IRC log for #brlcad on 20070702

00:30.56 *** join/#brlcad IriX64 (
00:36.22 *** join/#brlcad AchiestDragon (
01:01.11 IriX64 I'm playing around here :)
01:25.16 IriX64 I know you guys don't do windows, but did anybody try that, it's the unix code.
01:26.16 IriX64 no perl, but still, not bad
01:37.03 IriX64 I deleted it doh wait
01:40.27 IriX64
04:23.32 *** join/#brlcad cadguy (
05:02.51 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/liboptical/sh_light.c: doxygenify, check for null dereferencing
06:16.58 *** join/#brlcad elite01 (n=elite01@
06:30.10 MinuteElectron brlcad: The navigation in the psd image you sent me is different to that of the sitemap.txt - which should I be basing the navigation on?
07:01.50 brlcad MinuteElectron: not exactly
07:02.04 brlcad MinuteElectron: look at the second line
07:03.17 brlcad it would probably start out with no tabs depressed (as that's "Home" and where the logo takes you)
07:05.52 brlcad the other categories will still be a part of the site, just not necessarily on the "titlebar menu" .. the sitemap would probably be hidden down below for example, no need to have that up front and center
07:16.05 brlcad yeah, probably should have explained that earlier -- those two lines up top starting with Home were two main menus i was pondering over, the rest below are sections of the site and what goes into each section. some sections are best as blocks that lead to sections, others are menu items, others can be tiny links/sections/items/whatever just reachable from somewhere
08:48.08 *** join/#brlcad IriX64 (
09:19.50 *** join/#brlcad Laniakea (
09:28.02 *** join/#brlcad Laniakea (
09:28.39 *** join/#brlcad Laniakea (
10:14.54 *** join/#brlcad elite01 (
10:40.47 *** join/#brlcad Laniakea (
10:50.48 IriX64 Laniakea:
10:51.22 IriX64 err
10:55.15 Laniakea IriX64: did you render the pictures yourself?
10:55.27 IriX64 no those are from twibright
10:55.49 IriX64 err the other albumn is done here
10:56.03 Laniakea IriX64: are you a brl-cad developer?
10:56.17 IriX64 i don't draw though those are all examples included in brl-cad
10:56.31 IriX64 heh me no, i just play
10:57.08 IriX64 try
10:58.24 IriX64 somebody gave me a little goody to do hex bolts, wait i'll upload it
11:00.15 IriX64 it'd called hex.c
11:00.19 IriX64 it's too
11:03.17 IriX64 works i think
11:05.26 IriX64 Laniakea, you asked me, now i'll ask you, are you a brl-cad developer?
11:33.51 *** join/#brlcad docelic (n=docelic@
11:42.15 Laniakea IriX64: no I'm not
12:03.43 *** join/#brlcad poolio (
12:13.45 poolio mornin
12:14.13 IriX64 morning poolio
12:22.42 *** join/#brlcad Laniakea (
12:25.22 *** join/#brlcad Laniakea (
12:27.41 *** join/#brlcad Laniakea (
12:31.25 *** join/#brlcad Laniakea (
12:44.54 *** join/#brlcad Laniakea (
12:44.54 *** join/#brlcad Laniakea (
12:51.03 poolio brlcad: I could use a pointer or two when you get back
13:11.28 brlcad poolio: sure, what's up?
13:12.10 poolio brlcad: I'm trying to work out how I'm going to store the geometry trees/modify/save/crossover/etc...
13:12.51 brlcad lots of ways to do it..
13:12.58 poolio I see that you can use db_walk_tree to get each geometry item from a combination, but is there a way to preserve the order?
