IRC log for #brlcad on 20070501

00:16.28 *** join/#brlcad p0g0 (n=pogo@madwifi/support/p0g0)
00:54.38 *** join/#brlcad SWPadnos (
08:12.19 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
09:19.08 *** join/#brlcad elite01 (
09:59.59 *** join/#brlcad Elperion (
10:09.19 *** join/#brlcad elite01_ (
11:10.21 *** join/#brlcad Bariton (
11:23.31 *** join/#brlcad p0g0 (n=pogo@madwifi/support/p0g0)
12:51.51 *** join/#brlcad gioacchino (
12:52.00 gioacchino hello
12:52.28 gioacchino anybody can help me ?
12:52.58 elite01_ maybe
12:53.07 elite01_ i'm no experts, but there are some here - so, just ask
12:53.18 elite01_ i'm not even a single expert
12:53.44 gioacchino I use brlcad latest version
12:53.51 gioacchino I have a prbolem
12:53.59 elite01_ what is it?
12:54.09 gioacchino mged> exec fbserv 1 /dev/sgip &
12:54.33 gioacchino 7.10 version
12:54.39 gioacchino when I run
12:54.42 gioacchino mged> exec fbserv 1 /dev/sgip &
12:54.53 gioacchino it respond no such file or directory
12:54.59 gioacchino how to fix it ?
12:55.15 elite01_ is there /dev/sgip?
12:56.00 gioacchino I not know
12:56.09 gioacchino but i use the user guide...
12:56.29 elite01_ just check ls /dev/sgip
12:56.37 gioacchino I'm a new bie
12:56.37 elite01_ i don't have /dev/sgip - i don't even know what it is
12:56.56 gioacchino file:///usr/brlcad/share/brlcad/7.8.4/html/manuals/mged/index.html
12:57.34 elite01_ hum i just use file->raytrace and it eeh kind of just works
12:59.38 *** join/#brlcad gioacchino (
13:00.05 gioacchino a demand
13:00.35 gioacchino qhen you click on window when you see your project
13:01.26 gioacchino you can only enlarge or contract ?
13:01.35 gioacchino or you can make some action ?
13:01.59 elite01_ wait
13:02.10 elite01_ what window? the one where rendered stuff is in?
13:02.53 elite01_ and what do you mean by "some action"?
13:03.49 gioacchino window
13:04.30 gioacchino the windows where you se your creation 3d
13:05.10 elite01_ ok
13:06.16 gioacchino you can do any action
13:06.32 gioacchino or you can onbly enlarge and contract image ?
13:06.36 elite01_ uuh well i can zoom, resize, move objects, all kinds of stuff
13:06.44 elite01_ if i just click in the middle, it zooms
13:06.51 elite01_ with shift, it moves the viewport
13:08.33 gioacchino hum...
13:08.46 gioacchino form command line how to save a project ?
13:09.12 gioacchino i try with save but when I reopen the project is black
13:10.58 gioacchino mged> exec fbserv
13:10.58 gioacchino couldn't execute "fbserv": no such file or directory
13:11.29 gioacchino I start brl-cad in is folder...
13:11.39 gioacchino and fbserv is in the ls
13:12.13 elite01_ uhm you needn't save
13:12.28 elite01_ just like mged mystuff.g, close mged, do mged mystuff.g, ls - stuff is there again
13:12.33 elite01_ no idea why you don't have fbserv
13:12.38 elite01_ maybe you need to make install
13:12.50 gioacchino mmm
13:12.53 gioacchino I have fbserv
13:12.59 gioacchino but exec not see it
13:13.38 gioacchino I try with all tool in brl folder and it tell
13:13.46 gioacchino no such file for all tool
13:13.49 elite01_ i guess they have to be in $PATH
13:14.14 gioacchino how to add the brl folder to path ?
13:14.25 elite01_ have you done "make install"?
13:14.29 gioacchino yes
13:14.54 elite01_ hmm should "just work" then - will fbserv do something when you just run it in a sh?
13:15.16 gioacchino no
13:15.26 gioacchino because it is in a folder not in path
13:15.41 gioacchino bash: fbserv: command not found
13:15.47 elite01_ shows usage info here
13:15.50 gioacchino but if I
13:16.21 elite01_ maybe i added it myself
13:16.23 gioacchino but if I run /user/brlcad/bin/fbserv it ask a port number
13:16.47 elite01_ then just do that :)
13:17.15 elite01_ or add /usr/brlcad/bin to the $PATH - looks like that isn't done automatically
13:18.37 gioacchino how to add ?
13:19.43 elite01_ add a line like "export PATH=$PATH:/usr/brlcad/bin" to your .bashrc or .bash_profile or something like that
13:21.28 gioacchino it only add this folder or delete the dther folder ?
