IRC log for #brlcad on 20070620

00:00.05 IriX64 all right
00:00.29 brlcad maybe keep this dir off to the side so that we can continue this over a few days .. but leaving it alone so we can get it to build cleanly
00:01.00 IriX64 ill do that thanks for tthe help, ill just switch back to 7.8.4 for a few days
00:15.44 IriX64 this is the kind of summary I prefer, i changed the version number cause i did a little playing with the code rot comes to mind and some other stuff like the raytrace control panel.
00:17.31 IriX64 angle distance cursor is neat too
00:22.00 IriX64 brlcad: what's your cleanest line of code, I'm happy the bsd but if you suggest cleaner i'll use it.
00:22.11 IriX64 s/if/the
00:22.21 IriX64 err with
00:23.21 IriX64 supposed to isn't it?
00:23.49 IriX64 i start mine from dos :P
00:23.55 yukonbob it's supposed to use DISPLAY to know which (if any) X display to use...
00:24.15 yukonbob (that's the typical X client action).
00:24.23 IriX64 but it picks up the default that xterm is running on, proper behaviour
00:24.48 yukonbob not if it's reset... ie: export DISPLAY=''; mged
00:25.04 yukonbob does same from a console completely unrelated to X as well...
00:25.18 IriX64 my system might be different (ie cygwin)
00:25.56 yukonbob do you have xeyes installed?
00:26.06 IriX64 think so wait
00:26.14 yukonbob if so, try: export DISPLAY=''; xeyes
00:26.49 yukonbob or better: env DISPLAY='' xeyes
00:26.59 yukonbob (won't have to reset DISPLAY variable)
00:27.16 IriX64 from an xterm prompt or console prompt?
00:27.26 yukonbob xterm
00:27.37 IriX64 lemme fire x up
00:27.38 yukonbob just try 'xeyes' first
00:27.57 yukonbob you should get a pair of googley eyes following your mouse cursor...
00:28.01 yukonbob ^C to get rid of them.
00:28.40 IriX64 got them
00:28.52 IriX64 gone
00:29.03 yukonbob now try w/ the "env DISPLAY='' xeyes"
00:29.14 yukonbob (no double-quotes)
00:30.16 IriX64 got a >
00:30.37 yukonbob env DISPLAY='' xeyes
00:30.49 IriX64 how do i get out of it, quit:)
00:30.56 yukonbob prolly ^D
00:31.05 yukonbob env DISPLAY='' xeyes
00:31.12 yukonbob ^---two single quotes
00:31.21 yukonbob (after DISPLAY=)
00:31.40 IriX64 cant open display, your right
00:31.51 yukonbob right... that's typical behaviour
00:32.35 IriX64 thanks
00:32.58 IriX64 learned i'm always wrong :P
00:34.27 yukonbob or you learned you can always get smarter :)
00:35.49 IriX64 that too :)
00:36.17 IriX64 the seed of smartness though is hard to plant
00:39.30 IriX64 so your saying theres a bug in mged yukonbob?
00:41.13 IriX64 what happens if you set DISPLAY to ?
00:41.52 yukonbob I'd say when it tries to connect to servers that I don't specify, that's bad policy
00:42.20 IriX64 it assumes you want a display window, thats its function
00:42.28 yukonbob If I'm working on a super-secret fembot from a remote computer, but the display comes up on my work computer for my co-workers to see, that'd be embarassing
00:42.59 IriX64 uses a default not entirely wrong behaviour
00:43.06 yukonbob "assuming" isn't good policy.
00:43.20 yukonbob if the DISPLAY="", their is no default display
00:43.37 IriX64 but one was programmed in
00:44.10 yukonbob it may loop through a pre-compiled list of likely possibilities, but I'd say that's bad policy.
00:44.42 IriX64 brlcad said to somebody today no environment variables are neccessary if installed correctly
00:45.14 yukonbob DISPLAY can be depended on in an X environment though --- otherwise X clients just won't work ;)
00:45.29 IriX64 :)
00:46.37 yukonbob brlcad probably meant that there are no special environment variables that need to be set 'by hand'.
