IRC log for #brlcad on 20070327

00:38.50 IriX64 this things still calculating
00:42.38 Maloeran Would anyone here be able to clarify a few things regarding conservation of momentum in fluid dynamics? Computation of the dynamic pressure isn't clear to me
00:43.12 IriX64 whats the circuit?
00:43.51 IriX64 calculate the gs factor that should help, forgotten the formula but it can be looked up
00:44.31 Maloeran "gs" factor?
00:44.48 IriX64 feedback amplification factor
00:45.18 Maloeran I don't think that's related
00:45.37 IriX64 ok dynamic pressure in which part?
00:46.14 IriX64 need a drawing to do this properly
00:46.27 IriX64 can u paste one
00:46.52 IriX64 err pastebin or do they allow such?
00:47.40 IriX64 need the time constant too
00:48.44 Maloeran That might be outside of your usual range. I'm wondering about the computation of the pressure caused by the conservation of momentum in fluid dynamics, hydrostatic pressure and gravitation are easily accounted for
00:49.22 IriX64 your pardon, i thought we were talking hydraulic circuits :)
00:50.10 Maloeran :)
00:50.17 deltazap Maloeran: hang on let me see if my fluid mechanics book is around
00:51.30 IriX64 mental note : fluid dynamics != (neccessarily) hydraulics
00:51.41 IriX64 :)
00:52.08 deltazap ruh roh
00:52.38 IriX64 deltazap where are you on the turorial?
00:52.50 deltazap finished it today :)
00:53.08 IriX64 wonderfull
00:53.27 Maloeran Any lead or insight on the topic, deltazap? I'll figure it out eventually..
00:53.27 IriX64 are you going to get that mug made? :)
00:53.46 deltazap IriX64: i just sent it off for production today :P
00:53.53 IriX64 :)
00:54.08 deltazap Maloeran: i'll have plenty of insight on the subject as soon as i can find my book
00:56.15 IriX64 been a while since i looked at control systems :)
01:00.56 IriX64 thats what I like to see system idle process gets 0% cpu.
01:01.54 IriX64 means resources are being fully utilized for the jobs at hand.
01:03.20 IriX64 rt sure gets a good chunk :)
01:07.57 deltazap Maloeran: are you looking at the differential form of the conservation of momentum or something else?
01:08.34 deltazap what you're probably looking for is the Navier-Stokes equation, if that's true
01:10.20 Maloeran Right, but unless I'm not looking at this right, it's not clear how to compute the pressure caused by the fluid momentum
01:12.16 IriX64 would that not be the upward flow of the fluid?
01:15.54 deltazap trying to form answer, hang on :P
01:17.34 deltazap i'm trying to think of how to explain it, but i can't come up with anything really good off the top of my head
01:17.57 Maloeran Oh.. :)
01:18.56 deltazap basically, the movement of the flow causes an oh-so-little compression on the fluid, which is caused by the dynamic viscosity
01:19.40 deltazap when you look at the Navier-Stokes equation, the du/dt term is only if you happen to have a changing fluid velocity over time
01:20.27 deltazap if you have steady state flow, you can drop that term, move the dp/dx term over, and multiply by rho
01:20.59 Maloeran The flow isn't steady though
01:21.24 deltazap move it anyways :P
01:21.49 deltazap it's been about a year since i even looked at thses problems :X
01:22.09 deltazap so, you're given the fluid velocity as u(x,y,t)?
01:22.11 Maloeran Fluid dynamics are a bit out of my usual domain too, fairly interesting though
01:22.31 deltazap what is your usual domain?
01:22.31 Maloeran I'm not given anything but I can compute that from the hydrostatic pressure variations
01:22.51 Maloeran Programming ;), not really connected to the world of physics
01:23.36 deltazap ah, ok
01:24.21 Maloeran Ah hum, it's slowly beginning to make sense
01:26.14 deltazap i'd be much more help if i had my other fluid mechanics book on me
01:28.03 deltazap and if i could remember this stuff
01:28.49 Maloeran Eheh, thanks
01:29.11 deltazap it's the differential forms that made all of us cross our eyes in class
01:31.02 Maloeran Are you presently still studying?
