00:06.14 |
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(n=bjork@ip70-178-214-102.ks.ks.cox.net) |
01:25.03 |
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(n=IriX64@bas2-sudbury98-1178015006.dsl.bell.ca) |
04:10.23 |
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(i=clock@84-72-61-67.dclient.hispeed.ch) |
05:13.39 |
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(n=pogo@madwifi/support/p0g0) |
08:33.27 |
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(n=clock@zux221-122-143.adsl.green.ch) |
15:28.59 |
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(i=vc@clamwin/translator/smallfoot) |
17:36.37 |
IriX64 |
joevalleyfield, you said cvs warns me about
conflicts in files, does it mark them in anyway? |
17:39.33 |
IriX64 |
ah I see, thank you and never mind. |
17:53.56 |
IriX64 |
yours is superior, much thanks. |
18:02.05 |
IriX64 |
I used --enable-everything and it died trying
to configure enigma with a can't find ./config.sub. |
18:03.07 |
IriX64 |
there is no config.sub in enigma. |
18:04.02 |
IriX64 |
nebver mind i know what it is. |
18:06.54 |
IriX64 |
your X detection is superior to mine thank you
for putting it on cvs. |
18:08.13 |
*** join/#brlcad clock_
(i=clock@84-72-60-78.dclient.hispeed.ch) |
19:05.35 |
IriX64 |
http://www.pastebin.ca/456266 |
19:06.29 |
IriX64 |
line 271 sorry i ommited that |
19:08.44 |
IriX64 |
should be fbinterp sorry |
19:14.49 |
IriX64 |
check tkimg.h its defined properly |
19:15.27 |
IriX64 |
in src/other/tkimg/base |
19:18.32 |
IriX64 |
oh man i get it. |
19:23.41 |
IriX64 |
<--- this patch fixes it here |
19:26.56 |
smallfoot- |
you talk alot |
19:26.56 |
smallfoot- |
but only you talk lol |
19:41.13 |
IriX64 |
i got a reprimand for chatting too much though
:) |
19:48.27 |
IriX64 |
say any chance the windows binaries will be
update too? |
19:48.34 |
IriX64 |
updated |
20:23.21 |
smallfoot- |
i hope so |
20:23.26 |
smallfoot- |
i made the NSIS installer |
20:23.33 |
smallfoot- |
now someone needs compile 10.2 |
20:23.36 |
smallfoot- |
err, 7.10 |
20:23.45 |
smallfoot- |
so we can release it |
20:32.55 |
IriX64 |
heh so compile it :) |
20:33.42 |
IriX64 |
you mean a windoees compile of
course. |
20:33.53 |
IriX64 |
errr windows |
21:33.09 |
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(n=451e3ffd@bz.bzflag.bz) |
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(n=louipc@bas8-toronto63-1096735439.dsl.bell.ca) |
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(n=poolio@c-69-251-3-107.hsd1.md.comcast.net) |
22:45.36 |
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(n=justin@ |
22:59.20 |
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(n=archivis@host217-35-76-52.in-addr.btopenworld.com) |
22:59.44 |
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(n=archivis@host217-35-76-52.in-addr.btopenworld.com) |