IRC log for #brlcad on 20070705

00:13.52 *** join/#brlcad IriX64 (
00:15.15 IriX64 sean@crew.local ? who's he :)
00:19.47 poolio hmmph?
00:19.51 poolio brlcad = sean
00:22.07 IriX64 does good work
00:22.20 IriX64 the gui is nice
00:27.10 IriX64 (gui.png)
00:34.53 IriX64 back to work... ciao
01:53.01 *** join/#brlcad cad60 (
01:54.26 *** join/#brlcad osman (n=osman@
01:55.58 *** part/#brlcad osman (n=osman@
04:59.44 *** join/#brlcad brlcad ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
05:50.11 *** join/#brlcad cadguy (
06:19.12 *** join/#brlcad elite01 (n=elite01@
07:51.32 *** join/#brlcad Laniakea (
08:15.02 *** join/#brlcad Laniakea (
10:38.18 *** join/#brlcad elite01 (
11:30.22 *** join/#brlcad iday (
12:01.13 *** join/#brlcad iday (
12:34.53 *** join/#brlcad iday (
12:43.10 *** join/#brlcad Laniakea (
13:00.44 *** join/#brlcad poolio (
13:01.02 poolio mornin
14:09.44 poolio brlcad: is it OK if I just cut-paste and modify the db_functree code? there's just a few things I need that would be a pain to do using the already established walking methods
14:16.48 poolio brlcad: ah wow. I wish I'd found g-xxx earlier :\
14:31.20 poolio err crud. I still don't see how to get this working without re-recursing the tree. I thought db_tree_state would have the union tree from the combination but nope...
16:05.24 *** join/#brlcad cadguy (
16:10.22 ``Erik g-xxx is a bit of a train-wreck
16:14.18 poolio ``Erik: not as something to use, but as an example
16:14.29 poolio ``Erik: I've ended up just tearing up db_functree to suit my needs
16:14.33 ``Erik it has deprecated and superfluous crap in it :/
16:15.04 poolio hmm, oh well, i ended up not using it
16:15.33 poolio I've been in a rut the past couple days, I keep being wishy washy about how I want to traverse trees and copy them and all and I have like 20 routines that kind of work and none that entirely do
16:15.33 ``Erik I'm in missouri right now, but if you want, I get back to md on the 10th and can cull down some stuff for you
16:15.52 poolio ``Erik: Nah It's alright, I'll have it worked out before then
16:15.59 ``Erik or, if you can figure out how things work, *shrug* :) I did a lot of kinda reverse engineering and lots of question asking before getting a solid grasp of that side
16:16.00 poolio hopefully by the end of today
16:16.31 ``Erik <-- is finishing up a quick lunch before heading to lake ozark for jetskiing with the gf's mom and sister
16:16.39 poolio Oh wow, enjoy man :)
16:17.08 ``Erik not keen on the jetski, but supposedly her mom is a lush with a well stocked bar and a pool table... O:-)
16:17.10 poolio ``Erik: you work up at post?
16:17.24 poolio Heh, jetski sounds awesome. pollutes but also lots of fun
16:17.28 ``Erik yeah, upstairs from brlcad, in the same office as jra/daytona
16:17.34 poolio ah cool
16:18.01 ``Erik some people are under the impression that I'm going to finish the metaball stuff I wrote into BRL-CAD
16:18.03 ``Erik :>
16:18.08 poolio hehe
16:18.10 poolio well?
16:19.49 ``Erik all that's left for full functionality is mb->nurb and mb->tri
16:20.34 ``Erik nurb support is changing, and triangles might warrant a full marching cubes thing, which is a major thing that many things could use....
16:27.20 poolio eek
16:27.23 poolio yeah, good luck
16:41.03 *** join/#brlcad IriX64 (
16:42.29 IriX64 Do you support Cygwin builds here?
16:44.07 IriX64 I mean usage wise.
16:45.11 IriX64 ahh I see, please do a version on me.
16:47.27 poolio hmm? hi IriX64
16:47.39 IriX64 hi
16:47.41 poolio ibot_: seen brlcad?