13:13.20 poolio brlcad: yes I know, I can't really decide. I was hoping to just use the internal trees and have to use say a red-black or other binary tree
13:14.03 poolio My main issue is somehow extracting the internal graph (i think it was?) into a tree form that I can easily modify
13:22.51 poolio So I basically I want to work with rt_*_internal as leaf nodes, and whatever the internal operator structure is for the other nodes
13:26.15 brlcad poolio: hmmm
13:26.35 brlcad well for starters, you hopefully saw the tree structures in raytrace.h
13:27.06 poolio Yeah
13:27.16 brlcad rt_comb_internal's (i.e. combination objects()) have a union tree * in them (called tree) that is their hierarchy
13:27.22 poolio I've looked around with db_walk_tree, but that isn't what I want, although I might write my own version
13:28.19 brlcad I mean just the containers that already exist
13:28.44 poolio what?
13:28.51 brlcad union tree * in particular, which is what most of the code uses internally for the tree structure
13:29.16 poolio oh alright, and are there functions to traverse that tree other than db_walk_tree?
13:29.53 brlcad yeah, there are like three or four ways to walk
13:30.26 poolio oh alright. and are there implemented functions for copying subparts of one tree to another?
13:30.28 brlcad db_functree() is another
13:30.54 poolio Oh wow. I somehow missed db_walk.c
13:31.52 brlcad yeah, that's a good file as well as db_comb.c
13:32.12 brlcad routines like db_flatten_tree() might be of use
13:32.15 poolio ok. So I'm going to try to keep it in a union tree and modify it from there
13:32.19 poolio what's that do?
13:32.43 brlcad flattens the tree and puts all the elements into an array
13:32.49 poolio in what order?
13:33.00 brlcad jeez, I don't remember :)
13:33.06 poolio ok ok. I'll have a looksy
13:33.21 brlcad preorder traversal if I had to guess
13:35.17 poolio and it should always be tree_db_leaf in my case?
13:35.48 brlcad ?
13:36.08 poolio the type of node for the tree?
13:36.13 poolio I think it is, oh well, I shall see.
13:37.19 brlcad no no, it's still the whole tree, but stored in a (more) simple array container
13:37.38 brlcad so you could iterate over all tree elements without actually worrying about traversing the tree
13:37.52 poolio wait, what ar eyou referencing?
13:38.11 brlcad i'm not saying that's the way to go, you'd have to figure out what the order was to see if it could be used directly for cross-over for example
13:38.26 brlcad was talking about flatten tree
13:38.34 poolio oh yeah, I think I'm going to avoid using it
13:38.46 poolio It'd be easiest of I could just keep the tree structure and just work off of that
13:42.03 brlcad you should be able to I'd think
13:42.42 poolio Yeah thanks, I was just a bit overwhelmed :P
13:42.58 brlcad count nodes in A, count nodes in B, pick crossover points for both, swap the links in their respective union tree's, write out the new trees
13:44.33 poolio I don't see why you need to count nodes, but it's simple enough
13:45.59 brlcad strictly speaking you don't
13:46.11 brlcad just one means to "pick a crossover point"
13:46.34 poolio yep. hopefully I'll get a chance to try some of the many ways to do each thing
13:46.40 brlcad rand from 0 to the node count or something
13:47.37 poolio does union tree store any info about it's internal state? like # of nodes, or anything?
13:50.04 brlcad no no, it's just a tree structure
13:50.37 poolio db_tree_nleaves() :D
13:51.54 brlcad yep, though that's leave nodes only
13:52.00 brlcad s/leave/leaf/
13:53.25 brlcad would be pretty simple to add another for counting comb nodes or all nodes
13:54.18 poolio well
13:55.03 poolio yeah, I'd actually probably count operators, not leaves
14:12.36 poolio brlcad: I'm gonna just get the design down on paper, I just need to clear it up in my head before I start coding. I'll be on the porch :)
14:28.56 MinuteElectron brlcad: Okay, I get it - thanks for the clarification.
14:47.29 AchiestDragon hmm? instructions anyone ?
14:49.10 IriX64 a thing of beauty :)
14:49.48 IriX64 as for instructions i'm outta my depth
14:51.50 AchiestDragon well i can desing qt gui's , but still to actual figure out how to get the buttons to actualy link to functioning code
14:53.20 IriX64 switch(msg1) { case button1: that type of thing?