13:23.02 elite01_ only add that
13:23.07 gioacchino ok
13:23.14 gioacchino I ass it at the bottom
13:23.48 elite01_ yeah
13:25.40 gioacchino wath the difference fro,m
13:25.57 gioacchino X wondow and OGL window?
13:26.10 gioacchino because when I start mged from kde menu'
13:26.22 gioacchino it ave all menu' but it use X window
13:26.53 gioacchino when I run mged from terminal it not have menu but i can use ogl wondow
13:27.00 elite01_ uuh sorry, no idea
13:27.56 ``Erik X and OpenGL are two different API's... I usually use /dev/X
13:28.12 ``Erik why are you trying to explicitely start an FB server?
13:28.34 ``Erik when you run 'rt' in mged, it automatically takes care of all that for you
13:28.46 gioacchino I am a new bie
13:29.01 gioacchino I try to make the cup of manual
13:29.14 ``Erik huh, and they say to run an fbserv? odd
13:29.24 gioacchino yes
13:29.36 gioacchino fbserv before rt
13:29.49 ``Erik um, if you have geometry displayed in your graphical edit window (the line drawing), you can run "rt -F/dev/Xl"
13:30.13 gioacchino one question
13:30.17 ``Erik -F/dev/Xl translates to set the X device as the framebuffer and linger
13:30.24 gioacchino whe I run mged from kde menu
13:30.32 gioacchino it have friendly menus
13:30.39 gioacchino but it not run opengl
13:30.56 ``Erik Chances are that opengl will not buy you anything
13:30.58 gioacchino how to run it with opengl from kdemenu ?
13:31.10 ``Erik it shows wireframe either way
13:31.21 elite01_ uhm need to go for a while, see you later
13:31.34 ``Erik they're not visible different... filled triangles is on the todo list (called "shaded geometry" at the moment)
13:31.50 gioacchino ha
13:31.59 gioacchino X and opengl are the same ?
13:32.07 ``Erik yeah, it sucks, we need to fix it, but we're fighting mgmt on it :)
13:32.12 ``Erik they look the same at the moment
13:32.21 ``Erik they just use different subsystems to draw the lines
13:32.28 gioacchino I was thinf opengl most powerfull because my videocard support it strongly
13:32.35 ``Erik the OGL display is all glBegin(GL_LINE);
13:32.54 gioacchino and how to start with menus from terminal ?
13:32.59 ``Erik if we had shaded display, you'd be right... but we're all wireframe at the moment, so it doesn't really matter :(
13:33.20 ``Erik the menus? you mean the GUI? you have to add /usr/brlcad/bin to your path, then run "mged"
13:33.50 gioacchino I try now
13:34.10 gioacchino ok now work
13:34.19 ``Erik :)
13:34.46 gioacchino before I have use ln -s mged on usr/bin but it start without menu' only the visualization winow
13:35.14 ``Erik hum, mebbe it couldn't find the right tcl parts *shrug*
13:35.18 ``Erik <-- doesn't know
13:35.30 gioacchino mmmmmmm
13:35.39 ``Erik but there are ~400 programs in /usr/brlcad/bin and a lot of buttons in the gui just run "programname"
13:35.49 gioacchino but if I run mged -n the menus isn't
13:35.55 ``Erik so you really do need that directory in the path
13:36.08 gioacchino I have add the directory inb the path
13:36.46 gioacchino thi is echo $PATH/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games:/usr/brlcad/bin
13:36.50 gioacchino thi is echo $PATH /usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games:/usr/brlcad/bin
13:37.00 ``Erik ok
13:37.13 gioacchino but if /usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games:/usr/brlcad/bin start mged -n the menus isn't
13:37.20 ``Erik except you're echoing it
13:37.22 ``Erik not exporting it
13:37.47 ``Erik unless I misunderstand
13:37.51 gioacchino ok I see bash rc
13:38.13 gioacchino export PATH=$PATH:/usr/brlcad/bin
13:38.24 gioacchino this is the command on bash.rc
13:38.26 ``Erik if it's in your .bashrc, you have to log out and log back in for it to take effect for the menu's... or source it in the term you want to run it from
13:38.38 gioacchino ok
13:38.46 gioacchino I restart x server and relogin
13:38.51 gioacchino see you later
13:38.52 ``Erik ok, when you do that
13:38.58 ``Erik start up an xterm and run "echo $PATH"
13:39.00 ``Erik and make sure it's in there
13:39.01 ``Erik ok?
13:39.09 gioacchino ok
13:39.17 ``Erik see you in a minute :)
13:39.56 *** join/#brlcad gioacchino (
13:40.19 gioacchino ok Im ready
13:40.59 ``Erik then run mged *shrug* :)
13:41.26 gioacchino it work
13:41.34 gioacchino mmmmmmmm
13:41.40 gioacchino is the -n param
13:41.49 gioacchino whats -n ?
