IRC log for #brlcad on 20070325

00:03.26 poolio Ah, other errors I don't feel like fixing, I'll try out stable =)
00:03.54 brlcad there isn't a stable branch yet .. that will be *after* this next release
00:04.05 brlcad you can check out the last release sources, though
00:04.17 brlcad -r rel-7-8-4
00:06.04 poolio brlcad: I assumed previous releases were stable but heh...not always so
00:06.55 brlcad depends on the platform and your system configuration as to whether it'll build
00:07.48 brlcad though "stability-wise" in a traditional sense -- even CVS head is stable -- just doesn't happen to compile right this second because of a commit yesterday that hasn't been patched
00:07.59 poolio ah alright.
00:08.02 brlcad stability doesn't usually refer to compilation, my misnomer
00:08.31 poolio Ah really? What is your definition of stable?
00:08.39 poolio When it does run it is stable?
00:11.44 brlcad it can refer to compilation
00:11.48 brlcad just not "usually"
00:12.10 brlcad usually imho, it refers to the run-time stability of an application or application suite
00:12.21 brlcad known bugs notwithstanding
00:12.36 poolio Alright. I would agree with that, just as an open source software user I find that when something won't even compile to me, it has a stability of nil.
00:19.55 poolio brlcad: Haha. Automake 1.10 isn't new enough...needs automake 1.6 or above... silly minor numbers.
00:21.07 brlcad poolio: ah, that is fixed
00:21.14 brlcad use the from head
00:21.40 poolio Ok. But still a funny problem IMO
00:22.10 brlcad yep -- it ends up parsing 1.10 as 1.1.0
00:23.05 poolio Well regardless, the number 1.10 is less than 1.6 so it's just doing it's job.
00:23.24 brlcad heh
00:24.00 poolio Sounds more like an error in automake's minor numbering scheme than an error in the parsing of those numbers
00:26.37 brlcad you'd think, except it's actually just two separate numbers, not one floating point number
00:26.48 brlcad the decimal is merely a conventional delimiter
00:27.55 poolio Ah revision numbers, where math operators are abused.
00:28.40 Maloeran 50k lines of Fortran written by an engineer, not a programmer, over 15 years. It's nice in its own very special way
00:30.38 IriX64 could've been cobol :)
00:31.13 poolio could've been lisp. ;)
00:32.34 Maloeran Hey! Don't you dare say a thing against Lisp :)
00:33.09 IriX64 picture me picturing that ;)
00:34.13 ``Erik cobol is a language intended to be pragmatic that ended up being completely academic.
00:34.25 ``Erik lisp is a langauge intended to be completely academic that ended up pragmatic.
00:35.03 IriX64 #pragma ``Erik ~:)
00:36.37 ``Erik S-expressions were intended to be the intermediate form... the 'human' version of lisp was supposed to be something called m-expressions
00:36.47 ``Erik but, uh, humans like s-expressions... a lot...
00:37.12 ``Erik like asm, just as low level and super-powerful, yet obscenely wieldable
00:37.25 ``Erik ... n/m that the h/w of the day was very different *cough*
00:37.50 Maloeran Ah I see, hardware which matched Lisp constructs directly
00:39.06 ``Erik every low level lisp 1.5 operation maps to exactly one opcode which takes exactly one cycle on an ibm 709
00:39.26 ``Erik no low level lisp 1.5 operation takes more than 2 clocks on a pdp11
00:39.28 ``Erik ...
00:40.03 ``Erik in weenie terminology, um, car is adh, cdr is adl, ...
00:41.04 ``Erik C hw is the pdp11, the x86 is a grossly bad match :/
00:42.38 Maloeran Itanium hardware would have been really sweet for a C language with many specific extensions
00:44.55 poolio You guys are big into optimization, eh?
