IRC log for #brlcad on 20070412

00:23.27 IriX64 ``Erik is windereze gl32 part of every windows system? I can't find any of my kids who have been playing around with it
00:26.39 IriX64 which is also the reason btw that i run windows base
00:29.10 IriX64 you guys can consider me a test bed, if it succeds here it should be fine everywhere but if it screws up here blame it on my stuff :)
00:31.09 IriX64 heh opennurbs going by :)
00:40.35 IriX64
01:45.34 *** join/#brlcad louipc (
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03:15.44 IriX64 now why on earth does my system do that? meaning i set with-tk and with-tcl and tkconfigure can't find tclsh
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04:12.58 deltazap *sigh*
04:21.51 brlcad deltazap: sorry for the frustration.. competiting deadlines taking up attention today
04:23.30 deltazap that's not a problem
04:23.37 brlcad b0ef: no, it's intentionally designed with a front-end and back-end so that there could be a gui written in whatever flavor people prefer
04:24.15 deltazap i found out that running ./ will clear up the error with the BPT trap, but then it still persists in the programs themselves
04:25.09 brlcad principal approach that I'm most expecting/hopeful to work out best is to go with one of the 3D render engines like ogre or irrlicht for front-end graphics management and an opengl-based gui toolkit
04:25.47 brlcad deltazap: hmmm.. good to know -- problem with the libtool that is in the source tarball
04:26.18 brlcad deltazap: which os again?
04:26.25 deltazap OS X
04:26.41 deltazap the latest, 10.4.9
04:27.30 brlcad did you try static build?
04:27.35 deltazap no, not yet
04:27.39 brlcad --disable-shared
04:27.48 brlcad that "should" also fix the problem
04:27.53 brlcad just uses a lot of disk
04:28.21 deltazap how much is a lot?
04:28.32 brlcad don't recall the final installed amount
04:28.40 brlcad couple hundred MB iirc
04:28.53 brlcad it'll need like 2GB to compile, though
04:29.14 brlcad iirc
04:33.18 deltazap ok, i'll try it tonight
04:34.55 IriX64 brlcad here 7.8.4 took just over a gig
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13:00.18 CIA-14 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * 10brlcad/misc/win32-msvc7/libbu/libbu.vcproj: The Tcl path changed and memset.c is no longer with us.
13:08.20 CIA-14 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * 10brlcad/misc/win32-msvc7/libbn/libbn.vcproj: The Tcl path changed. Also, asize.c and number.c have been removed.
13:53.10 ``Erik hehehe "I'd like to see Emacs, the microbot, though... It makes toast, does taxes and raises your children, but unfortunately it has the size and weight of a phone book, draws a kilowatt of power and the wheels don't quite reach the ground."
14:07.43 deltazap protip: don't do --enable-all --enable-optimize with --disable-cache, you'll wake up with 3 gigs missing and gcc wanting more :P
14:27.29 ``Erik hrm, but 3 gigs is, like, nothing
14:27.59 deltazap not on my laptop, where i keep it quite full
14:28.19 deltazap and my powermac isn't going to fare much better since i keep all of my photography on it
14:29.34 ``Erik heh
14:35.53 ``Erik $ df -k | awk '{print $2}' | grep -v blocks | xargs | sed 's/ /+/g;s,.*,(&)/(1024*1024*1024),' | bc -l | sed 's/$/ TB/'
14:35.53 ``Erik 12.20917387586086988449 TB
14:37.09 ``Erik oh, woops
14:37.27 ``Erik $ df -k | awk '{print $2}' | grep -v blocks | xargs | sed 's/ /+/g;s,.*,(&)/(1024*1024*1024),' | bc -l | sed 's/$/ TB/'
14:37.27 ``Erik 17.05380797106772661209 TB
14:37.37 ``Erik one of my raids wasn't mounted, heh
17:22.35 ``Erik oh wow, a bug report for some of my software... on a cbm a4000 (604e amiga from '92) running amigaOS O.o
17:23.58 archivist Ive noted a few nuts running old stuff in #classiccmp
17:26.39 ``Erik well, yeah, nothing wrong with running old hw... but I'm kinda boggled that someone got my software to work there... it was very much designed for *nix, has warts on osX (but kinda runs from the command line), apparently runs from the command line in amigaOS (but not as a callable sub-program from this "yam" thing, which I think is a mail client)
17:28.18 archivist they pasted this link today
17:29.27 clock_ archivist: I have a 1-pin dot matrix printer at home, not home built but factory built
17:30.53 ``Erik heh
17:31.08 ``Erik reading that whole thing, I kept going "why not just make it a plotter", then saw the lnk at the end :D
17:33.18 archivist but then in the old days I fitted S100 bus to a commodore pet
18:03.23 IriX64 is it *supposed to find both opengl and X ?