13:42.04 ``Erik on mged? I've no idea
13:42.17 gioacchino I see it on manual
13:42.27 gioacchino hem
13:42.34 gioacchino when I use -n
13:42.51 gioacchino the windows is blue and the menu isn't
13:43.08 ``Erik oh, 'n' is a synonym for -c
13:43.09 ``Erik classic mode
13:43.12 ``Erik you don't want that
13:43.23 gioacchino ok...
13:43.36 gioacchino the manual isnt wery clear...
13:43.44 gioacchino and it work partially...
13:43.54 gioacchino I can see anly some page
13:43.57 gioacchino other problem
13:44.14 gioacchino when I complie I must delete some error from makefile
13:44.21 gioacchino esample
13:44.27 ``Erik from the 7.10.0 source tarball?
13:44.33 gioacchino -Lyes/lib
13:44.46 gioacchino I must rewrite in -L/lib
13:44.52 gioacchino [15:44] <``Erik> from the 7.10.0 source tarball? yes
13:45.15 gioacchino and I must disable ADRT
13:45.22 ``Erik can you paste the exact error to, uhhh, or or something?
13:45.29 gioacchino because isnt the file main.c and anothe file.c
13:45.47 gioacchino this request is too hard..
13:45.57 gioacchino because I had fix it
13:45.59 gioacchino I try
13:46.12 ``Erik re-extract the tarball in /usr/tmp or something and do it there
13:46.19 ``Erik then you can delete it once you paste the error... :)
13:47.53 gioacchino no I try it
13:48.04 gioacchino more than 10
13:48.28 gioacchino and I had redownload the tar.bz2 archive more than 3
13:48.38 ``Erik O.o odd
13:49.41 gioacchino
13:50.49 gioacchino the problem with -Lyes/li to-->- L/lib is very hard!!!
13:51.04 gioacchino I must fix more than 150 makefile!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
13:51.12 ``Erik hum, I'm sure you don't want to be building jove
13:51.19 gioacchino on the src folder and subfolder
13:51.33 ``Erik it's an obsolete reduced emacs clone
13:51.36 gioacchino I wanth build jove
13:51.44 gioacchino but it cause problem in making!!!
13:51.50 gioacchino ok
13:52.02 gioacchino buth jove isn't hard to fix...
13:52.05 gioacchino is only 3 file
13:52.12 ``Erik for some reason, you're getting "yes" substituted for "/usr/X11R6"
13:52.33 ``Erik ohhh
13:52.34 ``Erik hah
13:52.41 gioacchino I was think
13:52.48 ``Erik ok, you did "--with-x11", which is asking for WHERE your X11 is installed
13:52.55 gioacchino yes/lib is = /lib
13:53.05 gioacchino and I fix with this
13:53.11 ``Erik if your X11 is in a normal place, like "/usr/X11R6", then you don't need to give it that flag
13:53.22 gioacchino but I not know if /lib is rigth or wrong
13:53.24 ``Erik if you do give it that flag, you have to tell it where, like --with-x11=/usr/Xorg
13:53.28 gioacchino but it compile
13:53.51 gioacchino mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
13:53.59 gioacchino I'm very studip!!!
13:54.21 ``Erik nah, just not used to the perculiarities of automake
13:54.21 ``Erik :)
13:54.38 ``Erik that should be fixed, though
13:54.51 gioacchino but ./configure --help isn't more clear
13:55.49 gioacchino now I remake...
13:56.35 gioacchino ADRT support wath do it ?
13:57.33 ``Erik I'm sure you don't want adrt at this time...
13:58.15 gioacchino ok
13:58.37 gioacchino Java Developer Kit support wath is teh advantage ?
13:58.43 gioacchino I'm a java programmer
13:58.57 ``Erik um, it makes a JNI server thing for raytrace queries
13:59.07 gioacchino I can create java program with 3d animation ?
13:59.13 ``Erik so you can use librt from java, sorta kinda...
13:59.17 gioacchino [15:58] <``Erik> um, it makes a JNI server thing for raytrace queries
13:59.28 gioacchino now I don't nedd this ?
13:59.48 ``Erik well, for USING the software, no... if you want to program in java using its libraries, maybe
14:00.05 ``Erik um, look at src/librtserver for the JNI stuff, that's what the jdk thing enables
14:01.47 gioacchino and how to fix
14:01.53 gioacchino jove tutotrial ?
14:01.59 gioacchino I not need it ?
14:02.05 gioacchino and wath jove ?