00:45.26 Maloeran I think I am, yes, I'm very fond of assembly too
00:46.04 Maloeran Erik prefers to write Brainfuck compilers with optimisation though :)
00:54.59 *** join/#brlcad IriX64 (
01:10.29 ``Erik brainfuck is the minimal turing complete language with both input and output notions added
01:10.52 ``Erik seriously, it is the ULTIMATE in 'pragmatic' assembly languages
01:11.11 ``Erik everything you do to modify it is a machine adaptation
01:13.37 ``Erik my bf compiler/interpreter/etc exploration is very much a deep computer science exploration, my friend :)
01:14.41 ``Erik <-- can't help but to look as various archs as turing lanaguage plus optimizitions...
01:15.07 ``Erik <-- cant help to ponder what optimizations help among all archs
01:15.46 ``Erik obviously, ay nearest neighbor algorithm is better expressed as a graph than a tree in turing lanag
01:16.11 ``Erik ... which is why rayforce whumps adrt... fundamnetally....
01:16.44 ``Erik something I've been ragging about since I think 9 yrs ago
01:17.36 ``Erik (in my youth, I very much had a notion that asm was important for fast programs... I like to imagine I've learned better)
01:18.32 IriX64 12737 301 777566 never mind asm :)
01:19.04 ``Erik ten years ago, I discovered that asm was teh best language to learn and never use again.
01:19.15 ``Erik it's very good to understand how the machine works
01:19.34 ``Erik indeed, I took classes in understanding it to the transistor level
01:19.52 IriX64 you have to know what the instruction that broke is supposed to do if you're going to fix it
01:19.56 ``Erik it's GOOD to know it! but the minute you NEED it, something is horribly wrong.
01:20.39 IriX64 problem is which asm are we going to teach our kids?
01:20.59 IriX64 z80 m6502 8006 etc...
01:21.06 ``Erik and the good on knowing it and when you need it... that barrier is where you should know when to decide whether it's something htat needs to be fixed at the language or the hw levle...
01:21.07 IriX64 err 8086
01:21.15 ``Erik <- done 'em all
01:21.20 IriX64 me too
01:21.47 IriX64 can you picture a 64bit z80?
01:22.09 ``Erik in the late 80's
01:22.43 ``Erik ever hear of "worldnet" "the real
01:22.50 ``Erik <PROTECTED>
01:22.56 ``Erik al out of the seattle area...
01:22.59 IriX64 fidonet mostly ``Erik
01:23.24 ``Erik fido was intarweb, not bbs
01:23.24 IriX64 my address 1:222/10.0
02:11.33 *** join/#brlcad ibot (i=ibot@pdpc/supporter/active/TimRiker/bot/apt)
02:11.33 *** topic/#brlcad is BRL-CAD Open Source Solid Modeling || || || || 7.10 release preparations coming soon to a tarball near you...
02:21.42 IriX64
02:48.40 IriX64 brlcad: what advantage would i gain working with cvs versus just waiting for the release?
02:51.07 Twingy you have know idea how global illumination works do you
02:51.11 Twingy *no
02:51.27 IriX64 man I didn't write it
02:51.37 Twingy I'm talking in general
02:51.58 IriX64 quite an accurate statement, but im willing to learn, teach me
02:52.08 Twingy do you understand that the whole point of global illumination is to create an environment for light to bounce around in
02:52.16 IriX64 yes
02:52.38 IriX64 how many photons should i use?
02:52.44 Twingy then you understand that placing an object in the vacuum of space and rendering it with global illumination is a pointless endeavor?
02:52.58 IriX64 why i got a picture
02:53.04 Twingy since there is nothing for the light to bounce around and deposit on
02:53.17 IriX64 and what pray tell is havoc?
02:53.30 IriX64 its a raze thing
02:53.38 Twingy it's a poor rendering because all of your photons went off into space
02:54.02 IriX64 im willing to bet that copter looks like that in real life
02:54.29 Twingy I disagree, I wrote photon mapping code in brl-cad, I wrote path tracing code in adrt, I know how it works
02:54.49 Twingy you should place it in a box or don't use it
02:54.51 Twingy it's pointless
02:55.03 IriX64 so elucidate like i said im genuially interested in learning how to use it properly
02:55.08 IriX64 err ok
02:55.13 Twingy it's like computing 2+2 a million times just to get the answer to 2+2
02:55.22 Twingy it's pointless
02:55.44 Twingy I just told you, there needs to be an environment for light to bounce off of
02:55.45 IriX64 no twingy if what your saying is true i would get no picture
02:55.52 Twingy model an aircraft hangar
02:55.59 Twingy wrong
02:56.08 Twingy 95% of your photons are going off into space
02:56.23 Twingy and photon mapping relies on phong shading as the direct lighting term
02:56.31 IriX64 so all im winding up with is the irradiance rays that struck?