18:05.22 IriX64 tried --without-opengl, still finds it
18:09.16 IriX64 s100 bus I know, s100 on a commodore, I don't know :)
18:10.38 IriX64 :)
18:11.11 IriX64 this should work, configure claims it's sane :)
18:14.00 IriX64 <---- now what? :)
18:15.31 IriX64 don't worry bout tcl.... told you my build system is,err,well....unique :)
18:16.27 IriX64 frame buffer came up
18:19.15 IriX64
18:21.38 IriX64 bwahaha it rt'ed havoc
18:24.36 IriX64 heh same url :)
18:26.37 brlcad IriX64: remember that rule about posting more than five lines if nobody else is talking?
18:26.47 brlcad it never went away
18:26.47 IriX64 noted
18:27.10 brlcad thx
18:27.11 IriX64 when can i talk?
18:27.21 brlcad pace yourself
18:27.39 brlcad when someone else responds
18:27.48 brlcad deltazap: heh, eep :)
18:27.50 IriX64 now i know... ty
18:27.53 brlcad only 3GB?
18:28.06 brlcad deltazap: was that with --disable-shared?
18:28.20 deltazap last night, yeah
18:57.10 *** join/#brlcad dli (
18:58.24 dli can I show sectional view in brlcad?
19:14.27 brlcad dli: you mean split views?
19:15.34 brlcad if so, on menu Modes -> Multipane
19:20.48 dli brlcad, no, I mean to show sectional, cutting part of along a plane
19:20.54 dli cutting part off
19:26.52 brlcad ah, not automatic
19:27.16 brlcad you can create/orient an arb and subtract it
19:27.31 brlcad arb or halfspace
19:28.06 dli brlcad, oh, that's not bad
19:35.30 brlcad allows you to create new top-level objects with various cutaway views too
19:39.50 dli brlcad, can I write text labels in brlcad?
19:40.15 dli brlcad, or I have to use an image tool?
19:41.40 brlcad dli: alas, not really, at least not easily and/or not for more than the wireframe
19:41.56 brlcad annotations have long been on our todo and wish lists
19:43.13 dli brlcad, add dimension, drafting also, thanks
19:44.00 brlcad hehe
19:44.07 brlcad yup
19:44.18 brlcad dimensioning is related to parametrics
19:45.32 brlcad IriX64: nice mug :)
19:47.25 IriX64 heh you designed it :)
19:50.58 clock_ IriX64: thanks
19:51.11 clock_ dli: sectional view can be seen at
19:51.15 IriX64 welced
19:51.30 brlcad IriX64: you should try modeling that moose as a project.. that would be awesome
19:52.34 IriX64 remeber feb 21's is an albumn too :)
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20:27.31 CIA-14 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * 10brlcad/src/libbu/basename.c: Needs to include bu.h
20:29.35 deltazap clock_: what did you use to get the perspectives of the models?
20:34.04 clock_ deltazap: fixed values
20:34.39 deltazap straight from brlcad?
20:35.08 clock_ deltazap: no I selected myself 5 fixed values of view
20:35.47 deltazap and it came out looking like that?
