IRC log for #brlcad on 20070405

00:52.47 IriX64 Natalies Interactive Ray Tracer :)
02:15.29 *** join/#brlcad louipc (
02:23.22 brlcad deltazap: you'll find that even versions of autocad don't agree on how they interpret their own standard
02:23.50 brlcad the model doesn't have to be oriented in any particular order
02:24.13 brlcad i think our coordinate systems are actually identical iirc, but don't quote me on that (it's just a rotation if they're not)
02:32.42 brlcad deltazap: the was a big ambiguity in the standard regarding 3dface support (and whether a blessed duplicate fourth vertex was required) that even autocad used to choke on but later fixed .. if you're using 7.8.0+ though, it shouldn't matter
02:33.54 brlcad as the code was modified to support old and new 3dface specifications (where it originally only supported new)
02:58.02 deltazap strange
02:59.15 deltazap i'm going to compile the new version and see if it clears up my issue with at least qcad
03:08.07 brlcad latest cvs head should be good now
03:08.25 brlcad new source release really is hours away (probably thursday sometime)
03:08.38 deltazap haha, nmm
03:08.43 brlcad binaries posted through the rest of the week
03:08.59 brlcad what version were you using?
03:09.06 brlcad s/were/are/
03:15.31 deltazap 7.6.6 is what's on sourceforge for OSX
03:17.45 deltazap i built 7.8.4 on my other machine to see how long it would take and it never even crossed my mind that i had an older version on my ibook
03:19.05 brlcad ahh
03:19.39 brlcad yeah, that version only outputs dxf that newer autocad and other cad packages will read
03:20.41 deltazap 7.8.4?
03:24.53 deltazap i can understand that 7.6 would also have a problem with older versions of autocad, such as 2002 *sigh*
03:25.48 brlcad 7.8.4 should work on old
03:26.20 deltazap hmm
03:26.49 brlcad anything 7.8.0+ iirc
03:27.55 deltazap hmm, ok
03:53.00 deltazap ohohoh, one other question: why doesn't the -i switch work with -o?
03:53.37 brlcad seriously?
03:54.31 deltazap if i did g-dxf -i -o (filename), it claims that (filename) isn't there
03:55.49 brlcad did it say "Cannot open output file (filename) for writing" ?
03:56.38 brlcad ooh, eek
03:56.42 deltazap nope, just that the file didn't exist
03:57.04 deltazap it looks like it's ignoring multiple switches
03:57.53 brlcad wow, you just found a somewhat prevalent bug
03:57.59 deltazap :D
03:58.12 brlcad a one-char typo
04:01.30 brlcad prevalent == 4 converters
04:02.12 brlcad mind if I credit you?
04:03.27 deltazap sure :)
04:08.20 CIA-14 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/NEWS:
04:08.20 CIA-14 BRL-CAD: Shawn Baker identified a bug in g-dxf (which in turn was found in g-acad, g-nff,
04:08.20 CIA-14 BRL-CAD: and g-obj too) where the -i argument ended up gobbling up the following argument
04:08.20 CIA-14 BRL-CAD: incorrectly. e.g g-dxf -i -o filename.dxf blah.g object would end up in a
04:08.20 CIA-14 BRL-CAD: filename.dxf error.
04:09.03 CIA-14 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/conv/ (g-acad.c g-dxf.c g-nff.c g-obj.c):
04:09.03 CIA-14 BRL-CAD: Shawn Baker identified a bug in g-dxf (which in turn was found in g-acad, g-nff,
04:09.03 CIA-14 BRL-CAD: and g-obj too) where the -i argument ended up gobbling up the following argument
04:09.03 CIA-14 BRL-CAD: incorrectly. e.g g-dxf -i -o filename.dxf blah.g object would end up in a
04:09.03 CIA-14 BRL-CAD: filename.dxf error.
04:09.57 brlcad thanks, great lil catch!