00:46.45 IriX64 love my system, did all that while compiling brlcad and ripping cassette tape.
00:46.58 IriX64 your probably right
00:48.44 fgleich you have to add the bin to your PATH, right ?
00:48.59 IriX64 yes
00:49.04 yukonbob or put the bin in a path that's already set ;)
00:49.07 IriX64 brlcad/bin
00:49.12 IriX64 :)
00:52.34 *** join/#brlcad Twingy (n=justin@
01:01.11 IriX64 added some stuff, feel free to spread that url around
01:38.16 *** join/#brlcad gamedev (n=dave@unaffiliated/gamedev)
01:39.41 *** part/#brlcad gamedev (n=dave@unaffiliated/gamedev)
01:41.27 IriX64 a benchmark with optimized on debug off
01:52.56 IriX64 well bu_bomb() works... terra.g is using a null pointer somewhere caught by bu_ckmag
01:53.06 IriX64 in 7.8
02:06.18 yukonbob can anybody tell me why when I make (for example) a vertical post (in post rcc 0 0 0 0 0 100 1) and a wire joining top of post to ground (in wire rcc 0 0 100 100 0 0 0.1), the "wire" doesn't seem to reflect the angle it should be at, and maybe not even the length? (I'm know it's going to be operator error, but I don't know what that error is yet ;)
02:11.55 IriX64 are you saying i'm dumb as a post :P
02:21.49 IriX64 brlcad albumn, my first "real one" :)
02:33.06 *** join/#brlcad RodGallowGlass_ (
02:35.02 IriX64 bsod lovely
02:36.06 IriX64 the blog has one with the work environment enabled, adc grid axes indicators faceplate etc
03:29.36 poolio moore late night coding 8)
05:09.13 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: 03poolio * 10brlcad/doc/cvs.txt: CVS moved from to
05:09.22 poolio et voila :)
05:10.08 brlcad woot
05:10.14 brlcad ~poolio++
05:10.43 poolio so should I just add a new folder and the one file I'm working off of to src/gtools too?
05:11.24 brlcad sure
05:18.06 poolio is there a reason it's u,v,i axis and not x,y,z?
05:20.22 brlcad what are you referring to?
05:20.31 poolio q_ga mainly
05:21.41 brlcad probably no "strong reason" other than thinking of the grid being fired as a u,v parameter space instead of just coordiantes in 3-space
05:21.43 poolio and I'm guessing I need to include the massive copyright headers I hate?
05:22.04 brlcad yep, they're boilerplate
05:22.12 brlcad you can auto-add them, however, using a script
05:22.21 brlcad sh/ lgpl yourfile.c
05:22.48 brlcad can be used to stub empty files or add header/footers to existing files
05:25.32 poolio and is there a name I should use for the shape I'm trying to match? I've been just calling it the model but that's not at all what it is
05:28.36 brlcad it is "a model"
05:29.01 brlcad just not "the model" that you're trying to generate
05:29.11 poolio so we're trying to match a csg population to the model?
05:29.48 brlcad maybe call it the source or the source pattern or the reference shape, etc
05:30.11 poolio I'll just reference it as the source model for now
05:30.15 poolio wait no
05:30.25 poolio just plain source...haha
05:43.43 poolio alright, i'm gonna commit me code, cya in the mornin.
05:44.16 brlcad won't be available much of tomorrow day-time, but back in the afternoon/evening
05:44.40 poolio alright, I think I'm pretty much know what I'll be doing, so hopefully I'll have progress to show you then. ta ta.
05:51.09 *** join/#brlcad Laniakea (
05:55.06 poolio damn vim! I comcommited a .swp file....