14:53.47 AchiestDragon i was looking at using pyqt to conver the gui to python code so i can get to link it to other code modules
14:54.10 IriX64 man i know nothing about python, sorry
14:54.21 *** join/#brlcad MinuteElectron_ (n=chatzill@unaffiliated/MinuteElectron)
14:54.37 AchiestDragon but there always seems to be eric issues in suse ,and dependancy problems with the python tools for qt
14:55.02 IriX64 you have your plate full then
14:56.31 IriX64 qt stands for?
14:56.37 AchiestDragon well as i need to reinstall i happen to have a spare 80gb sata drive , thinking of puting the alpha version of kde4 and setting it up dual boot so i can get started at learning qt4
14:57.23 dtidrow IriX64: qt is a gui library
14:57.27 AchiestDragon
14:57.34 dtidrow yeah, that one ;-)
14:57.38 IriX64 I don't play with dual boot anymore, learned my lesson
14:57.45 AchiestDragon its what kde is written in
14:57.51 dtidrow pure linux now, eh? ;-)
14:58.44 AchiestDragon well dual boot when theres no windos is not realy a problem , and with 2 diferent linux installs its not so bad
14:59.58 IriX64 qt=leading edge technology obviously
15:00.08 IriX64 i'm of the old school
15:00.27 IriX64 in other words i wouldn't know what to do with it :)
15:00.58 IriX64 by your standards i'm running a toy system
15:01.30 AchiestDragon its rather than using tk
15:02.37 AchiestDragon or gtk
15:02.38 *** join/#brlcad IriX64_ (
15:02.46 IriX64_ rough ride
15:02.59 IriX64_ i run windowsxppro with cygwin
15:03.34 MinuteElectron IriX64_: You use cygwin. You wouldn't have happened to encounter this error:
15:03.36 MinuteElectron configure: creating ./config.status
15:03.37 MinuteElectron .infig.status: error: cannot find input file:
15:03.50 poolio brlcad: is there a way to extract a tree from a given rt_i?
15:03.58 dtidrow I haven't tested it yet, but I'm convinced that you take a heathly hit for doing it that way
15:04.17 IriX64 minuteelectron ive never encountered that
15:04.27 MinuteElectron ok
15:04.37 IriX64 log in config.log
15:04.41 IriX64 look too
15:04.49 AchiestDragon im trying to dich using any M$ product , i now only need windows for 3 applications ,, protel dxp , autocad , and kcam (my cnc software )
15:05.25 poolio brlcad: Ah I think I found it, ugh. Need to stop asking questions and start coding :)
15:05.49 MinuteElectron IriX64: ok
15:06.08 IriX64 AchiestDragon converting for me would be a learning curve so i get my feet wet here :)
15:07.20 AchiestDragon well have been using linux on and of since 1995 but only did a total swich on my main pc's about 4 years ago now ,
15:08.16 IriX64 AchiestDragon, see for you (now) it's easy for me it would be sink or swim although I admit theres rich documentation
15:08.19 AchiestDragon i have one machine with win2000 on that i use for protel dxp , and cad stuff , but do eveything else in linux
15:08.24 dtidrow gotta head into work - later all...
15:09.29 IriX64 pays to have multiple machines, I guess but i'm not privy to the others in this house, they belong to the children :)
15:10.44 IriX64 I kind of like what I've got actually, unix high on windows ;)
15:11.07 AchiestDragon yes , if it was not for the fact i have windows installed on one machine i would be clustering them
15:11.22 MinuteElectron Ha, this is useful the last line of config.log says 'configure: exit 1'. Now that would suggest success...
15:11.48 IriX64 errr I think it signifies an error return :)
15:11.59 IriX64 brb
15:13.11 poolio MinuteElectron: not neccesarily
15:13.51 MinuteElectron hmm...