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20:36.31 *** topic/#brlcad is BRL-CAD Open Source Solid Modeling || || || || 7.10 is now released! .. e-mail announcements will follow posting of binary distributions
20:36.32 clock_ deltazap: yes
20:36.54 deltazap wow
20:36.56 deltazap i mean
20:36.57 deltazap wow
20:41.03 brlcad yay, finally fixed that age-old mged annoyance where the cursor gets in front of the prompt
20:41.26 ``Erik w00t
20:41.30 deltazap :D
20:41.50 brlcad that little bitch was mildly tricky to track down
20:42.08 clock_ brlcad: BRL-CAD now entering into the new century?
20:42.11 deltazap uh oh, the machine that i was running my static compile on is no longer online
20:42.18 brlcad clock_: welcome to 1990 ;)
20:42.39 clock_ croydon stapleford
20:42.57 brlcad i should have gone home 3 hours ago, but I got to piddling and ended up debugging
20:44.42 brlcad deltazap: heh, oops
20:45.24 deltazap yeah, it's strange...i hope that we just had a power failure and that it just stayed off
20:45.42 brlcad or you filled up the disk, and it can't do anything
20:45.45 deltazap hahah
20:46.03 ``Erik should still pong under icmp lovin'
20:46.26 ``Erik if it's a filled disk..
20:46.35 deltazap it had just finished the configure stage and was waiting for me to start make
20:47.01 deltazap or, if i'm really lucky, it just got knocked off wireless
20:47.21 brlcad or really unlucky, it just got stolen
20:47.43 deltazap hah, i don't know if anyone wants a dual 500mhz powermac
20:47.48 IriX64 repossed :)
20:48.02 IriX64 err repossesed too
20:48.05 deltazap or if anyone could carry the 21" Studio Display CRT very far
20:48.14 IriX64 whatever sheesh :)
21:04.26 ``Erik heh, a buddy of mine was throwing away like a 486 a long time ago
21:04.42 ``Erik he decided he'd have a little fun, so he poured the machine full of cement, let it dry
21:04.53 ``Erik left it on his patio, next morning he found it in the neighbors ditch
21:05.16 brlcad heh
21:07.01 deltazap wow, haha
21:09.53 deltazap wait, i just thought about something...
21:10.14 deltazap if i'm a mac...shouldn't i leave archer out of my build? :P
21:17.22 brlcad archer is actually cross-platform
21:17.36 brlcad we've just not made a binary for any platform other than windows yet
21:18.14 brlcad unless you buy a linux distro of an older version from survice or something
21:18.37 brlcad it should compile .. but it's not going to work at run-time yet on the mac without some build system changes
21:18.42 brlcad it's all build system foo
21:19.54 deltazap if i disable it in the configure stage, then i won't have to wait as long for a compile to fail :)
21:20.21 brlcad :)
21:21.15 brlcad cept that there's not an option to disable archer, as it does/should compile everywhere
21:21.22 deltazap oh ok
21:21.26 brlcad actually archer isn't technically compiled
21:21.37 brlcad it's a tcl scripted wrapper
21:27.32 deltazap hmm
21:27.33 deltazap interesting
21:34.20 bjorkBSD yeah that tcl's something isn't she?
21:54.47 IriX64 what's wrong with my system here itclibs are in /usr/brlcad-7.10.0/lib
21:56.01 IriX64 is it the fact that i specified --prefix
22:07.09 IriX64 even with path set i get that
22:12.20 ``Erik archer seemed to work on a fbsd machine, I didn't really dig into it, though
22:25.37 IriX64 on the brifgt side :)
22:25.37 IriX64 bright too
23:15.38 IriX64 archer works on a windows box too ``Erik :)
23:17.55 ``Erik it was designed and built for/on windows... so, uh, that'd be expected
23:22.51 IriX64 ``Erik uh yeah, check it
23:31.32 IriX64 :)
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23:53.59 IriX64 man.... the farking version number is buggered it installs then as 3.3 rename to 3.2 and the error goes away
23:54.10 IriX64 at least on my wacky system

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