IRC log for #brlcad on 20070509

00:38.06 brlcad dli: it's still not clear why that patch for the tcl/tk docs is needed or why it works -- could you run it by one of the devs in #tcl to see what they say?
00:38.26 brlcad they're a bit harsh to talk to sometimes, but they know their stuff
00:39.20 brlcad dli: --enable-*-build=no is the same as the (shorter) --disable-*-build ;)
00:39.44 dli brlcad, what about the missing problem?
00:39.59 brlcad which problem?
00:40.07 brlcad the fact it's not in portage yet?
00:40.21 brlcad or something else?
00:40.37 poolio wait, brlcad is in portage?
00:40.48 dli brlcad, during building, make fails with missing
00:41.11 dli brlcad, the problem is in -cvs, not in 7.10.0
00:41.32 dli poolio, no, it's in overlay
00:42.40 dli brlcad, so, I have to do: LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${S}/src/other/tcl/unix emake
00:48.52 *** join/#brlcad poolio (
00:49.10 brlcad dli: oh, that's news to me
00:49.32 brlcad has --disable-tcl-build been added?
00:49.41 brlcad what was the configure summary?
00:51.01 dli brlcad, you want to see the configure output?
00:55.50 brlcad please
01:01.47 dli brlcad, first half:
01:30.17 dli brlcad, all output:
02:54.34 *** join/#brlcad MinstrelGypsy (
03:12.49 MinstrelGypsy thanks for letting me test -Wl,-noinhibit-exec guys, it works
03:12.49 MinstrelGypsy you sorta get an exe :)
03:14.15 *** join/#brlcad ibot (i=ibot@pdpc/supporter/active/TimRiker/bot/apt)
03:14.15 *** topic/#brlcad is BRL-CAD Open Source Solid Modeling || || || || 7.10 is now released! .. e-mail announcements will follow posting of binary distributions
03:19.40 MinstrelGypsy mental note remeber to test "local scope" a bit more (I'm happy when things work, will try not to be such a blabber mouth)
03:35.42 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ readd support for running to completion even if there's no file (e.g. when trying to just check --version results)
04:04.57 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ dear ghod, how did that typo go undetected for so long .. we need to run automake during manual steps
04:41.33 dli exim
05:36.31 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
05:56.40 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/
05:56.41 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: change the trap cleanup awesomeness so that we only untrap the abnormal signals
05:56.41 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: when invoking a subshell (so proper protect_from_automake backup files are all
05:56.41 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: cleaned up correctly). remove need for SIGNAL var with a little restructuring.
07:17.58 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
10:54.04 *** join/#brlcad elite01 (
13:13.13 *** join/#brlcad Elperion (
13:44.46 ``Erik O.o
14:27.12 *** join/#brlcad smallfoot- (i=vc@clamwin/translator/smallfoot)
14:40.22 *** join/#brlcad jpi (
14:48.11 *** part/#brlcad jpi (
14:48.54 *** join/#brlcad jpi (
15:18.02 *** join/#brlcad Elperion (
15:59.42 MinstrelGypsy
16:04.05 MinstrelGypsy not an error, just showing the windows side
16:06.42 ``Erik scads of errors, I mean, "C:\"? wtf is that shit? :D
16:06.53 ``Erik why are you using classic mode?
16:07.11 MinstrelGypsy gui has an issue at the moment :)
16:07.17 ``Erik aight *shrug*
16:07.25 MinstrelGypsy ill sort it out
16:08.23 MinstrelGypsy ``Erik ... almost 3 gigs with bothe shared and static libs
16:08.42 ``Erik eek
16:08.47 MinstrelGypsy yeah
16:09.21 MinstrelGypsy maybe i'll try --disable-everything ;)
16:15.48 smallfoot- it works good on windows?
16:24.38 jack ``Erik: nothing wrong with having both, unneeded for most though..i'd --disable-static maybe
16:24.53 jack but those .la files go into -dev for packagers anyway
16:25.02 jack so..dont really hurt
16:46.09 MinstrelGypsy can you "dev" on the windows side though?
16:46.59 MinstrelGypsy goint to disable shared and do a static link
16:48.19 MinstrelGypsy will still be big but consider, whats the smallest disk on the markey these days :)
16:48.27 MinstrelGypsy market too
16:50.15 MinstrelGypsy :)
16:50.16 ``Erik kilobit, not kB
16:50.40 MinstrelGypsy don't run brlcad on it then :)
16:52.37 ``Erik heh, not why I bought the things :)
16:53.50 MinstrelGypsy systems squared away again for now
16:56.34 elite01 ``Erik, what device has 512B? many microcontrollers have more ram than that
16:58.04 ``Erik $2 PICs
16:58.48 ``Erik woops, 256 bytes, my bad... 16f88
16:59.26 ``Erik 7kB of program space though
16:59.30 ``Erik
16:59.38 MinstrelGypsy on the bright side the OS won't have to leave a trail of breadcrumbs to find it's way around:)
17:00.14 ``Erik mmm breadcrumbs
17:03.52 MinstrelGypsy <---png.c line 373, my compiler says that first if will always evaluate as TRUE
17:04.51 MinstrelGypsy the address of png_get_sRGB will always evealuate as true
17:06.47 MinstrelGypsy makes now :)
17:06.59 MinstrelGypsy brackets count
17:07.09 ``Erik O.o
17:08.32 MinstrelGypsy score one for the compiler ;)
17:11.22 smallfoot- lol
17:20.28 ``Erik png.c:373 on my copy is... different
17:21.03 ``Erik and png_get_sRGB() definitely does not always return true if it happens to be defined... since C equates 0 to false...