15:14.42 IriX64 MinuteElectron does it say failed anywhere
15:16.29 MinuteElectron yes 'configure: failed program was:
15:16.31 MinuteElectron '
15:16.45 MinuteElectron | /* confdefs.h. */
15:16.50 MinuteElectron hmm,
15:17.16 IriX64 check
15:17.25 IriX64 output stuff
15:17.44 MinuteElectron Ok, the same failed linesaying 'confdefs.h' appears several times.
15:18.14 IriX64 thats normal i think depending what test it was doing
15:19.07 IriX64 back to my compile
15:22.07 IriX64 <---anybody interested in warnings like these
15:25.39 poolio IriX64: Not interested, but it's not good I think. Keep it on file :)
15:36.27 IriX64 :)
15:36.38 IriX64 i'll fix my copy :)
15:52.37 IriX64 AchiestDragon: Is Mr. Chips available in toy version, I know plenty of children who would have a ball with such
15:54.10 poolio brlcad: I'm trying to figure out how to extract a struct rt_db_internal and can't seem to figure out how. I've got the soltab and looked through the rt_functab but didn't see anything
16:09.46 poolio Or I guess I don't really need rt_db_internal, can I just modify the soltab shape specific data and then write that?
16:11.16 *** join/#brlcad LostThePlot_ (
16:16.52 *** join/#brlcad iday (
16:25.06 poolio brlcad: hmm, the soltab is just in memory isn't it...
16:34.23 poolio mannn.... that was a huge waste of time
16:34.39 poolio lunch time
16:43.47 AchiestDragon well ok , just about to start reinstalling linux see if i can cure this x problem
17:13.49 IriX64 got the guy who wrote hex.c to at least add his first name soproper credit is there.
17:15.57 IriX64 I've run it but have no need for bolts here :)
17:52.41 SuperTaz heh
17:53.22 SuperTaz by a show of hands, who thinks it'd be a nice feature if left clicking a pane in mged activated it...
17:55.27 brlcad AchiestDragon: interesting gui mockup -- that entirely using qt?
17:56.17 AchiestDragon using kdevelop gui designer
17:56.29 poolio brlcad: got a couple minutes?
18:00.13 brlcad poolio: sure
18:00.32 poolio brlcad: alright, i've been struggling quite a bit this morning :P
18:01.24 poolio brlcad: So I first saw that rt_i has all the information I need, so I was looking through that, found the Regions and the soltab and stuff, but then I realized I have no clue how I can then "save" those changes back to a databse file
18:01.26 brlcad no problem with that, struggling is when learning happens :P
18:01.35 poolio Heh, true
18:02.03 poolio So then I was looking at trying to get the rt_db_internal structures and couldn't figure out a way to do that, but just found the wdb_import and looks like I can retrieve shapes by ID
18:02.21 brlcad yep
18:02.26 poolio But the main thing was writing the changes to a database, and trying to find an internal structure I could use that is easy to work with and modify but also easy to write to a database
18:02.52 poolio Like for example, the union trees, they seem easy to work with especially in just swapping pointers to do crossover, but I don't see a way to write those changed trees to a database
18:03.25 poolio and with the rt_i it look slike I'd have to have re-run rt_prep for every single shape to get access to the soltab and stuff I need, and I still didn't know how to then export that
18:04.08 poolio Then I thought about just using Tcl, there's routines to convert geometry to tcl, then i can modify the tcl string, and then there are routines to execute the tcl string and output it to a databse
18:04.13 poolio but that seems awfully inefficient and slow
18:04.38 poolio and crossover would be a bit more though in tcl
18:05.33 brlcad you'd think it was inefficient, but in the big scheme of things it still isn't a blip
18:05.53 brlcad not that I think that's the way to do it .. just saying you shouldn't assume it's not the way because of performance
18:06.29 poolio Ok. but I'd still prefer working with the union trees. Those are easy to deal with, although the encapsulation of soltab is kidn fo gone
18:06.30 brlcad let me see if I can find an example that helps