04:11.45 deltazap no problem :D
04:12.22 deltazap glad to put the g-dxf converter through it's paces ;)
04:26.38 deltazap doot doot doo, almost done with building 7.8.4
04:29.33 Twingy almost done? you obviously need a slower computer
04:30.54 deltazap it's a PPC
04:30.59 deltazap Poor Persons Computer
04:31.30 Twingy I should have never sold my Mac SE
04:31.40 Twingy I still have a 60 MHz PowerPC
04:31.46 Twingy I bet mine is slower
04:31.55 deltazap oh, yeah, of course it is
04:32.02 deltazap mine's a 1.2 ghz g4
04:32.07 Twingy yea, just a tad faster
04:32.09 deltazap woo, done
04:32.13 Twingy I have 24MB of ram in it
04:32.22 Twingy and a 500GB scsi drive
04:32.27 Twingy err 500MB
04:35.08 deltazap bah! qcad still can't display the .dxf
04:45.14 brlcad qcad could have their own independent issues
04:45.16 brlcad what about 2002?
04:45.41 deltazap don't have it on me right now, will check when i get to campus
04:46.36 brlcad iirc, qcad's dxf importer is actually a rather custom subset hack
04:46.48 brlcad but it's been a while
04:47.30 brlcad vaguely recall someone saying it couldn't parse entity names that had punctuation in them or something like that
04:48.15 deltazap hmm
04:48.49 brlcad not saying that's a the problem.. one of probably a dozen similar conformance issues
04:49.49 deltazap for marking up dimesions, it seems like autocad is about the only options out there
04:49.52 brlcad if you can find why qcad chokes, would be good to know to try and accommodate them
04:50.00 deltazap yeah
04:50.18 brlcad maybe they have a verbose/debug mode or something similar
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09:44.05 clock_ What do you think about this logo for the upcoming Twibrigt Labs' monolithic operating system SPAD?
12:46.44 deltazap huh, i should have tested mged last night...
13:22.43 brlcad deltazap: why's that?
13:27.13 deltazap error with itcl
13:29.44 deltazap "Itcl_Init error Can't find a usable itcl.tcl in the following directories:
13:29.49 brlcad ah, it found a system tcl
13:29.52 brlcad er, itcl
13:30.14 brlcad add --enable-itcl-build to configure
13:30.28 brlcad assuming you're on head
13:31.25 deltazap this error came from launching mged after building the 7.8.4 sources
13:32.39 deltazap the error is saying that it couldn't find a system itcl anywhere in /System/Library
13:35.53 brlcad oooh, 7.8.4
13:36.02 brlcad that's another ball of wax
13:36.37 brlcad with 7.8.4, it would have tried to use the Tcl framework, which won't work with that version
13:36.45 deltazap :X
13:36.47 brlcad that's all rather changed
13:37.03 brlcad add --enable-almost-everything instead ;)
13:37.16 brlcad that should make 7.8.4 happy on os x
13:37.26 brlcad and --enable-optimized of course
13:37.43 brlcad or just wait for the 7.10.0 tarball later today
13:38.07 deltazap hmm, alright
13:56.34 deltazap alright, time to get running to school for test
15:10.33 ``Erik *yawn*
15:11.35 ``Erik y'know, she's pissing me off. I was over at the conf room for the ccb, gave up a couple minutes after 10... came back to the office, decided I was bored so I read email... she scrubbed it this morning. be nice if a little more notice were given, some of us don't read email every hour :/
15:13.04 ``Erik (I'm seeing the /tmp issue, too... I set TMPDIR=/usr/tmp to see if that fixes things, the line in the makefile is: && dc_destdir="$${TMPDIR-/tmp}/am-dc-$$$$/"
15:13.07 ``Erik )
16:22.37 *** part/#brlcad deltazap (
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16:23.18 deltazap whoops, wrong window :X
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19:31.22 IriX64 7-10 tarball?
19:31.48 IriX64 where?
19:33.33 IriX64 not on sourceforge :(
19:36.06 ``Erik brlcad is being a lazy turd and chattering instead of releasing...
