IRC log for #brlcad on 20070629

00:17.41 *** join/#brlcad poolio_ (
00:24.01 *** join/#brlcad Twingy (n=justin@
00:26.39 poolio oops.
00:28.22 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/gtools/beset/.cvsignore: ignore the beset product
00:28.32 poolio brlcad: good choice :)
00:39.02 poolio brlcad: it seems like part of the problem / the problem has to do with rti_radius...If I create a sphere with radius of 4, the min/max is correctly computed, but the bounding sphere has a radius of 6.9282...?
00:39.25 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/gtools/beset/ (beset.c beset.h fitness.h population.c population.h): petty cosmetics while browsing, mostly ws
00:39.39 poolio err i've been updating stuff :\
00:40.11 brlcad no worries, nothing likely to conflict
00:40.25 brlcad still reading what all you have going
00:41.04 poolio alright, but that rti_radius vs bounding box thing is confusing me
00:41.15 poolio and possibly part of the problem, or maybe it's my confusion with how the raytracer works
00:41.39 poolio thanks for fixing my headers :)
00:41.39 brlcad you'll have to back me up to some example so I can see
00:41.46 poolio Yeah sure
00:42.06 poolio It involves some effor on your end though, I could throw some code together to do it automatically if you want though
00:42.36 brlcad nah, just say what I need to do
00:42.41 brlcad make a sph in mged?
00:42.45 poolio yes
00:42.49 brlcad radius 4?
00:42.51 poolio sure
00:42.53 poolio 4.0
00:43.06 poolio the output of the program is god awful
00:43.18 poolio you could also modify the program and do it that way, but i think the mged way is the easiest
00:43.35 poolio so make a sphere, run the program with ./beset database.g 1 1 spherename.s aadf
00:43.47 poolio the aadf is just me still not decrementing the argc check
00:44.05 brlcad already done
00:44.18 brlcad not sure what those numbers mean yet
00:44.31 poolio so they are the in/out points of the shotline ray
00:44.36 poolio 1 1 = 1x1 grid of rays
00:44.38 poolio so just 1 ray
00:44.47 brlcad shooting in what direction?
00:44.48 poolio that should be centered ... i think
00:44.52 brlcad ah, k
00:45.02 poolio hopefully shooting along the z axis
00:45.17 poolio but i think i've confused my axis somewhere, but it's shooting along some defined axis
00:45.35 poolio and the numbers are wrong...that's another issue..
00:45.54 brlcad what are the bracketed values?
00:45.58 poolio ok so
00:46.08 poolio they're the in/out points of the ray
00:46.13 poolio the left one is the model shape
00:46.21 poolio model shape = stored shape in database
00:46.35 poolio the right one is the GA one which should be set to some value in population.c
00:46.37 poolio some whole numbered value
00:46.46 poolio I've modified everything to try to isolate what is going on
00:47.03 poolio so basically, with a radius of 4, the in/out hit points are those
00:47.11 poolio (those are normalized to the rti_radius*2 (diameter))
00:47.27 brlcad ah, normalized
00:47.28 poolio the reason it's not 1 and is instead .57735 has to do with rti_radius being completely off for some reason
00:48.21 brlcad where do you normalize?
00:48.30 poolio I normalize in fitness.c
00:49.04 poolio stored rays are normalized as they are stored in capture_hit
00:49.18 poolio candidates rays are normalized as they are compared in compare_hit
00:49.43 poolio the printing is coming from compare_hit
00:49.55 poolio If you wait one minute I think I'll make it a bit more clear and stop wasting your time :)
00:59.07 poolio brlcad: alright cvs update and you should get output that means something
01:00.10 *** join/#brlcad SWPadnos_ (
01:00.23 poolio brlcad: it's beset.c and fitness.c
01:00.51 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: 03poolio * 10brlcad/src/gtools/beset/ (beset.c fitness.c): added logical debugging output
01:01.07 poolio brlcad: same instructions but don't need the junk 5th argument
01:01.28 poolio ./beset db.g 1 1 sphere.s
01:01.42 poolio try it with something like 4 then 4.01
01:02.53 poolio my output:
01:03.42 poolio whole.s is a sphere of radius 4, dec.s is a sphere of radius 4.01
01:07.26 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/gtools/beset/beset.c: error check fit_prep() return value
01:08.23 poolio brlcad: I add in error checking after I get it working in known conditions, I wouldn't worry about it for now :P
01:11.27 brlcad i figured half as much, though there's a reason
01:11.45 poolio Yeah, it could be stuff like that that's failing and I don't check and that's why it's going crazy
01:12.49 poolio I should probably do that now, I'm just not sure if you're doing it and didn't want to commit stuff that you might be changing
01:13.00 brlcad it's a habit to *always* write your checks at the same time, sanity checking as you go along -- you need the code regardless so you might as well write it while it's in your locus of attention
01:13.32 brlcad don't worry about committing over me.. that's what cvs is for ;)
01:13.33 poolio brlcad: Yeah I know, my issue is that I hate having to scroll past it all the time
01:13.49 brlcad you get used to it, becomes second nature
01:14.39 poolio so any ideas off the top of your head with the weird raytrace shifting thing?
01:14.46 brlcad still looking
01:15.05 brlcad which is why I was adding checks while poking .. it's in my locus of attention ;)
01:15.16 brlcad always better earlier than later..
01:15.18 poolio I appreciate it :)
01:15.30 brlcad lots can happen between early and later
01:15.52 brlcad the sort of bugs and unchecked values that can send you debugging for days
01:16.10 poolio I've already been debugging for days :\
01:16.28 brlcad that's probably more a combination of reasons :)
01:16.41 poolio stupidity weighing heavily
01:18.23 poolio I also had a kind of general question about C coding. Is it considered a bad practice to have code that's not part of the main routine output info? Like I'm specifying certain return values and then checking the return values in main() and printing out error info. Before I had it just print the error and exit from the routine
01:21.41 brlcad nah
01:22.06 brlcad (re stupidity)
01:22.06 poolio k
01:22.06 poolio oh
01:22.06 poolio :P
01:22.18 brlcad a like your layout, not too tricky to follow
01:22.26 poolio brlcad: hurray :)
01:22.37 poolio by layout you just mean the file structure and routine hierarchy?
01:23.16 brlcad and to your second question .. heck no, that's fine either way
01:23.27 poolio alright cool.
01:23.37 brlcad generally, error/failure recovery is just a big design decision.. just should try to be consistent on the approach
01:24.20 brlcad whether you use return codes, or abort in place, or try to recover from failures, or use result structures, or throw exceptions, or set jump points, etc
01:24.44 poolio I think I might just let the routines exit. I mean all the errors that can be errors are fatal errors
01:24.46 brlcad for something like this -- if it's a fatal error, I'd just abort
01:24.57 brlcad s/abort/terminate the application/
01:24.58 poolio Well not all the errors, but all the errors I'm printing error messages for
01:25.05 poolio brlcad: ok cool
01:25.51 brlcad it's generally only worth the overhead/complexity of return codes/structs/exceptions/etc if you're actually going to handle them under some conditions
01:26.12 poolio yeah that's what I'm considering... it just adds more conditional checks into main() that do nothing
01:26.18 brlcad or if there's some secondary benefit, like being able to print more informative messgaes by returning values higher up the chain
01:26.41 poolio Well that's what I was thinking with error messages, I wanted to print the program name too but I don't think that's of much importance
01:26.56 brlcad usually it's a balance, particularly if you have things that can return null, you check your nulls regardless
01:27.04 brlcad s/your/for/
01:27.45 poolio well I feel like bu_malloc has cleaned up a lot of code pertaining to null pointers
01:28.57 brlcad that was done that way primarily because it's such a common pattern, and it was an architecture decision to never have memory failures reach application code
01:29.11 brlcad i wouldn't take that to an extreme for all call types ;)
01:29.16 brlcad like I said, it's a balance
01:29.26 poolio yeah, I like that decision.
01:30.28 brlcad if you have a routine that has several types of possible errors, it might actually make sense to return an error code or null pointer or what have you, and have the one or two callers just check that value than have N print-error/release-memory/shut-down statements in that deep function
01:32.13 brlcad the more frequent decision is usually whether to use return codes (0 good, !0 bad) or truthfull results (true succeed, false failure)
01:32.55 brlcad or if you're c++, whether to use exceptions at all or not, other examples abound
01:34.53 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/gtools/beset/fitness.c: quell warning
01:41.52 poolio brlcad: eek, I changed that....
01:42.02 poolio brlcad: I just made it print the error and exit...oh well
01:42.19 brlcad *ahem* commit early, commit often
01:42.42 poolio I think I might actually write that on top of my monitor
01:42.51 poolio DON'T FORGET KIDS: commit early, commit often
01:42.57 poolio (that better not be relationship advice)
01:43.12 brlcad you'll hear that in jusst about every open source project if you've not already
01:43.44 brlcad only way to effectively coordinate distributed devs without halting progress -- first to commit "wins", those that follow get to potentially resolve conflicts ;)
01:43.53 poolio grargh.
01:44.28 brlcad so I have the answer to one question for you
01:45.11 brlcad the radius it assigns is only guaranteed to be larger, not tight fitting
01:45.38 poolio alright. so I think I'll stick to the bounding box
01:45.55 brlcad it computes the bounding sphere by taking half the diameter of the bounding box
01:45.56 poolio so is it a sphere that fits inside it the bounding box?
01:46.03 poolio ah ok
01:46.04 brlcad and if you remember your trig, then those numbers make more sense ;)
01:46.38 poolio Yes, but the issue with numbers had to do when it wasn't a whole number
01:46.43 brlcad s/diameter/length from the longest corner-to-corner span/
01:47.07 brlcad the radius is still fine to use, shouldn't matter
01:47.48 brlcad only happens to be obvious with a sphere since the bounding box is significantly bigger than the sphere, then that box's bounding sphere is then larger
01:47.58 poolio yeah true
01:48.05 poolio so I can still leave that I guess
01:48.50 brlcad btw, a good testing value (aside from a debugger) for shooting rays is nirt and/or rtshot
01:51.33 brlcad e.g. rtshot -d 0 0 -1 -p 0 0 1000 test.g sph (shoots down the Z axis)
01:55.45 poolio brlcad: alright, so there is something messed up with my raytracing of rational numbers
01:56.30 poolio thanks for the time and effort
01:59.49 brlcad which axes are your U,V axis along?
02:00.02 brlcad xy?
02:00.04 poolio I want to say X and Y, but I also want to say I didn't check that and they might not be
02:20.40 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: 03poolio * 10brlcad/src/gtools/beset/ (fitness.c fitness.h): quell more warnings, exit instead of returning in fit_prep()
02:23.45 poolio brlcad: any luck?
02:32.23 brlcad well, the first shotline looked fine, adding some debug
02:32.46 poolio which first shotline?
02:34.00 brlcad you shoot up the Z axis at the R4 sphere, get a 8mm thick segment
02:34.58 poolio Yep. you shoot up the Z axis at the R4.01 sphere and get an 8.02mm thick segment, which is correct, but for some reason it's shifted over 1 mm?
02:51.43 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/gtools/beset/beset.c: add support for librt -x debugging (e.g. -x 1 for rt_shootray() shotline debugging, see raytrace.h for debug flags)
02:54.00 brlcad you're right, it's shifted
02:57.21 poolio brlcad: aha! the issue is that the bounding box is whole numbers it looks like
02:59.05 brlcad yes, it kicks the box up to the next whole number
02:59.11 poolio oh man...
02:59.16 poolio anyway to get decimal bounding boxes?
02:59.17 brlcad your second shotline against 4.01 looks right...
02:59.28 poolio It is, the issue was I thought the bounding box would fit the shape
02:59.46 poolio Somehow my brain missed the change in bounding box size
03:00.08 brlcad 9.01 .99 = 8.02 (shotline thickness)
03:00.26 poolio brlcad: yes I see the rt output is right, the issue is the bounding box, how can I get a more accurate one?
03:01.13 brlcad hm, well that gets a bit more complicated
03:01.29 brlcad you could compute them yourself.. but you shouldn't need a tight fitting box
03:02.10 poolio Well it's neccesary to have a tight fitting box if I want it to be able to disregard scale along the z-axis (ray)
03:02.33 brlcad firstoff, remember that these are not unitless values.. the box is within 1mm
03:04.21 poolio I mean the option would be to make the units/size bigger, but it wouldn't be too difficult to calculate it on my own
03:05.02 SuperTaz howdy
03:05.05 SuperTaz I have returned
03:05.08 poolio I also just need the min/max in the z directon
03:05.20 SuperTaz the build process still hates me, though
03:06.18 poolio brlcad: so shoot off the rays on each model, keeping track of the min/max (and all the individual rays and their parititons) then shift the rays so that the ray closest tot he point is 0 distance away and it should be good
03:06.29 poolio normalize with max ray distance - min ray distance
03:06.34 poolio that way you wouldn't ahve to re-raytrace
03:07.32 poolio but it would require storing all the rays, and separating the ray-by-ray comparison
03:08.12 poolio Thats my besat idea...