18:07.12 poolio Yeah that'd be great, I've been browsing through a bunch of examples but I couldn't find any that would work well when directly applied. I was also thinking about keeping things in a wmember list but it looked like going wmember --> tree created a "left-heavy" tree and I had no clue what GIFT schematics were
18:07.17 poolio *semantics
18:07.23 poolio couldn't find anything on google about those
18:08.14 brlcad too generic a term to find info on gift via google ;)
18:08.23 brlcad though I'm sure there's something out there
18:08.26 poolio well I found what the acronym meant in relation to brl-cad, but still couldnt find it
18:08.41 brlcad it's mostly unimportant
18:08.52 poolio alright
18:09.03 brlcad just a particular way of storing geometry and fields that it needs to keep track of
18:09.06 poolio alright
18:09.18 brlcad like the GIFTmater string is really just an integer material id
18:09.30 poolio well what I really needed help with was finding some way that if I modified the soltab / pointers in a union tree, a way of saving that tree to a new database, and probably copying all the primitives along with it
18:11.04 poolio also I'd like to keep the trees in memory in between generatons and not have to re-read the previous database every time
18:11.34 brlcad I still have to poke around and make sure, but I can say that to write out geometry you need a primitive
18:12.00 brlcad primitives with respect to operators means writing out combinations
18:12.06 poolio Well yes sorry
18:12.07 brlcad combinations are rt_comb_internal objects
18:12.51 brlcad so that's your starting point no matter what in terms of saving geometry unless you recreate a hierarchy from scratch each time using mk_comb
18:13.02 poolio alright. so an rt_comb_internal object
18:13.10 poolio that's created by mk_lcomb() right?
18:13.35 poolio well whatever, I can find that later
18:13.39 brlcad mk_lcomb() will make a new one for you .. all the mk_ routines are part of libwdb for creating geometry
18:13.50 poolio ok
18:13.57 brlcad you're talking about reading an existing, though, and then writing that out, which is not mk_*
18:14.00 SuperTaz AchiestDragon: was that image of the editor a mockup, or does it really work?
18:14.10 yukonbob poolio: does this make sense to you?
18:14.12 yukonbob
18:14.34 yukonbob s/to you/for what you're doing/
18:14.34 poolio yukonbob: wrong topic I think :P
18:15.04 AchiestDragon SuperTaz: its a a proper gui just no code behind the menus or buttons
18:15.12 poolio brlcad: Yes. Well I guess I can write that out with wdb_put_internal?
18:15.24 SuperTaz is it in Tk?
18:15.38 AchiestDragon no qt3.5
18:15.44 SuperTaz oh
18:15.52 yukonbob AchiestDragon: do you have a screenshot posted?
18:15.52 SuperTaz isn't qt commercial?
18:15.57 brlcad poolio: that sounds about right, lemme look
18:16.12 poolio that needs an rt_db_internal struct
18:16.52 brlcad which is what you get during a lookup
18:16.57 brlcad among a variety of places
18:17.04 brlcad yeah, wdb_put_internal looks right
18:17.07 poolio ok
18:17.14 AchiestDragon qt is commertial but is avalable for free use if you use it for gpl code
18:17.32 poolio so basically each individual will be an rt_comb_internal, and I'll be able to modify the tree held in that struct, and write it with wdb_put_internal?
18:18.00 brlcad poolio: er, sorry, rt_db_get_internal
18:18.10 brlcad which takes a directory pointer, which you get during lookup
18:18.35 poolio the directory pointer points to the object in the database which is our combination?
18:18.35 brlcad you can crack a rt_db_internal to get at the rt_comb_internal it contains when it's a combination
18:19.07 brlcad right, just directory pointers don't actually load geometry (for performance), they load basically an index reference
18:19.14 poolio yeah alright
18:19.33 SuperTaz achiest: but not BSD or LGPL, right?
18:19.49 AchiestDragon right
18:20.04 SuperTaz what's the current license for mged? isn't it LGPL/BSD hybrid?