05:55.09 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: 03poolio * 10brlcad/src/gtools/beset/fitness.c: initial base for _beset_: ben's evolutionary shape extraction tool
06:07.03 *** join/#brlcad elite01 (n=elite01@
07:20.41 *** join/#brlcad Laniakea (
08:43.21 *** join/#brlcad akreal (
10:14.41 *** join/#brlcad akreal (
10:14.52 *** part/#brlcad akreal (
10:33.19 *** join/#brlcad elite01 (n=elite01@
11:18.10 *** join/#brlcad Elperion (
13:36.45 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ if we're building with cygwin, tk wants access to headers in the tk/win directory, so add it to the cppflags header search paths
13:36.54 brlcad IriX64: cvs update && ./ && ./configure && make
13:53.42 poolio mornin brlcad :)
13:54.22 *** join/#brlcad SWPadnos (
13:58.52 brlcad mornin' poolio
13:59.39 poolio I committed beset last night :)
14:00.21 poolio is the coding style ok? I tried to mirror the way g_qa was formatted
14:00.30 poolio and from the HACKING document
14:47.03 poolio brlcad: does BU_LIST manage its own cleanup?
14:54.55 brlcad erm, how would they do that?
14:55.09 brlcad they only do what the code you write makes them do
14:55.09 poolio I haven't a clue, but in g_qa the linked lists never get free'd
14:55.41 brlcad ah, yeah .. just bad form from the author (shame on lee)
14:55.55 brlcad he's relying on exit to free resources since it's not reused
14:55.57 poolio ok, was wondering if C magically had garbage collection :)
14:56.17 brlcad it magically collects when the program terminates ;)
14:56.31 poolio well, as long as it thinks the resource won't be reused
14:56.58 brlcad right, and for that tool it's pretty much guaranteed .. as are a lot of the command-line tools that perform some specific action
14:57.31 brlcad your tool, however, is a little different in that it has a run loop that needs to iterate through samples over and over, potentially for a very long time
14:57.48 brlcad g_qa should free it's stuff, don't let that be an example/excuse ;)
14:57.51 brlcad shame on lee :)
14:57.58 poolio alrighty
14:58.22 poolio If I can get a version of beset to work on say... a single primitive I'd probably want to do a lot of optimizing
14:59.01 brlcad that will probably be the time to make sure multithreading works, maybe run a sanity profile
14:59.21 poolio what's up with the second argument to bu_malloc and bu_free ?
14:59.24 brlcad valgrind for memory
14:59.36 poolio heh, I love valgrind
14:59.48 poolio also: I can test multithreading on my system, i have 2 cores
14:59.52 brlcad the second argument is a label
15:00.02 poolio but is there a point to that label, and does it have to be unique?
15:00.33 brlcad libbu has it's own memory protections and debugging facilities.. you add those labels and with certain flags enabled, you can see a allocation trace where you can find your allocations via those labels
15:00.48 poolio alright so it's mainly for debugging?
15:00.54 brlcad entirely for debugging
15:01.15 brlcad but it should just be something sensible, and the free label should pair up with the alloc label
15:01.28 poolio alright
15:02.32 brlcad and in case you hadn't read/noticed elsewhere in the docs -- libbu guarantees allocations so you never have to check return pointers from bu_malloc() and friends
15:02.55 poolio yeah I read that, it's very nice :)
15:03.16 poolio does it exit the program if it can't allocate space?
15:03.26 brlcad yes, it will abort
15:04.45 brlcad running out of memory is considered a fatal error, and having spagetti code to handle the extremely rare cases where you might be able to recover gracefully doing something OTHER than exit() just isn't worth the complexity it adds
15:06.55 brlcad also, there is a way to catch out-of-memory conditions if you really do want to "keep going" .. just by default it will abort
15:07.20 poolio cool, good development choice :)
15:09.13 poolio brlcad: Is there a way to go from in my directory --> Makefile without running a whole ./configure and adding my directory to the build list?
15:50.59 brlcad nope, gotta add it though once you add it, it should rebuild the Makefile after edits
15:52.44 brlcad have to add it eventually regardless so might as well be sooner rather than later
15:52.56 poolio Yeah I did to my local build
15:54.06 poolio wait,w hat do I have to modify besides and the creation of the in the directory?
16:02.25 poolio ah d'oh, forgot to run
16:09.21 poolio Uh oh> unless I broke something, someone broke something in CVS...
16:09.31 poolio opennurbs_bezier.cpp:1149: error: 'assert' was not declared in this scope
16:47.42 IriX64 poolio.... just needs a #include <assert.h> and it'll be fine.
