IRC log for #brlcad on 20070416

00:32.10 IriX64 louipc how big a drive did you invesdt in if you don't mind my asking?
01:09.35 deltazap please tell me i'm not the only one that found out about ctrl-z, then held it down to see how fast i could get the wireframe spinning :P
01:10.20 IriX64 whats your angle-distance cursor say :P
01:37.22 brlcad deltazap: heh, nope .. i still do that from time to time
01:39.46 IriX64 some standalones aren't going to work, they rely on Tcl_CreateFileHandler and delete same
01:43.47 IriX64 part of dg_obj.c if i saw that right
01:45.52 IriX64 in librt
02:06.58 IriX64 well doom was fun..... gotta stop playing with that 386 dos machine :)
02:10.37 IriX64 stereo compiless still going strong
02:10.45 IriX64 - an s
02:11.44 IriX64 mmm opennurbs is cpp ill have to browse later
02:19.17 IriX64 the dgo_blah stuff seems to rely on those tcl functions
02:20.57 IriX64 bear in mind thats the compile that uses my tcl84, the tcl85 compile is still going on.
02:28.41 bjorkBSD exactly how slow is your machine, IriX64?
02:32.43 IriX64 it crawls along at 2.4g
02:33.30 IriX64 which means each compile is running at 1.2g right :P
02:34.32 IriX64 each time you or i type it slows to a crawl :)
02:35.06 IriX64 a 32 minute install o yowzers
02:36.54 IriX64
02:46.42 louipc IriX64: 160GB
02:47.01 ``Erik
02:47.55 IriX64 ``Erik i didn't know you were at that party:)
02:48.27 IriX64 louipc: i got a deal on a 200GB maxtor
02:48.53 louipc a maxtor is what crashed on me :/
02:54.28 bjorkBSD deal from where how much?
02:54.56 louipc I got a seagate for $79
03:12.30 IriX64 staples, $190 for the 200gigger
03:13.39 louipc sata?
03:13.53 IriX64 ide udma100
03:14.50 louipc I guess staples isn't that great for prices eh
03:15.00 louipc I went to a taiwanese computer shop
03:15.03 louipc :D
03:15.20 IriX64 don't have such here :)
03:18.24 Maloeran Sounds expensive for 200gb, especially an UDMA100. Sounds like an old drive
03:20.25 Maloeran My 320gb were the equivalent of 110USD or so
03:20.49 IriX64 this was 2 years ago
03:21.08 louipc nice
03:21.30 Maloeran Ah right, two years, that explains it
03:22.10 louipc I'm starting to get scared that the available hardware will outrun my computer pretty soon
03:23.06 Maloeran If what you have satisfies your needs, why worry?
03:23.07 IriX64 bwish is needed by who?
03:23.58 IriX64 Maloeran is the computer comy in it's "seat" :P
03:24.00 louipc because if something goes wrong I won't be able to find replacement parts haha
03:24.05 louipc I'll need to get a whole new system
03:24.17 louipc but that'll be fun as well
03:24.27 IriX64 sometimes its cheaper to louipc
03:25.02 Maloeran Ah well, it's rare that something goes "wrong" in a critical component such as the motherboard
03:25.47 IriX64 quite a few critical parts though
03:25.59 louipc that's comforting to know. I can keep it as an antique hobby system when the time comes
03:26.11 IriX64 heh like my 386
03:26.42 IriX64 dx not sx
03:27.19 bjorkBSD IriX64, don't you like uhh unix?
03:27.44 IriX64 i know nothing about it and the learning curve is steep
03:28.04 bjorkBSD it's as steep as a level playing field ;)
03:28.11 louipc IriX64: not really that steep
03:28.11 IriX64 :)
03:28.22 louipc especiall now
03:28.25 bjorkBSD i'm sure you've used dos.
03:28.31 bjorkBSD and it's kinda fun.
03:28.38 IriX64 dos != unix
03:28.43 louipc well I can't speak for BSD but linux is a lot better than it was 5 yrs ago
03:28.50 bjorkBSD eg: i think i just hosed /usr/ports so now i have to figure out how to fix it.
03:28.59 deltazap IriX64: learning curve is not that steep
03:29.06 bjorkBSD oh trust me, i quickly abandoned linux after first touching it.
03:29.24 bjorkBSD then i was introduced to freebsd.
