IRC log for #brlcad on 20070330

00:20.06 *** join/#brlcad IriX64 (
02:16.59 *** join/#brlcad IriX64 (
02:46.11 IriX64 www/
02:46.28 IriX64 windows brlcad at work
02:49.42 brlcad where'd the shuttle model come from?
02:58.05 IriX64 some site i found on the web, shall i search again, i can probably find it
03:19.11 brlcad nah, just curious
03:19.20 brlcad you converted from dxf or something i presume
03:19.32 brlcad looks like there's multiple top-level objects being displayed/rendered
03:24.06 IriX64 yes from a dxf
03:26.28 IriX64 this site
03:26.52 IriX64 this one is a dxf
03:46.00 brlcad you can't directly convert a dwg
03:46.07 brlcad that's a 2D file format, not solid geometry
03:46.25 brlcad if you can get someone to turn that into a dxf, then there is some potential import paths
03:50.33 IriX64 mmm ty
04:00.53 deltazap brlcad: how good is the converter at working with dxf's?
04:01.40 brlcad it's not fully tested with several of the 2D dxf types, but it is a fairly comprehensive converter
04:02.27 brlcad it should even bring in the 2D items now using the cvs head version
04:02.31 brlcad as sketch objects
04:06.20 deltazap i learned today how powerful the mged editing functions are
04:07.29 deltazap much better than trying to click and drag things around
04:10.59 IriX64 theres something to be said about a good command line
04:11.43 IriX64 not to mention that beautiful "exec" anything :)
04:12.30 deltazap it forces you to know the geometry
04:12.47 IriX64 yes, a good thing
04:14.25 brlcad deltazap: ahh, excellent.. that's one of several karmatic delight moments that come with experience that just can't be easily explained
04:15.21 brlcad akin to explaining the true flexibility and power of the unix command prompt to a new user
05:04.53 IriX64 ki6ijg: sorry about that info thing, was just testing something
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09:46.08 IriX64 man... bu_badmagic() and bu_badmagic_tcl are not consistent...
09:46.31 IriX64 files badmagic.c and bu_tcl.c
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13:24.06 ``Erik erm, not consistant in what regard? and why would they be? O.o
13:52.25 *** join/#brlcad jackhandsome69 (
13:52.45 jackhandsome69 anyone know anything about autocad 2006 here?
13:53.03 ``Erik not I
13:54.01 archivist I gave up on autocad 1
13:54.16 docelic :))
13:55.34 jackhandsome69 ok.. was just looking for a way to batch plot .dwg's out of autocad 2006
13:57.59 brlcad jackhandsome69: heh
13:58.41 brlcad i suppose i shouldn't take too much offense to the support request for a commercial competitor :)
13:59.16 brlcad alas, I don't know the answer to your question other than doing a bunch of lisp scripting on the autocad command line
13:59.26 brlcad and how to exactly go about that.. have fun :)
14:00.06 ``Erik heh, (for-each plot '(dwg1 dwg2 dwg3)) ?
14:00.35 ``Erik <-- scheme-head :D
14:02.29 d_rossberg brlcad: i send a message to the brlcad-users list, unfortunately from an unregistered account, now it waits for administrator's approval
14:02.56 brlcad d_rossberg: k, I'll pass it
14:04.39 d_rossberg thanks
14:05.04 ``Erik <-- scratches chin and ponders
14:05.28 ``Erik I may have a new weekend project :D
14:06.54 archivist like gmail trys but fails
14:10.54 ``Erik I never liked gmail
14:10.54 ``Erik even yahoo is more usable... even the NEW yahoo...
14:11.02 ``Erik <-- write his own client after getting annoyed with pine and mutt and running into crashes in xfmail at ~10k emails :/
14:11.58 ``Erik but I'm getting tired of writing and fixing regex rules for pre-sorting :)
14:12.21 ``Erik heheheh... Some people, when confronted with a problem, think I know, Ill use regular expressions. Now they have two problems. --Jamie Zawinski, in comp.lang.emacs
14:12.27 archivist I like the 2.8 gig of free storage
14:12.34 ``Erik yahoo is claiming unlimited
14:13.16 archivist for me yakspew over does the adverts
14:14.22 ``Erik hehehe, "ad-block" on firefox :)
14:14.26 ``Erik also; who cares about 2.8g...
