IRC log for #brlcad on 20070628

00:04.47 *** join/#brlcad archivist (
00:51.39 *** join/#brlcad Twingy (n=justin@
01:40.20 *** join/#brlcad IriX64 (
01:57.02 *** join/#brlcad IriX64_ (
02:55.03 poolio evening coding again :)
03:15.04 brlcad woot
03:15.39 poolio haha this happens almost every night. I announce I'm coding and you say woot. woot :)
03:16.42 *** join/#brlcad SWPadnos_ (
03:57.34 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: 03poolio * 10brlcad/src/gtools/beset/ (beset.h population.c population.h beset.c fitness.c): implemented basic GA framework
03:58.14 poolio and gnite :) I'll try to make it actually functional in the morning...right now the fitness function is FUBAR even though it worked fine before
03:58.50 brlcad woot
03:58.55 brlcad :)
03:59.10 brlcad progress is progress
03:59.14 poolio brlcad: you can test it if you want, it's not functional but ... it's moving along
03:59.31 brlcad I'm waiting for just a little more before I start poking ;)
04:00.34 poolio yeah, I'd like to have pretty much a full one-shape implementation. (has to figure out which primitive it is and the orientation)
04:00.59 poolio Hopefully also switch to trees and geting some sort of wrapper to the shapes instead of my current "assume it's a sphere" approach
04:03.11 brlcad just remember that CSG trees have two distinct node types -- leaf nodes are always primitives, other nodes are operators/combinations
04:03.33 poolio I think I'm going to limit it to operators for now, but yeah I got that
04:03.44 poolio (no combinations)
04:03.52 brlcad combinations are operators in a way
04:04.05 brlcad at least they're just a container for the operation
04:04.34 poolio yeah but if I have it in a CSG tree, aren't all internal combinations essentially useless?
04:04.58 poolio well useful for say organization, but irrelevant for creating different candidates
04:06.22 brlcad er, the difference is mostly semantic
04:06.31 poolio yeah
04:06.55 brlcad a "combination" is a csg operation .. so if you have a CSG "tree" then you have combinations
04:06.57 poolio brlcad: also on a somewhat different point, is it ok that my proress is so slow? I'm having a lot of problems with segfaults / code that isn't functioning how I intended...
04:07.06 brlcad your progress is fine
04:07.25 brlcad exactly what I expected so far .. :)
04:07.29 poolio alright. I'm kind of in a rut getting this initial stuff working, but I think progress should be picking up
04:07.35 brlcad you've got along ways ahead still
04:07.37 poolio Well i'm upset I wasn't able to exceed your expectations
04:08.06 brlcad I'm realistic, it's a pretty hefty task just to implement, much less make functional
04:08.14 brlcad s/less/more/
04:08.44 poolio Well, the amount of code and what it does isn't very impressive. My main issue has been understanding interacting with the established brl-cad routines and also fixing my earlier mistakes
04:09.16 brlcad dude, don't be so hard on yourself -- you're making great progress :)
04:09.40 poolio eh, it makes me get more done :)
04:10.10 poolio I've also never done such a large scale project and commited this much time, so it's quite the experience
04:10.14 poolio and I appreciate the freedom you're giving me
04:11.18 brlcad having liberty to "do your thing" is important to just about every developer, even me
04:12.04 brlcad that's where/why the talks we've already had to date are so important
04:12.47 brlcad we're at least coinciding fully on the big picture, aware of the goals, scope, and intent .. efforts are visible, progress is evident, life is good ;)
04:13.09 poolio good good.
04:14.39 *** join/#brlcad Twingy (n=justin@ [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
04:14.39 *** join/#brlcad b0ef ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
04:15.08 brlcad and not to forget that you're helping me with my goals too .. I'm very appreciative of how hard you're working
04:15.20 brlcad that will make it that much easier to expand this into a much bigger program down the road
04:15.20 poolio heh, I'm being compensated, all is well
04:15.34 poolio Well I'd guess if you really want to expand this a lot of stuff should be rewritten from the ground up
04:15.51 poolio for example, I think there are tons of optimizations that could be done in the raytracing area
04:15.54 poolio well maybe not tons, but quite a few
04:16.25 brlcad you'd probably be surprised, but yes, there is always room for improvement ;)
04:17.03 poolio but yeah... must not forget "premautre optimization is the root of all evil"
04:18.42 brlcad also remember that brl-cad's been doing ray-tracing for .. a very long time -- with the constraints of solid modeling and full-shotline ray evaluation, there are limits compared to what you can do with, say, a polygonal visual-only evaluation
04:19.29 poolio I wasn't really saying in the raytracer, but in some of the application structures and pointers and memory being passed around. Although I don't thi nk that's the bottleneck of the raytracing so ....