03:29.29 IriX64 been thinking of a mac never really owned one before
03:29.40 bjorkBSD IriX64, they're x86 boxes now. nothing to it.
03:29.42 IriX64 thats OSX right?
03:29.55 deltazap correct
03:30.07 IriX64 maybe for X-mas
03:30.21 IriX64 get it right geez Christmas
03:30.26 IriX64 +s
03:30.35 louipc freebsd seems to use the same installer it did ages ago... I don't get it :P
03:31.42 bjorkBSD louipc, why break it if it works so well?
03:31.58 louipc works like ass for me
03:32.16 bjorkBSD how?
03:32.25 bjorkBSD what's missing in your installation experience?
03:32.36 bjorkBSD i HATE redhat's. and debian i can barely stand.
03:33.16 louipc I think it tried to redefine my HDD cylinders, then during the install there were a ton of errors saying it couldn't access a certain file it needed installing from the CD
03:33.36 bjorkBSD oh a bad CD
03:33.48 louipc nah it was fine I checked it
03:34.06 louipc actually I did succeed on a third try or so
03:34.20 bjorkBSD media problems ;)
03:34.41 IriX64 or drive problems :)
03:34.42 bjorkBSD the only time i switched from freebsd to debian was when 5 came out
03:34.58 louipc then I went into the system and started up 'vi' which really bothered me. so I said forget it hah
03:35.12 louipc yeah I can't really take those distros either
03:35.40 louipc I would endorse fbsd before I'd endorse debian or redhat
03:35.47 Maloeran The first run of 'vi' is always amusing for an Unix beginner. "Help! How do I get out?"
03:35.59 louipc Maloeran: I've moved on to vim
03:36.00 louipc ;)
03:36.22 IriX64 mc helps me....a lot :)
03:36.33 bjorkBSD it's even more amusing with ed
03:36.40 bjorkBSD 'cause all ed will tell you is '?'
03:36.53 louipc hehe
03:37.15 IriX64 fond memories of edlin come to mind
03:37.30 bjorkBSD IriX64, see? you're that much closer to a unix system ;)
03:37.32 bjorkBSD give it a try.
03:37.39 IriX64 might
03:37.43 bjorkBSD there're all kinds of gui goodness(and slowness) going on with it.
03:37.58 bjorkBSD AND unix has had a gui far longer than the mac or pc has existed :D
03:38.12 IriX64 will redhat 5.1 tolerate a 200gig disk?
03:38.17 bjorkBSD eek!
03:38.20 bjorkBSD don't say that name :-S
03:38.26 IriX64 :)
03:39.45 Maloeran Gentoo isn't too bad for programmers who know Linux well, I would never recommend that to an user
03:40.37 louipc I figrue if they're going to package old software it's going to be a PITA to get recent stuff going
03:41.21 louipc it might be stable but I'm not running a server really... so I conclude fbsd is good for servers uh not so much for desktops
03:41.44 louipc don't all the devs in here use macs as desktops?
03:41.47 bjorkBSD louipc, i use it as a desktop os
03:42.00 bjorkBSD the only time i switch to windows is to watch desperate housewives on
03:42.13 louipc why do you need windows for it?
03:42.26 bjorkBSD 'cause it uses flash9
03:42.40 louipc I got that in linux
03:42.45 bjorkBSD yeah i know.
03:42.52 bjorkBSD it's a little while longer...
03:43.12 bjorkBSD but for everything else, freebsd does it for me.
03:44.17 bjorkBSD IriX64, you could try ubuntu
03:44.26 louipc bjorkBSD: don't say that
03:44.34 bjorkBSD it suckedARSE on my machine for some reason, but it might work for you.
03:44.40 bjorkBSD hehehe
03:45.03 IriX64 im not in an experimenting mood vis vis os's
03:45.10 louipc yeah gentoo is decent but gets annoying after awhile having to compile everything
03:45.23 bjorkBSD i'm sure but it might save you some compile hell no? :P
03:45.38 louipc that's why I switched to archlinux
03:45.53 bjorkBSD what's it based on?