16:58.41 poolio Yeah I added it in a while ago :)
17:07.07 IriX64 cool
17:11.08 IriX64 <---- poolio i don't understand this part of can you explain?
17:11.34 IriX64 my x keeps coming up not detected and i think this is why
17:11.51 IriX64 line 3336 of
17:24.56 poolio So it's running the program specified from 3335 through 3341
17:25.03 IriX64 yes
17:25.22 poolio and returning either 1 or 0 based off of whether xmkm is null
17:25.41 IriX64 man 7.8.4 detects my x
17:25.43 poolio so basically the reason X isn't working is because XNewModifiermap(1) returns NULL instead of an non-NULL value like it should if it was succesful
17:26.05 poolio well what's changed since then?
17:26.30 IriX64 noithing on my end they changed the check
17:26.39 IriX64 err nothing
17:26.39 poolio I know, what's changed in the check
17:26.53 poolio It could be your version of X doesn't support the test they are trying to perform
17:27.00 IriX64 ill have to compare them again
17:27.08 IriX64 x11r6 man
17:27.22 poolio =P good luck
17:27.32 IriX64 thanks :)
17:28.34 IriX64 i'll code around it what the heck i know ive got x and the libs detection works so *shrug
17:31.23 IriX64 thanks poolio
17:35.58 poolio it appears like "< # XXX ugly hack that needs to die
17:36.02 poolio died :)
17:40.06 IriX64 ahh you compared? i just changed it a bit
17:40.13 poolio IriX64: So in the current another check was added that tests to see if some Xmodifier stuff is working. I'm guessing that your environment fails that test.
17:40.25 poolio run it on your own and see what results you get
17:40.29 poolio #include <X11/Xlib.h>
17:40.32 IriX64 probably right
17:40.50 IriX64 i'm that out of date ? :)
17:41.04 poolio I guess
17:41.17 poolio I was gonna type out a one line version of the program but i figure you're fully capable of copy/paste
17:41.21 IriX64 wonder what will break :)
17:41.24 IriX64 am
17:41.41 IriX64 not that interested
17:42.10 IriX64 just haven't seen return==null
17:42.18 IriX64 i dont use that
17:42.54 poolio well it's return value==null
17:43.11 IriX64 so why bother why not just return 0?
17:43.35 poolio well it shortens code. You can do if(value==NULL) return 1; else return 0;
17:43.41 poolio it's a lot longer than just return value==NULL;
17:43.55 IriX64 sigh
17:45.02 *** join/#brlcad elite01 (
17:45.05 poolio t looks like it should be in x11r6 though
17:45.06 IriX64 why not just return value 0 ? 1
17:45.23 IriX64 yeah
17:45.45 poolio (condition)? 0 : 1 ?
17:45.48 poolio i don't think it works there
17:45.56 IriX64 might
17:46.26 poolio yeah it does, but it's still longer
17:46.34 IriX64 im happy for now it configures
17:46.43 poolio Yeah, but what'd you break?
17:46.51 IriX64 my ankle :P
17:47.05 poolio sorry. feel better. i'm gonna grab some lunch :)
17:47.14 IriX64 heh thanks man
17:53.33 *** join/#brlcad Laniakea (
17:54.10 IriX64 Laniakea: cheers
17:54.17 Laniakea IriX64: cheers
17:54.23 IriX64 :)
17:55.19 IriX64 mmm that was fast, you're not like me, I type with two fingers :)
17:55.38 poolio do you really?
17:55.49 IriX64 yes never learned to type
17:55.53 Laniakea IriX64: do you have ZX Spectrum?
17:56.17 IriX64 what on earth is ZXSpectrum?
17:56.23 Laniakea nothing
17:56.37 IriX64 I know, if you have to ask you don't know :)
17:57.20 Laniakea my secret retro dream is to get a casette recorder
17:57.25 IriX64 poolio too old to unlearn how i do it now and replace it with a new way
17:58.09 IriX64 mine is to transfer all my music from 12" reels to cd someday
17:58.21 IriX64 err 10.5"
17:58.36 poolio geez
17:58.39 poolio never too old!