02:56.50 Twingy what you are seeing is the phong shading term of the BRDF (bidirectional reflectance distribution function) equation
02:57.06 Twingy what you are doing is getting a broken BRDF equation with partial phong shading
02:57.28 Twingy what you are seeing is 95% phong shading
02:57.39 IriX64 is there anything in the geometry examples that would do a fair test?
02:57.52 Twingy I am only going to repeat myself one more time
02:57.58 Twingy listen very carefully
02:58.06 Twingy you need an environment for light to bounce off of
02:58.18 Twingy do you know what I mean by environment?
02:58.23 Twingy trees
02:58.24 Twingy walls
02:58.26 Twingy buildings
02:58.28 Twingy tables
02:58.30 Twingy desks
02:58.50 Twingy those are things light can bounce off of
02:58.55 Twingy and ultimately deposit on
02:59.04 IriX64 and havoc doesn't fit?
02:59.14 Twingy havoc is fine, it's not in an environment
02:59.22 Twingy it's in space!
02:59.29 Twingy light doesn't bounce off of space!
02:59.55 Twingy put it in a box if you are lazy!
03:00.03 Twingy if you have the time model an aircraft hangar
03:00.07 Twingy make sure it is enclosed
03:00.26 Twingy get it?
03:00.31 IriX64 man thats beyond my meager talents, im not a serious cadder
03:00.49 Twingy then stop using photon mapping :)
03:00.52 Twingy it's goofy!
03:01.01 Twingy you can't create an arb8?
03:01.05 IriX64 why its so much fun to wait an hour or two :)
03:01.20 IriX64 all i created was a pipe
03:01.21 Twingy if you spent 3 seconds and made an arb8 around the havoc it'll look 100x better
03:01.39 IriX64 ill try
03:01.39 Twingy good!
03:01.55 Twingy google for this stuff that way you won't be so clueless!
03:02.04 Twingy you're just being lazy
03:02.06 IriX64 hehe thanks
03:02.11 Twingy not a matter of being smart
03:03.23 IriX64 heh giver man giver
03:22.15 IriX64 allright how do i get havoc *inside this arb8 ive created?
03:26.59 deltazap expand the arb8 around the havoc
03:27.24 IriX64 can you walk me through it?
03:27.48 IriX64 assume i haven't even taken the tutorial
03:28.04 deltazap have you drawn the havoc to the screen
03:28.08 IriX64 yes
03:28.16 IriX64 and then created arb8
03:28.54 deltazap and if you go to edit, you get a listing of items that you can modify on the arb8
03:29.06 IriX64 faces edges etc?
03:29.10 deltazap yes
03:29.47 deltazap alright, then go and select Scale
03:30.11 IriX64 right
03:30.32 deltazap scale the arb so that its larger than the havoc
03:30.43 IriX64 already is
03:31.12 deltazap alright, check from the front and left views to make sure that the havoc is inside the arb
03:31.56 IriX64 its not
03:32.43 IriX64 now it is
03:35.12 deltazap alright, there you go
03:35.20 IriX64 ty
03:35.27 deltazap now from there, i have no clue how to get photon mapping working :P
03:35.49 IriX64 takes a flashlight :)
03:40.08 IriX64 when i want to move a face i usually make a fist :)
03:43.27 IriX64 perl sucks cpu man
03:56.25 IriX64 music to draw by :)
03:59.54 IriX64 deltazap, you're a serious user of brlcad aren't you?