04:19.39 brlcad yeah, that's nowhere near the bottleneck
04:19.55 poolio The fitness function could for sure be cleaned up. My algorithm for comparing shot-line rays is pretty slow
04:20.13 brlcad most of the time is spent in the primitive evaluation, spatial partitioning (the accelleration structure), and boolean evaluation
04:20.38 brlcad those three generally consume 90% of the time in a given ray-trace
04:20.51 poolio Yeah, I'm still worried about how boolean operators will perform on a GA
04:21.32 brlcad hard to say without seeing how hard it is for it to converge on an arbitrary box
04:21.43 poolio true. that should be in the works shortly
04:22.43 brlcad if it can actually converge on a box (which is certainly not a given), then it "should" just be a matter of processing power for it to converge on any CSG structure
04:22.47 poolio also I don't think I want the GA to work and try to find the optimum solution, just try to get it near-optimal and then use some sort of gradient descent to try to find the optimal
04:24.10 poolio brlcad: well also remember we're adding in another dimension when we add in boolean operators, well more than one dimension but instead of just orientation there's also relative scale
04:24.12 brlcad that's where simulated annealing is relevant, effectively a means for performing a gradient descent
04:25.55 poolio also I think convergence on CSG trees in general is goign to be highly dependent on the parameters to the GA, such as the size, mutation rates, etc...and also what we want to let mutate etc...
04:26.16 brlcad there are also a ton of knobs you can tweak on the GA itself .. mutation levels, population sizes, evaluation criteria, crossover rates, biased member selections/promotions, etc
04:26.32 brlcad heh, yup
04:26.33 poolio ahaha :)
04:27.11 poolio Maybe have some sort of meta-ga to try to optimize the parameters to the ga on a simple problem and see how that scales to more coplex problems
05:28.02 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/util/ ( pl-X10.1 pl-X10.c): pl-X10 is obsolete, removing it
06:00.54 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/TODO: decouple libdm from librt
06:02.35 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ libdm actually presently uses librt, so make sure it's listed as a libs dependency. add the carbon framework when we're on os x for the new application focus routine.
06:05.05 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ (include/dm.h src/libdm/focus.c src/libdm/
06:05.05 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: add a new dm_applicationfocus() call that will attempt to bring the invoked
06:05.05 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: application to the current focus -- this is useful/interesting on Mac OS X where
06:05.05 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: X11 applications are not focused by default when invoked via various means (e.g.
06:05.05 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: double-clicking or via Terminal).
06:07.10 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ wow, needs libfb too (e.g., for X24_interface in dm_obj.c)
06:09.29 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/util/ ( pl-X.c): move the focus code into libdm as a somewhat more generic dm_applicationfocus() call, even if only/presently implementing support for focusing X11 on Mac OS X.
06:12.10 *** join/#brlcad elite01 (n=elite01@
06:12.20 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/mged/ged.c: bring application to focus if needed via dm_applicationfocus()
06:42.26 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ additional library dependencies that aren't spelled out .. results in really long/redundant link lines for some binaries, but should be comprehensive for each library by itself.
06:43.51 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/NEWS: mged and pl-X automatically focus to X11 on Mac OS X
07:50.14 *** join/#brlcad RodGallowGlass (
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09:49.40 *** join/#brlcad jack- (i=jack@
09:55.33 *** join/#brlcad IriX64 (
10:46.49 *** join/#brlcad elite01 (
11:01.32 IriX64 can someone do an anonymous ftp to and tell me what you see?
11:02.31 *** join/#brlcad akreal (
11:05.47 *** join/#brlcad cad54 (
11:23.15 IriX64 brlcad albumn, an old test build
11:32.12 IriX64 theres a mite in the window title :)
12:54.36 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/librt/ need to fix/check these headers -- should be noinst or in include/
12:56.46 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/gtools/beset/ add the missing build files, header files, and add the needed libraries so that it compiles and will distcheck successfully
12:59.22 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/gtools/beset/ (beset.h fitness.h population.c population.h): add headers/footers as needed
13:05.04 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ include BRLCAD and BRLCAD_LIBS for libbrlcad
13:39.54 poolio brlcad: ah oops, thanks :)
13:45.19 poolio brlcad: did you see some of my comments "/* EEEEEEEEEK WHAT IF RAND() IS ZEROOOOOO!?!? */
13:46.29 brlcad yup
13:46.54 poolio uh oh
13:47.17 poolio any general comments/suggestions before I continue further?