01:32.27 deltazap fluid mechanics? finished that class last summer
01:33.01 deltazap my degree? still chugging along. at least i can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel
01:41.16 deltazap fluid mechanics is something we really couldn't go very indepth into without heavily hitting PDEs for our problems
01:46.17 Maloeran Quite true. I'm beginning to like it though, it's a refreshing challenge
01:47.46 deltazap it's so much more different than anything else that we study. it's just so uncertain :)
01:48.31 Maloeran Are you in physics? Along with some software programming I hope? :)
01:48.51 deltazap
01:48.51 deltazap i'm in mechanical engineering
01:49.14 deltazap with a little bit of programming as a hobby
01:50.16 Maloeran *nods* In the vast majority of sciences, I think good programming skills are a major advantage
01:51.13 deltazap we're required to take a intro to programming class that's done in maple/matlab
01:52.02 deltazap it's a wonderful thing for those who don't know programming, but it's a bit hard to describe things to people when you want to speak of integers, floats, etc.
01:52.58 deltazap it helps show how the two are related, but majority of the time, it's hard for people to see the crossover
01:54.04 Maloeran For mechanical engineers, I can imagine some computer science concepts may be confusing
01:54.57 Maloeran I learned to write C such a long time ago, I think I was 12, the language is really wired in my thinking process
01:55.14 deltazap that happens to a lot of people :)
01:59.21 deltazap maple is great since it's a math environment that they can get things done quickly in, not to mention that it's interpreted but it can do some really weird things
02:00.44 Maloeran Sure, it may be all you need to cover a good range of needs. I would still recommend to pick up some C eventually, if you are interested that is
02:01.03 deltazap i can read it quite well, writing is another matter....
02:01.33 deltazap but that should change since i have to do a project in my Cryptography class
02:01.52 deltazap implementing 100-digit RSA in C :X
02:02.37 Maloeran Sounds easy. I'll trade C programming guidance for fluid dynamic tips ;)
02:03.07 deltazap haha
02:08.34 deltazap i'm sure the project won't be that bad, the more i read up on RSA
02:12.01 *** join/#brlcad ibot (i=ibot@pdpc/supporter/active/TimRiker/bot/apt)
02:12.01 *** topic/#brlcad is BRL-CAD Open Source Solid Modeling || || || || 7.10 release preparations coming soon to a tarball near you...
02:15.09 *** join/#brlcad ibot (i=ibot@pdpc/supporter/active/TimRiker/bot/apt)
02:15.10 *** topic/#brlcad is BRL-CAD Open Source Solid Modeling || || || || 7.10 release preparations coming soon to a tarball near you...
02:29.02 IriX64 why does -ffast-math blow away my floating point precision?
02:43.32 deltazap Maloeran: do you have a fluid mechanics book that has problems in it?
02:44.17 deltazap if not, see if you can pick up a copy of "Fluid Mechanics" by Robert A. Granger, it's a Dover printed book so you know it's a steal at $35 :)
02:48.46 Maloeran My references are wikipedia and a 56000 lines Fortran program at the moment. Getting that book seems like a good idea, I assume there's some focus on computional fluid dynamics?
02:50.18 deltazap not really :X
02:51.46 deltazap the local college library will have the most information on CFD
02:56.58 deltazap ok, i'm not sure what happened to mged, but i'm getting some strangeness with zooming in
02:57.00 Maloeran *nods* I think I got the basics right, but I need to integrate viscosity and turbulence into the model
02:57.40 deltazap turbulence is going to be a pain
02:57.51 Maloeran Yes I'm sure
02:58.16 deltazap just about every formula changes when you go from laminar to turbulent flows
02:58.44 deltazap for some reason, when i zoom in now, the model just seems to disappear, but it hasn't done this before
02:59.23 deltazap and i'm not zooming in that far
03:07.31 deltazap and when i do a render at that zoom level, it appears just fine
03:07.43 deltazap but there's nothing in the model view
03:08.30 Maloeran brlcad really is the one who can help with mged around here
03:08.38 deltazap yeah, i figured
03:08.40 Maloeran Or occasionally Erik if you are lucky
03:17.49 IriX64 corrupted stack .... great :(
03:27.40 *** join/#brlcad brlcad (
03:32.06 deltazap ack! now it's behaving!
03:32.09 deltazap i don't get it!