14:02.07 ``Erik no, y ou don't want jove stuff
14:03.15 ``Erik in talking to the guy who wrote the java interface, there are several unreleased parts, so the jdk thing won't be useful unless y ou want to write the java infrastructure to support it... (if you do, send us a patch!)
14:04.30 gioacchino ok
14:04.40 gioacchino I study it
14:04.54 gioacchino if I fix it I relase the patch
14:05.00 gioacchino another question
14:05.20 gioacchino because the makefile of jove is wrong on the official release ?
14:05.55 ``Erik yeah, it's probably broken *shrug* none of the developers build jove
14:06.33 gioacchino thand on the brl-cad istnt a manual to fix it..
14:06.37 gioacchino is very strange!!
14:06.57 gioacchino thank's for helping
14:07.12 gioacchino now I'm buildng the fixed configure
14:07.43 ``Erik cool beans
14:08.20 gioacchino wath a param to start it without asking of tipe of winodw ?
14:08.33 gioacchino esample: mged -X
14:08.40 gioacchino ot mged -ogl
14:09.05 ``Erik if it's asking what type of window, that means you're passing it "-c" (or "-n"), and you don't want that
14:09.21 gioacchino ok
14:09.49 gioacchino I have maked the benchmark
14:09.55 gioacchino my machine is very storng
14:10.02 ``Erik how many vgr's?
14:10.16 gioacchino Benchmark results indicate an approximate VGR performance metric of 5620
14:10.21 gioacchino I have
14:12.34 gioacchino asus p5w dh deluxe + 1GB ram DDR2 800Mhz 4-4-2 + intel core 2 duo E6600 2*2,4GHz 8MB cache +nvidia En6600 silent 512MB ddr2 sse2 + linux kubuntu 7.04
14:12.44 gioacchino wath you bench ?
14:13.34 gioacchino * wath's your benchmark ?
14:13.36 ``Erik I d'no, lemme go build and run
14:15.49 gioacchino you go fast ;)
14:15.59 gioacchino the making process in long...
14:17.01 gioacchino wath's your OS ?
14:18.29 ``Erik bah, my copy is broken
14:18.34 ``Erik I usually use FreeBSD and MacoSX
14:18.49 gioacchino I use linux Kubuntu
14:18.56 gioacchino I have only a problem..
14:19.29 gioacchino My remote remote controller(infrarend similar the TV) not work finly with my release of Linux
14:22.18 *** join/#brlcad elite01 (
14:22.31 gioacchino but all the other work fine
14:23.23 gioacchino can you trasfer to me some your brl work ?
14:23.36 gioacchino I not need the .g file
14:23.43 gioacchino only the image rended
14:23.52 gioacchino I dont want modify it
14:23.57 gioacchino I want only see
14:25.12 ``Erik <-- coder, not a modeller.... there're renders of models on the sourceforge page...
14:26.00 gioacchino hum ?
14:26.12 gioacchino how to render with mged ??
14:27.25 gioacchino and how to save database.g ?
14:30.00 gioacchino because on file menu'
14:30.02 gioacchino is only
14:30.07 gioacchino open and new
14:30.09 gioacchino but no save
14:30.45 ``Erik it's automatically saved
14:31.46 ``Erik and for rendering, click "file", then "raytrace"
14:32.09 gioacchino bvut when I reopen the file.g it is black..
14:32.17 gioacchino the file is void
14:32.44 ``Erik to get the objects on the screen, you have to "e" them
14:33.00 ``Erik like, if you called your object "foo.s", you have to do "e foo.s" in the command window
14:33.10 ``Erik you can do "tops" to see the top level objects in the file
14:36.37 gioacchino now I understand -n optio...
14:37.05 gioacchino with -n it show the object aoutomatical
14:38.38 gioacchino mmmmmmm
14:38.47 gioacchino I tri to create the cup but not work...
14:38.59 gioacchino on the view windows are black..
14:39.03 gioacchino how to see all ?
14:42.00 gioacchino other problem
14:42.24 gioacchino whuen I close mged from the x icon it not close close only the window
14:42.31 gioacchino I must kill it from pid...
14:43.49 gioacchino HOW TO SE ALL ?
14:44.03 gioacchino e name.s to see a boject
14:44.09 gioacchino how to see all object ?
14:45.03 ``Erik e them all up
14:45.14 ``Erik or group them all into one toplevel object and e that
14:46.47 gioacchino mged>ethem all up ?
14:46.57 ``Erik no
14:47.23 gioacchino mged>e them all up ?
14:48.05 ``Erik when I load up, say, ktank.g (in the examples directory)
14:48.06 ``Erik mged> tops
14:48.06 ``Erik _GLOBAL computer/ g17/
14:48.07 ``Erik air/ engine/ tank/
14:48.30 ``Erik so I would do mged> e computer g17 air engine tank
14:48.57 gioacchino you must remember all name...