14:20.09 IriX64 poolio: while(RAND()) { do whatever }
14:20.12 IriX64 :)
14:22.32 poolio IriX64: errr not quite, but that's also a bad idea :)
14:22.53 poolio I believe BN_RANDOM() is 0,1 exclusive so it'd be an infinite loop
14:32.43 *** join/#brlcad poolio_ (
15:18.38 IriX64 heh loops are forever :)
15:20.27 poolio funroll loops would be a great name for a cereal :)
15:30.31 IriX64 loops of fun :)
15:32.02 poolio brlcad: is there an already implemented float comparison macro or something in brlcad?
15:36.32 poolio nevermind, got it
15:46.23 *** join/#brlcad TME (
15:46.54 TME hi again, quick question, is there a fast way to automatically read in all regions
15:47.13 TME when I use rt_gettree() I need to specify one region at a time
15:49.03 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ (include/bn.h src/libbn/rand.c): document more explicitly which random number tables are open intervals and which are closed -- the smaller table is open, the big table (halfrand) is closed.
15:49.28 poolio brlcad: haha, was that in response to an incorrect comment I made earlier? :P
15:59.31 *** join/#brlcad b0ef ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
16:00.00 brlcad TME: yes, after you do a dirbuild, you can just iterate over all hashtable entries
16:00.18 brlcad poolio: it wasn't incorrect -- but I did point you to the wrong random number routine I think
16:00.27 poolio BN_RANDOM?
16:00.57 brlcad instead of BN_RANDOM, you're probably better off using bn_rand0to1() or bn_rand_half()
16:01.14 poolio alright, what's the difference?
16:01.18 brlcad they pull from larger random number pools
16:01.24 poolio oh alright
16:01.29 brlcad period of 16k instead of 4k
16:01.44 brlcad with the same performance
16:01.58 poolio I figured out why the fitness function wasn't working, well, I see when it doesnt work but I don't get why. If I input whole numbers as a radius it works, if the radius is not a whole number it just gives bogus results
16:02.19 brlcad not a big deal since either will work, but should give better variation
16:02.36 poolio yeah, for now it doesn't matter but when it comes to actually testing it may
16:02.48 brlcad now the large tables are closed .. so you will have to account for 0 and 1, whereas the BN_* routines pull from the smaller tables that are open
16:03.28 poolio ok
16:03.41 brlcad unless you just leave it at the smaller table
16:03.46 brlcad which is fine too :)
16:04.42 poolio hmm. any ideas why if a number is say 1.0 it works fine but if it's 1.000001 or something it throws out completely different results?
16:05.33 brlcad need more info
16:05.47 brlcad too many it's in there
16:05.55 brlcad and/or I'm starving.. back in a few :)
16:05.56 poolio I can update CVS but it's probably better if I just keep working on it
16:05.59 poolio alright cya
16:06.12 brlcad commit early, commit often ;)
16:06.26 poolio well, I want to commit code that compiles :)
16:06.32 poolio don't want to blowup the source tree
16:06.42 brlcad well, yeah, that'd be good :)
16:15.24 poolio brlcad: I think my problem might have to do with the raytracer, although I highly doubt it... it'd just mean my code wasn't so messed up :)
16:54.42 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: 03jlowenz * 10brlcad/include/brep.h: increase the number of iterations to converge when tracing, and tighten up the tolerance on convergence
16:55.41 *** join/#brlcad poolio (
16:57.40 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: 03jlowenz * 10brlcad/include/opennurbs_ext.h: move ON_Ray to opennurbs_curve.h, since only curves need to know about rays for now (CloseTo operation)
17:00.13 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: 03jlowenz * 10brlcad/src/conv/iges/BrepHandler.cpp: fix memory leak when handling curves
17:08.29 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: 03jlowenz * 10brlcad/src/conv/iges/brlcad_brep.cpp: fix memory leak on converter deletion
17:10.52 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: 03jlowenz * 10brlcad/src/librt/g_brep.cpp: debug acne problems, sort hits properly; continue to flesh out edge detection
17:15.59 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: 03jlowenz * 10brlcad/src/other/openNURBS/opennurbs_curve.cpp: add CloseTo skeleton
17:17.31 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: 03jlowenz * 10brlcad/src/other/openNURBS/opennurbs_curve.h: move ON_Ray here, for use with CloseTo method; CloseTo() declaration
17:20.06 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: 03jlowenz * 10brlcad/src/other/openNURBS/opennurbs_point.cpp: implement method to force a value to be within an interval
17:21.17 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: 03jlowenz * 10brlcad/src/other/openNURBS/opennurbs_point.h: Bound method prototype
17:37.53 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: 03jlowenz * 10brlcad/include/opennurbs_ext.h: add closest point estimate method extensions (i.e. returning the subdomain where the estimate resides)
17:39.31 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: 03jlowenz * 10brlcad/src/librt/opennurbs_ext.cpp: attempt to fix closestPoint convergence failure with converting fragment IGES file
17:50.44 poolio someone is hard at work and it isn't me :)
17:58.31 TME sorry, I can't find the hash table in struct rt_i
17:58.42 TME do you mean **region?