16:48.53 IriX64 channel troubles?
16:49.03 poolio err no.
16:49.09 poolio Just mental troubles
16:49.17 brlcad poolio: gimme about an hour :)
16:49.43 IriX64 heh ever pushing :)
16:49.44 brlcad unless it'll actually take less than 20 seconds
16:50.00 brlcad ibot_: botsnack
16:52.37 poolio brlcad: yeah no worries, ta ta.
16:53.32 IriX64 is this a help channel or developer channel (just so I know where I am)?
16:58.41 poolio IriX64: some of both
17:04.28 IriX64 thankyou poolio
17:08.33 IriX64 friend of mine gave me hex.c for producing bolts to the pitch you specify (actually produces a .g file for brlcad) can be found at
17:37.14 IriX64 I take it it would be bad form to talk about where you are in the compile process :)
17:40.56 *** join/#brlcad docelic (n=docelic@
17:48.07 IriX64 make
17:48.25 IriX64 bbl8r
18:50.06 brlcad poolio: back, so feel free to fire over any q's
18:50.20 brlcad and yeah, find to copy off functree's guts to suit if neede
18:50.25 brlcad s/find/fine/
18:51.34 poolio brlcad: alright
18:52.49 poolio brlcad: My main issue this morning was rt_db_put_internal was corrupting the database. Not sure why and I know you'd need code to test it / debug, but I'll get back to you later if I can't get it working
18:53.25 brlcad yeah, that would be good to figure out, regardless of the cause
18:54.04 poolio there was no error on reading, and no error on writing, but the database that was output was ... corrupted
18:54.52 poolio brlcad: also, montly reports? is there something I need to be doing for that?
18:55.17 poolio Initializing and backgrounding, please wait...db5_crack_disk_header() bad magic1 -- database has become corrupted expected x76, got x0
18:55.20 poolio db5_get_raw_internal_fp(): object_length=0 is too short, database is corrupted
18:59.57 brlcad sounds like a zero-length file
19:00.25 poolio I can send you the source code / db file
19:00.25 brlcad ahh, stupid private message filtering
19:00.36 *** mode/#brlcad [+o brlcad] by ChanServ
19:35.09 poolio brlcad: how could rt_db_put_internal corrupt a database if the internal object isn't corrupt? I can't figure it out :\
20:09.33 poolio brlcad: oh my god
20:09.37 poolio brlcad: i'm gonna go cry now
20:09.47 poolio brlcad: "rm *;o" instead of rm *.o
20:09.48 poolio wow
20:10.41 MinuteElectron poolio: What happend?
20:10.49 MinuteElectron You just erased everything on your system?
20:10.49 poolio MinuteElectron: typo removed my entire working directory
20:10.55 MinuteElectron ack
20:10.57 poolio shit
20:11.23 MinuteElectron poolio: does Linux not have undeletion methods?
20:17.15 poolio errr it does, nothing i'm familiar with, trying some tool now
20:21.31 poolio alright
20:21.37 poolio shutting down and trying from recovery environment
20:24.35 *** join/#brlcad poolio (
20:32.14 MinuteElectron No success?
20:34.41 poolio err nope
20:35.00 MinuteElectron How dread.
20:38.15 poolio brlcad: I rebooted and am in my gentoo install, but the inodes that it finds that were deleted link to empty files
20:38.20 poolio I forgot about *@#@#$ ext3
20:38.26 poolio zeros out the inodes, doesnt just unlink them
20:40.02 poolio On the bright side most of my stuff since my last commit whenever that was has been me trying to figure out trees and crap. not too much productive working code, otherwise it would have been in CVS
20:40.54 poolio Maybe this was God telling me I should have listened to my boss and done the paperwork first
20:42.26 brlcad :)
20:44.34 poolio brlcad: alright, I'm going to try to just type up the general idea of what I've lost while it's fresh in my mind
20:46.26 poolio mannnn. that's 3 days of work. i'm going to add a cron job to backup my home directory
20:49.13 brlcad yeah, that sucks
20:50.04 poolio no, it's stupid.