03:08.15 brlcad that's pretty good actually
03:08.31 brlcad should be faster to process too
03:08.41 poolio faster than the current implmenetation?
03:08.52 brlcad that said, you can get at the bounding box before it's clamped
03:09.38 poolio what do you mean (i don't quite understand :P) ?
03:10.13 brlcad sorry, doing too many things at once :)
03:10.32 brlcad what I mean is that the clamping is done for ray-trace partitioning/optimization reasons
03:10.35 poolio you mean in librt and prepping? I can get a closer bounding box?
03:10.45 poolio brlcad: yeah understood, but wouldn't I have to hack up librt?
03:10.46 brlcad before calling prep, it should be the tight-fit box
03:11.20 poolio wait, so when I extract the rt_i from the database it's the actual bounding box?
03:11.53 SuperTaz brlcad: here's another pastebin link, this time with a couple of extra lines above to give you better context:
03:11.57 SuperTaz
03:12.29 brlcad poolio: the bounding sizes are computed during the rt_gettrees()
03:12.48 poolio brlcad: cheers :)
03:12.51 brlcad once you prepare for a ray-trace, the boxes are clamped so that the spatial partitioning is well-behaved
03:13.03 brlcad (i.e. during prep)
03:13.03 poolio brlcad: so just overwrite the clamped values after rt_prep() ?
03:13.16 brlcad eep, no, don't do that
03:13.26 brlcad but you can grab/stash them if you like
03:13.33 poolio wait, why not?
03:13.42 brlcad it clamps them for a reason :)
03:13.54 poolio What's the reason?
03:14.00 poolio is it a lot faster when using whole numbers?
03:14.09 poolio (for the bounding box)
03:14.39 brlcad that, and there are all sorts of tolerancing and scene iteration that occurs as the ray is marched through a scene
03:15.01 poolio brlcad: so stash the value and use it to shift and normalize the rays?
03:15.15 SuperTaz brlcad: it looks like a problem with whitespace in CFLAGS
03:15.28 brlcad you don't have to perform the same equations when progressing a ray and can get away with just checking signs for example
03:16.09 poolio brlcad: wait what? are you referencing the advantages of clamping the value?
03:16.10 brlcad poolio: sure, you can do that .. though I like your other idea too of just keeping track of all of the rays and computing as a post-process -- either way
03:16.46 poolio brlcad: Do you see an advantage to post-processing? To me that's just more data storage which seems pretty pointless. You can store the model easily enough and obtain that raytraced data if needed. That's the idea of the whole program ;)
03:16.49 brlcad SuperTaz: I've seen that before, but it's been a long time
03:18.01 SuperTaz brlcad: I'm trying to track it down, but so far I've had no luck in figuring out where it's introduced
03:18.48 brlcad the wierdness is that it hasn't "run before" yet, I think it's a matter of the CFLAGS from the top-level configure not matching what configure is passing to the sub-configure
03:19.08 SuperTaz brlcad: that's exactly what's happening
03:19.10 brlcad poolio: not a really strong advantage
03:19.19 poolio brlcad: I like the rt_shootray debbugging, thanks for that :)
03:19.24 brlcad some advantages and disadvantages
03:19.51 poolio mind iterating some of the advantages?
03:20.18 SuperTaz brlcad: the question is whether there's an easy hack
03:20.20 SuperTaz ls
03:20.23 SuperTaz oops
03:21.00 brlcad good question
03:22.39 brlcad poolio: cache coherency -- mild performance difference (which is an entirely pointless statement without profiling of course)
03:22.44 SuperTaz I think I found something, though...the generated configure script seems to set up some whitespace
03:22.56 poolio brlcad: yeah, over my head. I have no clue what you mean by cache coherency :P
03:23.05 brlcad pointless because it could be entirely countered by avoiding memory allocations and other management logic
03:23.07 poolio brlcad: optimization comes after functionality
03:23.21 brlcad yup
03:23.29 brlcad and speculative optimization is bad
03:23.33 brlcad shame on me for saying it ;)
03:23.35 poolio brlcad: alright, I'll try to fix up this damn bug finally
03:23.54 SuperTaz brlcad: I'm trying to fake it out...I just modified the cache file and re-ran configure
03:24.02 SuperTaz don't think it'll work, but it's worth a shot
03:25.14 SuperTaz poolio: it's the law of diminishing returns at work
03:25.51 brlcad poolio: the only other reason would be if you ever changed your ray shooter to not shoot rays orthogonally down an axis
03:26.15 SuperTaz poolio: in the performance realm, we have to analyze whether the potential gains of [further] optimization of a particular piece of functionality outweighs the investment
03:26.25 brlcad that will undoubtedly cause aliasing issues down the road without jittering the rays, though whether that matters remains to be seen
03:26.34 poolio brlcad: which I don't really see a reason to, but it'd be interesting to try to run the GA at different axis and see how it does
03:26.54 brlcad poolio: even better, not along any axis at all
03:26.56 poolio SuperTaz: yes yes.
03:27.09 poolio brlcad: I fail to comprehend, but okay :)
03:27.14 brlcad sample from all around the bounding sphere, for example, until you converge on a mass
03:27.35 poolio oh, by axis i just meant arbitrary line through the object, not x,y,z
03:28.13 poolio brlcad: wait, why wouldn't shooting it from just one angle converge on a mass?
03:29.31 SuperTaz brlcad: wouldn't random sampling work out to be more costly in the long run?
03:30.58 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/other/tk/ tk doesn't have a unix/dltest dir to prodclean
03:31.14 brlcad SuperTaz: depends on the goal/purpose
03:31.28 SuperTaz or are you talking about aiming inward from the boundary horizon, instead of outward?
03:32.19 brlcad shooting rays at the object to effectively point-sample it through-and-through
03:32.42 SuperTaz assuming that you're using the center of the bounding sphere as either the target or origin of the ray, firing inwards would be more efficient than firing outwards
03:32.59 poolio errrrr
03:33.10 brlcad you generally don't want to shoot rays from inside geometry
03:33.20 SuperTaz yes
03:33.43 SuperTaz but I mean as the anchorpoint of the trajectory if you're not firing along an axis
03:34.16 SuperTaz i.e. using it as the fulcrum on which the arbitrary axis rests
03:34.20 brlcad also wouldn't want to always shoot at the center
03:34.43 SuperTaz yes, but I'm talking about shooting inwards from the horizon, instead of outwards from the object
03:34.50 brlcad that will bias the ray density for various shapes, sampling more points at portions near the center
03:34.56 SuperTaz if you're randomly sampling
03:35.11 brlcad i don't think anyone ever suggested shooting "outwards"
03:35.12 SuperTaz hrmmm...I suppose that's true
03:35.14 brlcad :)
03:35.32 SuperTaz no, but I misunderstood the topic, seeing as how I walked in late, I believe ;)
03:36.46 SuperTaz and was largely thinking aloud and re-adjusting my assumptions, when I realized that random sampling is only inefficient when it's outward (the further away you get from the centroid, the less coverage area you have)
03:38.01 SuperTaz i.e. if you have a 1 degree spread between 2 rays, it's pretty dense right near the object, and exponentially approaches completely useless the further away you get from the object (the distance between the two objects increases)
03:38.12 SuperTaz err...rays, not objects at the end of that
03:38.34 SuperTaz perhaps instead of using a centroid, there's some sort of path one could create, though
03:38.39 SuperTaz BTW
03:38.56 SuperTaz configure is re-starting itself with new CFLAGS, which is screwing it up
03:39.28 brlcad which autoconf are you using?
03:39.36 SuperTaz sec
03:39.39 brlcad default mac version, or fink or ports or something?
03:39.59 SuperTaz autoconf (GNU Autoconf) 2.59
03:40.08 SuperTaz ports, I believe
03:40.25 SuperTaz might be stock, though
03:40.39 SuperTaz looks like it's stock
03:40.47 SuperTaz it's in /usr/bin
03:40.57 SuperTaz ports is /opt/bin or /usr/local/bin, iirc
03:42.18 SuperTaz I'm considering trying to specify the cflags, and seeing what happens
03:42.58 SuperTaz re-extracting the src over what's existing, though, since I accidentally typed autoconf -v before autoconf --version
03:43.08 SuperTaz and autoconf -v hoses stuff
03:44.44 SuperTaz there is a spot where it does a check and sets CFLAGS=" "
03:44.53 SuperTaz I suspect there's more than one place that it does that
03:44.55 SuperTaz probably 2
03:45.01 SuperTaz or it hits that spot twice
03:45.13 SuperTaz and the whitespace stays
03:45.36 SuperTaz specifying the cflags on the command line will PROBABLY remove the problem
03:45.41 SuperTaz we shall see
03:46.15 SuperTaz of course, it would be best to remedy the bug
03:46.22 SuperTaz thanks, yukon
03:46.24 brlcad could just be a matter of trimming the whitespace in before it gets to the sub-configures
03:46.39 SuperTaz I've been doing this stuff for many years...I've learned to be patient
03:47.01 SuperTaz port one application or write one network stack and you will learn enough patience to last a lifetime
03:47.43 SuperTaz brlcad: that might work
03:48.43 SuperTaz I'm happy to apply a patch if you want to experiment, even if I do get it to build successfully with my attempted trickery ;)
03:49.08 SuperTaz I've never really messed with autoconf much
03:49.20 SuperTaz so it's admittedly a little bit of a weakness
03:49.32 SuperTaz (and a lot of smoke and mirrors, imho :P )
03:49.59 brlcad yeah, lemme test here
03:50.03 SuperTaz k
03:50.09 yukonbob SuperTaz: you running 7.10.0
03:50.10 yukonbob ?
03:50.19 yukonbob (or rather, trying to run)
03:50.34 SuperTaz yes
03:50.42 SuperTaz on OS X 10.4.10
03:52.40 SuperTaz have something I am trying to design, and learned modelling in the mid-90's with Alias and Explore, so I'm used to both NURBS and solids modellers
03:53.20 SuperTaz but I also had dynamation and kinemation expertise, and this project actually needs materials simulation
03:53.42 brlcad yukonbob: most people are oblivious to deps, even 'most' devs
03:54.01 SuperTaz which means I either have to find a way to get the now-extinct Explore and port it to OS X or Windows, or find something else
03:54.02 brlcad they care about features, functionality, and a clean compile usually from my experience
03:54.06 SuperTaz enter BRL-CAD ;)
03:54.34 brlcad SuperTaz: we're open to new devs if you have an itch that you want to scratch ;)
03:54.38 SuperTaz and, frankly, I don't use tcl/tk for much on this machine
03:54.42 SuperTaz hehehe brl
03:55.54 yukonbob ?is there currently any nurb support, or is that what poolio is working on atm
03:56.01 SuperTaz heh
03:56.51 SuperTaz you know...I like both types of modelling
03:57.01 SuperTaz which probably makes me a rare breed
03:57.20 poolio yukonbob: nope. i'm not really working on anything.
03:57.22 brlcad the big tasks going on right (i.e. the major focus of this year) now are a new BREP/NURBS implementation, a STEP geometry converter, and a new modeling interface
03:57.39 poolio yukonbob: a bizarre GA project :)
03:57.47 SuperTaz nice
03:57.50 yukonbob "GA"?
03:57.56 poolio genetic algorithm
03:58.01 poolio brlcad: who's goign to do the STEP converter?
03:58.02 yukonbob ah, right.
03:58.03 SuperTaz actually, the materials stuff does look interesting to me :)
03:58.14 brlcad yukonbob: there is support for nurbs in brl-cad .. albeit slow and problematic, you can generally only create them programmaticly or via iges import
03:58.28 SuperTaz and the physics engine support would be nice to have, too
03:59.01 brlcad more importantly, though, is a completely new (re)implementation and integration of a brep/nurbs primitive
03:59.08 SuperTaz of course, with nearly a million lines of code already in the project, getting acquainted with the guts of something I haven't even seen, yet should be a bit of a challenge ;)
03:59.48 SuperTaz brlcad: essentially, you're going to add NURBS to the GUI modeller?