04:00.13 IriX64 i'm just a novice as you've seen
04:00.19 deltazap i started learning last week
04:00.20 deltazap :P
04:00.44 IriX64 well you're several lessons ahead of me
04:02.05 IriX64 did you use the html docs or the man pages?
04:02.23 deltazap the pdfs made from the html
04:02.27 IriX64 meaning which way is easier to learn from?
04:02.40 IriX64 pdf ah.
04:06.03 IriX64
04:06.09 IriX64 my config summary
04:08.28 IriX64 man the photons can't get in the box, all i get is a black screen
04:09.54 IriX64 but it went through the motions
04:12.44 deltazap wooo 3 fps
04:14.01 IriX64 .5 fps here :)
04:14.01 IriX64 but im doing a compile
04:14.31 IriX64 fps=feet/per/stroke?
04:18.10 deltazap hmm?
04:20.38 Twingy IriX64, you have to create a light source
04:20.55 IriX64 you said an arb8
04:21.04 Twingy IN ADDITION TO THE ARB8
04:21.19 Twingy IriX64, do you have any common sense?
04:21.28 IriX64 you didn't tell me that i told you i haven't even taken the tutorial yet
04:21.44 Twingy forget about the tutorial
04:21.46 Twingy use your logic boy!
04:21.54 Twingy if you stand in a room
04:21.57 Twingy and there is no light bulb
04:22.01 IriX64 you need light yes
04:22.05 Twingy it's going to be pitch black!
04:22.16 Twingy this isn't rocket science
04:22.18 IriX64 ... but how the farkle do i tell brlcad this point is a light bulb?
04:22.31 Twingy make another arb8 or a sphere or whatever
04:22.37 Twingy and go into the material editor
04:22.41 Twingy and tag it as a light
04:22.44 IriX64 the say what?
04:22.51 Twingy make another object
04:22.57 Twingy and go into the material settings
04:23.06 Twingy and set the shader to light source
04:23.11 Twingy sheesis
04:23.19 IriX64 look i dont even know where the material setting is
04:23.29 Twingy IriX64, seriously dude, I knew how to do this after 6 hours of blindly poking at brl-cad
04:23.41 Twingy you need to take a serious time out and rtfm
04:23.51 IriX64 i have been blindly poking for less than 5 minutes.... have a heart
04:24.20 Twingy I have 0 tolerance for the lazy
04:24.33 IriX64 bother
04:25.47 IriX64 nice box :) err wait...
04:26.20 IriX64 light model full gives me a square box
04:26.45 deltazap you'll need to move the camera into the box
04:26.57 IriX64 and the light
04:29.29 IriX64 ahh reject ejects the bloody arb8
04:30.29 IriX64 now we'll map it my way :)
04:32.20 IriX64 darn i was wrong
04:35.26 IriX64 ill just remove it from the display
04:35.47 IriX64 and take a shot
04:54.31 IriX64
04:54.34 IriX64 status
06:07.07 Maloeran Okay, unsurprisingly, I really don't like Fortran
06:16.53 Maloeran And it requires some obscure non-existing dfwin.mod thing to compile
07:49.40 brlcad by the way, for anyone that was following Twingy's patient advice.. that summary was "put the object into a box and render from inside", which amounts to making a big arb8 and then subtracting another slightly smaller arb8 or using the inside command to hollow it out, creating a light inside the box (make an object, make a region, set region to light), render in awe with his photon mapping lighting model
07:53.00 *** join/#brlcad louipc (
11:09.38 *** join/#brlcad Elperion (
11:41.29 *** join/#brlcad docelic (n=docelic@
12:08.38 *** join/#brlcad jack- ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
13:00.09 deltazap brlcad: i was going to mention that you had to hollow out the box
13:22.04 *** join/#brlcad poolio (
13:39.40 deltazap hehe, my box came out to be nice and green from the reflection
13:40.05 deltazap is there any way to zoom into a section without zooming in too far and cutting off portions of the model?
14:50.20 ``Erik It's obvious that GNU/Linux is a woman.
14:50.20 ``Erik She's high maintenance, expects everything to be given to her for free, and no matter what goes wrong... it's your fault.