19:36.29 IriX64 heh well it is a chat network
19:36.36 ``Erik in person...
19:36.44 IriX64 err ok :)
19:38.13 IriX64 ``Erik i'm thinking of getting a real system, what would you recommend for a nove *nix user?
19:39.14 IriX64 err novice
19:40.30 ``Erik uh, system as in OS or hardware?
19:40.35 deltazap IriX64: mac :P
19:40.41 IriX64 tiger?
19:41.02 IriX64 heh how much for a basic good boxen?
19:41.52 deltazap a mac mini runs at about $600 now
19:42.01 IriX64 thats all?
19:42.12 ``Erik I bought my ibook for $700 4 yrs ago
19:42.17 deltazap yeah, one of the little tiny machines
19:42.27 deltazap and i bought my ibook 2 years ago for 900
19:42.40 IriX64 this is doable
19:42.50 IriX64 i never followed the mac line
19:42.52 ``Erik not like they're obscenely expensive unless you go high end *shrug*
19:43.02 IriX64 don't need high end
19:43.18 ``Erik I think the one I'm sitting at now was ~$10k... two 23" cinemadisplays plus all maxed out specs for a dual g5 tower
19:43.24 deltazap IriX64: get one of these:
19:43.47 ``Erik of course, you could just slap fbsd or leenewx on any old functional 'puter
19:43.58 ``Erik dual boot your winderz box or something *shrug*
19:44.27 IriX64 deltazap isn't that considered high end?
19:44.28 deltazap IriX64: if you want to just mess with Linux, try out Ubuntu
19:44.34 deltazap yeah :D
19:44.42 IriX64 heh
19:44.42 deltazap but look at it! 8 cores!
19:45.00 IriX64 gimme a braek i wouldnt know aht to do with that
19:45.34 ``Erik rt knows what to do with that
19:45.37 deltazap make -j8 all day
19:45.39 ``Erik heh
19:45.46 IriX64 maybe a gift from the easter bunny :)
19:45.46 ``Erik gmake -sj
19:46.28 IriX64 don't get me wrong i like my current setup (quite functional)
19:47.40 IriX64 -msse3 (ohhhh baby)
19:48.43 deltazap so, i can confirm that the dxf converter isn't completely broken, some programs can read files from it
19:48.57 deltazap it's just autocad and qcad that are broken :P
19:49.04 ``Erik hrm, only $14k
19:50.17 IriX64 for that system deltazap pointed me to?
19:50.59 ``Erik for a dressed up mac pro
19:51.11 ``Erik how I'd probably get one if I made work buy it :)
19:51.15 ``Erik tempting...
19:51.22 IriX64 wonder if she'd let me undress her :)
19:53.20 IriX64 <-- brlcad being compiled by my strange system :)
19:57.25 IriX64 don't get that statement at link time :)
19:58.57 deltazap doobie shoobie dooot
19:59.27 IriX64 heh living on the fault line (doobie brothers circa 73)
20:05.11 IriX64 where can i study up on endianess?
20:05.26 IriX64 ahhh never mind ill try thos google thing
20:05.31 IriX64 this too
20:09.50 IriX64 ahh big-endian is stored the way we write it true?
20:10.22 IriX64 ?
20:10.52 IriX64 ie 1025 vs 2510
20:37.51 ``Erik big endian is the way youd' think it's stored... the hex value aabbccdd is stored as aa bb cc dd, opposed to dd cc bb aa
20:38.17 IriX64 thats what i meant
20:38.37 ``Erik the C one-liner for showing how it's stored is something like...
20:38.38 ``Erik int main(int argc, char **argv) { union { int v; char c[4]; } v; v.v = 0xaabbccdd; printf("%x is %x %x %x %x\n", v.v, 0xff&v.c[0], 0xff&v.c[1], 0xff&v.c[2], 0xff&v.c[3]); return 0; }
20:38.42 IriX64 whose brainchild is little-endian :)
20:38.47 ``Erik intel.
