IRC log for #brlcad on 20070703

00:03.36 *** join/#brlcad Twingy (n=justin@
01:17.18 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/rt/viewcheck.c: quell more compilation warnings, thx IriX64
01:38.29 *** join/#brlcad poolio (
04:28.53 *** join/#brlcad AchiestDragon_ (
05:34.28 *** join/#brlcad zaTrepuS (
06:19.37 MinuteElectron brlcad: Any luck?
06:20.12 brlcad MinuteElectron: hm?
06:20.34 brlcad oh, /d, right
06:22.54 MinuteElectron yeah
06:23.14 MinuteElectron Also /w
06:37.50 MinuteElectron I have to go, bbl.
06:43.25 brlcad should be fixed now
06:43.36 brlcad that directory index was screwing up their index
07:16.24 *** join/#brlcad Laniakea (
07:42.07 *** part/#brlcad akreal (
08:02.35 *** join/#brlcad elite01 (
10:31.28 *** join/#brlcad docelic (n=docelic@
12:47.44 poolio mornin
13:08.21 brlcad howdy
13:11.26 poolio hopefully today will be more productive than the last
13:15.41 AchiestDragon hi
13:20.07 poolio brlcad: do Ineed to worry about backwards compatibility?
13:34.36 poolio brlcad: also, if I call rt_db_put_internal on a combination, will all elements of that combination be copied or do I need to copy those by hand?
13:35.32 brlcad backwards compatibility with what?
13:35.44 poolio brlcad: previous database versions
13:35.54 brlcad oh, you mean v4
13:35.57 poolio yeah
13:35.59 brlcad no, screw that
13:36.03 poolio hurrah
13:36.03 poolio also
13:36.34 brlcad as for rt_db_put_internal .. that writes out one object
13:36.39 poolio if I want to insert an internal db object from one database into another, do I call rt_db_put_internal with the db_i and directory of the database I want it to be inserted into and the internal object of the object I want insreted?
13:36.41 brlcad one node of the hiearchy
13:36.56 poolio brlcad: well, it writes out the combination right?
13:37.01 brlcad right
13:37.20 brlcad but a combination is a name, and references to a handful of objects with operators
13:37.21 poolio is the right to the inserting an object or that it's a combination?
13:37.39 poolio brlcad: Alright, so I just need to throw in a db_walk routine that will copy over each solid?
13:37.57 brlcad if the other db doesn't have the objects below that hierarchy, yes
13:38.48 poolio and what about carrying internal objects between different databases?
13:39.17 brlcad e.g. consider the simple tree A1 -> B1 u C1 B1 -> D1 u E1 C1, D1, & E1 are all prims
13:39.36 poolio brlcad: Yes I understand all that
13:40.11 poolio and B1 would also have to be copied?
13:40.14 brlcad if you swap out B1 with a new B2 that looks like B2 -> F2 u A1 .. you'd have to also write out F2 separately but not A1
13:40.22 poolio yep
13:43.17 brlcad so yeah, you'll want to do a db_functree on the hierarchy, seeing if you need to copy over any of the nodes
13:43.27 brlcad subhierarchy
13:51.47 poolio alright
14:22.23 MinuteElectron brlcad: Thanks.
14:23.51 *** join/#brlcad poolio (
14:46.26 *** join/#brlcad TME (
14:46.53 TME brlcad: TME here again, got things basically working, I have two questions:
14:47.17 TME 1) what are the differences between regions and combinations
14:47.51 TME (It seems that combinations are a superset of regions, ie a region is a combination) is this correct?
14:48.30 TME 2) I have to do point queries, ie find a cell (region) given (x,y,z) I am doing this with shootray and ap.a_onehit = 1
14:48.36 TME Is this the best way?
14:49.12 TME Thanks for any help. If you want (or care ;)) I can send you my C++ class that does these basic tasks using brlcad
14:49.51 TME So far, the software is working great, I'm just not sure if I am implementing things in the optimal way
14:50.16 TME However, this is a prototype proof-of-principle task, so we should be able to provide some resources for you to look things
14:50.27 TME over if everything goes through all right
15:21.30 poolio brlcad: is there a way to rename a shape without changing it's name in a tree using that shape?
16:46.39 *** join/#brlcad mec_guy (n=chatzill@
16:47.08 mec_guy hello world
16:48.20 mec_guy does anybody know of a chat room 4 mech engg and also d server
17:14.46 archivist try full english words so we can direct you
17:22.59 mec_guy can you tell me of ca channel for Mechanical Engineers and I-DEAS users and also the server on which it is hosted?