03:46.03 louipc nothing
03:46.13 IriX64 this isn't bad i figured a way out of #ifdef _WIN32 now to figure a way out of #ifdef __CYGWIN__
03:46.39 louipc it takes ideas from crux, and slackware, and perhaps from fbsd it's been said
03:48.14 IriX64 <--- that magic flag keeps it from setting win32 defines
03:49.27 bjorkBSD don't know crux
03:49.42 bjorkBSD but zipslack was my very very first *nix (tear)
03:50.49 louipc
03:52.31 IriX64 quite a menu to choose from
03:54.36 Maloeran My first Linux was Linux from scratch, I will never recommend that experience to anyone
03:54.58 bjorkBSD aha. archlinux thinks highly of freebsd :D
03:55.12 Maloeran I think it took me about a week to both understand how the stuff works, and how to make it work
03:55.26 bjorkBSD linux from scratch?
03:55.29 bjorkBSD what on earth is that?
03:55.30 louipc yeah that would be tough
03:55.56 louipc I think it's a good idea to start with a binary distro to learn the basics, then go to a source based one if you're so inclined
03:56.06 Maloeran bjorkBSD, installing Linux manually, entirely
03:56.24 bjorkBSD hmm. not sure what that means Maloeran.
03:56.26 louipc hah have you heard of DIY Linux?
03:56.30 bjorkBSD no.
03:56.35 bjorkBSD isn't that what linus uses?
03:56.37 louipc it's even worse than LFS
03:56.50 Maloeran bjorkBSD, there's no distribution or installer, you install everything manually
03:57.10 Maloeran That's not hard for someone who actually knows Linux, but for a beginner, it's absolutely atrocious
03:58.26 bjorkBSD reminds me of netbsd.
03:58.31 bjorkBSD i managed to hose my entire system installing it.
03:58.37 bjorkBSD never again. NEVER!
03:59.06 IriX64 maybe i should go with my nick
03:59.32 bjorkBSD an irix?
03:59.41 IriX64 :)
03:59.43 bjorkBSD you're gonna have to buy an sgi to go with it.
03:59.55 louipc that's super cool
04:00.17 IriX64 pick one up on the used market, i didn't say it would be current :)
04:00.29 bjorkBSD IriX64, they're not very expensive
04:00.40 bjorkBSD just make sure you buy the correct kinda monitor to go with it.
04:00.45 IriX64 i have never checked
04:00.56 bjorkBSD you could probably buy one for about 50-100 bucks on ebay.
04:01.24 bjorkBSD but you'll most likely get a machine from the mid-90s
04:01.30 bjorkBSD with about 4 gigs
04:01.44 IriX64 matters little as long as it runs well
04:01.49 bjorkBSD the more you pay, the nicer it is.
04:02.02 bjorkBSD eh. they're annoying as hell in some ways.
04:02.13 IriX64 fans?
04:02.17 bjorkBSD eg: their cc keeps spamming expired license ads.
04:02.36 bjorkBSD mine has about 4 fans on it.
04:02.47 IriX64 heh windows keeps asking me to update my os
04:03.09 louipc they want your soul
04:03.10 Maloeran Translation : Microsoft asking for more money
04:03.35 IriX64 autoupdate costs?
04:03.44 bjorkBSD nah it needn't.
04:03.54 IriX64 dinna think so
04:03.55 bjorkBSD but i've never paid M$ for anything.
04:04.07 louipc I paid for a mouse :/
04:04.08 IriX64 mea culpa im legal
04:04.24 bjorkBSD i think i paid for a book or two from ms press.
04:04.25 Maloeran Ah, I misread, I thought it was saying to go buy their Vista thing
04:04.41 IriX64 nah os stuff ie stuff etc
04:04.59 Maloeran I paid for a windows 95 CD once. It was my first computer, I was young and foolish then
04:05.20 IriX64 im no longer young but i am foolish still
04:05.55 IriX64 bbiab
04:05.58 bjorkBSD the best tool in the world is ataidle
04:06.06 bjorkBSD it keeps my harddisk quiet :)
04:17.43 IriX64 this one is with your tcl/tk
05:07.01 IriX64 :)
06:52.55 IriX64 anybody still here?
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13:57.48 brlcad woot, new runtime libraries
13:58.40 smallfoot- cool
14:26.01 joevalleyfield i hate platform tests
14:31.12 CIA-14 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/librtserver/ just make librtserver match bu/bn/rt version .. using maj:min:pat is bogus in libtool version-info lingo.