03:32.34 deltazap figures mged would crash -_-
03:33.05 Maloeran If you describe the problem you had a bit, brlcad might be able to figure something out
03:33.46 deltazap alright
03:36.05 deltazap brlcad: when i draw one of my files from the tutorial, it looks fine. then, when i go to zoom in, portions of the model just disappear, but i know that i haven't clipped through them yet because when i do a quick raytrace, they appear as normal
03:37.39 deltazap what's strange is that everything reappeared as normal right before mged just stopped responding
03:50.16 deltazap it seems that only that one model file does it
04:51.51 IriX64 using code just generated to produce the .g files, neat trick :)
05:31.30 Twingy
05:31.47 Twingy ^-- MinGW/MSys stuff if interested
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14:37.57 CIA-21 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ need AM_CONDITIONAL for BUILD_CUBIT
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17:11.35 IriX64 deltazap: my drawings... parts of them wink out as X tries to keep up depending on whatt I'm doing
17:12.26 IriX64 if you're using ogl tho, I don't know
17:27.34 *** join/#brlcad b0ef (
17:36.15 deltazap i know that if you zoom in far enough, you start to clip into the model
17:36.41 IriX64 does it stay gone?
17:37.29 deltazap no, i'll reappear
17:37.58 deltazap but the problem i had yesterday was that parts would disappear when i know that i hadn't clipped through it
17:38.14 deltazap but it's only that one file, so i don't know
17:38.34 IriX64 not a quirk of the display manager then?
17:39.17 deltazap don't think so
17:40.07 IriX64 if its only one file... maybe like terra.g it too causes problems
17:42.25 deltazap i'll check that one out as well
19:30.24 *** join/#brlcad rogier (
19:35.02 *** join/#brlcad dodi (
19:35.10 dodi hello
19:35.31 dodi i am looking for a simple tool to create a ground plan of a room, including furniture
19:46.58 dtidrow_work lol
19:48.09 dtidrow_work well, trying to use brlcad for that would be akin to using a MOAB to take out a bug :-)
19:49.17 dtidrow_work now if you wanted to make a really nice looking raytraced image/movie of the resulting room, then brlcad would be useful
19:50.10 brlcad doable, though -- also depends moreso on the purpose of creating that plan, and what type of plan
19:51.10 dtidrow_work well, yeah, it's doable, but...
19:51.25 dodi i just need a simple 2d drawing.. to try moving furniture around and see whats best way to place them.. i dont need more features then this and dont want to learn using a big tool with rich features which i dont need at all
19:51.48 dtidrow_work yeah, that's about what I thought
19:52.17 dtidrow_work something like Visio for room planning :-)
19:52.54 brlcad dodi: yeah, then brl-cad will probably be overkill or at least not what you're looking for -- you can generate the model and diagrams easily enough, but the learning curve is steep
19:53.02 brlcad see the tutorials on the website to get an idea
19:53.08 brlcad in particular, volume II
19:56.50 dodi thats really too much to read for my small requirements *gg*
19:58.10 dodi i tried finding something with google, but i got lost in hundreds of cad utilities ;)
19:59.43 brlcad there's only a couple open source projects -- nothing really comes close
19:59.50 brlcad there's a sea of commercial
19:59.51 dtidrow_work heh, that's the problem with google - you generally get either hundereds of hits, or nothing at all
20:00.21 dtidrow_work I wonder if dia could do the job...
20:00.37 dtidrow_work assuming that dia has templates for typical room furniture, that is
20:03.23 dodi i will try dia.. looks good and simple at the first sight ;)
20:03.31 dodi thank you :-)
21:18.22 *** join/#brlcad bjorkBSD (
21:57.25 CIA-21 BRL-CAD: 03jlowenz * 10brlcad/include/ (vector_x86.h vector_fpu.h vector.h): fix fold() implementation problem (now left/right versions)
21:58.20 CIA-21 BRL-CAD: 03jlowenz * 10brlcad/include/brep.h: need to cache brep in specific structure, since internal goes away
21:59.36 CIA-21 BRL-CAD: 03jlowenz * 10brlcad/src/librt/g_brep.cpp: debug shot routine (not returning the right answers yet ;-)
22:01.25 CIA-21 BRL-CAD: 03jlowenz * 10brlcad/src/proc-db/brep_cube.cpp: add region creation, so it's easy to raytrace
22:02.22 CIA-21 BRL-CAD: 03jlowenz * 10brlcad/src/proc-db/ (brep_simple.cpp add simple unit cube, for debugging purposes
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22:26.46 tedcx are there any examples in the CVS tree?
22:38.22 tedcx <PROTECTED>
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23:54.09 *** join/#brlcad IriX64 (

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