17:24.29 archivist this chan has a few mechanical engineers and so does #emc also on freenode
17:25.01 brlcad TME: yes, regions are a subset of combinations
17:25.12 brlcad code-wise, they're just a flag set on regions
17:25.23 *** join/#brlcad IriX64 (
17:25.27 brlcad bah I mean code-wise, they're just a flag set on combinations that makes them a region
17:26.06 brlcad what that means in practice though, by making a region, is that the entire hierarchy below is a given material
17:26.57 brlcad that's where it goes from being just a "collection" or "shape" to being actually solid material with interaction properties, issues with overlaps and effects on the shotline returned
17:27.59 TME brlcad: I noticed that db_flags = 6 for regions, is it the same for combinations?
17:29.04 brlcad if you walk the DAG (directed acyclic graph) for the CSG hierarchy, there should be one and only one region along any traversal down the hierarchy used as a positive shape (i.e. a union, it's okay to have other regions underneath that are subtracted)
17:29.56 brlcad in CAD parlance, regions loosely correlate with parts, combinations/groups above the region level would generally be called assemblies
17:33.58 brlcad TME: db_flags?
17:34.11 brlcad oh, you mean like db_get_internal_flags()?
17:34.27 brlcad no, not the smae
17:34.32 brlcad that's a bitmask
17:34.49 brlcad see raytrace.h, look for DIR_COMB
17:35.00 brlcad regions are DIR_COMB | DIR_REGION
17:35.09 brlcad combinations are just DIR_COMB (i.e. 2)
17:35.31 Laniakea brlcad: is it possible to design architecture in BRL-CAD?
17:35.56 brlcad should use the symbolic instead of the number too, even though it likely wouldn't change unless the major number changed (release 8.*)
17:36.11 brlcad Laniakea: sure it's possible
17:36.20 brlcad depends on the type of building and the design purpose
17:36.48 Laniakea brlcad: how do I place say 19 cylindrical pillars into a ring?
17:37.07 Laniakea in a ring
17:37.18 brlcad pattern tool
17:37.21 brlcad Tools menu
17:37.23 Laniakea good
17:37.32 brlcad there's a tab for cylindrical
17:38.15 TME brlcad: sorry I meant d_flags (a member of struct directory)
17:38.16 Laniakea brlcad: "Build pattern tool"?
17:38.18 brlcad i'm not sure I'd want to design a building from scratch with brl-cad, but if you have an existing design in mind or floor plans, or a physical building, it's usually straightforward
17:38.23 brlcad Laniakea: yeah
17:38.49 brlcad TME: yeah, the same holds then
17:38.59 mec_guy How does BRL-CAD compare with I-DEAS or Catia?
17:39.27 Laniakea brlcad: not very intuitive menu
17:39.52 Laniakea brlcad: Base Center it's probably x y z but it could be stated explicitly
17:39.58 Laniakea (like it's not x,y,z)
17:40.09 brlcad want to fix it? :)
17:40.11 Laniakea Not explained the difference between object and base
17:40.24 Laniakea Angles in radians or degrees?
17:40.34 Laniakea Function of source and replacement string
17:40.34 brlcad I believe they are in degrees
17:40.50 Laniakea What "Starting Height
17:40.51 TME brlcad: see for what I'm trying to do
17:40.53 Laniakea " means
17:40.59 Laniakea is it height of something or height as position?
17:41.07 Laniakea Heights? What's that?
17:41.12 Laniakea Lists? What lists?
17:41.25 brlcad the pattern tool was a quick hack, I take no claim or responsibility, but it does work once you learn it (and it's covered/explained in the advanced tutorial)
17:41.39 Laniakea is the advanced tutorial online?
17:41.48 brlcad yep, vol III or IV iirc
17:41.50 brlcad on the main website
17:41.57 TME I want to walk the directory and load all of the regions usin grt_gettree
17:42.01 Laniakea Like it's not necessary to put help into the window but the labels should contain some self-explanatory hints
17:42.21 Laniakea you need to get some person who has no idea about BRL-CAD give it MGED and ask where he has no idea
17:42.21 brlcad Laniakea: it's a cylinder pattern, so if you just want one level, the height is something small enough so it only iterates once
17:42.24 Laniakea and then add the missing clues
17:42.37 Laniakea Developers are generally clueless about usability since they know everything by heart
17:42.44 Laniakea Get a guy who rides a snowboard and smokes pot.
17:42.51 brlcad sure
17:42.55 brlcad i agree
17:42.56 Laniakea He'll be excellent in that
17:43.05 brlcad the guys that worked on it weren't writing for general populace
17:43.07 Laniakea You are army right?
17:43.12 brlcad they needed a pattern for something they were doing
17:43.19 Laniakea Borrow some private with big muscles and empty head.