18:01.41 TME sorry, I meant **Regions
18:02.10 TME if so, what is the size, as I can't see the correct way to use bu_list here
18:05.18 poolio brlcad: I'm really tempted to say there is a bug with the raytracer :\
18:11.18 TME brlcad: woops, I think I found it; guess I should actually read comments in the code ;)
18:29.49 *** join/#brlcad MinuteElectron (i=xz74b7vx@gateway/web/cgi-irc/
18:31.20 MinuteElectron Hi, I am looking for brlcad (the user on SourceForge).
18:33.14 poolio Aren't we all ;)
18:36.45 MinuteElectron Ohm
18:37.19 MinuteElectron I thought there was a user called 'brlcad'.
18:37.50 poolio There is, he goes by the IRC nick brlcad, and he's pretty active here, just wait around a bit or ask what it is you want to ask and he'll be back shortly I'm sure
18:39.34 MinuteElectron Ahh, okay. Thanks.
18:39.46 poolio Anything anyone else can help you with?
18:41.13 MinuteElectron Well, it was to do with the help wanted message regarding the website. I was interested in helping, I replied to the messgae, but came here in the hope of more information.
18:41.35 MinuteElectron It doesn't matter really, anything important can wait until a reply to the email
18:42.11 *** join/#brlcad SuperTaz (
18:42.31 poolio MinuteElectron: Just FYI, everything moves slowly :) or atleast that's what brlcad has told me
18:43.05 MinuteElectron Hehe.
18:50.52 brlcad howdy MinuteElectron
18:51.15 brlcad TME: hehe, np .. if you need a snippet, just lemme know
18:53.36 MinuteElectron brlcad: Hi,
18:54.06 MinuteElectron I will be offline for a few minutes while I switch to my main PC.
18:54.13 MinuteElectron brb
18:54.15 brlcad no problem, I'll be here ;)
18:55.39 poolio He's probably a robot looking for some loot
18:57.26 brlcad might have a web dev interested in improving the horrid website
18:57.50 poolio it is horrid :)
18:58.42 brlcad the old one was even worse, imho
18:59.03 poolio brlcad: hey, I just commited a bunch of stuff, and was wondering if you could have a quick look
18:59.03 brlcad and I didn't want to bring it forward, so it was intentionally made very minimal until someone had time to dedicate towards it
18:59.19 poolio brlcad: the issue is when the sphere is not a whole number, it goes berserk, well, wrong numbers
18:59.32 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: 03poolio * 10brlcad/src/gtools/beset/ (beset.c fitness.c population.c fitness.h population.h): single sphere partially working
18:59.46 poolio so create a database with a single sphere with a radius of say 4.0, run the program, and then try it with something like 4.01
19:00.12 poolio run as ./beset database.g 1 1 sphere_name.s junk
19:00.29 poolio I should really killoff the extra argument that means nothing and give a usage message
19:00.32 poolio oh well :P
19:00.58 brlcad heh
19:05.18 *** join/#brlcad MinuteElectron (
19:05.34 MinuteElectron Hi again, sorry that took longer than expected.
19:06.23 brlcad read you e-mail, glad to hear about the interest so quickly
19:06.36 MinuteElectron Okay, I will look now.
19:06.45 brlcad I presume you've seen the horrid existing website? :)
19:08.07 brlcad erm, I said I read it.. I hadn't replied yet
19:08.27 MinuteElectron Oh, sorry. My misunderstanding.
19:09.05 MinuteElectron Yeah, it isn't that bad if you just want is to give a small bit of info about the program - but I see you want a lot more than that.
19:10.34 brlcad do you know much about brl-cad or is this the first you've heard of it?
19:12.53 MinuteElectron This is actually the first time I have heard of it, I was just browsing the Help wanted lists and found this project. I was suprised to find it as it was so big (most other projects I have worked on before are fairly small and the owners 'disappeared' after a few weeks) and I would like to work on something a bit bigger and a bit more long-term than previous thing I have done.
19:15.01 MinuteElectron *surprised
19:17.15 MinuteElectron brb, reconfiguring IRC setup.
19:17.52 poolio brlcad: any chance you could give my issue a look or are you a bit overloaded right now?