17:58.50 IriX64 heh tel it to my soul
17:58.54 IriX64 tell too
17:59.08 IriX64 i hate unlearning, its hard
17:59.59 IriX64 i'm waiting for a computer I can just tell what to do :)
18:00.46 IriX64 cassette recorder, they're available still
18:01.35 IriX64 nikki break (no not Nikki Lawerence) I'll be back
18:18.05 IriX64 in bu_bomb() I added an fcloseall() to try to protect the database for what it's worth
18:18.28 IriX64 just before the abort()
18:40.17 IriX64 the BrlCad albumn
18:46.36 IriX64 gotta figure a way of putting a bash shell in there so you can run your script tools
18:46.58 IriX64 sh should fit the bill
18:54.23 IriX64 same url latest build raytracing (1st Pix) and btw is this sort of thing allowed in the channel?
18:56.13 *** join/#brlcad jimmyz (
19:04.32 IriX64 mental note, don't start a photon map during a compile :)
19:17.21 IriX64 haha
19:21.44 IriX64 mmm exec sh now works
19:21.48 IriX64 sweet
19:24.12 IriX64 ok i'm ready to build a mug :)
19:29.13 *** join/#brlcad docelic (n=docelic@
19:33.24 IriX64 same url brlcad albumn 1st pix
19:45.38 poolio IriX64: your webspace is b0rked.
19:47.34 IriX64 huh?
19:47.39 IriX64 loads here
19:47.53 IriX64 whats the problem?
19:47.56 poolio XML Parsing Error: syntax error
19:47.56 poolio Location:
19:47.56 poolio Line Number 3, Column 49:<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN">
19:48.06 IriX64 what browser
19:48.17 poolio iceweassel (firefox), but it worked fine the other day
19:49.54 IriX64 windows firefox loads it fine
19:50.34 IriX64 sorry man dunno what to say
19:50.54 poolio You don't need to say anything. I have to get back to work :)
19:51.08 IriX64 is there a .org that allows png upload?
19:51.20 IriX64 me too :)
19:52.25 IriX64 try it now
19:54.41 IriX64 b0rked eh? now it's borst eat hearty :)
19:56.01 IriX64 reminds me must point ppl to in the caption field
19:57.24 IriX64 there
20:43.43 *** join/#brlcad Elperion (
20:48.52 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: 03jlowenz * 10brlcad/include/opennurbs_ext.h: move the debugging defines into one place; implement correct ON_Ray copy ctor/asst operator; fix node intersection
20:54.31 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: 03jlowenz * 10brlcad/src/librt/g_brep.cpp:
20:54.31 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: added bounding-box plotting for debugging purposes; fixed memory leak
20:54.31 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: in shot routine; debugging acne/odd hit count problems (currently not
20:54.31 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: finished!!); renamed existing debug statements (should just remove them!)
20:56.37 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: 03jlowenz * 10brlcad/src/librt/opennurbs_ext.cpp: fixed bug in bounding box generation: wasn't capturing true dimensions, now using openNURBS BB routine for initial calc; some more debugging stmts
20:59.25 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: 03jlowenz * 10brlcad/src/other/openNURBS/opennurbs_bezier.cpp: fixed (? maybe) the bezier clipping algorithm infinite recursion when the clip is too large
21:03.42 *** join/#brlcad poolio_ (
21:08.24 *** join/#brlcad RodGallowGlass_ (
21:08.29 *** join/#brlcad yukonbob (
21:34.51 yukonbob can anybody tell me why when I make (for example) a vertical post (in post rcc 0 0 0 0 0 100 1) and a wire joining top of post to ground (in wire rcc 0 0 100 100 0 0 0.1), the "wire" doesn't seem to reflect the angle it should be at, and maybe not even the length? (I'm know it's going to be operator error, but I don't know what that error is yet ;)
21:39.35 IriX64 mine doesn't have either of those.
21:40.13 IriX64 heh
21:41.32 IriX64 i set the color to peach and it raytraced it sweet
21:42.52 poolio IriX64: Have you ever tried a fully functional brl-cad install in a supported environment?
21:43.42 IriX64 you calling mine something other than fully functional?