14:49.08 ``Erik the "tops" command shows you the names
14:50.19 ``Erik (a file is not a model, it's a database of models)
14:50.38 ``Erik oh, and my vgr's... 22909
14:50.58 gioacchino heeeeeeeeeeee ???????
14:51.05 gioacchino wath your pc ????
14:51.08 gioacchino 8 processor ?
14:51.34 ``Erik 8 core opteron
14:51.41 gioacchino auz!!!
14:52.05 gioacchino your is a workstation processor..
14:52.10 ``Erik I have 3 of those, two 4 core opterons, a 12 core itanium2 (altix), ....
14:52.10 gioacchino my is a digital home pc
14:52.17 ``Erik oh, I sit at a dual g5 mac
14:52.32 ``Erik but I do all my work on other machines... *shrug*
14:54.15 gioacchino how to move the image after rendering ?
14:54.25 ``Erik huh?
14:54.43 gioacchino before rendering I can move and rotare image
14:54.57 gioacchino now after the rendering it is blocked...
14:55.15 ``Erik well, you should see the wireframe moving... you can click "clear" in the raytrace window
14:55.54 gioacchino error could not ezecute fbclear no such file or directori
14:57.15 gioacchino but fbc clear is in teh brlcad/bin folder...
14:57.23 gioacchino and the folder is in the path...
14:57.35 gioacchino because it tell me no such file file ??
15:01.47 gioacchino <PROTECTED>
15:12.00 gioacchino <PROTECTED>
15:12.27 gioacchino How to fix this problem ???
15:12.51 gioacchino mged can't use the other program of suite
15:13.00 gioacchino it tell no such file or directnry...
15:13.14 gioacchino but the brl folder is in the $PATH
15:15.24 gioacchino !help
15:26.18 gioacchino i HAVE FIX IT!!!!!!!!!!!1
15:26.29 gioacchino before the ecoprting $path
15:26.40 gioacchino I have add a link to meged no usr bin folder!!
15:26.48 gioacchino now I had remoe it and work!!
15:43.33 gioacchino the broblem now is
15:43.47 gioacchino when I clear it clear all not only rendering
15:43.55 gioacchino and when i run
15:44.02 gioacchino e name.s
15:44.21 gioacchino i don't see anywhere...
15:48.19 *** join/#brlcad gioacchino (
15:48.50 gioacchino anybody online ?
16:02.45 gioacchino how to save the rendered image in a image format ?
16:02.47 gioacchino esample
16:02.53 gioacchino png bmp jepg ecce cc
16:05.30 ``Erik -o puts it in a pix file, then use like pix-png
16:15.09 gioacchino mged>-o out_file_name.png ??
16:17.56 ``Erik rt -o blah.pix myfile.g obj1 obj2 ...
16:18.05 ``Erik meh
17:00.01 *** join/#brlcad gioacchino (
17:23.50 brlcad gioacchino: turn the framebuffer off
17:24.11 brlcad there's a checkbox on the raytrace control panel that will make the rendered image disappear
17:36.17 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
17:56.55 gioacchino mm
17:57.49 gioacchino ok
17:57.51 gioacchino it work
17:59.49 gioacchino brlcad: noe a question..
17:59.57 gioacchino if I run mged
18:00.03 gioacchino from prompt it work
18:00.30 gioacchino but if I run it from kde menu' it work but can't use the other suite tool
18:04.36 gioacchino now I try to fix it adding the export path at all bashrc
18:05.12 IriX64 can try cd /usr/brlcad/bin too then starting it
18:05.33 gioacchino I ahave already try but not work...
18:05.43 gioacchino I rejoin at 1 minutes
18:05.46 gioacchino bye
18:08.07 *** join/#brlcad gioacchino (
18:09.48 gioacchino how to export the rendering in a imga?
18:10.12 gioacchino es .bmp .png .jpg ecc ecc
18:11.07 gioacchino not work..
18:11.14 gioacchino now I try witrh sh script...
18:11.27 gioacchino to start brl from kde panel..
18:18.44 IriX64 mmm works with Xming now
18:22.13 IriX64 forgot --prefix though, what the heck my windows now has a \usr dir :)
18:22.53 *** join/#brlcad smallfoot- (i=vc@clamwin/translator/smallfoot)
18:25.45 IriX64 anybody wanna write a little directory utility, since quite obviously exec ls won';t work
18:29.09 smallfoot- oh
18:29.21 smallfoot- try system ls then
18:31.23 smallfoot- system("ls");
18:31.33 gioacchino hello
18:31.38 IriX64 there's no ls on windows smallfoot
18:32.04 IriX64 mmmmm wait a sec
18:32.29 smallfoot- system("dir"); //then :p
18:32.42 smallfoot- though, the output is different
18:38.42 IriX64 now have an ls but at what cost, 2 more dll'd come into play here sigh
18:38.48 IriX64 dll's too
18:40.27 smallfoot- :(
18:40.35 gioacchino how to export in image extension (jpg, bmp,png,gif ecc ecc) a rendering?