17:43.20 brlcad they wrote the interface, it was slapped in
17:43.34 Laniakea No I don't mean just the pattern tool now
17:43.39 brlcad I know you don't
17:43.47 brlcad but the same holds for much of the interface
17:43.48 Laniakea I have the same problem on Ronja. I need "common people" to fix the usability.
17:44.29 brlcad the interface wasn't designed for public use, or even ease of use -- it was written to be powerful with much expert knowledge on hand to instruct on how to use it
17:44.34 Laniakea I have the first Ronja piece which was designed in BRL-CAD completely virtually and only then a prototype manufactured.
17:44.55 Laniakea Free software is however always for public use
17:44.57 brlcad not a great approach for software design in general, leaves much polish work missing
17:45.25 Laniakea Or of course it doesn't have to be, but it's a waste of a great potential if the public is excluded from it's usage.
17:45.39 Laniakea I don't think the approach is a problem
17:45.39 brlcad no, that's not the intent of course
17:45.46 Laniakea All you need it some kind of UI refactoring
17:45.48 brlcad it needs to be made better
17:45.54 brlcad need people to make it better though
17:45.56 Laniakea add deg here, x,y,z there
17:46.02 brlcad otherwise you're arguing and complaining with yourself
17:46.11 Laniakea Do you think I should try to compile the newest brl-cad? ;-)
17:46.37 brlcad sure, don't see why not?
17:47.13 brlcad that's not going to make this particular issue any better, that code hasn't changed
17:47.15 Laniakea Still the old website?
17:47.24 brlcad for now yes
17:47.37 brlcad MinuteElectron's been making great progress on the new site
17:47.47 Laniakea Any estimate when the new one is online?
17:47.57 brlcad not really, it's on-going
17:48.10 MinuteElectron a couple of days and the design will be complete - will still need to add tons of content though.
17:48.26 brlcad TME: erm, you know that db_walk_tree has a callback for regions?
17:48.52 brlcad yep, tons of content
17:48.59 brlcad way more than is currently on the website
17:49.11 IriX64 Laniakea: this what your talking about? patterntool (i'm trying to learn)
17:49.11 brlcad will be *really* nice to start populating the wiki
17:49.29 MinuteElectron afk
17:50.03 brlcad ~afk
17:50.03 ibot somebody said afk was Away From Keyboard
17:50.13 TME brlcad: haven't seen db_walk_tree yet can I use it to load objects into a rt pointer?
17:50.48 brlcad TME: I believe the answer is yes, what do you mean by load objects into a rt pointer?
17:50.58 brlcad a struct rt_i raytrace instance pointer?
17:51.07 IriX64 thought afk meant a funny kind and ask meant a sad kind :)
17:51.22 TME TME: I want to populate a struct rt_i with regions so that I can raytrace through them in my transport code
17:51.26 brlcad hehe
17:51.37 brlcad talking to yourself now, eh? :)
17:51.44 TME oops, got confused
17:51.56 TME not the first time
17:52.02 brlcad :)
17:52.31 TME I've got a snippet of what I'm currently doing (it works, but may not be optimal/portable)
17:52.51 TME
17:52.54 IriX64 :)
17:54.25 brlcad TME: that's not too shabby
17:54.46 brlcad not much different with the tree walker, just "sorta" does that loop for you
17:55.02 TME brlcad: cool
17:55.11 brlcad your loop doesn't account for other things like deleted geometry, hidden geometry, and other issues
17:55.28 brlcad as it will just pull up everything that's a region
17:55.36 TME brlcad: right now I'm focusing on ray-tracing through regions
17:55.42 TME as those are the problems I have now
17:55.57 brlcad what is this problem domain, if I may ask
17:56.15 TME brlcad: want to do radiation transport through objects
17:56.17 brlcad sounds interesting, and perhaps something I may already know about ..
17:56.25 brlcad ah, yes, you guys :)
17:56.39 TME brlcad: yes, Jeff Johnson was your contact here
17:56.43 brlcad I believe Lee met with you guys
17:56.50 TME brlcad: that's right
17:57.11 brlcad I heard about the problem a little bit, but didn't dive too far into the details
17:57.22 TME brlcad: this is currently a prototype for proof-of-principel
17:57.29 TME principle, pebkac
17:57.44 brlcad cool
17:58.00 brlcad well, glad to help even before I knew who you were ;)
17:58.09 TME brlcad: I'm hoping we can get some support for you guys to look over what I've got so far
17:58.19 brlcad hopefully can get a successful proof going, really interesting project
17:58.23 Laniakea brlcad: I think brl-cad is excellent for architecture since it's a solid modelling
17:58.27 TME got it going
17:58.37 TME thing works so far, but may not be ideal
17:58.43 Laniakea and architecture is full of holes and complicated interactions of basic elementary solids
18:00.02 TME brlcad: in any case, I'd be happy to send you my interface to BRLCAD if you're interested...