21:44.03 IriX64 ill do anything you can do except adrt
21:45.39 poolio I just wonder why you are so happy about the software working as expected =)
21:46.03 IriX64 for me the worst thing that ever happened to brlcad was this so called upgrade of tcl/tk
21:46.52 IriX64 i'm happy cause its doing it in windereze outside the cygwin environment
21:47.20 IriX64 cause for rejoicing here :)
21:48.01 IriX64 i can distribute this if so inclined
21:48.23 poolio Ah yeah, GPLd
21:48.29 IriX64 right
21:48.53 IriX64 wouldnt charge for it anyway, most fun ive ever had :)
21:49.05 poolio wow. dull life ;)
21:49.15 IriX64 small things amuse me
21:49.15 poolio well back to code...
21:49.19 IriX64 me too
21:52.02 IriX64 poolio many women are interested in brlcad, I'm simply trying to impress :P
21:52.23 poolio IriX64: you wish ;)
21:52.42 IriX64 don't we all
21:52.57 IriX64 my version of a porche
21:54.36 poolio porsche?
22:04.26 yukonbob no porch... chicks dig porches.
22:08.16 IriX64 ok lamborgini
22:09.00 IriX64 the brlcad albumn, i present my cup for inspection :)
22:09.09 poolio lamborghini?
22:09.14 IriX64 sigh if you can access that page that is
22:09.19 poolio IriX64: I still get that damn error
22:09.22 IriX64 yes i cant spell
22:09.57 yukonbob poolio: is that the xml error?
22:10.05 poolio yukonbob: yeah
22:10.17 yukonbob heh
22:14.37 poolio yukonbob: You work on multithreaded code for brl-cad?
22:18.37 yukonbob nope -- I'm new to BRLCAD -- so far I've exposed a malloc issue w/ displacement maps, and have done work (not published) on converting USGS DEMs->dsp data.
22:19.40 yukonbob (and complained about the default mged DISPLAY handling, which I think is erroneous... need to point that out to <brlcad> ;)
22:21.51 IriX64 maybe.... i should finish cup :)
22:22.40 IriX64 yukonbob, if X is up mine connects, if its not it waits.
22:23.01 IriX64 if you start with mged -c it asks
22:24.00 yukonbob IriX64: right --- we went through this yesterday -- I still think default behaviour is incorrect.
22:24.30 IriX64 your saying it should honor the display variable
22:24.40 yukonbob like every other X client, yes.
22:25.16 IriX64 just a sec what does yours do?
22:26.01 yukonbob it doesn't honour the DISPLAY variable... it searches for X servers on it's own, and connects.
22:26.19 IriX64 first available i take it
22:26.37 yukonbob (it'll try using the DISPLAY variable, but if that doesn't work, it tries searching, that is)
22:27.23 IriX64 but thats proper in a network and this thing is networked
22:27.26 poolio I can't get mged running on my second display, but I haven't tried anything
22:28.12 yukonbob IriX64: I don't think searching for non-explicitly-declared X displays is proper, and in fact it's dangerous
22:28.59 poolio My pinky hurts. all the ctrl+keys and shift usage ... has hurt my pinky. :'(.
22:29.09 poolio brlcad: Do I have some sort of injury coverage or worker's benefits? hahaha
22:29.10 IriX64 heh
22:38.22 yukonbob brlcad: you online currently?
22:57.10 *** join/#brlcad docelic (n=docelic@
23:03.32 *** join/#brlcad PrezKennedy (
23:36.06 IriX64 these people are usually very busy, patience is required
23:36.20 IriX64 me i just play :)
23:37.07 poolio well, it's there job
23:37.11 poolio *their
23:39.59 IriX64 thats what im trying to point out
23:40.56 IriX64 im still trying to work up the nerve to ask them for stryker.g
23:41.18 poolio haha
23:42.00 IriX64 how the heck did i put in an infinite loop
23:43.11 IriX64 err configure
23:46.09 *** join/#brlcad Twingy (n=justin@
23:46.20 IriX64 i guess doing a make bench with system activity is kind of pointless, but lets see what we get

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