18:43.59 IriX64
18:45.20 IriX64 gioacchino, try sending it out as a pix and use the conversion tools
18:47.14 gioacchino wath the conversion tools ? is in the crl suite ?
18:47.51 IriX64 should hacve file called pixtorle and stuff like that
18:49.53 gioacchino pixtorle file_name.pix ?
18:50.32 IriX64 if you run them without arguments they tell you how to use themselves :)
18:51.16 gioacchino gioacchino@server:~$ pixtorle
18:51.16 gioacchino bash: pixtorle: command not found
18:51.45 IriX64 its in bin i think
18:51.56 gioacchino I control on the folder..
18:52.18 IriX64 do an ls pix*
18:52.19 gioacchino mmmmmmmmmm
18:52.25 gioacchino pix-orle
18:52.29 gioacchino not pixtorle
18:52.33 IriX64 thats better
18:52.47 IriX64 i sorta know :)
18:53.02 CIA-22 BRL-CAD: 03johnranderson * 10brlcad/src/librtserver/rtserver.c: Fixed a memory leak in rtserver
18:55.29 gioacchino but it generate file.rle
18:55.39 gioacchino not .bmp , jpg gif ecc ecc
18:56.35 gioacchino pix-png i try
18:56.46 IriX64 thers a whole suite, i think one for each file type
18:57.17 IriX64 pick the windows side
18:59.40 ``Erik don't use pix-orle, use pix-png
18:59.55 gioacchino my pix pn not work...
18:59.57 ``Erik pix-png -a file.pix > file.png
19:00.20 gioacchino a��V�u�z�������!���9<.e)�����H�Z��ɒ�1E��Z�@������~`Տ�~���y�G<d�y�+P�l�裪�
19:00.21 gioacchino it write tihs
19:00.23 ``Erik yes, it outputs the png to stdout, cuz it's stupid
19:00.30 gioacchino and not createfile..
19:00.31 ``Erik redirect into a file, like I just showed you
19:00.46 gioacchino ok
19:00.58 ``Erik (that's on my short hit-list of things to fix)
19:00.59 IriX64 thanks ``Erik
19:01.23 gioacchino gioacchino@server:~$ pix-png -a prova.pix > prova.png
19:01.23 gioacchino pix-png: unable to autosize
19:01.24 IriX64 :)
19:01.58 ``Erik I mean, um, normalize the interface set to a synergistic uniform something something BUZZWORD BINGO
19:02.11 gioacchino the outpout isn't a sphere...
19:02.32 ``Erik "unable to autosize"? hum, take away the -a and see if it works? how big is the file? O.o
19:03.16 ``Erik pix-png kinda expects a square file with the edges being a power of two iirc (256x256, 512x512, 1024x1024...)
19:03.54 gioacchino it not tell me anithing but the result is not a sphere is a confuse image I try with a new render...
19:04.16 IriX64 like rt -s 512 ``Erik?
19:04.38 gioacchino not work...
19:04.55 gioacchino it genereted a bad confused image...
19:05.25 smallfoot- IriX64:
19:05.57 smallfoot- IriX64, i found this code on the internets it can list files in the direcotry and stuff like that what you said its like "ls" or "dir"
19:06.30 brlcad IriX64: a cd to whatever path only works when "." is in your path (which it should not be for various reasons) .. better to just type the full path if you want to be sure (e.g. /usr/brlcad/bin/mged)
19:07.05 brlcad gioacchino: to export a rendered image, you raytrace to a .pix file, and then use one of the pix-* converters (e.g. pix-png file.pix > file.png)
19:07.21 gioacchino yes I use this mecanism...
19:07.27 gioacchino but it generated
19:07.34 gioacchino bud confused image...
19:07.52 brlcad pix are raw image files
19:08.01 brlcad so if it's not a 512x512 image, you MUST specify the image dimensions
19:08.37 brlcad -a if you use standard sizes, but I imagine you used the raytrace control panel
19:08.44 brlcad which will be whatever size your window was
19:08.54 gioacchino yes I use raytrace control panel
19:09.06 brlcad you see the size in the raytrace control panel?
19:09.27 gioacchino yes
19:09.30 gioacchino now work!