03:59.49 brlcad poolio: I've worked on it some, but I'm trying to find someone else who can work on the step converter
04:00.34 SuperTaz so you can do what they did with Explore in the mid 90's, when they added NURBS and blob modelling to the solids modelling
04:00.39 brlcad SuperTaz: also fortunately, the package is fairly compartmentalized into various tools and libraries.. so you don't necessarily need to understand the majority of those millino lines before you can make something useful/interesting/improved
04:01.13 SuperTaz brlcad: good to know
04:01.20 SuperTaz I did notice that in the diagram
04:01.37 poolio SuperTaz: I'm a fairly young amateur coder and if you hvae a specific project, you can probably learn most of what you need to know in at most a couple weeks
04:01.39 SuperTaz of course, physics and materials are both fairly complicated
04:01.44 brlcad yes, going to add nurbs modeling to the gui -- probably focusing more on a new gui instead of hooking it into mged .. though mged might get some functionality in that area .. still tbd
04:02.21 brlcad SuperTaz: diagram?
04:02.48 SuperTaz poolio: I used to do standards work and R&D at a fortune 50 manufacturer, so I know...but there's a different between finding where to put the shoehorn, and understand why the shoehorn works :)
04:03.01 SuperTaz brl: flowchart of how data moves?
04:03.03 SuperTaz on the web
04:03.13 poolio SuperTaz: yep, I'm currently satisfied with just sticking the shoehorn in there.
04:04.12 SuperTaz pool: that's good for smaller stuff, but for major undertakings, such as interfacing complex libraries like a physics engine, you really have to understand the mechanics of the shoe, shoehorn, sock, and foot
04:04.43 SuperTaz just takes a little longer :)
04:05.00 SuperTaz and is a little more frustrating when you get things wrong, until you're intimately familiar with it :)
04:05.02 poolio SuperTaz: true, you're at a far differnet leve than I
04:05.33 brlcad SuperTaz: ahh, that old thing .. yes ;)
04:05.46 SuperTaz hehehe
04:06.02 poolio W0000000000T.
04:06.06 poolio working :D :D
04:06.24 SuperTaz getting the physics stuff in isn't going to happen easily
04:06.39 SuperTaz btw, brl...specifying the cflags didn't help
04:06.44 SuperTaz it still re-introduced the whitespace
04:07.18 SuperTaz shame I don't have contact info for Frances from Xaos, anymore
04:07.44 SuperTaz she would have been really adept at getting you your 2D compositor in place in a few days of effort
04:08.14 SuperTaz she programmed most of the effects in Xaos Tools
04:09.34 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/misc/
04:09.34 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: refactor the entire library processing so that it uses the exact same list that
04:09.34 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: is used to compile from configure without maintaining a separate list in here.
04:09.34 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: add additional options for libdir, includedir, and ldflags too. still need to
04:09.34 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: scan the FLAGS vars for automake vars
04:09.40 SuperTaz back in the 90's, in the days when an Onyx was the size of a refigerator and was about as powerful as my PC, and when the notion of a z-buffer was so new that you couldn't move the render window, else you'd get artifacts from all over :P
04:10.30 SuperTaz's only the CFLAGS that are seeing injected whitespace
04:10.38 SuperTaz the CPPFLAGS and LDFLAGS are just fine
04:12.09 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/gtools/beset/beset.c: remove the if, just make the EOF check part of the case
04:12.16 SuperTaz wound up with the following when I tried specifying the same CFLAGS at the commandline that it added:
04:12.17 SuperTaz
04:12.39 brlcad CFLAGS is special
04:12.59 SuperTaz in the short bus sense?
04:13.17 SuperTaz or as in you have oodles of special handling in there (which I seemed to notice...)
04:13.34 yukonbob SuperTaz: lots of info on Frances Dose on the 'net, if she's the one you were thinking of that worked at Xaos
04:13.42 poolio brlcad: stop touching up mah code ;)
04:13.48 poolio well I guess that was yours but ... heh :)
04:14.00 brlcad no, there's only one place where CFLAGS is treated special and it's done to override autoconf's default -g -O2 behavior
04:14.34 SuperTaz yes, that's the one, yukon :)
04:14.42 SuperTaz getting her to contribute would be interesting, though
04:15.46 SuperTaz not sure that che could, though
04:15.51 SuperTaz she's working for philips now
04:16.21 yukonbob
04:16.25 SuperTaz so she might be contractually prohibited from doing it
04:16.37 SuperTaz yeah
04:16.43 brlcad ah, I see what the issue is
04:17.02 SuperTaz it was pretty cool to learn pandemonium from the person who programmed all of the routine
04:17.16 brlcad it's retrying configure because it fails to find X11
04:17.18 SuperTaz and I also got to meet the GUI designer
04:17.24 SuperTaz hrmmm
04:17.32 SuperTaz that's what it did the first time
04:17.41 SuperTaz so I specified the location of x11
04:17.43 SuperTaz and then it found it
04:17.52 brlcad checking for X11 link functionality... no
04:17.55 SuperTaz here's my configure line (before the CFLAGS attempt)
04:17.57 *** join/#brlcad PrezKennedy (
04:18.14 SuperTaz ./configure --with-x11=/usr/X11R6 --prefix=/usr/local/brlcad --disable-retry
04:18.22 SuperTaz hrmmm
04:18.28 SuperTaz any ideas?
04:18.44 brlcad you used that and it gave you ?
04:23.48 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ finally rip out the retry code -- causes too many headaches and confusion when the retry also fails since it has the tendency to hide the original real problem.
04:24.48 SuperTaz yup
04:24.51 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/m4/ ( retry.m4): retry macros are no longer needed, the configure retry code was ripped out
04:25.18 brlcad for some reason, it's not obeying the --disable flag
04:25.59 brlcad you will likely have better luck working off of cvs head now ;)
04:26.06 SuperTaz hahaha
04:26.19 SuperTaz I need to install cvs on this box, I suppose
04:26.23 SuperTaz I only have svn ;)
04:26.43 SuperTaz cause that's what I use for everything these days :)
04:26.49 brlcad we're doing the conversion over to svn later this year
04:26.57 SuperTaz ahhh, good :)
04:27.09 SuperTaz ahhh
04:27.15 SuperTaz apple provides cvs
04:27.26 brlcad I've converted most of the other projects I work with a long while ago, but brl-cad's conversion will need to be rather careful
04:27.33 brlcad ~cadcvs
04:28.33 ibot To obtain BRL-CAD from anonymous CVS: cvs -d login && cvs -d checkout -P brlcad
04:28.35 SuperTaz *nod*
04:28.35 SuperTaz I have to go find the instructions for using cvs to suck down brlcad ;)
04:28.36 brlcad we've got almost 25 years of comprehensive cvs history to retain ...
04:28.36 brlcad ibot: wake up
04:28.45 ibot ACTION throws a barrel-full of ice water on up and shouts "GOOD MORNING!!!!"
04:28.46 SuperTaz well, you COULD keep the cvs repository around
04:28.48 SuperTaz though I'm sure it's possible to keep it
04:29.10 brlcad it is perfectly possible, but it's not automatic
04:29.17 SuperTaz *nod*
04:29.48 poolio brlcad: what the heck. why was I quicksorting the candidate individuals based on fitness?
04:29.52 brlcad and from my perspective, it's absolutely necessary .. not going to import fresh and just leave the history in cvs
04:30.19 brlcad poolio: for crossover selection and other advancement criteria?
04:30.36 poolio brlcad: well they dont need to be sorted for any of those... oh well..
04:30.46 poolio ill just comment it out, i'm sure i'm going somewhere with it I just have forgotten where
04:31.14 SuperTaz SHOULD keep the history
04:31.16 brlcad you have lots of knobs you can tweak, like migrating the top N unmodified/unmutated, droping the bottown M outright, etc
04:32.08 SuperTaz if you didn't want to use subversion internally, you could just expose nightly builds via svn (script a cvs checkout and a svn checkin)
04:32.31 brlcad SuperTaz: we're rather proud of our extensive history, we just may have the oldest repository histories that has remained intact
04:32.35 SuperTaz I suspect this cvs checkout is gonna take a while
04:32.38 poolio brlcad: well the way I do it is that I use the fitness as a weight, and a weighted random individual picker
04:32.50 poolio brlcad: but I guess for other selection methods it makes sense
04:33.01 SuperTaz brlcad: that's awesome :) I read up on the history of the's part of what attracted me to it :)
04:33.03 brlcad the fact that we started even before cvs existed
04:33.23 SuperTaz yeah
04:33.42 SuperTaz what did the original team use for version control?
04:33.54 PrezKennedy a notepad
04:33.56 PrezKennedy haha
04:34.02 brlcad talking to the ohloh folks a few months back, our history does/did go back the farthest of all projects in ohloh
04:34.17 brlcad SuperTaz: it was in rcs before moving to cvs
04:34.19 SuperTaz heh...that's cool
04:34.21 SuperTaz ahhh
04:34.25 SuperTaz god...I remember rcs
04:34.38 SuperTaz almost forgot that we used to use rcs
04:34.53 SuperTaz heh
04:34.56 SuperTaz scary, huh?
04:35.00 brlcad we gave the ohloh folks quite a head turn when brl-cad was added to their index
04:35.12 SuperTaz it's been a good decade plus since I used ci/co ;)
04:35.27 brlcad they thought their import was catching "all commits to head" when in fact it wasn't
04:35.37 SuperTaz hahahaha :)
04:35.50 brlcad all of brl-cad stats were massively wrong, missing thousands of commits through the 80's
04:36.10 SuperTaz yikes
04:36.15 brlcad a little hidden tidbit of knowledge about how cvs works
04:36.29 poolio brlcad: I'm off for the night, but thanks for fixing up my code
04:36.32 brlcad they were only pulling the latest rcs revision from cvs
04:36.37 brlcad on head
04:36.41 SuperTaz *nod*
04:36.53 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: 03poolio * 10brlcad/src/gtools/beset/ (beset.c fitness.c population.c fitness.h): fixed bug where spheres with non-whole radii produced odd results
04:37.02 brlcad since we predated, the rcs revision numbers have continued to be tweaked/incremented over the years for various accounting purposes
04:37.10 SuperTaz *nod*
04:37.10 brlcad night poolio
04:37.21 SuperTaz wow...checkout finally finished :)
04:37.30 brlcad they had to rearchitect their database and reimport all CVS projects when the found that out
04:38.35 SuperTaz hehehe...nice
04:38.43 SuperTaz nothing like a paradigm shift :)
04:38.58 SuperTaz hadn't they ever seen a project that had been ported from rcs to cvs before?!?
04:39.05 SuperTaz or am I just old?
04:39.10 SuperTaz (and I'm not that old!)
04:39.11 brlcad you're just that old ;)
04:39.14 poolio 480 person years. geeeeez.
04:39.19 poolio gnite guys
04:39.20 SuperTaz yikes
04:39.22 SuperTaz nite poolio
04:40.29 SuperTaz all I can say is...I wasn't around the last time the Cubs won the World Series ;)
04:41.22 brlcad heh, nor was I by a long shot :)
04:41.53 SuperTaz how long have you been monkeying around with brl-cad? ;)
04:42.07 *** join/#brlcad cad54 (
04:43.44 brlcad since just a couple years before mike passed
04:43.50 SuperTaz *nod*
04:44.04 SuperTaz he passed in 2000, correct?
04:44.04 brlcad about 9 years now
04:44.27 brlcad yeah, Nov 2000
04:44.34 brlcad did you know him?
04:44.45 SuperTaz no, I don't think we ever crossed paths
04:44.56 SuperTaz unless we met at Siggraph or some such
04:45.55 SuperTaz but back in the days of Siggraph (for me), I was mainly in the animation, mastering, and film areas
04:46.03 brlcad hard to miss him at siggraph, he was very much in the "elite elders" crowd
04:46.04 SuperTaz not as much in the cad area
04:46.10 SuperTaz hehehe
04:46.28 SuperTaz yeah, I may have met him in passing in the 90's
04:46.44 SuperTaz I would remember if I'd had the opportunity to talk in depth
04:47.20 brlcad he really was a brilliant guy (in many ways)
04:47.33 brlcad and exceptionally charismatic
04:47.41 SuperTaz I remember that's where I got my introduction to the guys from MRL at NYU
04:48.06 brlcad one of the main reasons I was attracted towards working on brl-cad
04:48.07 SuperTaz got to check out their robotics and fab lab there when I was next in NY...that was great
04:48.10 SuperTaz *nod*
04:48.18 SuperTaz it's a shame I never got to know him
04:48.34 SuperTaz those are my favorite types of people :)
04:49.04 SuperTaz at the IETF meetings, that was the crowd I was always around
04:49.14 brlcad aha
04:49.16 SuperTaz used to play nuclear war with the elders :)
04:49.52 SuperTaz now that was some fun
04:50.14 brlcad speaking of the ietf.. do you know don merrit?