19:18.30 brlcad yeah, brl-cad's not going away anytime soon by a long shot -- we get massive attention if only because the task of writing cad software can be so complex requiring so much effort, but brl-cad is by far the farthest along
19:19.10 *** join/#brlcad MinuteElectron (
19:19.25 MinuteElectron Cool.
19:19.36 brlcad we also loose a lot of attention, though, simply because our "face" is ugly -- the website and the main modeler
19:19.44 brlcad they are both big priorities though
19:19.49 MinuteElectron I see.
19:28.05 brlcad so, any thoughts on the task at hand? presume from your message that you have some layout/design experience too, maybe have a look n' feel in mind or were you interested in some of the template work done to date, or .. ?
19:29.42 brlcad also, have you ever worked with ldap? would be nice to use that as a means to tie mediawiki and drupal auth systems together .. though the mediawiki mods posted to drupal's website would also work
19:29.46 *** join/#brlcad jimmyz (
19:30.09 brlcad poolio: a bit overloaded, but I'm compiling it now
19:35.12 MinuteElectron Well, I am not the best at designing things (most of the designs for my websites are basic, yet clean and efficent) you are probably looking for something a bit more... snazzy so I can give it a good try. Regarding the technical aspect of things: ldap is quite possible, it is well supported on the MediaWiki side of things to so it shouldn't be difficult to integrate. If you like I can create...
19:35.14 MinuteElectron ...a possible look and feel of the website and put it on my computer-server and you can then give the good and bad points and I can expand on that, or would you rather do this a different way.
19:36.04 MinuteElectron There is not much point in me setting up a MediaWiki and drupal combination on this machine as things are extremely difficult to transfer to and from SourceForge's web servers.
19:41.47 *** part/#brlcad jimmyz (
19:48.58 MinuteElectron brlcad: You busy?
19:58.31 brlcad quite, gimmie a sec :)
19:59.38 MinuteElectron ok, np
20:07.27 poolio brlcad: I guess I'll catch you tomorrow or later tonight, I have to run a few errands.
20:13.33 MinuteElectron brb - restarting
20:19.40 *** join/#brlcad cad64 (
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20:36.22 brlcad MinuteElectron: I completely agree regarding the transferrability pita
20:36.37 MinuteElectron Cool.
20:36.38 brlcad i've set up drupal three times on and it's been a pain every time
20:37.14 MinuteElectron I see.
20:37.46 brlcad the current plan is to only have an initial/first/front page be on (so their stats can do their thing), and keep the rest off on a different server
20:37.57 brlcad so we can do better integration
20:38.03 MinuteElectron Oh, I see. Have you got a server yet?
20:38.16 TME brlcad: is this easy way to do a point query to ray trace with 1 hit and see what the HEAD partition region is?
20:38.19 brlcad oh yeah, we've got a couple servers
20:38.27 MinuteElectron Neat.
20:38.40 brlcad is a mirror for example
20:38.46 *** join/#brlcad cad39 (
20:39.13 MinuteElectron ok
20:40.14 brlcad one server in the US, another over in Germany
20:40.31 brlcad so theoretically, we could set up distributed load balancing if we *really* wanted to
20:40.47 MinuteElectron hehe
20:41.02 brlcad that'd be a bit overkill at this point though :-)
20:41.09 brlcad given where the site currently sits
20:42.56 MinuteElectron Regarding the site design, have you decided on what to about it yet?
20:44.50 brlcad nope, that's what I meant about having a lot of freedom towards the design if someone is really interested in tackling the task
20:45.19 brlcad i can show you some of the templates that have been done to date if you'd like to see, but even those were just mock ups with no strong preference for/against them
20:46.11 MinuteElectron I have lots of spare time, I have just got my apache+php+mysql install running so I could probably take a look at Drupal and create a template that you can give your opinion on (if that is what you would like to do).
20:49.10 yukonbob brlcad: have a link/short descr for the Docbook task?