20:39.05 IriX64 heh
20:39.07 ``Erik dec was doing "middle-endian" though
20:39.17 IriX64 middle?
20:39.22 IriX64 news to me
20:39.26 deltazap i'm going to end up marking up this schematic with photoshop :X
20:40.00 ``Erik irix64:
20:40.15 IriX64 dec did 12737 301 777566 and it appeared that way in memory
20:40.27 IriX64 loc 1000 etc
20:40.59 IriX64 1000/12737 10001/301 1002/777566
20:41.45 IriX64 just puts an 'A' to the typer :)
20:41.58 IriX64 but if you add 137 1000 it loops forever
20:42.22 ``Erik pdp11 stored 0x0a0b0c0d as b a d c
20:42.38 IriX64 true but it was transparent
20:42.45 ``Erik heh, "bad c"... how... fitting? :D
20:42.51 IriX64 ie the concole handled it as well as the compiler
20:43.02 IriX64 console too
20:43.08 IriX64 :)
20:43.20 ``Erik all machines make it "transparent" when the machien stands alone... it's not until you try to do data exchange between two machines of different endian and/or bit width that issues crop up
20:43.51 ``Erik and the intarweb is built big endian, so it's only a bitch for people who touch wrong-endian machines... er... little endian machines...
20:44.00 IriX64 not just data exchange such is true for trying to compile on one type for another type
20:44.10 IriX64 heh
20:44.54 ``Erik um, type casts are handled "intelligently" by the compiler... if you cast a long to a short (provided it fits), it'll handle placing the bytes for you...
20:45.32 IriX64 the compiler *should tell you if its a proper cast or not
20:45.51 IriX64 brlcad has such as warnings
20:46.20 IriX64 initialization from incompatible pointer type
20:46.30 ``Erik yes, they'll warn... but they'll figure out where to put the bits... you don't have to do it "by hand"
20:46.40 IriX64 true
20:46.54 IriX64 if its worth its salt that is some just kaff
20:47.12 *** join/#brlcad louipc (
20:48.45 IriX64 <--- speak of the devil
20:49.47 louipc I'm not sure what to say about him
20:50.19 ``Erik which one? the robot devil?
20:51.11 IriX64 she devil....oh yeah ;)
20:52.25 louipc fembots
20:53.03 IriX64 seven of borg
20:53.39 ``Erik six was cooler... (tripping the rift)
20:54.03 IriX64 caution 'e' detected... incoming ;)
20:55.09 deltazap ``Erik: i thought you were talking about caprica six
20:55.31 ``Erik oh, well... yeah, tricia's pretty rockin', too
21:17.32 *** join/#brlcad louipc (
21:21.46 IriX64 that multiple definition of ogl_open etc thing fixed in 7-10?
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21:29.11 IriX64 if memory serves there are two ogl_open routines, in mged and libdm (i think)
21:30.04 brlcad libfb and libdm
21:30.11 IriX64 ty
21:30.28 IriX64 you grep very fast :)
21:30.34 IriX64 im slow
21:30.44 IriX64 builds ok without opengl though
21:30.57 brlcad no grep involved
21:31.09 brlcad just know it
21:31.14 IriX64 kudos
21:31.14 brlcad that code has changed on head too
21:31.19 IriX64 ty
21:31.22 brlcad no longer named the same
21:31.40 IriX64 ty
21:34.15 IriX64 i noticed they were different :)
22:17.41 deltazap when does the topic change to "7.10 release party"?
22:17.54 brlcad :)
22:18.12 IriX64 you did it?
22:20.24 IriX64 nope :)
22:28.47 deltazap the cvs instructions on, are those for head?