20:50.48 poolio what I mainly lost was hackish broken apart code, so it's not the end of the world, it's just a waste of time.
20:50.58 poolio Alright, I'm gonna stop whining and start trying to rewrite what I've lost
20:51.24 poolio brlcad: wait, since you added .cvsignore are my updates to cvs ignored by everyone's cvs updates?
20:52.10 brlcad a good friend of mine used to have his new coders work on something for a few days
20:52.24 brlcad then he'd ask them to show him their progress after a couple days
20:52.25 poolio That's crazy though. One typo, one key off, and wham.
20:52.29 poolio then delete it?
20:52.34 brlcad he'd sit down at the keyboard, and then delete it ;)
20:52.42 poolio ah. why?
20:52.49 brlcad a lesson
20:52.54 poolio backup often?
20:52.59 brlcad don't get too attached to your code
20:53.24 brlcad learn to refactor and/or rewrite from scratch
20:53.27 poolio I don't quite get the lesson? The thing I gather is just that I need to be more careful
20:53.43 poolio brlcad: Yeah, I'm sure what I write now will be better organized and more thought out put together code
20:53.44 brlcad rewrite from memory, often with the expertise, without any of the code obstacles of existing infrastructure
20:53.46 poolio it's just going to take a lot of time
20:54.16 poolio yeah, that's true, but it's also highly inefficient in terms of time. if I was to say rewrite librt, libwdb, and all those i'd be coding for years and years before I got to a point
20:54.27 brlcad more time for you overall perhaps, but probably would have ultimately taken longer to get to that "better organized and more thought out" version
20:54.48 brlcad it's hard for some folks to refactor for that "better" state once it's working
20:54.48 poolio but I understand the general idea, sometimes it's good to start over. Kind of like scheme vs lisp, scheme people say that they basically rewrote lisp without all the obastacles that lisp had to go through and with a knowledge of the problems that lisp encountered
20:55.43 brlcad yeah, there is a tipping poing .. I wouldn't say the lesson extends to more than a few thousand lines of code at most
20:56.14 brlcad after that, there is a lot of investment that becomes massive and intricate to reproduce without loosing both bad and good, often more the latter
20:56.20 poolio Yeah. I think I lost around one-two thousand. but most of it was cut and paste junk. I can probably get it back in a couple more hours today + a hard day tomorrow, and I'd bet those errors I was having will miraculously be gone
20:56.54 poolio Argh, it's annoying, in debugfs I can see the inodes and the filenames but the blocks are all wiped clean.
20:57.00 poolio brlcad: iphone or what?
20:57.03 brlcad iphone
20:57.05 poolio and you get your fancy schmancy macbook?
20:57.13 brlcad hasn't arrived yet
20:57.14 poolio eh. you and your toys.
20:57.28 poolio All I want is a lightweight old 12" and I'd be set for 4 years
20:57.36 brlcad the phone is pretty slick, I gotta admit
20:57.42 brlcad even without a damn sdk
20:57.45 poolio yeah, but how's it work?
20:57.54 brlcad that's what I mean, functionally
20:57.59 poolio hehe
20:57.59 poolio well enjoy it
20:58.09 poolio i'm gonna reboot and get coding
20:58.42 poolio try to get some progress to speak of before I have to write up that report
21:02.18 *** join/#brlcad poolio (
21:03.17 poolio back
21:03.38 MinuteElectron This reminds me - I need to code SuperCron, my Windows cron daemon so I can schedule backups and tasks on this machine.
21:05.19 poolio actually that's worthless
21:05.32 poolio i'm on a laptop, i'll have to remember to do it myself / at startup/shutdown
22:07.58 *** join/#brlcad docelic (n=docelic@
22:13.16 *** join/#brlcad jimmyz (
22:25.52 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/TODO: better/consistent argument processing supporting both long and short option names, perhaps using argtable (
22:31.39 poolio brlcad: I'm off for now, my mind is too fried/enraged to code any longer. I'll be back on later for more coding

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