20:49.48 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: 03jlowenz * 10brlcad/src/librt/g_brep.cpp: turn on edge curve check (begin implementing CloseTo)
20:50.20 yukonbob heh -- nevermind
20:50.28 SuperTaz hey guys
20:50.47 SuperTaz anyone know about problems in configure that leade to getting : "changes in the environment can compromise the build"
20:51.35 SuperTaz I'm trying to build on OS X 10.4.10
20:51.35 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: 03jlowenz * 10brlcad/src/other/openNURBS/opennurbs_curve.cpp: begin implementing generic CloseTo algorithm: step 1 is to sample the curve and collect closest points to the ray
20:52.21 SuperTaz (I can type, really)
20:52.33 yukonbob SuperTaz: what's the full msg (ie: with context)
20:52.35 SuperTaz I googled to no avail
20:53.06 SuperTaz long paste:
20:53.15 yukonbob not here... use pasetbin or something
20:53.27 yukonbob *pastebin
20:53.39 SuperTaz configure: running /bin/sh '/Volumes/Development/src/brlcad-7.10.0/src/other/tcl/unix/configure' --prefix=/usr/local/brlcad 'BC_RETRY=no' '--with-x11=/usr/X11R6' '--prefix=/usr/local/brlcad' 'CFLAGS= -pipe -fno-strict-aliasing -fno-common -fexceptions -g' 'CPPFLAGS=-I/usr/local/include -I/usr/X11R6/include' 'LDFLAGS=-L/usr/local/lib -pipe -fno-strict-aliasing -fno-common -fexceptions -Wl,-search_paths_first -Wnewline-eof -g -L/
20:53.39 SuperTaz usr/X11R6/lib' --disable-shared --enable-symbols --cache-file=../../../../config.cache.darwin8.10.0.Fruit-Punch.local --srcdir=/Volumes/Development/src/brlcad-7.10.0/src/other/tcl/unix
20:53.39 SuperTaz configure: loading cache ../../../../config.cache.darwin8.10.0.Fruit-Punch.local
20:53.40 SuperTaz configure: error: `CFLAGS' has changed since the previous run:
20:53.42 SuperTaz configure: former value: -pipe -fno-strict-aliasing -fno-common -fexceptions -g
20:53.44 SuperTaz configure: current value: -pipe -fno-strict-aliasing -fno-common -fexceptions -g
20:53.46 SuperTaz configure: error: changes in the environment can compromise the build
20:53.48 SuperTaz configure: error: run `make distclean' and/or `rm ../../../../config.cache.darwin8.10.0.Fruit-Punch.local' and start over
20:53.51 SuperTaz configure: error: /bin/sh '/Volumes/Development/src/brlcad-7.10.0/src/other/tcl/unix/configure' failed for src/other/tcl/unix
20:53.52 yukonbob not here... use pastebin or something
20:53.54 SuperTaz configure: running /bin/sh '/Volumes/Development/src/brlcad-7.10.0/src/other/tcl/unix/configure' --prefix=/usr/local/brlcad 'BC_RETRY=no' '--with-x11=/usr/X11R6' '--prefix=/usr/local/brlcad' 'CFLAGS= -pipe -fno-strict-aliasing -fno-common -fexceptions -g' 'CPPFLAGS=-I/usr/local/include -I/usr/X11R6/include' 'LDFLAGS=-L/usr/local/lib -pipe -fno-strict-aliasing -fno-common -fexceptions -Wl,-search_paths_first -Wnewline-eof -g -L/
20:53.59 SuperTaz usr/X11R6/lib' --disable-shared --enable-symbols --cache-file=../../../../config.cache.darwin8.10.0.Fruit-Punch.local --srcdir=/Volumes/Development/src/brlcad-7.10.0/src/other/tcl/unix
20:54.02 SuperTaz configure: loading cache ../../../../config.cache.darwin8.10.0.Fruit-Punch.local
20:54.06 SuperTaz configure: error: `CFLAGS' has changed since the previous run:
20:54.08 SuperTaz configure: former value: -pipe -fno-strict-aliasing -fno-common -fexceptions -g
20:54.09 brlcad eep, SuperTaz .. please use pastebin in the future :)
20:54.10 SuperTaz configure: current value: -pipe -fno-strict-aliasing -fno-common -fexceptions -g
20:54.12 SuperTaz configure: error: changes in the environment can compromise the build
20:54.14 SuperTaz configure: error: run `make distclean' and/or `rm ../../../../config.cache.darwin8.10.0.Fruit-Punch.local' and start over
20:54.15 brlcad ~pastebin
20:54.16 ibot somebody said pastebin was a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try, or, or, or is usually painfully too slow and unresponsive to use, use one of the other pastebin sites, or is a very nice pastebin as well
20:54.17 SuperTaz configure: error: /bin/sh '/Volumes/Development/src/brlcad-7.10.0/src/other/tcl/unix/configure' failed for src/other/tcl/unix
20:54.20 SuperTaz configure: running /bin/sh '/Volumes/Development/src/brlcad-7.10.0/src/other/tcl/unix/configure' --prefix=/usr/local/brlcad 'BC_RETRY=no' '--with-x11=/usr/X11R6' '--prefix=/usr/local/brlcad' 'CFLAGS= -pipe -fno-strict-aliasing -fno-common -fexceptions -g' 'CPPFLAGS=-I/usr/local/include -I/usr/X11R6/include' 'LDFLAGS=-L/usr/local/lib -pipe -fno-strict-aliasing -fno-common -fexceptions -Wl,-search_paths_first -Wnewline-eof -g -L/
20:54.25 SuperTaz usr/X11R6/lib' --disable-shared --enable-symbols --cache-file=../../../../config.cache.darwin8.10.0.Fruit-Punch.local --srcdir=/Volumes/Development/src/brlcad-7.10.0/src/other/tcl/unix
20:54.28 SuperTaz configure: loading cache ../../../../config.cache.darwin8.10.0.Fruit-Punch.local
20:54.30 SuperTaz configure: error: `CFLAGS' has changed since the previous run:
20:54.31 *** mode/#brlcad [+b %SuperTaz!*@*] by brlcad
20:54.38 *** mode/#brlcad [-b %SuperTaz!*@*] by brlcad
20:54.40 SuperTaz yeah
20:54.42 SuperTaz argh
20:54.44 SuperTaz dammit
20:54.46 SuperTaz stupid xchat
20:54.48 SuperTaz putting it on xbin
20:54.50 SuperTaz err
20:54.52 SuperTaz pastebin
20:54.54 SuperTaz yes
20:54.56 SuperTaz I intended to
20:54.58 SuperTaz *sigh*
20:55.04 brlcad :)
20:55.10 yukonbob lol
20:55.48 brlcad yukonbob: what sort of description?