22:34.17 louipc seems to be
22:35.10 louipc sometimes it doesn't update properly for me if I already have cvs sources
22:35.56 louipc so I just get them all fresh again. I'm not sure why that is, I've never properly looked into how to use CVS though :/
22:36.34 deltazap i've never really used cvs, only messed with svn
22:36.58 deltazap the build i did at home failed :-\
22:37.05 louipc aw
22:37.13 louipc I haven't tried for awhile
22:37.31 deltazap i'm not sure what exactly went wrong, think it was during the make
22:37.40 brlcad deltazap: svn was made to be a cvs replacement.. the syntax is nearly identical
22:37.53 brlcad louipc: probably miss "cvs update -dP"
22:38.10 deltazap svn is nice
22:38.15 brlcad that checks for new directories and prunes old/empty ones (svn does that by default)
22:38.24 brlcad svn is nice
22:38.31 brlcad we'll move to it soon enough, just not yet ;)
22:38.45 louipc cool thanks. I thought co would automatically update o.O
22:38.56 brlcad co means checkout
22:39.04 brlcad you only checkout once
22:39.07 deltazap svn up
22:39.14 brlcad from then, you update
22:39.22 brlcad cvs up -dP
22:39.38 brlcad there are shorthands for all the commands in both cvs and svn
22:39.43 louipc ah
22:45.07 deltazap brlcad: i found out that g-dxf does ok for conversion, it seems that qcad is the one who's broken
22:45.21 deltazap i found a dxf viewer that renders the converted file just fine
22:47.10 IriX64 deltazap do you have access to acad dwgs? can you produce a dxf and turn it into a g file?
22:47.59 louipc have you seen that? ->
22:48.20 deltazap i just have a few dxf's from qcad's examples and they will convert over to brl, but they're a bit weird
22:48.36 ``Erik svn was designed to be "pretty darn similar" to cvs... other than the minor caveats (cvs doens't compress by default, you must do -z3 or something.... cvs wants you to give it the -dP for new dir and pruning...)...
22:49.25 deltazap louipc: no, i haven't, but i will look
22:49.44 IriX64 louipc not a bad idea.
22:50.04 IriX64 but i was just looking for the shuttle :)
22:50.20 deltazap the only thing that i need autocad for is to attach dimesions onto a schematic so i can send it to a metal shop to be fabricated
22:50.44 IriX64 what are you fabricating
22:51.49 ``Erik BRL-CAD kinda focuses on engineering analysis, not production or design... so we don't have autocad/pro-e/catia/etc type features
22:53.09 ``Erik oh wow, I was cut down to two seconds on my acting debut... at least I got the movie for free, I suppose o.O
22:53.13 bjorkBSD deltazap, what do you fabricate?
22:53.13 deltazap ``Erik: yeah, i know, but it was much easier to use to make a solid model since it's the only software i had available/knew on monday ;)
22:53.30 IriX64 read its a fully enable prototyping environment
22:53.37 IriX64 enabled to
22:53.46 bjorkBSD too too :)
22:53.52 IriX64 heh
22:54.01 deltazap it's a set of landing skids for model helicopters that i work on at a research lab
22:54.20 ``Erik which research lab?
22:54.27 bjorkBSD yeah. 'a'.
22:54.29 ``Erik if you don't mind asking
22:54.30 ``Erik er
22:54.32 ``Erik my asking
22:54.33 ``Erik O:-)
22:54.42 deltazap a university lab
22:54.44 bjorkBSD it's the deltazapNL
22:55.12 bjorkBSD what do they need helicopters for?
22:55.18 ``Erik and as you think of things that would make it easier, feel free to implement them... :D if you need pointers on where to look, this is a good place to ask
22:55.23 deltazap
22:55.43 deltazap bjorkBSD: autonomous robots
22:55.57 bjorkBSD ah
22:56.16 deltazap so, we need special landing skids to hold the computers
22:56.45 bjorkBSD the skids hold the computers?
22:56.56 deltazap yeah, hold on, uploading a picture ;)
22:57.15 bjorkBSD a computer-napping 'bot?
22:58.28 deltazap
22:58.58 bjorkBSD ah
22:59.23 louipc neat
22:59.28 ``Erik heh, looks like you put the pipe primitive through the ringer :D
22:59.54 deltazap ``Erik: it was my friend
23:00.06 IriX64 did you do that with brlcad or acad or import or what
23:00.14 deltazap i did that in brlcad
23:00.21 IriX64 beautifull
23:00.29 IriX64 wish i was as talented
23:00.42 bjorkBSD i wish i could wish.
