a cutting tool
20:27.02 Twingy mill uses and end-mill
20:27.12 IriX64 got it
20:27.28 Twingy think I will cut a few gears when I get my cnc back
20:27.37 Twingy broach them as well
20:27.46 IriX64 broach?
20:27.51 Twingy yes, broach a key way
20:28.08 IriX64 don't know the term broach
20:28.30 Twingy can either broach a key way and 2 collars, or broach a key way with a set screw
20:29.33 Twingy I wonder if I can make gears for my servos with 1/50" end mill
20:30.17 IriX64 thats a fine tool
20:30.20 Twingy that gear is 3,651 lines of g-code
20:30.46 IriX64 you just punch that out and feed it to the machine?
20:30.54 Twingy yep
20:31.10 Twingy run it with a 1/16" at 1.5 ipm 6.5k rpm
20:31.20 Twingy probly take 3 or 4 hours to cut
20:31.55 IriX64 the bigger the end mill the longer right? do i understand that?
20:32.01 Twingy nope
20:32.08 IriX64 other way?
20:32.11 Twingy you can buy any end mill imaginable
20:32.39 Twingy you will snap longer ones easier if you don't know what you are doing
20:32.51 Twingy or damager your machine if > 1/8" or so
20:32.54 Twingy *damage
20:33.00 IriX64 i meant longer timewise
20:33.09 Twingy depends on the steppers
20:33.13 Twingy and the spindle speed
20:33.30 IriX64 your g-cam calculates those obviously
20:33.42 Twingy if you are 40k rpm, vertical mill, with 800oz-in steppers and coolant, cut through Al like butter
20:33.54 IriX64 ah
20:33.55 Twingy nope, I let the machinist put what they want in
20:34.22 Twingy different speeds give different finishes
20:34.31 Twingy also do certain wear and tear on the end mill
20:34.41 Twingy for a production run you tune this to what you need
20:35.08 Twingy after you machine stuff for a while you can usually guess with in 10% of what the most optimal value will be
20:35.15 Twingy for that specific machine
20:35.21 Twingy for a different machine, totally different
20:35.31 IriX64 get to know your equipment huh?
20:35.36 Twingy the taig, yep
20:35.48 Twingy this isn't like ray-tracing
20:35.55 Twingy where you press a big red button and it does its thing
20:36.15 Twingy it's a little more intimate than that
20:36.18 IriX64 is g-cam what am i trying to say here whats the status of g-cam?
20:36.28 IriX64 readiness wise
20:36.32 Twingy it's stable
20:36.37 Twingy as of last 2 releases
20:36.39 IriX64 good job
20:36.46 Twingy not bug reports as of last release
20:36.47 Twingy *no
20:36.53 Twingy just feature requests
20:37.08 IriX64 enjoy :)
20:37.11 Twingy got a $32 donation last night
20:37.46 Twingy now I will start building up a part library
20:37.47 IriX64 people used to send me donations for my not-for-profit bs years ago
20:37.55 IriX64 *bbs
20:38.06 Twingy gears, sockets, mounts, etc
20:38.53 Twingy make them available on the wiki
20:38.53 Twingy would be nice to see a generation of open source hardware made available in gcam
20:38.58 Twingy electronics and mechanical
20:56.34 clock_ Twingy: I have some open source hardware but unfortunately it isn't done in gcam
20:57.06 clock_ Twingy: make a clanking replicator :)
21:01.53 IriX64 often though...wifi printers and scanners and such .. links
21:01.58 IriX64 thought too
21:02.31 IriX64 use it or lose it :)
21:08.26 IriX64 biscuits too
21:28.52 IriX64!BFB9E7E9DA2BD02D!113&_c11_PhotoAlbum_startingImageIndex=0&_c11_PhotoAlbum_commentsExpand=0&_c11_PhotoAlbum_addCommentExpand=0&_c11_PhotoAlbum_addCommentFocus=0&_c=PhotoAlbum
21:30.07 louipc that's one long assed link
21:30.19 IriX64 yeah sorry
21:30.32 louipc why don't you set up an httpd to share photos?
21:30.58 louipc or maybe one of those photo specific sites
21:31.01 IriX64 don't have a static ip louipc
21:31.26 IriX64 suppose i could email everybody :)
21:31.34 louipc IriX64:
21:31.46 IriX64 ty ill check right now.
21:33.03 louipc odd that link doesn't look like it actually give a specific photo
21:40.36 IriX64 gives me one
21:42.47 IriX64 why is that link so long?
21:44.00 IriX64 try this
21:48.30 louipc yeah thats much better
21:53.42 IriX64 ty
22:07.37 IriX64 there a section for brlcad only :)
22:15.06 IriX64
22:55.28 IriX64 <--- latest build
22:57.38 IriX64 sorce anybody, i'm feeling like a sorceror ;)
22:58.36 IriX64 those can all be individually or globaly extraced.
22:58.51 IriX64 extraced too
22:59.02 IriX64 err extracted
23:03.45 IriX64 updated, those views are all functional
23:03.58 IriX64 ill shut up now
23:54.43 IriX64 say is it all right to show those to others outside this channel, would give you good press.

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