IRC log for #brlcad on 20070502

00:08.28 *** join/#brlcad b0ef (
00:51.33 smallfoot
01:01.34 IriX64 (windowsside albumn) It built
01:02.46 IriX64 ``Erik, I can't view ssamp files but all the other stuff built.
01:14.23 *** join/#brlcad dli (
01:18.15 IriX64 <--- something I think I found
02:06.54 dli IriX64, any idea for the " not found" during building?
02:13.54 *** join/#brlcad louipc (
02:15.54 ``Erik run "make install", it'll continue the build :/
02:18.41 dli ``Erik, you sure?
02:24.08 dli ``Erik, you mean run "make" again?
02:24.48 *** join/#brlcad louipc_ (
02:28.08 brlcad nifty
03:08.39 IriX64 dli i compiled static, that worked.
03:09.40 IriX64 i.e. --disable-shared on the configure line
03:11.26 ``Erik dli: I mean make install... it's complaining that ti can't find in the link path... install will put it there, so it can continue... install infers all
03:12.54 dli ``Erik, no, it's an error during "make" not "make install"
03:13.11 IriX64 dli he's trying to fix your problem, just do it and see
03:13.12 ``Erik yes... I know... and I'm telling you... install will work around it
03:14.27 dli ``Erik, just ignore the "make" error, and go ahead with "make install", is that what you say?
03:14.44 ``Erik yes... just "make" by itself is technically unnecessary if you intend to install...
03:16.28 *** join/#brlcad Daytona (
03:19.58 *** part/#brlcad Daytona (
03:26.34 IriX64 ``Erik, I don't know why but on my system at least, taking ssampview.exe (meaning the building of it) allows a successfull compile of the whole thing. Any ideas?
03:28.12 IriX64 err taking it out
03:29.09 IriX64 now i need a new, thank God for cvs :)
03:32.39 *** join/#brlcad SWPadnos (
03:33.29 IriX64 <--- something wrong with your elapsed installation time meter, I haven't been here two hours :)
03:40.44 IriX64 <--- this sort of thing make my day, thanks for the great program.
03:43.28 IriX64 looks pretty too
03:46.59 IriX64 work albumn, first pix
03:51.15 ``Erik IriX64: check out the -p option to rt
03:54.57 dli ``Erik, "make install" fails with the same error: /var/tmp/portage/sci-misc/brlcad-9999/work/brlcad/src/conv/.libs/lt-asc2g: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
04:03.43 IriX64 heh want me to pastebin the shot :)
04:06.42 IriX64 <-- I added that message about mapsize.
04:21.08 *** join/#brlcad louipc_ (
04:47.08 *** join/#brlcad dtidrow (
05:31.46 IriX64 I attached to tk, problem is i don't know tk :)
05:43.18 IriX64 (work albumn) caught in mid trace
05:46.11 smallfoot- the HD-DVD processing key is embedded in the image, as color codes on the flag
05:49.31 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
07:21.37 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
11:33.49 *** join/#brlcad Caps_Lock (
11:34.15 Caps_Lock morning everybody, :)
11:36.21 Caps_Lock ?
11:36.44 Caps_Lock nobody talk here ?/
11:36.53 Caps_Lock uf .
11:40.53 *** join/#brlcad elite01 (
11:58.49 *** join/#brlcad cad82 (
12:03.52 *** join/#brlcad cad82 (
13:31.38 *** join/#brlcad Elperion (
13:53.19 *** join/#brlcad Elperion (
14:24.25 ``Erik *grouse* yet more breakage from tim's updates O.o
14:35.40 *** join/#brlcad b0ef (
15:16.47 ``Erik hrm?
15:32.39 *** join/#brlcad dtidrow ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
16:03.37 elite01 huh? brlcad 7.10 doesn't build, gives me "*** No rule to make target `jove-tutorial', needed by `all-am'. Stop."
16:03.41 elite01 any fix for that?
16:03.50 elite01 7.8.something built just fine
16:15.04 gioacchinoschool yes you can fix
16:15.05 gioacchinoschool easy
16:15.14 gioacchinoschool after you run ./configure
16:15.34 gioacchinoschool go in brlcad 7.10/source/other/jove
16:16.22 gioacchinoschool
16:16.28 elite01 thanks
16:17.50 ``Erik or, uh
16:17.53 ``Erik --disable-jove-build
16:17.54 ``Erik ...
16:18.19 ``Erik y'know... like the help says
16:18.20 ``Erik O.o
16:18.53 elite01 help? where's help?
16:19.04 ``Erik ./configure --help
16:19.06 gioacchinoschool mm
16:19.10 gioacchinoschool elite01:
16:19.22 gioacchinoschool this is the solution
16:20.12 ``Erik it's not a solution, it's a hack that could result in other breakage
16:20.26 gioacchinoschool ok
16:21.03 gioacchinoschool but with --disable-jove-build it not have the jove tool
16:21.24 ``Erik you don't want the jove tool
16:21.36 ``Erik it's an ancient crappy emacs clone
16:22.01 gioacchino ok you are right...