14:14.27 ``Erik $ df -k | grep -v ^File | awk '{print $2}' | xargs | sed 's/ /+/g;s,.*,(&)/(1024*1024),' | bc -l
14:14.27 ``Erik 468.18545913696289062500
14:14.57 ``Erik (that's gigs for those who can't be arsed to read my mess)
14:15.16 ``Erik all local disk, it's my "fileserver"
14:15.19 ``Erik :D
14:16.31 ``Erik I should tkae a pic.. it's a horrible thing... a $300 wally world special, replaced the ps with something beefier... but the ps blocks the cpu fan, so the machien is open on its side witht he power supply sitting ontop of the 5.25" bay (loose), and 4 drives stacked one on another next to it (loose), plus the one bolted in the machine :)
14:19.17 archivist hehe i know the build method well
14:20.59 archivist my early linux box 10 scsi stacked loose psu from another box(still in it)
14:22.23 ``Erik hehehe, I had a dec prioris with a stack of old 2g barracuda scsi's stacked and kinda held in place by the ribbon... dual p133... massive ps, and the drives weren't scsi... swear the entire coffee table sized machine twitched whwen ya hit the button and the drives started cranking
14:23.27 archivist current box i am using for surfing/ #mysql bot normal sans case method
14:23.33 ``Erik looked kinda like except the door was broken off and it was... well... crap
16:48.54 deltazap ok, i know that i had asked about this the other day, but i'm still not sure about it
16:49.16 deltazap replacing a primative with a region
16:49.30 deltazap for instance, i'm trying to model something built from 80/20
16:50.04 deltazap so, i created the structure using arb8s and then i was going to go back and replace them with the 8020 models
16:51.19 deltazap er...8020 region
16:52.19 deltazap i'm guessing that i'd have to make the 8020 region the same length of the primative that i want to replace
17:15.09 ``Erik erm, regions are built out of combinations and primitives...
17:21.24 deltazap yes yes, but i want to replace an existing primitive in the model with a newly created region
17:22.33 ``Erik erm, but you NEED those primitives to build the new region... "r thing.r part1.s u part2.s", then you can "B thing.r"
17:22.56 ``Erik (or d part1.s;d part2.s)
17:23.03 deltazap i was going to use a new set a primatives for the region, then swap out that primative with the new region
17:23.39 ``Erik erm, so you're going to ... clone primitives... to build the region... then delete the old primitives?
17:25.47 deltazap i wouldn't need to clone them
17:27.08 ``Erik one of us doens't understand what you're trying to do :) (probably me)
17:27.26 deltazap erm...ok, i'm probably not thinking about it right
17:28.24 ``Erik combinations are built from combinations and/or primitives... regions are built from combinations and/or primitives... *EVERY* bit of geometry resolves down to primitives as the leaves of the tree
17:29.49 deltazap yes
17:30.10 *** join/#brlcad KWartS (n=KWartS@
17:50.22 ``Erik "back in the day, they had transaction safe databases: we called them file systems."
17:54.45 *** join/#brlcad KWartS (n=KWartS@
17:56.20 brlcad now we don't even have transaction safe file systems ;)
17:58.28 deltazap with regards to journaled file systems: "if the file doesn't commit, you must acquit"
17:59.11 ``Erik <PROTECTED>
18:03.31 deltazap is there any way to change a parameter when in matrix editing mode?
18:11.07 deltazap i can pick the scale x option but the only way to give it a value is by using oscale command, but that only does multiples of the current shape, not absolute distance
18:14.56 IriX64 ``Erik when you get it up to Ektbytes i'll be interested :)
18:22.44 ``Erik exa, ya mean?
18:22.58 IriX64 yah ;)
18:23.19 IriX64 the storage superhighway :P
18:23.43 ``Erik hm, talk to me again in 11 years
18:23.54 deltazap brlcad had mentioned using the push command, but idk :X
18:24.01 IriX64 I don't age well :)
18:24.20 ``Erik me, either, I fight it tooth and nail...
18:24.34 IriX64 yah so why do we *always lose?
18:25.13 ``Erik YOU might be losing...
18:25.20 IriX64 heh ty
18:27.03 IriX64 brlcad: might have found my shared libraries issue.
18:27.47 brlcad deltazap: the push/xpush command doesn't actually "change" your geometry.. it just removes the matrices from your combinations and regions, applying the transformations directly to the primitives
18:28.37 ``Erik brlcad, tell me a bedtime story about wdb and instancing (which I assume is geometry talk for something akin to a pointer?)
18:28.38 deltazap yeah, i'm seeing that now
18:29.13 ``Erik (in the frame of )
18:29.55 deltazap now that i see that, what does a matrix describe exactly?
18:30.05 deltazap the tutorial never mentions matrices in it
18:30.22 ``Erik rotation, trnaslation, scaling, ...
18:31.55 brlcad homogenous coordination transformations ;)
18:32.10 deltazap X_X
18:32.27 ``Erik one of the appendices of the opengl 'redbook' goes into glorious/horrifying detail
18:33.10 ``Erik um, you can get it at in the documentation section
18:33.26 brlcad ``Erik: sounds like something that someone (becky in this case) has been told over the years to overcome other modeling & analysis issues
18:34.04 brlcad instancing in this case is very much like a pointer, just referencing something else instead of having actual unique objects (and *much* more importantly, unique regions)
18:34.13 ``Erik hm, I was thinking about adding it as a flag in g_qa, not sure how the wdb side of it would work
18:34.30 ``Erik so jsut two regions using the same primitive?
18:34.40 brlcad personally, I don't think there's anything wrong with modelling left/right half if that's what they wanted to do
18:34.51 brlcad the problem is that other tools make assumptions
18:34.52 ``Erik or something of that nature? a reference count would solve it?