04:51.14 SuperTaz not really
04:51.41 SuperTaz it's been a few years since I was really involved with the IETF
04:51.44 brlcad he was the long-time ietf representative from BRL / ARL
04:51.48 SuperTaz *nod*
04:52.10 SuperTaz I didn't really know him
04:52.40 brlcad just came to mind because I ran into him at the ball field just last week and some comment about the ietf came up :)
04:52.47 SuperTaz hehehe
04:53.11 SuperTaz I knew Scott Bradner and Allison Mankin
04:53.19 SuperTaz I was in transport
04:53.26 SuperTaz sigtran/TSVWG
04:53.29 SuperTaz seamoby
04:53.33 SuperTaz rohc
04:53.53 SuperTaz knew Randy Bush
04:54.03 SuperTaz used to run into him a bunch
04:54.14 SuperTaz a lot of the guys I worked with were from europe, too
04:54.26 brlcad foreign names to me :)
04:54.35 SuperTaz yeah, different area
04:56.55 brlcad so what caught your eye with brl-cad?
04:56.57 SuperTaz actually, I think he did a bunch of work in the transport area
04:56.59 brlcad presume you haven't used it before?
04:57.06 SuperTaz no, I still haven't used it ;)
04:57.54 SuperTaz it was that it's a solids modeller
04:58.06 SuperTaz and that it can import and export several formats
04:58.39 brlcad been a bit of a rocky start, from adapting to the conversion to open source, setting up an infrastructure that can grow collaboratively
04:59.00 SuperTaz essentially, I have a design in my head that I need model and ultimately produce drawings of
04:59.02 brlcad fighting the old-age bagged (the modeler's gui) which maintaining active development ;)
04:59.12 SuperTaz heh :)
04:59.19 brlcad s/which/while/
04:59.37 SuperTaz yeah, I figured ;)
04:59.54 SuperTaz (btw...configure is running with ./configure --with-x11=/usr/X11R6 --prefix=/usr/local/brlcad)
05:00.09 SuperTaz (we'll see if it finds X11 and/or completes this time
05:00.10 SuperTaz )
05:00.27 SuperTaz anyway, I need to get this idea out of my head and figure out whether it'll work
05:00.42 SuperTaz it'd be great if I could simulate what happens when it's dropped
05:00.45 brlcad if you get interested in running a performance test, you'll probably also want to add --enable-optimized for faster performance
05:00.50 SuperTaz but I realize that won't really happen
05:00.57 SuperTaz oh?
05:01.02 SuperTaz I can stop it
05:01.06 SuperTaz and add that
05:01.14 brlcad either way, it's perfectly fine without it too
05:01.44 brlcad brl-cad also includes a benchmark performance suite that most like running, gives a really historic perspective of your system's performance
05:01.48 SuperTaz stopped it, added the flag, re-ran it
05:02.20 brlcad don't forget to make clean to clear out the unoptimized object files
05:02.21 SuperTaz *nod* yeah, that's pretty cool
05:02.31 SuperTaz it was in configure, still
05:02.39 SuperTaz didn't get to make
05:02.58 SuperTaz unless you broke the cardinal rule, and configure compiles more than tests??
05:03.03 brlcad you can run the benchmark either via "make benchmark" after the regular build completes or via the "benchmark" command after installation completes
05:03.11 SuperTaz *nod*
05:03.17 SuperTaz I'll probably install first
05:04.09 PrezKennedy alright you old folks time for me to hit the hay
05:04.09 SuperTaz this machine is an old PowerMac G4
05:04.17 brlcad PrezKennedy: heh
05:04.25 PrezKennedy crazy people expect me to care about their hardware problems on a friday morning
05:04.29 SuperTaz heh
05:04.39 SuperTaz neither am I, neither am I!
05:04.55 SuperTaz relative to some people, I'm quite young
05:05.32 SuperTaz I haven't even lived half of my life (I hope)
05:05.39 brlcad and with the upcoming advancements in medicine, one might live to be 300
05:05.56 brlcad *ahem*
05:06.00 SuperTaz well, I CERTAINLY haven't lived half of my life if I break 150 :)
05:06.16 SuperTaz or 120
05:06.18 SuperTaz or 100
05:06.21 brlcad you don't look a day over 130
05:06.21 PrezKennedy i havent even hit a quarter of mine
05:06.23 SuperTaz . . .
05:06.26 PrezKennedy i win!
05:06.35 SuperTaz well
05:06.38 SuperTaz yes, you win
05:06.41 SuperTaz I suppose
05:06.48 SuperTaz if it's a contest
05:06.50 brlcad dunno
05:06.54 brlcad with a name like PrezKennedy
05:07.04 brlcad sounds like a recipe for "early retirement"
05:07.08 SuperTaz hahahaha
05:07.20 SuperTaz he may have lived half of his life already, and he just doesn't know it
05:07.40 SuperTaz assuming he's at least in the second half of his teens
05:07.51 PrezKennedy early 20's
05:08.02 SuperTaz ahhh
05:08.14 brlcad that's approaching mid-life crisis then
05:08.14 SuperTaz <==== not early 20's ;)
05:09.33 brlcad age is but a state of mind and I'm getting younger every day
05:09.41 SuperTaz heh
05:09.51 SuperTaz kennedy was 46 when he died
05:10.08 SuperTaz so if you're 23 or older, you're screwed, son ;)
05:10.31 SuperTaz (yes, I had to look that one up)
05:10.53 PrezKennedy no relation
05:10.56 PrezKennedy so im not worried
05:11.04 SuperTaz wow...he won't even know where he was when the challenger exploded
05:11.12 SuperTaz geez
05:11.35 PrezKennedy give it a few years and neither will you ;-)
05:11.58 SuperTaz you know...that's something that will stick in my mind for the rest of my life
05:12.32 SuperTaz I remember exactly where I was
05:12.36 SuperTaz and how stunned I was
05:12.49 SuperTaz and we interrupted our lunch to have a minute of silence
05:13.48 brlcad had a really interesting lecture about the name for those "life anchor" events in psychology in college
05:13.52 SuperTaz I felt so awful for her students
05:13.58 brlcad how you can date generations by those events
05:13.59 SuperTaz yeah?
05:14.05 SuperTaz it's true
05:14.11 brlcad as one tends to stick out moreso than others
05:14.17 brlcad even as other major events occur
05:14.21 SuperTaz I've had more than one of them, unfortunately
05:14.54 SuperTaz that, the world trade center bombing, the oklahoma city bombing, the final attack on the world trade center
05:15.17 brlcad yep
05:15.34 SuperTaz okay...configure completed that time
05:15.42 SuperTaz I'm going to scroll back to see if it caught X11
05:16.07 SuperTaz looks like it
05:16.14 SuperTaz 13 minutes, 37 seconds to configure
05:16.21 SuperTaz the joy of a G4 400
05:16.34 SuperTaz make will take hours, I'm sure
05:17.52 SuperTaz probably let it grind away while I sleep ;)
05:18.47 SuperTaz take it psych 101 was after the challenger exploded for you? ;)
05:19.25 *** join/#brlcad tofu (
05:20.04 tofu others being landing on the moon, kennedy being shot, the tsunami, cuban missile crisis, pearl harbor, ...
05:20.09 SuperTaz heh
05:20.23 SuperTaz you were certainly not alive for all of those?
05:20.24 *** mode/#brlcad [+o brlcad] by ChanServ
05:20.45 brlcad heck no
05:20.47 SuperTaz katrina
05:21.14 brlcad doubt katrina was "big enough"
05:21.24 PrezKennedy gnight folks
05:21.27 SuperTaz I'm guessing psych 101 for you was somewhere between the challenger exploding and the first world trade center bombing?
05:21.28 brlcad generally has to be "shocking"
05:21.33 brlcad not just tragic
05:21.34 *** join/#brlcad poolio (
05:21.53 SuperTaz I dunno...katrina was pretty profound for a lot of people
05:22.06 SuperTaz and pretty shocking
05:22.38 SuperTaz that the government couldn't handle it, that they let the levees fail, that a HUGE piece of american history was wiped out (NO had a LOT of history that was destroyed)
05:22.39 brlcad no, I experienced challenger up front and center -- I was one of millions of kids in grade school that tuned in from the classroom attently watching the launch
05:22.47 SuperTaz *nod*
05:23.00 SuperTaz that puts you in your late 20's to early 30's
05:23.14 brlcad thereabouts
05:23.25 SuperTaz we weren't watching the launch
05:23.30 SuperTaz we were having lunch
05:24.02 SuperTaz the kitchen staff were listening to the launch on the radio
05:24.09 SuperTaz and came out into the lunchroom to tell the asst. headmaster, whose table I was sitting at
05:24.41 SuperTaz at the time, I still had dreams of being an astronaut
05:24.49 SuperTaz hadn't quite broken the height limit, yet
05:26.06 SuperTaz btw...I'd be a fan of seeing the site redone in rails
05:26.40 SuperTaz as opposed to drupal/mediawiki
05:26.48 SuperTaz just a personal bias ;)
05:27.22 *** join/#brlcad zapp (
05:29.27 brlcad :)
05:30.04 brlcad or lack thereof ;)
05:30.07 SuperTaz hahahaha
05:30.11 SuperTaz complete lack thereof
05:30.15 SuperTaz I develop that way, too ;)
05:30.19 SuperTaz it makes me more efficient
05:32.46 SuperTaz there don't seem to be any open source precision physics engines, btw
05:33.27 SuperTaz and the real-time physics engines are pretty much useless for simulation, unless you want them for basic animation purposes only, instead of for simulation
05:35.05 brlcad looked at ODE?
05:35.12 SuperTaz yeah
05:35.29 SuperTaz it's realtime rigid body
05:35.47 SuperTaz <PROTECTED>
05:35.53 SuperTaz i.e. games engine
05:36.05 brlcad part of the puzzle for a games engine
05:36.09 SuperTaz or so it seems...I'm reading more
05:36.21 brlcad though useful for basic physics interactions too
05:36.28 SuperTaz yes
05:37.32 SuperTaz but if I put a physics engine into BRL-CAD, I'd want it to tell me how much force was applied at impact, and whether it exceeds deformation and breakage characteristics of a material
05:38.22 brlcad there are only a couple open source libs, ode being one of the best
05:38.24 SuperTaz though that may all be possible, in which case it'd be quite adequate
05:38.37 brlcad it could possibly do that, but you'd have to break up your problem domain some, I'd imagine
05:38.51 brlcad doubt the Bullet library could handle that either
05:38.55 SuperTaz yeah, and that could defeat the purpose
05:39.03 SuperTaz no...bullet is lower-end than ODE
05:39.04 brlcad though I've seen bullet do deformation dynamics too
05:39.09 SuperTaz can it?
05:39.16 SuperTaz it seems to be lower-end than ODE
05:39.21 brlcad it is
05:39.26 SuperTaz deformation is pretty high-end
05:39.37 brlcad it doesn't do all the work for you
05:40.09 brlcad effectively hacked together, doing some of the interactions yourself letting bullet handle the first order physics
05:40.20 SuperTaz ahhh
05:40.58 SuperTaz I don't really care about lots and lots of deformation...I'm more concerned with impact forces and material ratings
05:41.15 SuperTaz which are pretty exact
05:41.46 brlcad ODE's probably the farthest along, but they're also still mostly looking at first order rigid body dynamics
05:41.57 brlcad low energy interations, inelastic deformations
05:42.14 SuperTaz *nod*
05:42.25 SuperTaz it's just not there, yet
05:44.30 brlcad they are what I'd planned on starting with for the new modeling interface simply because they're still the farthest along and can help set up basic interactions (even just for "good" collision detection)
05:44.44 brlcad and adding on material interactions down the road
05:44.47 SuperTaz *nod*
05:45.22 SuperTaz the real question should be what you're planning on implementing it for
05:45.41 SuperTaz you shouldn't be implementing a physics engine just to implement a physics engine
05:45.47 brlcad actually nearly the same purpose you mentioned would be the driver
05:45.54 SuperTaz you should be doing it with a specific application in mind
05:45.56 SuperTaz *nod*
05:46.09 SuperTaz well, it'd be a sensible part of a materials system :)
05:47.05 brlcad it would be amusing to out-perform the (closed) physics interaction codes that hook up with brl-cad for performing V/L analyses
05:48.03 SuperTaz don't know that that would happen
05:48.15 SuperTaz i'd imagine they're pretty well optimized
05:48.21 brlcad heh
05:48.29 brlcad you'd think that wouldn't you.. :)
05:48.47 SuperTaz you would
05:48.54 SuperTaz doesn't mean it's true
05:48.57 SuperTaz but you'd hope ;)
05:49.47 brlcad the premiere code that does the interaction is far from real-time, also takes extensive prepartion to set up
05:49.49 SuperTaz they used ODE for eternal sunshine of the spotless mind??