16:22.06 elite01 uhm fine
16:22.16 elite01 but why was it changed from 7.8?
16:22.37 gioacchino elite01: use ./configure --enable-optimize --disable-jove-build
16:23.35 elite01 not even --enable-optimize by default? scary
16:23.38 ``Erik the jove was cleaned up, but a mistake was made... it's been fixed in HEAD
16:23.53 elite01 ah
16:24.39 ``Erik
16:25.40 elite01 hmkay
16:33.17 *** join/#brlcad b0ef (
16:38.18 IriX64 <----- not a show stopper but still...
16:38.47 ``Erik :>
16:39.13 IriX64 grouse.... yum :)
16:59.06 IriX64 photon torpedos away, yay :)
17:00.29 brlcad also not much to be done about it, tcl/tk problems are issues in their build system
17:00.53 IriX64 i know i had the same issue trying to build system libs from those guys
17:01.00 brlcad best to report to them if you want to see it fixed.. probably a windows-specific issue with the :: in the filename
17:01.13 IriX64 could be
17:02.24 IriX64 darn that feels good, love to watch work work
17:04.18 ``Erik so the fix is obvious... quit using windows :D
17:04.37 IriX64 heh smokers fix, quit breathing ;)
17:05.47 IriX64 now... if i do a cvs update what's going to happen
17:06.27 ``Erik spectacular explosions, flaming case debris raining down, and possibily the creation of a mini-blackhole that'll suck the entire planet into it
17:09.41 IriX64 (work albumn)
17:10.17 IriX64 just a sec
17:11.14 IriX64 there
17:12.12 IriX64 btw thats with Xming
17:12.50 IriX64 gonna transplant this thing right now
17:14.48 IriX64 if it works the windowsside albumn is going to take a photon hit :)
17:21.37 *** join/#brlcad cad53 (
17:34.00 IriX64 emmiting photon torpedos :)
17:34.21 IriX64 and yes exec ls works
17:38.15 IriX64 guess i could put xming startup in the bat file too
17:43.37 IriX64 windowsside albumn, first Pix.
18:06.26 IriX64 haha Xming setup by colin harrison, wonder if he'll mind
18:08.32 IriX64 urmf my directory tho is 7.10.0 think anybody will mind?
18:14.56 IriX64 haha ``Erik, tell me to zip it :)
18:17.13 ``Erik uh.. .ok... zip it... O.o
18:17.35 IriX64 now it'll be ready for distrobution :)
18:17.45 IriX64 err distribution
18:18.33 IriX64 gonna be huge though
18:18.48 IriX64 everythings linked static
18:23.12 IriX64 where do I put it, all the public ftp servers i used in the past are gone.
18:24.10 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
18:27.25 ``Erik upload it somewhere on C:\, then everyone who wants it can get it
18:27.26 ``Erik O.o
18:27.27 ``Erik :>
18:29.33 IriX64 heh
18:29.45 IriX64 looking at right now
18:30.34 IriX64 do I need permission to upload it to your server?
18:33.19 IriX64 errr mea culpa :(
18:59.37 IriX64 930,557kb
18:59.44 IriX64 zipped
19:01.13 IriX64 err 930,667
19:01.39 IriX64 that equates to what, an 8 hour xfer?
19:06.31 *** join/#brlcad CIA-4 (n=CIA@
19:08.55 IriX64 the windowsside albumn again
19:30.25 ``Erik that equates to a cd and a half... figure out how to make dll's :)
19:34.16 IriX64 rt.dll :)
19:37.57 IriX64 my dll's are roughly 64k each you guys are the hogs :)
19:38.54 dtidrow_work - if you absolutely, positively have to have the biggest hammer on the block.....
19:39.51 brlcad so that's the 1GB zip file I saw in the ftp upload dir a month ago....
19:40.08 brlcad dtidrow_work: pretty!
19:40.17 dtidrow_work and pricey!
19:40.21 IriX64 earlier attempt
19:40.33 dtidrow_work ~$850 each
19:40.52 brlcad ah, chump change :)
19:41.17 dtidrow_work well, yeah, if work's paying for them...
19:41.57 dtidrow_work - parent article
19:42.35 ``Erik was that the one on smacksnot earlier?
19:42.56 dtidrow_work could be, I haven't looked at ./ recently
19:43.12 dtidrow_work err, /.
19:55.12 ``Erik
20:03.56 IriX64 your'e welcome to them, they're rusty anyway :)
20:04.37 IriX64 check the windowsside (should properly name it the darside but...)
20:04.45 IriX64 err darkside
21:22.51 *** join/#brlcad Twingy (n=justin@
21:51.40 IriX64 all that and i still can't produce a mug :)
21:54.08 IriX64 ah well maybe cvs has a mug now :)
21:56.05 IriX64 maybe package cvs.exe in there too, after all you've got cygwin1.dll
21:56.09 IriX64 :)
21:59.46 IriX64 conflicts in if_tk.c
21:59.49 IriX64 :)
22:11.19 *** join/#brlcad IriX64 (
22:13.18 *** join/#brlcad PrezKennedy (
23:21.12 *** join/#brlcad louipc (

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