20:56.05 brlcad there's not much to it other than "convert all the docs to docbook" :)
20:56.44 SuperTaz
20:56.45 SuperTaz there
20:57.47 SuperTaz brb...clearing my pastebuffer before it horks again
20:57.55 SuperTaz back
20:58.19 SuperTaz anyway, that's where the configure goes wrong
20:58.53 SuperTaz happened to me twice
20:58.59 SuperTaz I ran make distclean
20:59.06 SuperTaz re-ran configure
20:59.14 SuperTaz (after deleting the cache)
20:59.20 SuperTaz still horked at the end
21:00.57 brlcad huh, and this is on a mac of all machines
21:01.33 brlcad ooh, BC_RETRY is set...
21:01.34 SuperTaz yeah
21:01.39 SuperTaz err?
21:02.10 brlcad add --disable-retry to the configure options
21:02.14 SuperTaz okay
21:02.25 brlcad it's trying extra hard to find something that you don't have so the real error is obscured
21:02.52 TME brlcad (or anyone else): what exactly does setting a_ray_length do?
21:03.01 SuperTaz kill the cache, first, I assume?
21:03.01 SuperTaz no make distclean needed, though, I hope?
21:03.02 brlcad yukonbob: which link?
21:03.08 brlcad SuperTaz: nah, shouldn't need to
21:03.11 SuperTaz okay
21:03.17 brlcad i think :)
21:03.20 SuperTaz cache is killed, re-running it
21:03.20 TME when I set it (to anything) shootray simply returns the distance to the outside boundary
21:04.10 SuperTaz it'll be a little while...this is an oooooold mac ;)
21:04.14 *** join/#brlcad MinuteElectron (n=chatzill@unaffiliated/MinuteElectron)
21:04.16 yukonbob brlcad: re: Link -- I saw title of Docbook call, but didn't click for fuller descr.
21:05.34 brlcad TME: setting a_ray_length only matters if you're doing more than one_hit shotlines (i.e. shotlines that go all the way through the geometry and report all the in and out hitpoints it encounters)
21:05.52 brlcad TME: the a_ray_length tells it how far to report results, if you want to limit it
21:06.02 brlcad otherwise, it will report them all along the given shotline
21:06.13 brlcad yukonbob: ahh
21:08.36 TME ok
21:08.46 brlcad TME, rtshot in src/rt has an example option that uses a_ray_length iirc
21:14.15 MinuteElectron brlcad: What exactly do you wish to use Drupal for and what do you want to use MediaWiki for?
21:14.23 MinuteElectron Just so I know what is going to go in each.
21:17.18 brlcad mediawiki is a great wiki, everyone knows and loves it for the most part cept for those crazy tikiwiki folks ;)
21:18.10 MinuteElectron Yeah, I swear by it. I would never use another wiki engine.
21:18.17 brlcad so I'm looking to let mediawiki do what it does best and drive most of the dynamic content on the site
21:18.39 MinuteElectron So MediaWiki is more documentation and Drupal more of a pretty face?
21:19.04 brlcad drupal has other "content management" features that would be good to have
21:19.20 MinuteElectron I am new to Drupal so you will need to extrapolate.
21:19.43 brlcad like forums, gallery modules, authentication modules, the ability to write our own custom modules for things like a geometry database or benchmark performance database
21:20.31 MinuteElectron What does the gallery module do?