05:50.06 SuperTaz well, real-time = less accurate
05:50.17 SuperTaz you're talking about precision vs. speed
05:50.35 SuperTaz precision is definitely better in materials simulations
05:52.05 brlcad yep
05:53.29 brlcad when you care that it's "rolled aluminum 4122" vs "hardened aluminum 5293" compared to the sims that just care that it was "aluminum" or even worse "some metal" material
05:53.55 SuperTaz well, for materials simulations, you always care
05:53.56 SuperTaz a lot
05:54.33 brlcad depends on what you mean by a materials simulation I'd think
05:54.51 SuperTaz if you're trying to determine what's going to happen when you drop something from 50 feet, you care about the properties of the materials, how they dampen force, shock, and momentum, etc.
05:55.43 brlcad well sure, that's a very specific relatively high-energy interaction
05:55.57 SuperTaz that's what I need to simulate :)
05:56.24 brlcad simulate dropping that material from 1 inch, and the simulation becomes very different
05:56.48 SuperTaz actually, it's harder at 1 inch than at 50 feet
05:56.57 SuperTaz because you have to be far more precise
05:57.13 SuperTaz calculations require high precision at 1"
05:57.22 brlcad still, depending on the purpose
05:57.25 SuperTaz at 50', they just have to be accurate
05:57.49 brlcad there was an implicit constraint of looking at the same order of magnitude change
05:57.59 SuperTaz heh :)
05:58.00 SuperTaz okay
05:58.00 brlcad e.g. "how much mass is retained"
05:58.12 brlcad very different between the two
05:59.15 brlcad but I agree that you can ask just as hard if not harder questions for any interaction
05:59.50 SuperTaz *nod*
06:00.38 SuperTaz it should be sufficient to estimate how much force is applied to what areas, and whether deformation/breakage/absorption/damping threshholds are crossed
06:00.59 SuperTaz and then what amount of energy is translated, in what direction, and so on
06:01.48 SuperTaz basically, if I have 4 pieces of steel and dampers between them, and hit them with something, how much will each move/rebound if they're on the floor
06:03.50 SuperTaz well, I used the example because the ground doesn't move
06:04.00 SuperTaz it's a simpler calculation
06:04.09 brlcad neither does a 70 ton tank generally speaking ;)
06:04.15 SuperTaz right
06:04.16 brlcad at least not significantly
06:04.59 SuperTaz actually, they move about the same amount, when it's a relatively low energy application (i.e. dropping 10 lbs 50 feet onto the stack)
06:05.45 SuperTaz they absorb/dissipate with similar characteristics
06:05.56 SuperTaz it's stuff like the human body that gets harder
06:05.59 SuperTaz but you can cheat
06:06.04 brlcad yup
06:06.15 SuperTaz essentially, you can similate a ballistics gel primitive
06:06.20 SuperTaz and then you get close enough
06:06.27 brlcad the velocities are generally much different too
06:06.36 SuperTaz yes
06:06.38 SuperTaz oops
06:06.54 SuperTaz's on opennurbs
06:07.07 brlcad hah, wow
06:07.12 SuperTaz slow, huh? :)
06:07.17 brlcad quite
06:07.22 SuperTaz G4 400 :)
06:07.23 brlcad that a g4?
06:07.25 brlcad heh
06:07.28 SuperTaz yup
06:07.31 SuperTaz it's archaic
06:07.37 SuperTaz no $$ to upgrade it
06:07.48 SuperTaz would be nice to bump it up to a faster G4
06:07.53 SuperTaz someday...
06:07.53 brlcad that's probably going to take about 2 hours from start to finish
06:08.01 SuperTaz 2 hours isn't too bad
06:08.59 SuperTaz heh
06:09.00 SuperTaz nice
06:09.47 SuperTaz you working for DoD?
06:09.48 brlcad used to take 2, but opennurbs and other developments over the past year have slowed things down
06:09.59 SuperTaz yeah, I'm sure they'd add to it
06:10.39 brlcad aside from g++ just taking way longer than gcc, in general
06:11.02 SuperTaz SGI tried to hire me when they bought Cray, to figure out how to internetwork the two platforms
06:11.04 brlcad though opennurbs is the only bit that is affected by that
06:11.31 SuperTaz it's in the d's, now
06:11.36 SuperTaz openurbs_defines.cpp
06:11.46 SuperTaz detail...
06:11.49 brlcad the one technology sgi did fortunately retain/leverage successfully
06:12.14 SuperTaz yes, I didn't go work for them
06:12.19 brlcad the craylink fiber that become numalink
06:12.23 SuperTaz if I had, my life would have been different
06:12.24 SuperTaz yup
06:12.32 SuperTaz that's what I was supposed to work on, too ;)
06:12.53 SuperTaz they were all like, WTF are we supposed to do with this?!?
06:13.09 brlcad =)
06:13.11 SuperTaz meantime, I'd just finished up a contract at Sun, managing a performance lab ;)
06:13.32 SuperTaz dealing with the (at the time) super-fast OC-3 and OC-12 stuff
06:13.41 SuperTaz and OMG!!! FIBER TO THE DESKTOP!!!
06:14.23 SuperTaz nothing like trying to determine why a driver is caught in a lock-spin-lock pattern, instead of spin-lock-spin
06:14.49 SuperTaz damned drivers were slower than 100M until that got fixed
06:14.56 brlcad i still often wish apple would have bought out sgi to recover the high-end graphics niche and supercomputing technologies sgi still held
06:15.16 SuperTaz yeah, woulda been nice
06:15.25 SuperTaz but it didn't happen
06:18.16 SuperTaz my G4 would have a 64 meg framebuffer with a z-buffer in it
06:18.24 SuperTaz and wouldn't be a 16 meg ATI Rage PRo
06:18.26 SuperTaz :P
06:18.29 brlcad hehe
06:18.35 brlcad is that a single?
06:18.44 SuperTaz actually, though, I know a guy who designs the ATI GPUs :)
06:18.50 *** join/#brlcad elite01 (
06:19.01 SuperTaz it's dual
06:19.05 SuperTaz the machine is SP, though
06:19.13 SuperTaz but I've got a VGA port and a DVI port
06:19.30 SuperTaz and the damned DVI port won't do 1650
06:19.35 SuperTaz which SUCKS
06:19.50 brlcad ah, then you could speed up your compile
06:19.51 SuperTaz because I have a Samsung 226BW
06:19.56 brlcad you using -j3 ?
06:20.02 SuperTaz no
06:20.08 SuperTaz I normally would have
06:20.20 SuperTaz but I was just happy to get it to compile
06:20.26 SuperTaz it's single proc, single core
06:20.44 SuperTaz so -j2 or -j3 at the outside are about all you can do to maximize
06:21.02 SuperTaz next build I'll do -j3
06:21.07 brlcad erm .. "it's dual" but the machine is SP?
06:21.28 brlcad it's either got one cpu or two, which is it? :)
06:23.19 elite01 HT - also known as 1.2 CPUs :)
06:23.46 brlcad the g4 didn't have ht..
06:24.13 elite01 no idea about macs
06:25.44 SuperTaz heh
06:25.49 SuperTaz no
06:25.55 SuperTaz it's SP
06:25.58 SuperTaz single proc
06:26.03 SuperTaz it's dual capable
06:26.19 SuperTaz but I can't afford a daughter card with two procs
06:26.26 SuperTaz it's dual headed
06:26.35 brlcad ah
06:26.35 elite01 ok
06:26.37 SuperTaz (If I want)
06:26.55 brlcad then yeah, -j wouldn't really do much for ya
06:27.03 SuperTaz -j2 helps
06:27.13 SuperTaz -j3 even, sometimes
06:28.10 SuperTaz because even on a SP machine you can squeeze more efficiency out when one process is io bound and the other is processor bound
06:28.21 SuperTaz -j3 can help or hinder
06:28.28 SuperTaz -j4 and above only hinder
06:28.38 elite01 makes sense
06:29.07 brlcad usually use something 1.5 to 2x whatever is available for that same reason
06:29.16 SuperTaz yeah
06:29.29 SuperTaz as I said before, though
06:29.34 brlcad particularly for autocruft apps that have big i/o interlacing phases
06:29.41 SuperTaz I just was happy enough to get the compile even STARTED ;)
06:30.03 SuperTaz opennurbs...STILL
06:30.11 SuperTaz planesurface
06:30.37 *** join/#brlcad MinuteElectron (n=chatzill@unaffiliated/MinuteElectron)
06:30.50 SuperTaz I must have forgotten to feed the hamster before I plugged it in to the accelerator port...
06:30.58 SuperTaz too late now
06:31.09 SuperTaz brb...need to take the dog out :)
06:33.46 MinuteElectron You mean... That I have been to bed and woken up and you were at work all that time.....
06:41.20 SuperTaz I think he does
06:41.42 SuperTaz true dedication (or lack of home life)
06:41.50 SuperTaz oh, FINALLY
06:41.59 SuperTaz linking opennurbs
06:50.50 SuperTaz ok...I'm off ot bed
06:50.54 SuperTaz night night all :)
06:51.05 MinuteElectron goodnight
07:16.17 brlcad MinuteElectron: something like that
07:16.26 MinuteElectron :P
07:17.00 MinuteElectron having a look at some of them webpages in that text document, the design I am making at the moment seams a bit... bland. I am making some changes to it.
07:20.21 brlcad sounds good
07:20.41 brlcad like I said, i really do expect that will be the hardest and probably the most time consuming part to get doing
07:20.50 brlcad s/doing/going/
07:50.42 MinuteElectron brlcad: Does the logo need alpha transparency or can I downgrade it to single-color transparency?
08:05.23 MinuteElectron brlcad: If you would like to take a look and give your views on a preliminary outline I have done, not much yet, but I would rather restyle it now than once I finished the entire thing - http://localhost/drupal-5.1/
08:05.33 MinuteElectron oops
08:19.26 *** join/#brlcad MinuteElectron (n=chatzill@unaffiliated/MinuteElectron)
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11:36.38 *** join/#brlcad elite01 (
11:52.27 *** join/#brlcad MinuteElectron (n=chatzill@unaffiliated/MinuteElectron)
12:40.24 poolio mornin'
13:17.43 *** join/#brlcad akreal (
13:39.43 poolio brlcad: sometime today it'd be sweet if you could explain a bit to me how to get a binary tree from the internal stored CSG tree :)
14:08.34 *** join/#brlcad MinuteElectron (n=chatzill@unaffiliated/MinuteElectron)
14:09.47 brlcad poolio: okay, but it'll be a while
14:10.05 poolio brlcad: alright. I'm just having issues understanding how everything is stored and how to interact with the stored trees
14:10.52 poolio any source code examples anywhere? I see the red black tree stuff, is that what I'm looking for?
14:10.56 MinuteElectron brlcad: busy?
14:11.35 brlcad poolio: no, but you could certainly store your tree in a rb treee
14:11.38 brlcad MinuteElectron: a bit
14:12.04 MinuteElectron Okay, whe you get a chance your opinon on http://localhost/drupal-5.1/ would be appreciated. I have done a lot of work on it this morning, but there is no rush.
14:12.12 brlcad poolio: probably first want to get familiar with creating csg trees (man libwdb, look in src/proc-db and/or src/mk)
14:12.21 brlcad MinuteElectron: localhost doesn't help me :)
14:12.34 MinuteElectron Oops,
14:12.37 poolio brlcad: thanks
14:13.22 poolio brlcad: is there a way to work online with the internally stored tree? like duplicate an entire CSG tree and the modify it internally and save it to a new database?
14:13.24 brlcad poolio: then after you know how to create them, you can look at the code that traverses them -- the converters are pretty boilerplate src/conv/
14:13.40 poolio alright cool. that should be plenty to start me off with, thanks for the pointers
14:13.40 brlcad there are at least three different ways to traverse too
14:13.51 MinuteElectron The logos on the side are there to make the sidebar bigger for the time being, but will be removed once I add more stuff to the sidebar.