18:20.21 AchiestDragon but it would not stop a gpl gui frontend beeing written
18:20.28 SuperTaz (looks good, btw)
18:20.31 SuperTaz no, it wouldn't
18:20.48 brlcad not a hybrid, it's lgpl
18:21.02 SuperTaz if you build a 4 pane view into it, it'll be even better
18:21.25 poolio brlcad: or I could use wdb_import to get the rt_db_internal right?
18:21.27 brlcad bsd is the documentation, build system, and data files
18:21.33 SuperTaz I'm pondering making some similar changes to mged itself
18:21.52 brlcad poolio: probably, I think it just does the two-step for you
18:21.59 poolio yeah
18:22.27 poolio and the idb_ptr is goign to be the pointer to the rt_comb_internal ?
18:22.33 poolio Yeah, looks that way, sweet :)
18:23.07 brlcad you can access it directly, but I believe there's a routine you should call to crack it :)
18:23.24 poolio wait, what do you mean?
18:23.37 poolio The main issue I was having this morning was all the circularly linked pointers to every which structure
18:23.44 SuperTaz I'd really like to get a context menu working, get click to activate working, and get the console at the bottom of the window...those 3 would make mged a lot more user-friendly :)
18:24.41 poolio brlcad: also, is there a way to duplicate the rt_db_internal structure?
18:25.13 brlcad SuperTaz: if you find the code that the menu calls when you ask it to activate a pane, you should be able to add that to the window bindings
18:25.33 SuperTaz I'm working on it...I've found the code already
18:25.38 brlcad ah, sweet
18:25.42 SuperTaz I'm just trying to find the window bindings :)
18:25.50 SuperTaz and then figure out how they work :)
18:31.14 brlcad if you do, would you let me know?
18:33.03 brlcad AchiestDragon: that mockup image is actually kinda familiar .. did you do that several months ago?
18:33.30 AchiestDragon no , i did it today
18:35.30 brlcad hrm, okay
18:35.34 brlcad deja vu
18:37.09 SuperTaz heh...I'll let you know once I figure it out
18:37.25 SuperTaz I spent an hour last night learning how activation's really pretty simple
18:37.45 SuperTaz I just haven't had any time to look at the bindings :)
18:57.35 poolio <PROTECTED>
18:57.40 poolio errr oops
19:00.56 brlcad MinuteElectron: apache changes made
19:25.51 brlcad should check for includes now
19:38.34 MinuteElectron brlcad: thanks
19:41.43 SuperTaz blah
19:41.59 SuperTaz I'm trying to see if eclipse will play nice as a tcl/tk editor
19:42.19 SuperTaz I still haven't figured out where the bindings are
19:42.43 SuperTaz though I'm learning more and more about how mged does what it does
19:45.14 SuperTaz I think I understand why I'm not finding this stuff
19:46.36 brlcad MinuteElectron: not to interfere, but I noticed the menu and was poking on some values in the style :)
19:46.57 brlcad looking good
19:47.00 brlcad really good
19:47.18 brlcad getting excited to start populating it
19:47.27 MinuteElectron dw, I don't mind
19:48.16 MinuteElectron I just need to finish the navigation, make some general styling (e.g. the headers and hyperlinks) and add some padding to the main content area. Then it will be good to go,
19:49.43 poolio MinuteElectron/brlcad: link?
19:49.51 MinuteElectron
19:50.06 poolio oh, it's already _there_ :P
19:50.52 MinuteElectron Yeah, installed MediaWiki and Drupal on the server last night and copied the theme across.
19:53.41 SuperTaz well, the header is there, at least :)
19:54.09 SuperTaz looks good
19:54.57 MinuteElectron thxxs
19:55.04 MinuteElectron most of the work was brlcad though.