21:20.33 brlcad not to mention, drupal just generally handles "blocks" better
21:21.48 brlcad the most popular drupal gallery module is actually an embedding of Gallery (
21:22.23 MinuteElectron I see.
21:23.55 MinuteElectron So the task is, to set up Drupal and MediaWiki, add in some LDAP create a nice theme that will work on drupal and mediawiki and move the content from the current website into drupal and mediawiki?
21:24.47 MinuteElectron I think I can handle that.
21:26.09 brlcad yep, that sounds about right!
21:26.17 MinuteElectron Cool,
21:26.20 brlcad ldap is probably last on that list even
21:26.42 brlcad just getting the new site up with drupal, mediawiki, integrated new design/theme, and start importing data
21:26.57 brlcad most of the "hard work" is really doing to be the design/theme
21:27.12 MinuteElectron Ok.
21:27.17 SuperTaz brlcad: still having the same problem, even with the added flag
21:27.22 MinuteElectron Have you a preference, horizontal or vertical navigation?
21:27.49 MinuteElectron dw
21:34.15 *** join/#brlcad MinuteElectron (n=chatzill@unaffiliated/MinuteElectron)
21:37.31 MinuteElectron This is going to be very interesting, colors have to be decided upon....
21:37.32 brlcad MinuteElectron: probably "both" but with different categories -- main categories horizontal, more options horizontally
21:37.54 MinuteElectron yeah, cool
21:38.25 brlcad let me see if I can dig up the earlier template work
21:38.30 brlcad just to give you some ideas
21:38.50 MinuteElectron cool
21:39.33 brlcad do you have photoshop or a means to view .psd files?
21:39.41 MinuteElectron Hmm, let me check.
21:40.34 MinuteElectron I just did a complete reinstall of Windows so i haven't installed much yet. But I have gimp, I will just see if it can open psd 's
21:40.43 brlcad it can iirc
21:41.02 MinuteElectron Cool, then the answer is yes.
21:41.32 brlcad let me preface by saying that this was just some fooling around more than 5 years ago so you don't have to use it or even start with it, just some ideas
21:41.38 brlcad
21:41.44 MinuteElectron Okay,
21:41.46 brlcad
21:42.19 MinuteElectron I need to expand my vocabulary.
21:43.51 MinuteElectron Wow, this is a great starting point.
21:44.03 MinuteElectron I like the green colors, it goes with the logo well.
21:46.42 SuperTaz brlcad, I still can't get it to compile...same error, same context
21:47.00 SuperTaz I have to get out of here in a few, though...I'll be back later tonight and I'll be around during the day tomorrow
21:49.18 brlcad SuperTaz: okay -- when you get a chance, if you could pastebin your *entire* output including the configure line you call, that might help
21:49.51 brlcad SuperTaz: there is a newer logo at
21:50.55 brlcad er sorry, that latter was meant for MinuteElectron
21:50.56 MinuteElectron brlcad: Are you pschyic? I needed that page too :P
21:51.01 MinuteElectron Oh, lol.
22:26.17 MinuteElectron Aww, I wish IE6 would render alpha transparency.
22:29.55 MinuteElectron brlcad: Is 'solid modeling for a strong defense' a registered trademark?
22:36.23 MinuteElectron arghf, view this in any sane browser and it looks alright but in IE it looks crap.
22:37.43 MinuteElectron lol I have been working on the header for nearly an hour/
22:39.40 MinuteElectron oh dear, this only looks alright at 1280x1024 resolution....
22:40.48 brlcad :)
22:41.15 brlcad MinuteElectron: it is/was registered, but don't worry about that .. no need to put the symbol
22:41.25 MinuteElectron ok, I will work on this tomorrow, but now I must sleep. You won't be able to view this after my computer goes offline/
22:41.31 brlcad no need to even use the tag line, but it's got character
22:41.39 MinuteElectron yeah :D
22:41.42 brlcad I have something you might be interested in
22:41.47 MinuteElectron ooh
22:42.38 brlcad
22:42.55 brlcad again, just really loose concepts that had something relevant or interesting
22:43.17 brlcad as well as what others in "our industry" are doing
22:43.48 MinuteElectron interesting
22:44.14 MinuteElectron I will have a closer look at these and see if I can introduce some of those concepts into my design tomorrow. but for now, goodnight.
22:44.42 brlcad cya!
23:28.53 poolio brlcad: howdy :)
23:31.41 poolio brlcad: If you have a couple minutes in the near future I could use a hand trying to figure out if the bug i'm encountering is my app or general raytracer
23:47.17 *** join/#brlcad docelic (n=docelic@

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