15:00.22 *** join/#brlcad bjorkBSD (
15:28.41 *** join/#brlcad ``Erik (
15:43.01 louipc ``Erik: depends on what distro you choose
15:44.06 louipc but yeah it usually is your fault... especially if you're a noob
15:44.53 louipc which I'd rather have than it being the app's or OS's fault as I experienced in Windows... because it's fixable
15:47.14 ``Erik heh, sometimes you can fix t he apps' or os's fault... not windows, but... *shrug*
15:47.25 ``Erik <-- likes fbsd most, macs are nice desktop os's
16:14.02 *** join/#brlcad ``Erik (
16:19.08 *** join/#brlcad rmorse (
16:20.47 *** join/#brlcad Elperion (
16:23.11 louipc maybe a bit. someone recommended setting up a separate box if you want to use a lot of drives, especially if they're scsi
16:28.51 *** part/#brlcad rmorse (
16:34.54 *** join/#brlcad zord (
16:35.49 zord ello
16:40.56 zord hi
16:41.57 brlcad hi
16:42.47 zord help...
16:42.52 zord needed
16:43.06 zord first time in irc web
16:43.33 zord how to change channel
16:43.36 zord ?
16:44.40 brlcad well, you joined an irc web client dedicated to BRL-CAD
16:44.47 brlcad so you get to BRL-CAD channels
16:45.06 brlcad otherwise it's no different than any other irc client for changing channels
16:45.43 zord I should go tu this channel:#kubuntu
16:45.54 zord how to?
16:45.58 brlcad I suggest getting a real irc client regardless -- the web interface isn't meant as a replacement
16:46.12 zord IM on linux
16:46.15 brlcad so?
16:46.22 zord and I have kopete
16:46.31 brlcad try irssi or xchat
16:46.34 zord but I dont have an account
16:46.50 zord where to register
16:47.07 Maloeran You don't need an account, just launch xchat and connect to
16:47.32 zord and with kopete?
16:47.43 Maloeran The command : /server should work with about any IRC client
16:47.56 Maloeran Then /join #channelNameHere to join a specific channel
16:49.46 zord ok thanks
16:49.48 brlcad zord, kopete is a horrible irc client -- you should get something better (like irssi, xchat, bitchx, etc)
16:50.09 Maloeran You'll probably find xchat easier to use than the others
16:50.12 brlcad probably worse than the horrible web interface that you're using now
16:50.38 zord I'll try it out..
16:50.42 zord thanks
17:01.03 ``Erik and I thought it was :D
17:06.35 *** join/#brlcad IriX64 (
17:09.16 IriX64 ok twingy, i'm trying it with the provided sun illumination :)
17:12.03 ``Erik irix: maybe you should read a couple dozen times, then read the external links a few dozen times...
17:12.06 ``Erik :)
17:12.19 ``Erik y'know... until you "get it",t hen a few times more
17:12.42 IriX64 got it
17:13.28 IriX64 serious question though, is there a way to remove an object from the database once created?
17:13.59 brlcad kill objectname
17:14.04 IriX64 ty
17:14.28 IriX64 gone thanks
17:14.30 brlcad there is no undo
17:14.39 IriX64 figured that
17:15.41 ``Erik yet
17:16.06 IriX64 heh who's job, and i'm not volunteering :)
17:16.14 ``Erik I will never eat krispy kreme again. Ever.
17:16.26 louipc I think autocad might have one of the most extensive undo capabilities because it's so touchy
17:17.20 IriX64 blargh on krispy kreme :)
17:17.38 ``Erik did you, uh, look at the url, irix?
17:17.56 IriX64 yeah i read it i agree ill never eat them
17:18.25 louipc fake
17:18.42 IriX64 i know did you you read it close?
17:19.09 louipc hah sony
17:21.36 IriX64 arb = a rectangular box?