19:09.32 gioacchino tanks
19:09.37 brlcad type just 'pix-png' with no arguments and you'll see:
19:09.38 brlcad Usage: pix-png [-a] [-w file_width] [-n file_height] [-s square_file_size] [file.pix]
19:09.58 brlcad so pix-png -w WIDTH -n HEIGHT file.pix > file.png
19:10.01 ``Erik <PROTECTED>
19:10.06 ``Erik s/^ //
19:11.56 gioacchino brlcad: hot to obtain more quality ??
19:12.03 gioacchino I use max resolutio
19:12.06 gioacchino 1024*1024
19:12.16 gioacchino but I want more quality
19:12.33 brlcad gioacchino: run rt directly on the mged command line
19:12.50 brlcad rt -s2345 -o somefile.pix
19:12.58 brlcad that will make a 2345x2345 image
19:13.02 brlcad saved to somefile.pix
19:13.07 gioacchino this is the max ?
19:13.11 brlcad noo
19:13.17 gioacchino ok
19:13.19 brlcad s/2345/whatever you want/
19:13.22 gioacchino ok
19:13.37 brlcad might not like going over 16000 .. been a while since I tested the upper limit
19:13.40 gioacchino I must run rt form mged>terminal...
19:13.51 brlcad you don't have to run rt from mged prompt
19:13.54 brlcad you can run it outside
19:14.01 brlcad but then you need to specify what view you want
19:15.42 gioacchino[away] tanks
19:15.53 gioacchino[away] I go ate
19:15.54 brlcad cierto
19:16.01 brlcad ciao
19:16.11 gioacchino[away] sei italiano ?
19:16.16 brlcad un po
19:16.20 gioacchino[away] vado a cena :)
19:16.24 gioacchino[away] che piacere!!
19:16.35 gioacchino[away] comuqneu ora mi allontano torno dopo
19:16.39 brlcad igualmente
19:18.05 ``Erik <PROTECTED>
19:18.11 IriX64 smallfoot thankyou, had to call scanit scanit2 though scanit already exists :)
19:18.40 IriX64 let me drop it in and try..
19:19.19 CIA-22 BRL-CAD: 03erikgreenwald * 10brlcad/src/libfb/ Add the TK cpp flags to the if_tk compile
19:20.03 CIA-22 BRL-CAD: 03erikgreenwald * 10brlcad/src/libfb/if_tk.c: PhotoPutBlock seems to take the interpreter as the first arg now?
19:21.52 IriX64 mged> exec opendir
19:21.52 IriX64 Error: usage: opendir dirname
19:21.52 IriX64 child process exited abnormally
19:21.53 IriX64 mged>
19:22.07 IriX64 heh thanks
19:22.45 IriX64 should have used pastebin, forgive.
19:25.50 IriX64 <--- the windows side is of interest
19:28.19 brlcad IriX64: is the exec opendir supposed to convey something?
19:28.58 brlcad that's an external tool, and probably one you wouldn't want/need to run from mged at that
19:31.11 brlcad ``Erik: hey, you wanna take a stab at the tcl/tk upgrade?
19:31.35 brlcad a6 just came out a few days ago, massive aqua tk fixes
19:32.10 brlcad best to pull from cvs though, according to daniel (aqua tk dev), to pick up a build bug fix
19:32.16 ``Erik heh, uh, no? :D
19:32.31 brlcad fair nuff
19:32.37 ``Erik I just want the damn thing to build... I have linux chased down to a runtime link error in db/
19:33.05 ``Erik fbsd has a multiple definition error for tk_close in bwish
19:33.05 brlcad you have build issues? I've got good builds everywhere
19:33.10 brlcad oh, i hadn't tested tim's latest stuff
19:33.19 ``Erik I have breakage on leenewx and fbsd, jra reported issue on linux
19:33.28 ``Erik tim's fault? got a tar arn I can borrow?
19:34.07 brlcad he removed the tcl/tk --disable-shared from their configure, causes a variety of tcl/tk symbols on a couple plats
19:34.21 brlcad that's probably the tk_close issue
19:34.40 ``Erik and he's awfully idle
19:34.42 brlcad s/symbols/duplicate symbols/
19:35.17 ``Erik oh, I made an obsd 7.10.0 build for clock (without brep)
19:35.28 clock_ ``Erik: how?
19:40.11 smallfoot-
19:40.59 smallfoot- IriX64, that program in pastebin dont work?
20:07.24 IriX64 smallfoot: it works fine thanks, that abnormal exit is due to mged i think
20:07.32 smallfoot- oh
20:07.50 IriX64 err wait
20:09.41 IriX64
20:09.52 IriX64 not quite sure whats going on here
20:09.55 *** join/#brlcad menotume (n=menotume@pdpc/supporter/active/menotume)
20:11.14 IriX64
20:11.26 IriX64 works thanks for your contribution :)
20:11.53 IriX64 why two passes?
