IRC log for #brlcad on 20070524

00:23.31 *** part/#brlcad louipc__ (
02:43.03 *** join/#brlcad MinstrelGypsy (
03:18.33 *** join/#brlcad cadguy (
03:19.35 cadguy Greetings all
03:27.28 MinstrelGypsy howdy
03:37.42 cadguy sunset tonight in SLC was pretty
03:38.40 cadguy How about C
05:33.48 *** join/#brlcad louipc (
06:09.57 *** join/#brlcad elite01 (n=elite01@
07:13.20 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
10:00.49 *** join/#brlcad elite01 (n=elite01@
11:44.55 *** join/#brlcad elite01 (
11:51.26 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
12:07.53 *** join/#brlcad elite01_ (
14:29.43 *** join/#brlcad Elperion (
14:48.01 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
16:18.39 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: 03jlowenz * 10brlcad/src/other/openNURBS/ (opennurbs_math.h opennurbs_math.cpp): Add simple near_zero function
16:34.57 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: 03jlowenz * 10brlcad/src/other/openNURBS/brlcad_boundingvolume.h: Implement intersection routines
16:53.54 *** join/#brlcad Obscene_CNN (
16:54.05 *** part/#brlcad Obscene_CNN (
17:14.59 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: 03jlowenz * 10brlcad/src/other/openNURBS/ (brlcad_surfacetree.cpp brlcad_surfacetree.h Sketch out skeleton surfacetree implementation and add to opennurbs build
17:18.43 *** join/#brlcad PrezKennedy (
18:12.04 *** join/#brlcad Elperion (
18:28.38 b0ef when using dxf-g, I get a db with all the objects displayed as one; any way to prevent this?
18:29.06 b0ef I get an object called Meshes.c.1/R
18:30.59 b0ef when I draw this, it draws every original object
18:31.30 brlcad not sure I follow the question
18:31.36 brlcad what's in Meshes.c.1?
18:31.54 b0ef well, I used blender to create some objects, then exported it to a DXF file
18:32.12 b0ef when I convert the DXF to g, every object is now one object, to my understanding
18:33.21 b0ef I've never done this before, so I might be thinking wrong or doing something wrong
18:33.43 b0ef I expected when I do ls in the database, that every object gets its own name
18:34.47 b0ef when I do "draw Meshes.c.1", it draws everything on the screen, even though Meshes.c.1 was originally multiple objects
18:34.49 brlcad it depends on what's actually in the dxf file, structurally
18:35.11 brlcad Meshes.c.1 indicates that is a combination of some thing(s)
18:35.29 brlcad run "l Meshes.c.1" or use the Geometry Browser under the tools menu
18:35.40 brlcad to see what is "in" Meshes.c.1
18:36.22 b0ef right, it lists "u bot.s1"
18:36.52 brlcad just the one object, eh?
18:37.40 b0ef I'm trying to copy the text it outputted;)
18:38.21 b0ef but, yeah, only lists one object
18:38.33 b0ef so something is wrong with blender DXF export, then
18:38.51 brlcad glancing through the sources, it's going to make a combination for every layer in the dxf
18:39.04 brlcad not necessarily, it could simply be a limitation of the dxf improter
18:39.29 b0ef right, so I should export two DXF files and merge the databases, then
18:39.39 b0ef if I want two objects, that is
18:39.48 brlcad yeah, probably
18:39.56 b0ef right, I'll try; thanks
18:40.22 brlcad hm, yeah, looking at the sources now, it looks like the only groupings it is going to make is one per layer and one for a top-level
18:40.45 brlcad you could put each object into a layer into blender, then export one dxf -- that should bring them all in separate
18:41.06 b0ef right, I'll try
18:43.06 b0ef hmm, no
18:43.18 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/TODO: enhance dxf-g to create more than just one combination per layer
18:43.58 b0ef well, it's still one combination, here
18:46.27 brlcad you have an 'all' object along with at least one Meshes.c.# object, yes?
18:46.37 b0ef yes
18:46.38 brlcad blender's dxf exporter might not preserve layers
18:46.54 b0ef I see
18:47.01 brlcad have to look in the dxf file, see if there are multiple layer directives
18:47.18 b0ef yeah, I'm looking now
18:47.23 b0ef anything I can grep for?;)
18:47.42 brlcad i don't remember the format that well, probably LAYER something
18:47.49 b0ef it says SECTION 2
18:48.06 brlcad
18:48.23 b0ef right, thanks
18:51.19 brlcad yeah, LAYER followed by a name
18:51.44 b0ef weird, no LAYER in that file;)
18:52.00 brlcad ah, so then yeah -- blender's not preserving layers
18:52.07 b0ef indeed
18:52.25 b0ef do you plan to support collada?
18:55.35 b0ef right, exported as two files and merged database;) - thanks
18:56.13 brlcad collada's been on the radar for a few years
18:56.33 brlcad it's a less than ideal format, but we'll probably end up supporting it just because of popularity to gaming systems
18:58.33 b0ef I thought it was the answer to the prayers, after it got NURBS atleast;)
18:58.55 b0ef s/got/gets/
19:12.15 brlcad it certainly helps -- and having nurbs and bspline surface support does make it exceptionally more interesting than it was as a polygonal format
19:12.43 brlcad for a CAD system, though -- the prevailing format is STEP, which has supplanted IGES
19:13.54 brlcad not a hard format to support -- probably could have an importer or exporter done in a few weeks .. but it'd be a minimal payoff so far for cad purposes
19:14.21 brlcad step, however, is going to have a massive payoff .. and take many months to implement, much more manpower
19:18.41 b0ef ;)
19:34.39 PrezKennedy haha nurbs
19:53.29 b0ef PrezKennedy: ?