17:25.45 IriX64 wonder if the network drawing would load, mental note get a copy from the guy who maintains it
17:35.33 IriX64 for what its worth
17:46.25 IriX64 my system at work, btw slap me if i'm being annoying
17:51.45 *** join/#brlcad tedcx (n=root@
17:53.29 tedcx Making all in adrt; Making all in libtie; kdtree.c: In function 'tie_kdtree_cache_load':;kdtree.c:811: warning: dereferencing 'void *' pointer;kdtree.c:811: error: wrong type argument to unary exclamation mark;make[3]: *** [kdtree.lo] Error 1;make[2]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1; make[1]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1; make: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
17:54.18 tedcx I'm getting the error above when making brlcad on a 64 bit SuSE Linux box OpebSuSE 10.2
18:01.05 brlcad tedcx: add --disable-adrt to the configure line
18:01.30 brlcad it's not meant to be prevalently enabled at the moment -- it hasn't been fully integrated into the build
18:02.14 tedcx thanks
18:28.07 brlcad np
18:44.11 tedcx export ITCL_LIBRARY=/usr/share/tcl/itcl3.3 doesn't seem to let mged find a usable init.tcl
18:50.21 *** join/#brlcad kwizart (
19:08.02 brlcad tedcx: are you working off of cvs head perchance?
19:08.08 brlcad i'm in the middle of something on head
19:13.50 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
19:41.11 Twingy sweet potato chips are tastey
19:41.30 IriX64 and you know this how ? :)
19:51.23 *** join/#brlcad IriX64 (
19:58.36 IriX64 nice program tho :)
19:59.09 IriX64 wincvs that is
20:16.11 *** join/#brlcad bjorkBSD (
20:48.10 *** join/#brlcad cad45 (
22:14.16 *** join/#brlcad poolio (
22:27.06 IriX64 12fps on wavefront, nice
22:31.23 IriX64 to be fair there's a compile going on tho
22:35.40 IriX64 how many people with commit access to the brlcad source tree brlcad?
22:36.41 IriX64 perhaps have all members check a new commit no matter who commited it, sometimes different people see different things
22:37.21 IriX64 or the buddy system if you prefer
22:45.50 IriX64 id paste it but ...
22:46.58 IriX64 rather proud of my little info thingy :)
22:55.41 brlcad IriX64: see the members list on the sf project page
22:56.30 IriX64 ty
22:56.46 brlcad commits are already sent to a commits mailing list so developers can review the activity of others, as well as relayed into here, as well as archived in several locations
22:57.11 IriX64 but the actual code?
22:57.29 IriX64 i know it would double your workload but...
22:57.37 IriX64 may come in handy
22:57.56 brlcad what problem would this solve?
22:58.11 brlcad this is the actual code, all changes
22:59.11 IriX64 not a problem, but just trying to help stop bugs from getting through
22:59.20 poolio hey brlcad, can I email you a resume?
22:59.26 IriX64 if you already do it then forget what i said
22:59.53 brlcad IriX64: it's basically already done -- the only real help you could probably provide would be to actually investigate and fix bugs
23:00.06 brlcad or run code analysis tools
23:00.11 brlcad or security analysis tools
23:00.13 brlcad etc
23:00.38 brlcad poolio: sure
23:00.54 IriX64 hey i wasn't offering, just suggesiting
23:01.00 IriX64 suggesting too
23:01.56 brlcad which unfortunately frankly isn't helpful even if your intentions are pure and you're just trying to help
23:02.05 brlcad we have the ideas, the ideas list is massive
23:02.23 brlcad productive contributions and activity
23:02.32 brlcad that's what is needed :)
23:05.02 brlcad IriX64: check over the TODO file doc/IDEAS files -- if there are items missing you can think of, let me know and I'll add them
23:12.34 IriX64 i will brlcad, i will
23:45.58 ``Erik vim doc/IDEAS
23:46.21 ``Erik Go* ignore irix64^[ZZ
23:46.33 ``Erik cvs -z3 commit -m 'important todo' doc/IDEAS
23:46.34 ``Erik O:-)
23:49.29 IriX64 ;) already did that
23:58.08 IriX64 wincvs is not for the faint of heart which reminds me i must uninstall it

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