14:13.51 poolio eek. and i'm sure advantages and disadvantages for reach
14:14.05 brlcad db_walk_tree() being one, manual iteration, and another whose name escapes me
14:15.15 brlcad MinuteElectron: looking like progress, though I'd remove all the powered by spam on the panel :) .. there should be a page dedicated that talks about the site, gives credits
14:15.39 MinuteElectron Yeah, as I said - that was just to make the sidebar longer.
14:15.53 brlcad ah, missed that
14:16.01 MinuteElectron dw
14:16.43 MinuteElectron brlcad: I wasn't keeping logs, can you remind me what is going into MediaWiki and what is going into Drupal?
14:17.36 brlcad mediawiki is all of the dynamic content, drupal is for the stuff that hooks into a database or stuff that is fairly static
14:18.24 brlcad e.g. there's going to be a knowledge base "faq" of sorts -- that's entirely mediawiki
14:19.01 brlcad but a profile page of premiere brl-cad users would be in a drupal page
14:19.04 MinuteElectron Okay, that gives me a good starting point.
14:20.11 MinuteElectron So as a brainstorm:
14:20.28 MinuteElectron What are the items going to be listed on the navigation?
14:20.35 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/misc/ strip out flags that have ${variables} in them that refer to the src path
14:21.00 MinuteElectron I presume you want 'Home', 'About', 'News'
14:22.29 MinuteElectron I guess that they will all be on Drupal.
14:22.37 MinuteElectron Download would also be on Drupal
14:23.31 MinuteElectron and probably Contact (although I am not sure whether or not it would be best to use a MediaWiki extension, Drupal extension or custom form for that).
14:23.51 MinuteElectron Then the documentation and FAQ would be on MediaWiki.
14:23.52 brlcad MinuteElectron:
14:24.01 MinuteElectron Oh, cool.
14:24.06 brlcad subject to change and rearrangmenet of course, but that's a start
14:24.13 MinuteElectron You always seem to be one step ahead of me :P
14:24.35 brlcad been ready for this for quite a while -- just need someone to actually do it and take all the glory ;)
14:26.03 brlcad also, be sure to drop the register mark -- I'm not convinced the phrase itself is registered any more, at most it's a TM
14:26.28 MinuteElectron ok
14:45.21 poolio |10:18| <@ brlcad> mediawiki is all of the dynamic content, drupal is for the stuff that hooks into a database or stuff that is fairly static
14:45.24 poolio |10:18| <@ brlcad> e.g. there's going to be a knowledge base "faq" of sorts -- that's entirely mediawiki
14:45.27 poolio |10:19| <@ brlcad> but a profile page of premiere brl-cad users would be in a drupal page
14:45.32 poolio ah sorry guys
14:45.38 poolio Middle mouse button in dismay :\
15:29.18 SuperTaz Elapsed compilation time: 3 hours, 33 minutes, 42 seconds
15:29.29 SuperTaz that's how long it takes on a G4 400
15:30.02 brlcad heh SuperTaz ..
15:30.29 SuperTaz sad, huh?
15:31.03 brlcad i thought my dual 500 g4 was slow :)
15:31.17 SuperTaz hahaha
15:31.31 SuperTaz this thing crawls :)
15:32.19 poolio makes my aging laptop feel speedy :)
15:32.29 SuperTaz heh :)
15:33.05 SuperTaz yeah...I'm doing make install, first
15:33.47 poolio brlcad: I'm taking g2asc.c and stripping it to my needs :)
15:46.47 MinuteElectron brlcad: and
15:47.50 MinuteElectron Please suggest improvements, everything is working (fully tested in Safari, IE, Firefox and Safari) except the list in the left box when you are logged in and the tabs (no longer tabs) in IE.
15:49.04 SuperTaz install just finished
15:50.00 poolio is the color scheme permanent? like the "solid modeling for a strong defense" banner doesn't really fit well with the left nav bar
15:50.22 MinuteElectron It can be changed, what color do you suggest?
15:50.54 poolio dunno, i'm not a good design person, I just don't think it works :P
15:51.02 MinuteElectron hmm
15:51.07 poolio You could try just matching it to the left nav green
15:51.17 MinuteElectron perhaps, one sec
15:51.53 poolio <-- scale it down pleeeeease :)
15:52.31 SuperTaz Minimum run time is 3 minutes, 12 seconds
15:52.31 SuperTaz Maximum run time is 30 minutes
15:52.31 SuperTaz Estimated time is 9 minutes, 36 seconds
15:52.59 MinuteElectron poolio: Will do once I am finished.
15:53.53 MinuteElectron poolio: look now
15:54.07 MinuteElectron I think the colors do need to be different.
15:54.18 MinuteElectron Let me try a different one
15:55.25 SuperTaz interesting watching this thing run
15:55.25 poolio MinuteElectron: I don't think it's just the colors, I think my main gripe is I want more of a banner at the top of a page
15:55.34 SuperTaz probably doesn't help that I'm doing other things at the same time, though
15:55.42 poolio note: my opinion doesn't matter and it is only my opinion, so don't just change it cause I don't like it, other people may think it's awesome :)
15:56.00 MinuteElectron no, I need a second opinon
15:56.09 MinuteElectron poolio: so you want the banner to be alightly taller
15:56.46 SuperTaz heh
15:56.47 MinuteElectron *slightly taller?
15:58.38 MinuteElectron poolio: look now
16:00.41 SuperTaz Abs Fruit-Punch.local 47236.61 22868.08 27491.27 22049.86 25273.94 31281.82 29366.93 Fri Jun 29 10:59:04 CDT 2007
16:00.41 SuperTaz *vgr Fruit-Punch.local 344.76 341.00 490.30 413.22 357.53 2.11 324.82
16:00.41 SuperTaz #*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#
16:00.41 SuperTaz Benchmark results indicate an approximate VGR performance metric of 325
16:00.41 SuperTaz Logarithmic VGR metric is 2.51 (natural logarithm is 5.78)
16:00.43 SuperTaz #*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#
16:01.57 SuperTaz that's a G4 400
16:02.02 SuperTaz with other stuff going on
16:02.21 brlcad heh, nice
16:03.15 SuperTaz yeah
16:03.28 brlcad SuperTaz: it won't be incredibly affected by other activities on the machine as it is measuring cpu time, wallclock measurements are stored elsewhere
16:03.36 brlcad at most, a 10% variance
16:03.45 SuperTaz less than half the speed of your dual 500 unde 10.2
16:04.01 SuperTaz but 10.4 is known to have higher overhead in exchange for more stability
16:04.03 brlcad which is probably about right given the lineage of those machines
16:04.12 SuperTaz could be
16:04.38 MinuteElectron brlcad: busy?
16:04.44 SuperTaz is your dual 500 a sawtooth, gigabit ethernet, digital audio, or quicksilver?
16:15.17 SuperTaz well, mged appears to actually run :)
16:27.55 MinuteElectron brlcad: Please can you take a look at the website?
16:29.49 *** join/#brlcad tarzeau (
16:54.36 AchiestDragon Benchmark results indicate an approximate VGR performance metric of 3421
16:54.38 AchiestDragon Logarithmic VGR metric is 3.53 (natural logarithm is 8.14)
16:54.49 SuperTaz what is that?
16:54.54 SuperTaz (arch)
16:55.31 SuperTaz not bad
16:58.03 elite01 quad xeon and just a gig of ram? pah! :)
16:58.48 AchiestDragon for £200 GBP im not grumbling
17:00.15 elite01 uh
17:00.15 elite01 ook
17:00.31 brlcad SuperTaz: I suspect with the right CFLAGS, you'd actually come out at around 400MHz .. the G4 is almost right on 100 vgr's per MHz
17:00.44 brlcad s/400MHz/400 vgrs/
17:02.32 elite01 where's thy benchmark result stored?
17:02.48 brlcad elite01: hm?
17:02.53 elite01 in brlcad?
17:02.59 elite01 some file?
17:03.08 brlcad don't understand the question
17:03.27 brlcad when you run the benchmark, it outputs the results right then and there as well as writing out to log files
17:03.29 elite01 if i run the brlcad benchmark, is the result stored in some file or just printed to the console?
17:03.30 SuperTaz you think I could get it that high?
17:04.22 elite01 can't find the log file, just individual ones for the pictures
17:04.39 brlcad elite01: the file named "summary" has the important details
17:04.41 brlcad two lines per run
17:05.19 brlcad if you are using the latest cvs head sources, then there's also a run-####-benchmark.log file that has the entire output that you saw during the run written to a file
17:05.43 elite01 hmm i can't find either
17:06.35 elite01 anyway, this centrino duo seems to be pretty decent
17:08.21 *** join/#brlcad MinuteElectron (n=chatzill@unaffiliated/MinuteElectron)
17:08.28 AchiestDragon its ony a dual cpu xeon it shows up as 4 because of hyperthreading
17:08.37 elite01 i see
17:08.53 SuperTaz HT is blech
17:09.03 SuperTaz get one with dual cores :)
17:09.14 elite01 still, i just have 3324.60 bogomips on each cpu (which of course precisely describes the performance, as the name implies)
17:10.45 brlcad elite01: are you running from cvs head?
17:10.52 brlcad if so, the results are in the bench/ dir
17:10.54 elite01 hmm no, just 7.10
17:13.59 elite01 Benchmark results indicate an approximate VGR performance metric of 3544
17:13.59 elite01 Logarithmic VGR metric is 3,55 (natural logarithm is 8,17)
17:14.03 elite01 look at that, AchiestDragon :P
17:14.12 elite01 on a T2300
17:14.13 elite01 gtg, cu
18:09.21 *** join/#brlcad tarzeau (
18:15.45 AchiestDragon not bad
18:16.59 AchiestDragon but as you can see from this pic i have 3 dual xeon machines atm
18:22.26 AchiestDragon i have been looking at getting a dual quad core xeon mobo and chips but there a bit overpriced atm
18:23.04 SuperTaz heh
18:27.00 brlcad AchiestDragon: hehe, a rack in your room.. nice
18:27.08 brlcad that's gotta be a bit noisy
18:27.22 brlcad that wood paneling?
18:27.54 *** join/#brlcad dtidrow (
18:28.04 AchiestDragon its got a half door it makes the systems a bit quieter , no its cardboard on the sides the side pannels are a bit tatty
18:28.21 brlcad ah
18:29.26 dtidrow just ran 'make benchmark' on my Dell M90 here: 5620
18:29.54 *** join/#brlcad MinuteElectron (n=chatzill@unaffiliated/MinuteElectron)
18:29.58 dtidrow not too shabby for a latop :-)
18:30.06 AchiestDragon :)
18:30.31 dtidrow of course, work owns it ;-)
18:31.02 dtidrow no way I could afford a $7k laptop...
18:31.17 brlcad that's pretty sweet for a laptop
18:31.30 dtidrow mbp?
18:32.05 dtidrow you want system specs?
18:32.09 dtidrow 10os[Linux 2.6.20-1.2948.fc6 i686] 10cpu[2 x Intel(R) Core(TM)2 CPU T7600 @ 2.33GHz @ 2.33GHz] 10mem[Physical : 2802MB/3288MB Free] 10disk[Total : 3.28GB/48.48GB Free] 10video[Quadro FX 2500M] 10sound[]
18:34.03 *** join/#brlcad cadguy (
18:34.09 dtidrow there's actually 4GB of system memory, but apparently it can only access ~3.3GB of it in 32-bit mode - I'd have to switch to a 64-bit install to get at the rest
18:35.22 poolio man. i want a new laptop now :P
18:35.46 brlcad mac book pro
18:36.01 dtidrow oh, yeah - 1920x1200 flatpanel :-)
18:36.15 brlcad ah, not that one
18:36.23 brlcad i won't get that one for a few more weeks
18:36.32 poolio ...bastard
18:36.35 brlcad i have the one right before it now
18:36.45 poolio brlcad: send me the old one ;)
18:36.49 dtidrow lol
18:36.50 brlcad hehe
18:37.07 brlcad that new display on those is amazing
18:37.34 poolio you're gonna kill your eyes looking at that flat panel. 1600 is bad enough
18:37.35 dtidrow wish it had one of the mobile G80-based gfx cards, though...
18:37.54 dtidrow pixels? what pixels? ;-)
18:38.53 dtidrow yeah, I've had to up the font size on most of my apps - turning forty sucks...
18:38.56 AchiestDragon i like the dell 2405fpw 24" lcd i have , the new 32" is even better aparantly
18:39.30 dtidrow and the prices for those have really come down, too
18:39.53 AchiestDragon they seem to be droping each month
18:40.10 dtidrow I have one at home, but those new 24" LCD's for around $650 are really tempting...