23:00.44 bjorkBSD *sigh*
23:00.53 deltazap IriX64: i've only had about a week of practice
23:00.54 IriX64 you can but you still walk :)
23:01.57 bjorkBSD what's it gonna say: all i got from brl-cad was this mug
23:02.08 deltazap hahaha
23:02.39 IriX64 "Thanks for being lots & lots of code brlcad" ;)
23:03.00 bjorkBSD to wong foo, no doubt.
23:03.15 IriX64 foui lango actually
23:03.16 deltazap but, like i said, i need to be able to put dimesions on this to be made
23:03.36 louipc - 'your drag alias here'
23:03.37 IriX64 isn't there a materials list?
23:04.19 ``Erik a few, actually... BRL-CAD stores "GIFT" materials
23:04.27 deltazap hmm?
23:05.18 ``Erik um, and using that, you can actually compute things lik ethe mass of your model (rtweight)
23:05.33 ``Erik might be important for aircraft :)
23:06.11 deltazap hah
23:06.13 bjorkBSD weight? trivial. it's either lighter or heavier than air :P
23:06.26 louipc well you want to make things that fly as light as you can
23:06.26 bjorkBSD the matter should be settled with a coin toss.
23:06.31 ``Erik heh, does the coin fall or float?
23:06.38 bjorkBSD hahah
23:06.48 ``Erik last time I checked, most helicoptors and fixed wing craft are a bit heavier than air...
23:06.58 ``Erik blimps and zeppelins aren't all that common these days
23:07.01 bjorkBSD little bit.
23:07.15 deltazap ``Erik: they are, that's why i'm in a rush to get these skids done :P
23:07.41 bjorkBSD there's a movie called white diamond about a blimp and it's maker.
23:07.51 ``Erik delta: so that's all aluminum and tig welded?
23:08.00 deltazap will be when it's done
23:08.07 ``Erik cool
23:08.26 deltazap the front will have a camera mounted on a pan/tilt
23:08.39 ``Erik <-- has done r/c planes, has done a sim for r/c helicoptors, but has only done ground robots
23:08.53 deltazap we have those as well
23:08.58 deltazap little pain in the...
23:09.13 ``Erik and the ground robot was a toy, a lego thing using a 6811 for an undergrad ai class
23:12.32 louipc hehe I played with that lego robot kit
23:14.26 deltazap ``Erik: the only feature i can think of right now that would be most excellent is tab completion
23:14.44 louipc yeah I thought the same
23:20.16 deltazap is there a list of materials you can set?
23:20.34 bjorkBSD tclsh and wish don't have tab completion either.
23:21.01 bjorkBSD maybe it's time to make some noise about that? :D
23:33.51 IriX64 actually it's time to change the acoustical model :)
23:35.13 IriX64 swing town sounds much better in a concert hall :)
23:38.30 deltazap ohhhhhh, it's the shaders listed in the combination editor
23:40.04 IriX64 <----- project sound
23:43.31 IriX64 make clean forgot to flush the toilet :)
23:44.35 IriX64 project sound is tied to my motherboard though.
23:47.51 IriX64 deltazap, I'm only an Electronics Engineering Technologist, what disipline are you trying for?
23:48.12 deltazap mechanical engineering
23:48.21 IriX64 how far along are you?
23:48.38 deltazap about a summer and a semster away from graduation :)
23:48.52 IriX64 haha looking forward to it are you?
23:49.34 deltazap very much, but i don't know if i'm going to go for my masters now or just get into open
23:50.08 IriX64 masters if i were you (take it from one who wishes he had gone on)
23:50.59 IriX64 although life experience counts too
23:57.13 deltazap yeah, that's what i'm thinking
23:57.16 deltazap it's hard to decide
23:57.32 deltazap 2 years of fake student money or start working and get real dollars :D

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