14:42.16 brlcad woo hoo.. new version reporting setup looks like it's working great .. now aside from docs, the version numbers should really just be in one place for all platforms
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16:31.04 *** join/#brlcad mysticmarks (
16:32.27 deltazap pro/e is so infuriating
16:36.10 mysticmarks hi
16:41.07 mysticmarks im using sh for terminal, will i need bash for this to run correctly?
16:45.50 smallfoot- bash is the shit
16:45.52 smallfoot- everyone use bash
16:46.07 smallfoot- bash is the best thing since sliced bread
16:46.34 smallfoot- man, if the kids find out you dont use bash, they will be laughing at you, get a grip man, use bash
16:46.40 mysticmarks im trying to move to open source modeling systems. Ive used solidworks on win, but am moving to the linux platform
16:47.25 mysticmarks what dependencies will i need to take care of
16:47.47 mysticmarks im using a puppy linux.
16:47.54 mysticmarks i like a portable os
16:48.04 mysticmarks i should include bash
16:48.17 mysticmarks are ther any other libs not in the deb
16:48.22 mysticmarks i will need
16:48.25 mysticmarks ?
16:48.48 mysticmarks <PROTECTED>
16:50.03 mysticmarks what about kernel requirements?
16:52.39 mysticmarks :\
16:56.47 *** part/#brlcad mysticmarks (
19:08.08 *** join/#brlcad IriX64 (
19:11.32 IriX64 anybody mind if i change my version # to 9.9.9 :)
19:14.11 IriX64 this one works with XWin32 or XMing too bonus :)
19:24.09 IriX64 if i uploaded an installed folder with my cygwin build and the dll's necessary to run it would anybody look at it?
19:24.21 IriX64 ill even include Xming :)
19:32.16 IriX64 well i don't know, but i been told, if you serve, you'll never grow old (been told not to bother you people too much so i'll shutup now )
19:34.14 joevalleyfield does the ogl display manager work in you cywin build?
19:34.49 IriX64 attaches but i can't bring up a frame buffer window, it thinks its there but its really not
19:35.40 IriX64 i mean fbserv shows up in proc
19:35.46 joevalleyfield yeah
19:35.53 IriX64 but no display window appears
19:35.56 joevalleyfield where did you install to?
19:36.05 joevalleyfield in cygwin path land?
19:36.17 IriX64 --prefix=/usr/brlcad-7.8.4
19:37.41 IriX64 heh in windows land exec ls don't work (chuckle)
19:37.54 joevalleyfield does ln -s work?
19:38.08 IriX64 just a sec ill bring it back up
19:39.31 IriX64 no
19:39.53 IriX64 rt -F:0 works tho
19:40.15 IriX64 lemme open a database
19:40.18 joevalleyfield i think an error message is being suppressed
19:41.12 IriX64 huh it said no such command
19:41.21 IriX64 and exec that no such file
19:41.25 joevalleyfield yeah
19:41.41 IriX64 got galileo load what would you have me try
19:41.46 IriX64 loaded too
19:42.01 joevalleyfield lappend auto_path /usr/brlcad-7.8.4/share/tclscripts
19:44.01 IriX64 did it but i used my windows path
19:44.19 IriX64 want it pastebinned?
19:44.34 joevalleyfield please
19:44.43 IriX64 i know what i should try be right back
19:45.42 IriX64
19:46.45 joevalleyfield i think you should have used the cygwin path
19:46.52 joevalleyfield then, you'll be able to open a db
19:46.59 joevalleyfield i don't know the command to retry the attach
19:48.48 ``Erik um, "attach"? :D
19:48.57 joevalleyfield :-D
19:50.06 IriX64 man it still comes up i zapped the dir in /usr and it still runs on the windows side even your lappend thing works
19:51.10 IriX64
19:51.35 ``Erik hey, irix, wanna see something really neato? try "mged -c" *smirk*
19:52.02 IriX64 heh ``Erik i'm King Fool ;)
19:52.18 ``Erik <--likes classic mode more than the tk stuff
19:52.45 IriX64 heh im a gooey person, just touch you'll see :)
19:52.53 ``Erik um, pass?