18:40.51 AchiestDragon btw if you still have a crt a new 19" lcd will pay for itself 2 years just by what you save in power over a 20" crt
18:41.25 poolio yeah yeah. once I get my paycheck I might think about investing in one to take with me to college
18:43.38 MinuteElectron I sit here with a feeling of awe. I thought getting a 19" LCD flat panel monitor was good, yet you guys talk about 24" LCD's as if they are mid-range.
18:44.14 dtidrow they are now :-)
18:44.20 AchiestDragon yes
18:44.36 dtidrow just a couple of years ago they were $2000 or more
18:44.50 MinuteElectron Heh, my 2.4Ghz processor could never compete with what you guys are benchmarking at.
18:45.28 brlcad 24"? pffft.
18:45.35 dtidrow I need to try my Athlon X2 at home and see how it does - still haven't finished updating it
18:45.52 dtidrow Mike would be proud ;-)
18:45.58 brlcad :-)
18:45.58 AchiestDragon
18:47.50 dtidrow - holy crap
18:47.57 dtidrow wonder if it's any good....
18:48.23 dtidrow $440 for a 24" 1920x1200??? damn!
18:51.19 brlcad nice
18:51.46 dtidrow yeah - wonder what's wrong with it... ;-)
18:52.02 poolio brlcad: if my monitor "breaks" and I suddenly cannot work.... hmmm....
18:52.30 dtidrow lol
18:52.34 brlcad i probably have an old 12" b&w crt I could loan ya
18:52.41 dtidrow rofl
18:53.02 poolio brlcad: damn you. :P
18:53.06 brlcad g'evening cadguy
18:53.21 cadguy Top of the day brlcad
18:53.28 brlcad or afternoon or whatever it is
18:54.13 dtidrow yeah, that was nice
18:54.22 cadguy Anybody running out to get their iPhone today?
18:54.31 dtidrow pfft!
18:54.50 AchiestDragon the 30" dell ones are £815 GBP here atm
18:55.44 SuperTaz I have a 22" Samsung
18:55.44 SuperTaz 2ms
18:55.54 SuperTaz nicest damned monitor I've seen
18:56.01 SuperTaz still gives me wood
18:56.11 brlcad cadguy: probably tomorrow
18:56.31 MinuteElectron SuperTaz: What model?
18:56.35 dtidrow SuperTaz: which model?
18:56.37 brlcad maybe later today, but pretty busy afternoon
18:56.39 dtidrow gmta
18:57.02 SuperTaz it's a 226BW
18:57.17 MinuteElectron I have a 940N
18:57.23 poolio You guys and your toys, share the weatlh.
18:57.38 *** join/#brlcad IriX64 (
18:57.44 MinuteElectron SuperTaz: It is the same, but only 19" and only has analog input and is not widescreen.
18:58.06 dtidrow - not bad...
18:58.21 dtidrow $320 before the rebate
18:58.39 MinuteElectron <-- mine
18:59.07 SuperTaz so, basically, it's a different monitor ;)
18:59.22 MinuteElectron yeah
18:59.45 MinuteElectron *space
18:59.59 IriX64 (stuff albumn) 1st picture
19:01.42 poolio Wow guys
19:01.56 poolio this is my monitor:
19:02.02 dtidrow IriX64: isn't working here
19:02.12 IriX64 that url?
19:02.17 IriX64 just a sec
19:02.25 poolio IriX64: it never works for me
19:02.42 dtidrow poolio: nice compact laptop :-)
19:02.44 poolio dtidrow: xml parsing error?
19:02.49 IriX64 try now
19:02.59 poolio dtidrow: Yes it is, the issue I have is it's a bit small and uncomfortable for 9 hour work days.
19:03.07 dtidrow XML Parsing Error: syntax error
19:03.07 dtidrow Location:
19:03.07 dtidrow Line Number 3, Column 49:<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN">
19:03.07 dtidrow ------------------------------------------------^
19:03.09 poolio I'm looking to get an ultraportable for college, like a 12 or 13"
19:03.26 IriX64 what are you using?
19:03.30 *** join/#brlcad jimmyz (
19:03.38 *** join/#brlcad jimmybrb (
19:04.01 dtidrow firefox v.
19:10.12 IriX64 try that, havoc.png
19:11.16 cadguy poolio: I've been impressed with the MacBook. Nice CPU. The only thing it lacks is a really high performance graphics chip (they save that for the Pro)
19:11.16 dtidrow ugh - not loading :-\
19:11.25 IriX64 :)
19:11.57 poolio cadguy: Yeah, I'm not sure I want a macbook. They're a bit overpriced for what you get and everyone has them. I'd also want something smaller and with better battery life I think
19:12.20 poolio This 14" is really nice, and a nice GPU, the issue is just that the battery life is short cause of the GPU and it's a bit too heavy to trek around with.
19:13.33 cadguy I've also had good luck with Lenovo. My issues is I want something *reliable*. The Macs and Lenovo's have been good to me.
19:13.34 poolio cadguy: and as corny as it is, I need my right mouse button, mainly for key combos in my WM
19:13.52 poolio is there a 12 or 13" lenovo?
19:14.37 poolio I think with the new macbook pros they should have just gone ahead and divided it in two. I mean how often do you find yourself Ctrl+Clicking...there's a reason the mighty mouse exists for the desktop, now give us right click on the laptops
19:15.25 dtidrow dang, this laptop isn't as expensive as I thought - ~$4200 for this configuration
19:15.35 cadguy Check the lenovo X series.
19:15.38 poolio are you kidding me?
19:15.44 poolio dtidrow: that sounds hella expensive to me
19:15.54 dtidrow less than what I thought it was
19:15.57 cadguy Again, my criteria is *reliable*
19:16.04 dtidrow I was guessing it was around $7000
19:16.27 poolio cadguy: as opposed to? bleeding edge?
19:16.32 cadguy 61's start at 1215.00 US
19:17.09 poolio cadguy: ugh, they are only XGA?
19:17.09 cadguy gotta go get lunch
19:17.21 poolio cadguy: enjoy
19:18.29 brlcad cadguy: is that the same chris johnson??
19:18.39 brlcad (from the article)
19:18.41 MinuteElectron cadguy: 61" monitor?
19:18.42 IriX64 dtidrow: check that site for rotated :)
19:19.33 MinuteElectron <-- my monitor
19:19.36 MinuteElectron *computer
19:20.33 IriX64 back to my compile :)
19:20.45 dtidrow IriX64: which site?
19:20.56 poolio MinuteElectron: Do I spy mIRC?
19:21.13 MinuteElectron No, that would be ChatZilla.
19:21.54 MinuteElectron poolio: lol, what is bad about mIRC?
19:22.11 SuperTaz wrong question
19:22.15 poolio ...nothing
19:22.20 MinuteElectron oh,
19:22.22 MinuteElectron I see,
19:22.25 MinuteElectron mIRC is good.
19:25.21 MinuteElectron brlcad: Are you busy?
19:25.34 brlcad MinuteElectron: always
19:25.34 brlcad what's up?
19:26.50 MinuteElectron I altered the colors, added the tabs and added the navigation.
19:27.06 brlcad I see I see
19:27.10 brlcad hmmm
19:28.10 brlcad don't like the tagline up top, but the bar color is interesting
19:28.12 MinuteElectron The tabs (although they aren't really tabs) don't work properly in IE yet (still trying to diagnose the problem) and the box on the left has this freaky navigation thing which I can't get to go white (when you are logged in).
19:28.35 MinuteElectron So keep the bar, but remove the tagline?
19:28.55 MinuteElectron and perhaps make the bar a solid color?
19:29.21 IriX64 it's beautiful MinuteElectron
19:29.43 MinuteElectron IriX64: you really think so? wow, thanks.
19:30.30 MinuteElectron brlcad: Are you still thinking?
19:30.36 IriX64 first time i've seen it
19:31.09 IriX64 login username a bit large but that could be a good thing :)
19:31.10 brlcad dtidrow and whomever else was following, MBP benchmark results:
19:31.12 brlcad Benchmark results indicate an approximate VGR performance metric of 5937
19:31.28 poolio brlcad: are you kidding me!?!?!?
19:31.39 poolio brlcad: what kind of crazy optimizations did you do... I've got dual 1.83s and I only got 3k
19:31.40 IriX64 what else was going on?
19:32.44 dtidrow brlcad: MBP?
19:32.49 brlcad poolio: did you --enable-optimized?
19:32.58 brlcad dtidrow: mac book pro
19:33.02 dtidrow ah
19:33.05 IriX64 when mine builds i'll try one :)
19:33.18 dtidrow which cpu?
19:33.33 IriX64 me? opteron
19:33.57 brlcad Intel(R) Core(TM)2 CPU T7600 @ 2.33GHz
19:34.09 dtidrow 10cpu[2 x Intel(R) Core(TM)2 CPU T7600 @ 2.33GHz @ 2.33GHz w/ 4096 KB L2 Cache]
19:34.17 dtidrow that one, iow :-)
19:34.18 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: 03jlowenz * 10brlcad/src/librt/g_brep.cpp: update CloseTo signature (takes a Sample (rename to ON_CurveSample or something) to return the closes point)
19:34.36 brlcad er, you have a 2x2cpu?
19:35.21 dtidrow dual core, yes
19:35.28 brlcad i.e. two dual cores
19:35.52 brlcad or a single dual core
19:36.00 brlcad the 2 x is throwing me off
19:36.02 dtidrow just the one dual-core cpu
19:36.07 brlcad okay, so same chip
19:36.54 brlcad difference is probably in the OS and optimization options
19:36.56 *** join/#brlcad yukonbob (
19:36.58 dtidrow the cpu detection logic doesn't make the distinction between cores and cpu packages
19:38.17 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: 03jlowenz * 10brlcad/src/other/openNURBS/ (opennurbs_curve.h opennurbs_curve.cpp): flesh out implementation of CloseTo (generic curve version samples the curve and uses a binary search to try and find the closest point)
19:40.18 dtidrow well, I ran configure with --enable-optimized, did you do anything else in addition?
19:43.37 *** join/#brlcad PrezKennedy (
19:47.16 brlcad yup, a slew
19:47.22 brlcad bbl
19:52.55 SuperTaz brb
20:00.14 cadguy MinuteElectron: I like the faded bar on the top. Looks cool. The green background on the left I think is a bit shocking or out of place. Pick complementary colors?
20:00.55 MinuteElectron Hmm, I have one person saying the green on the left was bad and another saying that the green at the top (which I removed) was bad. It seams everyone hates green.
20:01.29 IriX64 i like green reminds me i should commune with nature :)
20:01.29 *** join/#brlcad SuperTaz (
20:01.31 cadguy The key is there is nothing else in the color scheme which works with the green.
20:01.51 MinuteElectron There isn't? I thought that the gold went well...
20:02.04 MinuteElectron Anyway, I need to think of a color to replace the green.
20:02.14 SuperTaz there we go
20:02.16 cadguy Everything else is softer. The green stands out as a saturated, in-your-face effect compared to the gradual muted tones elsewhere
20:02.23 IriX64 (nowthisisasystem.png) shot of mine in action :)
20:02.24 SuperTaz just added an extra 512 meg stick of RAM
20:02.30 SuperTaz that helps a bit :)
20:03.13 cadguy Desaturate the green and try it.
20:03.39 MinuteElectron cadguy: ok
20:03.43 cadguy Go for a slightly more olive look
20:04.12 cadguy there's also the blue in the logo that you could work with.
20:05.23 cadguy Perhaps the silver-grey of the right side of the eagle's head? Maybe a brown or a blue?
20:06.25 cadguy The logo already gives a bit of the color scheme, unless you're willing to be modifying the logo somewhat.
20:06.38 MinuteElectron look now
20:07.25 cadguy Much less jarring. Need to mod the logo so the lower green area is "transparent" and matches the background I suppose.
20:07.37 cadguy I like it much better now.
20:07.45 MinuteElectron purge your cache please
20:09.32 IriX64 forgot the faceplate, look for faceplate.png :)
20:10.20 cadguy I'd still mod the green of the logo a little. Other than that, I think you've got something. Still need to drop the Tag line at the top?
20:10.42 MinuteElectron brb
20:12.10 dtidrow,1558,2151961,00.asp?kc=ETRSS02129TX1K0000532 - rofl at reason #1
20:12.47 dtidrow ah - no wonder it'
20:13.20 dtidrow it's so deserted around here - it's "iPhone Day" ;-)
20:17.48 IriX64 wheres the uPhone :)
20:22.44 MinuteElectron cadguy: removed the tagline and topbar gradient
20:24.08 MinuteElectron cadguy: I am not going to edit the logo because I didn't make it. If it is really important I will ask brlcad - he might have the original files.