17:22.01 MinstrelGypsy its the one in tk
17:22.25 MinstrelGypsy you telling me my compiler is lying?
17:22.52 MinstrelGypsy i put the brackets in the warning went away
17:23.37 MinstrelGypsy but again its other so *shrug ;)
17:25.08 ``Erik yes. your compiler is lying. O.o heh
17:25.21 MinstrelGypsy ill spank her :)
17:25.23 ``Erik ya see, gcc is very identity conscious
17:25.31 ``Erik so when you renamed it
17:25.35 ``Erik it got all confused
17:25.42 MinstrelGypsy all i wanted was a date
17:25.47 ``Erik multiple personalities, general dementia
17:25.52 MinstrelGypsy heh
17:26.11 ``Erik soon, your compiler will start waking up with bits on her hands and no clue where she's been
17:26.27 ``Erik and y our process monitors will be knocking on her door about brutal process killings that'd happened the night before
17:26.42 MinstrelGypsy mmm she always turns to me for clues though
17:26.59 ``Erik uh, if that's your kink *shrug*
17:27.11 MinstrelGypsy my bent actually
17:27.19 MinstrelGypsy heh l8r
17:27.58 ``Erik causes an interesitng hang during the ./configure pass
17:42.01 ``Erik heh
17:42.05 ``Erik in a 'wtf' sense?
17:42.13 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
17:42.31 ``Erik
17:47.58 smallfoot- lmao
17:48.16 smallfoot- Toby Gray, that's just not fair! How come my chocolate covered raisins never come with any SQL?
17:48.17 smallfoot- rotfl
17:59.05 ``Erik OMFGLOLLERSKATES!`2
17:59.07 ``Erik :D *duck*
17:59.16 ``Erik sorry, I'll be nice O:-)
18:03.28 smallfoot- lol :D
18:03.56 smallfoot- yeah, but i dont know any better way to express myself than "lol" or "rotfl"
18:04.06 smallfoot- "That is funny." just doesnt cut it
18:04.18 *** join/#brlcad clock__ (
18:05.08 ``Erik yeah, and I suppose "heh" or "hehehe" isn't too much better ;)
18:05.33 MinstrelGypsy irc ettiquete :)
18:05.36 ``Erik once upon a time, like a decade ago, I had aliases like /heh and /hah that'd send something like "hehHhehaHEAHHEAhehaHEAHHehaHEaHEHa"
18:05.59 ``Erik I'm a little special at times... :D not minstrelgypsy special, but special... :>
18:06.26 MinstrelGypsy oh oh..... they found me out for the idiot I am :)
18:07.02 MinstrelGypsy waterloo approaches :)
18:07.26 ``Erik they're coming to take me away, haha, they're coming to take me away, to the funny farm where ...
18:07.43 MinstrelGypsy let them eat code ;)
18:08.24 ``Erik ain't that just like a woman
18:12.22 MinstrelGypsy baked code... interesting:)
18:27.32 smallfoot- brasilians type like "HUEahAUHeaUHaehUAeheaUHea", H, U, E, and A (i think), in random upper/lowercase lol
18:28.02 smallfoot- and the spanish do "jajajajajajajaj XDDDDD"
18:28.07 smallfoot- and the polaks do "hyhyhyhyhyhy ;]"
18:28.16 smallfoot- and the greek does "xaxaxaxaxaxxa"
18:28.55 smallfoot- and the little girls do "tihihi *giggles
18:28.59 smallfoot- and the little girls do "tihihi *giggles* ^^"
18:29.19 smallfoot- the germans might do "huhuhuhu", but i dont know
18:31.50 smallfoot- and the asians do "kekekekekeke"
18:32.04 smallfoot- I bullshit you not.
18:37.57 ``Erik I thought kekeke was just korean
18:39.51 ``Erik ^.^
19:15.53 smallfoot- hmm, might be
19:15.53 smallfoot- no, actually people from hong kong use it too, i have observed
19:19.27 MinstrelGypsy ``Erik is 9.9.9 *totally unusable?
19:20.36 MinstrelGypsy tankwizard... get me a tankard of ale :)
19:22.38 MinstrelGypsy thats yours by the way, just don't give it to *nix people, they'll laugh their asses off
19:36.10 elite01 ``Erik, eek, pic *runs*
19:40.54 smallfoot-
19:43.03 ``Erik heh
19:59.32 smallfoot-
20:03.45 *** join/#brlcad PrezKennedy (
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21:09.47 bjorkBSD smallfoot-, i thought the german sound for a laugh was a facial expression -> :|
21:28.42 smallfoot- maybe
21:28.56 smallfoot- as i said, i as unsure on the german one
21:30.44 bjorkBSD there's no laughter in .de!
21:32.02 smallfoot- :)
21:54.04 ``Erik heh
21:54.17 ``Erik don't forget, slapping the table must occur with every germen phrase
22:31.21 *** join/#brlcad MinstrelGypsy (
22:34.07 MinstrelGypsy <------ line 3833 what is this ^&64* , every time i checkout i have to fix it again.
22:35.28 MinstrelGypsy theres the fix use it
22:38.50 MinstrelGypsy now i've got X11 again imagine that
22:41.36 *** join/#brlcad Twingy (n=justin@
22:50.08 MinstrelGypsy going for a beer (sigh) :)

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