19:55.21 SuperTaz ahhh, well, it still looks good :)
19:55.35 brlcad was not, I just photoshopped a little -- that's the easy part
19:55.44 SuperTaz of course, the rest of the template still need to be done :)
19:55.44 brlcad turning that into css is the bear
19:55.50 brlcad poolio: keep whining :)
19:56.08 brlcad but that won't go so far, effort speaks louder than words :)
19:56.22 brlcad mock up a better menu :)
19:56.43 SuperTaz I won't complain about the navbar, simply because I haven't seen what the body is going to look like
19:56.57 poolio brlcad: Yeah, I'm kind of busy ;)
19:57.12 SuperTaz once I see the content area, I'll weigh in on design ;)
19:57.24 SuperTaz but the header still looks good ;)
19:57.26 brlcad me too, and I like it .. so without something better, it's the winner
19:58.12 brlcad SuperTaz: quite true
19:58.23 brlcad the header is only one piece of a much bigger design
19:58.41 brlcad there's still the overall look/feel, how blocks look, the content area, the footer
19:58.46 SuperTaz yes, and I'm not going to judge until I've seen more...then I'll weigh in on usability, aesthetics, etc.
19:59.46 SuperTaz despite popular belief, aesthetics are a significant part of usability, at least if you evaluate it based on cognition
20:00.44 SuperTaz and since you want people to be able to navigate the site to get their answers, it needs to be aesthetically pleasing to help them do a better job of navigating
20:24.45 MinuteElectron w00t look at nav everyone!!!
20:26.12 brlcad nice, got the corner :)
20:26.33 brlcad your color is off just a hair :)
20:27.09 MinuteElectron what?
20:27.28 MinuteElectron no it isn't
20:28.43 MinuteElectron heh
20:29.44 brlcad you see it?
20:29.57 MinuteElectron no
20:30.48 brlcad
20:31.12 MinuteElectron Hmm, not getting that on my end,
20:31.25 MinuteElectron Maybe my monitor doesn't have enough colors.
20:31.28 brlcad then the png is probably missing gamma correction or something
20:31.40 MinuteElectron How many bits is your monitor?
20:32.45 brlcad 32-bit
20:33.53 MinuteElectron hmm
20:33.57 MinuteElectron which browser?
20:37.20 *** join/#brlcad AchiestDragon_ (
20:38.47 brlcad safari
20:41.22 MinuteElectron Hmm, this is very odd. What screen resolution are you on?
20:42.04 brlcad 1680x1050
20:42.51 brlcad it's almost guaranteed just a gamma issue
20:43.09 brlcad firefox isn't the best at applying gamma correction
20:43.18 MinuteElectron I have no idea, I also have no idea what gamma correction is. When you get a moment would you kindly add it to the image 'corner.png' please. thanks.
20:43.32 brlcad heh :)
20:47.09 Laniakea issues with gamma correction are guranteed as long as people stay ignorant having no clue what the digital numbers stored in their files are supposed to mean
20:47.16 AchiestDragon well sort of resolved the x problem and mged works fine , it seems that the g200 quad head card is not quite fully supported in x , so just using 2 monitors and the dual head g550
20:49.00 Laniakea The picture hair.png has no gamma chunk present, so the gamma is assumed to be 0.454545
20:49.16 AchiestDragon down side smaller desktop size only 3200 * 1200
20:49.22 Laniakea However it has an ICC profile
21:02.54 MinuteElectron brlcad: I think there is a problem, the htaccess file in /d/ isn't working - perhaps you could chown the /d/ directory to www - I seam to be unable to.
21:05.44 MinuteElectron I have to go, be back tomorrow.
21:11.21 brlcad alright, I'll look at ait
21:11.37 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: 03jlowenz * 10brlcad/src/librt/g_brep.cpp: attempting to debug edge_check code; added return states for edge check; removed some dead code
21:13.33 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: 03jlowenz * 10brlcad/src/other/openNURBS/opennurbs_curve.cpp: fix bug where search domains are unordered; tried 'adaptive' chord sampling
21:15.19 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: 03jlowenz * 10brlcad/src/other/openNURBS/opennurbs_curve.h: played with the chord tolerance and derivative tolerance (need to change it to tangent!)
22:54.55 *** join/#brlcad cadguy (
23:38.38 *** join/#brlcad iday_ (

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