19:54.52 yukonbob afternoon -- I'm brandnew to brl-cad, but not brandnew to tcl -- q: I'm running 7.8.4, and if I try "puts [expr 1+1]" in mged, the [...] part isn't replaced by the output of "expr..." Is there a way to get that command substitution a la basic Tcl?
19:57.35 *** join/#brlcad Elperion (
20:08.31 *** join/#brlcad Obscene_CNN (
20:21.32 *** join/#brlcad Elperion (
20:37.25 *** part/#brlcad Obscene_CNN (
21:01.06 *** join/#brlcad louipc (
21:40.08 *** part/#brlcad Joely (
22:18.23 brlcad yukonbob: that's because the tcl shell in mged has two operating modes -- a tcl evaluation mode (not the default) and a object name globbing mode (the default)
22:19.00 brlcad you have to escape the globbing characters or set the mode to tcl evaluation
22:20.02 brlcad "set glob_compat_mode" shows whether it's on or off (also on the File->Preferences->Special Characters menu)
22:21.08 brlcad what that means basically is whether something like "ls [a-d]_foo_*.r" will work or not for matching name patterns like on a command shell
22:22.58 brlcad if glob_compat_mode is on, you have to eval the strings too -- e.g. eval puts \[expr 1+1\]
22:25.21 brlcad otherwise turn it off (set glob_compat_mode 0), then your puts expr will work as is
22:26.45 *** join/#brlcad Twingy (n=justin@
22:35.00 yukonbob brlcad: nice -- thx :)
22:38.48 brlcad yukonbob: no problem
22:57.56 b0ef when using the rt command, the window disappears; any way to avoid that?
23:04.33 brlcad rt -F/dev/Xl
23:04.38 brlcad or rt -F/dev/ogll
23:04.54 brlcad or set FB_FILE environment variable to /dev/Xl or /dev/ogll
23:04.58 brlcad or use an fbserv
23:05.04 brlcad ;)
23:05.39 brlcad it's a stupid default that it disappears, but I haven't researched what the impact of reversing it would be
23:06.32 brlcad the choice goes back to a day where various read-only devices didn't have a concept of lingering .. they just existed (early 80's *ahem*)
23:06.35 b0ef right, rt -F/dev/X1 is what I did use
23:06.51 brlcad ex ell
23:06.51 brlcad not ex one
23:06.57 brlcad ell for "linger"
23:07.01 b0ef ah, damn
23:07.13 b0ef hehe
23:07.36 brlcad the format is /dev/DEVICEoptions
23:07.48 brlcad there are various options available, can run fbhelp to see most
23:07.59 b0ef right, thanks
23:08.16 b0ef is there any way to just render into a buffer, then display this at a later time?
23:08.43 brlcad hm, i guess fbhelp doesn't show the options, but does list the available devices
23:08.58 brlcad "display this at a later time"?
23:09.04 brlcad you can always render to a file
23:09.16 b0ef yeah, as in render into a buffer, then hit a command to display this buffer
23:09.32 brlcad that's sort of what fbserv is for
23:09.43 brlcad though it persists
23:09.47 b0ef right, nice; I'll read on it
23:09.50 brlcad either that or using the shared memory option
23:10.54 b0ef is there any command to check the status of a render?
23:11.20 brlcad nope
23:11.33 b0ef the way I do now, is turn off framebuffer, then hit render, cause framebuffer nearly grinds my computer to a halt;)
23:11.58 brlcad the framebuffer does or the raytrace?
23:12.12 b0ef the framebuffer
23:12.20 brlcad er, that's odd
23:12.20 b0ef when it's on, everything is dead slow
23:12.36 brlcad that's .. "unexpected"
23:13.01 brlcad does it do it to an fbserv too?
23:13.14 b0ef really; I've not rendered that much in brl-cad so I might be doing something wrong; I have not played with fbserv
23:13.25 b0ef I will play some more and report back
23:14.53 brlcad try: fbserv -s800 0 /dev/X &
23:15.34 b0ef right; I will; just have a gigantic render going on
23:15.42 brlcad rt -F0 -s800 whatever.g someobject
23:16.09 brlcad if you've got mged already open, change that 0 on both the fbserv and rt to some other number -- that's the port number
23:16.31 b0ef right
23:17.13 b0ef am I supposed to be able to connect a GUI to the core after I've started it?
23:17.14 *** join/#brlcad cadguy (
23:17.27 b0ef is it a three tier architecture?
23:39.51 brlcad fbserv provides the gui
23:40.29 brlcad you can extract the image at any time with separate guis if you want with various fb-* tools
23:54.05 b0ef brlcad: right, but can you connect an interactive modeler UI like mged after you've started the core?
23:58.45 cadguy Do we have a clean head at the moment? I'd like to do an update.

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