20:24.11 IriX64 should break down and understand that mug tutorial, instead of just playinf with the example geometry sigh.
20:24.21 IriX64 errr playing
20:25.27 cadguy MunuteElectron: Looking good now.
20:25.36 MinuteElectron cool
20:25.38 MinuteElectron thxs
20:26.07 MinuteElectron If only it didn't break in IE.
20:27.07 cadguy There's a certain poetic justice there
20:27.26 IriX64 how does it break in ie i just loaded it.
20:27.49 MinuteElectron IE6
20:27.59 IriX64 thats me
20:28.06 MinuteElectron hmm, which page are you on?
20:28.06 IriX64 looks good
20:28.14 IriX64 the test page
20:28.18 MinuteElectron IriX64: do you have a different browseR?
20:28.28 IriX64 i have firfox too
20:28.33 IriX64 firefox
20:29.05 MinuteElectron try it in there
20:29.05 IriX64 just a sec.
20:29.05 MinuteElectron it looks completely different.
20:29.08 MinuteElectron then go to the create account page in IE, the yellow bar goes smaller
20:30.30 IriX64 works here looks just as good :)
20:31.04 MinuteElectron hmm
20:31.11 MinuteElectron odd
20:31.14 MinuteElectron very odd
20:31.19 MinuteElectron what screen resolution are you on?
20:31.28 IriX64 create account, just a sec ill reload ie
20:31.40 IriX64 1024x768
20:32.10 MinuteElectron Hmm, maybe that is the reason.
20:32.30 MinuteElectron I am on 1280x1024
20:32.42 MinuteElectron Ahh well, if no one else can replicate it I needent worry.
20:33.23 IriX64 ie.png
20:34.37 MinuteElectron I cannot access that server for some reason.
20:35.39 MinuteElectron I get a connection failed error.
20:35.44 IriX64 really?
20:35.46 MinuteElectron yeah
20:35.54 IriX64 i was updating it sorry
20:36.01 IriX64 try now
20:36.10 IriX64 same server mapped.png :)
20:37.00 MinuteElectron I still can't access it - it asks for a username, then a password then aborts
20:40.19 MinuteElectron IriX64: You still there?
20:42.58 IriX64 anonymous ftp
20:43.19 IriX64 use any e-mail address i care little
20:43.47 IriX64
20:44.05 IriX64
20:44.12 dtidrow doesn't work here either
20:44.33 dtidrow could be a filter of some sort on the domain, though
20:44.41 IriX64 what are you using?
20:44.44 dtidrow would commandline ftp work?
20:44.49 IriX64 should
20:44.54 IriX64 let me try
20:44.58 MinuteElectron I am using WinSCP4
20:46.44 dtidrow [dtidrow@localhost ~]$ ftp
20:46.44 dtidrow Connected to
20:46.44 dtidrow 220- Access to the Sympatico Personal Webserver
20:46.44 dtidrow 220- is only available to Sympatico subscribers
20:46.44 dtidrow 220-
20:46.45 dtidrow 220- You must be connected via Bell Sympatico
20:46.47 dtidrow 421 Service not available, remote server has closed connection
20:46.49 dtidrow ftp>
20:46.53 MinuteElectron same here
20:47.04 IriX64 lemme call sympatico, ill be back
21:01.43 IriX64 sigh they're looking at it sorry
21:02.48 MinuteElectron dw
21:04.25 IriX64 could give you my username and password i guess (*not*) :)
21:06.04 MinuteElectron :P
21:08.37 IriX64 sorry should have asked, do you want it?
21:12.43 MinuteElectron want what?
21:12.52 IriX64 a dcc of ie.png
21:12.59 IriX64 dcc send
21:14.03 MinuteElectron sure
21:29.39 IriX64 sending
21:29.53 MinuteElectron thanks
21:30.28 MinuteElectron It failed.
21:30.28 IriX64 i have no idea :)
21:30.35 IriX64 drat
21:30.51 IriX64 doh, im behind a wall :)
21:31.03 MinuteElectron bah, one sec
21:31.12 MinuteElectron IriX64: You have an SCP client?
21:31.20 MinuteElectron *SFTP
21:33.51 MinuteElectron IriX64: PM -->
21:45.03 IriX64 alas no
21:45.10 IriX64 i can mail it to yoy
21:45.13 IriX64 you
21:57.02 IriX64 finally a chance to do a make benchmark :)
22:02.51 MinuteElectron afk
22:03.22 IriX64 :)
22:03.44 IriX64 prefer ask
22:03.46 IriX64 ?
22:03.53 IriX64 a sad kind :)
22:05.32 MinuteElectron back
22:09.08 IriX64 <--- benchmark on an opteron
22:27.01 IriX64 thats an optimized build with compiler optimization enabled too
22:28.56 dtidrow hmmmm
22:29.02 dtidrow brlcad: you still around?
22:31.17 IriX64 he answers "frayed knot" :P
22:33.11 IriX64 minuteelectron, have you considered the stryker jpg for background on that page?
22:33.21 MinuteElectron what is that?
22:33.46 IriX64 look in screen shots and images on
22:34.33 IriX64 it's my current wallpaper
22:34.44 MinuteElectron hmm, I personally I don't think background images work very well - I can try but don't hope for much.
22:34.57 IriX64 your choice :)
22:34.58 MinuteElectron Also I would need it in a much highe resolution.
22:35.12 IriX64 ill e-mail you one
22:35.13 MinuteElectron and also it would much up depending on your resolution.
22:35.18 IriX64 if you'll permit
22:35.23 SuperTaz ermmm
22:35.24 MinuteElectron yeah, ok
22:35.31 SuperTaz background images are bad, mmkay?
22:35.44 MinuteElectron background images are best if the are a simple repeating pattern.
22:35.50 SuperTaz NO!
22:35.59 SuperTaz background images are bad
22:36.08 MinuteElectron ok
22:36.16 SuperTaz the ONLY case where they're marginally okay
22:36.32 SuperTaz is when they're a watermark
22:37.22 SuperTaz i.e. they're in a static spot on the page and don't repeat
22:37.25 SuperTaz and are faint
22:37.31 IriX64 sent
22:37.35 SuperTaz and even that isn't reliable cross-browser
22:37.38 MinuteElectron recieved
22:37.43 IriX64 sorry i don't do pages well
22:37.52 SuperTaz it's okay
22:38.02 IriX64 thanks
22:38.04 SuperTaz it's really a question of several elements
22:38.18 SuperTaz good design must have the following elements:
22:38.29 SuperTaz 1) it should be easy to use
22:38.43 SuperTaz 2) it should incorporate natural usage paradigms
22:38.52 SuperTaz 3) it should be aesthetically pleasing
22:39.04 SuperTaz 4) it should make the users feel good
22:39.09 SuperTaz that's a good design
22:39.22 SuperTaz well
22:39.27 IriX64 woot ogl came up :)
22:39.42 SuperTaz 1.5) it should do what the users need it to do
22:40.08 MinuteElectron Does BRL-CAD compile and run on Windows?
22:40.32 IriX64 depends who you talk too ;)
22:40.52 MinuteElectron Oh o.O
22:41.37 MinuteElectron how do you mean?
22:42.24 SuperTaz I think he means "not reliably"
22:42.43 IriX64 don't put lies in my mouth please :)
22:42.46 SuperTaz I suspect you could probably get it to work with cygwin and XFree86
22:42.49 MinuteElectron Oh, ok.
22:43.04 IriX64 how about X11R6
22:43.07 IriX64 :)
22:43.07 SuperTaz but i haven't tried
22:43.15 AchiestDragon well i can understand the 1 and 2 bit
22:43.35 SuperTaz XFree86 IS X11R6
22:43.56 IriX64 adsl you have to remnt :)
22:43.59 SuperTaz it's a specific distribution and port of X11R6
22:44.02 IriX64 rent too :)
22:44.09 MinuteElectron dsl = damn small linux
22:44.22 IriX64 pfu=pretty fine unix
22:44.33 MinuteElectron it would appear not
22:44.39 AchiestDragon think the best example i can think of is blender , it takes a while to learn how to use the gui , against well the 3d editor in autotrax that you can pickup on in minuts
22:45.13 MinuteElectron How many GBs is BRL-CAD uncompiled?
22:45.38 IriX64 whos brlcad?
22:45.42 AchiestDragon 28Gb on the source download but that compressed
22:45.51 MinuteElectron wtf?
22:45.52 AchiestDragon mb not gb
22:45.54 dtidrow MB, you mean
22:45.55 MinuteElectron Holy crap.
22:46.05 MinuteElectron oh 28MB
22:46.08 MinuteElectron that is not much
22:46.19 MinuteElectron I was expecting something like 5GBs.
22:46.23 IriX64 it is when you're waiting for the transfer
22:46.38 IriX64 use cvs much better
22:46.40 dtidrow and about 176MB unpacked
22:46.49 AchiestDragon depends how you look at it , i remeber working on systems when 4k was alot of ram
22:46.50 MinuteElectron hmm, cool
22:47.18 IriX64 my s-100 had a whopping 64K
22:47.58 AchiestDragon my nascom1 had 1k and the pdp8 i had had 4k
22:48.24 IriX64 how much did the sinclair have?
22:48.25 SuperTaz I remember when your program had to fit in 4k...
22:48.43 IriX64 brlcad wouldn't do well there :)
22:48.44 SuperTaz ...and just how much people could do with 4k back then.
22:48.53 AchiestDragon 1k on the zx80 and zx81 the spectrum had 16 or 48k
22:48.59 IriX64 then microsoft came along :P
22:49.17 dtidrow and massively fscked everything up....
22:49.44 IriX64 look at it this way you get much more bytes for your money now :P
22:50.24 AchiestDragon i tend to do programming in asm and i used a lot of microcontrolers with 1 to 8k of ram doing quite a lot for the ram size , if i programed the same in c i would be looking at needing a chip with more than 4 times the ram
22:51.11 IriX64 not if you have a good optimizing compiler
22:51.23 IriX64 and you can do asm in c
22:52.24 IriX64 ahh optimize for size instead of speed :)
22:52.40 SuperTaz you can make scrambled eggs in a blender
22:52.52 SuperTaz does that mean it's a good idea/
22:52.52 SuperTaz ?
22:53.03 IriX64 it's all experience
22:53.16 AchiestDragon yes but some code even optimized is not as quick as if you wrote the same task in native asm
22:53.18 SuperTaz if you're trying to work in 1-4k, C is probably not the language you REALLY want
22:53.43 IriX64 i know i'm just yanking your chain and it's working :)
22:54.01 SuperTaz with microcontrollers, you often want ASM, or architecture-specific development tools
22:54.27 IriX64 see above, back to testing this thing :)
22:54.35 AchiestDragon like r=a+b then call function if r=1 usualy leads to some complex c maths lib call rather than a add forlowed by a call on condition
22:55.56 MinuteElectron lol, my code had no validity errors whatsoever (except 5 irrelevant css warnings) - I am amazed.
22:56.32 AchiestDragon most of the asm tools are avalabe free for most micros , the c compilers though are usualy 3rd party but gcc will do most
22:56.41 MinuteElectron Oh dear, goodnight.
23:02.18 AchiestDragon it was not so mutch having limited ram space that was a problem but the total lack of having any sutable storage for swap space , using papertape as swap space just does not work
23:03.03 IriX64 <--- if i can't show you the pretty pictures at least I can show you this much :)
23:03.46 IriX64 does if you feed the output of the punch to the input of the reader :)
23:04.53 AchiestDragon well not realy , that way ends up with a fifo ,,
23:05.09 IriX64 heh just speculating
23:05.26 IriX64 works quite well for testing a model 28
23:05.34 IriX64 or 35 and up
23:05.53 AchiestDragon and you end up with miles of used papertape
23:06.22 IriX64 sometimes necessary and they didn't recycle back then either, mores the pity
23:06.58 IriX64 sometimes intermittent clutches were hard to find
23:07.20 IriX64 break time
23:09.03 AchiestDragon at one time the souce would come on papertape with brlcad having 176mb in the source that would take 120,000 miles of papertape for the pdp8 i had
23:09.16 dtidrow heh
23:12.37 AchiestDragon and take 54 days to read in on a asr33 teletype
23:13.20 AchiestDragon Timeout on server
23:13.21 AchiestDragon Connection was to at port 80
23:13.21 SuperTaz I think he took it down when he went offline
23:15.41 brlcad yeah, figured.. thanks
23:28.38 IriX64 I can't get there either
23:30.48 IriX64 hah a 1024 frame buffer
23:30.53 IriX64 :)
23:32.47 IriX64 and bonus it works, cyall l8r

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