20:14.46 ``Erik what's "opendir"? you have an "opendir.exe" file? O.o
20:15.49 IriX64 smallfoots contribution to the effort.
20:15.59 ``Erik oookie, :)
20:16.31 *** part/#brlcad menotume (n=menotume@pdpc/supporter/active/menotume)
20:16.33 IriX64 works
20:18.28 IriX64 <---- smallfoot lets have a belly laff :)
20:19.00 IriX64 thats the way it should always be with dos :)
20:20.13 IriX64 if you set your path right, you can exec anything on the system.
20:20.36 smallfoot-
20:20.57 smallfoot- oh
20:22.00 IriX64 :)
20:23.51 IriX64 <--- works smallfoot
20:24.51 IriX64 smallfoot if i ever give this stuff out may i include your exe?
20:30.05 smallfoot- it wasntmy exe
20:30.08 smallfoot- i found that on google lol
20:30.27 IriX64 ;) thankyou for finding it
20:30.30 smallfoot- np
20:30.45 smallfoot- actually, i tried some code todo an own, but it wouldnt work, so i was like argh, and googled instead lol
20:30.59 smallfoot- so if you release it, then clean it up, obscure it, and change the names of variables, and style and stuff like that lol :p
20:31.24 IriX64 you found it it's yours :)
20:31.28 smallfoot- hehe
20:31.37 smallfoot- yeah, i found it, because you wanted it
20:31.39 smallfoot- but its really simple code
20:31.54 IriX64 i know but i'm lazy
20:32.14 ``Erik O.o stealin' code ain't cool
20:32.34 IriX64 was going to modify a disk scanner program but this is better
20:33.33 IriX64 going to include ls too thought what the hay 2 dll's
20:35.56 IriX64 if it's on google, it's not stealin ``Erik
20:35.56 ``Erik heh
20:35.57 ``Erik that's like saying that copying something out of the library and claiming you wrote it isn't plaigerism
20:36.05 IriX64 who's gonna claim they wrote it i'll gladly give proper credit
20:36.07 ``Erik almost all my code is open source, on the internet, findable by google... but I still hold the copyright and get highly upset when people "change some variables" and claim they wrote it *shrug*
20:36.07 IriX64 and distribute source if they allow it
20:36.08 ``Erik and I've had tht happen to my software before...
20:36.19 smallfoot- its not stealing code, its reusing code :p
20:36.26 smallfoot- its like 10 lines of code or what?
20:36.38 smallfoot- and its all call to standard functions, its like the only way todo it
20:36.42 IriX64 changed nothing but what was needed to make it work here, still does and always will 2 pasess
20:36.42 ``Erik on the flip side, my code has been incorporated into neat stuff like "icecast" and a "electronic picture" device, they credited me, and it's totally awesome that people are using my code
20:37.18 IriX64 ty
20:37.23 ``Erik if'n ya find code, it doesn't matter how trivial it is, respect the license and copyright o.O
20:37.38 IriX64 of course, I always try to
20:38.06 ``Erik <-- mostly going off because of "04:30PM <smallfoot-> so if you release it, then clean it up, obscure it, and change the names of variables, and style and stuff like that lol :p"
20:38.55 IriX64 I understand ``Erik.
20:40.35 IriX64 how did i get two copies of mged up? :)
20:41.00 *** join/#brlcad smallfoot- (i=vc@clamwin/translator/smallfoot)
20:41.04 smallfoot- aff, got disconnected
20:41.10 ``Erik guess you could run it twice, but may get fb conflicts? why would you want to? O.o
20:41.21 smallfoot- one time i wrote a database engine, that i based of hello_world.c and SCO sued me :(
20:42.08 ``Erik sco'll be delisted soon, then they'll just disappear O.o
20:42.15 ``Erik post-love caldera really sucks monkey balls
20:42.15 brlcad you can run multiple mged's concern-free -- fb's are allocated sequentially
20:43.26 *** join/#brlcad smallfoot (
20:51.55 *** join/#brlcad archivist (
21:17.57 IriX64 it was an accident :)
21:24.23 IriX64 if_tk.c in libfb (tk_close) conflicts with same in dm-tk.c in libdm
21:24.35 IriX64 .
21:26.38 IriX64 renamed mine in libfb to tkk_close just to get a compile, looks happy so far.
21:27.50 *** join/#brlcad bjorkBSD (
22:25.01 IriX64 just what in samhill is ssampview.exe?
22:25.28 IriX64 in src/rttherm
22:25.55 *** join/#brlcad dli_ (
22:33.39 ``Erik viewer for ssamp files
22:34.05 ``Erik man rttherm
22:51.23 IriX64 ty
22:56.33 *** join/#brlcad Twingy (n=justin@

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