18:02.47 TME brlcad: is it better to do if (db->d_flags & (DIR_COMB | DIR_REGION))
18:35.50 *** part/#brlcad mec_guy (n=chatzill@
18:38.55 poolio brlcad: I had to use db_walk_tree instead of functree becasue I needed to modify the union tree, oh well
18:58.57 IriX64 opennurbs_curve.h (#include <assert.h> should fix it)
19:05.49 IriX64 did :)
19:11.57 brlcad poolio: you could have passed/stashed the union as the callback data, but whatever if it works it works ;)
19:12.03 brlcad those two go hand in hand
19:13.29 brlcad Laniakea: I'd agree, excellent in terms of representation -- needs more in terms of supporting design from scratch though (interface-wise)
19:14.35 brlcad TME: I am certainly interested -- and don't be shy if you need to make changes to librt to support your application or if you have other questions on the API
19:15.46 brlcad commit access is open to just about anyone that has an interest in improving the code
19:16.07 brlcad and yes, is is better to and/or the flags against the symbols instead of using the direct values
19:21.58 IriX64 would there be any interest I wonder, in a build from unix code that will run on windows?
19:42.07 TME brlcad: I've basically got 1 class that does the stuff I'm talking about, I can pastebin it or send it
19:42.20 TME brlcad: its not large, so let me know (if you want it ;))
19:44.29 IriX64 if there is an interest, it works with xwin32 too (thats with the cygwin root renamed so as to break cygwin) :)
19:46.45 MinuteElectron interest here
19:47.37 IriX64 really, I have a may 6 build thats fully functional can archive the whole tree and deliver where you say
19:47.59 IriX64 can even put the xwin32 setup package in it
19:48.32 IriX64 30 minutes per run unless you buy it, or a one moth eval (and no im not affiliated with them)
19:50.21 MinuteElectron 30 minutes per a run? where is their open source spirit?
19:50.25 IriX64 need windows 2000 and up though :)
19:51.09 IriX64 no idea
19:51.22 IriX64 its commercial
19:51.32 IriX64 me too
19:51.35 IriX64 works fine
19:51.52 IriX64 never tried vista
19:52.17 IriX64 works with winaxe too
19:52.38 IriX64 should work with any decent x server
19:54.42 IriX64 If you're interested, i'll pack it up (I charge nothing this is a labor of love)
19:56.58 MinuteElectron dw
19:57.13 IriX64 ?
19:57.18 MinuteElectron I am waaaay to busy at the moment/
19:57.33 MinuteElectron It would be another thing to distract me, maybe in a few weeks.
19:57.51 IriX64 heh all right, tell me do you have bz2 extraction tools for windows?
19:58.37 MinuteElectron yeah - 7zip
19:58.45 IriX64 thankyou
19:59.53 IriX64 I'll return to my compile :)
20:02.26 MinuteElectron :)
20:39.16 IriX64 743mg archive, how am i suppsed to spread that around?
20:41.32 IriX64 2.19gb uncompressed, guess i shouldn't have compiled static :)
20:44.35 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: 03jlowenz * 10brlcad/include/brep.h: debugging closeTo(); changed edge miss tolerance
20:46.07 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: 03jlowenz * 10brlcad/src/conv/iges/brlcad.hpp: fix bug with brep surface orientation; fix bug with destructor (don't free already freed memory)
20:47.19 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: 03jlowenz * 10brlcad/src/conv/iges/brlcad_brep.cpp: fix bug with brep surface orientation; fix bug with destructor (don't free already freed memory); fix bug with face orientation
20:49.25 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: 03jlowenz * 10brlcad/src/librt/g_brep.cpp: debug edge_check routine; simplify to closeness check (remove left-of check)
20:51.01 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: 03jlowenz * 10brlcad/src/other/openNURBS/opennurbs_curve.cpp: create new closeTo/search implementations to test a point instead of a ray; still debugging it
20:52.20 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: 03jlowenz * 10brlcad/src/other/openNURBS/opennurbs_curve.h: add closeTo declaration for points; fix typo bugs in Sample class
21:15.41 *** join/#brlcad Laniakea (
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21:20.43 *** join/#brlcad AchiestDragon (
21:20.43 *** join/#brlcad MinuteElectron (n=MinuteEl@unaffiliated/MinuteElectron) [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
22:31.04 *** join/#brlcad iday (
23:08.41 *** join/#brlcad cad73 (
23:10.20 *** join/#brlcad Twingy (n=justin@

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