19:52.58 IriX64 ok
19:53.26 IriX64 beauty of this is i can still open up a frame buffer
19:53.48 IriX64 for you classic type, the mged command window is both input and output capable
19:53.53 IriX64 types too
19:54.32 brlcad IriX64: when you get a chance to test it, would you try changing that getvideo -lgl check to be gconfig instead of getvideo .. see if it succeeds or fails the configure test
19:54.45 IriX64 sure
19:55.04 IriX64 do it right now lemme restore to a pristine dir
19:55.17 CIA-14 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ mingw seems to have a -lgl that has at least one of the old irisgl bindings, so try changing from 'getvideo' to 'gconfig'
20:02.17 *** join/#brlcad louipc_ (
20:16.47 IriX64 you want hard copy or just my report that you got it right.
20:17.05 IriX64 brlcad its proper now
20:18.30 IriX64
20:22.17 IriX64 haha keiths tank just rt'ed sweet
20:23.33 IriX64 thats on the windows side after your lappend joevalleyfield :)
20:25.24 IriX64 i have no way to get a directory from the command line though
20:26.25 IriX64 could rewrite i suppose
20:37.07 smallfoot- you running IRIX?
20:51.01 CIA-14 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/misc/pkgconfig/.cvsignore: ignore the generated pkgconfig files
20:55.06 IriX64 humph, comes up with XWin32 but Xming bombs go figure
21:05.53 IriX64 so if i create a usr dir in windereze, then drop brlcad/* in it all the paths should be proper no?
21:07.42 IriX64 mmm winix ;)
21:10.28 joevalleyfield you could set the environment variable BRLCAD_DATA
21:10.40 joevalleyfield i think you'd want to use the cygwin style paths
21:10.47 joevalleyfield so /c/... like you did in mged
21:12.05 *** join/#brlcad louipc_ (
21:16.06 CIA-14 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ (38 files in 10 dirs):
21:16.07 CIA-14 BRL-CAD: revamp BRL-CAD's versioning setup. no longer rely upon the script,
21:16.07 CIA-14 BRL-CAD: allowing for a more unified cross-platform configuration. instead of globals,
21:16.07 CIA-14 BRL-CAD: provide per-library functions that return the version string. the version
21:16.07 CIA-14 BRL-CAD: numbers are now stored in files in include/conf/.
21:18.16 IriX64 thats what the app expects so that has to be used but i just want to make sure mged can find all its resources
21:19.08 IriX64 sitting through a make install right now
21:19.29 IriX64 brlcad ty
21:28.43 CIA-14 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/ (4 files in 4 dirs): remove the vers_win.c files as the globals they declare are no longer used (for bn, bu, fb, rt)
21:34.49 *** join/#brlcad louipc (
21:35.57 IriX64 ``Erik... it works in gui mode too :P
21:37.02 IriX64 but i know you prefer mged -c so it's there too just for you ;)
21:38.57 IriX64 btw thats on the winderze side of the house and no complaint this time about finding resources
21:40.46 IriX64 works too thats havoc
21:44.57 IriX64 i was wrong tho 6 dll's not 5
21:51.16 IriX64 check the blog, photon mapping ala WiniX :)
21:52.24 *** join/#brlcad louipc_ (
21:55.18 IriX64 too big to fit on a cd tho
21:58.29 IriX64 works with Xming too and now ill shutup :)
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22:29.55 IriX64 gonna try it on the other box that doesn't have a cygwin install :)
22:30.10 joevalleyfield you'll need cygwin.dll
22:30.22 IriX64 have 6 i need in the dir
22:30.38 joevalleyfield excellent
22:32.10 IriX64 btw for the record, i did *not hack up brlcad to make it compile/run
22:32.54 IriX64 .
22:41.29 IriX64 not bad 450mgs zipped thatll burn nicely
22:46.17 CIA-14 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/conv/iges/ (6 files): use the new brlcad_version() routine instead of approach, removes need need for vers.c files
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23:09.23 CIA-14 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ (6 files in 2 dirs): update to the new version management routines, replace the dm_version global with a dm_version() call
23:22.35 CIA-14 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/libfft/ (.cvsignore remove fft's unused version global
23:24.46 CIA-14 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/libmultispectral/ (.cvsignore remove multispectral's unused version global
23:29.02 IriX64 no dice, ill have to rethink
23:29.51 IriX64 can't find a usable itcl dunno whats up path or something
23:47.16 CIA-14 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ (5 files in 3 dirs): update to the new version management routines, replace the liboptical_version global with a optical_version() call
23:52.16 CIA-14 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/liborle/ (.cvsignore remove orle's unused version global

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