18:35.22 brlcad it's not so easy because it is perfectly find to "instance" some things
18:35.26 brlcad s/find/fine/
18:35.53 brlcad it's only important from a muves analysis results perspective usually (and future modelling ease of use)
18:35.59 ``Erik yeah, I got that... *shrug* it might be a misfeature, but *shrug* might be useful to someone
18:36.18 ``Erik and I'd rather not do the scr dance with them.
18:36.20 brlcad seems like a misfeature to me.. compensating for a problem elsewhere
18:36.39 ``Erik hm, ccb fodder?
18:36.48 brlcad it's like telling modellers that they shouldn't use a half-space to slice objects
18:37.38 brlcad the only problem with using half-spaces is that they are unoptimized, so it kills ray-trace performance .. as a modelling tool, it's rather straight-forward and understandable -- just as understandable as just "flipping" the left half a vehicle and calling it done
18:38.07 brlcad if clone were completed, it would solve the "reference" problem
18:38.09 ``Erik *nod* I know in lightwave tutorials, I saw the 'mirror' approach being "normal"
18:38.23 brlcad as clone does a deep copy
18:38.45 brlcad you could replace all references with copies as needed using it
18:39.14 ``Erik aight, I saw that pr as 'low hanging fruit' and figured I'd look into it... smells like ccb fodder *shrug* :)
18:41.53 *** join/#brlcad b0ef (
18:47.19 brlcad more cool would be refactoring g_qa into an api
18:47.50 brlcad it's pretty much a perfect arbitrary resolution voxelizer if it were made into an API
18:47.58 ``Erik I was lookin' for simple mindless droll that could be hacked in without risking release schedule *shrug* :)
18:49.05 IriX64 <---- compatibility (Nothing to do with brlcad)
18:49.29 IriX64 :)
18:49.37 IriX64 just had to share :)
18:51.33 brlcad still not yet, though I didn't get back to it last night
18:52.25 brlcad i'm actually not sure how to get it to readily find it's resources when the init.tcl is not generated, sitting in the source dir, and it's looking in the (empty) install locations
18:52.58 brlcad I could readd the blind searching that it had, but that's so hackish
18:53.40 brlcad would not run btclsh until it's installed, but then that screws with the index files
18:53.58 ``Erik hrmph, in src/other/, have a ginormous listing of 'subcofnigure' files in EXTRA_DIST and avoid recursing into those dirs on dist?
18:54.26 ``Erik ++
19:07.53 ``Erik aaaaand there it all went
19:13.33 deltazap i know there has to be an easier way of doing what i'm doing
19:18.38 deltazap how does the matrix selection dialog and oed compare? for instance, which side does the first matrix select window correlate to?
19:21.41 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
19:32.23 dtidrow_work O/T question: are there SATA->Parallel ATA converters?
19:33.10 dtidrow_work ie. I want to be able to use some older PATA hard drives with a new mobo that has several SATA connectors
19:44.27 brlcad dtidrow_work: think of the path down to any primitive in a combination i.e. /path/to/some/primitive .. even if "path" is all you wanted to move
19:45.04 brlcad matrix selection and oed are identical in that you specify the right and left half (hence the two dialogs)
19:45.53 brlcad if you wanted to apply a matrix edit to the instance of "some" in the object "path", it would be oed /path/to some/primitive
19:46.55 dtidrow_work ?
19:47.02 brlcad via the gui, it basically first asks you for which full path to primitive (/path/to/some/primitive) and then asks for where to place the matrix (some)
19:47.22 brlcad dtidrow_work: oop, sorry -- that was meant for deltazap
19:47.23 dtidrow_work ah, you're really talking to deltazap
19:47.27 brlcad tab completion
19:47.38 dtidrow_work yeah, thought so :-)
19:47.50 dtidrow_work anyway, I found some:
19:47.54 brlcad heh
19:49.24 dtidrow_work looking to upgrade the guts of my home 'puter, but still be able to use existing hard and CD/DVD drives
19:49.44 dtidrow_work the one mobo I was looking at only had one PATA controller, but 4 SATA connectors
20:03.29 deltazap brlcad: thanks, i think i'm slowly understanding
21:24.46 ``Erik,-95.677068&sspn=42.581364,112.148438&layer=&ie=UTF8&z=3&ll=46.437857,-42.890625&spn=37.174963,112.148438&om=1
21:24.48 ``Erik step 20
21:25.59 archivist the swimming was step 26 on the one i saw earlier today
21:27.20 ``Erik ah, heh
21:30.33 archivist I cant look on this box but if that goes through france there is an error , no road through the channel
21:31.32 archivist step 26:,+nc&daddr=london,+uk&sll=51.500197,-0.126197&sspn=0.132294,0.365639&layer=&ie=UTF8&om=1&z=3
21:31.44 ``Erik boston puts it at 9
21:33.28 archivist step 43 on that one from me is a bit wet
21:35.33 ``Erik 43? the "swim 3465 miles"? I got that as #26
21:35.42 ``Erik or, wait, from your residence
21:35.43 ``Erik gotcha
21:36.40 archivist oo does work on this box
21:37.19 archivist step 37 on the chicago to london
21:37.37 archivist that should be swim as well
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